my mother sarada devi

My Mother Sarada Devi Dr.T.V.Rao MD Dr.T.V.Rao MD 1

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My Mother Sarada Devi


Page 1: My Mother Sarada Devi

Dr.T.V.Rao MD1

My MotherSarada Devi

Dr.T.V.Rao MD

Page 2: My Mother Sarada Devi

Dr.T.V.Rao MD2

Name of Mother Creates Hope

Mother. The single word encompasses tremendous emotional volume, of love, selflessness, sacrifice, security, and calm repose. Mother. The sweet music brings holiness and purity of thought to the mind. It brings forth the serene power of creation and sustenance through the ages. Like Mother Earth, the human motherhood also creates, sustains, and fulfils the physical and emotional needs of its children without any grudge or irritation.

Page 3: My Mother Sarada Devi

Dr.T.V.Rao MD3

God’s Name makes you Free

As wind removes a cloud, so does the name of God disperse the cloud of worldliness

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD4

Think of God – It is Fragrant

As you smell the fragrance of a flower by handing it or the smell of sandalwood by rubbing it against a stone, so you obtain spiritual awakening by constantly thinking of God.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD5

My Son – Be patient

One must be patient like the earth. What iniquities are being perpetuated on her! Yet she quietly endures them all.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD6

Can we avoid our Karma

Each has to get the result of the actions one has earned for this life. A pin at least must prick where a wound from a sword was due.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD7

Very prayer of God has May solutions

You see, my son, it is not a fact that you will never face danger. Difficulties always come, but they do not last forever. You will see that they pass away like water under a bridge

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD8

Don’t be afraid ………Don't be afraid. Human

birth is full of suffering and one has to endure everything patiently, taking the name of God. None, not even God in human form, can escape the sufferings of body and mind.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD9

Wish to have peace of Mind Just follow my Advice

I tell you one thing my child -- if you want peace, do not find fault with others. Rather, see your own faults. Learn to make the world your own. No one is a stranger, my child; the whole world is your own.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD10

Err is Human – First Realise your Mistakes

To err is human. One must not take that into account. It is harmful for oneself. One gets into the habit of finding fault...

To make mistakes is man's very nature; but few of those who criticize know how to correct them.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD11

Love all Impartially

Let me tell you how to love all equally," said Mother. "Do not demand anything from those you love. If you make demands, some will give you more and some less. In any case you will love more those who give you more and less those who give you less. Thus your love will not be the same for all. You will not be able to love all impartially.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD12

Respect every – Everything and Everyone has a Purpose

After someone finished her sweeping and threw the broom into a corner, Mother said, "How strange, my dear! The work is finished, and you throw it away carelessly. It takes almost the same time to put it away slowly and carefully as to throw it away. Should you despise a thing just because it is insignificant? 'Him that you save, saves you in turn.' Won't you need it again? Besides, this thing too forms a part of our household. From that point of view also it deserves some consideration. You must give each one his due share of honour. Even a broom must be shown some honour. The smallest work must be done with reverence.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD13

I am mother to Everyone

Iam the mother of the wicked, as I am the mother of the virtuous. Never fear. Whenever you are in distress, say to yourself, 'I have a mother.'

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD14

I accept every one as My Child

I can never refuse anyone who addresses me as Mother.

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Dr.T.V.Rao MD15