my weekly preview issue 187 - april 5, 2012


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My Weekly Preview is a high-quality magazine delivering more of what matters to the Sunshine Coast. Following on from the hugely successful My Property Preview, which was the Coast’s leading real estate and property magazine for over four years, My Weekly Preview features news, business, motoring, socials, health, lifestyle content and more, as well as the most up-to-date information on local real estate. Delivered fresh every Friday.


  • G E T I T I N O N E


    70 PAGES OF PAGE 31

    1.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:58:10 AM

  • Maroochy Boulevard

    Maroochydore CBD

    For too long living on waterfront meant living away from the heart of a city. Not any more. With the release of our Sarina Precinct you can now have a home overlooking the water and still be within walking distance of Maroochydores CBD.

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    Waterfront Land from $248,575Land from $214,700House and Land from $505,000

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    2.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:00:26 AM

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    3.indd 1 3/30/2012 3:58:42 PM

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    4.indd 1 4/2/2012 11:12:56 AM

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    5.indd 1 4/2/2012 11:13:14 AM

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    10 MY VIEW

    12 SOCIALS







    26 BIG NEWS


    30 TECH TALK







    I am really excited to be bringing you the second issue of My Weekly Preview. We have had some fantastic feedback from readers after last week as well as some suggestions for improvement so thank you to all who are picking up the magazine. In this weeks property cover story on page 36 Jarna Baudinette takes a look at investing in the Coast. So if you are visiting from down south and wondering if now is the time to buy that little investment unit, read on. On page 12 we have more socials, including a bit of the celebrity stuff too. We have a round-up of news and business starting on page 20, and a good dose of motoring. But its our cover story on page 8 that will get most of you talking and emailing. Dorothy Drane asks, what makes a Sunshine Coast resident a local. Is it time spent living on and contributing to the Coast, a connection to an old family or something more that makes you a true local Coaster? Take our quiz and see how you go I wont shame myself by revealing my score. But on the subject of locals, if you really want to see locals in action, head down to the beach on any given weekend, and especially during school holidays, and youll fi nd thousands of Sunshine Coasters contributing to our region. I reckon those who give their time to the Surf Life Saving movement and the community are true locals, no matter how long they have been here. News of the tragic death of teenager Matthew Barclay at the Gold Coast last month reminds us all of the huge contribution people like Matthew make every day on our beaches, and the thoughts of every member of the MWP team are with Matthews family, friends and the Surf Life Saving community.

    General & Sales Enquiries: (07) 5444 0152 | Distribution Enquiries: 1300 367 352 | PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC, Qld 4558 Editorial: [email protected] | Sales: [email protected] | Production: [email protected] | For terms and conditions see the classifi eds

    PUBLISHERS Anar Higgins, Darryl Olson, Michael Kramer, Noel Olson EDITOR Jemma Pearson DEPUTY EDITOR Nathan Evans JOURNALIST Jarna Baudinette SALES MANAGER Dave Hawkins ART DIRECTOR Noel Harris PRODUCTION MANAGER/ GRAPHIC DESIGNER Kath Hawkins PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Kara Taylor

    Jemma Pearson

    [ E D I T O R S L E T T E R ] [ C O N T E N T S ]



    7.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:59:23 AM


    [ C O V E R S T O R Y ]

    PREVIEWHousing affordability, jobs, infrastructure, the environment. Which issue most affects those living on the Coast? Well, its actually none of these what really gets locals talking is the concept of a local. MPP is aiming to fi nd out what makes a local, truly local on the Sunshine Coast.

    WORDSDorothy Drane

    My ancestors arrived with William the Conqueror in 1066. I think I can call myself a local, an English comedian once quipped, touching on a subject that can always trigger a debate on the Sunshine Coast. So just what does it take to offi cially become a local? Its a question thats almost as popular a topic for conversation as the weather, and one that is very subjective.

    This can be attributed to the areas rapid population growth during the past four decades each new wave of migration bringing with it a new set of residents who consider themselves more local than the next.

    So just what does qualify a Sunshine Coast local, a true local, a locals local?

    The dictionary refers to local as meaning simply

    belonging to a particular location, but many shades of the word have evolved depending on who is doing the talking.

    My defi nition, for example, is that I am an old local. Thats the description no doubt considered cheeky by some of the other older locals of someone who grew up and went to school here, found a job, married, bought a house and raised a family here.

    By this defi nition, no matter where else I might live, the Sunshine Coast will always be home and therefore the old local claim sticks forever.

    Those who can trace their lineage to Andrew Petrie and his son John or the two convicts who fi rst rode to the Maroochy River in 1838 would probably say that they alone can claim the title of old local.

    There are still plenty of families around who are


    8.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:32:26 AM


    1. Where will you fi nd Gardners Falls?

    2. David Low and Frank Nicklin both gave their names to major coastal roads. What did they have in common?

    3. When did the fi rst race run at Corbould Park?

    4. What sporting event was Kenilworth famous for?

    5. Whats the name of Maroochydores fi rst high-rise tower?

    6. What was the regions fi rst radio station?

    7. The Big Top shopping centre in Maroochydore replaced a smaller local shopping area with a supermarket and drapery named after the man who built it. Who was he?

    8. What was the name of Nambours old cinema?

    9. What was Woombye fi rst known as?

    10. What landmark industry fi rst put Buderim on the map?


    1. At the eastern entrance to

    Maleny, at the end of a country

    lane called Obi Vale South Road.

    2. They were both Country Party

    state politicians 3. July 1985 4. The

    Kenilworth Rodeo 5. Maroochy

    Sands on Aerodrome Road 6. 4NA

    based in Currie Street, Nambour

    7. Cliff Butt 8. The Vogue Theatre

    9. Cobbs Camp 10. The Buderim

    Ginger Factory, producing

    Merrybud ginger, was the only one

    of its kind in the southern


    directly descended from the pioneers who gave their name to the regions landmarks streets, roads, creeks, bridges who also rightly feel that they are the real locals.

    In stark contrast are others who have arrived since and adopted the area as their own. They have joined clubs, lobbied for causes, actively gone out to learn more about the history of their new home and generally taken an active role in their community. That, surely, deserves some form of local recognition.

    Perhaps these could be labelled good local folk.Many might disagree, but the 1970s would make a

    good cut-off point for arrival to qualify as a true local. But being such a subjective issue, others who arrived in the fi rst great wave in the 1980s would probably also like to think they are real locals by now.

    We moved into the Mountain Creek Estate when it fi rst opened were locals now, just doesnt cut it with the locals who remember when the estate was still full of sandfl ies.

    And as for those who came in the second big wave in the early 1990s, it barely qualifi es to even suggest being a local already, especially with those among us who remember the arguments within the council on whether or not such a huge development should be allowed around Twin Waters. It all seemed so ambitious and unimaginable when the project was put forward in 1988.

    The decade from 1979 to 1989 were tempestuous days, when high-rises were still controversial and the constant chant was we dont want to be another Gold Coast.

    For the old locals, it was diffi cult to understand some of those who had arrived after 1975, and then loudly declared were in and now lets lock the door and throw away the key. If they had adopted this same attitude, this noisy batch would never have arrived at all.

    Rather than lament the loss of her parents range dairy farm to a housing development, my old school buddy said how good it would be that her children would now be able to fi nd a job in the area without moving to Brisbane, as we had done.

    Growth brought with it the prospect of access to all sorts of facilities, such as a TAFE college and a university, and we wouldnt have to drive to Chermside to do our Christmas shopping. There was also hope for an effi cient public transport system, although that may have been too optimistic.

    So while old locals embraced the growth, there were others who wanted to stop it at once. The word development couldnt be spoken without someone spitting on the ground.

    One of the big growing pains came for the farmers. Having happily worked their land for decades, they now had neighbours complaining about the crop spraying and the noise of the tractors out early before the sun got too hot.

    The heady days of the greed is good 80s came to a close and by the 1990s, many of these issues had miraculously resolved themselves and a new set of locals had settled into the place.

    Developments heartily protested by the 1980s locals had, by the late 1990s, become home to a whole new generation of newcomers who had no idea their backyard was once an orange orchard or a pineapple or cane farm.

    They loved it and they too became locals.And still they come, voting with their feet as the

    man who envisioned Chancellor Park once told me.So it would seem that to qualify as a local, its

    necessary to check at least one of three boxes: a. Lineageb. Community contribution and involvement c. Just having been around long enough to know the

    secret hinterland swimming holes, to know the h is for Mooloolah and not Mooloolaba and that Alexandra Headland is singular, theres only one of them.

    Your opinions on what it takes to be a local are welcome. Email [email protected].

    While old locals embraced the growth, there were others who wanted to stop it at once. The word development couldnt be spoken without someone spitting on the ground

    How did you go?0 to 3 out of 10 Welcome visitor from a strange land.4 to 6 Nice try, give yourself another 10 years before you can claim to be a local.7 to 9 Getting warmer.10 out of 10 We are not worthy!

    Tempted to cheat? Lose all points locals never cheat!


    ca 1




    9.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:32:45 AM


    Bernard is a KPMG partner, social editor with The Australian and an adjunct professor at Curtin Business School. [email protected]

    The other day while sitting at home reading the papers and having a cup of tea with my wife I asked her what she would do if I died. Now you do have to understand the context of this question. We men like to do this occasionally. Not because we are inherently mean but because we are looking for a response that validates our position within the relationship.

    The response we are in fact looking for is something along the lines of oh I cant possibly imagine life without you. To which I would smile and say, well I dont plan on dropping off just yet and then wed go back to reading our

    papers. Pathetic really, but thats the way the male mind works.

    Look, ladies, life is simply easier all round if you play along with our occasional insecurities. But after I asked my question there was a moments hesitation. I prompted her with youd have to sell the house, surely youd have to sell the house?

    Do you know what my loving wife of 33 years said to me? Not only did she not tear up at the very thought of me no longer being there but she rather matter-of-factly said, Why? I said, Well, youd have to sell the house because because who would change light bulbs on a weekend?

    Without looking up she said, Id have a handyman come in; Id give him a list of things that needed fi xing.

    I was a little taken aback by her response but I thought, no worries, she is just not engaging with my question. I need to scale this up to another level. (Yes, sadly, men think like this.) So I responded with an even more

    compelling reason why my wife would be lost lost I tell you without me. With something of a fl ourish in my voice (for this was to be my pice de rsistance) I said, Who would take out the green rubbish bins? Theyre too heavy for you to move.

    But again she responded dead pan. No, Id pay a kid in the street to do that.

    I reeled back in horror. She had thought this through. My loving wife of 33 years had thought through life Beyond Bernard. Not only that but she had thought through solutions to any problem that might present itself in such a horrible world. Then she looked up, smiled and said, Of course darling, Id be devastated.

    She knew what I was doing all along; she was teasing me. Teasing me! And so let this be a lesson to all men thinking about playing mind games with their partner this weekend. Theres no point pretending; the truly confronting fact is that women usually know what were on about long before we know what were on about.

    [ M Y V I E W ]


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    10.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:04:34 AM

  • *Prices correct as at 27 March 2012. Photographs and illustrations are intended to be a visual aid only. Homes consist of a home and land package which are sold separately. Stockland is only responsible for the sale of the land. Customers will need to enter into a separate contract with the relevant builder for construction of the home. All packages are xed price with a minimum base level of inclusion to provide a fully complete home. For more information on the Queensland Building Boost and First Home Buyer Grant visit For full terms and conditions visit STS0373_FP_MPP_BOW

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    HURRY! End


    April 30











    11.indd 1 3/30/2012 9:58:27 AM

  • [ S O C I A L S ]

    WHODaniel Morcombe Foundation

    WHAT Dance for Daniel

    WHERECaloundra RSL Function Centre

    480 guests were entertained by the Band of Blue & Adam Scicluna. The annual red tie gala dinner on Saturday evening is a highlight of the Sunshine Coast social calendar, and was a sell-out event.

    PHOTOSMorgan Olson

    John & Deb Caruso

    Kev Guteridge, Laura DymockSally & Jared Bleijie

    Dean & Denise Morcombe, Robert, Terri & Bindi Irwin

    Chris & Prue Byrnes, Grant & Esther Barnett

    For event coverage contact [email protected]

    The Daniel Morcombe Foundation Help Me app was launched on the March 21 and is a great way to not only help keep kids safe, but assist people of all ages, from seven to 97, with any kind of personal emergency situations.

    The app features a panic button which, when activated, alerts two nominated contacts via SMS of the users exact location.

    The app also includes a function for recording suspicious activity, helpful phone numbers, child safety tips and educational resources. For more information visit

    Rosanna & Joe NatoliJeremy & Alice Linton, Kevin & Natalie VipianaPeppi & Angela Bueti

    Jo Volsted, Gina Van Wenzel

    Danielle Kendall, Jodi Ahern Justin & Jodi VeiversMichael & Lauren Todd, Dave Harding & Christine Watts

    Cindy & Mark Paterson, Chantel & Sam Rizzo


    12.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:02:42 AM

  • 13.indd 1 3/30/2012 10:37:56 AM

  • [ S O C I A L S ]

    WHOPacifi c Ford Motor Group

    WHATWomen on Wheels


    Kim Morrison facilitated this evening, where women were given the chance to learn a few things about their cars, such as how to keep it safe, how to get the best from it and what to do in an emergency.

    WHOHealth From The Heart

    WHATMeet & Greet

    WHEREYin Health Birtinya is a unique integrative Health Centre combining Eastern and Western medicine.

    Sue Murphy hosted the evening and talked to guests about the simple but effective new local venture. Health From The Heart founders and creators Ceinie Grudnoff and Ivy Stewart presented a touching paying-it-forward message and some good self-care tips.

    PHOTOSDeco Photography

    Leonie & Bethany Rew

    Patty Osbourne, Jan Horner, Rowena MooneyKaren Bisinella, Diane Paterson, Maree Stewart

    Karen Jones, Sue Murphy, Sheryl Martin

    Kim Morrison & Craig McPherson

    Ceinie Grundnoff, Ivy Stewart

    Dawn Young, Julie Keeley Smith

    Jule Willetts,Kare Cremin-Rose

    Bronte & Sasha Cresswell

    Roelien Van-Leeuwen, Tsu Shan ChambersCheryll Harper, Colin Power


    love to stopwearing glasses?Dr Peter Stewart has been caring for the eye needs of the Sunshine Coast for the last 25 years, and he has now invited Dr Hamish McKee to join his team. With a combined 23 years of experience in Laser and Vision Correction they can help you be free of glasses!

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    14.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:03:14 AM

  • [ S T A R S T Y L E ]

    Gemma Chan Jenna-Louise Coleman Jasmina Hdagha & Billy Zane

    Ashley Tisdale Katy Perry Kelly Osbourne Kristen Stewart

    Kate Winslet




    P IM



    TITANIC 3D PREMIERELondon, March

    It was a reunion of sorts for many of the cast members of James Camerons 1997 Blockbuster Titanic. Unfortunately Leo wasnt there, but Kate Winslet joined James and others to walk the red carpet for the premiere of the 3D version of the fi lm at Londons Royal Albert Hall.

    KIDS CHOICE AWARDSLos Angeles, MarchThe dress code called for colourful attire as stars walked the orange carpet at the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. Held in LA last weekend, the ceremony was hosted by Will Smith and featured plenty of the trademark sliming even teen favourite Justin Bieber couldnt escape.


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    15.indd 1 4/2/2012 5:32:37 PM


    ALSO CHECK OUT: RHYTHM CULTURE DRUMMING WORKSHOPSAges seven plus. Tickets $10 per person

    [ L O C A L N E W S ]

    Sunshine Coast Council is holding a range of school holiday activities at various libraries around the Coast to help parents keep the kids occupied this Easter. And the good news is most activities and events are free.

    Beerwah Library 5439 2500, Bookings required Bookmark corners, April 1010-11am, 8+

    Easy Origami, April 1210-11am, 5-8 year olds

    Easter Art School April 131.30-3pm, 8-12 year olds

    Caloundra Library 5499 5444, No bookingsStrait Home Corner Craft, Tuesday April 10, Friday April 13, 10am-noon, 2.30-4.30pm, 0-8 year olds

    LAKE KAWANA COMMUNITY CENTRE Thursday April 12, 10am

    THE J NOOSA Friday April 13, 10am

    Nickelby will be performing some of his most amazing tricks including fl oating a child from the audience in mid-air.

    THE EASTER MAGIC SHOW Tickets $12 per person

    LAKE KAWANA COMMUNITY CENTRE Wednesday April 4, 9:30am & 11:30am

    THE J NOOSA Thursday April 5 9:30am & 11:30am

    Rhythm Culture takes you on an exciting journey through rhythm, movement and sound with these West African percussion workshops.

    Caloundra Regional Gallery 5420 8299, Bookings required Kids Club Sat April 14,10am-noon, all ages

    Cooroy Library 5454 9000 Bookings required Travel Themed movie workshop, Thurs April 5, 1.30-3pm, 6-10 year olds

    Wii Tournament, Tues April 10, 1-4pm, all ages

    Travel Theme Movie Workshop Thurs April 12, 1-4pm, 10+

    Pokmon Club Sat April 14,9.30-11.30am, 7-15 year olds

    Maleny Library Chocolate making and Easter craft, Thurs April 5, 2-3.30pm, 6+

    Drumming in the park, Wed April 11, 10-11am, 5+

    Easter Art School, Fri April 13,10-11.30am, 8-12 year olds

    Maroochydore Library 5475 8900 Bookings required Easter Craft, Mon April 2,9.30-10.30am, 6-10 year olds

    Pencil Toppers, Fri April 13,2-3pm, 7-12 year olds

    Nambour Library 5441 8332 No Bookings Strait Home Corner Craft, Thurs April 5, 10am-noon, 3-5pm 0-8 years

    Strait Home Corner Craft, Tues April 10, Friday April 13, 10am-noon, 3-5pm 0-8 years

    Aboriginal Art and Storytelling Bookings required, Tues April 10, 9.30-11am, 6+

    Noosa Library 5442 4411 Bookings Required Baskets and Bunnies, Thurs April 5, 10-noon, 7+

    Make and Play Play dough

    workshop, Tues April 10, 10-11.30am, 2+

    WII Tournament, Wed April 11, 10am-noon, 8+

    Bird walk, Fri April 13, 8.30-10.30am, 5+

    Warhammer Club, Sat April 14,9.30-12.30pm, 12+

    Noosa Regional gallery 5449 5340 Bookings Required Where does you inspiration come from?

    Thurs April 5, 10.30-noon, 4-8years

    From the past to the future, Thurs April 14, 1.30-3pm, 8-12 years

    Listen up Storytelling sessions are held weekly in 15- to 30-minute sessions. For times and locations visit



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    16.indd 1 4/2/2012 3:54:00 PM

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    17.indd 1 4/2/2012 10:38:32 AM




    [ L O C A L N E W S ]

    Malenys Supa IGA and more than 20 vets throughout the Coast are supporting the De-Sex in the City campaign. Sunshine Coast Council community response manager Sheryl Krome says the aim is to encourage responsible pet ownership. The de-sexing vouchers represent an approximate 50 per cent discount for a male cat, and an approximate 75 per cent discount for a female cat, on their normal rates.

    Coast residents who take advantage of this initiative will not only be getting a massive discount with the de-sexing voucher, but will also be carrying out a good deed.

    The vouchers will be available between Tuesday and Saturday 9am to 4pm, and Sunday 10am to 2pm from April 2 at SCARS, 28 Sippy Creek Road, Tanawha.

    Rosalie Symons from SCARS says participating residents are also

    Did you switch off for Earth Hour on Saturday night? Sunshine Coast Council did. But as well as supporting the global initiative, the council has also installed effi cient air-conditioning, low-voltage lighting and solar panels in its buildings.

    Sustainability and innovation offi cer Elizabeth Stubbs says, Since 2011, council buildings such as the

    The Coffee Club and internet dating site RSVP are hosting an event for singles which they hope will set a new world record.

    The aim is to break the Guinness world record for the worlds largest speed-dating event. As part of this, Coffee Club and RSVP are offering singles the chance to catch up in more than 50 coffee shops across the country. They are hoping to beat

    encouraged to visit the cats and dogs housed at the refuge. If you think you might be able to provide a loving home for one or more of these lovely animals, why not pop in and say hello, she says.

    Caloundra Library and the Noosa Aquatic Centre have reduced their energy consumption by more than 15 per cent.

    the current world record of 1240 speed daters, which was set in Sydney in 2008.

    Participants get a free coffee or cold drink to sip on during their dates, which will last fi ve minutes each. Coffee Clubs Mooloolaba and Coolum stores are participating, so locals will have their chance to get into the record books. Head to datingworldrecord for more.

    Council buildings have reduced their energy consumption by more than 15 per cent


    Call in today to see our extensive range of Bamboo fencing, Gazebos and water features to compliment any

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    5453 465518.indd 1 4/2/2012 1:38:45 PM

  • [ W I N E R E V I E W ]


    The Colonial Estate Exile Barossa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2009This wine is medium to deep garnet-purple in colour with aromas of fresh blackcurrants and red plums with nuances of Mediterranean herbs, pencil shavings, underbrush and black pepper. Medium bodied and very crisp in the mouth, it offers just enough vibrant, juicy cabernet fruit with a medium to fi rm level of chewy tannins. There are notes of leathery/earthy fl avours as you expect with Colonial Estate reds, although this seems to have more focussed dimensions featuring powerful blackcurrant fruit and dark chocolate and it fi nishes grainy, chocolatey and fresh with lingering acidity, yet somehow it all balances.

    PRICE $29.99

    Tussock Heights Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2011This fruit-driven wine is intensely aromatic, is pale straw in colour and has a fragrant aroma of gooseberry and black currant leaf layered with red capsicum and a touch of dried thyme. Immediately the fruitiness of this wine fi lls the mouth. The palate shows lime/grapefruit characters along with more tropical fl avours such as melon and white peach. This wine has good mid palate concentration and is well balanced with juicy acidity and a lingering fi nish.

    PRICE $9.99

    Perle de Vigne French Sparkling BrutThis wine is an intense deep straw yellow with a full, generous mousse and vivacious bubbles. Coloured pale gold with small, bright bubbles, the wine has an intense aroma of citrus fruits, in particular grapefruit, and of fresh cut fl owers. A lively, fresh palate shows citrus fruit characteristics. It has a zingy vibrancy to it and fi nishes with plenty of crisp acidity.

    PRICE $9.99

    PREVIEWTony Sells from Get Wines Direct tips the glass on these affordable wines.

    WORDSTony Sells


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    19.indd 1 4/2/2012 5:35:02 PM

  • A man who attached a fake collar bomb around the neck of Sydney schoolgirl Madeleine Pulver will be sentenced in June.

    Paul Douglas Peters, 51, appeared briefl y via videolink before the NSW District Court last week.

    He had pleaded guilty earlier this month to aggravated break and enter and committing a serious indictable offence.

    Peters was arrested in Louisville, Kentucky in the US, almost two weeks after the incident in the Pulver family home at Mosman on August 3. Source: AAP

    Australia can expect to pay about $130 million each for its fi rst two Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft and an average of about $85 million if it opts to buy 100.

    These increased cost fi gures come in the US Defence Departments selected acquisition report for 2011 (SAR11) presented to Congress on Thursday.

    The report is an update on major US defence programs including the Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF.

    Despite the apparent price hikes,

    Researchers may have found the key to unlocking the genetic code behind a host of serious diseases, following the discovery of a new breast cancer gene mutation.

    A large international study led by University of Melbourne researchers has identifi ed a mutation linked to breast cancer attached to the newly identifi ed gene, called XRCC2.

    Lead researcher Melissa Southey says the discovery, using high-speed technology, will hopefully mean more gene mutations responsible for causing breast cancer could be rapidly identifi ed in the next few years.

    Source: AAP

    The NSWs summer fl ood crisis was the most signifi cant for a generation and affected an area the size of Spain, State Emergency Service (SES) Commissioner Murray Kear says.

    This has been the most signifi cant fl ood event that inland NSW has witnessed in a generation, Kear said in a statement on Friday.

    About 70 per cent of NSW an area the size of Spain has been affected by fl ooding since January. Source: AAP




    around Australia this wAustralia this week around Ausround Australia this week around

    around Australia this wound Australia this week around Australiahis week around Australia thisaround Australia this wAustralia this week around Ausround Australia this week around

    around Australia this w

    Bomb man faces court

    First RAAF JSF jets to each cost Australia $130m

    New breast cancer gene discovered during study

    NSW fl oods affect area the size of Spain

    [ N E W S ]

    the Australian Defence Force is confi dent fi nal prices will be lower because the most recent fi xed-price incentive contract was signifi cantly below the SAR10 cost estimate.

    Australias fi rst two aircraft will be produced in a later contract lot.

    For Australia, SAR11 indicates Australias fi rst two aircraft, scheduled for delivery in the US from 2014, will cost about $130 million, based on 2012 prices and a $US1.03 exchange rate. Source: AAP




    >05,4,56-.6;/(40:)(*2 ,8

  • A bid to trademark the word beatle for use on electric wheelchairs has been blocked by EU judges.

    They ruled there was a risk of confusion with a well-known pop group even though the freedom, youth and mobility represented by the musical Beatles contrasted with the reduced mobility of customers for Beatle wheelchairs.

    Dutch company You-Q currently promotes the Beatle electric wheelchair on its website. Source: AAP

    Scotland Yards communications chief has resigned after the force decided to launch disciplinary proceedings against him over the awarding of a contract to an ex-News of the World executive.

    Dick Fedorcio was facing gross misconduct allegations over the decision to hire the Sunday tabloids former executive editor Neil Wallis to provide PR advice for the Metropolitan Police.

    An investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) concluded that Fedorcio had a case to answer over the procurement of the contract. Source: AAP

    The number of children diagnosed with autism in the US has risen 23 per cent since 2009, with one in 88 children affected according to offi cial health data.

    Previous fi gures had shown the disorder was found in as many as one in 110 US children.

    The rise may be due in part to improved identifi cation of autism cases, experts say, particularly among children younger than three years of age. Source: AAP

    Canadas Government says it will withdraw the penny from circulation, because it costs more to produce than its face value.

    It costs taxpayers a penny-and-a-half every time we make one, says Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.The Royal Canadian Mint will cease distribution of the one-cent coins in late 2012. Source: AAP

    Beatle wheelchair bid blocked by EU judges

    Police chief quits amid UK hacking scandal

    Data reveals spike in US autism cases diagnosed

    Canada to go penniless

    [ N E W S ]

    week around the World this wund the World this wend the World this week around the World this week around th around the World thnd around the World this week around the Wo

    week around the World this wund the World this weWorld this week around the Wod the World this week around thund the World this we

    Historic win for Suu Kyi in Burma by-electionThousands of people were seen dancing in the street as Burmas opposition claimed a historic victory this week.

    Pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi a Nobel Peace Prize laureate won her fi rst bid for a seat in parliament following by-elections.

    The former political prisoner won an estimated 82 per cent of the vote in a by-election in the constituency of Kawhmu, south of Rangoon, says the National League of Democracy (NLD).

    Suu Kyi was locked up by the former junta for most of the past 22 years. It appeared Suu Kyi would win in a landslide in her seat, with many of her colleagues to take seats in Burmas lower house. Source: AAP


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    Ever wonder why your stomach gurgles? You feel bloated, or you suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Are you often unhappy, tired and unmotivated? Find out why!

    Your digestive system is to you the same as the root system is to a tree. Without it, you cannot absorb the nutrients you need to survive, just as a tree absorbs nutrients from the soil. Imagine the damage that can be caused when you upset your root system. The key to repairing the foundations of your health is to fi nd out what triggers your digestive system problems. There is always a cause.

    At Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre, we use the latest technology and testing to accurately determine what is causing your mood and digestive imbalance. Constantly treating symptoms with bandaid methods will never repair your health long term, though it will make you reliant on medications or supplements, which is not really the goal for your long term health. The goal is to investigate, fi nd the trigger, repair the damage and live a healthier life!

    Have you ever wondered why you feel heavy, bloated, tired and moody? These symptoms dont just come on for no apparent reason. IBS is a bowel that is irritated and sensitive. Sensitive to what though? We fi nd that most people who have IBS seem to be reacting to their healthy diet, developing an infl amed gut. When youre in this state your body may fi nd it hard to digest your food and so youll feel tired and drawn regardless of how good your diet is. The level of infl ammation in the

    gut will cause the stress hormone, cortisol, to surge in the body. When that happens all hormones go out of balance, and then the brain neurotransmitters follow.

    Any sign of mood fl uctuations will give an indication of brain neurotransmitter imbalance. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that makes you happy, confi dent, and feeling good, but its levels are affected by your levels of circulating oestrogen. Dopamine is our happy, excitement and motivation neurotransmitter which is affected by progesterone levels. Both neurotransmitters and hormone levels are affected by the food you eat as these are made in the gut and used in the gut in huge levels. Digestion is a key infl uence on brain function.

    Often when you have an irritated bowel you can almost pin point exactly when it started. Often when something very stressful occurred in your life, you picked up a stomach bug or after an overseas trip. Regardless of how you got it, it must be corrected, as these things dont fi x themselves with time, otherwise you will forever have nutrient defi ciencies and the case is usually an increase in severity of symptoms where no medication will work. If you want only fact and not fi ction and would like to know more about what we can do to help, you are welcome to book in for a free half hour consultation to discuss your health options on 5443 1987.

    Jodi Chapman B.H.Sc NaturopathSuzi Le Fanue BSc(BMed) ND

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    If you would like to know more, book a free half hour consult to discuss your options on 5443 1987 or register for an upcoming free webinar on the causes and treatment of anxiety, depression, ADHD and more.Go to

    21.indd 1 4/2/2012 5:33:51 PM


    The Australian dollar has held up well against the US dollar, and it is feasible that it could maintain its current level for a while yet.

    Its worthwhile, however, looking at a few scenarios where we could envisage Australian dollar weakness or US dollar strength. Here, three scenarios are outlined, which we can keep an eye on.

    One scenario that would strengthen the US dollar is if the US progressed from a soft money recovery to a hard money one. This would see the US Federal Reserve withdrawing stimulus and narrowing the difference in interest rates. While the cash rate wont budge in the near term, any suggestion of another round of quantitative easing in the US has been taken off the table.

    The move up in longer-term US bond yields is also indicative of such a recovery.

    Another scenario assumes that overseas investment activity in Australia cools, including leveraged carry trades (where money is

    Feedback from customers has helped shape refi nements to the proposed $350 million expansion of Sunshine Plaza.

    The centres owners this week responded to a Sunshine Coast Council and state authorities request for more information on the proposed development, which stands to add more than 35,000 square metres of retail space and accommodate the Coasts fi rst David Jones department store.

    Kylie Riches, spokeswoman for Lend Lease, which manages the Plaza, says the revised scheme responds to customer feedback and outcomes identifi ed in the South- East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 and supports the councils planning scheme.

    The proposed redevelopment of the centre is geared towards enhancing Sunshine Plazas role as the regions leading retail and leisure destination, Lend Leases head of retail development, Gary Horwitz, says.

    It also supports the council and

    [ B U S I N E S S & F I N A N C E ]

    Chris Harris is from Ord Minnett in Buderim

    borrowed in low interest rate countries and invested in higher yielding currencies) and foreign central bank buying of Australian-denominated assets (including bonds).

    The remaining scenarios would be bad news for our market, namely a correction in commodity prices, local economic weakness or a generalised fl ight from risk globally.

    As a point of interest, mining stocks, such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Fortescue Metals and Newcrest, typically capture positive exposure to a rising Australian dollar. Intuitively, this should not be the case.

    Companies selling commodities priced in US dollars should be negatively impacted by a rising Australian dollar. However, this is mitigated by the fact that commodity prices move higher with a lower US dollar. This is in part because producers outside the US require higher prices in dollar terms to maintain their margins. Also, given Australias role as a major commodity provider, our currency tends to move in sync with global economic growth.

    As ever in fi nance, there are many moving parts and themes can change quickly.

    Maybe an overseas trip in 2012 is not such a bad idea.

    Chris Harris is a Representative of Ord Minnett Limited, AFS Licence 237121 and Ord Minnett Financial Planning Pty Ltd, AFS Licence 237122. This article contains general fi nancial advice only and does not consider your personal circumstances. Before acquiring a product you should determine its suitability to you by reading the relevant product disclosure statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

    the State Governments vision for the Maroochydore principal activity centre.

    The signifi cant redevelopment will bring the number of car parking spaces to more than 5000.

    Lend Lease says the expansion will provide more than 1000 extra retail positions at the developed centre and more than 5700 positions in total, resulting from the construction works and the fl ow-on effect to related industries and providers.

    The plan is to extend the centre along Cornmeal Creek, providing new pedestrian and cycle promenades, and a public realm on both north and south banks. The indoor and outdoor retail experience which has made Sunshine Plaza such a distinctive destination will be continued, providing activation and appeal, Horwitz says.

    The development is now in the councils hands, with the owners hoping to commence construction in 2013, with a 2015 completion target.


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    22.indd 1 4/3/2012 7:57:45 AM




    Coast business leaders have called on the new State Government to slash red tape and drive job creation. It follows the LNPs landslide victory at the

    state election, where Campbell Newman was installed as Premier.

    Sunshine Coast Chamber of Commerce President Ross Hepworth says the business community has identifi ed several key issues it wants the Newman Government to address immediately.

    In terms of diversifying our economy, the best thing the LNP can do is get on and build the hospital as fast as it can to ensure there is a location strategy around construction and jobs, so those contracts go to local fi rms and people are not exported, Hepworth says.

    Wed like the government to consider decentralisation, to bring back government departments to the Sunshine Coast and bring government jobs to the Sunshine Coast.

    He says red tape surrounding employment, and hiring and fi ring, is crippling business.

    The regulations business has to comply with are horrendous, Hepworth says.

    Sunshine Coast Business Council has outlined

    [ B U S I N E S S & F I N A N C E ]

    its fi ve key priorities for the region.

    As well as moves to slash red tape and establish a government department at Sippy Downs, it has called for a jobs target of 250,000 to support a projected population of 500,000; better government engagement with the business community; a focus on transformational projects; and funding commitments for the university hospital and airport upgrade.

    An economic directions forum to rally business drew people from across the region, who were briefed on Sunshine Coast Business Councils research. It provides insight into the projected profi le of the region by the year 2031 and recommends crucial steps that local, State and Federal Government should undertake collaboratively with local business to drive a sustainable, healthy, diverse and vital Sunshine Coast, a spokesperson said.

    Struggling BlackBerry maker Research in Motion says it will exit most consumer markets and focus on business customers. RIM has been struggling as consumers abandon their BlackBerrys for fl ashier touch-screen phones such as Apples iPhone and models running Googles Android software. BlackBerrys have been popular among business customers.

    Regulators have approved Virgin Australias request to transfer capacity on its Australia-Indonesia fl ights to the airlines new, unlisted company that will operate its international services. Australias International Air Services Commission says there will be no reduction in public benefi t by allowing the transfer to proceed.

    Suburbs and towns covered by the national broadband network were chosen mainly for engineering reasons and not because of politics, NBN co-boss Mike Quigley says. The rollout will cover 3.5 million homes and businesses in 1500 towns across Australia by June 2015.


    h in




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    23.indd 1 4/3/2012 7:56:36 AM

  • [ H E A L T H & B E A U T Y ]

    People who sleep less than six hours a night or more than eight are more likely to suffer heart problems than people who sleep between six and eight hours.

    A US study confi rms the conclusions of previous, smaller studies, and is based on what researchers describe as a nationally representative sample of 3000 people covering fi ve separate heart ailments and their links to sleep duration.

    The subjects for the study were people over age 45 who participated in a survey of health issues in US households known as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

    Subjects were asked to describe their sleep patterns and were also asked if they were ever told they had congestive heart failure, heart attack, coronary artery disease, angina or stroke.

    People who said they had too little sleep each night were two times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack and 1.6 more likely to have congestive heart failure than people who slept between six and eight hours nightly, the researchers say.

    People who said they slept more than eight hours a night were two times more likely to have angina and 1.1 times more likely to have coronary artery disease.

    We now have an indication that sleep can impact heart health, and it should be a priority, says principal investigator Rohit Arora, chairman of cardiology and professor of medicine, at the Chicago Medical School.

    Based on these fi ndings, it seems getting six to eight hours of sleep every day probably confers the least risk for cardiovascular disease over the long term.

    Source: AAP

    We now have an indication that sleep can impact heart health



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    25.indd 1 4/2/2012 1:28:05 PM


    C O N N E C TThese days everything from shopping to dating is done on the internet. Websites are offering virtual lives and virtual real estate for a price to anyone tired of reality.

    But at what cost are we turning off our real lives in favour of a life lived through avatars and profi le pages?

    Naysayers tell us our fascination with cyberspace is threatening the social fabric of our society, at best making us reclusive, at worst robbing us of social skills, compromising our physical heath and, in the extreme, removing us from any real sense of belonging or attachment to the place where we live.

    Tragic stories of people dying alone and going undiscovered for weeks are not unusual.

    Maybe the online world is simply better, a distraction from the humdrum of the daily grind, offering users the chance to do things they could only imagine in the physical world and the ability to switch off when things get tough.

    The Second Life website, an internet success story whose launch had social commentators buzzing, offers users a design-your-own online avatar through which to establish a virtual life, at times at fi nancial cost.

    Its homepage tempts the curious with the chance to have fun, fl irt or simply fl aunt your creativity in a world where you can experience and create anything you can imagine. All without leaving your computer, of course.

    So are we all becoming cyber geeks, or is this revolution merely a product of our technology-hungry society?

    It challenges how we see community, says social trends analyst and director of AustraliaSCAN David Chalke, who believes community goes beyond our physical environment,

    PREVIEWThe explosion in web interaction and online communities means reaching out is more possible than before. Or is it? As new technologies rewrite the rules of social engagement and the concept of community, some old issues remain.

    WORDSNathan Evans

    [ B I G N E W S ]

    and offers us a chance to connect more widely than we were able to before the advent of technology.

    These communities provide the support and interaction one might have traditionally found in face-to-face meetings.

    Yes, we are busier these days and there is not as much time for incidental meetings as you are more likely to drive to places rather than walk or ride a bike, so that removes those incidental connections you make with people around you, but it does not mean you are less connected, says Chalke.

    Community is not just about geography that is the weakest form of community. Just because you live in a particular space doesnt mean you like it or that you have much in common with the people who also live there.

    Notions that we had somehow lost a time in society where people were better connected, had more time for each other and were close with their neighbours, are exaggerated, he says.

    The reality is we may not like our neighbours any more now than we did decades ago the lunatic with the rabid dog who burns off rubbish in the backyard whenever you put your washing out is as much a pain now as he was a decade ago. So there is a high element of myth to this suggestion we used to do a lot of chatting over the fence.

    That argument is the nostalgia effect the sun was always sunnier and the fruit always tasted fruitier.

    Chalke says our love of the internet has actually strengthened important bonds, helping foster a feeling of belonging, rather than depriving us of traditional interaction.

    It means we can keep chatting to that mate in New


    26.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:09:14 AM


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    61% of respondents to a recent poll by the SodaHead website said they were addicted to the internet, with 39 per cent saying they could quit if they wanted to.

    73% of 13- to 17-year-olds said they were addicted, compared with 71 per cent of 18 to 24s, 59 per cent of 25 to 34s, 54 per cent of 35 to 44s, 40 per cent 45 to 54s, 39 per cent of 55 to 64s and 44 per cent of over-65s.

    York so it helps tighten friendships and bonds within our communities.

    Dr Kay Pozzebon, lecturer in psychology at the University of the Sunshine Coast, says the need for social interaction is in-built.

    Its a basic need. Its something we have to have, while there are individual differences surrounding how much we need, she says.

    This idea of a sense of community can be met in different ways today. Whereas in the past when people talked over the fence to their neighbours, today maybe they get a sense of community through social media and broader community participation.

    We are talking about generational changes, for example, young people in the community are more accustomed to getting that connection through social media.

    Conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress are ever-prevalent. Are these the symptoms of a society that has forgotten how to reach out? Not necessarily, says Pozzebon.

    What we know is that with some illnesses and disorders such as depression and anxiety and stress, social support is key. However, the way people get that now may not be through the traditional means.

    We know that the Sunshine Coast is a place a lot of people migrate to, they dont have that family support here so technology can help them through that period of adjustment.

    Skype is an increasingly popular way to extend support networks across great distances, says Pozzebon.

    Still, mental illness such as depression continues to impact our society.

    Jane Morris, practice manager for crisis support at UnitingCareCommunity, which runs Lifeline services in Queensland, says anxiety, depression and loneliness are among the main reasons people call Lifeline and calls are on the rise.

    Supportive social networks are certainly a protective factor for mental wellbeing issues and social relationships for individuals, families and communities are important in stabilising and caring for our mental wellbeing, she says.

    People who are isolated from these social networks are more likely to utilise the Lifeline crisis line and other of our services.

    Morris expects demand for the Lifeline crisis line to continue as communities and individuals deal with everyday life stresses, but also the repercussions of unexpected events such as disasters.

    We have seen a steady increase in demand over the past fi ve years on our services and we dont expect this trend to change.

    Pozzebon says its often out of the greatest challenges, some of the strongest bonds are formed. When some signifi cant events happen in parts of the community, they can help connect people at a more traditional level if you think about the fl ooding we have seen in recent times, we see how people want to help each other and they forge bonds, she says.

    But were we really happier in years gone by, before the internet and todays technology? Not according to Chalke, who feels technology gets too bad a rap.

    Ill stick to a world with bypass surgery and antibiotics you can go back to the 1950s if you want, he says.

    Were we really happier in years gone by, before the internet and todays technology?

    27.indd 1 4/3/2012 9:09:51 AM


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    28.indd 1 4/2/2012 9:22:25 AM

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    LOUD & PROUDEven in dim light its hard to miss the Tembo Trunks speakers, $46.20. Made from silicone, they are waterproof and perfect for listening to your favourite iPod mix outdoors. Head to to fi nd out more.


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    29.indd 1 4/2/2012 10:24:06 AM

  • 1Wild animals doing silly things is always funny, especially with a zany voiceover.

    K E Y W O R D S

    [ Daytime, nighttime ]

    2 British comedian Eddie Izzard is a little naughty, but so very funny when gets talking about Star Wars.

    K E Y W O R D S

    [ Darth Vader Eddie Izzard]

    3 Plenty have tried and failed but this young womans Whitney Houston tribute hits the mark.

    K E Y W O R D S

    [ Charice, Bodyguard, David Foster ]


    [ T E C H T A L K ]

    NO HARD SLOG WITH WORDPRESS BLOG APPSocial networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have gone mobile, and so too has blogging.

    If you host a WordPress blog on your site and fi nd updating it a drain on your time, its worth checking out the WordPress blog app for iOS.

    Suitable for iPad, iPod and iPhone running iOS4 or later, the app allows bloggers to create and edit pages and posts, moderate comments and add video and images easily and simply.

    If youre rarely behind your desk, this app is a must. Search WordPress in the App store.

    Drag and drop with Dropbox appIf you use an iPad, iPhone and PC there are few things more frustrating than realising youve left the fi le you urgently need, on the device you dont have with you.

    Dropbox is the perfect solution. Dropbox appears on your computer as a typical document folder you can add as many sub folders as you like, and simply drag and drop the fi les you want to access remotely, or save to the folders directly.

    The iOS app allows access to all of the folders and their contents and you can email direct links to share fi les with others. Download from the App Store, and visit for the computer interface.

    Vibrating stool to give drummers their beat backThat powerful thump of the bass drum is a vital ingredient of any concert experience, but the drummer on stage often misses out on the experience because on-stage monitors cant deliver it. The BC2 by the UKs Porter & Davies takes the bass drum signal and sends it through the drummers stool and up the spine using bone conduction, to deliver the bass experience enjoyed by those in the mosh pit. See

    Apple rumoured to be working on mini iPad tabletThe Apple rumour mill has been in overdrive once again this time around speculation the IT giant is planning a new, smaller tablet device.

    Japanese site Macotakara quotes a reliable Chinese source with its claims Apple is looking to produce a fi ve-inch panel.

    Its the latest in a series of rumours that Apple may be about to produce a new tablet-style device.



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    30.indd 1 4/2/2012 1:36:00 PM

  • If you cant beat em, join em. That seems to be the new battle plan for Holden which for the fi rst time in living memory is no longer the maker of Australias favourite car.

    That title now belongs to the Mazda3, which last year toppled the mighty Holden Commodore from its perennial perch as Australias top-selling passenger vehicle after an unprecedented reign of 15 years. Before that it was the Ford Falcon, and before that the Commodore again.

    Mazdas triumph was hailed as a watershed for the Australian car industry evidence that smaller hatchbacks had fi nally replaced big six-cylinder sedans in the hearts of typical Aussie families.

    So where does that leave Holden?As the carmaker watched the inexorable

    decline of Commodore sales, it has been gearing up its small-car arsenal fi rst with the very smart Cruze sedan, and now, just in time to meet the Mazda3 head on, with the Australian-built Cruze hatchback.

    So, can the Cruze make Australians forget about big cars? Probably not any time soon. A lifetime romance is a hard thing to break.

    But the arrival of the Cruze hatch to complement the excellent sales results of its sedan sibling (the Cruze was also among the nations top-selling vehicles last year) gives the Lion brand a double-edged sword to fend off the foreign vehicle invasion.

    As youd expect, the new hatch boasts most

    of the things we (and thousands of buyers) liked about the Cruze sedan with a bit more boot space thrown in.

    The Aussie-built version has been specifi cally tweaked to suit our driving conditions and preferences.

    Its offered with a choice of three engines naturally aspirated or turbo-charged petrol, or a fuel-effi cient turbo-diesel and in four trim levels. We drove two versions of the Cruze hatch over a two-week period; fi rst the diesel-engined CDX and then the turbo-charged petrol model.

    The diesel was reasonably impressive not a standout, but quiet, smooth and frugal. It mated well with the six-speed auto and offered decent throttle response and masses of mid-range torque. In fact, the auto seemed a much better match with the diesel than with the 1.8-litre petrol engine we tested in the sedan.

    The turbo petrol engine, the 1.4iTi (Intelligent Turbo Induction), feels bigger than its small capacity would suggest, possessing impressive torque for a smallish four-cylinder, plus reasonable punch as it reaches the higher rev-ranges.

    We thought the sedan was, dollar for dollar, one of the best Australian-built cars weve ever driven and the hatch has consolidated that view.

    Can the Cruze hatch help Holden stem the sales tide? Certainly the sedan has taken some big steps in that direction. The hatch is likely to provide even more safety in numbers.

    MAKE/MODEL Holden Cruze hatch

    AT A GLANCEFive-door, fi ve-seat compact hatchback with choice of four-cylinder turbo-charged and naturally aspirated petrol engines or four-cylinder turbo-diesel. Choice of six-speed manual or six-speed automatic transmission.

    FEATURESSix airbags, electronic stability control, ABS with EBD and traction control, air-conditioning, power windows and automatic headlights on all models. SRiV model adds leather trim, fog lamps, rear-parking assist, heated seats, 17-inch alloys, performance suspension, satellite navigation, smart key, premium audio with 10GB and CD/MP3 rip capability.

    UNDER THE BONNET1.4iTi produces 103kW, 200Nm; 1.8 petrol produces 104kW, 176Nm; 2-litre turbo-diesel produces 120kW; 360Nm

    THIRST 6.4L/100km for 1.4iTi; 7L/100km for 1.8 petrol; 5.6L/100km for turbo-diesel

    COST From $20,990


    Source: AAP


    31.indd 1 4/2/2012 2:44:22 PM


    [ M O T O R I N G ]

    The fl ash fl ooding that recently created chaos on the central Sunshine Coast and made news around the country claimed many vehicles.

    Abandoned on fl ooded roads as their owners fl ed to safety or submerged in the underground car parks of apartment buildings, many vehicles received extensive fl ood damage. But one lucky couple

    visiting the Sunshine Coast from the UK were thanking their lucky stars that they had chosen to rent a new Toyota Yaris.

    The brand-new Yaris the couple had rented from Fleet Hire on Aerodrome Road, Maroochydore spent almost two days in the fl ooded basement car park of the Mandolin apartment building at Alexandra Headland,

    with water covering it seats and lapping the bottom of the steering wheel.

    Eventually the car park was pumped out by the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service, revealing rows of waterlogged vehicles. They had no expectation the Yaris would be driveable, but the Firies encouraged the couple to give it a go, saying, Its a Toyota.

    To the amazement of the UK couple, the Toyota started fi rst time. While many other vehicles in the car park were towed away, they drove the car out of the underground park.

    Its pretty amazing, says Quinton Benning from Fleet Hire. Despite being under water for so long, the engine and electrics all worked with no problems.

    The only issue is that the speakers in the front doors arent working, but then it hasnt fi nished drying out yet!

    The car was one of many that Fleet Hire had purchased from Ken Mills Toyota. Dealer principal Brett Mills says, Most people are aware of Toyotas legendary reputation for reliability, and this is a perfect example of that reliability in action. These visitors were totally stunned at the toughness and reliability of the Yaris.

    Water soaked the interior


    FREE SPIRIT have created a unique o road caravan, their 16 weighing in at only 1.6 tonne tare, inc. solar panels, air con, shower toilet etc., completely self sustainable & can be towed by just a 4 cylinder turbo. Revolu onising the world of outback caravans. Custom built. Prices start at $78,500.We are absolutely thrilled with our FREE SPIRIT 18, a er camping with our Tvan, we

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    We are absolutely thrilled with our FREE SPIRIT 18 aer camT

    What is the view from

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    32.indd 1 4/2/2012 2:00:42 PM

  • 33.indd 1 4/2/2012 2:27:24 PM


    [ M O T O R I N G ]

    The new expanded Lexus RX line revealed at the 2012 Geneva Motor Show offers a raft of features.A redesigned exterior, all-new on-board

    technology, greater exterior and interior colour schemes, new steering wheel, a revised instrument cluster and a second-generation Remote Touch Interface (RTI) are all features of the new model.

    The RX 350 and 450h offer Sport Luxury

    potential of the six-speed sequential gearbox.All RX models will feature an updated, second-

    generation Lexus Remote Touch system, making activation of on-board systems easier for driver and passenger. Digital Audio (DAB+) is offered standard across the range, providing greater sound clarity and choice of stations.

    In addition to the existing ECO and EV driving modes, all RX 450h hybrid models benefi t from the adoption of a new Sport driving mode, which provides greater response to driver inputs for increased driving enjoyment.

    Lexus Australia chief executive Tony Cramb says the changes bring greater appeal, specifi cation and enjoyment to the popular SUV. The refresh to RX Line as debuted in Geneva will only strengthen the appeal of what is already one of Lexus most awarded and popular vehicles, Cramb says.

    RX will be the third vehicle to adopt Lexus new corporate face, bringing with it greater driving enjoyment, visual appeal and innovative features.

    The addition of RX F Sport only reinforces our commitment to offering engaging vehicles and demonstrates our long-term commitment to more than doubling our F Sport range by the end of 2012, adds Cramb.

    models along with a newly adopted Luxury and F Sport model replacing the outgoing Prestige and Sport model. New HID or LED headlamps complement the all-new frontal design and give the RX range a more muscular stance.

    F Sport variant will be available for RX 350 and 450h. F Sport models feature unique exterior styling, including shadow chrome 19-inch alloys, F Sport badging and unique mesh grille inserts, as well as a unique black and grey leather-accented interior, front bucket seats and alloy pedals.

    Backing up its muscular stance is a re-engineered handling package, featuring unique suspension

    tune and lateral performance dampers/braces. First adopted on Lexus

    CT 200h, the performance dampers along with RX F Sports new suspension tune deliver greater driving enjoyment and increased response to driver inputs.

    RX 350 F Sport will also gain paddle

    shifters, allowing drivers to exploit the performance


    The reasons for choosing a Mercedes-Benz C-Class keep adding up. The C-Class Sedan reignites the thrill of driving

    with its envious list of standard appointments. The C-Class Coup, with its alluring lines and dynamically sculptured

    body, begs to be admired. And the C-Class Estate, with its innate instinct for the road, handles like a sedan and

    features everyday practicality that takes life in its stride.

    Find out all the reasons why the C-Class is Australias favourite luxury mid-sized car at Garry Crick Prestige or

    65-73 Maroochy Boulevard, Maroochydore. Phone: 5409 0100. Zane Hau 0404 481 888.Garry Crick PrestigeExcellence in Motoring

    The only 3 worth considering.The Mercedes-Benz C-Class range.

    34.indd 1 4/2/2012 2:01:27 PM

  • S U N S H I N E C O A S T



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    SeSee papapaageggege 5511>>>


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    $10,000 AGENTS





    35.indd 1 4/2/2012 4:01:37 PM


    absolutely the best time for people to consider securing an investment property on the Coast.

    Prices have been very low for a number of years and are just beginning to increase, he says. Some of the many factors contributing to this are interest rates having dropped and then stabilised, and the amount of infrastructure going into the Sunshine Coast.

    If you do your homework and choose the right property in the right area, owning an investment can be a great way to regularly supplement your income. Everyone has different fi nancial circumstances, and Dwyer says the key to deciding where to buy is to assess your own investment goals and choose a property that best suits your long-term plan.

    PREVIEWNow is as good a time as any to consider tapping into the Sunshine Coasts property market, particularly for fi rst-time investors. Experts share their tips on sizing up the right value for money.

    WORDSJarna Baudinette

    Its the Easter school holidays and one thing is certain the Sunshine Coast will be a busy place over the next couple of weeks. As well as locals taking advantage of a much-needed break, there will be thousands of visitors from across Australia enjoying our beaches, cafes and relaxed lifestyle. As Julie Gatehouse reported in last weeks cover story, more than three million tourists visited the Coast in 2011, and over the years our region has become a second home for some, who holiday here regularly and dream of making a permanent move one day.

    For those who are not quite ready to pack up and head north, investing in property on the Coast is the next best thing. While at the moment house prices remain relatively subdued, the region has several large-scale infrastructure projects under way, meaning there are good prospects for future growth. And with increasingly high levels of rental demand, now may be the perfect time for tourists and locals alike to consider purchasing an investment property.

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK In late February the Real Estate Institute of Queensland reported the states residential property market had stabilised, with prices recording mostly steady results across South-

    East Queensland in the December quarter. Investor and fi rst-home buyer activity

    is strengthening as buyers recognise prices have plateaued in many areas, and this steadying of the

    market offers hope there will be no further signifi cant price drops and a

    return to long-term price growth over the

    next fi ve to 10 years. On the Sunshine Coast our median house price showed

    a drop of just 0.6 per cent compared with 4.4 per cent over the September quarter,

    leading REIQ CEO Anton Kardash to suggest the local market appears

    to be turning a corner. Local investment

    consultant Jason Dwyer, from Dwyer Property Investments, says it is



    It depends on what you ultimately want the investment for, he says. Do you want the property as purely an investment, for rental return and capital growth, or are you thinking you might want to live there in the future? Or is it that you possibly want to use the property as a holiday home?

    Whatever your circumstances, Dwyer says personal preference should not be your fi rst criteria when buying an investment property.

    Dont buy it because you particularly like it look at the fi gures fi rst and the property second. As everybody says, location is key for an investment property. And the type of property is key for the rental return.

    CAPITALISE ON RENTAL SCHEMEIn the current market, achieving an optimal rental return should be an investors primary aim, with capital growth an added bonus. With rents rising, the number of tenants seeking quality housing at an affordable price is set to increase, and as well as addressing this issue the Federal Governments National Rental Affordability Scheme is offering investors the security of a cash-fl ow-positive asset.

    Introduced in 2008, NRAS was designed to increase Australias supply of affordable rental housing by allowing investors to purchase a property (typically a unit or townhouse) which is then rented out at 20 per cent below market

    Prices have been very low for a number of years and are just beginning to increase


    36.indd 1 4/2/2012 2:47:23 PM

  • value. In return owners receive government subsidies, which mean they come out on top at tax time.

    Several Sunshine Coast-based developers and builders have signed on to the scheme, and while you might assume lower rent prices automatically mean a lower return, agent Russell Dell, from Belle Property Buderim, says the equation is simple for would-be investors.

    Youre going to sacrifi ce $5000 a year in rental income, which is taxable, and in return youll receive just over $9500 of tax-free income, Dell says.

    This $9500 is a combination of State and Federal Government subsidies which are available each year for 10 years.

    A rent price that is below market value means longer tenancies and very low vacancy rates. Dell says NRAS properties are not government-funded housing, but rather are designed to assist those people the government calls community-essential workers police offi cers, nurses, teachers, offi ce workers and so on fi nd affordable places to live. Prospective tenants must go through a thorough approval process and property management is contracted out to licensed, experienced managers.

    Dell says NRAS properties are perfect for fi rst-time or