music and messages

Ever since the extremist musician Marilyn Manson showed his face for the first, he have been criticized for being a bad influence on listeners of his music. Blame it on the boogie! Can music have influence on it's listeners? Can music change you? When two boys decide to shoot their classmates from Columbine, is it inspiration that drives them? Some say that, heavy and extreme rock is to blame, that the music almost brainwashed and completely changed the two boys way of thinking and acting. But does music have the ability to do this? Is it possible for a musician to create music, that can change people in such a drastic way? And if possible, would the musician be interested in doing so? In a world where everybody wants to achieve fame and fortune, isn't the extreme simply a necessity? Do you get peoples attention, by looking and talking just like everybody else? After the shootings on Columbine, people started wondering what it was that drove the two boys to commit the horrible actions. In the debate Marilyn Manson was mentioned. It was said that the two boys both spent a lot of their time idolizing Marilyn, and so people accused the shootings to be only another form of idolization that went too far. It is no secret that music can have effect on the listener, music might make you happy, music might make you sad. But can the music change you? Marilyn Manson is not the only musician to be blamed for tragedies, rap- singer Eminem was blamed for the suicide of a fan. “When I was a kid, music was my escape. When you put on a record it will not yell at you for dressing the way you do, it will make you feel better about it” Marilyn Manson said this in an interview for the movie Bowling for Columbine. He also said “I understand why people blame me, it's always easy to put my face on TV and compare me to something horrible” In the interview Marilyn Mansons seemed no longer upset that he was given the blame, he had accepted it. Marilyn Manson told that his intentions with his music, was exactly the opposite of what he was thought to do. With the music Manson tries to give less lucky kids someone to relate to, someone who might understand them, and their problems. “I am only an entertainer, an entertainer with a tough crowd” Marilyn Manson lives under constant criticism from all angles, but yet he continues his career, as a musician, as an entertainer and as an idol.

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Page 1: Music and messages

Ever since the extremist musician Marilyn Manson showed his face for the first, he have been criticized for being a bad influence on listeners of his music.

Blame it on the boogie!Can music have influence on it's listeners? Can music change you? When two boys decide to shoot their classmates from Columbine, is it inspiration that drives them?

Some say that, heavy and extreme rock is to blame, that the music almost brainwashed and completely changed the two boys way of thinking and acting. But does music have the ability to do this? Is it possible for a musician to create music, that can change people in such a drastic way? And if possible, would the musician be interested in doing so? In a world where everybody wants to achieve fame and fortune, isn't the extreme simply a necessity? Do you get peoples attention, by looking and talking just like everybody else?

After the shootings on Columbine, people started wondering what it was that drove the two boys to commit the horrible actions. In the debate Marilyn Manson was mentioned. It was said that the two boys both spent a lot of their time

idolizing Marilyn, and so people accused the shootings to be only another form of idolization that went too far. It is no secret that music can have effect on the listener, music might make you happy, music might make you sad. But can the music change you? Marilyn Manson is not the only musician to be blamed for tragedies, rap-singer Eminem was blamed for the suicide of a fan.

“When I was a kid, music was my escape. When you put on a record it will not yell at you for dressing the way you do, it will make you feel better about it” Marilyn Manson said this in an interview for the movie Bowling for Columbine. He also said “I understand why people blame me, it's always easy to put my face on TV and compare me to something horrible” In the interview Marilyn Mansons seemed no longer upset that he was given the blame, he had accepted it. Marilyn Manson told that his intentions with his music, was exactly the opposite of what he was thought to do. With the music Manson tries to give less lucky kids someone to relate to, someone who might understand them, and their problems. “I am only an entertainer, an entertainer with a tough crowd”

Marilyn Manson lives under constant criticism from all angles, but yet he continues his career, as a musician, as an entertainer and as an idol.

Page 2: Music and messages
Page 3: Music and messages

The  picture  shows  Britney  shaving  her  head  completely  bald.  In  the  pic-­‐ture  she  looks  happy,  but  a  lot  of  per-­‐sonal  struggles,  is  going  through  her  life.    

Britney  Spears,  the  girl  we  know  as  a  beautiful  pop  star,  got  caught  shav-­ing  her  hair  completely  bald.    Brit-­ney  has  had  a  tough  childhood  with  pressure  and  many  problems.    In  2006  paparazzi’s  caught  Britney  Spears  driving  with  her  young  son,  Sean.  The  problem  was  that  Britney  was  driving  with  him  on  her  lab,  in-­‐stead  of  a  child  seat.  Britney  claimed  that  the  situation  happened  because  of  a  frightening  encounter  with  a  papa-­‐razzi.  3  months  later  Britney  Spears  posed  nude  in  front  of  the  magazine  Harper’s  Bazaar.  The  picture  of  Brit-­‐ney,  nude,  created  a  lot  of  problems  for  Britney.  In  November  2006,  Brit-­‐ney  signed  the  divorce  papers  with  Kevin  Federlein,  after  a  bit  over  2  years  of  marriage.  Spears  and  Feder-­‐lein  had  two  kids  together.  The  press  made  a  lot  of  problems,  and  created  drama  for  all  the  states!  Later  in  the  month,  Britney  Spears,  went  partying  without  underwear.  A  paparazzi  took  a  photo  of  Britney,  without  her  panties  on,  and  the  picture  went  all  over  the  

world.    The  big  thing  that  happened  to  Britney  was  when  she  cut  her  hair,  just  in  front  of  a  photographer.    

             Britney  was  caught  with  a  shaver,  in  her  hand,  going  through  her  hair.  The  reason  for  Britney  to  cut  her  hair  was  

that  her  ant  died  of  cancer.  But  that  wasn’t  the  only  excuse  Britney  used.  Britney  also  said  that  she  had  lice,  and  she  had  to  cut  all  her  hair  off.  The  per-­‐sonal  struggles  that  Britney  has  been  through,  could  be  the  reason  that  Spears  gone  so  far.  Maybe  a  shout  for  help.  That  help  came  later  on,  ap-­‐proximately  4  days  after,  when  she  got  the  offer  to  start  on  a  rehabilitation  center.  People  thought  that  it  was  over,  when  she  came  out,  but  in  2008  Federlein  was  given  sole  psychical  and  legal  custody  of  the  children.    Since  all  of  this,  Britney  came  back  on  the  road  and  started  to  perform  again.    Her  sixth  album  “Circus”  came  out  in  December  2008,  and  became  no.  1  al-­‐bum  in  Canada,  Czech  Republic  and  the  United  States.  


Written  by:  Jonas  Reil,  Oliver  Winfield  &  Anton  Valentiner    

Is  Britney  going  nuts?  

Page 4: Music and messages

Today, it´s exactly 5 years ago that we

were introduced to the phenomenon

YouTube. Since then it has been elected to

the fastest growing website in Internet

history. In May 2008 over 60 mio. people

had visited YouTube a total of 279 mio.

times and was now one of the biggest and

most visited video-sharing websites.

Once upon a time. Every fairy tale starts with that sentence. The

music world is one big fairy tale, you just need

some imagination and everything can be possible.

Once there was a lot that appreciated the music

values. Some might assemble on plates, all their

lives and make it to a hobby. Because each record

was valuable. If you heard a good song on the

radio you recorded it on a tape, or went out and

bought it on CD, for a fortune. You listened to the

same CD every day, until the day that it couldn´t

play back anymore. When you got old you could

watch you record collection through and each

record or tape will up bring a memory.

But that was once upon a time and that

time is over

5 years ago 3 young students Chad Hurley, Steve Chen,

and Jawed Karim studied computer science together at the

University of Illinois. They got a bright idea, and brought

it to life. Like many technology startups, YouTube was

started as an angel-funded enterprise from a makeshift

office in a garage. In November 2005, venture firm

Sequoia Capital, CFO and Artis Capital Management put

a lot money in to this new project. And that gave the

company a very good foundation. On short time the

video-sharing website was one of the most famous

websites on the internet, and they started a new time, in

the music history and industry. Online video definitely

existed before YouTube came into vogue. However,

uploading videos, sharing and watching them was quite

cumbersome. But with YouTube!

Every coin has two sides. People started to listen to music online, and the CD, vinyl

record, DVD and VHS end up in the dustbin. In 2006

YouTube was being purchased by Google, and change to

a powerful example of the development of the network,

called Web 2.0. Here it´s the users themselves, who create

the content. But it also has a downside. YouTube has had

several problems with copyright conflicts, because in

addition to users' own-produced video also presented

popular music and film clips on the Internet site. That cost

the Media companies their customers and in that way also

money. During the last 5 years a lot of Media companies

went broke.

The future. What is going to happened in the future. Mark Cuban, the

outspoken dot-com billionaire says, that copyright issues

will eventually ruin YouTube just as they did with

Napster. So what are we going to do. You know how it is

with technology – once something becomes so ubiquitous

and so universally used, it is simply impossible to

imagine life without it. For instance, just how did we

organize our lives without mobile telephones and emails?

Did we really rely on landlines without answer phones

and writing letters to one another? It wasn't that long ago,

and yet somehow we struggle to believe that we did!

YouTube has changed our view on music


Sunday 6. february 2011

Written by Amalie

and Benjamin


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