mwwm .ralktiti. - university of hawaii · having had an extensive business experience, for ovor...

cw awywwprnyTgrpWTn-TgrTfrrrf- ; jryryTrwcr?;; ya?nCTSBffffrFpyci;ii p tf , n. .. ! r BS ft"fc"2-- fts-jS- .r alktiti. rare ,- A A H Vol. Xrir. No 2096. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1888. 60 OENTS aUDBORIPTION PER MONTH &P- - ?". y S? ffHnS.-- . a'--- . Sm ' &&.: j!?r : iV". ' , ' m- - S&:.' 11-- ' hW.r ' T. ' t"'fPW?-"-i4''- ,!,' ' SSkiT mm? . Wr - grs;-- - ife- -' &-- ' .'.':. ." VfV!" " 8 '"!-- '' '. m: r flft- -. .. life' :: 3S " ' .,u. mw&s .. yL.- - gy' ?f 1.: Lt . . mif' - a fe .1 4I !'!' ," J Xf ' !' ' ihv, . TFE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conls par Month. . Address all Communications Uailt BUMiETIN. Advertisements, tc en3urc insertion, Bliould bo bunded in before one o'clock r. m. WALTEn HILL Editor and Proprlotor JAS G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletin Steam Printing Office Nc'wspapor, Hook nnd Job Printing of all kinds done on thu inoat favorablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 ilolumns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is tho best pnpor published in the Kingdom to sciid to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : 1 00 year Korean : : : 5 01) " Commission Merchants. jTT XlVOJKITJiJLO .So Co., General Commission Agents. 70 iy Honolulu G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IJ1POHTEH8 AN Dr COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Oue'en street, - - - 1018 BREWER St COMPANY, C""1. (Limited) (iKNEUAL ManCAMTILE AND COMMISSION AaENTS. list op'ofwicehb: P. (J. J oaks, Jr President & Manager ,1. O. Caiitku. . . ..Treasurer is Secretary DIHEOTOnS: Hon. O. U. JJisuop. S. C. Allen, II. Watebiiousk. ajd ly T. WATBaHOOSB, JOUN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Ciu'een t Honolulu. 1 d. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athcrlon-GN- P. Castle (1A8TLB &OOOKB, Shipping and Commission Merchants. importers and De'alersin Ueneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu , 1 Claus aprcctciB. Win. G. Irwin. IHWIN Ss COMPANY, WG. tiugar'Fuctors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. as CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materials of evory kind, cor. fort and 0,ueen Hts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Coininiaslon Merchants, tl'i'uolulu, ami 14 Ualifomiu street, ' Han Frauolsco, Cal. E. Lowers, V. J. Lowrey O.M. Cooko. 6l OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) mporters and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, D'ort street, Honolulu 1 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & "Wino Merchants 89 Beaver Block, Honolulu. m Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ouo of the New Stores in tho ThoimiH Jtlock, Kiii Street, Three doots fiom Castle & Cookcs', Where ho is prepared to manufacture all kinds (if Jewelry. 00 O MJSO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to coiamunl cato'with the PoitUL'ueso, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or uuy other helps, will And It the most protltablo way to advertise in tho Luso fwaiiaiii, the now organ of tho i'Ortuguoie colony, which is pub. Hshed on Uotot street, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements rpHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X 2d columns, purely local matter-Mai- led to foreign countries, $5 per annum, Proiossionals. Alfred Maqoon, J . ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 170 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly T H. SOPHR, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon, S. W. Corner Sixth nnd Market streets, oppositu Hawaii Nel Millinery Kstabr lishment, Sau Francisco. 23 SAMUEL K. KAEO, .Ajfrfcox'iiey at X-a- v. Ollicc, : No. 0 Ivmthumauu street. J. M. WIONSARRAT, Attorney nml Counsellor at Lmv. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for the States of Now York. Cali-fornl- a and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, II. I. june.0-S- J?XOISTIlJ3Il STEAM GAUDY FiGTORY ano F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- aS2T Telephone 74 U. M. BKNBOK'. O. "W. BMITn. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Sceohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rlcksccker'fl Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggrists & Toliacconists, -- VI10LESALE AND RETAIL, 1 03 Fo-- t Street, WillianYs.Biock, Houo-21- 0 Honolulu, II. I. WEMER & CO. Jlniiafbctm-Ina- ; .lowellorx, NO. 03 FORT STKKJ3T. Constantly on hand i largo aseortmeu of every description of Jewelry, Watohes Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS,! Pr0Drl(!U)rs. F. I. CUnER, ( Oftlce, 84 King fetrcct, Telephone No $5. Residence Telophono No. 202. Gen'l aSxpreBSliiB fc IraylnK Piano and Furniture moving a specially. Wagons meet nil incoming steamers. july-2- ly Husface & Bobenson, DRAYMKN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at-Jr- . tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. OOico, ndjolning E. P. AdainB & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly. Mutual Telephone No. 10. VRAJSGID. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Ituo doDunkerque, - - Paris. iSxecutea Indents for every description of French, Bolgian, Swls, German, and English Goods, at tho host Manufacturers' Lowost Prices. Commission, per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested, Remittances, through a Loudon or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho muuiigcr. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Sells, for Homo and Colonial Firms. Plcco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks, Vclvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, .Mi'linery, l.accs, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Cold and silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and Oliina-vvar- Clocks, Watches, Jewellry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- e, MiiBical Instrument?, Faus, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys, Perfumery, Wines, &o.( Oilman's Stores, Book3 Artlstio Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machluory, Ac, &o. 180 ly By Beayer A Saloon Tho Best Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of Cigars, 5 Tolaccfl Abvays on JUruicl. 11. .T. KOI.TJS, Proprietor. Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, Xrisli,"VsretntIe8 &s., .See. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcFs), Ko. C tnccn Ht., : : JKish Market. Honolulu, II. I. ESyFamily and Shipping Oi tiers care-full-y nttended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 3 Metropolitan mm Sill Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G-- . J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers and NAVY CONTKACTOBS. 1717 ly MARINE Meat Saiffim, Jfc'ort Ht.. opno. O. S: H. Co.'h Wlinrf. P. MILTON, - - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, JSivuHtiKo to "VoRotitbles. ' Also a supply of salt im::e:at On hand at nil times. Shipping and Families supplied at shortest notice and with best attention. 95 Manager. tf JOS. TINKER, Csty , Market, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork, ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Freth Every Day. E2TH la noted Sausages are made by tho evory beat machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care 'will bo delivered with promptness and dixpatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. C3rF Try his Bologna Sausages."a WRIGHT BROS., Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, Ship's Blacksinitliing, Carriage Uuilding & Repairing. Drays, Carts U Wagon Building a Specially. Kvery description of work in tho above lined performed hi a flrst-cla- s manner and executed at short notice. Having seemed the service of one of the best Painters In town jaod Currlniru rnlntlnc Is (iiiuruu-tect- l; ttxculleiitTi'ltumiiiculHotloiie. tarMutual Telephone, No. 075i ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from tho other Islands solicited. iny.83-8- The Inior- - Island a team Navigation Co., limited, Keep constantly on hand for salo Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal and a general assortment of His, Bar Iron. Fall Dress Mil ! NEW DESIGNS, -- a -- AT . ! KSr NEW lO'l Fort Street, Honolulu. W. SAOHS. M Dress Mi MATERIALS. POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, Wo call Bpccinl attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT which has been replenished, and wo are showing nil tho Latest Woolen Dress Materials 1 In the Now Plaids it Fancy Stripes; with plain material, to conibino with Black Sk, Colored Alpacas ! Very stylish and very suitable, for this clinlatc. Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings & Dress Flannels In all colors, always on hand. Special Bargains in fe$ilL:s ! Direct importations from tho manufacturer. Khadama & Snrrah Silks, niiadama & Surrah Silks, In black and all desirable colors. Blnolc Gros GrruliiH and Brocaded Sillcs, At very low prices. Also a few choice patterns of FAftaCYFOULARA&SURAfySERSflL&S Vo also have a complete assortment. of FANCY BRAID and SILK TRIMMING-S- , In sets with panols, in all colors. Hew Tinsel, Mixed Trimmings, New Jet Trimmings & Handsome Jet Ornaments gjrflnspcction is SolicitedjgCJ 5C"Inspection is Solicited jpOl HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGEHCY. No. 85 FORT STSEET. HONOLULU. Gunornl Agents Export Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo &. Lifo Insurance Agents, Custoin-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers. Departments of Business: Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collations will receivo special attention and rcturns.promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description cnrofully drawn and hand somely engrossed. Copying arid Translating in nil languages in general use x this Kingdom. Eeal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Eooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Lifo Insurance effected in flrsUclass Insurance Companies. Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans nogotiatcd at favorablo rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publisheis. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorablo terms. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receivo particular attention. THH - !Proprietor WATERS i- - CSf" All Business entrusted to our caro will receive prompt and faithful atlontion at modorate charget. Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tuot and discretion, and respectfully solicit a ttiui.' BellTclcphono No. 274. XTu.-vrniia.i- a BnwincKM Afjenoy. '. Jan. 8 Just Received at HoSlisfer & Co.'s A large assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES I Comprising the well-kno- brands of COLGATE & CO., LUNDBORGS, LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, HOY T'S COLOGKSTE FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. Kor Salo t !Efceasoiilfcle Priceer inh-L- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fa? Steam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki, J. E. BROWN. & CO., - - Proprietors. Uopot, 28 Merchant Stroot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. o UA1MOITY l.OOO noaJKN 1MJK HAY. 0 The Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, Sarsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And l'UKE, STItONG EFFERVESCING PLAIN SODA WATER, Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved Muchinery und Patent GUaj-valv- o Dottles, TELEPHONES Bell, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469. gjW Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island orders eolioitcd. mti , AriM3-8- 8 mWWm" Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation of Funds, $28,602,205.00 Ftrc rUks taken at current rates and fU'tllcmcntitnade In Honolulu. JOHN S. WAtKER, Agent; . , Union Vtre A Blnrlnc Insurance Company of M. Z.: Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.; Firo and Murine risks, taken n't current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. july 211 88.1y -- HTJ: Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july i!0.88-l- y SIEGDEBTJKG . General Insurance Company. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions nt current rates. JOHN. Si WALKER, Agent. july THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Co. Strictly Mutual Organized 1845. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 The actual (not estimated) results of its matured Tontino policies exceed those of any other Company issuing similar policies. The Konrorfcltiric Free Tontino Policy With Mortuary Dividend (returning nil premiums in addition to face of policy should death occur during tho Tontine period) as issued by this Company in. eludes the advantages of Tontine nncu. mulntion, guaranteed options ut the end of Tontino, periods and perfect fiecdoiu after two years as to. residence, trnvel aud occupation, except service in war. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years. 63?TFor full particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to CO. BERG EiRi, Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian JulyJ Islands. 121-8- 8 1 . frt HONOLULU IRON WORKS, encincs, suirnr mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brns3 and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to ordor. I'aiticuiur attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted ut short notice. ' 1 , WALKER & EEDWARD, ContraotorH As 32nIIlors. Jlrlck, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cs. tlmntcs given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. "JO King street, liell Tele- phone No. 2. 1. O. Box, 423. up 5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, - " "iflBi and Bullderr; Honolulu Steam Planing Mijis iispla nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Moulding!), Urackcts, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, nnd all kinds of Wood- work nnish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pinn- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to Bnd work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an- solicited NTEBPRIS PLANING MILL. Alnkmi, near (ntcn St. Toloplioiin ftn. J. O. MAItCIIANT, (Successor to T, G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, F.rientl Building, Bethel ettect, Hono. 03 lulu. tf THE BEST PAPER to subscribe X. lor is the "Dully Bulletin." 50 ceuts per month, A. H. KASBMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs. oot.lJJP.1y THE ONLY PAPER rend by all X - classes "The Dally Bulletin." 60 contBjper month. A :,?;vs w uy.& FIRE, LIFE, ahb MARINE INSTJEANCE. Hartford Firo In3uranoe Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assots, $460,0C0 Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation (Firo and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,006,000 South British Firo and Marino Inn. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,OCO C.O.BERGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly I3Q UITABLIS Society or tli United Status. THE LEADING COMPANY. How Builncis In 1887 - $138,023,105 Applications refused lor - 23,729,317 Total Incomo . 23,240,849 Surplui 4 por cent - 18,104,206 Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above and most Important point the Equitable heads the list. of Life Ceiupanles. .J. General Accent for Hawaiian iHlnndM. June 1.83.1y CASTLE & COOfiCE, Lifo, Firo &.. Marino Insur'oo Agents. AUKNTS rOU The Now ttngland MUTUAl LIFE 'INS. COMP'Y, of Uoston. Tlio .Etna Piro Insuranoe Go. of Hartford, Conn. Tito llntou Firo and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 131 ly Prussian National Insurance Comi'v BaTxnusnHD 1M5, -- '"' Capital, 8,008,000 Ritcbtatatt undersigned, having beet ap- pointed agent of the above C.Mhaar for tho Hawaiian Islands, tipreparU to accept risks, flgninst Fire, an Builellaoe, Furnituro.llcrchandiic, Producej 6uwr Hills etc., on the most Favqrnblo, Tr tottei Promptly Adjusted, and ParaWa ; . Honoluin. H. RIBMENHCHNEIDBM, i'j-8- 7 ly atWUdexA qo's. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Hbneiulu, No. 17 Emma'si The undersigned bees to Inform the public of these Islands that he la waking Slilrt by MoaNitromout ! Directions for will be given on application. White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Night Got is A fit guarantee by making a taropl Shirt to every order, J Island order solicited Ball Telephone 4't 66 ly A. M. MEULI: f' A a wit :M ',jB j.r . M

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Page 1: mWWm .ralktiti. - University of Hawaii · Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all

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Is printed and published at tho office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conls par Month.

. Address all Communications UailtBUMiETIN.

Advertisements, tc en3urc insertion,Bliould bo bunded in before one o'clockr. m.

WALTEn HILL Editor and Proprlotor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office

Nc'wspapor, Hook nnd Job Printing ofall kinds done on thu inoat favorabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 ilolumns ofreading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is tho best pnpor publishedin the Kingdom to sciid to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : 1 00 yearKorean : : : 5 01) "

Commission Merchants.


General Commission Agents.

70 iy Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Oue'en street, - - -1018

BREWER St COMPANY,C""1. (Limited)



list op'ofwicehb:

P. (J. J oaks, Jr President & Manager,1. O. Caiitku. . . ..Treasurer is Secretary


Hon. O. U. JJisuop. S. C. Allen,II. Watebiiousk.

ajd ly

T. WATBaHOOSB,JOUN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Ciu'een t Honolulu. 1

d. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athcrlon-GN- P. Castle

(1A8TLB &OOOKB,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. importers and De'alersinUeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu , 1

Claus aprcctciB. Win. G. Irwin.IHWIN Ss COMPANY,WG.tiugar'Fuctors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu.

as CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materialsof evory kind, cor. fort and 0,ueen Hts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Coininiaslon Merchants,tl'i'uolulu, ami

14 Ualifomiu street,' Han Frauolsco, Cal.

E. Lowers, V. J. Lowrey O.M. Cooko.

6l OOOKB,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

mporters and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, D'ort street,Honolulu 1


Wholesale Grocers & "Wino Merchants89 Beaver Block, Honolulu.


Notice of Removal!


Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ouo of the NewStores in tho

ThoimiH Jtlock, Kiii Street,Three doots fiom Castle & Cookcs',

Where ho is prepared to manufactureall kinds (if Jewelry. 00

O MJSO HAWAIIANO.persons who want to coiamunl

cato'with the PoitUL'ueso, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or uuy other helps, will And Itthe most protltablo way to advertise intho Luso fwaiiaiii, the now organ oftho i'Ortuguoie colony, which is pub.Hshed on Uotot street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements

rpHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X2d columns, purely local matter-Mai- led

to foreign countries, $5 perannum,


Alfred Maqoon,J . ATTOKNEY AT LAW.170 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgeon,S. W. Corner Sixth nnd Market streets,oppositu Hawaii Nel Millinery Kstabrlishment, Sau Francisco. 23


.Ajfrfcox'iiey at X-a-v.

Ollicc, : No. 0 Ivmthumauu street.

J. M. WIONSARRAT,Attorney nml Counsellor at Lmv.

Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for the States of Now York. Cali-fornl- a

and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, II. I.




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- aS2T Telephone 74

U. M. BKNBOK'. O. "W. BMITn.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rlcksccker'fl Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggrists & Toliacconists,--

VI10LESALE AND RETAIL,1 03 Fo-- t Street, WillianYs.Biock, Houo-21- 0

Honolulu, II. I.

WEMER & CO.Jlniiafbctm-Ina- ; .lowellorx,

NO. 03 FORT STKKJ3T.Constantly on hand i largo aseortmeu

of every description of Jewelry, WatohesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS,! Pr0Drl(!U)rs.F. I. CUnER, (

Oftlce, 84 King fetrcct, Telephone No $5.Residence Telophono No. 202.

Gen'l aSxpreBSliiB fc IraylnKPiano and Furniture moving a specially.

Wagons meet nil incoming steamers.july-2- ly

Husface & Bobenson,

DRAYMKN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at-Jr- .

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

OOico, ndjolning E. P. AdainB & Co.'sauction room.982 ly. Mutual Telephone No. 10.

VRAJSGID.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Ituo doDunkerque, - - Paris.

iSxecutea Indents for every descriptionof French, Bolgian,Swls, German, and English Goods, attho host Manufacturers' Lowost Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested,

Remittances, through a Loudon orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomuuiigcr.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

Plcco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Vclvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,.Mi'linery, l.accs, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Cold and silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andOliina-vvar- Clocks, Watches,Jewellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, MiiBical Instrument?,Faus, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys,Perfumery, Wines, &o.(Oilman's Stores, Book3 ArtlstioFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machluory, Ac, &o.

180 ly By

Beayer A Saloon

Tho Best Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of



Abvays on JUruicl.11. .T. KOI.TJS, Proprietor.

Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,Xrisli,"VsretntIe8 &s., .See.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcFs),

Ko. C tnccn Ht., : : JKish Market.Honolulu, II. I.

ESyFamily and Shipping Oi tiers care-full-y

nttended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 3



Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G--. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers



MARINEMeat Saiffim,

Jfc'ort Ht.. opno. O. S: H. Co.'h Wlinrf.P. MILTON, - - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

JSivuHtiKo to "VoRotitbles.' Also a supply of

salt im::e:atOn hand at nil times.

Shipping and Families supplied atshortest notice and with best attention.

95 Manager. tf


Csty , Market,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork,


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Freth Every Day.

E2TH la noted Sausages are made bytho evory beat machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care 'will bo deliveredwith promptness and dixpatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

C3rF Try his Bologna Sausages."


Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksinitliing, Carriage

Uuilding & Repairing.

Drays, Carts U Wagon Building a Specially.

Kvery description of work in thoabove lined performed hi a flrst-cla- s

manner and executed at short notice.Having seemed the service of one of

the best Painters In townjaod Currlniru rnlntlnc Is (iiiuruu-tect- l;

ttxculleiitTi'ltumiiiculHotloiie.tarMutual Telephone, No. 075iALL WORK GUARANTEED.

Orders from tho other Islands solicited.iny.83-8-

The Inior- - Island a teamNavigation Co., limited,

Keep constantly on hand for salo

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coaland a general assortment of

His, Bar Iron.

Fall Dress Mil !


-- AT




lO'l Fort Street, Honolulu.W. SAOHS.



Wo call Bpccinl attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT whichhas been replenished, and wo are showing nil tho

Latest Woolen Dress Materials 1

In the Now Plaids it Fancy Stripes; with plain material, to conibino with

Black Sk, Colored Alpacas !Very stylish and very suitable, for this clinlatc.

Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings & Dress FlannelsIn all colors, always on hand.

Special Bargains in fe$ilL:s !Direct importations from tho manufacturer.

Khadama & Snrrah Silks, niiadama & Surrah Silks,In black and all desirable colors.

Blnolc Gros GrruliiH and Brocaded Sillcs,At very low prices. Also a few choice patterns of

FAftaCYFOULARA&SURAfySERSflL&SVo also have a complete assortment. of


In sets with panols, in all colors.Hew Tinsel, Mixed Trimmings, New Jet Trimmings & Handsome Jet Ornaments

gjrflnspcction is SolicitedjgCJ 5C"Inspection is Solicited jpOl


Gunornl AgentsExport Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo &. Lifo Insurance

Agents, Custoin-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collations will receivo special attention and rcturns.promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description cnrofully drawn and hand

somely engrossed.Copying arid Translating in nil languages in general use x this Kingdom.Eeal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Eooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Lifo Insurance effected in flrsUclass Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans nogotiatcd at favorablo rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publisheis.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorablo terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receivo particular attention.




CSf" All Business entrusted to our caro will receive prompt and faithful atlontion atmodorate charget.

Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years inNow York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicated nature, or requiring tuot and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a ttiui.'

BellTclcphono No. 274. XTu.-vrniia.i- a BnwincKM Afjenoy.'. Jan. 8

Just Received at HoSlisfer & Co.'sA large assortment of


Comprising the well-kno- brands of




Kor Salo t !Efceasoiilfcle Priceerinh-L- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fa?

Steam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki,

J. E. BROWN. & CO., - - Proprietors.Uopot, 28 Merchant Stroot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


0The Only Apparatus making High Class


Sarsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd l'UKE, STItONG EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER,Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved Muchinery und Patent GUaj-valv- o Dottles,

TELEPHONES Bell, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469.gjW Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island orders eolioitcd. mti

, AriM3-8- 8


Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation of Funds, $28,602,205.00

Ftrc rUks taken at current rates andfU'tllcmcntitnade In Honolulu.

JOHN S. WAtKER, Agent; . ,

Union Vtre A Blnrlnc

Insurance Company of M. Z.:

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.;

Firo and Murine risks, taken n't currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.july 211 88.1y

-- HTJ:

Insurance Co. of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july i!0.88-l- y


General Insurance Company.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions nt current rates.

JOHN. Si WALKER, Agent.july


Life Insurance Co.Strictly Mutual Organized 1845.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

The actual (not estimated) results of itsmatured Tontino policies exceed thoseof any other Company issuing similar


The Konrorfcltiric

Free Tontino PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (returning nilpremiums in addition to face of policyshould death occur during tho Tontineperiod) as issued by this Company in.eludes the advantages of Tontine nncu.mulntion, guaranteed options ut the endof Tontino, periods and perfect fiecdoiuafter two years as to. residence, trnvelaud occupation, except service in war.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years.63?TFor full particulars and estimated

results based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

CO. BERG EiRi,Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian

JulyJ Islands. 121-8- 8

1 .

frt HONOLULU IRON WORKS, encincs, suirnr mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brns3 and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to ordor. I'aiticuiur attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted ut short notice. ' 1



ContraotorH As 32nIIlors.Jlrlck, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cs.tlmntcs given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. "JO King street, liell Tele-phone No. 2. 1. O. Box, 423. up 5.1y


" "iflBiand Bullderr;

Honolulu Steam Planing Mijis iisplanado, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Moulding!),Urackcts, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, nnd all kinds of Wood-work nnish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to Bnd workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an-



Alnkmi, near (ntcn St.Toloplioiin ftn.

J. O. MAItCIIANT,(Successor to T, G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


F.rientl Building, Bethel ettect, Hono.03 lulu. tf

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeX. lor is the "Dully Bulletin." 50ceuts per month,

A. H. KASBMANN,Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs.oot.lJJP.1y

THE ONLY PAPER rend by allX - classes "The Dally Bulletin." 60contBjper month.


:,?;vs w uy.&


MARINEINSTJEANCE.Hartford Firo In3uranoe Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assots, $460,0C0

Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation(Firo and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,006,000

South British Firo and Marino Inn. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,OCO


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly



or tli United Status.


How Builncis In 1887 - $138,023,105Applications refused lor - 23,729,317Total Incomo . 23,240,849Surplui 4 por cent - 18,104,206

Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above and most Important pointthe Equitable heads the list. of

Life Ceiupanles.

.J.General Accent for Hawaiian


June 1.83.1y

CASTLE & COOfiCE,Lifo, Firo &.. Marino Insur'oo Agents.

AUKNTS rOUThe Now ttngland


Tlio .Etna Piro Insuranoe Go.of Hartford, Conn.

Tito llntou Firo andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.131 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comi'v

BaTxnusnHD 1M5,--'"'

Capital, 8,008,000 Ritcbtatattundersigned, having beet ap-

pointed agent of the above C.Mhaarfor tho Hawaiian Islands, tipreparU toaccept risks, flgninst Fire, an Builellaoe,Furnituro.llcrchandiic, Producej 6uwrHills etc., on the most Favqrnblo, Trtottei Promptly Adjusted, and ParaWa ; .


H. RIBMENHCHNEIDBM,i'j-8- 7 ly atWUdexA qo's.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Hbneiulu, No. 17 Emma'si

The undersigned bees to Inform thepublic of these Islands that he la wakingSlilrt by MoaNitromout !

Directions for willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Night GotisA fit guarantee by making a taropl

Shirt to every order, JIsland order solicited Ball Telephone 4't66 ly A. M. MEULI:







. M

Page 2: mWWm .ralktiti. - University of Hawaii · Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all


"Vtf J iv t'lfct w:

to rMMIVMMHtllP1


TENDEKS.Tenders will bo received at the

ofllco of the llonrd of Educationuntil 12 o'clock noon on MONDAY,the. 3rd of December next, for theconstruction of u School House,

including material, ntKftunnnnli, in the Distiict of Lnhainn,Island of Mnni, neeoiiling to plansand siociflcntiona lo bo noun at thooflice of tho Board. AUo, for twoSmnller Houses, 14x24x10 feet each,

t at Kaka and Malanui, in Puna, Ha-waii, until MONDAY, tho 10th ofDecember next.

Duplicate plans of the Puna housesmay be seen by application to theSchool Agent of the District.

By order of tho Board of Educa-tion. W. JAS. SMITH,

Secretary.Education Oillcc, Nov. !), 18S8.


gjaiTu guftqitnPledged lo neither Sect nor Party,Put established for the benefit of all.

MONDAY, NOV. 12, 1888.

A DIPLOMATIST DISMISSED.A misunderstanding has occurred

between President Cleveland andtho British Representative at;Wash-ington, lesulting in the sendinghome of the latter. Full particularsof the ruibundcrstanding in its earlystages are not to hand. Politicalcapital was being attempted to bemade out of it by both partiesRepublicans and Democrats in thePresidential campaign. Which mayhave profited most thereby remainsfor us to learn. No doubt, there istoo much sound sense both inAmerica and Great Britain to per-mit of those nations going to warover the matter.


Editor Bulletin: A great dealhas been said lately about fast driving, and although the undersignedis interested iu the hack industry.I heartily endorse the condemnationof all those who so reeklesly dashalong our. principal thoroughfares,regardless of the safety of pedes-trians. On the other hand I thinkthat the number of accidents to footpassengers would be greatly reducedif persons who prefer loads to side-wal-

would use an ordinary amountof precaution, and not leave theentire safely of themselves to thedrivers of vehicles, who cannot

however careful and exper-ienced, prevent persons from run-ning plumb into a horse. 1 think inno part of tho world do people sounnecessarily exposed themselves tothe dangers of being run over as inHonolulu, and I feel confident thatI am expressing the views of neailyall wTio have occasion lo drive eitherprivate or public carriages, that itis astonishing the few accidentswhich occur, owing not so much tofast driving as to tho deflent andcareless manner in which persons ex-pose themselves on our public roads.



Two hack drivers, John Brown ofthe Pantheon and Tom King of theFashion Stables, were arrested lastevening by Captain Larson for rac-

ing with their horses on King street.Judge Dayton fined Brown 820 andordered no new license to be issuedto him at the expiration of his pre-sent one. Tho same sentence withthe exception of the fine was passedupon King. His Honor in givingjudgment stated that hereafter jfany person drove around a coinerfaster than an ordinary walk, heshould consider them guilty of fu-

rious and heedless driving uponproper conviction.


Purser Bcckloy of the Kinau re-ports all the-mill- along tho Hama-ku-a

coast grinding, and line weather.The Union and Ilawi mills are stor- -

.ing sugar iu the new wnrchousc atMahukona which will be shippeddirect to San Francisco early nextmonth. The Kinau brought someof the first crop from tho Laupa-hoeho- c

mill. Purser Beckloy inspeaking of tho earthquake eaid itoccurred at mio ai o:ao p. m, onThursday. lie was silting on theveranda at tho residenco of a friend

b smoking a cigar when he felt a rum--bling motion and saw his hat whichwas on the hat rack moving. Ittook him very little time to get tothe road and while he was doingthat the earthquake was nt itsheight, It was the heaviest shockexperienced on Hawaii in a longtime, The next morning nt 2 o'clockanother lighter shock was felt. Tiovolcano was evidently very activeThursday night as a bright reflectioncould bo seen in that vicinity fromthe'deck of tho Kinau.



(Pr ftrirjantinc Consuelo).

Tho Consuclo arrived from SanFrancisco this moining with datesto Nov. 1st. Following is a sum-mary from tho available papers :

There was another spin I in theChicago wheat market October illsl.

There were seven! new casesof yellow fever and two deaths atJacksonville October 3 1st.

The schooner Caldwell was lostoff Old Providence on the 17thhist.

The counsel of Queen Nataliehave decided lo accept the divorcerulings without appealing to a higherpower.

An Apia correspondent of a Ger-man paper charges the Americanswith causing the bloodshed inSamoa.

Tho State 6t Cleveland's default-ing Treasurer is believed to beheaded for Europe.

A bar of spurious bullion waspresented at the Philadelphia MintOctober 31st.

The Treasurer of Knoxvillecounty, Tenn., has defaulted with325,000.

The Sultan has finally consentedto sign the Suez Canal Convention.

William T. Hamil-ton of Maryland died October 2Gthof pneumonia, aged 08.

Preparations are already beingmade for the Ice Carnival at St.Paul, Minn. It will extend fromJanuary 23d lo February 1, 1880,and will be more elaborate than anyof its predecessors. The intentionis to make it Romanesque in style.

A. Republican procession, com-

posed chiclly of colored men, met aDemocratic procession at Twenty- -sixth street and Sixth avenue NewYork, Oct. 31st, and a riotous strug-e;l- e

ensued. Store windows, weresmashed and seven persons injured.Four men were seriously wounded,two of them bcinji stabbed. Severalshots were fired during the fray butnone so far as learned, took anyeffect.

A lire broke out at 10:10 o'clockp. in. Uct. in Sterner .v Alogk'sstore, Colusa. Its cause is un-

known. The loss was 650,000."Freeman's Journal" published

at Dublin asserts that over 200 Irishpolicemen have been placed at thedisposal of the London "Times" aswitnesses, who may be useful inproving its charges against Parnel-litc- s.

It also declares that copiesof letters belonging to MatthewHarris, seized when the policesearched his house, have been givento the "Times."

Myra Beals received a verdict atBoston, Mass., Oct. 2G, against Dr.A. Thompson of. Lowell for 30,000for alienating her husband's affec-tions. There will probably be noappeal taken. Thompson is thepioprietor of the Moxie nerve food.

A glove-fig- ht occurred at Provi-dence, R. I., Oct. 2G, between jackAshton of , Providence and Jim Fellof Grand Rapids. The fight washeld under the auspices of theCiiterian Club there, and was for apurse of S200. Both men were ingood condition and both foughtgamely. Ashton won the light inthe twelfth round.

Suit was begun at New York,Oct. 2G, to bicak the will of thelate John Roach. The children ofhis son William Henry, who was a

.partner in the business, claim thattheir father greatly developed thebusiness, and that when he died noaccounting was ever made to hiswidow. When John Roach (lieuWilliam Henry's family was left buta one-eigh- th interest in tho pro-

perty.A letter was received from Charlie

Mitchell, the English pugilist, Oct.25, stating that as soon as he arrivedin New York he would challengeJack Dcmpsey, and would be gladlo have the match in the CaliforniaAthcletic Club. The club will tryto bring the celebrities together nextJanuary.

Thirteen of tho Arctic whalerswith their '1!)0 men aio ice boundabove Point Barrow. An expeditionis projected for their relief.

Searle has defeated Kemp in Aus-tralia, and is now the world's cham-pion oarsman.

A number of rebellious convictswere killed at Kome.

Tho New York ".Star" has beensold lo George E. Downcs.

The Manitoba Legislature will-adop- t

retaliatory measures againstthe Canadian Pacific.

The bodies of two richly attiredladies havo been found in Slarnborgllake, near where King Ludwig wasdrowned.

The Suez Canal Convention hasbeen signed.

The fight between Joe McAuliffeand Miko Couley canio off in SanFrancisco Oct. 27th. Conley wasknocked out in tho second round.

At a banquet at Quebec, Oct. 81,Sir John Macdonald took stronggrounds against either tho annex-ation of Canada to the UnitedStates, a commercial union or unre-stricted reciprocity.

Tiie two daughters of a game-keeper were found murdered in aforest near Leskau, Bohemia, Oct.20. The breasts of one of tho girlswere severed. Tho other girl waspinned to tho ground with a spikediivcu through the abdomen.

A cablegram from Port au Prlncoannounces tho capture of the Brit-ish schooner Alta, which left NewYork about Oct. 10, with, a heavycargo of arms and ammunition.

Advices from Sunkin say that tho

rebels attacked the town, burningthe zarcba around the water fort onthe left and shelling the fort. Theywere repulsed.

A railway accident occurred inSt. Petersburg, Oct. 3lst.

Tho first and second carriages,occupied by court servants and trainolllclals, were derailed mid wrecked',but the saloon car containing theCzar and party, though badlydamagee, remained on the track.Tho only person seriously injuredwas General Scherenetieff, ip

of tho Czar.Patrick Duffy of Boston bested

McMillans of San Francisco inseventeen rounds.

A man's jaw has been found byDavid Shaw on tho beach of AngelIsland and supposed to bo a relic oftho wreck of Chester. Ono of thomolars is filled with gold and twoarc filled with amalgam.


Adam Manson better known ro"Scotty" a sailor on board the Con-sue- lo

was killed on the whaif at SanFrancisco the day before the vesselleft. A large iron tank felP strik-ing him on the head, death beinginstantaneous. Manson had been inthe employ of the Oceanic Companyfor a long time and was a good andfaithful servant.

For Sale, Tahiti Bamboo

T70R Hat Making. Early applicationnecessary,

00 lw J. E. BROWN & CO.

ANNUAL MEETING.HPIIE ad'journud animal meeting of tlioX blockholdcrs of the I'nclllc Sujiar

Mill will be held on WEDNESDAY,the 14th instnnt, nt 10 o'clock a m , atthe oflice of F. A. Schnofcr it Cc

II. RENJES,00 2t fckcretary.

Selling Off at Cost.

Intending to Close Out my presentbusiness, I now offor


Boots, iL Shoes.E'EO. ETC.

Ladies and Gentlemen can now obtainthe IJest Articles iu this line

ivx1 co.vrESyPleaso Givo Wo an Early Cal!.i3a

8(5 Fort Sticct above King. lw


T No 37 Kine street,Z&f&pA near tlio lower ciullect. S1.50

--agggAagS per pair. !M ill


A' the annual Hireling of the stock,holder:, of the Union Feed Co..

(I.unitid), held nt their oflice Ibis daythe following officers wcrs elected toserve dm ing the enbuing j tnr:

V, !. Mncfurlnne President,II. R. Macfai lane ...Viee-l'iesi'len- t,

F. W. Macfarlmie Tieasuur,S. F. Graham Sreroliiry,K. G. Schumun Auditor.

S. F. GRAHAM,Dirt SBcrctiry.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles.

llp.NOun.u, Kev. 8, 1188.


member of thiH com.EVJSRY is hereby ordeicd toappeal nt the Armory on FHI.DAY, Nov. lOlh, at 1 o'clocki'. m., in Fatigue Uniform, forCompetitive Company TargetPractice or tho Rille presentedby Iluitley & Uinham, of NewVoile. Per order.

II.. P. HEliHARD,Major.Conimundiug.

Geo. McLr.on.Cuptaiu and Adjutant. flltd


House and t IFresco.Painters

No. 81 King Street.03 lm

International Marat !

Marine street, gpHear Fish Market

Mingle 3I-al- as ContM Uneli.Hoard I'or Week IS 1.00.

Tho table supplied with tho best thomarket nltorus.


Curriu and Rice and Mango Chutneyovory day for Dinner.

JUSTIN DKMAIiO,04 lw Pioprietor.


Life Insurance Go.,OF NEW YORK.

Cash Assots, Docombor 31, 1887$118,806,851 88

Thoso who dcslro safe and profitableLife Insurance are Invited to apply to

8. It. KOSI),Honolulu, General Agent, Hawaiian

Islands. oct-t-) 88.1y


-- iBST IN Xlllfl

TJio Mntiinl TjifeliiNttvniircOldest nctlvo Life lnsuriuuo CompanyLife Insurance Company lu the World.


Its AscU .Iiuiuiry 1, 1S8', amounted lo $118,806,851.88 an amount greateruy $35,000 000 than the iimels of the ne.t largest life insurance company inthe world; and $32,000,000 greater than the combined capital aud surplus ofthe Bank of linjilaud.

Tho dividend tn its policv-liolilcr- s havo been larccr, and its management ex-

penses smaller thin in any oilier company; having paid more than $75,000,000in dividends aloue .vlille thu total uulim for taxes and expenses bineo organizationhas been less than 10 per cent, of Its income.

The Company issues oTcry legitimate contract connected with human life andits policy conttacts are tho most llbcial and easily understood, containing no tech.uiciil proviso that could ever void thoii colli ction ut maturity. Incontestableafter two years uiul fro" of all lestrir.tions, as to lcfcldence, travel, mode of occu-pation or manner of death, with liberal cash, or paid up surrender values, tlioyturnlsh a certain estate tmd not a possible law mil.

Call upon or address nnv As?pii! of the Company (stating nie) for tlio cost anddescription of the "New Whole Premium Return I'oliey." '"herebythu Company guarantees to Return and Pay, in additlon'to tho faco of fho Policy, allpictniuniu paid iu by this ussuictl, if,do till occurs during the term selectedwhilo if the oner of policy miivIvcs (he term, he may settle for cns'i, or for anyof the many opticus set fui'ih'in the contract.

A. D. THOMAS,Special Traveling Agent.

00 2w

TOYS, DOLLS,Christmas & New Year Cards,



f5 2w


Engine Co. lo.

-- AT TUE- -

Rifles Arm'ory,

November 16, 1888,


BQfTo be had of 'he Noub Dealer.-.-gS-a

!U id

or yonnossseursJusl leoeivcd a conMijumeiit of

Choice French Clarets,From the well-know- n rliiii" of' Dul os

Kreiec and J,nr,isu v Pm col,Hoide-iux,- . Fruuce:

IHeloj sronopolc,Olui t;mi !:i I'osc,

OlmLouu .! .covlll.',MnrKiuix,limit; JUrloii,CJliiitenii Lafllu,

Also, from the cellars of Rounns & Co ,London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(Iu Quarts & Magnums)

Clininbevlln, 1804:Clmmlicrtlii, 1874;Cliutpnu It'Vquoiii, ISSH;

Dry Ciirncoq. 8 Yeui-- Old;Vhuteuii Iuriinx, 1877;

Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

eSTTho above comprises tho ChoicestBiiu.ds of Wines and LiquoiB ever im-ported to this market.


MACFARLANE & Co.nov.10.8S

For 30 Days. For 30 Days.


MILLINERYMiss Ohillhurg will hold a Clearing Sale

for 80 diij's to make room for

Hew Holiday GoodsTo arrive shortly.

Ladies' $20 Hat will ho sold. . for $ 00ii j;; ii it ii , . " (I 00ii jo ii ii . i. . . ' C 00II II II II

9 . " 2 no$12 Ostrloh Plumes ' . . " 7 00

4 Tips " " . . " 1 50


At Half Price.

Tho above flats nio all Now and of theLatest Styles, mid Trimmed with

tho very bert materials.

iss CHSLLBURO031 i'ortBtrcet. Lint


Cwmpnity of Kciv Yorlt, Is thelu tho Unltul Stales, and Ihu JjurgONf

e B. ROSE.General Agent Hawaiian Islands.


8& & A SUin: of 3 Rooms, suit.Xi. iiMo tor :v man and wife,

'$$& ou beconil iloor. Apply No. 8

Union street, next to the Bell Tower.P0 lw

TO LETX a nice locality, sur-b- y

lraMi JL vmimliwl well-ke- pt

3gta irroii nils, two ciiltcs of Fur--

niejicd Room", with bath and .dress-ing looms, suitable for housekeeping,and if wanted an additional room canbe added to either. Also, a Cottage,with bath, stable and can Inge loom.Addrp P. O. Uox JiGO. 77 lm

FOR BALEand oi'il 11 ii (I l.illi.i'd andNKV Tub! w. n) t

J. V. 150 WEN,!.0 lw Pimtbi.on isiiliiuil Koum.


Durham and Jersey5 Cows, mid I Heifer,j'lsi hi ilvud ficiinSiui tran-cheJM3 i pti "i-- . (;. Wilder."

For puiliuiilnrt apply t' Wail: Colburn,whuie tin' block cm bo seeu.



OK KiiiK Miei'l, oppositeMi. Aihi'iionV. Iliu a

fm.i no nt !3 tect by 231

U' t dee)). Ap' 1' lo7I lm .JOHN HOWLER.




C. BREWER & CO.88 lw

The Ship "J. C. Pflneger"

: 1IAE

JUfs'j: ARRIVEDWith annolhcr

Cargo of New GoodsI'OIl

88 lw


-- 'lOO TONS- -

West Hartley Goal-- FOR SALE BY--


NOTICE.rpilIS is to certify that tiie Largo andX Commodious Dining Rooms of Urn

Cosmopolitan? Restaurant

Will bo 6hortly extensively altered,whereby ci enter convenience and com.fort will bo afforded to patrons, whiletho tables will ho supplied with everyluxury obtainable at the market, lo.Kether with tho very best of Teas andCoffee. EST'I'erms. 5 per week.

JUN 1IEE,88 3w l'roprietor.

jrOKT 'J '15 1CICT,


Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lovnv Prices than over bcfoic. New invoice of

oHELF-rlARDWA- l, PLOWS & (Ml 1IMA1ISE.Jiifrt Received

JVovol t,i.K Jiiicl Ximcy Goodw, Ixi 1.uikC Vii.aIiy.anc-P.- 1

' ii A 'J'i " in...y-...- 1 i



Lades' Gits'.?

& CHrens' BainsIIV COTTON


Also, Ladies' Black Diamond Dye Hoseo

Iii future, Mrs. E. Small will bo prepared to HoCutting unci Fitting:.

17.11 lyimii'j-'iiiw- inn iwi mi



18 30 Chambers-- o-

Whlch have proved :i ij iiicress n II iikaV aiini'-i- , IC'iloa I n Imi

movkIc'I w I'll the




fl50Tlio Goods New,inipoitcil ox'recent





IS 30 Chambers




Sugar Lib Ifanntmiulu, Kckaha,ebo. ilc, and


tiie same.

Kiehli tlio Lalctt Dcbicn, havingweio exprebsly for the trade,


H. HACKFELD & CO., Agents.Srtlm

Se Account of Removal




Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,In Flush Leather j Itibquo, Glu Pitriiin "W'nrc, Opora

Marino (JIiisbcs, Tclcfcopcn,

BJCtursics 33o3co, GCoytss, 23oo3rH -- l.11iimis,And other things loo nuineioiiK mention. All the above

Goods will ottered tlio


above niobeen arrivals and


m ill Ai mv-iii- l

zaaz:- - - fc A v ,. '--







0 , ue,ah fie . which

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ami of




&, &. &

toho at



ta tm&tMim. MtiMiimimtmiLr .&&&&'-- $ feMMO

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J OO TPovt Struct, Honolulu.


, ,' it'll

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Page 3: mWWm .ralktiti. - University of Hawaii · Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all



WW.if J,


rV J133

latin untfiMONDAY, NOV. 12, 1888.


Slmr Kliuiu from Hawaii mid AliitiiStmr Mlkahala from KnuaiStinr Wnltilcnlu from KmmtStmr Lchua from lliunakuaSchr Manuokawal from KoolnuHchr Hnlcakala from l'epeckco

Nov 12Bgtno Cousuelo, Itubcrtson, 0 days and

20 hours from Sua Francisco


Stmr Mnkolll for Molokal at 0 p mStmr Llkellke forKaluilnl and liana at

5 p inStinrlOuda for Walalua and Waianne

at 9 a in

VESSELS LEAYINCStmr Ktnau for Illlo and way ports at

4 p inStmr Mlknluihi for Kauai at o p mStmr Wuialcnlu for Kauai at 5 p mSehr Huleukuln for PepeekeoStmr for Htiiiuikun at 5 p m

PASSENGERS.From Kauai per stmr Mlkalinla, Nov

11 S Lesser, J A Mngoon, Miss Jlc-Slia- ue,

MrsK 11 t'olz, U Uouncrinan, 4Chiuu:0 and CI deck

From Kauai per stnn Walalcalc, Nov110 Koclllng, wi e, child and 2 deck.

From Hilo and way poits per stmrKlnaii, Nov 11 Hon W ll Daniels, JNawahi, O N Spencer, C Kaiser, WinNeil, J A Iinlach, Paul Neumann, V YAshfoid,J V Oolville, Chun Limp, SKiniuta, A G Serruo, N Igaiuehi, I)rI)r M Kawada, Mr 21 Yainashi,'K A Jiie-leubc-rg,

N Hulbcrl, S Macuuloy, UrHmersou, A Ilancbcrg, Jtcv W 11

Barnes, Win Wo Chan, Win Uuun,wife and daughter. Mrs C K btillmanand child, 11 Allccn, AlSoja and 73deck.


Stmr Kinau 4732 bgs sugar, 200 ,bgsspuds, 80 bgs corn, 3G hides, 3horses and 220 pks suudiics.

Stmr SliUaliala 1217 bgs sugar, 35 bgsrice, 14 hides, 200 ehecp and 1C0 bgspin.

Stmr Wuhileale 1257 bgs rice.


The S S Arabic arrived at San Fran-cisco on the 2th, 8 days from Hono-lulu.

The bark Aldcu lie so is still unload-ing coal ut Kaliului, Alaui. Micwlllload sugar for San Francisco fioni theSpreekelsvillc Plantation.

The schooner Anna sailed fioni Ifa-liul-

Maui, ou Nov. 7th. with a fullcargo of sugar, the first of the seasonfrom the Bproekelsvllle Plantation.

rnojKCTKD DF.i'Airruitr.s.Nov fi S A Australia, bktncs Discov-

ery and S N Castle. ttout ioNy:NiJ.

Oct 20 Ituss ship Klica from Hono-lulu.

Oct 23 Haw bk Jus A Kingand bktaeKllkitat from Honolulu.


Madame Jafl'a, tho pianist, arrives

Ex U. S. Coiif-u- l Daniel 0. Bigelowof Honolulu, is dead.

Fiiesh oybters at Nolle')by the Aubtialiti.

The King leaves for Mauiafternoon on the Kinau.

J. E. Bhown & Co., advertiseTahiti bamboo for hat making.

Themendous bargains in boots andshoes can bo obtained at P. Moln-crny'- s.

The Australia is duofrom San Francisco with dates totho Gth inst.

Mil. "Walter M. Giflurd has ourthanks for tho use of late San Fran-cisco papers.

Tim Australia arrived in SanTTraneisco Octobor 30th, seven daysfrom Honolulu.

1Tickets are belling fast for the

masquerade ball .December 1st, bythe Portuguese Philharmonic So-


We aro tony to learn that Rov.Alex. Mackintosh is confined lo thehouse through being kicked by hishorso.

The Australia's Chinese ciow wasallowed to land in San Francisco un-der recent orders fioni tho Secrotaryof thoTieasury,

The Rov. O. II. Murwood, M. A.,Chaplain on II, M.'s Swiftsuro,preached at St. Audiew's Cuthcdiallast evening.

lion. A. Jaeger is now ready toreccivo applications for ordeis fortho distribution of plants from thoGovernment nujbory.

Gait, Robcrtton, of tho Gonsuelo,and Pilots Babcock, Shcppard andMclntyre lnuo tho thanks of thoBulletin for Into papeis.

His Majesty the King went onboard the llugship Swiftsuio at oneo'clock this uftornoon, and lunohedwith Admiral Honeage. A dinnerparty will bo given on board ouTuesday, and ti daneo on Thursday.

T'HEiin was a heavy freshet atMolokai last week which carriedaway somo of tho water pipes crossing tho Wuikolu stream, cuttingoil" tho supply of wator for tho leperscttloinoiit. Tho Superintendent ofI'ublio Works will lejivo for Molokaiwith men to make tho necessary re-


Jii'.wis & Co. will icooivo by tho13. y. Australia nnolhur supply ofthof-- o lnigo roil Oregon apples besidesvegetables, llsh mid game on ico.


Tin: Piecidcnt of the United Stalesissued a proclamation October Histdesignating Thursday, November 29,as a day of thanksgiving and prayer.

Mn. Chas. "K. Kempstor of Kolmlaand Miss Emma Auno llickard ofllonokaa wcro united in mairingc,November 3d, by tho Ucv. J. M.Silver.

CAi'T. J. II. Brown says ho saw"PntioncV tlnco times in San Fran-cisco by professionals, and that thoperformance on Saturday evening byour local amateurs compared ex-ceedingly favorably.

One of tho sailors on tho Swiftsurowas walking-nlon- g Union street Sat-urday ovoning when ho was run intoby a hack, the shaft striking him ontho face a liltlo below tho eye, in-flicting a rather dangerous wound.Tho driver of the hnck did not stopand tho police arc trying to iind outwho it was. Tho injured sailor wassent to tho ship.


Harmony Lodge No. 2 I. O. of O.F. at 7:30.

Moonlight band concert at EmmaSquare at 7:30.


Tho Hawaiian Band will give amoonlight concert this evening atEmma Square, commencing nt7:30 o'clock. Following is the pro-gramme:

1'AIIT I.March Vienna SchlomcrOverluic Jolly 1 Jobbers SuphoOhonus Tannha'iser WagnerMedley Night in New York. ...Brooks

Mikiol, Malama,Novclo.PART II.

Medley To Olden Times BeyerFautasla Mill In the Forest..EllenbergEcho DrcAms WideekeWaltz Hlspunlu Waldtcufel

' Hawaii Ponol.LW " V J'


The committee of the St. An-

drew's Church Association, chargedwith the arrangement of Saturdayevening's entertainment, beg totender its most sincere thanks tothe many friends whose strenuousexertions contributed towuiiU sosuccessful a result. Ou lvhalf ofthe com mittee. II. II. (Jowi:n.


On Sunday afternoon the bnrlfKnlakaua which had been leakingfor some lime past, began to settledown in the harbor. It was foundnecessary to call in the services ofthe Fiie Department and No. 1

Engine was despatched to pump thewater out of tho hold which wasseven feet deep. After half anhours work the feed pump gaveway, and No. 5 Engine was broughtinto requisition. All the water waspumped out before the engine left.

A FLYING TRIP.x The brigantine Cousuelo, Capt.Robertson came into port early thismorning, having made the liip fromSan Francisco in tho quick time of9 days 20 hours. She lett the latterport November 1st at 3 p. in., andexperienced fine weather with strongN. E. trades until the Dili when theywere light and so to port.Capt. Robertson was warmly con-

gratulated on making such a quickpassage. He states that the Austra-lia was to sail on her regular timotho Clh. The Cousuelo brought onepassenger, Mr' Gallagher a schoolteacher.


Mr. Harry AValkcr, engineer atPepeekeo will, called' this morningto tell us of an accident which oc-

curred lo Capt. Kibling of thoschooner Ilalcaknla, ono day lastweek at Pepeekeo. They were dis-

charging freight in rough weatherwhen a bale of liny struck the Captain, breaking the right leg justabove the ankle. Fortunately Dr.Mouritz was ut the landing and lieat once went on board the schoonerand set tho leg. The Ilalcakala ar-rived in port Sunday morning andtho Captain was taken to his homo.Dr. McGrew was called and foundthat tho leg had been set very wellby Dr. Moijritz. Capt. Kibling iseasy aud comfortable to-da- but itwill be several weeks before ho willbe nblo to get out and around.


The annual meeting of the Ha-waiian Rillo Association was heldSaturday everting at tho lluwaiianHotel. The following ofllccrs wereelected for the ensuing year: Presi-dent, Dr. John Bjodio ; Vice-Pre- si

dent, C. W. Ashford ; Secretary andTreasurer, Chas. II. Nicoll. Boardof directors Dr. Br'odie, C, W.Ashfoid, C. II. Nicoll, G. E. Howe,F. Iluataco, J. Good, Jr., J. r.Pratt, J. II. Fisher, J. Rothwell,nud II. Focke. Range Committee

G. E. Howe, J. Rothwell and C.B. Wilson. Flnunco CoinniitteoJ. Rothwell, V. V. Afahford mid II.Focke.

It was decided to hold a shootingmatch on tho lClh, Tho programmewill appear later. Tho Associationlias no debts and a balance in handof $lt)J.U5, which is in a measureduo to the faithful work dono byTreasurer Nicolls.


AND- -

The amateur entertainment givenin tho Opera IIouso on last Satur-day night, in aid of tho funds ofSt. Andrew's Cathedral, proved, aswas expected, highly creditable toall concerned, and wns positivelysatisfactory to its patrons, whichcomprised a full house.

An operetta by Offonbach, enti-tled, The llliud BcggaTs, precededthe principal piece of the evening.Mr. W. J. Harding and LieutenantSt. John, both of II. B. M. S. Cor-morant, represented the blind beg-gars. The get-u- p was excellent,and their acting and singing credit-able. This was simply a harbingerof ths main feature of the entertain-ment,, which consisted of selectionsfrom Gilbert and Sullivan's comicopera Patience.

The principal parts in the operawere represented by Miss KosoMakee, Patience ; Miss Rhodes, TheLady Angela ; Miss Mist, Tho LadySaphir; Miss Dora Dowsett, ThoLady Ella; Lieutenant St. John,Archibald Grosvenor; Mr. F. M.Swanzy, Colonel Calvcrly; Mr.Holdswortb, Major Murgatroyd ;

Mr. T. May, Lieutenant The Dukoof Dunstable: Mr. T. It. Walker,IJeginald Bunlhornc. Others takingminor parts were: Mis3 E. Wode-hous- e,

Miss E. Mist, Miss Barnard,Miss P. Judd, Miss Glade, MissClara Glade, Miss Atkinson,Miss May Atkinson, Miss MarieVon Holt, Miss N. Green, MissDudoit, Mr. W. II. Baird, Mr. Geo.Smithies, Mr. W. S. May, Mr. CarlWidcmanti, Mr. J. E. Brown, Mr.Wray. Taylor, and two marinesfrom II. B. M. S. Cormorant.

Upon the curtain lising 14 youngladies, arrayed in quaint and be-

coming costumes and reclining ingraceful attitudes, sang with mucheffect the chorus "Twenty love-sic- k

maidens we." The doleful assem-blage of love-sic- k damsels wasstartled by the entrance of Patience Miss Rose Makee ablythe and frolicsome dairy maid,who, after a short recitative,sang "I cannot tell what this lovemay be." Patience who both look-ed "and acted her part to perfection,was becomingly dressed and carrieda milk pail under her arm. Loudapplause greeted the pretty dairymaid, who became a favorite fromthe beginning.

Following the disappearance ofPatience and the love-bic- k maidens,a guai d ot dragoons marched twicemound the and, forming inline after a very military fashion,sang the chorus "The Soldiers ofour Queen." The Colonel of theregiinont Mr. F. M. Swanzy sangin good stylu the amusing song"When 1 first put this uniform on,"with chorus by the dragoons, andresponded to tin encore.

Reginald Bunthoine Mr. T. R.Walker sung the somewhat dilli-cu- lt

part allotted to him, "If you'reanxious for to shine," whichbrought down the house. The gel-u- p

of this character wi.s unique, andthe manner in which the pail wasrendered gave evidence of carefulstudy, also of unusual ability inthat paiticular line. Loud and de-

served applause followed.The duet between Patience and

Angela Miss Rhodes "Long yearsago," was n gem. Nothing shortor an encore could pacify the

audience. The full so-pia-

of Patience 'charminglyblended with the soft con-lial- to

of Angela, and the cleverby-pl- ay of both in this duet, com-

bining as it docs pathetic music withan irresistably comic side, had tobe seen to be appreciated.

Archibald Grosvenor Lieut. St.John in his duet witli Patience,'Prithee Pretty Maiden," was per-

fect in his get-u- p and part. Hisretiring dolefulncss was superb. Patience, who at first lures him on topropose marriage and afterwardsdeclines his advances, was as usual,piquant and pretty.

The first act concluded with the8cstettc and chorus, "I hear thosoft notes," which though in pailsa little weak in bass voices, wasbeautifully sung. It was a toss-u- p

between this and tho dpet, "Longyears ago," which should be char-acterised as the "tho gem of theevening,"

The entrance of Grosvenor, ut thecommencement of the second act,followed by the love-sic- ): maidens,singing "Turn, Oh Turn," wasvery effective, and tho appearancoof the lucky young gentleman, seat-ed ou the stump of a tree and sur-rounded by a bevy of charmingmaidens, all consumed by a hope-less passion, which the haughtypoet does not at all reciprocate, wasa lackadaisical secun indeed,Grosvenor, still seated on theslump, to the maidens all prostratenlound hiin, endeavored to exposethe hopelessness of their love in anallegory, "The magnet and thechum," which was well sung.

Patience's song which followed,"Love is a plaintive bong," wasrendered with much tabto and feel-ing.

The quintette "If Saphir I choosoto marry," was sung by MissRhodes, Miss Mist, Mr. Swanzy,Mr. T, May, and Mr, lloldsworth,in good style, The dancing andclover by-pla- y in this quintetteelicited great applause.

The two poets, Buuthorno andGrosvenor, then sang a rollickingduct, '(When I go out of doors," inwhich all old aesthetic sentiment isdropped, followed by a song and

chorus, "Wo'rc Swoars and Swells,"by Grosvenor and tho maidens whohavenow quite recovered from theheadache that seemed, nt an earlierpciiod, lo bo consuming them ut-

terly.The entertainment concluded with

a quintette and chorus by the entirecompany, the leading performers infront, all with hands joined anddancing gracefully, with the warlikedragoons taking a respectful placoin the rear.

During the evening the Swiftsurostring band, under the leadershipof its regular head,Mr. II. E. Losoby,played several selections very ac-

ceptably. Mr. Losoby also playeda violin solo exquisitely. ProfessorBcrgcr, with a detachment of theHawaiian band, also furnishedorchestral music of a superior order.

Professor Yarndley olllciatcd ly

as musical director, Mr. My-ron Jones presiding at the piano.Capt. Nicholls of II. B. M. S. Cor-morant played tho piano for thoBlind Beggars. .

To Lieutenant E. R. Pears of theCormorant, is primarily due thounqualified success of the entertain-ment. Under his direction and su-pervision the whole performancewas prepared and placed beforo thepublic.

Among those, present were TheirMajesties the King and Queen, 11.R. II. Princess Liliuokalani, II. It.II. Princess Kaiulaiii, II. H. PrinceKawananakoa, lion. J. O. Dominis,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, Rear-Admir- al

Algernon C. F. Heneagc, Flag Lieu-tenant Thomas N.Tliynne and ollloersof II. B. M. S. flagship Swiftsure,Capt. J. T. Nicholls and officers of11. B. M. S. Cormorant, CaptainGraham aud ofllccrs of tho U. S. S.Alert, Major J. II. Wodehouse, H.B. M.'s Commissioner, and Mrs.Wodehouse j His Honor the ChiefJustice, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Mc-Cull- y,

Mr. Justice and Mrs. Dole,etc.

The net proceeds of tho entertain-ment will probably exceed $300.


A meeting of the Hawaiian Base-ball League was held last Thursdaywhen a committee was appointed tomeet the Alameda with the twoAmerican baseball teams on board.Airangenicnts will be made to havean exhibition game plaj'cd here anda subscription list has been started.


On Saturday afternoon about 3o, clock a horse attached to a luakedriven by a native, got beyond thecontrol of the dtivcr on Mei chantstieet and dashed up Bethel streetat a furious rate. It tried to turnon lo King street but was going toofast and collided with the front ofIIopp's store breaking a pane ofglass while the carriage was smash-ed to pieces. The driver was nothurt at all but looked badly scaredwhen he crept out of the ruins. Thehorse ran into IIopp's yard and afterscattering things aiouud in a livelymanner, boiled out of the yaid onto King street and then collidedwith a horse ridden by n native boy,the latter being thrown off. Bothhorses after the collision ran awayand were only stopped with diff-iculty.


EniroK Bi;i.u.iin: Unless theGovernment (and that very soon)do soinethiug this very beautiful(?) plant will ruin the whole place,and properties that arc now payingheavy assessments will be hardlyable to be found, and a to the own-ers they may clear away, so thatthey can get in to their promises,but when inside will not know whatstreet they live ou, as all along theGovernment roads ' this fine plantdoes so well, that 8 or 9 feet is noth-ing for it, if only assisted by a fenceor wall.

Of course, it may be said well,why don't you keop it clear of yourpremises? The tax-paye- rs don't pro-pose to do the work the Governmentshould do I mean on tho publicroads. Tho "plains" that a fewyears ago 'did not have any lantanagrowing on it, now is getting cover-ed fast. Largo vacant lots nowgrow it as if it were a valuable crop

said lots being unoccupied andunenred for proprogato this articleby means of birds, etc., all over tbcplains where 1 write fioni ; and hav-ing lived there over 18 years, Iknow a little of what Tarn talkingor writing about. But it is needlessfor me to dpscribo how it is spreading, not only ou the plains, buteverywhere; and a stitch in fimemay save nine.

Now I will mako a suggestion,and suggestions were very popularin dear Walter's time, not my sug-gestions but his i

Let the Government by its Min-ister give diie notice "by tho powerin him vested," that a mouth, sayafter dale of said notice, if anyhouse or lot owner on tho plains,and anywhere else, as he likes, liasnot cleared his said lot of everyplant of kuitaun growing on it, itwill be done for hiiu,and he chargedand also fined 810 first offense, $50the second, and so on till he takesan interest-- in tie saiil work or hewill lose his capital in finding it.

But, and a very large but, thoGovernment must do its part anddo it well for after all we pay forit, and send out squnds of men onevery btreet and cut dowii, dig upor otherwise destroy tills rca cufaoto the placo j pllo up, dry and burp,and send an olllcer round to see thaiit is done somo of those Captaluaperhaps, if thoy are not too busy?

" iKA. YK&jJWuajfe Ukm&f'.- '. iiiWfcfi- - i&Hf - -. ,W Ll M a.dLvvafcd i .'

nHMifjini!j,n'ijThis may seem a very funny arti-

cle nuiusing I mean; but I thinkhundreds will bear me out. It isvery serious. Of course, comingfrom me, it will be taken no noticeof, but I know of somo who sufferedthousands of dollars damage, whocould speak if they liked. Ofcourse, we cannot, prevent lautanaspreading over tho country, etc.,but let us do so when we can in andaround the city and suburbs.

Somo years ago a (Inn in this citysent down to Kauai, to a gentlemanthere, a box or two of this fineplant, for him to plant and make ahedge around his garden, etc., nssomething very fine, etc. Hedid so in tho innocenco of hisheart, and in a few years the dovesand piucons had carried it all overhis place, lo the almost ruin of it nsa cattle ranch. As I had the pleas-ure of stopping there a few weeksI saw and heard all about it directfrom the gentleman, who was E.Krull Esq., of Kealia, where Col.Z. S. Spalding's plantation now is,who may know if ho has any ou hislands or not; although for sugar-raisin- g

land, where you can plow itup, it may not be so bad.

I havo always heard what a grandpower is the press, and so it may bein politics ; but I think it could useits power to moro advantage if itwould leave them alone and attendto local or home affairs. I supposeafter that I had better stop, but 1only meant to ask your editorship tosupport by your more able pen thishumble article. Kila.Hono. Nov. 9, 1888.


IfoHcctuniltrtlis head are chcrged 10 cent$per thtflrtt imertion, and 6 ctntepcr linemeru ajdUUnal imtrlion.

TAN'S BOAT BUILDING!SHOP. Rear of Lucas' Mill.


MUSIC furnished for balls, particBserenades by Palmer's String

Hand. Orders loft at C. E. WilllamV,or ring up Mutual Telephone H38. 74 if


NEW GOODSDuring Mr. Fisbel'B absence, who

went Eunt to buy his HolidayGoods, our entiio stock of

-- AND-


Faury Clothing. Bhoew, Until &.CupH, Millinery, Jtc,

Yill be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices

In order lo mako room for NowOnodp, We will ofter the

Biggest Bargains in

In this country.

Our $5 Hats will bo told for .152.75 ;

Our :J.O I bits will bo sold for $3.7fi;Our .f II HatH will bo (,old for $1.7fl ;

Our $10 Hats will be sold for JJ0.00;Our $10 Hats will bo sold for $8.75.

We li;rc iuiiimisHs

Ii all Diartiils !

Goods will hit slaughtered forTHIRTY DAYS ONLY.

Boys' Fine Straw Hals only 25Cents eaoh.

Our Linen Lawns take tho cake.

Price our Ribbons !

Our stock of Rjbhniift is complete midi ou may expect bargains.

We Mubt and wo Will sell in order tomake loom for New Goods,

The Leading

inery House-- 01-

C&4AS. J. FSSHEL.Corner o Fort & Hotel Streets,

July 17-8- 8

ONLY LIVE PAPER iiUouolulur-"T- Uo Dally Bulletin.

EO cents per month.


- - - fl


03 & 05 FOltT STJREET.

NEW GOODS I'SSS WSW GOODS !Tho ladies arc invited to inspect our

KMW STOCK of IKY (HHiliS Jfc FAA'CJY UOODSReceived by lust Hlcanior and personally selected by Mr. S. Ehrlieh. Tho

stock comprises many novelties in every department.Prices are Bed Rock. A largo assortment of

JOressiH Groocls iix all New SliadLos !Embroideries, Laces & Oiictal Lace, Flouncing,

Fancy Flannels, Flannelette, Tricot ti Ladies' Cloth, etc.

Largo Assort, in Dress Ginghams, Seersuckers, Linen, Chambray & Cheilots.

3Sc-- v UNovcltioH in LiulleM' Berlin Slia-vr- l ILadies' Casseniero Scarf Shawls in all shades,

Hoiiory, UonoU &. Underwaro at low prices

Fancy Surrah Silk and Fancy Velvets IWe call particular attention to our Shoe Department.

A SFtiU of Indies' French Kid Button Shoes,A Full Lino of Gcnt'H Mince.

Children' French Kid Shoe at Bled Rock Prices.DRLilloJtt- -

In ull Widths, Colors fc Shades. Great Bargains in


IfcOJBOITS imlousand Children's Clothing I

Gent's Bathing Suits at .$1.C0 a Suit.

S. EHRLICH,G3 & G5 Fort Street.203-- i

py flwirajpgai

--S53? T 3BC

3EO--Aul- f Ac COMPANY.




Te 1)6 f in any lieSept -

KLEDoiitei to Inform Ids ninny frlcmUmid

the public of Honolulu in genera,Ilia lie has puicliuccd the

No expense lias been iparol Incom-pletely renovating thU establishment.

Wliilu labor only will be empiiucdAi much ns possible.

Strict attention will bo paid to wash,ing, to ns to prevent all Hough Wear orUsugu while undergoing tlie cleaningprocess.

Special tonus for Fiimillcs, Hotels,ItebtauninlP, Lodging.lic.uies and Small repairs will-b- e done lreuof charge. WuMilrig will be railed torami delivered frcu ol elmigo at any partof Honolulu.

(itiuianU'e Mitlsfaciloii and no morecomplaints to be beard fiom patrons.

Ulvo u a trial and be convime.l lliatwe mi an Jm iness. Hell Telephone 100.

Oltlcc, Queen slmt; Waiklkl fide ofHuekfeld A Co. Hull Telephone SQ8.

84 lni


e, a rPHK House and l'rumlursj3n JL hitely occupied by Y S

Luce, rui,, siluiito on Unionbtreet urnl AdunH I.anu. Tito Housecontains parlor, H bedroom)", 2 dressing,rooms, Jmlhvuy, dining room, p mtry andkitehm. There U iiIm a Cn.tage fa ti10gioundu with :t room-'- , stable, can luge,home and scivanl's lonn. Tlie pluce isin perfect order. Pucinlon given atoiiqc Apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT.87 tf No STMcrehtiiitHtrtct.

FN:nuswer to several eunuliles con- -JL cerninir Whale lloat Frames, wohave new in course of construction,!1 Whalo Boat KramcK 74 feet by 112 feetlung. These frallies aio bent hi ouupiece of oak, and held to shape, thusrequiring little tact t.o set them up andbuild. The full frame for Mich boats,including citnta, 45 Bcetiong hi number,U hold at 28; vjtli large Moms on keel,and ready to plunk $10. They mono tintended to be clinker built, nor at thufrail Imported whale boats pi oner, buttire Intended for rough use and durabi-lity, yet light withal, for llslilug audtrading; pin poses. We have cy portedthese frames and intend doing o, andmake thla offer to auiatours nud othersdesrom of trying their hand, withplenty of lclsute and small cuMi to makeu hiistueHj, Will bend frame to anygiven model from 5 to S.I torn, Also on(laud for unlo Surf ami Pleasure lloata.Ketu, Kuecti and Timbers. MutualTelephone No 3S5.

DUWKK &.80N,7C t( JioAt'JKulldui.



CLOTi-flliy- G

fats Furnishing floods, &u.

duI stein Kington!



Whale Boats.

17 -88

vwrifwmai - WiWu.mi itrr


"PAHTIK3 deslrinc GoodLots and Aeri- -

cultural Lands may inquireof the umler.-dynS- :

There are 10 House Lois at Hamohamo,Waiklkl; 3 of these being near tho Got-emine- nt

road and r.loto to the sea beach.1 Homo hot at Palolo, Oubu.1 House Lot at Kuuluwela, Oahu.1 Lot, a beautiful grove of trees on tho

bunks of a running stream aboetliefulls of Waikahalulu, and including thoalls.

1 Land at Hauula, Oahu.1 Land at Ewn, Oahu.4 Lots at Poluui, Lslmliin, MauL1 Land at Nahikii, Maul.1 Land at, Hawaii.tarl'hc above Lands will be leased

for tho term of 10 lo 15 veurs. Apply

At Kapnlauin.Honolulu, October 25, 1888. 31 2w


El fh " J ONE flno WHch Cow$100. Apply

at the Bulletin OQlcc.0l8td onw


DUHINO the temporary absei ce ofWin. ti. Irwin

Kingdom Mr. FruuU V. Hastings willact lor our bank in all matters ol bust-uee- s.

GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.Honolulu, Oct. 2,1, 18S8. 7U aw


DUIUNG the temporary absence otWin. H. Irwin from this

Kingdom Mr. W. M. Gillard will tetforour linn under power of attnrnoy,yu- - G "WIN & CO.

Honolulu, Oct. 91, 188. 7t gw


AT tho King's Hlable,on King btre it, Fo.

lama, C good work Mulesaud Harness all complete.

well broke; also 0 head of good Ameri.canllorirs; nlo 1 fres-- young JerseyCow. well broke to milking; 1 me yearold Norman Htallion with a good pedl.grte, a sure foal gettor, and nry ladycan drive him, fears nothing, .uyonowishing to purchase please cill andexamine stock. I have owned thu slocksouiotiiBc and huvo raised somo of It

my own ranch lu Han MMen ( ounty.Cal, IIENItY WOItMINGTON.

81 Ixt





Page 4: mWWm .ralktiti. - University of Hawaii · Having had an extensive business experience, for ovor twenty.flve years in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all

jjiijTT?Tr!Mnrrrr-Mw;MrWtilncrh.mttya&.Kj(c- rr v r,fl.iJTTTftHffTTTOt;Hrcwffr.iapsranwr3r,iM Vfc.raT'3.TrwaTiTrinw7rTriy,7rriaa

iiiumNTolophonoB, No. 175.

JO! ITT, 1. 8

o X3&tttv&z5Ftta5mxmubr"""1 titS.t: SfVv&.ma soys


Cor, Edinburgh & Quo on StB.

Vra&B8ii&S'--- , "3ECi,TC3ik- -. vs & ms

gyiyj a

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Ohandeliers; Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any port of tho city free of charge. Island orders poli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 03 nov-- 4 85


HAS JUSTDupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysteis, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Blown Bread, Tabic Fruits, Gcrmea,

HnckiiiH & Franco American Ifccd Co.'s AssortM Soups,Itidges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafeis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger "Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, IToncy, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Snit the Times.

mh-9-J 8& Leave your oiders, or ring up 119. -- a 80

Telephone 240. - ao


Engineer Surveyor,

: : :

Horse Clipping;






'Starr & Co.'sNO. FLOUR




Kaaliuinanu Street.




- --P. Box 297.


FOR SALETho Plant of tho


Is offered For Sale. The Machineryib in working older

and consist ot

26x48 with Engine,Trash Etc., complete,1 Pair of 6x20,1 C and 7 Pans,1 Pan G feet with3 Weston and

tho of

Clarifiers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usuallyin a well

Albo, a of

California & Island lies,Cane duts & Plantation

Implements.Delivery will bo next crop

has been say July 1.

EST For to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Hawaii.

48 tf

F YOU FIND ANYTHING.. ndvertl o it in


Frozen Oysters & Goods from California on ICE by each steamer of tho 0. S. S. Co.A complete lino of Crosso & Blackwcll's and J. T.

Canned Goods always on hand.

ics w is "w 3- - o o x s aSmoked Salmon, Edam Cheese, Uhec3C, Swiss Oregon CreamCheese, Cala. Chceso, New Zealand Cheese, WhitakcrStar & Bacon, Lemons, Beef, Smoked Foiled Sausage, a fewof tho Celebrated Hams & Cala. Roll Fard.Datis, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Olives in kegs, Mixed in kegs, Wellington Epg

in yz gallon tin, Huckins Orcen Turtle Soup, Huckins Ter-rapin Soup, Cala. Keg Butter, New Zealand Keg-Butte- r and a'completo lino ofAmerican Canned Goods always on hand; liuu New Zealand Onion and Potatoesnow on hand, by each arrival New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.

ap-1- 6 Islands Orders Solicited. 87

A. Rfl.

Civil and

Fort Street, Honolulu.oct-1- 0 88.3m

HIu Flrst-Clas- s Style, by Expert,enccd

$Sr J3y Hand Clipper -- a

At (ho Pantheon Stables.WORK GUARANTEED, lim



Id Cord Wood or Stove Wood

85 Queen Btreut. lm

1A consignment the above







Ono Millcarrier,

RollersDouulo Eifcct fociVacuum Ulako Pump,

Centrifugals Engine,

Together with usual asiOitment

foundappointed mill.number


given afterharvested, about

1880.further particulars apply


the Daily Bulletin.


FrcsliMorion's English

Pineapple Chceso,Now York Oliecse, Mild

Ham Cicily SmokedCassurd Bacon, Butter,

Cala. PicklesFood, Maple Syrup



,.ilH;i.V ft



waiian Hotel Stablesono ll.iv fllley ! rears

old. Owner can have same by provingty nnd paying expenses." "No

Wnd.' 00 tf


CUSTOMERS having our Soda WaterBottles (empty) on

hand will greatly oblige by notifyingus by tolephono or otherwise, and theywill at once bo sent for. Bottles retainedlonger than ono month will bo chargedfor. Telephones: Bell, 172; Mutual, IJOO.

J. E. BROWN &fO..Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonade, works.

20 tf

Corporation Notice.

NOTICE is hereby given that at n.

of the undersigned part,ncrs of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Taio Co.,it was resolved to accept tho chartergranted September 27, 1888, by theMinister of Interior for tho incorpora-tion of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Tnro Co.,(Limited.) W. II. DANIELS,


Wailuku, Maui, Oct. 4, 1888. 05 Ow

Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

heretoforeaHE between tho undersigned, con.stituting the Arm of the Hawaiian Fruit& 1 aro Co , in Wniluku, Maui, has thisday been dissolved bv mutual consent;the assets and liabilities ot said firmbeing transferred to the Hawaiian Fruit& Tnro Co , (Incorporated.)



Wailuku, Maui, Oct 4, 1888. G5 5w

Election oi Officers.

NOTICE is hereby given tint t aof tho stockholders of the

Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co. held in Wai-luk-

Maui, October 4, 188S, tho follow,inir officers wero elected for the ensu-ing year:

John Richardson President,J. D. Holt Vice President,

( Secretary,W. II. Daniels &

( Treasurer,A. N. Kepoikai Auditor.

W. II. DANIELS,Secretary.

Wailuku, Maui, Oct. 5, 1888. 05 Gw


THE undcrsiimcd having been dulyand qualified as Admin-i'trater- s

with the will annexed of thoEstate of Samuel Gardner Wilder, lateof Honolulu, deceased; hereby notifyall persons having claims against saiddeceased to present tho same, duly

with the proper vouchers ifany exist, even if secured by mortgage,to Win. F. Allen, Esq., nt tho Bank ofBishop & Co., Honolulu, within sixmonths from this dale or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed

of the Estate of S, G. Wilder,

Honolulu, October 1 1, 1888. 70 lm

Foreign Parcels Express.

THE undeisigucd arc now preparedforward parcels through Pitt &

Scott's London Agency, to all parts ofEurope, Asia aud Africa; and also toAustralasia direct, and'to the South SeaIslands via Australian or New Zealandports. TaiifT rates, which are remark,ably moderate, have recently been fur-nishe-d

and may be learned upon appli-catio-

Parcels or heavy freight can also bosent for and brought to Honolulu fromany part of Europe through Pitt & Scott'sAgency, and may be insured at the portof departure if desired. Special oidersfor European goods can be placed byPitt & Scott in England or through theiragents in other pails of Euiope; nnd thepackages forwurded by any routo thatis best, at reduced hcay freight rates ifthe packages'aro laruc.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Hawaiian Agents Pitt & Scott's

Express. 78 lm C9w2t

CertlDcate of Registration of Copy



Honolulu, Iluw niinn Islands, jKNOW all Men by these Presents.

in accordance with tho provisions of Section 2, Chapter a, of theSession Laws of 1888, J. M. Macdonaldhas tiled In the olllco of the Minister oftho Interior an application for a Certifl.catc of Copyright for n book entitled"The Honolulu Business Directory, be-ing a professional commercial and tradeaddress book of tho clly and mburbs,corrected up to date of hsue," whichsaid npplicition is accompanied by theoath of tho said applicant that ho is thooriginal and first author of said book.

Now, therefore, this Ceitiflcato is togrant unto the said .1. M. Maidonald, hisheiiH or assigns for the tearf of TwentyYears, from the Tenth Day of October.One Thousand Light Hundred andEJghly eight, tho exclusive light toprint, ic.print, publUh, use and vendthe said book thioijghout the HawaiianKingdom.

In Witness whcroif I hnvo causedthis Certificate to ho issued at Honolulu,this lllh Day of October, A D. 1888and the He il of the Department ot theIuteiior to bo heieto Hfllxed. '

JONA. AUSTIN,Minister of tho Interior, ad interim.

70 2m

Club House Restaurant

King Street Hear Alakea,

Hoard n BO Per Wrcjt.(Single Meal its Cents ISntfli.

A first-clas- Cook has been engaged tosuroeed the one heretofore employed.Tho Tables aro JInrblo top and Clean;the Walters attentive.

C. CHUN 11E8D,S072iJm Proprietor.

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING.A adyortiBe It iu the Dailt BdllbtiiJ

A Good Ghance to go intoBusiness !

On-- account of failing health Mr. Gr. Westwill dispose of his entire interest in the busi-

ness known as Q--. West & Co., 105 Fortstreet, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will begiven to a responsible party. The firm hasbeen doing a good paying business duringthe last six months notwithstanding thedull times. For the next Sixty Days wewill sell Goods at just enough to cover cost.Eor bargains in Furniture, Toys, FancyGoods, &c.j &c. See us before purchasing.



MANUEL. rcimEs,Xo. 40 Hotel Htreet.

Gnitars & String IiiMti'timciitsOf all kinds Made & Repaired

SS? Inlaid Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 2070 3m

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERDally Bulletin." 50 cents

ct month.


Can be found next door to the P. O. A.Office, Merchant ft net.

HnckB Noh. 18, 7, VAi, 75, 180Vaeonctto XJLO.

Mutual Bell 204Sept.24-8- 3







A Specific for

RHEUMATISM,HproTnIu, Halt Itlieum,

Neuralgia, Jling Worm,And alio titer Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Regulates the

Liver Sc JKiclneywCures Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising from an enfeebled con- - 'dltion of tho system.

Dr. Mnrtino, of London, tho celebratedbpeoiallst, says of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I havo ub(d it for twenty yours forIllood Diseases, bucIi as Bcrofulnr, SaltRheum, Tetter and Cancer, und I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Rev. Dr. Thomap, of Honir Kong,Chjmi, says; ''PARDEE'S REMEDY la awonderful mpdlcliio for tho blood. Ihavo prescribed It hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in tlmo italways cured tho patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will never break out onpersons who tako PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and I advlso nil pereons IJv-lu- g

in countiies ivhero leprosy is lire,valent to tako PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive.",

STFor Sato by all Druggists in Honolulu.Aug-2- 3 88-li-

OB PRINTING ot nil klndi exocuted at Ute. Daily Bulletin Office.



Practical "Watchmaker & Repaireriiov.U-S- 8

THE OLDEST DAILY in theJ-- Kingdom The Wmly Bulletin."

Win. O. Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Olllco, : Honolulu Iron Works Co.



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Telephone UNo.87 tf

Hell Tel. 318. JUntual Tel. laoI'.O. Uox-115- .

Office - . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoyanclng a Specialty Records search-ed nnd abstracts of title furnished onBlioit notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In nillanguages in general use in tho King-dom,

Custom House, brokornge Plro and LifeInsuiance receive prompt attention.

Skilled BHd Unskilled Labor Furnished.

Real XSastatebought, sold nnd rented.

Sevcial valuable properties In nndaround iho city now for sale on epsyterms.

Convonlont Collages in desiroblo healthylocations iu and near the cjty to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will mako thcinselves use-ful in perfoimjng the various officesand chorps required by private fami-lies.

Full paitiuulars given on applicationat tlio agency,

Orders fioin the other Islands promptly attended to.

THE DAILY BULLETIN isallveX evening paper. CO cents per month.


"Weekly Summary,"28 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued nnd will bo found tobo an interesting and coinprchcn&lvonumber, containing 28 columns ofrending matter on local topics, anda complolo lcsumc of Honolulu andisland news. Thei e is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.

sonscnirnoNs :

Island S 00 yearForeign (mailed) 5 00 year

To be bad from

Hawaiian News Co, Merchantstreet ;

A. M. Ilcwott, Merchant stroct ;

W. II. Graonhalgh, Fort stroct;Bulletin Office, Qanon street.


Arrlvo at Honolulu from San Francisco.Australia November 13Alnmedn November 22Australia December 11

Lcavo Honolulu for San Francisco.Maripoea November 18Australia November 20Zciilaudia December 16Australia December 18Alameda (18891 January 13

iiQliQii Mail uoiwn1 UUl III)


Tho new nnd ftno Al fteel steumship

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Stcauitliln Company, wil

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand AucMand on or about

November id, '88.And will leave for tho above poit withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or pastaue, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

The now and fine Al steel steamship

it Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steambhip Company, will

be due nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

November 22, '88,And will have prompt dif patch withmalls and passengers for theuhnvupoits

For freight or parage, having SUPERIOlt ACCOMMODATIONS, nppljto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Auents


The Nippon Yuren Kaisha's AlSlcimship

aTakasago Maru,"BnowN, : : Commandmi.

Will be duo hero from Yokohama on orabout the 13th Kovcmlei and

will leave for the aVnvoports positivelj on ilio

17th of the same Month 1

Chinese Passengers for Hongkongwill bo transferred at Yokohama byllrst' steamer leaving that port.

8rFor Freight or Passage havingsupeiior accommodations, apply to

Wm, G. IRWIN & Co.,78 td Agents.


Xrcsmulclii(; &o., &o..

Has commenced the business of Dress,making, Cutting and Fining, at her icsl-denc-

No. 78 Iicieuinia street, oppositetho Hotel. The pntron.igo of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. BatlBfactlonguaranteed. scpt-6-l-

Alex, 'i&Sf Flolir,Lock & Gunsmith.

bethel St.. next to General PostOffice, Honolulu.

All kinds or Safes & Scales repaired.Also, Hoivlntr Uncliliien at vciiHon-aul- o

ruteH.Bell Tel. 421. (cct.25.68 ly) P. 0. 11. 400


MUHIO furnished for bnlls, partiesserenades by Palmer's Siring

Hand. Orders lott at O. E. Williams',or ring up Mutual Telephone 8HIJ. 74 tf


WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked3 Whale Hoat, 30 feet long, feetdeep. 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Burf Boats;1 18 feet Burf Boat; 8 Decked Plunger,1(1 feet long, 0 feet 0 Indus wide, 2 feet0 InoheB deep, witli mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2 feet Balling Scon, withmast aud sails all complete. Apply to.

E. It. BY AN.Boat Builder and General Joblier. 51 tf

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advortleo in tho Daily Bullktik.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

lioeiiig: JET'org-e- ,

70 &. HI Kltm (Street.Shooing, from $1.50.

Horoos nnd Cattle Trontcd foiall Diseases.

Hcsidcnco: Chnmbcrlain Iloupe, nextKawaiahao Church.

X. O. BOX 4118.Bo,1c"l"iS3lS.o5a.

Yosemlte Skating


Skating! Skating! Skating!Cornor Queen & Richard Strooti.

W ill be bpen every evening from 7 to0:30 i M.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdayevening for the Public iu Genornl.

THOMAS J3. WALL,1G01 l'ropriotor lyr

ISpSliTBest Crown Brand.

6, 7, 8. and 9 Feet LengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockcimouih"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, f.00 Bills. White Bros.


At the Lowest Market Rates.

WILDER & CO.03 tf



Proof Safes !


& Lott Co.,

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having eMablifched an Agency in this

Ciiy for the tnle of their manu- -

facturc, which a.e

Surpassed by ftBoneIn thoii line in the world, an opportu-nit- y

is ollercd to al' requiring protec-tion ol their Valuables from Fire andTheft to supply themselves on termswhich defy competition.

tW For particulars inquire at "aCulick's Agency,

No. 38 Merchant Ft., Honolulu, II. I.sept-2- 4 88

?74 King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Caro.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

COIOTICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bppciailty.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10-8-

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Readinq Room Association,

Cor. Motel A Alttkcn Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Llbinry consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand "Volumes.

The Bending Room Is supplied withabout ilfty of tho leading newspapersand periodic lis.

A Bailor Is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jionth, payable qimrtcily In advanceNo formality icqulied In jolulng exesptsigning the roll,

btrangrra from foreign countries andvlsltoisfiom the other islands arc wel-come to tho rooms at nil times as guests.

This. Assoplutlon having no regularmeans of suppoit except the dues ofmembers, It Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desjio to avail them-selves of lta pilvllcges, and all who feelan interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributor.

A. J. OAKTWKIGI1T, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vlco-Preslde- nt,

II. A. PAUJIELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Ticttsmer.O. T. ItODQERS, M.D.,

Chairman nail ana Library Committee,

V,imm$ '. ,-- m: w. vr.-::U.i':-, as iiafet W '

5,, . ti1



-- 1


. M



y-M- -