muster's pride by benjamin timothy dyer

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  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      © Copyright 1998, Benjamin Timothy Dyer

    A rights reser!ed"

     #o part o$ this %oo& may %e reprodu'ed, stored in a retrie!a system, or transmitted %y

    any means, ee'troni', me'hani'a, photo'opying, re'ording, or other(ise, (ithout

    (ritten permission $rom the author"


      )rom the %a'&, a 'ir'e o$ %ue 'oud %e seen" A %ue, poished in oo&s and yet (et

    i$ you (ere to tou'h it" The %ue in turn %e'ame a (hite (ith red ines strea&ing in !arious

    dire'tions %e$ore re!eaing the truth""""

      A $a'e et'hed in pain* +et, no 'ry 'ame $orth $rom the mouth"""

    Come on you $rea&* -ets hear you s'ream*. This 'ame $rom a ta $eo( stood %ehind the

    man in pain as he &i'&ed the head o$$ a (ooden %room and hed the sti'& a%o!e his head"

      Another young man (ho (as puing one o$ the $rea&s arms o!er a meta raiing shouted,

    Come on /o(ard time $or your spea&ing essons*.

      A $urther !oi'e (as added %y another (ho hed the other arm, 0i!e him (hat he deser!es

    $or %eing an oddity*.

      h 2’ gi!e him (hat he (ants gentemen*. 3ith a smie 4a'& &i'&ed the man’s egs

    apart and too& great deight in (at'hing the $igure %e$ore him strugge (ith doing something

    that ordinary men 'oud do"

      5tand straight"

    -ets see i$ you 'an (a& straight a$ter this*. -etting his right hand ta&e a $irm hod o$ the

    (ooden sti'& he (ha'&ed it hard into the rear o$ the e$t eg*

      /o(ard $et the pain, yet ga!e $orth no sound" /e had %een in pain $or most o$ his i$e and

    e!en though this (as more o$ a sharp pain he (oud not gi!e in to these animas*

      /e’s amost 'rying 4"C*. -aughed the sma ginger headed ad as he gripped hard round

    this man’s (rist ao(ing him no 'han'e o$ es'ape"

      4a'& oo&ed o!er and aughed %e$ore adding, 2 (ant a s'ream* #ot a (himper*.


  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      3e then, (hy not hit him on his %a'&6. 5uggested the other dar&er headed man"

      4"C" i&ed the thought* 7aising the (ooden sti'& at %ody height, gripping it $irmy (ith

     %oth hands and rotating his mid%ody into a s(ing he et the momentum do the (or&"

    /o(ard sueeed his eyes to amost a suint and through it he 'oud see the store just a

    $e( metres a(ay and yet it seemed to %e mies a(ay and so $ar $rom sa$ety as he s'reamed*

      The shop (as a mi; o$ things" 2t had to %e $or a !iage shop" Many passers%y (oud

    $reuent it in the summer as they tra!eed around this pi'turesue area on their (ay to a (e

    &no(n %eauty spot or 'aste" This shop had it a* )rom $ood $or e!eryday needs to pro!isions

    o$ the no!ety &ind, i&e short%read dressed in the o'a 'aste’s 'oours, or s(eets (ith the

    !iage name printed inside it, in those (eird %right 'oours that you asso'iate (ith sti'&s o$

    ro'&" The shop aso had a sma post o$$i'e and possessed a sma toyshop in the atti', (hi'h

    had %een 'on!erted $or that purpose" The store aso had a 'o$$ee area 'omprising o$ one ong

    ser!ing area (hi'h (as t(o engths o$ od eight %y $our 'o!ered in )ormi'a and %ehind it a

    $e( 'o$$ee ma'hines and other utensis used in running a mini 'a$e" The des& had a ro( o$ at

    east eight ong thin stoos (hi'h many 'oud side up to and order (hat they (anted" utside

    at east ha$ o$ doen ta%es and a%out t(enty $our pasti' seats (ere pa'ed $or any 'ustomers

    (ho (anted to sit out in the sun and (at'h the day go %y, pro!ided they didn’t mind the odd

    tru'& or t(o (hiing past"

      2t (as at the des& inside that an od $riend sat staring into his empty mug"

    #ot %usy yet then6. /e as&ed as he oo&ed o!er at the man o$ same years poishing out a

    gass 'a%inet (hi'h had in it at one time a $e( $resh 'ream 'a&es unti he had de!oured them"

      #o, so( start" Too mu'h (et (eather" Peope hate oo&ing round in rain" 7ather i&e to

    go into the 'ity and shop at a the same shops they ha!e at home". Came the semimu$$ed

    repy as the guy ru%%ed (ith !igour at something horri%e oo&ing inside the 'a%inet"

      3hat you going to do i$ it stays uiet6.

      The man stopped and oo&ed round gi!ing his ong term $riend Arnod 7i!erman a 'heesy

    smie, 2’ just shut up shop and go saiing*.

      Arnod smied %a'&, it (as just i&e Chris to do that*

  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      +ou 'an surey get a mo!e on in 'eaning up your side and then you 'an (ait unti ha$

     past $i!e i&e the rest o$ us and hep %y 'ashing up" 3hie 2’ go up as usua at $i!e and ma&e

    the tea"

      Chris smied and nodded his resignation" The ne;t t(o hours (ere $u o$ (or&" 5ti he

    had 5unday* 3e’ go on 5unday, $irst thing" Dea6. /e hed out his hand (hie &eeping one

    eye on the o$$i'e 'ounter"

      Arnie smied as (ide as he 'oud and (ith a t(in&e in his eyes he shoo& this man’s hand"

    Then a s'ream 'oud %e heard*

      3hat the6. Chris as&ed %e$ore the re'ognition hit him"

      A %onde thin ady in her eary t(enties 'ame running through the door and shouted at her

    $ather, Dad* They ha!e /o(ard*. 5he (as amost in tears as the t(o men rushed %y her"

      ut into the sun they heard the man 'ry out on'e again" Turning to the sour'e Chris rushed

    to(ards it and stopped (hen he sa( three ads a aughing"

    3hat’s going on here6.

    The ads oo&ed up and the eader (ith the (ooden hande shouted %a'&, 3e are gi!ing

    him a esson in spee'h*.

      Chris 'ame $or(ard, -ea!e him aone* r 2’>.

      The ad aughed, r do (hat6 Try and ta&e us on od man6 +ou and (ho’s army6.

      Arnod $et anger and it sho(ed in his repy, Me and the poi'e* They ha!e %een 'aed*.

      h, (o(, you od men and the $e( sma patheti' od poi'emen" 3e are s'ared*. 4a'& hit

    the $rea& on'e again, %e$ore nodding to his asso'iates to ea!e o$$" 3e’!e $inished $or today"

    But don’t (orry (e (i %e %a'& $or $urther essons".

      The ginger one shouted as they e$t, +eah (e may e!en enro you in our therapy essons,

    $ather o$ $rea&*.

      /o(ard $in'hed as the %room hande 'ame $ying his (ay to hit the raiings and 'atter its

    (ay to the 'on'rete $oor" /e 'oud hardy mo!e and yet he $et his tears hod $irm (ithin his

     %ody" /e (oud ne!er 'ry*

      Chris 'ame o!er and pi'&ing up the ad (ith the hep o$ his $riend they managed to ta&e

    the (eight and drag him %a'& to the store" /is daughter (as in a state o$ sho'& and yet he had

    to gi!e her an order, 5hut the shop up

  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    up to his %edroom" But not today, not no(" This had %een one o$ the (orse atta'&s"

      /is (i$e 'ame rushing through, Ta&e your shirt o$$ %oy*. 5he ordered him"

      Come on /o(ard get that shirt o$$* Be a good ad*.

      /o(ard oo&ed at his $ather, it (as a time $or (ords, #, n, no*.

      De$iant to the ast and nothing %ut trou%e*.

  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Chris rested his hands upon his (i$e’s shouders and they $et a tensed up" /e &ne( ho(

    hard it (as to oo& a$ter this young man" -et him %e $or no( o!e" A$ter a (hie, (hen he has

    'ome to terms (ith the sho'&, he may de'ide to ta&e your ad!i'e".

      Anne spun round and gared some more, May ta&e my ad!i'e6 /e’s i&e you stu%%orn*

     #e!er (iing to ta&e it unti its too ate* Mar& my (ords, that %oy is trou%e and (i ony end

    up dead some(here".

      h 'ome no(* That is a %it drasti'" ur son (i not $a $ou i$ 2 'an hep it".

      5he mo!ed a(ay and pi'&ing up the sma %o( that 'ontained the antisepti' she added

    one $urther thing, +ou $orget, he’s not our son".

    Chris (at'hed her go %e$ore oo&ing at the others, #o, %ut (e are the ony $amiy he’s got

    and 2 (i do my %est to hep him" 2 promised that a ong time ago".


  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    nothing 'oud e!er %e 'aed his" Turning to the (indo( he noted the rain 'oming in o!er the

    his and &ne( that it (as going to %e another (et and %y the oo&s o$ it a (indy night" 5pring

    (as a(ays unpredi'ta%e" Though he o$ten thought that the springs o$ the past (ere ne!er as

    $u o$ %ad (eather" May%e %eing a 'hid he didn’t reay ta&e note o$ the (eather" 2t (as a

    gro(n up thing and %eing t(enty years o$ age he had no( more time to 'oe't his thoughts on

    the su%je't"

    A $e( se'onds more and the rain hit the house aong (ith the (ind ma&ing the roo$ 'rea&

    under its assaut aong (ith the hea!y tapping o$ the many drops hitting the roo$ i&e a

    thousand men %randishing pin hammers* 3hy (as it that the (ind a(ays seemed to go in one

    dire'tion6 2n other (ords it (oud reap ha!o' on his gaed (indo( (hi'h had a itte hoe

    some(here and that in turn (oud ma&e a 'od %o(ing noise i&e one o$ those od sound

    e$$e'ts $rom a grey mo!ie"

    /o(ard (at'hed the rain drops hit the (indo( and some started their so( mo!e do(n

    the Paine" ''asionay they (oud 'oe't together and get %igger and others (oud stay

    stu%%orny (here they are $or ages %e$ore mo!ing and managing to miss a the other drops on

    their (ay do(n to the %ottom" 3ere peope i&e that6 Did some (ho (ere $ast and a'ti!e i!e a

     %etter i$e and seem to 'oe't together a mass o$ $riends6 3hie others appear to mo!e so(y

    and sienty through i$e and on a $e( sedom o''asions $ind a $riend6 /o(ard $et in himse$

    he had no rea $riends" /e (as i&e the rain drop in the sun" #e!er mo!ing, just so(y $ading

    a(ay, e!aporating into the distan'e" #e!er joining or %eing joined, ony (ea&ening and dying"

    Being e$t on the she$" #o%ody (anted /o(ard, many put up (ith him* But no one o!ed

    him, ony his mother"

      /e ho%%ed o!er to the %ed and eased himse$ upon the od spring mattress (hi'h made a

    $e( 'ompaining noises as he ay upon it" As /e 'osed his eyes he (ished i$e (as as simpe

    as it (as (hen he (as a 'hid, he aso (ished he 'oud ha!e the $reedom as a 'hid, not

    trapped in a 'ripped %ody i&e today"

      2mages $ashed %e$ore his $a'e, too many to te to %e 'ertain (hi'h ones made sense" /e

    had a %rie$ one o$ his mother %e$ore it $aded to ta&e him %a'& $urther" To the od days o$



    4ust you %e 'are$u and don’t go ma&ing a nuisan'e o$ yourse$ do you hear6. A

    mothers (arnings o$ deep 'on'ern $or her ony 'hid"

      2 (on’t mum, 2 promise".

  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      2 don’t (ant the $armer moaning a%out pay dens in his haysta'&s again do 2".

      /e oo&ed at her and ho( young she (as" 5he must ha!e %een a%out t(enty se!en at the

    time* 5o $u o$ i$e and o!e $or him" #o mum" Me and 4oey (i %eha!e ourse!es, 2


    /o(ard (a!ed good%ye $rom ha$(ay do(n the dri!e %e$ore turning %ris&y to run round

    the 'orner to his $riends house"

      4oey Masterson (as his name, a hansom ad (ith jet %a'& hair and eyes o$ the deepest

     %ue" A itte taer than he, yet %oth ads (ere as s&inny as ra&es*

      /o(*. 5houted 4oey as he 'aught sight o$ him" /o(’ (as the shortened name he had,

    though it (as easy to guess (hat /o(ard 'aed him"

      4oey, 'oming o!er to the den6.

    Pa'ing a singe $inger o!er his mouth shh* Mum doesn’t &no( a%out this one" 2$ she

    did 2’d get grounded $or a month*. /is eyes (ere (ide and $u o$ seriousness o!er the

    impending doom o$ a (hoe month in the soitary 'on$inement o$ one’s room" Though many

    &ids (oud o!e that, it (as the (orst senten'e you 'oud gi!e to t(o young nine year ods $u

    o$ energy and the joys o$ hot summers*

      A month*. The eternity $or'ing to the $u the sheer gra!ity o$ the situation, espe'iay

    as Mrs Masterson (as amost in ear shot o$ /o(ard’s earier out%urst"

      4oey nodded %e$ore running %a'& to te his mother that he (as o$$ and gi!ing her a pe'&

    on the 'hee&" 5he rea'hed in her po'&et and ga!e him something though /o(ard 'oudn’t te

    $or sure (hat it (as, Be %a'& in time $or tea and stay 'ear o$ the $armer*.

      Both %oys repied 3e (i*. %e$ore (a!ing and running o$$ do(n the hi and out o$ the

    !iage and aong into $armer 'ountry"

      They ran the uarter o$ a mie to their $ied and too& a 'autious oo& around %e$ore

    mo!ing round and spying their den" This haysta'& (as an oder one and it smet i&e it" The

     %ais must ha!e %een stored some(here %e$ore getting dragged out again $or $ood" This sta'&

    had in turn %een 'on!erted to a sma den just %y simpy mo!ing a $e( %ais here and there to

    ma&e a hiding pa'e $rom the (ord (here t(o %oys 'oud just ta& a%out stu$$"

      3hen 2 go %a'& to s'hoo 2’m going to as& 4enni$er Con(ay out*. Boasted his $riend

    (hie aying ay on top o$ the sta'& ao(ing the gente (arm %reee to %o( upon them"

      /o(ard roed o!er to $a'e him (ith a ha$ grin, 5he (on’t go out (ith you" 5he hates

    your guts*.

      4oey pued a 'heesy grin %a'&, +eah, %ut it doesn’t mean she don’t i&e the rest o$ me*.

      /o(ard pun'hed his $riend on the arm in a gesture o$ $un" /is $riend in turn $i;ed those


  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

     %ue eyes on his and as&ed, 3hat a%out you6 Are you going to get the 'ourage to as&

    Charotte Bro(n out6.

      h yes* Charotte Bro(n" A gir (ith ong %ond hair, dar& %ro(n eyes and a gir (ay

    too mature $or he* 5he (as ten" #o, 2 don’t thin& 2 'an".

      3hat6 Are you a 'hi'&en %oy*.


      2 thin& you are a 'hi'&en*. Then 4oey stood up and started to do the 'hi'&en dan'e

    (hie 'u'&ing oudy*

      /o(ard stood up protesting !ioenty that he (as not a 'hi'&en %e$ore %oth got into a

     pay $ight (hi'h ended (hen they heard the sound o$ a distant engine"

      /itting the de'& hard /o(ard e;'aimed, Tra'tor*.

      -oo&ing o!er the edge they spied one tra'tor heading their (ay and %y the oo&s o$

    things the $armer may ha!e just seen them, $or an e;pression o$ thunder 'oud %e 'eary

    o%ser!ed" /e’s seen us*.

      /o(ard $i;ed his $riend a smie, +ou (orry too mu'h* /e’s pro%a%y just 'oming to see

    i$ this $ied is ripe $or har!esting" 2t’s ni'e and goden*.

      Then as the tra'tor 'ame 'oser the engine dued and one $armer shouted, +ou t(o*

    Come do(n here at on'e* 2 (ant a (ord (ith you*.

      They 'ame do(n a right and ran in the opposite dire'tion and through the ong $ied o$


      My $ather is going to ground me*. 4oey shouted as the ran to the edge o$ the $ied"

      /o(ard 'ame %a'& (ith, 2$ my $ather (as a%out 2’d get grounded* My mum, 2 'an s(eet


      They di!ed through a hoe in one o$ the %ram%e hedgero(s and out onto the main road

    (hi'h (oud ead them %a'& into the !iage" 4oey’s $a'e (as the $a'e o$ a man 'on!i'ted to

    spend the rest o$ his i$e in prison $or a 'rime he didn’t 'ommit" 3hi'h in a (ay (as true"

    /o(ard had put him up $or it"

      2 &no(* 2$ the $armer 'omes round to your house" 2 (i te your mum it (as my $aut".

      3oud you6. The ad oo&ed again as i$ his eyes (oud pop out o$ his head"

      +eah*. /o(ard repied as &een as mustard $or his idea, That (ay my mum (i ony

    ground me $or a (ee& and you (on’t get grounded at a*.

      4oey thought more a%out it %e$ore a oo& o$ sorro( $e o!er his $a'e"


      But (hat am 2 going to do (ithout my %est $riend $or a (hoe (ee&6.


  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      /o(ard &ne( ho( he $et $rom pre!ious groundings, in $a't it (asn’t a summer hoiday

    i$ at east one o$ them (asn’t grounded $or a (ee& here and there" /e de'ided to shrug his


      5ti, (e ha!e today %e$ore (e get done". 4oey rea'hed into his po'&et and pued out

    some money, in $a't to /o(ard, 4oey (as a(ays ri'h* -et’s get some s(eets $rom the store*.

      +eaaaah*. /o(ard shouted as %oth %oys ran do(n the ong road eading o$$ to the

    !iage 'entre and o!er to the s(eet shop (hi'h (as reay an a round 'on!enien'e store (ith

    a (i'&ed toy shop up stairs*

      The (hoe !iage (as one that had a $e( $ootpaths %ut (hen you got to the shops it (as

     just tarma', the reason has to do (ith the $a't that the od store used to %e an od petro station

    (hi'h had ong sin'e gone, (ay %a'& in the ate si;ties (hen a %igger one opened just a mie

    a(ay on the (hat (as then ne( motor(ay" That (as (hat (as tod to /o(ard %y his mother"

    And (hat (as %orn in its pa'e6 A (onder$u !iage store* Again the oder store %urnt do(n

    and so the o(ner de'ided to %uid an e;tension to this od pa'e, 'on!erting it into a arge

    $ronted store and %ehind a pa'e to i!e (hie demoishing the od 'orrugated meta shed to the

    side and the %a'&" 2n his %oyhood days and no(, paths had gro(n either side, one a pu%i' one

    eading to the re'tory and the midde estate and the other, a pri!ate path ao(ing a''ess to the

    rear o$ the %uiding $or the o(ners (ho are no( the (at'hers o!er him, his guardians"

      3hat you going to get6. /is $riend stared (ide eyed at him %e$ore running o!er to stare

    at the ro(s upon ro(s o$ pasti' jars hoding the mass o$ 'oours and di$$erent shapes" /o(ard

    remem%ered the !arious s(eet smeing s'ents that $oated a'ross the des& to tou'h his sme

    re'eptors and reap ha!o' through his %ody (here he just (anted to try e!erything going (ith

    ony one pro%em" Money (as short"

    2, 2 ha!en’t""".

      4oey pun'hed his $riend $or he &ne( /o(ard and his $amiy (ere on the poor side e!en

    though /o(ard’s dad (or&ed a the hours 0od sent him out in the sea" 2’ get you anything

    you (ant*.

      /o(ard oo&ed into his $riends’ eyes" This (as a $riendship that ran $ar deeper than

     %ood" A %ond o$ a i$etime* Both smied a deep o!ing smie" 2$ it (as possi%e, /o(ard o$ten

    (ondered i$ they had %een separated in the hospita and (ere a'tuay %rothers" /e o$ten

    thought a%out this and (ied 0od this (as the 'ase, e!en though he &ne( it not to %e, as they

    had on'e pued out their %irth 'erti$i'ates to sho( that the hospitas (ere mies apart" /is

    $riend had %een %orn in Dorset (hie he had %een %orn in the midands" /undreds o$ mies

    apart, yet so 'ose in o!e"


  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      2 (oud i&e some sau'ers pease*. /e announ'ed a$ter staring at the mass o$ 'oour and

    $o'using on the %otte (ith a $ashy F) a%e sapped on the $ront (ith oads o$ round amost

    $ores'ent 'oours %ehind (hi'h (ere the sher%et s(eets themse!es"

      4oey smied, 2 &ne( you (oud".


      +ou a(ays 'hoose those*. /e aughed and his $riend re'ipro'ated"

      3hat do you (ant %oys6. As&ed the middeaged man $rom %ehind the des&"

      Coud (e ha!e as many $ying sau'ers as my money 'an get*.

      The man pued a %road smie" As many as this (i %uy". /e repied as he too& the 'oin

    $rom out o$ the ads hand noting that in $a't this 'oin (oud %uy enough to ma&e the %oys a

    itte si'& a$ter" 5ti, (hen he (as young, he didn’t ha!e e;'esses i&e this" Mo!ing o!er he

    must ha!e noted /o(ard and 4oey’s %urning eyes on his %a'& as he too& the jar $rom o$$ the

    se'ond she$ do(n and %egan to empty a oad into the measuring s'aes" /e tipped a $e( more


      Don’t %e gi!ing a(ay our pro$its*.

      /e 'ringed* Did she a(ays ha!e eyes in the %a'& o$ her head and (as a%e to pi'& up his

    thoughts $rom a'ross the shop* #o dear*. /e 'aed and poured a $e( more out in spite"

    Tipping them into t(o separate %ags he handed them to the t(o young men, #o( don’t go

    eating them a at on'e and ma&ing yourse!es si'&*.

      #o sir*. 4oey shouted (hie /o(ard smied a smie (hi'h read i$ he (as si'& it didn’t

    matter $or he (as out to enjoy himse$"

      The t(o %oys ran out o$ the store to the sound o$ that (oman yeing, Don’t run in the

    store* /o( many times do 2 ha!e to te you*.

      They ran round and up past the pu%i' house (hi'h at this time o$ day (as in $u s(ing"

    They 'oud hear the many !oi'es o$ the patrons shouting $rom the open door" /o(ard opened

    up his %ag and pued a %ue one $rom it and hed it up to(ards the sun (here it penetrated the

    sau'er to re!ea its sher%et innards"

      Do you thin& they ha!e ess sher%et in no(6.

      4oey pued a %ig smie %e$ore pa'ing one in his mouth (hoe, then pro'eeding to 'ough

    as the po(der agitated his throat" n'e the 'oughing had su%sided he muttered, Don’t 'are*

    As ong as they taste the same*. /e pro'eeded to stu$$ t(o into his arge mouth no(*

      /o(ard 'opied ony to su$$er the 'oughing $it this time" -itte did he &no( that %ehind

    him, something more sinister than a 'oughing $it (as going on"


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      5ee you a, , ater*. 5houted one !ery (e dressed man (ho stum%ed out o$ the pu%i'

    house and to(ards his !ery arge 'ar"

      )rom inside the pu% 7osie 3es hit her hus%and (ith a tea to(e she o$ten used to mop

    up spied drin&s (ith, 2 tod you he’s had enough a%out an hour ago" Are you going to et

    him dri!e in that state6.

      2 thought the -ord had his 'hau$$er (ith him6. 4a'& 3es e;'aimed %e$ore running

    a$ter the man ony to $ind the 'ar (hee spinning out o$ the 'ar par& and 'ipping the post as it

    (ent, %e$ore heading out into the street and to(ards the midde o$ the road" Then s(er!ing

    on'e more to head to(ards t(o %oys (ho (ere on the path* #o*. /e s'reamed as one horror

    un!eied its ugy e!i eyes %e$ore him"

      2 dare you to go $or $i!e*. /o(ard aid do(n the gauntet $or his $riend to ta&e up"

      The (ord re'ord o$ $i!e sau'ers at on'e in the mouth (as there $or the ta&ing and 4oey

    (as going $or it* 3ith a smie he de!ed into his %ag ony $or him to $ind a 'ar, a arge 'ar (as

    a%out to de!e its (ay into the t(o $riends i!es"

    A s'ream 'oud %e heard as e!erything (ent into so( motion" ne se'ond /o(ard (as

    (a&ing aong, then the ne;t he (as $ying through the air* /e $et his (hoe %ody 'rumpe as

    it hit the (arm tarma'" /o(ard’s eyes %ehed the nightmare !ision o$ a arge %ue 7os 7oy'e

    tossing his $riend s&y(ards on its %onnet %e$ore going o!er the top side o$ the 'ar to and

    do(n onto the road aong (ith the !arious 'ooured $ying sau'ers (hi'h seemed to $a i&e

    'on$etti yet a seem to hit the road (ith a thud aong (ith 4oey’s %ody at the same time"

      The oo& (as a it too& as /o(ard 'ra(ed to(ards 4oey" /is $riend (as just staring

     %a'&, his $a'e just !oid o$ e;pression" /e heard a sound o$ a orry %rea&ing hard as it seemed

    to hit something meta and then side to(ards him and then a pain as his %ody $et pain on'e

    more (ith a sient s'ream" The pain o$ his %ody (as insigni$i'ant to the pain o$ his heart as he

    reaised his i$e ong $riend (as dead*

    #o*. 3as a that 'ame $rom the andords mouth as it $e open" The arge tru'& hit the

    other ad running o!er the %oys egs* The -ord had 'oided (ith the orry a $ra'tion %e$ore

    and there (as nothing the dri!er 'oud do to a!oid the se'ond Boy* 2t (as a too $ast as the

    7os smashed into a stone (a aun'hing the edery man through the (inds'reen and onto

    the 'rumped %onnet" The orry managed to a!oid anything ese and at %est ja'&&ni$ing*

    The daed dri!er got out o$ his 'a% and though not (anting to %eie!e (hat had just


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    happened ran round to $ind one o$ the %oys just ying dead, (hie the other (ho he had ran

    o!er (as sti ai!e and 'rying out a name*


      4a'& $et in t(o minds and de'ided a$ter ho!ering in inde'isi!eness to run into the noisy



    The noise (as un%eara%e* +an&ing out the ead (hi'h $ed the ju&e %o; its jui'e and

    ao(ing that to $a sient a %ar the protests $rom some o$ the patrons (ho had o%!iousy

     paid good money to isten to that ru%%ish, he shouted again, 7osie* Ca an am%uan'e*

    There’s %een a terri%e a''ident*.

      The pu%i' house $e to a deathy sient upon hearing these (ords"

      3hat did you say6. As&ed a s'ru$$y man (ho (or&ed out in the ast $e( 'oa mines

    (hi'h (ere a $e( mies south o$ here"

      An a''ident* T(o &ids, a orry and the ord*.

      This (as a it too& $or a mass o$ %odies to run out into the street (here some just stood

    (ondering i$ the a'oho (as reaping ha!o' on their eyes or this (as in $a't reaity"

      A $e( more 'ars pued up and one poi'e 'ar $oo(ed up %ehind" Consta%e #orris

    spo&e to his 'ompanion,

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    sur!i!ed and (as sti 'ons'ious"

      3hat a%out the other %oy6. #orris as&ed as he guided the orry dri!er round to the &er%,

    Come sir, pease sit do(n" 2’ get you a s(eet 'up o$ tea".

      Charie (asn’t !ery su''ess$u in getting the 'ro(ds to dissipate and so ga!e up to 'he'&

    on the other %oy" 2t ony too& one oo& to &no( the ans(er, 5orry 5ergeant*.

      Fpon hearing those (ords /o(ard s'reamed out oud as the 'on$irmation &ied a his

    hopes that he had %een (rong" /is sou poured out its anger and grie$ and then sien'e $e

    upon his mouth as the emergen'y ser!i'es 'ame to the s'ene o$ one pea'e$u !iage %ro&en %y

    the terror o$ this a''ident*

      /o(ard opened his eyes to the sound o$ the door &no'&ing"

      /o(ard, are you 'oming do(n $or tea6 /o(ard*.

      /e smied, it (as

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      The prodiga son returns*. Beth’s mother announ'ed" Dinner has %een ready $or a%out

    ten minutes, (hat ha!e you %een doing6.

      /o(ard too& a nap mother".

      2n your seeping, did you 'ome to your senses and de'ide $or us to 'a the poi'e this


      /o(ard (asn’t going to %ite, instead too& up his $or& and pa'ed a ne( potato into his

    mouth (hie Mrs -ane ga!e him a hard oo& (hi'h seemed to %ore into his sou"

      Don’t (ant to ta& to me no(".

      Chris pa'ed his hand upon his (i$e’s and spo&e so o!ingy, -et’s ea!e this topi' aone

    o!e, it’s not (orth it".

      5he gared at her hus%and %e$ore adding, 3e, i$ he (ants to get himse$ murdered %y

    those thugs (hat do 2 'are* Be$ore stu$$ing a %russes sprout into her mouth and 'he(ing hard

    o!er it, and /o(ard’s de'ision though ho( mad it (as"

      Chris smied, 2t’s our day o$$ tomorro( /o(ard me od mate" /o( a%out you and 2

    going a $e( mies do(n the road to the 'oast and pi'&ing up my %oat and going saiing6.

      /o(ard pued a arge smie $rom his $a'e aong (ith his eyes (idening ao(ing a sma

    spar&e" /e o!ed going out on his $ather’s %oat" A t(enty $our $oot !esse that too& ony one

    man and a 'rippe to sai her" $ten Beth (oud 'ome aong and the day (as per$e't" Mrs -ane

    ne!er 'ame" 2, 2, dddd". he et a itte hu$$ as he $et annoyan'e at his spee'h*


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    $ate$u night". 2$ he had the 'hoi'e he (oud ha!e run a(ay then" 5ti he 'oud ighten her

     %urden and ta&e to $ight no(, i$ he had any de'ent money*

      /is memory mae opened again as he 'hose to say nothing (hie sitting at the ta%e

    a!oiding the gares $rom opposite, %y that (oman"

      5tay here6 3e ha!e no room*. Anne -ane shouted in the &it'hen as she stared at one

    teenage %oy"

      But o!e* 4ohn is my $riend" /e has o$$ered to hep, %ut 'an’t ta&e responsi%iity $or the


      #o, a he i&es to do is run a(ay $rom reaity* jumps on %oats and ships to ta&e him

    a(ay $rom it a" That man a(ays shir&s his responsi%iities*. Then she added, Besides

    (here do (e put a 'rippe6 3e ha!e no spe'ia amenities $or him6.

      /e 'an ha!e my study" 2 (i put a %ed in there, he (i %e happy" 4ohn isn’t as&ing $or


      5he oo&ed hard at the ad, 2sn’t he6. A the time, energy and in'on!enien'e aong (ith

    the %oy eating into our i!eihood (ith an e;tra mouth to $eed". Then a thought 'ame into her

    head, Put him into a home".

      /e tried that* 7emem%er* 4ust got %uied" 3oud you (ant this %oy in his 'ondition to

     %e pa'ed in that situation again6 /e has ost e!erything" A 2 am as&ing is that (e gi!e him a

     %rea& o$ a $e( years unti he’s a man" That (ay he 'an ha!e at east a sta%e teenage

    up%ringing (hi'h 'oud stand him (e in adut years". The pea (as one o$ reason (hi'h he

    had used se!era times on his (i$e (ho (as more sensiti!e than peope ga!e her 'redit $or"

      Anne sighed and ru%%ed her tired eyes" 2t had %een a ong day" -oo&ing do(n at the

     %edragged ad standing there (ith his %a'& pa'& o$ %eongings and his (et 'othes she pued

    a ha$ smie, &ay, ony $or a (hie unti he $inds his $eet" Best get him enroed into s'hoo".

      2’!e de'ided that (e (i ha!e a pri!ate tutor, as s'hoos tend to pi'& on him and the

    ony other option (as a s'hoo $or the mentay disa%ed"

      And (ho is going to pay $or a pri!ate tutor6. This (as amaing 'oming $rom a man o$

    simpe means and itte money"

      4ohn said he (oud pay $or the %oy" /e has enough sa!ings to pay $or &eep here and a

     pri!ate tutor" That’s (hat it says in this etter". /e hed out the (et etter and his (i$e too& it"

      5he read ha$ o$ it and $et strange, And a itte $or us6 /o( mu'h6.

      /e didn’t say, ony that (e (i get it (hen the ad matures".

      3hat %e'omes o$ age6.


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 


      5he hopped $rom one $oot to the other (hie pondering o!er this une;pe'ted turn in the

     pro'eedings and reasoned, 2 suppose, oo&ing a$ter this %oy unti he is eighteen (i do".

      Chris no( shi$ted %aan'e as he 'on$essed, The dea is unti he is t(enty one %e$ore (e

    get a penny".

      /e eyes (idened again* T(enty one* That’s

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      5, s, so, rry".

      3ho &no(s* 3ith a that deep thought you may %e'ome a (riter or an a''ompished


      Beth $oo(ed her $ather’s up %uiding remar&s, r a poet* 2’!e seen some o$ your

     poems /o(ard". Then %ushed a itte (hen she had to 'on$ess, Though a %it on the

    mean'hoy side".

      There (as a snort as a hand pa'ed the tri$e onto /o(ards’ %o( ne;t to his pate, The

    ony thing he (i a''ompish in his time is %e'oming a master $oor s(eeper" That is a".

      Mother* That is a horri%e thing to say*.

    #ot i$ it’s the truth* /e %e'omes o$ age soon and (hat has he a''ompished6 Apart

    $rom thro(ing %ig tantrums and %eing a pun'h %ag $or yo%s and a ridi'ue to others" The %oy

    has no %a'&%one* /e’s a (imp* A ot i&e his $ather" Pro%a%y end up a drun& some(here".

      That’s enough Anne* /o(ard (i ma&e a su''ess o$ (hat e!er he puts his mind to".

      That’s it* A(ays ta&ing his side" +ou are meant to o!e your (i$e, not an orphan %oy*.

    3ith that she thre( the arge ser!ing spoon into the tri$e %o( 'ausing a itte 'ustard to $y

    out and (re'& the 'ean (hite ta%e 'oth" Ta&ing a $e( pates the ady stormed out o$ the

    room shouting, #o%ody 'ares a%out me* 2 'an just go to he*. )oo(ed %y the 'rashing o$

    sau'epans as the (ashing up (as ta&ing pa'e a ot earier than panned"

      Chris rose up ui'&y and hurried out, you 'oud hear him saying, $ 'ourse 2 o!e you"

    +ou are my i$e* 2 just (ant a to %e happy*.

      3e (i ne!er %e happy (hie that %oy is here 'ursing our happiness (ith his

    mean'hoy outoo&*. Crash (ent another sau'epan"

      Don’t (orry /o(ard" 2t’s not you" 5he has a $e( pro%ems due to the menopause" 2t 'an

    get a (oman do(n and they just 'an’t hep ta&ing it out on someone".

      M, m, me".

      /e oo&ed i&e a sad puppy dog (ith those eyes and yet

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    o$ ra%%its" #ot itera* But o$ the so$t toy &ind in the $orm o$ sippers"

      5he turned and must ha!e jumped a%out three metres in the air %e$ore as&ing, 3ho are


      /e remem%ered jumping himse$ and trying to sit up ony to &ind o$ ay there in a ha$

    'rumped oo& and one (hi'h 'aused his %a'& to thro%, 2’, 2, m, m" /, h, /o(" 3, (" Arrd".

      /e (at'hed the thoughts and uestions $a o!er her mind as she 'ut'hed the tee!ision

    remote 'ose to her 'hest" +ou are $rom the o(er estate" +our $ather (or&s in the mine" A

    $riend o$ my dad’s".

      /o(ard nodded as this sa!ed him the em%arrassment o$ ta&ing (hi'h he (as ne!er any

    good at sin'e""" That time"

      My name is

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Chris (at'hed as his daughter 'hose and then sat (ith him" This made him $ee (arm

    inside unti he (ent out to the 'odness o$ the &it'hen"

      /o(ard oo&ed at this %eauty" A sister that (as %etter than he 'oud e!er ha!e

    en!isioned" And no( here in this time $rame she (as more pretty than e!er" /e and she (ere

    the same age" Both matured to their t(enties and yet time had %een more &ind to her than he"

    2n the present time he sat do(n $eeing de’ja!ous as she hed his hand on the so$a as

    nothing more (as said a%out today as the tee!ision too& a(ay the ta& o$ the house and

    su'&ed them into a $antasy (ord o$ $i'tion"

      -ater /o(ard eased himse$ into %ed and $et e!ery %it o$ his aiments" The %a'& (as red

    ra( and his right eg $et as i$ it (as going to %e %ady %ruised" 2$ seeping (asn’t hard enough

    aready those moron’s had done e!en more damage* +et he 'oudn’t %ame them $or their a'&

    o$ (isdom and a a'& o$ a 'ons'ien'e" /e !ie(ed himse$ as a hepess anima in the 'ut'hes

    o$ %rutes (ho ony hed a per!erted peasure in %eating this de$en'eess 'reature e!en though

    the anima 'oud not de$end itse$ and in its deepest heart (oudn’t dream o$ hurting those

     %rutes" /e didn’t (ant to hurt anyone, not a$ter (itnessing the death o$ a !ery good $riend"

    -i$e (as too pre'ious*

      /is thoughts dri$ted as the desire to seep (a$ted o!er and 'ontroed the pain he a(ays


    /e 'ame too a itte to the (ords $oating through his (ooden %edroom door"

      Don’t $orget /o(ard*

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

     just as uiet on a stret'her and mo!ing a(ay $rom his $riend" As 4oey (as pa'ed into the %a'& 

    o$ the am%uan'e he heard the 'harge shoot another %ot o$ energy through the %ody"

      2’m sorry, there is nothing more (e 'an do*. ne amost sighed as the doors to the

    am%uan'e 'osed to %o'& the horri$i' s'ene and a noise $rom it %ehind"

      /o(ard $et itte pain at this point $or his %ody had %een gi!en a ot o$ pain &iers, in

    $a't he $et rather out o$ it" The ne;t he &ne( he (as in hospita and rushing to(ards some sort

    o$ emergen'y (ard" There he (as sho(n into a room $u o$ nurses" As he (as $idded (ith in

    (ays he didn’t &no( a%out or understand then through the 'ommotion, in the distan'e he

    heard a $amiiar !oi'e"

      3hat’s happening to my %oy6.

      The do'tor 'ame through, +ou ha!en’t %een in$ormed6. she repied $eeing sho'& at the

    a'& o$ 'are o!er this (oman*

      #, no" Tod me to get here $ast, an a''ident6.

      +our son and his $riend (ere hit %y a 'ar and /o(ard6. 5he as&ed hoping that %y

    getting 'on$irmation she (asn’t ta&ing to the (rong mother" That had happened in the past*

      +es, /o(ard".

      /ad one o$ his egs ran o!er %y the orry" 3e are going into surgery" /e has interna

     %eeding and 'oud ha!e serious pro%ems".

      3hat &ind o$ pro%ems6. This (as a too mu'h $or his mother (ho must ha!e had

    ri!ers o$ tears $o(ing do(n her 'hee&s at this point"

      /e may ne!er (a& again" +et at this time that (oud %e the %etter ne(s" 2 (ish 2 'oud

    dress this up $or you" But 2 'an’t, he may die" -i&e his $riend".

      4oey is dead6.

      5orry, he is". Pa'ing her hands upon this (omans shouders she said mustering a the

    'on$iden'e she 'oud, -oo&, 2 ha!e to go and get the surgeon up to speed" 2’ %e %a'& as soon

    as 2 'an (ith more ne(s" Trust me, (e (i do a (e 'an to hep your son".

      My son is dead*. Came the (ai $rom the other end o$ the ha(ay and Mrs Muster

    &ne( that the time to (orry (as to %e put aside $or no( as a good $riend needed to %e


      The hours passed and the 'om$ort (as there unti Mr Masterson 'ame and upon ta&ing

    his (i$e a(ay on the nasty 'hore o$ identi$ying his son he oo&ed at her and muttered, 2 hope

    /o(ard is o&ay" +ou a (i %e in my thoughts".

      4oey’s mother said instead, 3hy 'oudn’t it ha!e %een your son* My son (as

    e!erything to me*.


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Mr Masterson 'ringed a itte and his eyes apoogised $or those (ords, yet Mrs Muster

    &ne( they (ere (ords $rom a distraught mother and distraught is (hat she herse$ (i no( %e

    as she $ound herse$ on her o(n" /er hus%and (oud %e out on that oi rig in the north sea" /e

    (oud %e re'ei!ing the ne(s sometime no("

      4ohn Muster tapped one o$ the gauges and $et dread" Another $auty gauge" 5houting

    o!er the noise o$ the pumps he 'aed o!er to one o$ the junior ads, 0reg*.

      The ad ha$ turned as i$ he heard something %e$ore reaising the man (as %e'&oning him

    o!er" 3a&ing %ris&y o!er he &no'&ed his head on one o$ the o!er head pipes %e$ore

    readjusting his hardhat (here he stood just a $e( 'entimetres in $ront o$ this ta man, +es


      Another $auty gauge* 0et it repa'ed* 3e need these as a''urate as possi%e* Don’t

    (ant to oose any pressure" Don’t (ant the %osses moaning a%out oss in produ'tion*.

      #o sir* 2’ do it myse$". 0reg shouted %a'& and $et another presen'e" Turning he

    $ound another manager (a&ing up to them"

      4ohn, (e ha!e a pro%em" 2 need you in my o$$i'e right a(ay".

      4ohn (eighed his %ue eyes upon the man and nodded" 4ust %e$ore $oo(ing him he

    turned to 0reg, 0et that sorted" 3hen 2’m %a'& (e (i pro%a%y ha!e to do o!ertime i$

    someone ese has s're(ed up*.

      0reg nodded and (ent a%out his %usiness as 4ohn Muster $oo(ed his superior up to his

    o$$i'e (hi'h (as many $ights o$ meta stairs up(ards and o!er" )inay there he stood at the


      Come in 4ohn and pease 'ose the door".

      By the tone on this man’s !oi'e, it (as 'ear this (as important" /ad he messed up

    some(here6 r had one o$ his men $o(ed up and he (as going to ha!e to sa'& the %oy6

      5it do(n, 2 ha!e some %ad ne(s".

      As 4ohn sat do(n he ga!e out his e;panation o$ (hy they are %ehind s'hedue, My

    men are on pump t(o 5ir* 2t’s the %earings gone again, (e on the (ay out" Another t(o

    hours and it (i %e""". /e stopped (hen his %oss poured him a drin& o$ (his&ey" This (as %ig*

    h no* They are shutting the (hoe pa'e do(n* But surey there (as enough oi sti e$t

    do(n there6

      The %oss pushed the rotund gass o!er the highy poished des& to(ards 4ohn Muster,

    Drin& this $irst*.

      But eith, 5ir*.


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      4ust drin& it*. /e pushed the gass $urther this man’s (ay"

      4ohn too& the shot o$ (his&ey and &no'&ed it %a'&"

      3hen the gass (as empty eith %egan, 2 ha!e some %ad ne(s, just 'ame in" 2t’s not


      2t (as no good staing on a man i&e 4ohn, he (anted the goods and $ast as time (as

    money and any deay on anything meant it (as time he 'oud ne!er get %a'&"

    0o ahead 5ir" 2’m ready".

      Ta&ing a deep %reath and (ishing he had ta&en a shot o$ that drin& he pushed these

    (ords $rom his mouth, +our son has %een in!o!ed in an a''ident and is undergoing

    emergen'y surgery" 2 (ant you to ea!e (ith the hei'opter 2’!e reuested" 2t (i ta&e you to

    our headuarters (here (aiting is another hei'opter (hi'h has orders to ta&e you home".

    /e had e;pe'ted many things, yet a message i&e this6 /e rea'hed $or the gass and

    $ound that the man (as pouring another shot" /e too& it"

      #o( get your things and go to your $amiy" They need you".

      4ohn stood up and $et one more uestion that nagged him to pour it out i&e the

    (his&ey, 3hat a%out the rig6.

      2’ 'o!er your shi$t and (e ha!e a repa'ement on the (ay" #o( go and get ready"

    5he’ %e here in just under the hour pro!iding the (eather hods".

      Than& you 5ir". pening the door he hurried to gather his %eongings" Many sa( the

    oo& o$ (orry yet didn’t (ant to as& this ta man (hat it (as"

      4ust o!er the hour and one hei'opter i$ted its %u& o$$ the pat$orm and headed $or the


      5e!era hours eapsed %e$ore 4ohn Muster made his many %u& (a& through the doors

    to the (aiting room (here hudded in one 'orner i&e a hamster in a 'age ay his (i$e" 3a&ing

    sienty up to her, he stood o!er her just oo&ing at her petite $rame"

    0ood morning Ameia Muster*. /e (hispered into her e$t ear"

      /er eyes 'ame so(y open to $o'us on the man (ho had just (o&en her $rom a dream,

    or (as it a nightmare6 #o, the nightmare (as here and no("

    4ohn*. 5he (hispered amost in the same (ay he had (o&en her (ith his (ords" 7ising

    (ith speed she em%ra'ed him and $et his thi'& arms (rap around her %ody pro!iding the

    'om$ort and support she a(ays (anted to remem%er" The emotions $i'&ed through her %ody

    and it (as hard to $ee one se'onds immense sorro( to the ne;t eation and joy that her

    hus%and (as here, no(*


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      /e sat her do(n and pa'ed himse$ %esides her" Ao(ing a 'oupe o$ se'onds to hod

    her $a'e and (ipe a(ay a $e( stray tears he as&ed, 3hat happened to our %oy6.

      At this point she (anted to %rea& do(n and 'ry i&e she had most o$ the time %e$ore" 5he

    stopped (hen her eyes %e'ame red ra(" Ta&ing a $e( deep %reaths she e;pained, /o(ard

    (as run o!er" /e 'oud ha!e %ro&en his %a'&" /is eg is 'rushed and it has %een tou'h and go"

    The surgeons ha!e %een (or&ing o!er time on this one".

      4ohn too& this in and de'ided (here to ay the %ame, The stupid ad* /o( many times

    ha!e you tod him to oo& (here he is going*.

      2t (asn’t your son’s $aut or his $riends* That drun&en -ord o$ Co!ington /ouse

    mounted the pa!ement and stru'& them".

      2’ ma&e him pay $or this*. 4ohn shouted and $et rage $o( through his %ody as the

    sma room e'hoed his anger"

      +ou 'an’t*. Ameia Muster shouted at him as he stood up"

      And (hy not6. /e repied (ith eyes (ide open as i$ on $ire"

      Be'ause he is dead* -i&e 4oey*.

      Another thunder%ot 'ame out o$ the %ue to stri&e his heart, /o(ard’s %est $riend is


      Died instanty" Poor /o(ard".

      /e sat %a'& do(n again (ith anger $ading, Poor $amiy".

      +es*. Ameia uiety spo&e as she (ent %a'& to 'udding her hus%and (hie (aiting $or

    the ne(s o$ their son"

    Time passed %e$ore (hat they presumed (as a do'tor 'ame their (ay"

      Mr and Mrs Muster 2 presume".

      +es*. 4ohn repied (hie oo&ing at this s&inny ta 2ndian $eo( (ho spo&e (ith a

    strong Birmingham a''ent"

      +our son is sta%e, though (e (i ha!e to do se!era more operations, espe'iay to his

    eg" 3e thin& (e 'an sa!e it, though 2 must stress (e 'an ony gi!e you a%out t(enty per'ent

    'han'e o$ him e!er using it to the $u again" /is %a'& is damaged and (i reuire operations

    to sort it out the %est (e 'an" +et again 2 must %e $ran& (ith you, /e (i pro%a%y ne!er %e

    a%e to (a& straight again".

      My poor %oy*. Ameia (ept"

      5upposing you 'an’t sa!e his eg, (hat then6.

      The do'tor oo&ed at the %ig man straight, Then (e (i ha!e to amputate it" To %e


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    honest it (i %e a mira'e i$ your %oy does not spend the majority o$ his i$e in a (hee 'hair

    Mr Muster". Then stepping %a'& a itte he added, 2 hate to %e straight do(n the ine a%out

    this" But 2 $ee that honesty and openness is the %est poi'y in my ine o$ (or&".

      4ohn stood up and (at'hed the do'tor ta&e a arge step %a'&" 2t 'ame as no surprise $or

    he (as si; $eet $i!e and %uit i&e a %ri'&" /e raised his right hand and too& hod o$ the

    do'tors, 2 than& you $or your honesty Do'tor" 3hen (i (e &no( $or sure6.

      A ong (hie yet" 2 suggest you %oth go home get some rest and 'ome %a'& tomorro("

    2$ there is any 'hange in the meantime (e (i 'a you, (e ha!e your num%er at the


      Ameia (asn’t ha!ing this, 2 don’t (ant to ea!e my %oy aone here*.

    This sounded amost on the hysteria side o$ things" 4ohn nodded to the do' and pa'ed

    his arge hands on her shouders, /e is in the sa$est o$ hands* 3e %oth need to do as the

    do'tor says* ther(ise, (e (i %e in no $it state (hen the do'tor 'omes %a'& to us tomorro(

    (ith the good ne(s".

      5he oo&ed at the hope shining in her hus%ands eyes, +ou reay thin& it (i %e good


      The %est*. /e said though not reay $eeing that 'on$ident" #o( 'ome my o!e" /ome

    is (here (e %eong at this time". 4ohn (at'hed her pi'& up her %eongings and than&ed the

    do'tor on'e more"

      n the (ay out another ta man (a&ed up to them, an oder man (ith grey hair, dressed

    in a %a'& ja'&et,

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      2’!e %een (aiting* Thought you may reuire a i$t home*.

      2t (as 5ergeant #orris" /e remem%ered him $rom the time he got pued o!er $or riding

    his /arey through the !iage" 4ohn (asn’t speeding, #orris pued him o!er so he 'oud

    admire the %i&e* Though the gossips in the !iage didn’t thin& that (as the rea reason"

    5miing a pained smied he poitey said, 3e (oud mu'h appre'iate a ride home*.

      #orris smied and hurried to open up the doors, 2n you go, (e’ %e home in a ji$$y*.

      The doors 'osed and soon the !ehi'e (as mo!ing through the dar&ness and as the ights

     pi'&ed up the side(ays rain and the (ipers suea&ed their (ay a'ross the (inds'reen, 4ohn

    as&ed, /o( are 4oey’s parents ta&ing this6.

      3e, not too (e" They ha!e aready got in tou'h (ith their a(yer* -oo&s i&e the

    Co!ington’s are going to %e sued*. The poi'eman repied shouting a%o!e the noise o$ the rain

    and (ipers and $i'&ing the demister s(it'h on to add to the $urther noise"

      The (ide eyed e;pression (as a that (as needed (hi'h 4ohn pi'&ed up in the rear !ie(

    mirror" 5o the Co!ington househod (as going to %e a itte poorer" 5ti, hardy a dent in their

    $at o$$ shore %an& a''ounts* May%e he shoud sue6 #o* #o thoughts o$ that tonight" /o(ard

    (as the main 'on'ern and e!erything ese 'oud just $it %ehind this" /is repy (as a short one,



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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 



      5eep (as so(y (ashed a(ay %y a &no'&ing at the door" /o(ard opened his eyes

    to a (ord $u o$ %urs %e$ore his eyes $o'used on the time" )i!e in the morning"

      /o(ard* Better get your %um out o$ %ed i$ you (ant to 'ome saiing on su'h a $ine

    morning*. Chris (as heard !ery 'eary through the door as the ad did his %est to rise ui'&y

    out o$ %ed" /is $eet tou'hed the (ooden $oor%oards sending a 'od sensation up through his

     %ody !ia his pates o$ meat" /e ho%%ed o!er to the 'urtains and pued these %a'& to $ind the

    day as his $ather had said* A $u o$ the joys o$ a summer in its pea&*

    /e no( tested his right eg to see i$ it (oud ta&e the strain $or the (hoe day (ithout the

    aid o$ the 'rut'hes, ony to $ind the od sti'& (as (iing to ony ta&e him as $ar as the 'hest o$

    dra(s" 2t (as 'rut'hes today (hi'h meant no 'han'e o$ heping in saiing the %oat" /o(ard

    $et a (a!e o$ disappointment s(e through his %ody, i&e the tide going through an estuary at

     pea& time and threatening to o!er$o( the %an&s* The threat o$ his sadness o!er$o(ing the

     %an&s o$ his mind and heart stopped and re'eded (hen he reaised he (oud %e a(ay $rom the

    dragon ady" Puing the top dra( open he $ound the same od musty smes protruding out and

    $o(ing his nostris" The od 'hest o$ dra(s had seen %etter days and a(ays made his 'othes

    sme a itte musty" +et /o(ard at his young age $et the same, past his %est and a(ays gi!ing

    o$$ a musty sme to a around" 2n'uding the adies, they a(ays ga!e him a (ide %erth" /e

    thought he may s'ore a $e( %onus points on the sympathy !ote, yet in that area no%ody

    'onsidered him" The ony gir to sho( him any attention (as as you guessed

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    me %ehind do(n the sope (hen (e get there".

      /o(ard nodded and smied, he 'oud see the $unny side as one man pushed his 'ar (hie

     pu$$ing and panting to the edge o$ the sope, (hi'h (as a'tuay a steep hi that ran a%out a

    uarter o$ a mie %e$ore heading into a $ied !ia a gate" ne man ma&ing it to the edge then

    tripping and as he oo&ed up $rom the tarma' (itnessing his 'ar go saiing merriy do(n the

    hi and on through the (ooden $en'e and out o$ sight, pro%a%y on its (ay to the pond in the

    midde* 2t (asn’t reay a pond, more i&e a 'oe'tion o$ (ater in the dip o$ the $ied (here the

    hi a'tuay stopped going do(n" The (ater o$ten 'oe'ted there a$ter a rain storm i&e ast

    nights" /e smir&ed at the 'omedy s'ene as the sun made its (ay a%o!e the houses opposite to

    shed a %it more 'arity on the pu$$ing man %ehind"

      Psst*. 'ame another sound" Chris thought he had pi'&ed up a pun'ture unti the sound

    $ound the ma&er %ehind it"

      0oing $ishing6 2 thought you said this 5unday6.

      Arnie* Boy am 2 gad to see you*.

      3hy6. A oo& o$ suspi'ion (a$ted o!er the man’s $a'e"

      /ep %ump start this thing*.

      #ot uness you te me (hy you are going $ishing (ith /o(ard and not me6.

      Boy* he (as just i&e a jeaous s'hoo %oy* Then again (hen he (as at s'hoo he (as

    a(ays jeaous, a(ays (orried that another s'hoo %oy (oud ta&e Chris a(ay $rom oyay

    $oo(ing and %eing the %osom %uddy o$ this man" Chris ao(ed the 'ar to grind to a hat" #ot

    that it had gone $ar*

      2’m ta&ing /o(ard saiing* #ot $ishing" #o( are you going to hep a $riend in need or


    Arnod 7i!erman rea;ed a itte and shrugged his shouders, 5ure* ny i$ 2 'an 'ome

    (ith you*.

      3hat a%out your 'ommitments6.

      h yeah* 3hat 'ommitments6. Arnie repied oo&ing pued, he didn’t ha!e any

    'ommitments that he &ne( o$"

      2’ as& /o(ard" 2 don’t thin& he (as panning on $ishing6. /e (a&ed round and

    eaned in" The %oy must ha!e %een istening and smied, it (as o&ay"

      /o(ard didn’t mind reay" Arnod (as o&ay" )ishing (asn’t the pan, yet they had a

    day and it (oud %e rest$u just an'hored up some(here (ith rods o!er the edge just hoping

    $or a %ite"

      The 'ar jer&ed and shuddered %e$ore 'oming ai!e as one Chris hopped in a smies at


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    the engine springing to i$e gi!ing them hope o$ a day out, %e$ore %eing joined $rom the %a'&

     %y one Arnod" +ou reaise 2 ha!e no %ait6.

      Arnod smied, 2 ha!e*. /e pued a tu% o$ maggots $rom his smey (a; ja'&et" The

     ja'&et smet i&e rotting $ish and /o(ard (as sure the maggots (ere dying to in$est the thing,

     %eie!ing it to %e a rotting 'orpse or something euay horri%e* /e shuddered at the thought"

      Cod son6.


      2$ you (ant to ay out in the %a'&, Arnie 'an sit up $ront, i$ you i&e6. Chris (as

    imagining that /arod (as in pain sitting upright" /e &ept gi!ing the %oy a side(ays gan'e

    (aiting $or a response, $inay it 'ame"

      2, aamm" ), $$$, $erine".

      A $a'e eaned $or(ard %et(een the gap in the $ront seats, 2$ you are sure6 2 'an a(ays

    s(ap i$ you 'hange your mind".

      /arod got a (hi$$ o$ that ja'&et and $et it (oud %e de$initey sa$er i$ the man stayed on

    the %a'& seat" At east the $resh air !ents hitting his $a'e heped to dri!e %a'& the sme"

    /o(ard Muster just smied and nodded to sho( he (as $ine" Though his %ody (as t(isted he

    (as in itte pain today (hi'h surprised e!en he, (ho had ta&en su'h a %eating $rom a rod"

    5ti not the $irst time he had %een %eaten up" /e 'ursed his past and $or a se'ond 'ursed the

    man (ho put him here and his $riend" 4ust as i$ %y 'oin'iden'e they passed the 'hur'h (here

    4oey no( rested in pea'e"

      Through the )ather, the 5on and the /oy 0host" May he rest in pea'e". These $e(

    (ords e'hoed through the 'emetery and seem to %oun'e o$$ the outside (as o$ the 'hur'h

    and e!ery gra!e stone" A soitary 'ro( !oi'ed his opinion as he too& to $ight as i$ announ'ing

    to a (ho had $aied to noti'e, that one %oy had ost his i$e and in a !iage (hi'h had

    managed to &eep a(ay $rom the trou%es o$ the (ord, unti ast (ee& that (as" The !i'ar

    (at'hed as $irst the %oys mother pa'ed a $a!ourite toy onto the aready sun& in the ground

    'o$$in" 2t (as his 'hidhood teddy %ear, 5ir -an'eot’ 4oey 'aed it, a sma ight %ro(n %ear

    (ith sma 'urs" /arod had (anted to &eep it as a reminder and had o$ten (anted to dig do(n

    and get it" /is injuries pro!ed other(ise and the %ear (as 'ondemned to its $ate" A memory o$

    one great $riend*

      4oey’s $ather stepped $or(ard, rea'hing do(n he pi'&ed up the damp soi, a hand$u and

    thre( it onto the 'o$$in" 2t (as at this point 4oey’s mother %ro&e do(n, to %e hed tighty %y

    her hus%and" /is dirty hand e$t an imprint on her o(n ja'&et as they (a&ed a(ay"

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    one 'oud %e (ashed a(ay, uni&e the oss o$ their son" That (oud sti'& $ore!er, a(ays a%e

    to stain their minds (ith sorro("

      My dear $riend,

      +ou’!e e$t the (ord o$ men"

      /o( 2 miss you time and time again,

      The memory o$ you (i ne!er $ade a(ay,

      -i&e the memories o$ you and me in the summer rain,

      Though 2 may try to $orget you o!er and o!er again"

      That $ate$u day (i ne!er ao( me to un(ind,

      2 (ish 2 (as od enough to %e a o!er o$ (ine,

      Then 2 may $ind 'om$ort in oosing my mind,

      -i!ing these days as i$ 2 (as %ind"

    +et the o!e $or you 'an ne!er ea!e me aone,

      And the pain, the memories a't as your 'one"

      The ta&s (e ha!e 2 ha!e them (ith you,

      Though you are not here, 2 $ee so %ue,

      -o!e hurts (hen 2 thin& o$ you"

      2 may %e mad6

      2 do not &no(6

      +et 2 &no( 2 am insane as 2 gro("

      2 'an ne!er get o!er the death o$ you,

      My (onder$u $riend 4oey Masterson that is you"

      May you ne!er seep (ith sorro(, as 2 am a''ustomed to do"

      Be'ause o$ oosing the o!e o$ you"

      My dear $riend $ore!er times 2 am true to you"

    4oey Masterson 2 (i a(ays 'are and o!e you true"

      A poem /o(ard (rote (hen he (as a%e to get on and (rite"

    /o(ard oo&ed out at the shapes in the sun" The trip (as ony a short one reay, just a

    $e( mies to the 'oasta to(n o$ Misterton" A on'e na!a %ase and a pa'e (here he had heard

    reports o$ !ery oose (omen (a&ing the streets oo&ing $or punters" The to(n had a ot o$

     pretty pa'es and a ot o$ dar& aeys, so you had to %e 'are$u (hat (as ur&ing in the

    shado(s" Many tourists had %een mugged in their time here" A sad reminder o$ (hat this


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    (ord had %e'ome" The outs&irts, many pretty 'ottages (ere in ro(s and sho(ed their %eauty,

    their pretty stone 'ad (as, the %right $reshy aid stra( roo$s and the many !arieties o$

    'ooured roses and other spe'ies de'&ed the (as or the gardens" These 'ottages had (on

    se!era a(ards $or %est &ept traditiona homes and he &ne( the interiors (ere just as

    spe'ta'uar as the outsides" A ot i&e 4oey’s parents pa'e" 2t (asn’t a 'ottage, it (as a %ig

    $our, may%e $i!e %edroom house just round the 'orner o$ /o(ard’s parents t(o %ed roomed


      The house had a massi!e dri!e(ay* This day it (as $u o$ 'ars as the memory o$ 4oey

    ingered on in the $orm o$ a (a&e" Fsing his po(ers o$ memory mi;ed (ith imagination, he

     passed through the (a and into the pa'&ed ounge and on to see the many guests heping

    themse!es to the $ood a aid out on the %ig dining ta%e" /e o$ten (ondered i$ a $e( ony

    turned up $or the $ood, the (ay they (ere tu'&ing into it i&e pigs in a trough* thers (ere

    drin&ing (ine and sho(ing a a'& o$ de'en'y in the eyes o$ 4oey’s mother (ho $or reasons

    understood had protested to her hus%and a%out the (ine a'tuay %eing ser!ed" A$ter a, hadn’t

    her son %een ost to a drun&ard* Anger must ha!e (eed in her sou as she (at'hed peope,

    'ertain peope, not a, drin& and drin& again o%i!ious to the e!i oo&s o$ one saddened


      Come my dear, they (i soon %e gone".

      2 tod you not to suppy a'oho here".

      Mr Masterson oo&ed do(n at her, 2 &no( dear, yet (e ha!e to suppy a itte $or those

    (ho are not as strong in matters su'h as these". The (ords (ere not as up%uiding as he had

    i&ed, then again ho( 'an one %e up%uiding (hen you just (anted the (ord to s(ao( you

    up i&e a (arm du!et 'o!er on a (inters night" Then (a&ing to $ind your son 'am%ering on

    the %ed, just dying to get into his parents %ed and share a $e( moments (ith his parents" /e

    $ought %a'& the urge to 'ry" Crying (as $or the (ea&"

    Mrs Masterson’s anger $aded (hen she $et her hus%and trem%e and she &ne( it

    (oudn’t %e ong unti %oth 'oud %e aone and 'ry (ithout ha!ing to hod on $or the pu%i's

    sa&e" 5he noted t(o mo!e (ithout tou'hing the $ood and aso gi!ing a disappro!ing oo& at

    some (ho (ere drin&ing the (ine i&e (ater" They (a&ed o!er to her and her hus%and" A ta

    mas'uine man (ith %ue eyes and dar&ish hair" /is (i$e aso had %ue eyes and ots o$ %ond

    hair tied into a pony tai" /er petite $igure amost ma&ing one jeaous, espe'iay as she had

    i&e Mrs Mastertson a %a%y a%out the same time as she"

      Mr and Mrs Masterson" +ou ha!e my 'ondoen'es and our son’s" Though /o(ard

    doesnt reay &no( mu'h o$ (hat has happened".


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      5he oo&ed at the sin'erity o$ this man and his (i$e" 7ea'hing out she &issed them %oth

    and $et to her surprise her hus%and do the same a e;'ept (ith Mr Muster he too& his hand

    sha&ing it (ith appre'iation"

    /o( is /o(ard6.

      2t (as /o(ard’s mother (ho oo&ed the most sad, /e is sta%e" Though the do'tors say

    he (i pro%a%y ne!er (a& propery again" /is eg is a pinned up, the 'ir'uation has %een


      /is %a'& is %ad and that it (i ta&e time to hea" /o(ard (i a(ays (a& as i$ he is

    'rou'hing o!er sighty" The eg (i drag a itte %ehind the good one".

      /o(ard’s mother 'ame in (ith, 5ti it is %etter than (e had hoped* The do'tors and

    surgeons ha!e done their %est".

      Mr Masterson %urst $orth (ith a uestion, Are you suing that ady in her manor $or


    4ohn Muster too& a deep %reath, one o$ the deepest he has e!er ta&en" The time had 'ome

    to 'on$ess, 3e (i not %e ta&ing any $urther a'tion".

      5ho'&ed oo&s and raised eye%ro(s $ed their (ay a'ross (hi'h 'ompeed Mrs Muster to

    add, 3e (ish to not add any $urther stress upon the ady o$ the house" 5he is on medi'ation".

      Drugs or not* 5he shoud pay $or the re'&essness that her hus%and has 'aused* /e (as

    a nuisan'e and had %een 'aught drin& dri!ing %e$ore*.

      4ohn raised his hands to try and restore order to the $eeings (hi'h at any moment 'oud

    e;pode i&e ighting a tou'h paper right %y a &eg o$ gunpo(der just &no(ing i$ you stayed

    there any onger you’d %e %o(n s&yhigh* That %eing so, (e (ish not to pro'eed" 3e are not

    short o$ money and e!en though /o(ard may 'ost more to &eep no(, (e %oth $ee that

    dragging this (oman through the 'ourts (i do more harm than good".

      3hat a%out us6 3e ha!e ost our son, a son (ho (e 'an ne!er tou'h, hod and o!e


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    and ho( Mrs Co!ington $ees at oosing her hus%and" #o matter at ho( the 'ir'umstan'es

    arose on that $ate$u day, (e $ee, 4ohn and 2 $ee that the death o$ her hus%and is enough $or

    us" #othing more".

      4ohn added, 3hat you $ee right to do, you do" 3e just &no( this de'ision is right $or

    us" That is a (e are saying". /e hadn’t reaised, yet thin&ing no( it (as pretty o%!ious that

    the (hoe room had ground to a hat and i&e tee!ision a (ere gued, $i;ated as to (hat (as

    going to happen ne;t"

      Come on Mary, et’s go out into the garden". 3as a that (as said as /o(ard’s mother

    steered the grie!ing (oman through the 'ro(d and out into the (arm summer sunshine and

    o$$ up the end (here they 'oud ta&"

      Come on, ets get a drin& and $orget the di$$eren'es". 4ohn o$$ered" )or a se'ond he $et

    as i$ he had just it another tou'h paper and then as he eyed the man, he seemed to 'a!e in and

     pu a ha$ smie %a'&ed %y (hat oo&ed to %e the 'osest he had 'ome to tears"

      +es, (hy not".

      /o(ard’s $ather gra%%ed a 'oupe o$ 'ans o$ %eer and %oth men (ent out the $ront door

    to ha!e some therapy o$ their o(n" 4ohn too& him o!er to oo& at his Triumph 'assi'


      /o(ard 'ame too as he sa( one simiar o!erta&e them and ea!e them %ehind on the

    road to the har%our (hi'h hed in its arms the %oat o$ his step $ather"

    #ot ong no( and (e’ %e on the open sea*. Arnod 'aed $rom the %a'& as he $ought

    to dro(n out the noise o$ that motor'y'e"

      Chris’s eyes (at'hed the %i&e ea!e a sma trai o$ $umes as it &i'&ed do(n to ea!e

    them %ehind" 4ust i&e 4ohn had e$t his son" /e remem%ered a night just %e$ore /o(ard 'ame"

    2t (as a (et and (indy night, a night that no sou shoud %e out in and yet he had ta&en the od

    dog aong $or his e!ening 'onstitutiona" As he (a&ed out and round to the sma spinney

    (hi'h ed you out into the $ieds a%out a mie $urther do(n, he et his dog ose"

    As the (ind made the trees 'rea& Chris thought he heard a (himper" But no, it (as

    another tri'& o$ this moody night (here o''asiona %rea&s in the $ast mo!ing 'ouds ao(ed

    the moon to shed it’s $u %eam onto the ground to 'ast an eerie $eeing o!er this pa'e"

    Chris mo!ed aong and reaised the dog had gone $or a onger reie!ing session than usua"

    it o!er %y s&imming the path dire'ty in $ront o$ him he sa( nothing" Then he heard that

    (himper again and $roe* /ad his dog gotten ost6 Mo!ing in the dire'tion o$ the noise he


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    $ound the path suddeny spit in t(o" +et through the ta spindy 'o( parsey another path had

     %een made" The dog must ha!e made its (ay through here*

      Dig%y*. /e 'aed $eeing stupid at the name o$ this anima" +et that is (hat Beth (anted

    his name to %e and so a$ter the %iggest dog in the (ord’ their %a'& -a%rador a sma %oy (as


    Dig%y* /ere %oy*. This time the (himper 'ame $orth (ith more 'arity aong (ith the

    sound o$ another sho(er ma&ing its (ay rather noisiy through the trees 'oming to(ards him*

    Then the (ord around him (as punged him into dar&ness as the moon $e %ehind the mass

     %a'& 'ouds" The tor'h (as a that aided his (ay through this (et parsey and a rather muddy

    under $ooting"

      A $e( steps more and the dog 'oud %e seen sitting do(n ne;t to a %ig tree and as it sa(

    its master it 'ame running up to him, /ey %oy 2 'aed you, (hy didn’t you 'ome6. The dog

    oo&ed as i$ it understood him and a$ter a $e( se'onds o$ $uss it too& o$$ %a'& to the tree

     %ar&ing" 3hat’s up %oy6 5me something6.

    Chris (a&ed to the tree and past round it to see the dog had nested up to a sma dar&

    $igure" The $igure (as hiding under a hood and yet it rea'hed out to tou'h his anima" 5hining

    the tor'h to(ards the $igure he as&ed, 3ho are you6.

      The person said nothing" Chris $et a itte unease (ash o!er him as he stepped to (here

    the person just sat (ith one sma hand rea'hing out stro&ing the dog"

      2 said (ho are you6. This time he $et a itte anger and (hoe!er it (as, (as not going to

     pay games here on a dar& (et e!ening* 7ea'hing out he pued up the hood o$ the indi!iduas

    'oat and as the %eam $rom the tor'h $ound the $a'e, Chris $ound the name, /o(ard*.

      The %oy oo&ed up, P, p, p, eee, se" #ottt"""" 0, g, go, uhing" B, % ,% '&*.

      /e 'rou'hed do(n" The ad must ha!e %een sitting out here $or hours" 5ti the anger had

    $aded" Ta&ing in a o( 'am !oi'e he as&ed, 3hy6.

      /, h, huh". The %oy seemed distressed and yet angry at not %eing a%e to $orm the (ords

    to put into a simpe senten'e, /, ur, ts" M, m, m, e, e".

      Chris sighed" 5ti 'rou'hing he reasoned, 2t’s gonna sti hurt you %oth" 5ometimes the

     pain ta&es a ong time to hea" +ou %oth ha!e to (or& hard at a reationship" /o(ard just gi!e

    it another go" 2’ ha!e a (ord (ith your $ather" 2 (i promise not to et you guy’s do(n" +ou

     %oth mean a ot to me". 7ea'hing out a hand he as&ed, Pease, just gi!e it another go".


    /o(ard too& the hand and (ith the hep o$ Arnod he $ound his 'rut'hes and mo!ed (ith

    them to(ards the %oat (hi'h on re$e'tion oo&ed 'oser to $orty $eet than t(enty*


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      n'e a%oard (ith the $ood and %ooe, (e’ set sai $or that (e &no(n spot*. /o(ard

    heard Chris say to Arnod"

      The %ig guy in turn oo&ed at /o(ard and said, Come on %oy, 2’ ra'e you to the %oat*.

    Arnie raised the 'haenge and %oth did their %est to rea'h the %oarding pan& $irst"

      /o(ard rea'hed it and made his (ay up &no(ing $u (e that e!en though Arnie (as not

    the $ittest man ai!e (ith a %ey that (as graduay e;panding to the sie o$ a %ea'h %a, he

    (as ony a so( 'rut'h(a&ing 'rippe" 5orry* 3hat had the 'oun'ior tod him, A sighty

    disad!antaged man". +es* that (as the term (hi'h he $et just as derogatory"

      B, %, eat" +, y, y, o, u*. /o(ard 'ried (ith !i'tory*

      Arnie pued a opsided smie, +eah, one day 2’ get the %etter o$ you*.

      #, n, no, tttt" 3, (, (ith, t, t, thhhat" Bea, 'hh" B, %, %, %e, %a" $, ah, %,%, %e,yyy*.

      /ey* Don’t mo'& the a$$i'ted*. /e shouted %a'& %e$ore adding ,This is my %eer %a%y*

    2t’s ta&en me three years to get it this %ig and 2 ain’t stopping unti it oo&s i&e a nine month

     pregnant (oman*. Then he patted the arge protruding o%je't (ith a$$e'tion"

      0ad to see you ha!e put a the stu$$ in the right pa'es*. Chris muttered as he oo&ed at

    a the $ishing euipment just ining the de'& (here his $riend had dropped it to pat his


      5orry %uddy* 4ust ha!ing a itte 'on!ersation o!er my %a%y".

      /e ignored the man and %egan setting out the rods and other $ishing %its and pie'es and as

    he oo&ed o!er he sa( /o(ard staring at the motor 'y'e (hi'h had no( turned round and

    (as going out the other (ay" Then the %oy turned on his 'rut'hes to oo& out to sea" Chris

    &ne( (hat he (as thin&ing, /e (asn’t running out on you" +our $ather (as ne!er any good

    at $a'ing up to pro%ems" That’s (hy he ne!er too& promotion and (hy he e$t your mother

    a$ter she ost the $irst 'hid". /e re'ei!ed an angry oo& mas&ing the sadness o$ the oss o$

     %oth parents" Chris de'ided to add,

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Do you (ant the sai raised6. Arnie as&ed as he staggered $rom the stern o$ the %oat

    to(ards Chris (ho (as $ighting the (hee"

      #ot (ith this pig o$ a sea today, 2’ pay sa$e and sti'& to motor po(er".

      /e 'o'&ed him an raised eye%ro(, +ou did remem%er to $i her up6.

      #o, 2 de'ided to ea!e her on empty so (e 'an ta'& our (ay home upon the po(er o$ the

    sais*. Came the sar'asti' repy" Chris no( oo&ed o!er at /o(ard, A the $ishing euipment


      #neeeaary,. /o(ard repied %ut to te the truth he (as strugging (ith the %oat

    ro'&ing i&e this" /e had $aen o!er t(i'e and no( (ished that may%e he had (aited unti

    5unday to go out (hen his %ody (oud ha!e su$$i'ienty heaed to 'ope (ith the stresses"

    2’m on it %uddy*. Arnie made his (ay and heped /o(ard get the rods prepped and

     pa'ed onto their stands"

      2n a short (hie they had $ound the spot* 2n the distan'e other tra(ers (ere just 'oming

     %a'& $rom a hard nights $ishing" The %oats rusty oo&ing an'hor spashed its (ay do(n to the

    ro'&y under(ord and a$ter a $e( minutes it had dug its (ay do(n and odged itse$ to hod

    the %oat steady" The sun (as out in $or'e no( and Chris (as out in $or'e (ith the sun 'ream

    and the hats"

      Better put this on*. /e pressed the %eanie hat $irmy do(n upon the %oy’s head and no(

    started to appy the sun 'ream, (hie his ong time $riend (as appying his stoma'h (ith a


      /o(ard suirmed at the 'od (hite otion as it sid aong his s&in" /e hated the stu$$*

      5top suirming son* +ou &no( it’s $or your prote'tion".

      2, 2"""n, &n,o(((" 2, 2" 4,usst" /urate it*.

      3ant a %eer /o(ard6. Arnod as&ed as he thrust an opened 'an in the young manHs


    /e repied, #o".

      h6. then 'ame the oo& o$ puement"

      T, t, t""a%" -,,etts".

      Chris $et the urge to e;pain though he pro%a%y &ne( that his $riend had aready got it"

    A$ter a he had %een tod a%out a miion times %e$ore* /e’s on the stronger medi'ation this


      Ah* #o %ooe other(ise (e’d ha!e you $aing o!er the edge*. Arnod sapped the 'an

    into his $riends hand and (at'hed as the man too& it and pa'ed it do(n on the de'& %e$ore

    'asting out $or the %oy"


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      That (as (hat had impressed Arnod* /o( Chris had ta&en this ad and made him as his

    o(n" /e remem%ered the $oo(ing day to the night /o(ard had made his impression on the

    $amiy" /e had roed in at a%out eight in the morning" That (as the days (hen Arnie used to

    (or& eary shi$ts and had ess o$ a %eer %ey, he had rang the door%e and (a&ed in" That

    (as the routine in those days"

      /i a, it’s ony me".

      3ho ese (oud it %e*. Anne 'ame %a'& (ith as she eyed the man, Chris your $riend is

    here $or his usua*.

      Te him to 'ome on through* The %a'on is done*. A !oi'e e'hoed do(n the ha(ay

    $rom the &it'hen"

      Anne ga!e him a $ro(n, 2 ta&e it your %oots are $ree o$ horses dung6.

      /e smied sti $eeing em%arrassed $rom the time (hen he had $inished his dei!ery and

    had (a&ed through some horses doing’s on the (ay through the $ied and had %rought a oad

    in and a'ross the 'arpet it (ent" 5tun& $or days a$ter*

    'arpet a%out a doen times* /e’d ne!er i!e that one do(n*

      2’ ta&e them o$$*

    under(ear department" But these days he (as a ot more reguar in this area" /is re'ord $or

    (earing the same pair o$ pants (as a%out three (ee&s" A re'ord he (as not proud o$* /e had

     just ost tra'& o$ time* 3e, that (as his e;'use"

      Mo!ing through the ounge he made it to the $amiy ta%e (here one ad (as sitting and

    tu'&ing into %rea&$ast" /e had seen the %oy and &ne( his $ather and yet had itte to do (ith

    them, e;'ept dei!er post to their door" /e smied at the %oy and the %oy oo&ed at him %e$ore

    'onsuming a arge pie'e o$ $ried egg"

      3hat’s this that ad doing here6.

      Anne ga!e a itte grunt %e$ore adding, 5ay heo to our ne( odger*.

      Chris sapped a 'oupe o$ rashers onto a pate %e$ore shouting, Beth* your %rea&$ast is



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  • 8/17/2019 Muster's Pride By Benjamin Timothy Dyer


    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Chris $ro(ned at Arnod and too& a step to(ards the %a'& door, May 2 ha!e a pri!ate

    (ord (ith you in the garden6.

      h no* The ast pri!ate (ord ended in a (resting mat'h o!er the prie $ish they had

    'aught together" Arnod had said to the press that it (as his 'at'h (hen Chris had 'aught it"

    They had argued a%out the $a't do(n the pu% and (ent $or a pri!ate (ord ony to %oth end up

    (ith %a'& eyes and sore ri%s" A$ter (hi'h Arnie had reaised he had heped his $riend 'at'h

    the %ig %oy" Trou%e (ith %eing drun& at the time, you $orget things" Arnod stepped out into

    the garden (hi'h %rimmed $u o$ the eary morning %irds as they 'ried out (ith a 'heer$u

    song announ'ing a %eauti$u day, (hi'h (as going to %e'ome a itte sour in a se'ond or t(o"

      &ay (hat is the pro%em (ith /o(ard6.

      /e oo&ed at his annoyed $riend, #o pro%em* 4ust that he has %een &no(n to %e a

    hand$u" /e is not (e and has to ta&e a &inds o$ medi'ine" 2t’s just a ot o$ 'ommitment" 2

    (as just 'on'erned $or you and your $amiy" 2t’s a ot o$ 'ommitment and one you ha!e made

    in just under a night".

      Chris sighed and sat do(n on one o$ the $our pasti' green 'ooured 'hairs that sat in a

    'ir'e around a arge pasti' ta%e (ith a $oded do(n $ora paraso stu'& through the midde

    o$ it and (eighed do(n %y a 'on'rete %ase"

      -oo& 2 ha!e itte 'hoi'e on this* 2t had to %e a rapid de'ision" Anne is a itte 'on'erned"

    The ony one not a$$e'ted as $ar as 2 'an see is my itte Beth" 5he has em%ra'ed him as her

     %rother". /e o%ser!ed Arnod ta&e a seat %e$ore he 'ontinued a$ter sighing, This (as one o$

    the toughest de'isions 2 ha!e had to ma&e in my i$e, apart $rom the one o$ mo!ing here to aid

    Ann in heping her aged reati!e %e$ore she passed a(ay" This (i %e a strain on a o$ us* +et

    (hat 'an 2 do6.

      Put the ad in a home6. 2t (as a suggestion, not a statement as some may ha!e pa'ed his


      Chris $i;ed eyes (ith him, a oo& that he’s ne!er $orgotten" This oo& (as one o$ pity and

    sadness $or a stranger" 2 'an’t et that happen" The %oy has %een through enough" )irst his

    $riend, then his mother and ast night his $ather (a&s out on him $or i$e* 3hat (oud you do6

    /a!e him sent to another home just i&e that one he (as sent to %y his $ather at $irst6.

      The uestions (ere ma&ing sense to him" /e had not the a%iity as Chris $or putting

    yourse$ in someone eseHs position" May %e, %eing singe (as a disad!antage" +ou ne!er uite

    get the hang o$ 'aring $or others6 May %e it (as just him6 Arnod de'ided to sha&e his head in

    a (ay as to indi'ate he had no $urther suggestions and that he didn’t no( e;pe't his ong term

    $riend to send the %oy to a menta institute or some drasti' pa'e"


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      2 am just 'on'erned a%out you guys ta&ing on too mu'h" +ou ha!e the shop, a daughter in

    the pu%erty stage and no( one ad (ho is a%out to go through the same thing" A ot o$

    hormones and stri$e* As (e as emotiona 'on$i'ts".

      Chris $ro(ned, 3hat are you saying6 That my daughter (oud $a in o!e (ith this


      Arnie (anted to step %a'& at the %urning anger 'oming $rom this man’s eyes* /e (ished

    he 'oud, i$ he (asn’t aready sitting do(n" #ot so mu'h your daughter, %ut the %oy ta&ing a

    $an'y to your gir" The )oren'e #ightingae e$$e't, 2 thin& they 'a it".

      Anger $aded i&e the heat $rom a dying $urna'e and ashes 'ouded the go( o$ the heat o$

    anger $rom Chris’s eyes, #o, 2 don’t thin& that (i e!er %e the issue" But i$ it does o''ur, 2

    (i ha!e a (ord and %e ready to sort it out" 2 &no( its not going to %e a %ed o$ roses" But

    (e!e made up our minds and through he and high (ater (e (i ma&e it". Then he smied

     %e$ore adding, Than&s $or the (arning".

      /e smied and remem%ered a (a!e o$ (ater (ash o!er his eyes, 2’m just 'on'erned $or a

    good $riend and his $amiy" 2$ you are sure you 'an 'ope then 2 'an’t stop you" A 2 'an say is,

    2 (i %e here $or you a" 2n'uding /o(ard". /e de'ided to add, That’s (hat $riends are $or

    aren’t they6.

      Chris smied, Than&s %uddy" Best get in and ha!e that $ried %rea&$ast %e$ore it goes a

    hard on us".

    3a&ing in Arnod pi'&ed up his pate and stroed into the ounge (here

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    e'ho o$ thunder o!er the his at night"

      Arnie s(ao(ed the semi 'od sausage hard" There (as no o!e ost here* 3hat are you

    going to do today6. /e as&ed 'hanging the su%je't"

      The %oy just shrugged his shouders" Beth 'ame to the res'ue"

      3e are going to unpa'& /o(ardHs’ 'othes and possessions and put them in his room"

    -ater (e (i go $or a (a& (ith the dog".

      h". Arnod sighed trying to $ind some topi' o$ 'on!ersation %e$ore ma&ing an o$$er,

    3e, i$ you e!er (ant to 'ome $ishing or just (ant to 'ome round $or a 'hat or something,

    you are more than (e'ome /o(ard".

      The %oy pued a strained smie" May%e he had had those types o$ o$$ers %e$ore and a

    had %een $orgotten (hen he had gone $orth to 'oe't them"

      0etting up again Arnod stu$$ed a pie'e o$ %a'on in his mouth and a$ter s(ao(ing he

    said, 2 mean (hat 2 say" +ou are more than (e'ome*. /e no( (as just a%out to (a& into the

    &it'hen (hen he (as $a'ed %y his $riend (ho smied"

      Than&s* 2’m sure he (i ta&e you up on the o$$er as soon as he is setted".

      #o( as Arnod 'ast out a hoo& and %ate into the sea he (at'hed Chris hep the %oy to do

    the same, /ey guys* 3ant me to go do(n %eo( and get the od %a'on sand(i'hes on the


      /o(ard (as a ot di$$erent to those days, he smied and nodded eagery" Chris smied and

    a$ter ma&ing sure the ine (as (e into the sea as he et /o(ard ta&e o!er he repied, +ou

    sure6 2 'an a(ays do that".

      #o, no" +ou guys just 'at'h that %ig one $or me".

      As ong as you don’t ta&e a the 'redit (hen (e get %a'& home*.

      /ey* /o( many times do 2 ha!e to say sorry $or that error*. /e jo&ed" This (as a

    standing jo&e no( and one that had &ept their $riendship a(ays ai!e and &i'&ing" Arnod

    (andered %eo( and re$e'ted on the many times he had seen Chris ta&e /o(ard into his arms

    as i$ one o$ his o(n" /e had a(ays treated the t(o &ids as eua and had someho(

    maintained the %aan'e as (e as a type rope (a&er" /e smied again as he made it to the

    sma sto!e and it the gas %urner"


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 


      The sun had risen high into the s&y and an another uiet day (as in progress"

    (ere &eeping $rom her %e'ause it (as an in'ura%e type that (oud send her to her gra!e" Beth

    nodded (hie ao(ing herse$ to %e distra'ted %y the sound o$ a motor'y'e roaring its (ay to

     par& outside %y the e$t (indo(" The man got o$$ and (a&ed into the shop" /e (as dressed in

    the proper eathers, a %right %ue and yeo( 'oour (hi'h mat'hed the %i&e" Must ha!e 'ost a

    $ortune* The man too& his hemet o$$ and $rom %eneath the mas& his $a'e (as re!eaed* Ta

    thin %uid and a $a'e (ith go(ed (armth" /e (a&ed so(y round and a$ter as'ertaining the

    nature o$ this joint he (a&ed o!er and stood %ehind Mrs Patterson (ho had mo!ed onto the

     %a'& pague %y no(" 2gnoring the (oman she oo&ed at the man"


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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

      Can 2 hep6.

      h,. he smied %e$ore adding, 2 just (ondered i$ anyone (as o!er in the post o$$i'e

    se'tion". Then raising his hand he sho(ed that he had rea'hed into his eathers to produ'e a

    'heue %oo&" 4ust (ondered i$ they 'oud 'ash me a 'heue as there isn’t any 'ash ma'hines

    around here".

      3hen he smied his %ue eyes it up and made his (hoe $rame seem %roader" /is %onde

    hair shone i&e si& and his teeth (ere (hite, !ery (hite" 3as he an a'tor6 /er heart ra'ed a

    itte" 3as this a &ind o$ o!e at $irst sight6 Don’t %e siy* Bet he’s married aready* 5he

    reasoned and %e$ore she repied Beth noted that Mrs Patterson (as $ro(ning, pro%a%y

    as'ertaining (hy she had %een rudey interrupted"

      +es, my mother is o!er in the %a'&" 4ust ring the %e and she (i %e peased to assist


      4ust ring the %e6.


      Than& you*. /e repied and ha$ turned %e$ore peering %a'&, Than& you Miss6.

      Miss -ane,

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    Muster’s Pride: Benjamin Timothy Dyer 

    (ho (oud pu a $ast one (oud ha!e a sight $utter in the !oi'e" 5ti she (oud ring through

    to the %an& and get their appro!a that this guy is not a phoney" Don’t mind i$ 2 'a up your

     %an& do you6.

      /e smied, 2$ that (i get me the 'ash 2 reuire" Certainy*.

      Anne too& the 'ard and 'heue and pa'ed it %y the phone" As she diaed the num%er she

    noted this man’s name, 5'ot" 3hat’s the ’P’ $or6.

      Peter". /e shouted through the gass, My name is Peter 4ohn 5'ot".

      Anne (as the nosey &ind, n hoiday6.

      #o" 4ust mo!ed here" -oo&ing $or a pa'e to %uy and pro%a%y sette do(n" no( any

    good pa'es6.

      5he didn’t repy $or the %an& had ans(ered"

      There you go Mrs Patterson" /a!e a ni'e day no(*.

      #i'e huh6 #ot (ith my pro%ems" Be gad (hen 2’m dead*.

      Beth (anted to augh at the ady and just managed to hod onto her grin $rom mo!ing up

    into hysteri's" The ady (as so $unny (ith her hypo'hondria*

      5he oo&ed o!er an noted that 'ash (as %eing handed out and uite a ot o$ it*

      Than&s $or doing that*. /e added (ith a smie and re'ei!ed a muted one %a'&" Pete

    (ondered i$ her daughter (oud turn out the same (ay6 5o, any good pa'es to stay6.

      The pu%i' house do(n the road puts peope up" ther(ise there is the to(n $i!e to

    se!en mies do(n the