
AntiX-Mepis MX-14 Symbiosis: elegant, efficient, fast, on Debian Wheezy, Xfce4, 32bit, w/ backports. 14.0=201403 27; .1=17Jun; .2=01Jul; .3=04Dec. Since 02-April-2014 I. Get iso from write to USB with dd, Easy2boot or burn CD with DAO/SAO and slowest speed; and then install to HDD, pendrive, etc. A. Reboot, Config: B. fstab: /DATL ext4 defaults,noatime C. Populate /var/cache/apt/archives if != /data/archives-mx then rename /var/cache/apt/archives #ln -s /data/archives-mx var/cache/apt/archives D. Remove clawsmail icedove E. Install axel audacious conky geeqie qpdf krusader mc fsarchiver moc streamripper streamtuner2 pavucontrol volumeicon screenfetch shotwell zenity F. Install 3 rd : FirefoxER, Chrome, Dropbox, MasterPdfEditor,, Download Helper, G. For HP1020 semi-Linux compatible printer if the included foo doesn't work, use or try get the latest HP1020 driver from HPLIP Open Source: H. Setup scanner Acer/Benq S2W 3300U (semi-Linux compatible): mkdir /usr/share/sane/snapscan cp /data/Hardware/Acer-Benq-scanner/u176v046.bin /usr/share/sane/snapscan ;; Make these changes in /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf: # un-comment # dev/usb/scanner0 bus=usb; firmware /usr/share/sane/snapscan/u176v046.bin I. set xterm -geom 100x25 -e htop OR xfce4-terminal --geometry 100x25 -e htop J. Configure desktop, wallpaper, environment, settings, users, etal. * /usr/local/share/backgrounds/MX-14_Turbulence.jpg /usr/share/xfce4/backdrop II. Tweaks A. set system lang & timezone: dpkg-reconfigure locales ; dpkg-reconfigure tzdata # date MMDDhhmmCCYY.00 && date && hwclock --systohc && date && hwclock B. EeePC + eee-acpi-scripts, add “quiet silent acpi_osi=Linux” -> /etc/default/grub & update-grub C. tune2fs -m2 /dev/sdaX where / is located. (changes 5% to 2%) D. Dual monitor: xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --auto --above LVDS1 E. Tips Belkin Router:00:22:75:4A:AD:EF Router IP: F. Fix Synaptic filtering: sudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index && sudo update-apt-xapian-index -vf G. Autologin: /etc/slim.conf: autologin=yes & default_user=<user_name> H. Alt +SysReq +R,S,E,I,S,U,B: Raising Skinny Elephants Is So Utterly Boring I. Wifi: ifconfig iwconfig ifup ifdown; lspci -vv; eth0 = enp5s0; wlan0=wlp4s0 atk5k not working: sudo leafpad /etc/pm/config.d/config, add 1 line: SUSPEND- MODULES=ath_pci J. users: # adduser for new, # addgroup for new groups. K. Sys info: xterm -fg yellow -bg black -hold -geom 140x25 -e "bash /usr/bin/inxi -Fxz" L. MaxiMini: wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle{,maximized_vert},maximized_horz button = action-icons>object-flip-horizontal M. Thunar Actions: | zenity --progress --percentage=”25” --pulsate –auto-close How BIG? = zenity --info –title="Size of selected %N" --text="$(du -chs %N)" | zenity progress Create MD5sum = zenity --info --text="$(md5sum %n > %n.md5sum)" | zenity progress Verify md5sum = zenity --info --title="Verify md5 for %N" --text="$(md5sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progress Verify sha1sum = zenity --info --title="Verify sha1 for %n" --text="$(sha1sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progress Verify sha256 = zenity --info --title="Verify sha256 for %n" --text="$(sha256sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progress Create symlink = ln -s %f '%n (symlink)' Mariela: 0414-674-7304 N. ...and when you have it as you like it, make a snapshot! alumno ya III.Tips A. Console: ssh user@ip ssh -X user@ip File manager: sftp://user@ip lsusb $ startx > /dev/null 2>&1 # etune # e2label Time:%T Date:%F TimeTip:%A %x B. Prefer apt-get & synaptic fix hanging install: apt-get -f install then: dpkg –configure -a C. NO PUBKEY and displays ErrorNumber: in a user console: gpg --keyserver --recv-key YourErrorNumber gpg -a --export YourErrorNumber | sudo apt-key add - D. smartctl --H ;(help) smartctl –s=on /dev/sda ;(turn on) E. nb2407rh nbjl2407jrhg njbl1953 eghh1917 famous_pulse bp19450911 njbl06101953 24071991 240745 njbl19531006 niuka1953njblnjbl1953 19531006 NJBL1953 19451953 2407niuka axJ/37Qr F. mount loop device: sudo mount -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/foldername -o loop G. VirtualBox: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup H. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb # to zero USB then Gparted >Device >CreatePartitionTable dd if=path-to-input-file.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M;sync # gparted resize & create live-rw I. fsarchiver as root, to clone or restore to an unmounted partition, # cd /fsa and then: # fsarchiver -ov savefs filename.fsa /dev/sdxN # fsarchiver -ov restfs filename.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdxN J. Cloning ntfs: Restore to sdxN, gparted to make sdxN bootable: umount, reboot sdxN K. Print PDF: Back, Reverse or Even with Reverse ON; Front, Anverse, or Odd with Reverse OFF L. qpdf --decrypt input-file.pdf output-file.pdf {remove password from pdf files} M. Show MAC: Para Linux: # ifconfig -a Para Windows XP, 2000, NE, 7, 8: c: \ ipconfig /all N. Krusader time format: ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals (add if does not exist:) [Locale] \ DateFormatShort=%y.%m.%d \ TimeFormat=%H:%M:%S IV. Others A. Yogurt: 4 c. water + 2 c. [nonfat] dry milk + ¼ c. live yogurt; 8 - 12 hours at 115ºF. B. For Samsung phone: APN=Access Point Name: movistar.WAP ó C. DLink KVM-2K: Scroll-lock + Scroll-lock +1 or 2 / +S (scan every 10 secs) / +ESC V. Partitions on SATA: Only 4 primaries; or 3 primaries & 1 extended with max 15 logicals Partitions, ext4: P1=35G; P2=35G; P3=data 350G±; L5, L6, L7=12G each, L8=3G swap Leave /home on the root partition, use a separate /DATL Primary partition & automount it. Computer d1p1 d1p2 d1p3 d1p4 d1p5 d1p6 d1p7 d1p8 d1p9 CANTV ECS model H61H2-CM DualCore G620, 2GB RAM; WDC_WD5000AAKX, 500GB sda1 /PCLX 29.3G sda2 /MX14 30.3G sda3 /DATL 368.2G Extend sda5 /PCLXo 17.8G sda6 /MLTS 6.3G sda7 /TRIO 6.3G sda8 /EPFF 6.0G sda9 swap 3.0G AA1: AOA150(ZG5), 1G RAM; Atom N270, 1.6Ghz, Hitachi HD 160GB sda1 /WIN 35G sda2 /MX14 20G sda3 /DATL 80G Extend sda5 /X1 12G sda6 swap 1.5G AA1: model KAV60 , 1G RAM; Atom N270 (-HT-), 1.6Ghz, Hitachi HD 160GB Extend EeePC1005HA 1GB RAM Atom N270, 1.6GB WDC_WD1600BEVT 160GB sda1 /WIN 35G sda2 /MX14 15G sda3 /DATL 74G Extend sda5 /X1 12G sda6 /X2 12G sda7 swap 1.5G VI. Fix grub and boot problems with MX-BootRepair and/or Grub-Customizer; or chroot: # mount --bind /proc /media/sda1/proc \ # mount --bind /dev /media/sda1/dev # mount --bind /sys /media/sda1/sys \ # chroot /media/sda1 # update-grub \ # umount /media/sda1/sys && umount /media/sda1/dev # umount /media/sda1/proc Lat. 10° 13' 27,09” N; Long. 71° 20' 32,51” W (10,224235°; -71.342364), 5msnm -- 2015-03-10-21:15:32 Passion driven. Enjoy work Be good at it. Focus on 1 thing at a time. Push through doubt–physically, mentally. Serve others something of value. Ideas: listen, observe, be curious, question, solve, connections. Persist through failure and C.R.A.P. (Criticism, Rejection, Assholes, Pressure)

Upload: richard-holt

Post on 28-Sep-2015




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Setup details for installing MX-14.


  • AntiX-Mepis MX-14 Symbiosis: elegant, efficient, fast, on Debian Wheezy, Xfce4, 32bit, w/ backports. 14.0=201403 27; .1=17Jun; .2=01Jul; .3=04Dec. Since 02-April-2014 I. Get iso from write to USB with dd, Easy2bootor burn CD with DAO/SAO and slowest speed; and then install to HDD, pendrive, etc. A. Reboot, Config: B. fstab: /DATL ext4 defaults,noatime C. Populate /var/cache/apt/archives

    if != /data/archives-mx then rename /var/cache/apt/archives #ln -s /data/archives-mx var/cache/apt/archives

    D. Remove clawsmail icedove E. Install axel audacious conky geeqie qpdf krusader mc fsarchiver moc streamripper

    streamtuner2 pavucontrol volumeicon screenfetch shotwell zenity F. Install 3rd: FirefoxER, Chrome, Dropbox, MasterPdfEditor,, Download Helper, G. For HP1020 semi-Linux compatible printer if the included foo doesn't work,

    use or try get the latest HP1020 driver from HPLIP Open Source: H. Setup scanner Acer/Benq S2W 3300U (semi-Linux compatible):

    mkdir /usr/share/sane/snapscan cp /data/Hardware/Acer-Benq-scanner/u176v046.bin /usr/share/sane/snapscan;; Make these changes in /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf: # un-comment # dev/usb/scanner0 bus=usb; firmware /usr/share/sane/snapscan/u176v046.bin

    I. set xterm -geom 100x25 -e htop OR xfce4-terminal --geometry 100x25 -e htop J. Configure desktop, wallpaper, environment, settings, users, etal.

    * /usr/local/share/backgrounds/MX-14_Turbulence.jpg /usr/share/xfce4/backdrop

    II. Tweaks A. set system lang & timezone: dpkg-reconfigure locales ; dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

    # date MMDDhhmmCCYY.00 && date && hwclock --systohc && date && hwclock B. EeePC + eee-acpi-scripts, add quiet silent acpi_osi=Linux -> /etc/default/grub & update-grub C. tune2fs -m2 /dev/sdaX where / is located. (changes 5% to 2%) D. Dual monitor: xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --auto --above LVDS1 E. Tips Belkin Router:00:22:75:4A:AD:EF Router IP: F. Fix Synaptic filtering: sudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index && sudo update-apt-xapian-index -vf G. Autologin: /etc/slim.conf: autologin=yes & default_user= H. Alt +SysReq +R,S,E,I,S,U,B: Raising Skinny Elephants Is So Utterly Boring I. Wifi: ifconfig iwconfig ifup ifdown; lspci -vv; eth0 = enp5s0; wlan0=wlp4s0

    atk5k not working: sudo leafpad /etc/pm/config.d/config, add 1 line: SUSPEND-MODULES=ath_pci

    J. users: # adduser for new, # addgroup for new groups. K. Sys info: xterm -fg yellow -bg black -hold -geom 140x25 -e "bash /usr/bin/inxi -Fxz" L. MaxiMini: wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle{,maximized_vert},maximized_horz

    button = action-icons>object-flip-horizontal M. Thunar Actions: | zenity --progress --percentage=25 --pulsate auto-close

    How BIG? = zenity --info title="Size of selected %N" --text="$(du -chs %N)" | zenity progress Create MD5sum = zenity --info --text="$(md5sum %n > %n.md5sum)" | zenity progress Verify md5sum = zenity --info --title="Verify md5 for %N" --text="$(md5sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progress Verify sha1sum = zenity --info --title="Verify sha1 for %n" --text="$(sha1sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progress Verify sha256 = zenity --info --title="Verify sha256 for %n" --text="$(sha256sum -c %F 2>&1)" | zenity progressCreate symlink = ln -s %f '%n (symlink)'

    Mariela: 0414-674-7304 N. ...and when you have it as you like it, make a snapshot! alumno ya

    III.Tips A. Console: ssh user@ip ssh -X user@ip File manager: sftp://user@ip lsusb

    $ startx > /dev/null 2>&1 # etune # e2label Time:%T Date:%F TimeTip:%A %x B. Prefer apt-get & synaptic fix hanging install: apt-get -f install then: dpkg configure -a C. NO PUBKEY and displays ErrorNumber: in a user console:

    gpg --keyserver --recv-key YourErrorNumber gpg -a --export YourErrorNumber | sudo apt-key add -

    D. smartctl --H ;(help) smartctl s=on /dev/sda ;(turn on) E. nb2407rh nbjl2407jrhg njbl1953 eghh1917 famous_pulse bp19450911 njbl06101953 24071991

    240745 njbl19531006 niuka1953njblnjbl1953 19531006 NJBL1953 19451953 2407niuka axJ/37Qr

    F. mount loop device: sudo mount -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/foldername -o loop G. VirtualBox: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup H. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb # to zero USB then Gparted >Device >CreatePartitionTable

    dd if=path-to-input-file.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M;sync # gparted resize & create live-rw I. fsarchiver as root, to clone or restore to an unmounted partition, # cd /fsa and then:

    # fsarchiver -ov savefs filename.fsa /dev/sdxN# fsarchiver -ov restfs filename.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdxN

    J. Cloning ntfs: Restore to sdxN, gparted to make sdxN bootable: umount, reboot sdxN K. Print PDF: Back, Reverse or Even with Reverse ON; Front, Anverse, or Odd with Reverse OFF L. qpdf --decrypt input-file.pdf output-file.pdf {remove password from pdf files} M. Show MAC: Para Linux: # ifconfig -a Para Windows XP, 2000, NE, 7, 8: c: \ ipconfig /all N. Krusader time format: ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals (add if does not exist:)

    [Locale] \ DateFormatShort=%y.%m.%d \ TimeFormat=%H:%M:%S

    IV. Others A. Yogurt: 4 c. water + 2 c. [nonfat] dry milk + c. live yogurt; 8 - 12 hours at 115F. B. For Samsung phone: APN=Access Point Name: movistar.WAP C. DLink KVM-2K: Scroll-lock + Scroll-lock +1 or 2 / +S (scan every 10 secs) / +ESC

    V. Partitions on SATA: Only 4 primaries; or 3 primaries & 1 extended with max 15 logicals

    Partitions, ext4: P1=35G; P2=35G; P3=data 350G; L5, L6, L7=12G each, L8=3G swapLeave /home on the root partition, use a separate /DATL Primary partition & automount it.

    Computer d1p1 d1p2 d1p3 d1p4 d1p5 d1p6 d1p7 d1p8 d1p9

    CANTV ECS model H61H2-CM DualCore G620, 2GB RAM; WDC_WD5000AAKX, 500GB



    sda3/DATL368.2G Ex

    tend sda5/PCLXo






    AA1: AOA150(ZG5), 1G RAM; Atom N270, 1.6Ghz, Hitachi HD 160GB




    sda3/DATL80G Ex

    tend sda5



    AA1: model KAV60 , 1G RAM; Atom N270 (-HT-), 1.6Ghz, Hitachi HD 160GB Ex


    EeePC1005HA 1GB RAMAtom N270, 1.6GB WDC_WD1600BEVT 160GB




    sda3/DATL74G Ex

    tend sda5




    VI. Fix grub and boot problems with MX-BootRepair and/or Grub-Customizer; or chroot:# mount --bind /proc /media/sda1/proc \ # mount --bind /dev /media/sda1/dev# mount --bind /sys /media/sda1/sys \ # chroot /media/sda1# update-grub \ # umount /media/sda1/sys && umount /media/sda1/dev# umount /media/sda1/proc

    Lat. 10 13' 27,09 N; Long. 71 20' 32,51 W (10,224235; -71.342364), 5msnm -- 2015-03-10-21:15:32

    Passion driven. Enjoy work Be good at it. Focus on 1 thing at a time. Push through doubtphysically, mentally. Serve others something of value. Ideas: listen, observe, be curious, question, solve, connections. Persist through failure and C.R.A.P. (Criticism, Rejection, Assholes, Pressure)