multiple linked suds in hydrological modelling for urban drainage and flood … · 2013-09-23 ·...

Multiple Linked SUDS in hydrological modelling for Urban Drainage and Flood Management Authors Sandra Hellmers*, Stefan Kurzbach, Natasa Manojlovic, Giovanni Palmaricciotti Hamburg University of Technology, Germany 5-7 September 2013 Exeter, United Kingdom International Conference on Flood Resilience (*) Presenter

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Page 1: Multiple Linked SUDS in hydrological modelling for Urban Drainage and Flood … · 2013-09-23 · Multiple Linked SUDS in hydrological modelling for Urban Drainage and Flood Management

Multiple Linked SUDS in hydrological modelling for Urban Drainage and Flood Management

Authors Sandra Hellmers*, Stefan Kurzbach, Natasa Manojlovic, Giovanni Palmaricciotti

Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

5-7 September 2013 Exeter, United Kingdom

International Conference on Flood Resilience

(*) Presenter

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Storm event in Hamburg 6th of June 2011 (Dorendorf, 2011)

Drivers of Future Development • The UN prospects urban growth (UN, 2011) • IPCC Predicts Rise in Extreme Climate Events (IPCC, 2012)

Increase Stress on Drainage Systems

Overland Flow Generation

• Strategies have to be able to perform in anticipation of increasing flood hazard and urban development.

• Draining water in a more natural way using infiltration, retention and storage devices in urban areas.

• Decentralisation of drainage systems. • Control and manage the exceeding water.



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• Novel approach which enables the modelling of a large number

of spatially distributed measures and exceedance flow control

• Application for a case study in Hamburg. • Assessment of the potential of the strategy for flood mitigation.


Presented Strategy:

Multiple linked small-scale SUstainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) and meso-scale retention areas.



(Slide 4-7)

(Slide 8-13)

(Slide 14)

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Implementation of overlays : •handling a large number of spatially distributed measures •Water redistribution function for exceedance flow control Land use

Soil type




Overlays form small scale catchments with water retention and redistribution function

X% drainage

System plan subcatchment

River strand

Drainage Node

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Water re-distribution functionality to simulate exceedance flow among measures

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Implementation of multi-layer systems and drainage layers.

Schematic design of SUDS: green roof (left), swale-filter-drain-system (middle), swale (right) (adopted from Hellmers, 2010)

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Implementation in the Integrated Kalypso Modelling Framework for flood risk management

Open source software: Kalypso

Further Information: Kurzbach et. al., 2013: Poster Session A2 on Friday 6th September 2013

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Wandse catchment in Hamburg

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Wandse catchment in Hamburg

Wandse river: 21.5km Wandse catchment: 88km²

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Urban Growth Scenarios for Hamburg (2050) and Adaptation Strategies

Scenario Urban Growth Adaptation Strategy


S1 Decentralisation: Decrease in population in the inner city.

No financial support for adaptation

No urban growth. No demolition. No adaption strategy implemented.

S2 Increase of population in the inner city . New buildings and enlargement of the Infrastructure.

Some financial support for adaptation measures

Increase of impervious areas. Increase of stress on the drainage systems.

S3 Increase of population in the inner city . Buildings with additional storeys.

High financial support for adaptation measures

Less increase of impervious areas. Good implementation of SUDS.

Urban Growth Scenarios: KLIMZUG-NORD Project [2009 – 2014]

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Scenario S3: Multiple linked SUDS

•Small-scale SUDS: •Green roofs linked with swales •Sealed areas drained by swales / filter-drain systems

•Meso-scale multipurpose spaces: •Exceedance flow retained in multi-purpose spaces

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High increase of flood peak discharge (+20%) Moderate increase of flood peak discharge (+10%)

No climate change impact Scenarios: +20%; +10% and 0%

Climate Change Impacts (2036 – 2065)

Data Source: regional climate model REMO [Jacob et al., 2005 and 2009]

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Three Urban Growth Scenarios x

Three Climate Change Impact Scenarios Suburban Area Urban – suburban Area Urban Area


Map of Scenario S3

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Map of Scenario S3

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Urban Area Urban Suburban Area Suburban Area




(+ 20% Flood Peak Increase Scenario)

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Conclusion / Outlook

• Novel approach enables the modelling of a water re-distribution functionality

to simulate exceedance flow control. • It supports the simulation of a large number of spatially distributed measures. • It enables a detailed simulation of the water retention and hydrological

processes in SUDS. • It is integrated in the Kalypso Modelling Framework for flood risk management. • The results of the application study in Hamburg showed a potential mitigation

efficiency for multiple linked SUDS. Further Studies are required.

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UN (2011) United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. World Urbanization Prospects, the 2011 Revision. (accessed 25 April 2013)

Hellmers S. (2010) Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Probability in Small Urban

Catchments and Possibilities of Flood Risk Mitigation. Hamburger Wasserbau-Schriften 13. Master’s thesis, Institute of River and Coastal Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany.

Kurzbach S., Manojlović N. and Hellmers S. (2013) Automated model-based flood risk mapping for

future scenarios of urban growth and climate change. International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe, ICFR 2013. Exeter .

IPCC (2012) Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change

Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA.

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Thank you for your attention

Any questions?

Contact: Sandra Hellmers Dipl.-Ing.(FH), M.Sc. Hamburg University of Technology Institute of River and Coastal Engineering [email protected]