multiple pancreatic duct stones

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  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Digestive Surgery Division

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Pancreatic duct stone is a rare disease

    It is define as stone or calcification in the pancreatic duct.

    Traditionally, pancreatic calcifications have been largely

    associated with chronic calcific pancreatitis from alcohol

    abuse, espcially in western countries.

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Robert J. Lesniak, Mark D. Hohenwalter, Taylor AJ. Spectrum of

    Causes of Pancreatic Calcifications. AJR. 2002;178.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Pancreatic stones are composed largely of calcium

    carbonate crystals trapped in a matrix of fibrillar and

    other material.

    William E. Fisher, Dana K. Andersen, Richard H. Bell Jr., Ashok

    K. Saluja, Brunicardi FC. Pancreas. McGraw-Hill Professional;2002.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    The stones then initiate the cycle ofductal obstruction and contribute to pain,

    worsening of pancreatic inflammation,

    ductal disruption, and deterioration of theexocrine and endocrine function of the


    William E. Fisher, Dana K. Andersen, Richard H. Bell Jr., Ashok K. Saluja, Brunicardi FC. Pancreas. McGraw-

    Hill Professional; 2002.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Depending on the location of the stones:

    Type I: stones are in the head of pancreas

    Type II: in the body of pancreas

    Type III: in the tail

    Type IV: in the whole pancreas

    1. Chen Y., He Y., Zhao J., Liu Y., Liu Y.F., Cao H.L. ea. The Classification and

    Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2004;42:4.

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua Dai, Zhan H-X.

    Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis: Surgical Outcomes.Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010;9(4):5.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Specific clinical manifestation of pancreatic duct stone isabsent in the early stage, thus making it hard to


    To confirm the diagnosis, radiological

    examinations,ultrasonography, CT, ERCP and MRCP

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao,

    Meng-Hua Dai, Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in

    Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis: Surgical Outcomes.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010;9(4):5.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Because the pathogenesis of pancreatic duct stone is

    unknown, improvement of symptoms is a major goal

    Treatments including surgical, endoscopic techniques,

    laser lithotripsy, ESWL, balloon stenting, and medications

    The indication for endoscopic treatment were stone

    number less than 3, stones confined to the head and

    body of pancreas, absence of restricted pancreatic duct,

    pancreatic duct stone diameter 10mm, and non


    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua

    Dai, Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic

    Pancreatitis: Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int.2010;9(4):5.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Surgical therapy results in complete or partial relief of the

    symptoms of the disease

    Selection of surgical approach should be guided by the

    size, number, and type of pancreatic duct stone.

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua

    Dai, Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic

    Pancreatitis: Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int.


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Drainage by pancreatic ductotomy is generally applicable for

    patients with a dilated pancreatic duct 6mm; drainage

    include Puestow, modified puestow, and Frey procedures.

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Hepatobiliary

    Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua Dai,

    Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis:

    Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010;9(4):5.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    The Berger procedure, in which the

    pancreatic head is removed but the

    duodenum is preserved, and thewhipple procedure are suitable for type I


    Chen Y., He Y., Zhao J., Liu Y., Liu Y.F., Cao H.L. ea. The Classification and

    Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2004;42:4.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Pustoew procedure

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    If the stones are mainly located in the body of the

    pancreas (type II), they can be treated with Puestow-Gillesby procedure , or segmental resection, which is

    often used in patients with significant dilation of the

    pancreatic duct.

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Hepatobiliary

    Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua Dai,

    Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis:

    Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010;9(4):5.

    3. Chen Y., He Y., Zhao J., Liu Y., Liu Y.F., Cao H.L. ea. The Classificationand Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi.


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    For type IV stones (stones in whole pancreas) ,

    alternative to drainage is subtotal pancreatectomy, which

    allows 95% removal of the pancreas, preserving only a

    thin layer of pancreatic tissue attached to the duodenum.

    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Hepatobiliary

    Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-Hua Dai,

    Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis:

    Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010;9(4):5.

    3. Chen Y., He Y., Zhao J., Liu Y., Liu Y.F., Cao H.L. ea. The Classificationand Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi.


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Medical Record : 372-70-77

    Address : Pesing Poglar RT

    08/05 Kedaung Kali Angke

    Hospital admission : Nov,


    Consultant : dr. Maria SpB,


    Height : 152 cm

    Weight : 43 kg

    BMI : 18.3 kg/m SGA : B

    TLC : 3185

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Chief Complain :

    epigastric pain since 2 months beforeadmission

    History of Present Illness :

    Since 2 months before admission ,patient experienced epigastric pain

    intermittently. Pain doesnt radiate tothe right shoulder and back. Nonausea, no fever, no weight loss, noyellowish skin nor yellowish eyes.There was no pale stool nor darkyellow urine.

    History of Past Illness :Diabetes Mellitus on Metformin 2x500mg and glimepiride 1x2 mg since 5years

    Family History :

    There were no history of diabetesmellitus, hypertension nor allergic of

    Physical Examination

    Alert , BP : 110/80 mmHg , Pulse 84x/minute, RR 18 x/minute, temp 36,3C

    Eyes : sclera wasnt icteric,conjunctive werent anemic

    Lung : vesicular on both side, nowheezing, no rhonchi

    Heart : heart sound regular, noadditional heart sound

    Abdomen :

    I : flat

    A : bowel sound was presentand

    normalP : supple, no tenderness, no

    pain on release, nomuscular


    P : tympany

    Extremities : warm, CRT < 2

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Lab (17 /11/2012)

    CBC : 14,2/42,5/9.100/288.000 PT/APTT 11.8(11.7)/37.6(32.3)

    Diff count : 1/0/58/35/6

    SGOT/SGPT : 19/18 Ur/Cr : 27/0.7 Albumin :4,3

    Random Blood Sugar (RBS) : 72

    HBA1C : 9,2 (normal

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    USG (13.10.2012)

    Multiple stones along pancreatic ductwirsungi extent to CBD

    MRCP (23.10.2012)

    extra hepatic bilier duct was slightly

    dilated. Intrahepatic duct was fine.there was no patological intensity atintraductal bilier, pancreatic ductwas dilated with multiple stonesgreatest dimension 1.5x1.1 cm2

    Conclusion : multiple pancreatic ductstone with dilated pancreatic biler.

    There was no stone in extahepaticduct.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Pancreatic Duct Stones

    Working Diagnosis

    Puestow procedure

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Pancreatic duct stone is not a common disease

    because there are no significant clinical

    manifestation in its early stage, thus making it

    hard to be diagnosed. Our case demonstrated a woman, 40 years old

    with a vague clinical symptom of intermittent

    epigastric pain for two months, and there were

    no significant finding on physical examination.This correlates to the literature review.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    Although the pathogenesis of pancreatic duct stone

    remains unclear, chronic pancreatitis has been

    associated with the formation of the stones.

    However, we do not find any signs of chronic pancreatitis

    in our case.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    We performed MRCP in this patient in accordance to the

    literature; MRCP is the best method of diagnosing

    pancreatic duct stone.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    While performing the Peustow procedure on this patient

    we found that there were pancreatic duct stones in the

    head, tail and body of the pancreas.

    This classifies type IV pancreatic duct stones, which are

    usually treated with drainage of the pancreatic duct by

    means of Puestow, modified puestow, and Frey


    We did Peustow procedure in this patient.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    We presented a case of pancreatic duct stones without

    chronic pancreatitis in a 40 years old woman with no

    specific findings from anamnesis and physical

    examination. Diagnosis was made by MRCP and

    Peustow procedure was performed with good results. Patients was dicharged 7 days after the operation with no


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones


    1. Li L, Zhang S-N. Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008;7(1).

    2. Robert J. Lesniak, Mark D. Hohenwalter, Taylor AJ. Spectrum of

    Causes of Pancreatic Calcifications. AJR. 2002;178.

    3. William E. Fisher, Dana K. Andersen, Richard H. Bell Jr., Ashok K.Saluja, Brunicardi FC. Pancreas. McGraw-Hill Professional; 2002.

    4. Chen Y., He Y., Zhao J., Liu Y., Liu Y.F., Cao H.L. ea. The

    Classification and Management of Pancreatic Duct Stone.

    Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2004;42:4.

    5. Bo-Nan Liu, Tai Ping Zhang, Yu-Pei Zhao, Quan Liao, Meng-HuaDai, Zhan H-X. Pancreatic Duct Stones in Patients with Chronic

    Pancreatitis: Surgical Outcomes. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int.


  • 8/13/2019 Multiple Pancreatic Duct Stones
