multimedia design

A02 – Multimedia Design By Adam Henning

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Post on 19-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Multimedia design

A02 – Multimedia DesignBy Adam Henning

Page 2: Multimedia design

Audience The Audience of my Multimedia product will be people

who play/enjoy Minecraft. Minecraft is a video game played on the PC. It is a sandbox game, emphasised on creating and building, which allows players to create buildings using textured cubes in a 3D world. There is a huge amount of freedom in the game, with no set objectives. There are huge range of blocks such as dirt, wood, stone, water and ores. In minecraft there are 2 game modes: Survival where you have to survive the day and night to build a shelter. The other game mode is creative, players can access every single block and have an unlimited supply of them. You can break all blocks instantly and fly around the world. The main audience will be people who are gamers who play minecraft or want to get into playing minecraft. The main age will be 12+ as younger people may not understand fully how minecraft works. People who don’t play Minecraft or dislike Minecraft may not enjoy my multimedia product as much.

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Purpose The purpose of my multimedia product is to

educate people who have not have played minecraft on how to play minecraft and what to do when they start out. If they have played minecraft for a while and want to develop their knowledge such as how to find diamonds and get to the nether. If people are very good at minecraft and don’t need to have a look at the educating section, then they can have look at all of the other sections such as how to build and how to craft. The product is aimed at all ranges of players.

Page 4: Multimedia design

Plan for the Product.

How to Craft Items.

What to build?Photos and

sounds Videos


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House Style The house style of minecraft is grey and blue. It

will also contain pictures which contains landscapes of minecraft type blocks. The house style will be blocky containing various squares and rectangles. Below is a picture of the font used in minecraft which will be used to make it feel like a real Minecraft product. The buttons will also help with this which are also placed below. (The up and pressed state are shown.)

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Storyboard: How to craft? This button will take you

to a new page contains videos, photos, text and animations. This will show the viewer the basics of Minecraft crafting and what to craft and why it will be laid out in the house style using the appropriate font and colours. Some icons and photos are shown below to give an idea on what will be on page.

Back Button

Minecraft Logo

Text box describing how to make a crafting table

Text box describing how to make sticks

Text box describing how to make a wooden pickaxe.

Animation showing how to make wood into planks.

Animation showing how to make a crafting table

Animation showing how to make sticks

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Storyboard: What to build? This is will be a

smaller section of the multimedia product. This will be a smaller section of the multimedia product. It will show the viewer various videos of as well as photos and sounds of creations people have made, it made imported from websites such as YouTube. It will use the house style and appropriate font.

Back Button

Minecraft Logo

A photo slideshow showing a range of photos with text below it showing what the picture is. Examples are below :

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Storyboard: Photos and sounds This section will show

various photos and play sounds around the main screen and won’t take the user to any different section. The photos will be a slideshow which plays behind the menu. The sounds will be recorded from minecraft or imported from the internet. It will follow the house style and font of minecraft.

Back Button

Minecraft Logo

A photo slideshow showing a range of photos with a range of minecraft related sounds playing. An example is below :

Page 9: Multimedia design

Storyboard : Videos This section will

have one minecraft-related video, the video will be the video will be a YouTube video made by CaptainSparklez, it will contain a flash player with the video encoded into it for the user to play.

Back Button

Minecraft Logo

A video player will be here which will play PSY – Gangnam Style (Minecraft Parody)