my i journey - st ignatius catholic parish & discern god in my life retreat. 2, 4 or 6 day...

MASS TIMES ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am. We believe that the Father is drawing us to himself through every moment of our life and in every fibre of our being. The mistake that so many of us make is that in our prayer we move the action from the heart to the head, trying to work out our problems and solve them. When we do this, we lose contact with Jesus because we become beset by intellectual questions. Most of life’s questions don’t start in the head; they start in the heart and that’s the only place to deal with them. The level where our head and our heart meet, is where the Spirit is at work. Here, we touch our truth, the level of our integrity. When the head and the heart and the Spirit are all in line, we experience an ease , a rightness in what we are doing. On the other hand, if either the head or the heart are our of line or not in line with the Spirit, we experience a dis-ease . We become fragmented. P. O’Sullivan sj 16th Sunday Ordinary 20th July 2014 Year A Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong MY INNER JOURNEY

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ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm.

Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am.

We believe that the Father is drawing us to himself through every moment of our life and in every fibre of our being. The mistake that so many of us make is that in our prayer we move the action

from the heart to the head, trying to work out our problems and solve them. When we do this, we lose contact with Jesus because we become beset by intellectual questions. Most of life’s questions don’t start in the head; they start in the heart and that’s the only place to deal with them. The level where our head and our heart meet, is where the Spirit is at work. Here, we touch our truth, the level of our integrity. When the head and the heart and the Spirit are all in line, we experience an ease, a rightness in what we are doing. On the other hand, if either the head or the heart are our of line or not in line with the Spirit, we experience a dis-ease. We become fragmented. P. O’Sullivan sj

16th Sunday Ordinary 20th July 2014 Year A

Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower

St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong


Kevin Siddell

Toowong Parish SET 018

© Morton Music. The Psalm Response text is set to music by permission of International Commission on English in the Liturgy. All Rights Reserved. The institution named in the box is licensed to make copies for its own use only.

Archdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan Information

* Archdiocese of Brisbane - V9 - Vocations Novena ~ 15 June - 10 August 2014

Verse-for-Vinnies Bush Poetry Concert at Grovely Parish (67 Dawson Pde) at 1.30pm on Sunday 27 July. Cost: $15 (includes afternoon tea). Event aims to assist Vinnies provide food and warmth this winter for the struggling members of our community. Over the past 3yrs patrons have raised over $29,000 for the poor. If you have not been, please come; if you have been, keep coming.

St Brigid’s Church, Red Hill Centenary Celebrations We will be throwing open the doors on Sunday 27 July to launch the celebrations. This will comprise an open house format. Robert Riddell will give a talk at 11.45am on Robin Dods who designed the church in 1912 (which opened on 9 August 1914). There will be a pop-up art gallery featur-ing local art, by prominent artists. The church choir will present a short recital plus food and coffee will be on sale. So if you have never been inside this magnificent edifice this is the day to visit. Also, Past students of the former St Brigid’s Convent School are invited to come for a roll call and cake cutting at 2pm. Then on Sunday 10 August a Centenary Mass at 10am with Archbishop Coleridge presiding. All most welcome. Info. Fr. James O’Donoghue, Jubilee Parish 3369 5351.

St James College Brisbane Open Day—Fri 1 August, from 10am-12noon. We’d love to share with families seek-ing a Catholic secondary education all that our wonderful school has to offer. Come and experience the St James Way – a small school reaching out to all in the true spirit of Edmund Rice. For all enquiries please P: 3230 8600 | E: [email protected] or go to

St Pius X School Salisbury 50th Anniversary Mass. Past students/parents & staff are warmly invited to attend on 3 August at 9am Mass followed by welcome address in Owen Hall. School choir will perform, time capsule will be opened, memorabilia, morning tea & sausage sizzle.

Our Lady’s College Annerley 50th Anniversary Mass - Sat 9 August 10am Mary Immaculate Church, Annerley, followed by morning tea at the College (Please rsvp for catering purposes to E: [email protected]). Also, 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane starting at 7pm until 10pm. Tickets to be purchased from then click on ‘buy tickets’ and enter OLCAPPA in search box.

Jesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit InformationJesuit Information

Discover & Discern God in My Life Retreat. 2, 4 or 6 day silent retreat in the Ignatian Tradition. 25—31 July at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston.

Quiet Saturdays: 2 August (1 day/silent), 10am-3pm. “Gravity & Grace” presented by Sr Kath Dwyer osu. Cost: $35. BYO lunch + comfortable walking shoes.

Silent Sunday: 10 August. 1 day/silent, 10am-3pm. With the help of some input, a quiet time to pray the chapter of the Gospel of Mark (Chapter 6). Cost: $35. BYO lunch.

Part-time Position Vacant (6-8 hrs p/w: Tues & Fri morn.) Faber CIS Bardon is seeking a motivate person in the role of support for financial records. *See noticeboard for the full job advertisement or phone Allison King or Fr Reilly sj.

For info. and/or bookings please phone 3368 2450 or E: [email protected] |

Readings: 16th Sunday Ordinary: Wisdom 12:13,16-19. Romans 8:26-27. Matthew 13:24-43.

Next week: 17th Sunday Ordinary: 1 Kings 3:5,7-12. Romans 8:28-30. Matthew 13:44-52.

Entrance Antiphon:


Spoken Response: Lord, you are good and forgiving.

Sung Response: O Lord You are Good and Forgiving.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you

have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia!

See, I have God for my help, The Lord sustains my soul. I will sacrifice to you

with willing heart, and praise your name, O Lord, for it is good.

Ongoing Learning & Renewal at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kenmore. Monday 28 July at 7.30pm. Ask any (written) question of the Catholic Faith! Panel: Fr Anthony Mellor, Sr Anne McGuire rsj & Deacon Anthony Gooley. Moderator: David Hutton AO, former Exec. Director BCE.

New Workshop by James Robertson (“The Inspired Home”) Due to the marvellous success of the last interior decorating master class he has offered to run a second workshop - Sat 2 August, 9.30am-3.30pm at St Joseph’s Hall, Corinda. Cost: $50. This workshop will include new material, & not necessary that you attended previous one.

Please take a copy of the new July Brisbane West Deanery Newsletter from the rotary stands at the back of the church.

Brisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery InformationBrisbane West Deanery Information

Our Parish & Deanery will conduct the


Appeal THIS WEEKEND, 19/20 July.

The parable of the mustard seed offers a fitting metaphor for the

Catholic Mission appeal weekend. For just as Jesus’ reflection

points to the way the ‘smallest of all the seeds’ offers shelter and

protection for flocks of birds, so too even the smallest of dona-

tions helps the Church shelter, protect, comfort and heal those in

need. The third parable – about the woman mixing yeast into the

flour - also resonates because in many of the 160 countries where

Catholic Mission works, missionaries are the yeast, helping ‘raise’

programs, services and ministries, for children, communities and

church leaders. Your contribution this weekend will benefit peo-

ple in places like Rwanda – on their behalf, thank you for your

generosity. ~ David McGovern, Director

Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need

SSICKICK::: Deb Chesterman, Andrea Collis, Eve Jones, Liane Turner, Alan Dundas, Jenny Reed, Kell MacGroarty, Lucia Rigoglioso, Elisabeth Byrne, Glady O’Brien, Margaret Morris, Sandra Perfect, Leon Gaffney, Madeleine Bateman Duffy, Lorraine Haarhoff, Mary Haworth, Beryl Clark, Roslyn Ivey, Matt Ryde, Elsie Thompson, Catherine Hesse, Dianne Sutherland, Maria Rego, Kazimierz Owczarek, Paul O’Sullivan.

RRECENTLYECENTLY DDECEASEDECEASED: : Sr Jeanette Collis rsm, Ayoko Quinn, Fr Bill McCarthy (Indooroopilly).

AANNIVERSARIESNNIVERSARIES: : Sheila Hardcastle, Perce Canavan, Len Watts, Kenneth Gomez.

BBAPTISMSAPTISMS: : Elsie Price, Isabella Wilson.

WWEDDINGEDDING: : Clinton Fleming & Thuy Nguyen.

PARISH COLLECTIONS Including Clergy Support: $3,634, Other: $3,874.

PARISH OFFICE CAR PARK & DRIVEWAY WORK is now complete. You will notice a wider entrance, providing easier access in and out of the parish office car park.

YOUNG AT HEART Join us Friday 25 July to attend a movie of choice at the morning session at the Regal Twin, Graceville / Eldorado Cinema, Indooroopilly. Followed by lunch at a nearby venue. Contact Ursula 3878 9002 or Beryl 3371 5210 for details.

OPEN THE CHURCH St Ignatius Church will be open from 2pm Friday 25 July (staying open through to 5.30 evening Mass). Come and spend quiet time with the Lord.

KOINONIA GROUP (Welcome & Care) Next meeting is Saturday 26 July at 10am in the Horstmann Room. New members always welcome.

COFFEE AND CHAT All ladies welcome for a coffee and a chat on Tuesday 29 July at 2pm, in the Horstmann Room. Come along and meet up with old and new friends.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL, TOOWONG meeting on Tuesday 29 July at 7.45pm in the Horstmann Room.


JULYJULYJULYJULY 20 16th Sunday Ordinary

Baptisms: 10.30-11am—St Ignatius

25 Young at Heart (Movies)

2pm Open the Church—St Ignatius

26 10am Koinonia (Welcome & Care) Group meeting—Horstmann Room

27 17th Sunday Ordinary

Baptism: 10.30am—Holy Spirit & 11.30-12noon—St Ignatius

29 2pm Coffee & Chat—Horstmann Room

7.45pm SVdP Meeting—Horstmann Rm

31 St Ignatius Feast Day

9am School Mass —St Ignatius

3 18th Sunday Ordinary

11am Special Mass—St Ignatius

‘Catholic Mission’ Appeal weekend


1st Reading Gospel

Mon: Micah 6:1-4,6-8. Matthew 12:38-42. Tues: Song of Songs 3:1-4. John 20:1-2,11-18. Wed: Jeremiah 1:1,4-10. Matthew 13:1-9. Thu: Jeremiah 2:1-3,7-8,12-13. Matthew 13:10-17. Fri: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Matt.20:20-28. Sat: Jeremiah 7:1-11. Matthew 13:24-30.

AVAILABLE NOW (on rotary stands or at church doors)

BRIS WEST DEANERY NEWSLETTER July: Free APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER July: Free. MADONNA MAGAZINE Winter: $11. AUSTRALIAN CATHOLICS Winter: Free. AUST. JESUITS COMPANIONS Winter: Free 2014 BREAK OPEN THE WORD— $10 please put money in envelope supplied with book & place on the collection plate. THE CATHOLIC LEADER Weekly: $2.

Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of the

Parish Secretary & received at Parish Office no later than Thursday mornings. Thank you.

Our Parish and Deanery will conduct the Annual

PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Appeal this weekend (19/20 July).

Envelopes are on the pews. Place your completed envelope on collection plate.

St Ignatius Parish presents our 9th annual ecumenical

on Tuesday 26 August ~ 7.30—9.15pm

at Stuartholme School Chapel, Birdwood Terrace, Toowong.

St Ignatius parishioner Robyn Emerson will introduce this years guest speakers:- Clare Sultmann, Dr Maryanne Loughry rsm and

Yasmin Khan.

* No Booking required. * Donation at the door. * Supper provided.

* Parking Available (refer to for details on the day).

(Brochures with full details are available now from the rotary stands at both churches.)

Parish Celebrations for the Feast Day of St Ignatius LoyolaParish Celebrations for the Feast Day of St Ignatius LoyolaParish Celebrations for the Feast Day of St Ignatius LoyolaParish Celebrations for the Feast Day of St Ignatius Loyola

on Sunday 3 August a Special Mass of Thanksgiving at 11am

on the Susan Palmer Field followed by a BYO picnic lunch.

* BYO food, drink and chair or picnic blanket. (BBQ’s available).

* Parking for elderly parishioners or anyone with mobility issues

will be available in grounds beside ‘Goldicott’ convent

(accessed via the driveway at the top of Grove Crescent).

(NB. On this occasion there will be no 7am or 5pm Masses at St Ignatius; however the 6pm Vigil & 8.30am Mass at Holy Spirit will be held as usual.

Parish WEBSITE Current Newsletter now on our website! When making out your will please consider the needs of the parish

Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818.

Jesuit Community of QldJesuit Community of QldJesuit Community of QldJesuit Community of Qld

Fr John Reilly SJ Superior

Fr Peter Quin SJ PP

Fr Gaetan Pereira SJ APP Fr Ian Howells SJ Fr Vince Hurley SJ Fr Greg Jordan SJ

Office Staff Office Staff Office Staff Office Staff

Sandy Dunne - Finance Monica Florence - Newsletter

Sacramental Sacramental Sacramental Sacramental CoCoCoCo----OrdinatorOrdinatorOrdinatorOrdinator

Cathy Bennett

Liturgical MinistryLiturgical MinistryLiturgical MinistryLiturgical Ministry

Roster CoRoster CoRoster CoRoster Co----ordinatorsordinatorsordinatorsordinators----

St Ignatius ChurchSt Ignatius ChurchSt Ignatius ChurchSt Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Sharon Krippner 3371 9334

*Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438192298

Holy Spirit ChurchHoly Spirit ChurchHoly Spirit ChurchHoly Spirit Church

* Louise Wellington 3876 8786

Pastoral CouncilPastoral CouncilPastoral CouncilPastoral Council

Charles Costello Chair

Finance & Development Finance & Development Finance & Development Finance & Development

David Slater Chair

Musical DirectorMusical DirectorMusical DirectorMusical Director

Anthony Young


PrincipalPrincipalPrincipalPrincipal— Roycelyn Wilden

APREAPREAPREAPRE———— Rachelle Gibson

46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066

Phone: 3371 1094

Staff meeting Staff meeting Staff meeting Staff meeting each Wednesday 2pm.each Wednesday 2pm.each Wednesday 2pm.each Wednesday 2pm.

PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone:Phone:Phone:Phone: 3870 7818. Fax:Fax:Fax:Fax: 3870 7857. Postal Address: Postal Address: Postal Address: Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066

Email:Email:Email:Email: [email protected] Website: Website: Website: Website:

We are part of the Brisbane West Deanery ~ website: ~ email: [email protected]

Emergency ContacEmergency ContacEmergency ContacEmergency Contact t t t If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish office and follow the prompts.


We, the St Ignatius community, are called to live the good news. We pray that we become the people that Jesus Christ called us to be. We pray that we know the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit

through knowing Jesus in prayer, scripture and liturgy. We pray that we give hope to others by a practical, personal kindness, affirming each person's dignity, worth and destiny in Christ. May we live out this mission of our Christian vocation in the spirit of St. Ignatius.

“Everyone should be able to experience the joy of

being loved by God, the joy of salvation.

It is a gift that one cannot keep to oneself, but is to be

shared. The proclamation of the Gospel is part of being

Disciples of Christ and it is a constant commitment

that animates the whole life of the Church.”

~ Pope Francis