my friends 2

My childhood friends “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.” Flavia Weedn I choose to speak about the oldest group, besides my family, that I am being part of because, here, I received a big part of my education. If you take a look from the outside you can easily realise we are very different. Sometimes I wonder how is it that despite all of this differences we still are together after 6 years. I will qualify Samy as the first person in my group . I know her since we were born because we grew up as neighbors, went at same highschool, now at same Faculty and even if it might sound a little suffocating , the good part of it is that she has enough sarcasm to make our friendshipo resist in time. Our friendship is very strong due the fact that we have quite similar educational background as in good music, good books, common sense, respect for people , we do our best to be fairplay in any situation, we have no secrets and I am not afraid to be judged for I know she would only do it in my benefit. Once I read a book.I am not sure about the book’s name or writer but there is one thing I remember for sure:”you know that the one next to you is your best friend when you are not afraid to act like an idiot in front of him”. So, here’s my big truth: I don’t think there is anyone in this world that knows me like she does. Of course, after more than 20 years of friendship this should be normal. Now, we have very different perspectives about clothes, movies, beauty, art and sometimes about life.But it works

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Post on 22-Jul-2016




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school work about friendship


Page 1: My Friends 2

My childhood friends

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”

Flavia Weedn

I choose to speak about the oldest group, besides my family, that I am being part of because, here, I received a big part of my education. If you take a look from the outside you can easily realise we are very different. Sometimes I wonder how is it that despite all of this differences we still are together after 6 years.

I will qualify Samy as the first person in my group . I know her since we were born because we grew up as neighbors, went at same highschool, now at same Faculty and even if it might sound a little suffocating , the good part of it is that she has enough sarcasm to make our friendshipo resist in time. Our friendship is very strong due the fact that we have quite similar educational background as in good music, good books, common sense, respect for people , we do our best to be fairplay in any situation, we have no secrets and I am not afraid to be judged for I know she would only do it in my benefit. Once I read a book.I am not sure about the book’s name or writer but there is one thing I remember for sure:”you know that the one next to you is your best friend when you are not afraid to act like an idiot in front of him”. So, here’s my big truth: I don’t think there is anyone in this world that knows me like she does. Of course, after more than 20 years of friendship this should be normal. Now, we have very different perspectives about clothes, movies, beauty, art and sometimes about life.But it works

John is the second person in my group. I know him since we were 16 years old. If I had to say something about him it would be that he is simple (while Samy is a very difficult person). He has a very beautiful simplicity that makes him look just like a child that lies about obstacles that he had to face during his entire life. It’s normal: he is an artist, or at least we consider him to be someday. We laugh a lot, that’s what keeps us together. I have no doubt.

Ioa is the third person of my group. Though she is John’s twin sister I met her 6 years ago but in different circumstances. She is very mysterious, she doesn’t speak too much while I am more casual, she is a little shy but in the same time braver than John. She is very independent, she is a photographer and a traveler, I’d say. She always comes and goes, not very stable in friendships.

How we meet?? After 6 years - comes tradition!

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When we feel like there are stories to share and different types of news we establish a meeting. Normally it would be at my place or at Samy’s place . Lately at her place because we found out she is a much better host than I am: always expecting us with breakfast, tea, coffee, dinner, whatever it is needed ,while I just say :“you know where the fridge is”. We gather around the table, we play society games like Monopoly, Rummy , cards. I hate losing, I am a terrible loser.


On Christimas we always spend the first part with our families and than we gather at one of us home, eat together and than go out for a drink. The reason why we gathered for the first time in this beautiful day was the fact that my parents were out of the city and my friends thought I shouldn’t be alone for Christmas. Since than, we did it ever year.


We meet for different “photoshootings”-that’s how we call them since we were 16 years old - and we search abandoned houses and we take pictures of us disguised and even if time passed and we are not 16 anymore we’re still having fun.


When it’s hot outside we go out in Izvor and we sit on the grass : we read but I have to tell you that we have very different tastes. While John reads a cheap book , probably about vampires, Ioa will read Graffitti or Murakami, Samy will read Madame Bovary or The Game of Thrones and I will read Oscar Wilde or Frederic Beigbeder. We also take the bannana hammock but very rearly use it.

Masculinity vs. feminity

As you could have seen in the earlier presented text , my group can be integrated in the feminist dimension. We always take decisions together. For instance, if we want to go to see a movie which one has already watched, the majority will decide and that one person who is already familiar to the film will compromise because the main idea is to spend time together. We never got in a conflict until now and if you ask me we wouldn’t have any reason, we always negotiate when it is about taking decisions, taking in count the opinion of each one of my group. I do admit that you might sense a bit of competitivity when it is about Ioa and Samy, probably because they are both artists. Of course, it is nothing that could affect the group, they never fight, we learnt together to bring arguments for each one’s opinion about anything. This is one of the reasons i situate our group in the feminist sides, we are peaceful and do the best to avoid conflicts of every

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kind. What again integreates our group in a feminist dimension is the fact that we have same cultural and educational background