mutual funds and unit investment trust funds, what's the difference

03/12/2013 Mutual Funds and Unit Investment Trust Funds, What's The Difference? 1/14 « On Quarter-Life Crisis and Being Realistically Optimistic How To Form Positive Habits That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals » Mutual Funds and Unit Investment Trust Funds, What's The Difference? This article is posted under General Information , Investing . One of the questions I get asked very often is what’s the difference between a mutual fund and a unit investment trust fund or UITF? I understand the confusion of many for both actually look, work and perform the same way. But there are some key differences that an investor like you should know. But first let’s discuss the basic similarities between the two. Both mutual funds and UITFs are pooled investments. This means that the money in them came from thousands of people. This money, which is collected under a company or institution, is then invested in diversified financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, money market and many others. As an investor of a mutual fund or UITF, you are relieved of the “responsibility” of studying the market, because you have given that duty to the investment company whom you trust will do their best to make your money grow. Wherever you put your money, it will be exposed to risks and the amount of return is always uncertain in either case. But on the other hand, both mutual funds and UITFs can offer yields greater than cash deposits, thus making them attractive investment instruments. Now that you know their similarities, what about their differences? Where to invest MF: A mutual fund company. They are sold by licensed mutual fund agents. Here’s a list of Philippine mutual fund companies .

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  • 03/12/2013 Mutual Funds and Unit Investment Trust Funds, What's The Difference? 1/14

    On Quarter-Life Crisis and Being Realistically Optimistic

    How To Form Positive Habits That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

    Mutual Funds and Unit Investment Trust Funds, What's TheDifference?

    This article is posted under General Information, Investing.

    One of the questions I get asked very often is whats the difference between a mutual fund and a unit investment trust fund or UITF?

    I understand the confusion of many for both actually look, work and perform the same way. But there are some key differences that an investor like youshould know.

    But first lets discuss the basic similarities between the two.

    Both mutual funds and UITFs are pooled investments. This means that the money in them came from thousands of people. This money, which is collectedunder a company or institution, is then invested in diversified financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, money market and many others.

    As an investor of a mutual fund or UITF, you are relieved of the responsibility of studying the market, because you have given that duty to the investmentcompany whom you trust will do their best to make your money grow.

    Wherever you put your money, it will be exposed to risks and the amount of return is always uncertain in either case. But on the other hand, both mutualfunds and UITFs can offer yields greater than cash deposits, thus making them attractive investment instruments.

    Now that you know their similarities, what about their differences?

    Where to invest

    MF: A mutual fund company. They are sold by licensed mutual fund agents. Heres a list of Philippine mutual fund companies.

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    UTIF: Commercial banks, particularly their trust, investment or treasury department. They are sold by authorized bank employees. Check out the BPIInvestment Funds and BDO UITF Products.

    Who regulates these companies

    MF: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)UITF: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

    What you are buying in a fund

    MF: Common shares in the investment companyUITF: Units of participation in the fund

    The price of the fund is expressed in terms of

    MF: Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS)UITF: Net Asset Value Per Unit (NAVPU)

    Investment fees and their usual range

    MF: sales charge (1% 5%), redemption fee (0.5% 3%), investment advisory, distributor and administration fees (1% 2.5%)UITF: sales charge (0% 2%), redemption fee (1% 2%), trust fees (1% 1.5%)

    So which one is better? I personally believe neither one can give a higher return than the other. And its always best to study the performance of specificfunds rather than compare mutual funds and unit investment trust funds in general.

    However, here are some general advantages and disadvantages:

    Mutual Funds

    Advantages1. Usually has a longer track record

    2. Has greater regulation for they are required to submit regular reports and are subject to full disclosure3. Funds are more independent, with separate fund managers, independent custodians and own board of directors

    4. More transparent and has higher accountability, with shareholder rights, licensed agents, prospectuses, and annual reports to investors5. It is tax-exempt

    Disadvantages1. Has higher management fees

    2. May offer fewer investment choices for investors due to high capital requirements

    Unit Investment Trust Funds

    Advantages1. A wider range of investment options available for investors

    2. Has usually no or very low sales charge

    3. Has lower management feesDisadvantages

    1. Has less regulation2. Is less transparent with its investments

    3. Comes with a 20% withholding tax on capital gains

    I hope this article was able to help you know the difference between mutual funds and unit investment trust funds. If you should know, I have investments in

    both types.

    And if you want to learn more about mutual funds, I suggest you read:

  • 03/12/2013 Mutual Funds and Unit Investment Trust Funds, What's The Difference? 3/14

    Investing in Mutual Funds

    Are you still waiting for the right time to invest? Heres my suggestion to you:

    How Do You Know If Its A Good Time To Invest?

    Or are you afraid to invest altogether? Then heres what you need:

    An Investing Guide For People Who Are Afraid To Invest

    Increase your financial literacy today and subscribe to Ready To Be Rich.


    Money Sense. Mutual Funds vs UITFs. March 22, 2010.

    Photo credit: tatooedjay and thecolourmill

    Choose the next article that you want to read:

    A Quick Video on The Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds

    Heres a great video I found which gives an overview of how mutual funds work and the benefits of investing in it. Its a public awareness message created

    by UBL Fund Managers, and first uploaded through their Youtube channel, Smart Savings TV. So if youve always wondered what a mutual fund is, and

    why its good to...

    A Simple Explanation of How Mutual Funds Work

    What are mutual funds and how do they work? Let me explain through a simple story. Imagine there are five friends: Allan the doctor, Bong the engineer,

    Charlie the commercial model, Dante the restaurant chef and Eric the investment banker. Allan, Bong, Charlie and Dante all want to invest in the stock

    market, but theyre too busy...

    This entry was posted by Fitz Villafuerte on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 at 6:39 am and is filed under General Information, Investing. You can follow any responses to this entrythrough the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. If it's your first time to comment here, your post could be held for moderation and won'tappear until approved. Off-topic responses and self-promotion posts can and will be deleted.

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    People are talking about this article, join the conversation below.

    1. mildie on June 3rd, 2010 at 9:57 am

    Hi Fritz,

    Thanks for this point for point comparison between UITF & MF. No one even the agents of mutual funds or banks can give me a better explanationon the two funds than what you have given on this article. Hope you can post something about Index funds/ stocks in the future. too.

    2. MD on June 3rd, 2010 at 10:11 am


    You mentioned UITFs has 20% tax on capital gains. I have some trust funds but have not cashed them out. My question is will I still be taxed even ifthere is no gain meaning I sold at a loss?


    3. anne on June 3rd, 2010 at 11:18 am

    thanks a lot fritz! this is great. thanks for sharing. i love reading your blog.

    4. Fitz on June 3rd, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    @mildieThank you. Sure, I will try to do research on that and come up with a simple article to explain those.

    @MDAs far as I know, you wont be taxed if you sold at a loss. But to get an exact picture of what could happen in your case, I suggest you ask your bank

    directly about this. Thanks.

    @anneThank you. I hope you can also tell your friends about my blog, Id really appreciate that.

    5. Millionaire Acts on June 3rd, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    Nice comparison Fitz. I also had the same article discussing the similarities and differences.

    By the way, you forgot to mention that in mutual funds, each investor has the power to elect the fund managers since they are like the stockholders of acompany whereas in UITFs, the investors dont have the power. Only the Trust Department of a bank handles the fund.

    6. silent_investor on June 15th, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    Hi Fitz, I too have both MF and UITF. In the disadvantages of UITFs, Im not sure Ill agree with number 1 and 2 on your list.

    On regulations, there are a lot of laws and BSP circulars which cover UITFs.

    On transparency of investments, I can get monthly and quarterly reports on my UITFs which show the portfolio allocations and even top ten holdings,

    something that I dont get from my MF. All I get is a quarterly report on how much my investment is.

    7. Fitz on June 18th, 2010 at 4:17 am

    @TyroneYes thats also a good addition to their basic differences.

    @silent_investorThanks for the inputs.

    I, too get monthly and quarterly reports on my UITFs from my current bank, which is great. But I could not say the same for my previous bank whereI used to have UITF investments.

    Moreover, my MF also only gives quarterly reports but at any time, I can call them and request for a more detailed report on the allocations.

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    So, I guess it really depends on the MF company and the bank when it comes to the transparencies.

    8. Free Pinoy Financial Checkup on November 8th, 2010 at 3:37 am

    I have both MF and UITF, what i can say is both are performing very well. My MF has +1% return above my UITF.

    I bought them at the same time to see the comparison between these pool funds

    9. Mark on January 2nd, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    I have UITF in 2 banks both of which has no 20% witholding tax?

    And as far as I know, the taxes are paid out of the funds assetsso the NAV is already net of all taxes and fees.

    Which banks UITF still deducts a 20% witholding tax so I know

    which bank to avoid hehehe

    10. dodong on January 14th, 2011 at 4:19 pm


    can you explain why corporations issue bond instead of acquiring loan? I think you can avail lesser interest in loans than paying the bond rate which ishigher. Thanks.

    11. Fitz on January 14th, 2011 at 6:49 pm


    Yes the NAV is already net of all taxes and fees because the taxes are already paid out by the funds assets, the witholding taxes are still thereactually, but its already incorporated in the computation of the NAV a strategy that banks now use to encourage more investors and make it simplerfor them to understand how you can make / lose money from your investment.


    Thats an insightful question. As far as I know, there are many types of bonds and not all of them pay regular interests to the lender (ie, zero-couponbonds). Some types of bonds dont even have a maturity date (ie, perpetual bonds).

    Unlike a bank loan, where the terms and conditions are often straightforward and fixed. Bonds have other mechanics that will make it for the companyto have less costs in the long term.

    12. Marx on December 1st, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    @fritz, Im guessing you havent seen any mutual funds annualstatements?I look at PhilEquitys and Sunlifes.. its clear as day that

    thats also what mutual funds do, pay taxes from the fundsassets just like UITFs.

    The one difference I can see is that since a mutual fund istechnically a corporation/company, it apparently can defer

    its tax liabilities, except for those investments subject tofinal taxes, i.e. deposits subject to 20% tax.

    Also, you can see that dividends are not taxed. PhilEquitysreport is clearer about this. Apparently, dividends recieved

    by a corporation, which is what a mutual fund is, from anothercorporation are not subject to taxes.

    Im not sure if UITFs are considered a corporation, I wouldthink not. so if they get dividends, they are probably taxed.


    13. JR Rosales on March 13th, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    @Fitz Are bond funds (Fixed Income Funds) worth investing in? Thanks.

    14. Fitz on March 14th, 2012 at 3:51 am

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    Hi JR Rosales, it first depends on what your investment objective is.

    Second, it depends on how good the fund managers are. Funds are invested in several products, and you as an investor, should choose a fund that has

    managers that have the same investing attitude as yours.

    15. Richie on July 18th, 2012 at 2:30 pm

    Hi again Fitz.

    Please enlighten me: is investing in the stock market ie buying blue chip stocks different from investing with uitf?

    I am already familiar with the investment procedure for uitf, but i need help with stock market. Where do i go? How do i start? Is this also availablewith bpi or bdo like uitf? Or do you recommend citiseconline?

    I am a beginner. I plan to invest 5k per month for the next 3 years. I was already contemplating on uitf, but i got confused when i stumbled upon youryahoo stock market investment article.

    Which do you personally recommend for a beginner like me? I already have an e-fund, identified my objectives and investment time.

    Please explain in detail. Thanks for the help.

    16. Fitz on July 19th, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    Hi Richie,

    When you invest in a UITF, you are placing your trust to the investment managers of the fund which means you are giving them the freedom tomake investing decisions for you.

    UITFs invest in several products, including the stock market. Depending on the risk profile of the fund, it will have blue-chip, growth and/orspeculative stocks in their portfolio.

    On the other hand, if you invest directly in the stock market, through a broker such as Citiseconline (and many others). You have full control of yourportfolio and you will be the one who will make the investment decisions.

    The main advantage of investing directly on the stock market is that you get to earn from dividends (not really that much, but its still income), and youcan choose to invest in companies which you truly believe in.

    At the most basic level equity funds (UITF) and stock investing are the same. UITFs are geared more towards people who dont have time tostudy the market; while stock investing is for those who would like to be more hands on with their investments.

    Both products experience moderate to high income, but those who take the time to learn about how the stock market works tend to gain relativelyhigher income thats why some people choose it over UITFs.

    For beginners, Id recommend UITFs but I encourage that you take the time also to learn about stock market investing because its another greatinvestment product which you might want to consider in the future.

    Personally, I invest in both that is, if I were in your shoes Id invest P5k this month in a UITF, then P5k next month in the stock market, then addP5k to my UITF the month after that, and so on but thats just me.

    Hope I was able to help.

    17. FreePinoyFinancialCheckup on July 19th, 2012 at 7:21 pm

    Just want to clear that stocks and managed funds (mutual funds/uitfs) can be compared as apple to apple.

    In basic level, they look the same but deeper analysis will give you a better understanding.

    I will stick on mutual fund analysis, since my last post on Nov. 2010, I had uitf that time but I unwind my positions there and concentrate on mutualfund investing.

    When you invest in stocks, you will gain income when your chosen company declares dividend.The question here is, did you hand pick a stock that provide dividend?

    When you invest in a managed fund like my mutual fund, the MF company recieves dividends to its collective shares of dividend earning companiesselected by the fund manager and bein hold by the MF in the long term.

    Aside from (1) Dividend Income, it has also cashflow coming from (2) Interest income _ corporate notes/debt where MF has invested and (3)Investment/Capital gain income-from realizing the positive paper gains of some companies I.e.selling the stocks.(4) Net cashflow between those who

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    are entering the MF minus those who redeem their investment.This info is coming from SEC Form 20-IS filed by mutual funds as mandated by SEC.

    I think the main advantage of stock is Transparency, you see what you buy with 5K.While Mutual Funds main advantage is Diversification, you are buying a portfolio of blue chip companies, with your 5K pesos.

    18. Richie on July 19th, 2012 at 10:07 pm

    Thank you Fitz.

    I am actually doing my own research on both investment vehicles (like what you did in the past). Its great that there are people like you who take timeto help.

    May i ask though why you suggested alternate investments in uitf and stock market?

    With stock market investments, I am most familiar with citiseconline. Would you say citiseconline is reliable? Bo Sanchez recommended them, doyou?

    Again, thank you. Thanks to FreePinoy too!

    Will pay forward,Richie

    19. sam uy on September 4th, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    are you paid by BDo and BPi? You keep on advertising them;-) it is annoying.

    20. Fitz on September 5th, 2012 at 4:45 am

    Hi Sam.

    Sorry if it annoys you that I often write about BDO and BPI.

    No, I am not paid by them and the main reason why I often write about them is because those are the two banks where I have investing experiencewith.

    If I purchase an investment product with Metrobank, Chinabank, PNB or any other bank in the future then I would surely write about them too.

    Lastly, it is my personal policy to disclose all sponsored posts and paid advertorial articles that I publish here.

    I hope I was able to clarify this matter with you.

    21. FreePinoyFinancialCheckup on September 5th, 2012 at 4:56 am

    Its easy for me to explain my FAMI MF investment than explaining other providers .. Thus, i dont think Friz point of view is not annoying since hes

    more familiar with BDO/BPI.

    I think its just a different perspective from our personal experiences.

    BTW, i use somethings BDO and BPI as intermediary banks for my non-investments funds..

    Happy investing everyone!!

    22. java on October 9th, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    Mr. Fritz:

    In your own analysis which among the Dollar denominated UITFs being offered by different banks looks most promising and profitable?

    Thank you

    23. java on October 9th, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    Mr. Fritz:

    1. May I know what will happen to the investment if the investor dies, specifically for those long-term UITFs or MF.2. Can UITFs or MF serve as a living trust fund?3. Can a family member of the investor claim/continue his investment if the investor dies.4. If I have $2000 in which UITF should i invest it so that it will be atleast $20,000 in 20years.

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    5. Are UITFs or MF transferrable?

    Thank you and hope you could enlighten me with my queries.Im trying to study UITFs and MF. Hopefully be able to make a good investment.

    Another reason why I seek your advice, is that my line of work is risky and insurance or time deposit alone is not enough to leave behind for my kids.

    I need other options, that is why I want to try UITFs & MF.

    Thank you and more power to your advocate.


    24. Fitz on October 10th, 2012 at 12:47 am

    Hi Java.

    In case of death, a family member can request the transfer of units of the deceased to his or her account. Documents must be submitted, depending onthe bank or mutual fund company but the bottomline is, yes it can be claimed and continued by the family member.

    Moreover, the process would go faster, in my opinion, if the units / assets / investments are included / stipulated in the persons last will and testament.

    With regards to your investment goal, I honestly dont know what UITF would give you that result I believe nobody can tell that for sure buthistorically, equity funds have the highest performance in the long term.

    Also, I would advise that instead of investing $2000 in one go, do cost averaging and invest smaller amounts in fixed periods over a long period oftime.

    25. kumar on October 10th, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Hi FritzI am a banker at Deutsche Bank and live in Singapore.

    in summary, I have a Filipino assistant who is 45. I recently forced er to invest and contributed towards her SSS. But that wouldnt be enough alonewhen she retires.Coud you suggest anything where she could invest 100 dollar per month for next 10 years?Looking at her profile, she would rather invest into a more conservative. Any products (saving, M Funds, bond linked, etc).Will appreciate as i have no knowledge about Philippines based planes.

    26. Fitz on October 10th, 2012 at 4:44 am

    Hi Kumar.

    In my opinion, the best investment for your Filipino assistant would be a UITF equity or balanced fund.

    Both fund types are moderate to high-risk investments but given that she will be doing cost averaging and buying units for a long period of time, therisk of losing money from it will certainly go down plus the potential income would be higher than most investment types.

    Additionally, since UITFs are available in big commercial banks, that adds a little bit more security to the investment as compared to investing with an

    independent mutual fund company. I would recommend going for the top 2 banks in the Philippines: BPI and BDO.

    Each of those have their own UITF products which she can invest in.

    Moreover, BPI has RSP (regular subscription plan) while BDO has EIP (easy investment plan) which are both automatic investments service wherethey take out a portion of your money from your savings account on a monthly basis to buy investment units in their UITF.

    27. Marius de Jess on December 10th, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    So which one is better? I personally believe neither one can give a higher return than the other.

    Tell me then, why some people go for UITF even though it is subject to withholding tax of 20% on capital gains, while Mutual Fund is tax exempt?

    Marius de Jess

    28. Fitz on December 12th, 2012 at 12:49 am

    Hi Marius. There are many reasons for choosing UITF over MF, some of them are given above in the advantages and disadvantages section.

    Personally, I believe UITFs are more accessible because you can just go to your own commercial bank and invest while with MFs, youd have to do

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    some due diligence to find a secure and reputable company to invest with.

    Also, UITFs usually have lower starting capital requirements than MFs which is a factor you should consider if youre a new investor.

    29. Rajon on December 24th, 2012 at 10:53 am


    Hi Fitz, im here again for some questions, hope you can help me. First, is COL automatically deducting their management fees in the market pricevalue when buying and selling stocks? Just for confirmation that when you buy stocks they charge you around 12% and almost the same when you sellyour stocks?.

    Merry christmas and a happy new year Fitz.

    30. Fitz on December 24th, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Hi Rajon,

    Yes, COL deducts fees both when you buy and sell. These charges are the brokers commission, VAT, PSE transaction fee, SCCP fees and salestax.

    The detailed breakdown is available HERE

    31. Jex on December 30th, 2012 at 6:15 am

    great post! i believe that MF and UITF are essentially the same but i personally prefer UITFs because of the lower management fee and convenienceespecially if your account is enrolled in an auto-debit program such as BDOs Easy Investment Plan. If not checked regularly, magugulat ka na lang ina couple of years or so, naggrow na yung investment na pakonti konti just like a turtle.

    With regards to one of UITFs disadvantages, I think that MFs do not really have this tax advantage over UITFs. The 20% tax is subjected into bothUITF and mutual fund NAVPUs/NAVPS as they are not exempted from this final tax on interest earnings. That separate 20% witholding tax has beenclarified by a press release from Punong Bayan and Araullo. The way i see it, parang marketing strategy ng mga mutual fund agents to not chooseUITF over MF. As to performance, pare parehas lang naman. very minimal differences. pareparehas kasi nag-iinvest sa blue chips.

    32. Vin on February 23rd, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    Hi! Im new to MF and UITF, in fact Ive yet to invest in it. My question is, if for example I am investing 10,000Php per month for lets say threeyears (so as to follow the peso cost averaging technique) and Ive found out that the units bought in September to November of Year 1 have thehighest ROI, can I choose to sell the units I bought only in that three-month period having the highest ROI? Do you I get the same answer to both the

    UITF and MF?

    33. John Lim on March 19th, 2013 at 1:26 am

    Hi Fritz,

    Thanks for the information youve shared. I have diversified investments in UITF of different banks since I started last year. All my funds have a

    surprisingly positive results due to the good performance of PSEi.

    That is why just 8 or 9 days agao, I reinvested in BPI-UITF when the PSEi has breached its all time record high. I guess the timing was not right, itsonly near 8 days since I invested in BPI-balance and BPI-equity, Ive lost 2.5% of my investment already.

    My question is, would you suggest I pull-out my money and charge it to experience nalang, and offset my loses to my other positive investments? oryou suggest to wait for the unit value to appraise in the coming days or months?

    Would you suggest also that I withdraw my other placements that earned 12 to 15% already in less than a year time?

    I hope you could help me. Thank you!

    34. Fitz on March 21st, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    Hi John Lim. What are your investment objectives? That will dictate when you should redeem your shares.

    Balanced and Equity funds are moderate and long-term investments this means it is recommended that your MINIMUM holding period is 3-5 years.

    During this time, the price will experience fluctuations it can even go negative. But in the long-term, it should go back up.

    What should you do? Again, ask yourself for what are you going to use the money you invested.

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    If its for something you need or plan to buy 3-5 years or more in the future, then just let it sit there.

    One last tip control your fear and your greed. Minimize emotions in monitoring your investments.

    35. bombyx on April 21st, 2013 at 3:55 am

    Hi Fritz, Im a newbie in investing and has been reading a book Millionaire Teacher by Andrew Hallam ISBN 9780470830062 (btw, a good read!)he advised that a portfolio composed of a stock market index and a bond market index could give very powerful returns.My question is, what are the Philippine equivalent of these indexes? Is it the PSE index and the ABF Philippines Bond Index Fund respectively?Thanks.

    36. Mike Garcia UBP on April 29th, 2013 at 6:52 pm

    Your advantages and disadvantages portion of UITFs and Mutual Funds are misleading. How do you know which is better regulated? How can youtell which is more transparent? what is your basis for this?

    And by the way, both MF and UITF investments are subject to final withholding tax on their investments

    37. Fitz on April 30th, 2013 at 2:18 am

    Hi Sir Mike. Thank you for the comment.

    Please give us more details on the advantages and disadvantages, wed love to know these based from the point of view of an investment officer.

    Ill edit the post above and make it clearer and more accurate once you share your thoughts.

    The information stated there is based on the things said to me by a mutual fund agent, and a commercial bank branch manager.


    38. Zest on May 6th, 2013 at 6:09 am

    Hi i have a question about Uitf:

    1. If i redeem my earnings (beyond minimumHolding period and i am still beyond minimum amount requirement), what will happen to the navpu of my remaining units? Will it be rolled over to thenavpu of the day i redeemed partial earnings?? Or will it remain the samr as before?

    2. Can i open two separte equity fund in the same bank if i plan to redeem more on the other fund than the other or will it always add up?

    3. If i add money in my fund, what happens toThe navpu of the money i had in the fund before? Like isThat two different portfolio to be treated?

    Thank you

    39. joe on June 15th, 2013 at 11:09 pm

    HI Fitz. I had an investment in UITF (balanced fund) and they hold my investment for at least 3months. The NAVPU at that time lets just say was3.30xx. Now, the NAVPU nose dived to 3.14xx and in a few days my 3 months is due. My question is, what do you think is best: Should I remainmy investment and roll it for another 3months? or should I withdraw it at a loss and buy the current price of NAVPU? Thank you.

    40. Fitz on June 16th, 2013 at 9:53 am

    @Zest1. It will remain the same before.2. Yes, you can open two fund accounts with most banks. Ask you bank whats their policy on this.3. You dont have money in your fund, what you have are units of investment and adding to your investment means you are buying more units. Theaverage price to which you bought them changes each time you buy units (invests in the fund).

    @joe. Id say just hold. But more importantly

    Why did you invest in the first place? What is your objective for this investment? I can give you a better answer if you tell me these.

    41. Mathew on July 17th, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    I invested in mutual funds only like Reliance, DSP Black Rock and UTI. Should I invest in unit investment trust fund or UITF? Which companies offerthis fund?

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    42. Ian on July 25th, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    Sir fritz for example ng invest aq sa uitf ng BDO which is 10k and for example gusto q mag add ng additional investmet to buy more units its possibleba n payagan p rin aq ng bank to invest more,,,and sa tingin mo sir fritz may corresponding amount b n hihingin ulit lets say another 10k or 5k?andpede pa b aq mginvest sa iba like sunlife or col financial and lastly po paano po aq mkkpginvest sa equity ng sunlife while im on abroad? Sensya nsir fritz newbie po dami q po tanong

    43. Carl De Leon on October 13th, 2013 at 5:07 am

    Hi sir,

    Im considering opening a UITF with BPI, specifically their new fund, the BPI PHILIPPINE HIGH DIVIDEND EQUITY FUND. Its for my sonsfuture college fund. We was just born last September 23. I reviewed and compared it to the 2 other UITF products that they offer and the onlydifference are the sectors or equity holdings. My question is is it ok to invest in a new equity UITF? Given thats its new, we dont have muchhistorical information, my gut tells me that since its BPI and its long term, it should be ok given my investment appetite and horizon. I appreciate yourresponse sir and more power to you!

    A Simple Explanation of How Mutual Funds WorkLearn to Earn | Misang's JournalMutual Fund, Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF), which one do you choose?How To Invest In Mutual Funds: A Basic Guide - The Manila Survival GuideSun Life Financial Philippines: Mutual Funds Catalogue

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