my own testimony as a covetous backslider

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  • 8/4/2019 My Own Testimony as a Covetous Backslider


    My own Testimony as a Covetous Backslider!

    Mike Jeshurun

    The Master warned: Take heed, and beware of covetousness:

    for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things

    which he possesseth. [Luke 12:15] Now it is one thing to know

    this and yet another thing to take it to heart and live by it. [Jn


    I for one did not. Sometimes knowingly and yet at other times

    unknowingly I yielded to this deadly spirit of covetousness.Whatever result and effect this sin may have on the unsaved,

    with the saved the deadly result is that it takes away the heart

    from the Lord.

    Oh yes, I was still reading some, praying some, and even

    preaching some; but for the most part my heart was engaged in

    the thing that I was coveting. The Psalmist said-O how I loveThy law! It is my meditation all the day! And again, I

    remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night

    watches. [Psa 119:97; 63:6]. Icould never say this. Many a

    time I would get convicted and try to put a check on my

    covetousness, but since it was done in the flesh it would never


    What was I coveting? Just the harmless things of everyday life

    highly pedigree dogs, exotic birds, the latest electronic gadgets

    etc. Now please bear in mind, when I say that I was coveting

    these, I mean that I went after them with a passion! There was

    no If the Lord wills about all this. A Christian ought to say If

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    the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. [James 4:15]

    But I had reached a point where I could care less what the Lord

    thought about my personal desires and decisions! I was

    determined to do that which was right in mine own eyes!Frightening!

    And like every covetous person, I would alwaysjustify myself.

    The dogs and the birds I reasoned I would breed and use the

    money for the Lord. And the laptops and ipads I contended I

    needed to study Gods Word and minister to others.

    There is nothing wrong with a pedigree dog or an exotic bird.But when it becomes your god and takes the place of the God

    who died for you, then God becomes exceeding jealous! For

    thou shalt worship no other God: for the LORD, whose name is

    Jealous, is a jealous God! [Ex 34:14]

    But no matter what sin it is you are caught in, God is very

    longsuffering and slow to anger. In my case I was totally carriedaway by my covetousness for many years, and if the Lord had

    not intervened I should have perished in my covetousness!

    Let me briefly share how the Lord intervened. I had just

    purchased a beautiful Samsung Laptop for a huge price. But as

    with all covetous persons, it soon lost its charm on me when I

    saw the latest ipad. I badly wanted this ipad at any cost, so I

    advertised my new laptop for sale. [By this time the Lord was a

    stranger to me; He was not in all my thoughts at all (see Psa


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    In response to my advertisement, a gentleman came home. He

    was so polished and professional that when he offered to buy the

    laptop and pay by cheque I cheerfully consented. I am generally

    very vary of strangers, but there was something about this manthat made me trust him and hand over my new laptop and take

    payment by cheque.

    Well, you guessed it. The next day the cheque bounced and my

    new laptop was gone. It was then that it suddenly hit me as to

    Who was behind this. It was my Lord! The Bible says- The

    tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are

    secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly. Thedeceived and the deceiver are His! [Job 12:6,16]

    Oh I got so mad! I went out and got myself drunk silly to drown

    my sorrows. But being a former alcoholic before my conversion,

    it was difficult for me to end with just one bottle. So I stayed

    strung-out for a whole week! When the week was over and I

    could not drink any longer, then it suddenly dawned on me. Isaw how that what God had allowed, He had done so out of His

    love for me.

    He wanted to jolt me out of my covetous stupor, and this was

    the best way to do it. To the Lord, my salvation and love for

    Him was more important than my dumb idol (laptop). And

    even though Ihad gone away from following Him

    wholeheartedly (as He expects all His children to do), He was

    not done with me! He came after me!

    The realization of this broke my heart! I wept and prayed all

    night for the next three days. Now not only was my heart broken

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    for the Lord but I had something else to contend with. Having

    been a former occultist, I knew that following every alcoholic

    binge the nights would be nights of terror! Nightmares, Literal

    demonic attacks and sometimes frightening hallucinations allcame to torment me!

    My seemingly innocent covetousness had brought me to my

    very ruin! I was so devastated! I wrote to the few mature

    brothers and sisters I knew to pray for me (which they did). But

    the demonic attacks continued, totally draining me out. And

    though through all of this I was weeping all night, confessing

    my sins and pleading with God; there was no answer! Onlysilence!

    The way of the transgressor is indeed very hard! [Prov 13:15]

    Only the transgressor knows how hard it is! I would be scared

    to put my head down on the pillow; for fear that if I fell asleep I

    would get severely and viciously attacked. On the fourth night Ijust collapsed being unable to sit up any longer.

    It was then that I had the strangest dream. I was in a Bible

    conference parking lot, where a lot of people had gathered for

    the conference. They were all well dressed for the occasion. It

    appeared that I was to be one of their main speakers. And I too

    was dressed well. And then suddenly I realized that though I had

    a beautiful shirt on, I was frantically trying to cover myself

    below the waist with only a very small piece of cloth. I was

    feeling so embarrassed because I was not able to do a good job

    of hiding my shame.

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    I immediately woke up, wondering what the dream could mean.

    Then the scripture suddenly came to me Behold, I come as a

    thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest

    he walk naked, and they see his shame. [Rev 16:15]. I was soafraid and shaken, because I knew that both the dream and the

    scripture were a warning to me!

    I tried to recollect if there was any other similar scripture in the

    book of Revelations. There was only one more! It was the

    Lords warning to the church of Laodicea. I tremblingly read the

    whole message [Rev 3:14-22] and the Lord directly spoke to


    He told me how that I was neither cold nor hot but

    lukewarm, something He could not stomach!

    It is indeed a truth that the Word of God is quick, and powerful,

    and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the

    dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    [Heb 4:12]

    Though this prophecy to the Church of Laodicea was written

    2000 years ago for the Laodiceans, I could clearly see that it was

    also written forme!

    But as I read through the whole prophecy, I noticed that it was

    not all gloom and despair! There was also a ray ofhope in it.

    For though the Lord rebuked this Church for its lukewarmness,

    nevertheless He also challenged them to repent and get back on


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    He said- I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that

    thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be

    clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and

    anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As manyas I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and


    Oh! I was so touched! I could hardly stop crying bitterly! I could

    clearly see that even though I had backslidden and played the

    hypocrite and the harlot for so many years, Jesus still loved me

    and had come after me! Anyone else would have written me

    off and left me to perish for the way I had treated them! But notmy Lord! He is the faithful Shepherd and the True Witness!

    Now, all those things that I had coveted and had run after

    appeared in theirtrue colors- as DUNG! On the contrast the

    Lord Jesus appeared so beautiful, so precious and so worthy that

    I was willing to die right then and there for HIM!

    I straightway determined that I was not going to play games

    anymore! I was going to heed His counsel which He spoke (in

    verse eighteen above) and follow Him wholeheartedly, single-

    mindedly and unreservedly! If He is worth serving at all, He is

    worth serving with everything I have got, especially my whole

    heart! So help me God!

    Since the time God opened my eyes to the truth of Sovereign

    Election, I have alwaysearnestly contended for it and defended

    it! But now God was showing me, that though this was

    commendable, yet I had to first make my own calling and

    election sure! [see 2Pet 1:10]

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    Or else, having preached unto others, I myselfcould be a

    castaway! [1Cor 9:27]