music videoanalysisworksheet

Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away Comment on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs? Target Audience & Needs Since the genre of this song is electro house, this will attract a lot of the younger audience which is teenagers and young adults, this will be a big appeal for them as it is the genre that they listen to so they will watch it regardless whether they love it or hate it. Due to the genre of the music, this song could mainly be aimed at the male gender compared to the female gender. This may not be true but if you look at festivals that play the genre of this music, the majority of them are male with a low percentage of them being female and stereotypes aren’t a big help here either as they say women are more into the pop culture which isn’t true because there is always going to be people who are nothing like their stereotypes. Since the animation is very similar to some Kids TV shows, you could say it could appeal to them because sometimes kids don’t watch a video for the music, they watch it for the video and if its similar to something they enjoy watching then they would watch it.

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Music videoanalysisworksheet

Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

Comment on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs?

Target Audience & Needs

Since the genre of this song is electro house, this will attract a lot of the younger audience which is teenagers and young adults, this will be a big appeal for them as it is the genre that they listen to so they will watch it regardless whether they love it or hate it. Due to the genre of the music, this song could mainly be aimed at the male gender compared to the female gender. This may not be true but if you look at festivals that play the genre of this music, the majority of them are male with a low percentage of them being female and stereotypes aren’t a big help here either as they say women are more into the pop culture which isn’t true because there is always going to be people who are nothing like their stereotypes. Since the animation is very similar to some Kids TV shows, you could say it could appeal to them because sometimes kids don’t watch a video for the music, they watch it for the

video and if its similar to something they enjoy watching then they would watch it.

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

In lyrics wise, there isn’t alot compared to some of the big names in pop music but this isn’t pop music, this is electro house and with the genre you don’t really expect lyrics in songs but you have them here. The first line opens with “Far Away from home” which also is referred to in the title “Far Away” and also can be referred to the video as the main characters (Feed Me being the Green little monster and Kill The Noise being the Skeleton) get stranded on an island that is “Far away from home” with no way of getting back, I like how the video follows the lyrics exactly as it says they are far away from home so they are in the video so its nothing unrelated. In lyrics aswell it mentions of a “Land Across the seas” which it shows us in the video, of an island that is in the

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Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

middle of the sea with nothing around but water which is exactly what the lyrics describe as a “Land Across the Seas”

I’m a fan of how the video is in sync with lyrics. I mean by this as what happens in the lyrics seems to happen in the video as well which makes boosts the production value as more professional as no one would want to watch a video that was out of sync or even worse had nothing to do with the song itself, it would just be utter pointless and useless and could possibly just ruin the song, fortunately for the producers the song and the video work well perfectly. Lastly is the line “Smile when you’re alone” which can be implied for any situation for anyone and not just to these two characters. I think it’s could be aiming at people who are fans of the music (Or not) who enjoy to listen to it but are Depressed/Sad/Alone to tell them that they are never alone and to cheer up, It is

also useful for the protagonists as they are alone on an island but they remain calm and happy, not afraid of their scenario. You can see they are calm and relaxed as they set up their camp because you can see it definetly in Feed Me but possibly Kill The Noise but as he is a skeleton you can never tell.

Tempo The song “Far Away” is a very high upbeat song all throughout the song and in my opinion it is one of my favourite songs due to this, the average song of the EDM genre (Which this song is a part of) keeps to the average speed and tempo of 128 BPM and this song is no exception as it does just that by keeping to 128bpm and any different would cause it to differ and go off track from its

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Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

genre which in overall would cause it would sound horrible. The first part of the song or as people call it “Build up” has a much higher tempo than the drop (Which is a term used within the EDM scene) which is slower but is more upbeat than the first part of the piece though the track generally does keep its track throughout the song without changing. The reason i say this is even though the the build up and drop have a different tempo to each other, they keep the same pace as the first part is faster but with with less beats and the second part is slower but with more beats. This is to compensate for each and keep it at its bpm and so it doesn’t horrible.

Genre Song

The genre of the song is strictly electro house and it is a song that stays true to its genre without switching like some songs can do. The one plus with this song with its genre is that not many songs seem to include lyrics so it makes the song sound boring which makes this song stand out in its genre, some people don’t seem to be a fan of the children singing as it doesn’t seem to fit in and i see where they’re coming from but in my opinion i think it fits the song perfectly. As for it with the video i think it works pretty well as it is in perfect sync with the song as example when the song was about to start a tidal wave came in and broke the ship. So you can see that the video is in perfect sync with the song and that is what everyone wants to see.


The genre of this video is a concept/narrative as it does follow a story but also doesn’t make sense once its started as there are scenes of abstract imagery allowing the viewer to create their own interpretations. As the video is a concept styled video it is open to follow any idea it wants and get away without the viewer getting confused and wondering why it has gone off topic, as long as it keeps to the keeps to the same topic and divert so much off topic it’ll be fine. In theory this video is also a narrative as it actually tells us the story of Feed Me and Kill The Noise being trapped on the island all alone which is narrative so this why the video is narrative. The part where they become ship wrecked and have to set up camp is when it is narrative, they see something from the volcano which turns out to be three pyramids which transport them into another world that consists of anything and everything, this world they see marks the start of the concept part of the video as it doesn’t exactly make sense. Though although it is concept it still keeps within the guidelines of the narrative in it as the protagonists have to search this unreal world to find the missing eye which they have to return one of the pyramids.

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Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

Camera Technique Since the video is a animation, there isn’t many camera techniques that the video can pull of successfully so the video is very limited in choice of actual techniques it can pull off though it does chose correctly. For example there is alot of uses of close ups within this video, the use of a close up is to make it seem more dramatic and allow us to see more of the emotions (If on a character) than we would do if it was a medium shot, a close up to see the emotions is very effective and is necessary as you will need to know how they are feeling, if we do not know how they are feeling then how can we relate to the character or feel sympathy for him? You can’t, this is why you need close ups on characters and why they are effective.

Tracking shots have also been used within the video to follow the characters as they travel across this unknown land, the tracking shot is useful as it keeps the characters in the centre of the screen at all times as they move, this means the shot can last for much longer and include alot more unlike if they just added a still shot and had the characters run off screen, this would also seem very

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Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

unprofessional and make the animators seem like amateurs to the video industry but they did use the tracking shot which has been proved very effective in the video. The tracking shot is used multiple times within the video, most if not all consist of the characters moving from left to right, which can used to show that it is a flat 2D world and also shows us which direction the characters need to go in. Lastly we have medium shots of the characters, it is as effective of a close up but from further from a distance as you can still see the emotions of the character but not as much as you would, in this terminology, a shot of the person from the knees up or the waist up is a close-up shot. In other texts, these partial views are called medium shots, the medium shots are useful in this video to show more than one character in one shot and is more effective than any of shot for doing this as you can see the characters equally.

Editing The difference for editing and digital editing for a animation is editing is for something added after the production such as effects and transitions and everything before such as the video itself will class as digital effects. Firstly the use of fast cuts in the video, there are alot used in the video later on, they are not too fast that you miss what's going on so the use of this is very effective and that is constantly used so it does not feel out of place. Another use of editing is seen throughout the video is a glowing effect used on certain side characters or not even characters at all, it was a useful thing to add as it allows thing to stand out alot more, it also makes adds to the style of the background as everything in the video is very vibrant and colourful and makes it stands out, this effect is used multiple times within the video and like with the transitions they don’t seem out of

place and seem to fit in nicely.

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Music Video Analysis Feed Me - Far Away

Use of Digital Effects The entire video consists of digital effects since the video is a animation, so it is difficult to base it around just one thing since the entire animation classes as digital effects so you could say the entire video is based on digital effects which makes it interesting. Another thing is you can tell that the video has been colour corrected as some of the colours in the scenes stand out alot more than others, this it is more noticeable in the second part of the video than the first though you can obviously tell its been done since its a video, its one of the first thing to edit in the video no music video has never not been colour corrected, and since all the colours are vibrant and stand out there is obviously high saturation to enhancen the colours so they stand out like they do.