my story

My Story 1). I lay in bed thinking of what I could do, the time was 6:30am and I couldn’t sleep the light from outside and from the power pack connected to my Xbox illuminated my room. 2). Only one thing went through my mind ‘I have to play something’, I get up turn on my Xbox and TV as the console boots up my TV begins to flash and I am blinded and I fall unconscious. 3). I awake feeling dizzy and nauseous, I notice I am no longer in my room but in some sort of wooden cabin and the room seemed to be rocking and swaying side to side. 4). I soon begin hearing shouting and loud footsteps as if someone is running and it seems to get closer, then a wooden door across the room from me swings open and a man who looks older than me stands there with fear on his face which also contains a hint of excitement. 5). He shouts “CAPTAIN WAKE UP!” I think to myself “Am I a Captain of a pirate ship?, this is AWESOME!!” “Okay what’s the problem?” “Sir its Blackbeard, he’s nearly here and it seems he wants to fight” 6). I walk outside, the wind and sea were calm and I could see Blackbeard’s ship in the distance gaining speed. 7). I shout to my men to prepare to fire, but we are hit with some cannon fire before we realise, my men are injured and as I run towards them I am hit by some sort of cannon round.

Upload: christopher-lucas

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: My story

My Story

1). I lay in bed thinking of what I could do, the time was 6:30am and I couldn’t sleep the light from outside and from the power pack connected to my Xbox illuminated my room.

2). Only one thing went through my mind ‘I have to play something’, I get up turn on my Xbox and TV as the console boots up my TV begins to flash and I am blinded and I fall unconscious.

3). I awake feeling dizzy and nauseous, I notice I am no longer in my room but in some sort of wooden cabin and the room seemed to be rocking and swaying side to side.

4). I soon begin hearing shouting and loud footsteps as if someone is running and it seems to get closer, then a wooden door across the room from me swings open and a man who looks older than me stands there with fear on his face which also contains a hint of excitement.

5). He shouts “CAPTAIN WAKE UP!” I think to myself “Am I a Captain of a pirate ship?, this is AWESOME!!” “Okay what’s the problem?”“Sir its Blackbeard, he’s nearly here and it seems he wants to fight”

6). I walk outside, the wind and sea were calm and I could see Blackbeard’s ship in the distance gaining speed.

7). I shout to my men to prepare to fire, but we are hit with some cannon fire before we realise, my men are injured and as I run towards them I am hit by some sort of cannon round.

8). As I look down in shock I notice a hole in my torso by all I can see is flames, I then realise I must have eaten the flare flare fruit and gained the power to generate fire from my body so even physical attacks cant harm me.

9). I regain my posture as I look to my men and order them to fire all our cannons at Black beards ship.

10). Blackbeard’s ship takes damage but keeps its course, soon we are rammed and the enemy begin to board my ship, I then tell my men to prepare for a fight, and I

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then engage the enemy as they charge me, I set them ablaze by summoning fire and engulfing them within it.

11). My men then begin to join me in the battle when I realise a giant figure slowly making its way towards me through my brightly burning flames as if they don’t affect him.

12). I engulf my who left arm in fire, and slam it into Blackbeard’s stomach landing a devastating blow, he stagger but doesn’t fall, he the grips me by the shoulder and then hit me across the face and I fly backwards.

13). Blackbeard begins to brag about his power and how it allows him to absorb my power when we touch and that’s why he can deal physical blows.

14). I stand up charge once more dealing hit after hit, me and Blackbeard begin to exchange blows neither one of us wavering, in a fit of anger I engulf us both in flames setting ablaze to anything around us.

15). I take this chance to jump back and prepare for the final attack, but Blackbeard son extinguishes the flames with some sort of black mist, he then begins to chuckle but then goes quiet he then asks “Come on BOY, why don’t you stop and join my crew?” but that just increases my anger to the limit.

16). I shout “That’s it Blackbeard, I’m going to put an END to your LIFE!!” and I then create a swirling ball of fire

17). our attacks collide creating an explosion so great it engulfed the entire ship, and caused a giant flash.

18). I then wake up and finally I’m home again.