introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. i’ll explain more about how this works...


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Post on 09-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”
Page 2: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”


The following is an actual forum post I found online while browsing for what others were offering as advice for skinny hardgainers:

Page 3: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”

Here’s another one of my favorites from the same forum...

Now you know why I like to stay away from forums.

They’re FILLED to the brim with knuckle-dragging morons who have no clue

what they’re talking about.

Actually, these two “experts” are pretty much just regurgitating what 95% of the other “experts” are touting as definitive “hardgainer” advice.

They say that you’re not training hard enough...

They say you just aren’t eating enough food...

They say that you’re not getting enough protein...

They say you’re not taking the right supplements...

Well guess what...

They have no clue what they’re talking about!

I’m no psychic, but my guess is that you’ve probably already been busting your ass pretty hard in the gym, haven’t you?

I’m sure you’ve found that even eating pizzas and milkshakes 12 times a day still leaves you frustrated as you step on the scale only to find that your metabolism has burned off all those extra calories and you’ve still not gained a pound.

And let’s not even get started on how much moolah you’ve wasted on miracle supplements that were supposed to FINALLY allow you to pack on some serious

muscle, right?

Page 4: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”

My guess is that you’re probably about ready to just give up because, well let’s face just have a “high metabolism” and you’ll NEVER look like the other

guys down at the gym, right?


So if you’re killing yourself in the gym...eating like a pig...and popping more pills than your 90-year old granny, then why the hell isn’t this advice working for you?

Is the answer REALLY that you need to work even HARDER and eat even MORE?


My research has revealed that the traditional old “skinny guy” advice hasn’t been working for a reason. A very good reason!

It’s because you’re different!!

Your body isn’t like the bodies of those idiots in online forums who claim that you’re not as big as them because you’re too much of a wimp.

In fact, there’s a LOT about you that’s different than the average gym rat on a quest to layer on stacks of muscle to strut around the beach during the summer.

And understanding THAT is the key to overcoming your challenges!

So let’s dig deeper, shall we?

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Meet The Ectomorph…

Ok first the BAD NEWS...

By the time you’re done with this chapter, you’ll most likely feel like there’s just no way in hell you could EVER hope to put on a single ounce of muscle.

But the fact probably feel that way already, right?

That’s ok though because I know that you HAVEN’T given up hope yet or you

wouldn’t have picked up this program now, would you?

You’re placing your anabolic future in my hands and just praying that I have a few answers for you that will help you FINALLY overcome your frustrating genetic challenges.

And fortunately, I DO have some answers for you that will end that frustration once and for all.

We’ll get into those “answers” soon enough but that’s NOT the reason for this chapter.

Page 6: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”

You see, in order for me to lead you down the path of finally becoming one of the “head-turners” at the gym, you FIRST must know exactly WHY you’re a “hardgainer...WHY your genetics suck...and WHY you haven’t been able to gain weight.

This is absolutely CRUCIAL because once you know all these “WHY’s”, only THEN can I show you why I’m so excited about my Hardgainer Project X training


In short, HPX was scientifically designed to absolutely obliterate each of the limiting genetic factors that exist in your body!

All of the fathead advice you’ve been getting about how you simply need to train and eat “like the pros” doesn’t take into account the critical component that your body won’t REACT to your training and nutrition the same way “others” do.

But now for some GOOD NEWS...

I’ve personally witnessed that using these techniques over an extended period of time, you can actually reverse your genetics!

That’s right...REVERSE your genetics so you no longer have to worry about

waking up the next morning with less muscle than you did when you went to sleep!

In essence, you’ll be conditioning your biological structure to hold on to all that muscle that you’re going to be building.

I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research” into WHY you’re a hardgainer so we can quickly

get to the training, eh?

It all begins with 7 Reasons Your Hardgainer Genetics Suck!

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7 Reasons Your Hardgainer Genetics Suck!

Reason #1: Your “Fast Metabolism”

“Metabolism” is a very complex and misunderstood element of your body’s ability to support a healthy weight...and it’s developed a bad reputation over the years because it’s often seen as simply an EXCUSE for why someone can’t lose

weight, or in your case, gain it.

After all, how many times have YOU told people “I just can’t gain weight! I can eat all I want but I just have a FAST METABOLISM!”?

Well, what others may see as your “excuse” actually has some scientific truth behind it.

So let me begin by putting it in a more appropriate, hardgainer, have an “Overactive Sympathetic Nervous System”!

Big words, eh? Well, let me break it down for you...

Your body’s sympathetic nervous system consists of three sets of glands: your ADRENALS, THYROID, and PITUITARY glands.

No need to be Einstein here...just know that each of these glands are ACCELLERATORS of your metabolism because they convert “potential energy”

in the body into “outward energy”.

In other words, they INCREASE the number of calories you naturally burn off during the course of the day so the more ACTIVE these glands are, the more calories you expend in the way of “outward energy”.

A Word From The “Nerd”...

This is why, although it’s not always the case, a lot of hardgainers can often be more active, and excitable, because their body is constantly looking for an outlet for stored up energy.

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Reason #2: Catabolic Hormone Dominance

Packing on muscle is largely dependent upon your body’s ENDOCRINE SYSTEM which is made up of all your tiny little “hormone factories” littered around your body.

Our hormones play numerous roles in our daily bodily functions and there are some that can HELP us build muscle (called “Anabolic” hormones)...and some hormones that make it HARDER to gain muscle (known as “Catabolic” hormones).

You’re probably mostly familiar with ANABOLIC HORMONES because every red blooded male knows the power of TESTOSTERONE and GROWTH HORMONE

in building muscle, right?

But building muscle ISN’T just about BUILDING’s also about not LOSING it after you’ve built it!

In fact, your body actually doesn’t WANT to build a lot of muscle!

Why? One word…


You see, since the dawn of time, our genetics have been hard-coded to focus on one simple thing…STAYING ALIVE!

And back in the days when we were munching away on roots and clubbing small mammals with sticks, the fact was, we never knew when we were going to find our next root or when the next cute little bunny would cross our path so we could name it “dinner”.

In other words, our next meal could have been an hour away…or a WEEK away!

And so our genetics evolved to allow us to conserve our energy during times of starvation.

Problem is, it takes a LOT more effort for your body to maintain muscle tissue

than it does to maintain fat stores.

So what do you think is the first thing your body tries to dump when it’s looking at a week without food?

That’s right…MUSCLE!

During times of “stress”, such as low calorie intake or over-exertion, your body releases CATABOLIC HORMONES to start breaking down muscle tissue in an

effort to balance out your energy levels.

Page 9: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”

Now we are all biogenetic individuals, right?

So for naturally “athletic” body types (ie. Mesomorphs), their endocrine system is tipped toward the anabolic end of the scale and their body NATURALLY gains muscle with little effort...and they can keep it on with no problems.

Unfortunately for YOU, hardgainer, YOUR endocrine system has a higher ratio of CATABOLIC hormones which is why you have such a hard time not only BUILDING muscle...but also holding on to any weight gain you achieve!

This is why you get so frustrated when you finally see some gains on the scale…only to find them WASTE AWAY a week later!

But there’s still another problem…

Remember, being a “hardgainer”, your body is completely DOMINATED by your Sympathetic Nervous System, including your ADRENAL GLANDS.

Your adrenals are responsible for the production of the hormone adrenaline and are also instrumental in the production of the hormone DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE (DHEA), and are key in the production of the anabolic hormone TESTOSTERONE.

All sounds good, right?

I mean, any knucklehead who’s ever opened up a muscle mag can see just based upon the supplement ads that…testosterone = MUSCLE!

But unfortunately, your adrenals ALSO manufacture the catabolic hormone, CORTISOL!

Cortisol is your body’s “stress hormone” and is catabolic because under chronic stress, your cortisol levels INCREASE and this in turn DECREASES your production of DHEA

The result?

LESS production of anabolic hormones like TESTOSTERONE!

SO...if your body is experiencing ongoing “stress”, either the type you’re used to thinking of such as problems at work, in school, at home, in your relationships, and so on,) OR...

…your TRAINING is too extreme and your body isn’t given a chance to recover


…then you can quickly EXHAUST your adrenal glands, INCREASING your production of cortisol while DECREASING anabolic hormones!

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On top of this (as if things weren’t bad enough, right?), high levels of cortisol can ALSO trigger fat storage!

A Word From The “Nerd”...

Ever heard of “skinny fat guy syndrome?

This is when you have a small bone structure…little muscle…but a big old BELLY!

It HAPPENS! And I know that some of you reading this know EXACTLY what I’m talking about, don’t you?

Reason #3: Poor Neuromuscular Communication

Whenever you make ANY movement, you send a message through your Central

Nervous System to your muscles to tell them to do what you want them to do.

This includes the “message” you send your body with the intention of how much muscle you need on your frame.

Now this message can be as soft as a whisper…or as loud as a bullhorn. The louder the message…the more MUSCLE you’re “telling” your body you need to pack on.

Unfortunately, even if you’re shouting at your muscles at the top of your lungs by training like a madman in the gym…

…your “hardgainer muscles” don’t understand what you’re saying!

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A Word From The “Nerd”...

You see, it’s almost as if YOUR muscles speak a different language.

You can go to a foreign country that doesn’t speak your language and if you’re trying to ask directions to a bathroom and they don’t understand you, SHOUTING your question at them ISN’T going to get them to understand any better.

You have to SPEAK their language to get the answer you’re looking for, right?

Same goes with building MUSCLE!

While other body types have a clear communication line between the central nervous system and muscle tissue, YOUR muscles don’t accept “growth signals”

very easily and end up not responding as much as they should from the training “message” you’re sending them.

It’s like you’re demanding 10 lbs of muscle and they think you said 1 lb of muscle…so they respond accordingly.

What’s worse (seems like there’s always a “worse”, eh?), since YOUR central nervous system is easily overloaded, your CNS has a tendency to reach maximum capacity EARLIER in your training than other bodybuilders.

This means that you can easily OVERTRAIN a lot sooner and actually begin to

increase your catabolic hormone levels at the same time as not communicated properly with your muscles and endocrine system about your “need” to build more muscle.

Reason #4: Type 1 Muscle Fiber Dominance

Muscle isn’t just plain “muscle”.

Your body is actually comprised of several different “TYPES” of muscle fibers (7 to be exact), each with its own purpose and function.

The two types that we’re most concerned with when it comes to putting on mass as a hardgainer are called your “TYPE 1” (also known as your “slow twitch” fibers) and your “TYPE 2” (known as “fast twitch” fibers).

Page 12: Introduction · muscle that you’re going to be building. I’ll explain more about how this works later on but for now, if you’re ready, I say we begin the “genetic research”

Type 1 slow twitch fibers have a lot of blood flow and contain more cellular mitochondria (your cell’s power center) to produce energy for a long period of time but with very little force.

This is why they’re considered more “endurance” focused and very useful if you’re a marathon runner.

Fast twitch fibers are just the opposite because they can contract a LOT stronger

and quicker than slow twitch fibers since they contain a lot more Creatine Phosphate to regenerate your muscles’ energy cycle during short, intense sets.

In other words, your Type 2 fibers are your POWER fibers and they’re your prime movers for HEAVY training like when you’re going for your 1 REP MAX on a

squat or bench press!

Now, because of these extreme differences between muscle fiber types, in order to properly target each one for growth, you have to attack them differently in your TRAINING as well.

Because of their characteristics, Slow Twitch fibers (Type 1 of which you have a LOT) respond best to HIGHER REPS with LOWER WEIGHTS (or “pumping”

type sets of 8-15 reps).

Over time, this “pumping” type training forces your muscle fibers to increase in thickness and increase the number, size and density of capillaries to supply more blood to your muscles based on the increased demand from your training.

Problem is, this type of training does very LITTLE to stimulate your Type 2 muscle fibers.

You see, your fast twitch muscle fibers respond best to very HEAVY weights and much LOWER REPS (like in the range of 4-6 reps per set).

Now when it comes to gaining weight as a hardgainer, BOTH of these muscle fiber types are important and for different reasons.

For example, training FAST TWITCH fibers the right way actually creates more micro-tears in the muscle cells which in turn stimulates growth and will help you quickly gain more STRENGTH since that’s their primary role.

Also, research has shown that fast twitch fibers are able to withstand the body’s natural catabolic process better and therefore will stick around longer after you’ve built them up.

But let’s not discount the value of your Type 1, slow twitch fibers…

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While 1’s are more geared toward endurance related sports because of their long term energy production, they also have the ability to aid you in building up your muscles.

You see, because of their large blood flow capacity yielding a massive “pump”, high-rep volume training increases oxygen and nutrient uptake into muscle cells while actually working to increase muscle SIZE by expanding the blood pathways

for fuller muscles.

Cool, huh? But there’s a little problem here…

It’s true that each person has a body comprised of ALL of the different types of muscle fibers…but different body types have different RATIOS of these two


Some people are built more like oxen and have a higher number of the fast-growing FAST TWITCH fibers (2’s). These are your Endomorphs and Mesomorphs and this is the reason why they find it easier to build and maintain muscle.

So guess where that leaves YOU…

Yep…YOU, my dear hardgainer, have a higher ratio of SLOW TWITCH muscle fibers which is why you’re built more like a marathon runner than an Olympic sprinter.

And THIS is where your major challenge comes in because while Type 1’s do

have the highest long term potential for size increases because of the pumping type training and the continuous increase in blood flow.

But your Type 2’s are perhaps even MORE important because they respond much quicker...

…bring you more strength gains which can help you get an even bigger pump from your high rep training...

…trigger a larger testosterone release from the specific type of training involved.

So what does this mean?

It means that YOU have LESS of the faster-growing/longer-lasting Type 2 fibers to build stimulate for growth and hormone enhancement.

While you would think that all you’d need to do is just “train heavy” and stimulate what fast twitch fibers you DO have (and this is what many so-called experts

have been spouting out for advice), combined with your reduced storage of Creatine Phosphate and poor neuromuscular communication, you never effectively target your Type 2 fibers during your workout.

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In fact, research has recently proven this as we’ve now discovered that only about 20-30% of a hardgainer’s fast twitch muscle fibers are even “activated” in any all-out set!

A Word From The “Nerd”...

By now you should begin to see exactly WHY the camp of

experts who’ve been stating that the way hardgainers should train is “heavy, heavy, heavy”…

…and the camp that’s been saying you need to go for the “pump, pump, pump”…

...BOTH are missing the boat!

YOU are stuck smack dab in the middle of training methods with

neither one fully addressing your individual challenge of being able to target BOTH your fast twitch AND your slow twitch


In “Hardgainer Project X”, we’re going to dig DEEP into micro-

targeting your muscle fibers by incorporating a unique training method that is SPECIFICALLY tailored toward your individual


In fact, I’ve uncovered a unique training system that will allow you to activate BOTH types of muscle fibers…in the SAME SET!

Reason #5: Reduced Muscle Protein Synthesis

“Experts” will tell you to back a dump truck up to your kitchen table and have it unload a massive dose of protein straight into your gullet in order to feed your muscle with mass-building amino acids.

Well you can take in all the protein you want, but in order for it to actually be used for repair and growth, it has to be synthesized, or bonded, with the muscle cells.

You see, amino acids that are broken down from ingested protein all hang out on the outside of your muscle cells waiting for a specific combination of “transport aminos” to come by and link up with.

Only in the right pairing are they able to pass by the cell wall and be used efficiently to repair and grow the cells.

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Unfortunately, the hardgainer metabolism doesn’t process protein very efficiently and a lot of it goes unused by the muscles and gets flushed out of your system.

A Word From The “Nerd”...

In fact, if you’ve ever tried overdosing on protein shakes thinking that the answer to building muscle was more and more protein, you probably noticed saw it got flushed in another way as well…

…right down the TOILET!

Your body has to do SOMETHING with all of that protein that’s

not getting synthesized, right?

Better keep a stack of muscle mags next to the toilet if you go this route…you’re going to be spending a LOOOOOONG time in your mini-library!

Reason #6: Reduced Recovery Potential

As a hardgainer, your higher risk of adrenal stress also contributes to higher levels of ANXIETY.

Ectomorphs, in this hyper-aroused state, have an even higher demand for nutrients, energy requirements, and body tissue repair, much of which takes place at night while you sleep.

You see, while during the day your body is trying to be “catabolic”, ruled by cortisol and adrenaline, it’s at night that your body makes the shift to a more anabolic state with a natural increase in testosterone and growth hormone.

In other words, this is your body’s time to rest and recover…and therefore the absolute BEST time to build muscle!

But hardgainers, because of your highly activated sympathetic nervous system, suffer more from insomnia and don’t sleep as DEEPLY, which burdens your

ability to maximize growth while you sleep and can quickly lead to OVERTRAINING.

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A Word From The “Nerd”...

This is important because we’re not only talking about how LONG you’re able to sleep.

We also have to look at the QUALITY of sleep you’re getting and even the TIME you go to sleep!

It all affects your hormone balance and ability to sustain muscle growth momentum.

Reason #7: Acidic System

Your body is largely made up of water which allows nutrients, oxygen, and all sorts of biochemicals to be transported to various destinations.

This water can either be “acidic”, neutral, or “alkaline” as measured on the widely recognized pH (potential hydrogen) scale.

The lower the pH reading on the scale, the more ACIDIC a

substance is and the higher the number, the more ALKALINE.

The fact is that we can’t sustain long periods in either too acidic or too alkaline an environment, but our bodies generally operate in a slightly acidic environment and it fluctuates throughout the day based upon several factors including diet and exercise habits.

Unfortunately ectomorphs appear to have a higher probability of being systemically more acidic than other body types.

Why would this make a difference?

Well, if you haven’t seen the tie-in yet, “acidic” means that a

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substance, in this case the fluids in your body, lean toward being a mild acid.

And acid eats away at things, right?

Well that includes living cells in your organs, arteries, and yes…even your MUSCLES!

A Word From The “Nerd”...

Think of this principle in the same way as acid rain affects a forest.

The rain, made more acidic from pollution, soaks into the forest ground and is absorbed into the trees through their root structure.

This acid then eats away at the tree from the inside out, eventually devastating an entire forest!

In fact, having an overly acidic system for long periods of time are now being attributed to most degenerative diseases such as Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Diabetes.

While it’s in your best interest to look at this problem as a serious health risk, our focus for the moment is on how being acidic robs you of muscle.

You see, from the food you eat to even every contraction of your muscles as you lift a barbell at the gym, you’re constantly creating acid in your body…and it’s completely NATURAL!

Our bodies are actually DESIGNED to buffer out this acidic environment to keep

us alive and healthy.

Your challenge is that you require MORE buffering than other body types

because of your natural acidic tendencies and THIS is yet another reason why you find it hard to KEEP muscle on your body.

Fortunately, this is actually quite an easy problem to remedy!

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Introducing Hardgainer Project X…

Ok, you signed up for this FREE REPORT with the hope that you could finally overcome your genetic curse and now you just feel that building muscle is an utter IMPOSIBILITY

given all of these genetic limitations, right?

No worries mate!

Because Here’s The “SECRET” To

Gaining Muscle For “Skinny Guys”…

Now that we know WHY your genetics suck, we can systematically go in and UNBLOCK

each biological challenge you possess…

…and blast each one of them to smithereens!

For example…

By decreasing MUSCLE ACIDITY, you greatly DECREASE catabolism while INCREASING your body’s anabolic response to your training.

By tweaking your nutrients the right way, you can increase muscle-protein synthesis by as much as 100%!

Yes…you can actually DOUBLE the amount of muscle-protein uptake to pack on HUGE AMOUNTS of muscle!

But here’s the cool part…

While you’ll manage to make some gains just by addressing ONE of the 7 genetic limitations I just told you about…

My HARDGAINER PROJECT X program shows you EXACTLY (step-by-step!) how to address EVERY SINGLE ONE of these obstacles so you NEVER have to worry about gaining muscle again!

But wait, it gets even BETTER…

Because taken individually, each solution works great.

But when COMBINED in the way that I’m going to show you…

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…and integrated with the KILLER 3-STEP TRAINING APPROACH I’ll take you through…

…these solutions TURBO-CHARGE each other for BETTER and FASTER GAINS!

So if you’re ready to join the battle, then I invite you to join me on May 19th at 12:00pm Central Time when I’ll release the world’s FIRST muscle-building program that specifically deals with ALL 7 HARDGAINER GENETIC PREDISPOSITIONS!

If you’re reading this report right now then you’re already on the special invitation list and will get an email from me when the program finally goes “LIVE”.

Keep an eye out because I’m sure to have some extra bonus gifts to celebrate the launch!

See You On May 19th at…