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By Julie Gaines

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Powerpoint on Podcasting in Education


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Slides 3-5: Educational Usages Of Podcasting

Slides 6-8:Podcasting In The School Library, Part 1: Integrating Podcasts and Vodcasts Into Teaching and Learning

Slides 9-11: Podcasting In The School Library, Part 2: Creating Powerful Podcasts With Your Students

Slide 12: Conclusion

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Podcasting is used in education in many different ways. This article talks about Teaching-driven, Service-driven, Marketing-driven, and technology-driven podcasting. It also breaks down the specific ways that they can be used.

The Following is what each section persist of: Teaching –driven Podcasting

Augmenting teaching: involves repeating or summarizing lectures, providing additional lecture content, providing seminars, providing up to date academic materials, and university key personnel interview.

Student Assignments: involves the students doing part of their course work in podcasting.

Supplementing Research Publication: includes students presenting research papers through podcasts.

Service-driven Podcasting Delivering Research information: involves presenting work you research

through a podcast. Delivering Information: Includes making virtual tours of a library and

broadcasting the departmental news in a podcast. Augmenting Media: includes broadcasting university news and industry

sponsored media through podcasting.

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Service-driven Podcasting continued….. Providing Timely Information: includes podcasting for university induction and announcements in university clearing. Sensory Aid Support: support students with learning disabilities through podcasting lectures and anything to help them. Providing Pastoral Care: includes podcasting church services for those that can not make it to church.

Marketing-driven Podcasting Recruiting prospective students: involves doing a podcast so that the students can see the campus and learn about the school.

Technology-driven Podcasting Supporting Teaching Method: includes sharing teaching practices through podcasts.

Podcasting in an ever growing field of technology. People will benefit greatly from podcasting if it done right and has a want to watch feel to it. Podcast can be viewed on a computer over the internet or you can put them on an IPOD and listen to them anywhere.

SourceHarris, H., & Park, S (2008). Educational Usages of Podcasting. British Journal of Educational Technology, 548-551

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My Personal Reflection

While reading this article I learned many things. One a-ha moment I got from the text was when it stated that the Univ. of Winchester uses podcasting to help dyslexic students as part of a dyslexia support program. I think that is a really good use for podcasting. Another a-ha moment I had was when I read how a new use for podcasting was as a marketing tool to attract new students to a school. That is a good way for students to check out a school without having to actually drive out to see it. My last a-ha moment was when I read that podcasting is being used in distance education programs. I really enjoyed reading this because I take online classes and I feel that doing lectures via a podcast would be better than students having to read pages and pages of a typed lecture, and it keeps the teacher from having to type it. A quote that I really enjoyed reading was “The flexibility and affordability of podcasting cater to diverse students needs by enabling repeated learning and offering an opportunity for the effective use of time.” I like this because it is saying how any student can benefit from podcasting no matter what their race, age, or sexual origin. Also, it helps you with time because you can watch it whenever you have the time to. There are no set times that you have to be on the computer or in class. A student is also able to watch it however many times that they need to in order to get everything out of it, and they can re-watch the lectures before a test.

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Internet sites are offering podcast as a way of bringing history, literature, science, and other topics to listeners. This article tells how to select, explore, locate, organize, download, and integrate podcast into the learning curriculum.

When selecting quality podcast s keep the following in mind. Learners needs: look at your selection policy and content are standards. Content quality: select podcasts that will hold peoples attention, cause them to ask

questions, practice what is taught, and take action. Technical quality: consider sound quality, size of files, and ease of downloading. Design quality: make sure it is easy to use. Instructional quality: choose resources that has good activities for students.

Podcasters have many different options to explore. Collaborative projects: students can comment or add on to someone else's podcast. Current events: news sites offer podcast of the news. Government documents: podcast explaining the documents help people understand

them. Interviews: people can learn about certain people through podcast interviews.

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Options Continued……. Issues: provides info about issues that impact peoples lives. Lessons: provides instructional podcast. Programs: radio and TV programs that you can view on the internet. Reviews: gives critical reviews for books, TV, music, movies, and games. Virtual tours: provides tours of libraries, museums, and other public places.

To locate a podcast make sure you use specific words with the words “podcast” added to it. (ex. Cooking podcast) When organizing podcasts you need to decide how often you are going to be viewing them. There are two different ways to organize them.

Podcasting aggregator: add podcast to this if you are going to be looking for updated podcast on a regular basis. Pathfinders and web link: if the podcast is a certain subject matter add it to this application.

Most educational institutions have intranet systems that teachers can download podcast into for students to access. Podcast can be integrated into the curriculum in most of the subjects.

Communication arts: choose assignments that students have to use their listening skills. Fine arts: students can have virtual field trips to museums. Health and fitness: students can learn important facts about how to stay healthy. Math: podcast can teach how math is integrated in the real world. Science: students can listen to podcast on environmental issues and then write a report on it. Social Studies: students can listen to stories about famous historians to learn how they played an important role in how the world is today.

SourceLamb, A., & Johnson, L. (2007). Podcasting in the school library, Part 1: integrating Podcast and vodcast into teaching and learning. Teacher Librarian


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My Personal Reflection

I like this article because it thoroughly explains how to select, explore, locate, organize, download, and integrate podcasting for educational purposes. One a-ha moment I had was when I read about the internet offering history, literature, science, and other topics for students to listen to. I think this information is very helpful for the students that do not like to read their textbook material. This is especially helpful for the students that read in class and then when they get home they go to do their homework and they can not remember what they read. Another a-ha moment was when I read about the San Diego zoo having a virtual experience for you through a podcast. This is good for people that wants to know how the zoo is if they are going to be in that town for the day or something like that. It is also good for students to do a compare and contrast of their cities zoo and another zoo for an assignment. My third a-ha moment was when I read about internet sites that help the students understand government documents by reading them aloud and explaining what they read. A quote that I really enjoyed from the text was “Podcast are a way to convey ideas and emotions that are difficult to express in a text format.” I liked this because most people that write stuff out have a certain way they want to say it and paper just does not do it. In a podcast people can talk and the audience gets to hear exactly how their voice tone is, which tells you what kind of mood they are telling you this information in. You can also tell how important the information is when they are actually speaking the words.

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Students and teachers can have a lot of fun making podcasts. There are a few steps in creating a podcast, first you have to plan your podcast, then you have to record and finalize your podcast.

There are many steps in planning your podcast. Choose a project: choose an activity that will have a feel that is not available by

doing it without sound. Identify your audience: decide if you need to share it with the world or just a small

group. Select a program format: have a title, theme song, and structure. Work in teams: each member can have a certain area of the podcast to work on. Write a script: write down what each person is going to say and do. Check for copyright issues: you have to have permission to reproduce any materials.

Now that you are prepared you can start recording your podcast. Location: make sure you have a quite room. Choose a microphone: make sure it is external and high quality. Use a digital recorder: choose one easy to carry and nonthreatening to

interviewees. Create sound effects: use a free web resource for music or set up a Foley stage. Select Software: choose the proper software for your needs.

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Rehearse the performance: practice what you are going to say and do for the podcast.

Editing your podcast: add music, cut out unwanted parts, and adjust your volume.

Sharing your podcast: place it on the web so other people can listen to it. Podcast project partnerships with teachers and students

can be set up in library activities. Book reviews and book talks: students can describe books and tell how

they feel about them. Collaborative projects: involve different grades of kids. Events: choose events to podcast about. Interviews: interview important people and learn about what they do. News programs: do school news programs and post them on the schools

web site. Original works: have the students make poems and short stories and

have them share them. Skits, Plays, and Programs: have students engage listeners in the show

by telling jokes or have different people asking question and answering them.

Virtual tours: record field trips and have the students make a podcast of them to show what they learned about.

SourceLamb, A., & Johnson, L. (2007). Podcasting in the school library, Part 2: creating

powerful Podcasts with your students. Teacher Librarian .

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My Personal ReflectionThis article is a good article for any teacher to read. It

goes into good detail about everything you need to do to make a podcast. One a-ha moment I had while reading was when I read about the first grade class that made their own audio books. I thought that was amazing that first graders were able to read books and post them on the library site at their school. Another a-ha moment I had was when I read about Dave Fagg incorporating the students MP3 players into his learning process. All students try to get away with listening to their MP3 players in class. I think it is great that a teacher has figured out how to make it part of his lesson plans instead of spending all day taking the players away from the kids. My third a-ha moment was when I read how Jamestown Elementary and Hoffman-Boston Elementary share math problems with each other through podcasting. Its like a pen pal program but through podcasting instead of letters. I like idea not only because the students get to make friends but they also get to learn how to do podcasts in the process. The quote that I pulled from the text is “Because podcast are so easy to make, they are a great way to promote technology to reluctant teachers.” I like this quote because it is very much true. Some teachers are reluctant to try technology for one reason or another. With the children in this era, they need to have assignments that involve technology to help them experience all aspects of learning. Podcasting is an excellent way for children to learn a new piece of technology and it is not hard for a teacher to learn how to work it.

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With basically every one having internet access and/or an iPod; podcasting is becoming a popular way to share information. Teachers are starting to present podcasting into classrooms of children at a very early age. Teachers have 1st grade students reading books and posting a podcast of the book on the school website. Podcasting probably will soon be part of the everyday curriculum in school systems; every student will have to experience podcasting in their education. Teachers now have even gone from pen pal letters to pen pal podcast. They send messages and school problems to other students over a podcast on the internet and get a message back from them in the same way. When making a podcast your definitely have to consider all of your options that are available and make sure that you choose the right options for your audience and yourself. Most of all with podcasting just relax , be yourself, and do not forget to have fun making them.

Here is a sample of my podcast that I made!My Podcast!