my brief


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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: My brief


Aneela Aziz

Page 2: My brief

My brief Narrative of media texts

Woman upset at beginning reason to this is clearly presented by the use of flashbacks when they fall in love and at the end he has a car accident leaving the woman upset at the beginning and end of the video. This is also conveyed in the advert and cd cover of her loneliness although there is a male singer in the video which is excluded from the advert to emphasise the loss.

Create a promo music video

Create a magazine advertising for the digipak

A cover for the release as part of a digpak

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?

Addictive dissolve edting effect in my music video, absent from the video of ‘Try Sleeping With a Broken heart’. Cross dissolves used and fade in/out’ I also used 3D Effects such as ‘Wipe’ and ‘pull down’ to create effective flashbacks throughout my video.

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•The positioning of the female artist are on the opposite side of the CD cover although the acting is similar both looking upset.

•The lighting is focused on the women in creating an artist identify and dominance

• The dominate meaning of love, loss and loneliness highlighted in title's of the song ‘Tears’ but also ‘Try sleeping with a broken heart as this is emphasised through the limited use of colours to create a emotional identification towards the characters

•The CD cover for Alicia Keys’ single, is desaturated likewise my CD cover.

Alicia Keys CD cover The Jermaine Brown CD

cover we created

Product use

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Nicki Minaj ‘Your love’ video at the beginning the use of colours used of red, black.

A clip from our video at the beginning we have also used the convention of red and black within our video to present the theme of love and death.

Genres are instances of repetition and differences’ (Neale)

I have used the convention encoded through the mise en scene of costume of black and red explicitly links to the genre as this helps the audience recognise the dominant reading through the codes however the narrative is slightly different as ‘Your love’ video the idea of love can lead to revenge however my video is on love and how losing a lost one can lead to someone being in grief

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The colours used of red, black and white

Same actors for example the woman throughout to keep the consistency

Use of costume of the woman in a black dress also used in the video

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Main product

Ancillary task

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Location of woman on the street in the


A clip from the music video of the couple on the street keeping the

consistency and house style

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What have you learned about audience feedback?

•The audience easily understood the narrative of the music video

‘I could really see a strong narrative being presented of love and the loss of a loved one’

•The house style was consentient throughout the ancillary task and main product with the use of actors used

‘You have really used the colours red, black and white consistently for example the women wearing a red top in the video top reflects the red used on the CD cover and advertisement’

•The music video needed more close ups of the couple to show more emotion and give more evidence that flashbacks are being shown.

‘There needs to be more emotion portrayed to make the video effective you could of used close ups’ •.

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HD Camera

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

•Record video footage for music video using different shots including high angle and close up shots

Zoomed in in certain pieces of footage to give a sense of focus on the backgrounds and actor/actress.

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Digital camera

To capture a variety of still photo’s for ancillary task and uploaded to bloggerI used two images for my advertisement of woman walking down the street and women looking upset and edited them on Photoshop to fit for purpose

I used the images for my advertisement of woman walking down the street and women looking upset and edited them on Photoshop to fit for purpose

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Final Cut Pro•Used to create the music video by placing footage and audio into the timeline.

•Layered visuals over each other.

•Video Transitions such as Cross dissolve, fade in/out, 3D Effects ‘Wipe’ and ‘pull down’ was used here.

•Desaturation was used here, changing the shots from colour to greyscale.

•Learnt how to clip footage into smaller pieces.

Skills devloped on how to use Final Cut Pro

Microsoft Word software •Keeping a record of the progress through diary entries of what we have done on a specific day

Photoshop•Computer software to construct and create CD cover and Advertisment

•Used to edit the images that were taken.

•The desaturation effect was used on a copy of the original layer to effectively rub out areas where we wanted the original colour of the original layer to be shown.

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The original clip has been modified by adding a layer on top of it. The effect of the editing layer produced shows that she is remembering the boy, as he can faintly be seen

Before After Editing

Final cut pro

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stage?

•Technologies was very important to be able to create a effective and professional media products.


•Use of internet you tube Google was used for existing music video’s- to help with ideas of the conventions of R&B Videos for example Nicki Minaj, Alicia Keys, Iyaz .

•Google was used to research the record labels of the three artists named above.

•Tv music channels to watch music videos like Kiss, MTV and AKA

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Alicia keys ‘sleeping with a broken heart’ video the message

used at the beginning of the video

I have also used a convention through researching music

video like Alicia keys as our music video at

the beginning has also used a message

Research for my media product

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Researching into existing advertisements, and CD cover to help construct my work from the codes and conventions of existing R&B media products of Alicia keys album cover and Janet Jackson advertisement

The name of artist and title of song

Woman used on the advertisement

Research for the Ancillary task

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Planning Photoshop software

•A variety of tools that can be used to create professional media products

•Used to experiment with different fonts for the digipak.

•Experimented with different backdrops such as a restaurant but this idea was dropped because we wanted to give a natural look with the park and roads.

Microsoft word software • To type up a list of shortlists that was going to be used through media products, that can be uploaded to blogger

•Kept a record of actors, locations costumes and props that was going to be used through the products

•Created a survey through the planning process for Audience feedback through asking appropriate questions to help me with my Main product and Ancillary task.

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I have used feedback from the survey to construct my music video

•Audience feedback for Main Product

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Planning Scanner •Mock ups of ancillary task and for music video

•A scanner was used to transfer the hand-drawn mock ups to a PC for blogger.

Story board for music video mockup

I used a clip of the women lying on the bed that was used in the story board

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•Audience feedback on final media products

•Final Cut to get print screens of music video for analysis of different editing we have used.

•Print screens of photos from Photoshop for analysis showing how we have manipulated the images for specific purpose

•I created my evaluation in Microsoft PowerPoint and then I uploaded it in slide share and then I uploaded in onto blogger.

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A example of a audience feedback

The genre was correctly identified by the audience of R&B.

The target audience was also identified of ages between 12-25

The music track complimented the visuals of the music video as the narrative of the song presented the idea of someone losing a lost one.

Feedback on improvements that could have been made

What they liked about the video