my ideal holiday

My ideal holiday

Upload: ermin-bosnjakovic

Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: My ideal holiday

My ideal holiday

Page 2: My ideal holiday

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun.I strongly believe that all students and teaching staff are looking for winter holiday because it is a break for we all. We can have more free time to do what we want during this period of time.

We can sleep and stay up as long as we want to and don’t need to worry about getting up late for class the next day morning

Page 3: My ideal holiday

I had always dreamed about going to France and last winter holiday my dream came true.

It was the evening of December 19, when my parents told me that we are going to France for one week in our holiday. I couldn’t believe my ears what I just heard. I asked they again if is not making it up, but they said they already purchased tickets online and made plans.

Page 4: My ideal holiday

On 21th May we departed Berlin and headed towards our first destination, Mont Blanc mountain.

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As soon as we reached there after a long journey, I was stunned by the beautiful scenic views that I only saw in pictures.

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I was totally lost in the scenic views that I forgot to blink my eyes.

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We stayed in the 5-star hotel near the moutain. Next day we hired a helicopter for a trip to see the sorrounds. It was simply amazing.Last day was fantastic too because I’ve drived a snowmobile and it was really fun.

My holiday was exciting and full of joy. I enjoyed it immensely. I am looking forward to going there again soon.