multi-scale modeling of li-ion batteries bsc thesis

E¨otv¨osLor´ and University of Siences Multi-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries BSc Thesis Prepared by aszl´oZ´ en´oFarkas Bachelor Sciences (BSc) in Mathematics Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics Supervisors: ´ Akos Kriston European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport Istv´ an Farag´ o otv¨os Lor´and University Faculty of Science Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics 2015 Budapest

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Eotvos Lorand University of Siences

Multi-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries

BSc Thesis

Prepared by

Laszlo Zeno Farkas

Bachelor Sciences (BSc) in Mathematics

Department of Applied Analysis and

Computational Mathematics

Supervisors:Akos Kriston

European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre,

Institute for Energy and Transport

Istvan Farago

Eotvos Lorand University Faculty of Science

Department of Applied Analysis and

Computational Mathematics


Declaration of Authorship

Nev: Farkas Laszlo Zeno

ELTE Termeszettudomanyi Kar, szak: Elemzo matematikus

NEPTUN azonosıto: RRRKWJ

Szakdolgozat cıme: Multi-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries

A szakdolgozat szerzojekent fegyelmi felelossegem tudataban kijelentem, hogy a dol-

gozatom onallo munkam eredmenye, sajat szellemi termekem, abban a hivatkozasok

es idezesek standard szabalyait kovetkezetesen alkalmaztam, masok altal ırt reszeket a

megfelelo idezes nelkul nem hasznaltam fel.

Budapest, 2015

hallgato alaırasa



I would like to thank Akos Kriston research fellow of JRC Institute for Energy and

Transport Petten, that I could work with him on this topic, in Hungary and abroad

during my traineeship. I would like to thank the many consultations which significantly

contributed to the deeper understanding of Lithium-ion batteries, as well the support

which gave me strength to progression of thesis and work.

I would like to thank Dr. Istvan Farago, professor of Eotvos Lorand University and head

of Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics, for consultations,

inspirations and advices.

The continuous support of Dr. Lois Brett, the project leader of Battery Energy Storage

Testing for Safe Electrification of Transport (BESTEST), is highly appreciated. The

fruitful discussion of Dr. Andreas Pfrang about the thesis and his advices are acknowl-


I would like to thank also all of my colleagues at JRC Institute for Energy and Transport

for their contribution, useful instructions to my professional development and daily work.



Declaration of Authorship iii

Acknowledgements iv

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Partial differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Sequential splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3 Governing equations of a typical Li-ion battery model . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Development of mathematical model of a lithium-ion batteriy 13

2.1 Derivation of the general partial differential equation system . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 Derivation of the canonical form of equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2.1 Electric potential in the solid phase (ϕ1) and electric potential inthe electrolyte phase (ϕ2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2.2 Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2.3 Concentration of Li+ ions in the solid particle . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.3 Solution in Matlab by using ”pdepe” solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.4 Modifications of the partial differential equation system . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.4.1 Introduction of reference potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.4.2 Introduction of time dependent boundary conditions . . . . . . . . 31

3 Solution of the model and the results 35

3.1 Solution of the partial differential equation system by operator splitting . 35

3.1.1 Analytical solution of the splitted problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.1.2 Numerical solution of the splitted problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.1.3 Comparison of exact and splitting solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.2 Accuracy of the splitting solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4 Conclusions and outlook 57

A Symbols in the equations 59

B Parameters in the program codes 61

C Matlab codes 63

C.1 Solution of Matlab ”pdepe” solver in Section 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


Contents vi

C.2 Numerical solution in Subsection 3.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

C.3 Explicit-Euler’s method in Subsection 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Bibliography 69

Chapter 1


Li-ion batteries (LIB) are electric power sources which have been developed for portable,

stationary and automotive applications. They have different shapes and sizes depending

on the application, as it is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Different types of Li-ion batteries [1]

In the recent years LIBs have become the key enabling technology to store sufficient elec-

tricity for future electric vehicles (EV) with a desirable driving range. Despite the current

rising popularity of EVs, the technology needs to be further improved. Translation of

molecular-scale insights into improved products and processes requires on understanding

of LIB behavior across a range of length and time scales.

Figure 1.2 shows a sketch of a battery cell which illustrates the basic processes of a

LIB. During charging Li-ions shuttle from the positive to the negative electrode while

during discharging Li-ions migrate back to the positive electrode.



Figure 1.2: Sketch of a LIB, illustrating the main processes: charging (left)and discharging (right) [2]

These transport processes consist of coupled physical and chemical phenomena from

nano to cm scale. Several numerical approaches exist already to explain how molec-

ular level diffusion, heat transfer and migration processes can influence macroscopic

level phenomena such as current, potential and concentration distribution. Figure 1.3

shows that the multi-scale approaches should connect different methods of modelling.

Therefore to successfully describe, design and control complex electrochemical systems

rigorous mathematical analysis of the numerical tools is required.

Figure 1.3: The LIB descriptive equations in different time and length scales[3]

The mathematical description of LIBs is based on a non-linear parabolic system of par-

tial differential equations where the non-linearity is in the source term. This type of

Introduction 3

system is difficult to solve analytically. Franco et al. concluded [4] that there is no

single mathematical model which can describe all these phenomena analitically. There-

fore numerical methods and programs are needed to developed that couple continuum

equations (diffusion, heat transfer, migration) which describe current, potential, and

concentration distributions with molecular-level events in order to describe, design, and

treat complex electrochemical systems accurately. Franco et al. suggested [4] that the

most appropriate method is multi-scale modeling (also known as integrated multi-scale

modeling) which creates interconnects between different representations of materials

with the goal of optimizing field performance using a relatively easy understandable

mathematical scheme.

According to Taylor [5], integrated multi-scale modelling combines the best features of

empirical and laboratory-based (semi-empirical) modelling alongside high-fidelity physics

simulation, within the context of a probabilistic risk assessment. The multi-scale mod-

elling sample is built upon the recognition that the types of physics occurring at small

time and length scales are distinct from those occurring at longer time and length scales.

Nevertheless, they are, at the same time connected in ways that are not always obvi-

ous. Hence, a comprehensive and high-fidelity simulation for any materials failure event

would require a way to piece together these co-dependent elements. Multi-scale models

can be vertical-such that the small size scale physics models (which may be atomistic

or microstructural) are embedded and run ”inside” the larger size scale physics models

(like electrochemical or finite element simulations). Alternatively, the multi-scale models

can be horizontal [6], such that the results of lower size scale simulations provide input

parameters, such as kinetic constants or thermodynamic quantities, for the higher-scale

simulations. In spite of the complexity of the mathematical numerical scheme the math-

ematical characteristics (stability, convergence, accuracy) have not been studied. In this

thesis we want to develop a new approach of multi-scale modeling of LIBs and ana-

lyze its mathematical effectiveness and accuracy. One of the candidates is the operator

splitting which is commonly applied for solving complex systems. This approach can be

implemented in different ways for example sequential splitting, symmetrical splitting or

Strang-Marchuk splitting. These methods differ from each other in time discretization

whereby they have different computational benefits and of course several drawbacks as

well. Farago at al. used already this method for air pollution modelling [7] or for the

solution of the Maxwell equations including a source term [8]. In both cases the effec-

tiveness, accuracy and good adaptability of the operator splitting were found. Similarly

Kriston et al. applied this method for the simulation of the transient of fuel cells and

reached similar conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the operator splitting [9]. How-

ever, they applied this method only for one function, which is substantially different of

the later discussed problem.

4 Introduction

The most common LIB model developed by Newman et al. [10] uses different numerical

schemes, such as explicit, implicit or IMEX method, which are different in terms of

solution procedure:

Explicit: The solution for (n+ 1)th step can be written from the solution for nth step.

Implicit: This method finds a solution by solving an algebraic equation involving both

the current ((n+ 1)th) state of the system and the earlier (nth) one.

IMEX: In such a procedure, the advection and diffusion terms are discretized implicitly

in time and the reaction terms explicitly [11].

However, the use of these methods for complex problems is often time-consuming and

inaccurate, and therefore they are not very effective. The main advantage of operator

splitting techniques, in regards of multi-scale modeling, is the availability to use the

different numerical schemes and methods at different length and time scales. The main

drawback may be the loss of stability and accuracy because the splitting error might

bring a new source of inaccuracy. Because operator splitting has not been applied for the

simulation of LIB, in this work an adequate mathematical model is developed and the

aim is to apply an operator splitting scheme and study its applicability as a multi-scale

modelling tool.

The other important objectives are:

a, To study the effectiveness of the splitting method and compare it to other com-

monly applied methods (for example an explicit finite different method).

b, To find a way to use it for multi-scale modeling of complex systems.

Therefore in this work we deal with the following themes: In Section 1.1-1.2 some

basic definition from the theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and of sequential

splitting are detailed. In Section 1.3 we introduce the LIBs governing basic equations,

parameters and variables which mathematical models are discussed in Chapter 2. The

slightly simplified problem inSection 2.1 are converted in to a solvable form (canonical

form) and discussed in Section 2.2. We solve the PDE-system in Section 2.3 using

Matlab ”pdepe” solver and we analyze the results. In Section 2.4 we modify the PDE-

system in order to reach realistic results and to see their effects on the independent

variables. In Chapter 3 is furthermore the standard method of sequential splitting

introduced and is applied its method to our problem. In Subsections 3.1.1-3.1.2

we solve the PDE-system by using sequential splitting. In the first case we present a

method to find a solution by analytical techniques. Advantages of this method are that

Introduction 5

they are easy to use and sub-processes are simpler which result an easier analysis of

errors. However the disadvantage is that the exact solution can’t be determined for

complex systems such as batteries. In the second case we try to find a solution in

a numerical way where an finite difference method (FDM) is used which calculates a

numerical approximation of the solution and determine the values of the functions at

certain points. In Subsection 3.1.3 we compare the solution of the splitting method

with the solution of the Matlab ”pdepe” solver furthermore the errors and the stability

are analyzed. Furthermore we analyzed stability, convergence and errors of methods

which are described in the Section 3.2. In the last chapter is an outlook provided for

the additional capabilities and applications of a multi-scale modeling. In the thesis used

parameters, program codes and notations can be found in Appendix A, B and C.

Beside the theoretical results, this research is in a closed connection with my trainee

work at The European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and

Transport, where my main task was to test and analyze numerical simulation soft-

ware which can simulate a LIB in 3D and has the possibility to handle the governing

equations on very basic levels i.e. the rewriting the program codes. Several software

products exist on the market which can simulate a LIB (they are used to simulate other

energy storage devices as well). They can be used to simulated battery’s capacity, the

cycling performance, the internal processes and the impact of external factors on the

performance. These software (Fortran, Matlab, COMSOL, Abaqus, ANSYS e.g.) prod-

ucts usually have different source codes and they are based on different mathematical

methods, which have different errors and accuracy, therefore it is worth examining the

consistency, stability and convergence. These software are typically not free, but rather

require quite expensive licenses. That is why it is so important to be sure before the

purchase that they are able to solve the given tasks. Therefore our developed model

system and methods can be used to test the capability of these software tools for multi-

scale modelling.

1.1 Partial differential equations

A partial differential equation (PDE) [12] contains some relation between the unknown

multivariable functions and their partial derivatives. Usually PDEs include time-, and

space-dependent functions of different order. The general form in the Ω ⊂ R2 domains


6 Introduction

(Lu)(x, t) = a(x, t)∂2u

∂x2+ 2b(x, t)


∂x∂t+ c(x, t)



+d(x, t)∂u

∂x+ e(x, t)


∂t+ g(x, t)u(x, t) = f(x, t)

where a, b, c, d, e, g, are given coefficient functions, f (the so called source function)

defined by the physical model. In this case L is called operator. The following part is

called main part of operator L:

(L0u)(x, t) = a(x, t)∂2u

∂x2+ 2b(x, t)


∂x∂t+ c(x, t)



Definition 1.1. Operator L is called

elliptic type in the point (x, t) ∈ Ω, if L0 satisfies the following condition:

a(x, t)c(x, t)− b2(x, t) > 0

parabolic type in the point (x, t) ∈ Ω, if L0 satisfies the following condition:

a(x, t)c(x, t)− b2(x, t) = 0

hiperbolic type in the point (x, t) ∈ Ω, if L0 satisfies the following condition:

a(x, t)c(x, t)− b2(x, t) < 0 .

We can define more initial condition at t = 0 and at the boundary of the domain

boundary conditions. The boundary conditions have three types:

• Dirichlet boundary conditions:

u(a, t) = µ1(t), u(b, t) = µ2(t), t > 0

• Neumann boundary conditions:


∂x(a, t) = µ1(t),


∂x(b, t) = µ2(t), t > 0

• Robin boundary conditions:

c1u(a, t) +∂u

∂x(a, t) = µ1(t), c1u(b, t) +


∂x(b, t) = µ2(t), t > 0

Here µ1, µ2 are given functions and c1 ∈ R given number In the following we deal

only with second order PDEs. Some examples, with appropriate initial and boundary

conditions, are the followings:

Introduction 7

1. Laplace-equation:


∂x2(x, y) +


∂y2(x, y) = 0

2. Poisson equation:


∂x2(x, y) +


∂y2(x, y) = f(x, y)

3. Heat conduction equation with source term:


∂t(x, t)− ∂2u

∂x2(x, t) = f(x, t)

4. Wave equation with source term:


∂t2(x, t)− ∂2u

∂x2(x, t) = f(x, t)

1.2 Sequential splitting

Splitting methods are generally used [7],[8],[9] to solve partial differential equations or

equation system. The main idea is to lead the complex problem to the sequence of

sub-problems with simpler structure.

In the following the general method of sequential splitting [13] is presented briefly for

the solution of parabolic PDE.

Take the following general parabolic PDE-system on [0, T ] time interval which is de-

scribed by the following PDE canonical form and enabled with some suitable initial and

boundary conditions:


∂t(x, t) =


∂x2(x, t) + f(x, t), x ∈ (0, 1), t > 0

w(x, 0) = w0(x),∂w

∂x(0, t) = g1(t),


∂t(L, t) = g2(t)

where f is a given function (in our case f means the non-linear source term). Let

τ := TNT

be the splitting time step size, where NT ∈ N and let we solve our problem on

the mesh ωτ = nτ ;n = 1, 2, . . . , NT .

The original problem (or the operator of the problem) is splitted to two sub-problems

defined by the following equations and algorithm. The sequential splitting method solves

the problem iteratively by applying the steps depicted on Figure 1.4.

8 Introduction

Figure 1.4: The flow chart of sequential splitting [8]

Problem 1 - Diffusion operator


∂t(x, t) =


∂x2(x, t), x ∈ (0, L), 0 < t < τ

w(1)1 (x, 0) = w0(x),


∂x(0, t) = g1(t),


∂t(L, t) = g2(t)

which has the solution at t = τ , defined by w11(τ).

Problem 2 - Source operator


∂t(x, t) = f(x, t), x ∈ (0, L), 0 < t < τ

w(1)2 (x, 0) = w

(1)1 (τ)

which has the solution at τ , defined by w12(τ) =: wsp(τ)

The solution of the whole problem at t = τ is wsp(τ). The superscript denotes the

time step of the numerical model and the subscript refers to the number of the split


In the following we solve the PDE applying the operator in Problem 1 iteratively but

now on [τ, 2τ ] time intervall and with initial condition wsp(τ):


∂t(x, t) =


∂x2(x, t), x ∈ (0, L), τ < t < 2τ

w(2)1 (x, 0) = wsp(τ),


∂x(0, t) = g1(t),


∂t(L, t) = g2(t)

The solution of this problem at t = 2τ is w(2)1 (2τ).

Introduction 9

Now we solve the PDE applying only operator in Problem 2, with appropiate changes

on [τ, 2τ ] time intervall


∂t(x, t) = f(x, t), x ∈ (0, L), τ < t < 2τ

w(2)2 (x, τ) = w

(2)1 (x, 2τ)

The solution of this problem at t = 2τ is w(2)2 (2τ) = wsp(2τ).

By solving the previous n steps iteratively, the constructed wsp(nτ) is the solution of

splitting on the given ωh,τ mesh which is defined as follows:

ωh,τ =

(xi, tn); xi = ih; tn = nτ ;h =


Nx; τ =


NT; i = 1, 2, . . . , Nx; n = 1, 2, . . . , NT

where Nx, NT are the numbers of division parts in space and time.

1.3 Governing equations of a typical Li-ion battery model

In this section the physical model of a LIB is presented. Later a general continuum

mathematical model is defined and simplified, preserving the main characteristics of the

original problem. This simplified PDE-system is discretized by sequential splitting tech-

nique and its accuracy is analyzed in Section 3.2.

Figure 1.5: Cylindrical battery (a), its position in the X-ray tomogaph(b), and its X-ray computer tomography image (c). The images showsthe complex 3D structure from cm to sub micron range, recorded at JRC

Institute for Energy and Transport

10 Introduction

Figure 1.5.a shows a cylindrical battery, its position in the X-ray tomograph (Figure

1.5.b) and the real X-ray tomography image (Figure 1.5.c). The complex structure

consists of 3 main domains, the cell (Figure 1.6 a) in which the electrode (Figure 1.6

b) is rolled up, and the porous active materials (Figure 1.6 c) where the electrochem-

ical reactions take place.

Figure 1.6: The main concept of multi-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries isdemonstrated by different domains [14]

Simplification I.

In spite of the 3D structure the reactions are considered homogeneous in two space

variables, therefore a 1D model is usually used [10] which approach is followed in this

work as well.

Figure 1.7 shows the simplified 1D structure of the electrode domain, which is high-

lighted by a rectangular box in Figure 1.5 b.

Figure 1.7: The complex featured geometry of a battery electrode is simu-lated by macrohomogeneous approach [15]

Introduction 11

As we can see, this structure has 3 parts (left to right):

1. Anode (Ω1)

2. Separator (Ω2)

3. Cathode (Ω3)

In these parts, we can define 10 dependent variables and 2 (time t and space x) inde-

pendent variables:

1. ϕ1(x, t): Electric potential in the solid phase (where are the electrons)

2. ϕ2(x, t): Electric potential in the electrolyte phase (where are the Li+ ions)

3. i1(x, t): Electric current in the solid phase

4. i2(x, t): Ionic current in the electrolyte phase

5. N(x, t): The material flux of species (Li+, A−)

6. c(x, t): Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase

7. J1(η, c, cs): Pore wall flux, electrochemical and the capacitive reactions

8. η(x, t): Overpotential

9. cs(x, t): Solid Li+ concentration in the particle

10. I(t): Cell current

Simplification II.

As Figure 1.7 shows that parts (Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3) have a complex morphology cointain-

ing solid particles and liquide phases among them. This morphology defines several

boundaries, which is very computation intensive to solve. LIB models do not solve the

system on this detailed morphology. Instead, a continuum model is defined by using

PDEs where the structure is homogenized and effective transport coefficients are used.

Mathematically the three parts (Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3) are similar, therefore only one part (e.g.

anode) is described in 1D by the following continuum equations:

Transport equations:

i1(x, t) = −σeff∂ϕ1

∂x(x, t) (1.1)

12 Introduction

i2(x, t) = −κeff∂ϕ2

∂x(x, t)+



[1 +

∂ ln fA(c(x, t))

∂ ln c(x, t)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c(x, t)

∂x(x, t)


N+−(x, t) =∞∑




∂x(x, t) +




Kinetic equations:

J2(η, c, cs) = an,pi0(cmax − cs(x, t))αn(cs(x, t))αp(c(x, t))αp ·



RTη(x, t)

)− exp


η(x, t)

) ](1.4)


J1(η, η2, c, cs) = J2(η, c, cs) + an,pCdl∂η2∂t

(x, t) (1.5)


η(x, t) = ϕ1(x, t)− ϕ2(x, t)− ϕref (cs(x, t))−J2(η, c, cs)

an,pRSEI (1.6)

η2(x, t) = ϕ1(x, t)− ϕ2(x, t) (1.7)

(1− εn,p)∂cs∂t

(x, t) = −J2(η, c, cs)F

(1− t0+) (1.8)

Control variable:

I(t) = I = constant (1.9)

The meaning of used symbols in (1.1)-(1.9) can be found in the Appendix A. These

equations describe completely the LIB, however they cannot be solved in this form. In

the next chapter we transform these equations to mathematically solvable (canonical)


Chapter 2

Development of mathematical

model of a lithium-ion batteriy

2.1 Derivation of the general partial differential equation


The described problem in (1.1)-(1.9) is not well posed because it has 2 independent

(x, t) and 10 dependent variables, but only 7 governing equations ((1.1)-(1.4), (1.6) and

(1.8)-(1.9)), and several missing boundary conditions.

Remark 2.1. For simplicity the f := f(x, t) notation will be used for the functions.

However, from the electrochemistry we know some relationship between the functions

of this system, for example charge conservation and material balance.

Applying conservation of charge we reach:

∂x(i1 + i2) = 0 . (2.1)

Combining (2.1) with (1.1), (1.2) and the source term (1.5) we reach

− ∂





)+ J1 = 0 (2.2)


− κeff∂ϕ2

∂x(x, t) +



1 +∂ ln fA(c(x, t))

∂ ln c(x, t)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c(x, t)

∂x(x, t)

]− J1 = 0 .



Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

If we apply material balance (conservation) to (1.3) and the Gauss-Ostrogradsky-theorem

(divergence theorem), we reach the following equation




)− i2z+ν+F


+(1− t0+)

FJ2 = εn,p


∂t. (2.4)

Simplification III.

If the transference number (t0+) is supposed to be homogeneous (i.e. without variation

in x), than (2.4) can be simplified:





(1− t0+)

FJ2 = εn,p


∂t. (2.5)

So now we have 5 dependent variables (ϕ1, ϕ2, c, cs, J1,2) and 5 governing Eqs.

The physical boundary conditions are:

i1(0, t) = I, i2(0, t) = 0, t > 0 (2.6)


i1(L, t) = 0, i2(L, t) = I, t > 0 . (2.7)

Remark 2.2. Boundary conditions (2.6) and (2.7) guarantee, that the electric current

(i1) converted fully to ionic current (i2).

Combining (2.6) with ϕ1 and (2.7) with ϕ2, which boundary conditions of the PDE (2.2)

and (2.3) during electrochemical reaction (J2)



, −κeff∂ϕ2



(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c

∂x= 0, at x = 0




∂x= 0, −κeff




(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c


∂ ln c

∂x= I, at x = L . (2.9)

Because of there is no material flow from and in the system [10], it implies:


∂x= 0, at x = 0, L, t > 0 . (2.10)

In the solid particles in the sub-domain can be described the boundary conditions as


= 0, at x = 0, L, t > 0 . (2.11)

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 15

The initial conditions can be derived from electrochemistry:

ϕ1(x, 0) = ϕ2(x, 0) = 0, c(x, 0) = c0, cs(x, 0) = csnp, x ∈ [0, L] . (2.12)

and now the equation system (2.2), (2.3), (2.5) and (1.8) are well posed with the bound-

ary conditions (2.8), (2.9), (2.10), (2.11) and with the initial conditions in (2.12).

2.2 Derivation of the canonical form of equations

(2.2), (2.3), (2.5) and (2.11) can be simplifield further by calculating the canonical form

in a dimensionless form. It means that we transform the (2.3), (2.5) and (2.11) to unified

space and time variable and express ϕ1 and ϕ2 with η, which reduces the number of

equations. This is called as the dimensionless canonical form of equations.

2.2.1 Electric potential in the solid phase (ϕ1) and electric potential

in the electrolyte phase (ϕ2)

Substitute J1 in (2.3) and after re-arrangement we reach

− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= an,pi0(cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp




)− exp



) ]+ an,pCdl




Simplification IV.

1. α = αn = αp = 1

2. (cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp = (cmax − cs)(cs)(c)

3. η = η2 = ϕ1 − ϕ2


If we select α = αn = αp = 1, than (2.13) can be rewritten to the following form:




)− exp



)= 2 sinh




and we reach

16 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= an,pi0(cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp2 sinh



)+ an,pCdl


∂t. (2.15)

Our next goal is to express ϕ2 from (2.15) by function of η. Let η? be

η?(x, t) =F

RTη(x, t) (2.16)

and consequently:∂η?

∂t(x, t) =




∂t(x, t) (2.17)

By substituting (2.16) and (2.17) into (2.15) we reach:

− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= an,pi0(cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp2 sinh ( η?) + an,pCdl





after re-arrangement:∂η?




(− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− F

CdlRTi0(cmax − cs)(cs)(c)2 sinh ( η?) . (2.19)

The boundary and initial conditions in (2.8)-(2.12) can be expressed by η?:

η?(x, 0) =F

RTη(x, 0) = 0, x ∈ [0, L] (2.20)


∂x(0, t) =




∂t(0, t) = − F


(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, t > 0 (2.21)


∂x(L, t) =




∂t(L, t) =


κeffRTI− (1− t0+)

(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, t > 0 (2.22)

Next we introduce a new time variable

τ :=t



κeff+ 1





Remark 2.3. τ > 0 because all values are positive by the physical definition.

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 17

Furthermore let U(x, τ) be:

U(x, τ) := η?(x, an,pCdl






)≡ η?(x, pτ) (2.24)

By applying the chain rule of multivalued functions, we reach


∂τ(x, τ) =


∂t(x, pτ)


∂τ= p


∂t(x, pτ) (2.25)

Now combining (2.18), (2.24) and (2.25), we reach at pτ = t


∂t(x, pτ) =



·(− ∂




∂x(x, pτ)





(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− F

CdlRTi0(cmax − cs)(cs)(c)2 sinh ( η?(x, pτ)) (2.26)

and using (2.25)1



∂τ(x, τ) =



·(− ∂




∂x(x, pτ)





(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− F

CdlRTi0(cmax − cs)(cs)(c)2 sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.27)

After re-arrangement, we reach:


∂τ(x, τ) =



·(− ∂




∂x(x, pτ)





(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− pF

CdlRTi0(cmax − cs)(cs)(c)2 sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.28)

Now let ν2 be:

ν2 := 2pF

CdlRTi0 ≡ 2an,p





)L2 F

RTi0 (2.29)

which yields the following expression:

18 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries


∂τ(x, τ) = − pF






∂x(x, pτ)

)− ∂




(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.30)

Rearranging (2.30) and substituting p we reach:


∂τ(x, τ) = − F











∂x(x, pτ)

)− ∂




(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] )−

− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.31)

and expanding the(


+ 1σeff

)bracket in (2.31) we reach inside the [ ] bracket:








)− ∂




(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


) ]+








)− ∂




(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


) ].


Let W be:

W :=



(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



and substitute it in (2.32)







)− 1











)− ∂W


). (2.34)

Using (1.2) in (2.34) we reach







)− 1



∂x− 1




and after that (2.1) in (2.35), we reach










∂i1∂x− 1



∂x. (2.36)

Applying (1.1) in (2.36):







)− 1






)− 1



∂x. (2.37)

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 19

and finally substituting W in (2.37) and using expression η = ϕ1 − ϕ2, we reach:


∂x2− ∂2ϕ1



(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= −∂2η



(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



Substitution (2.38) into (2.31) between the brackets yields:


∂τ(x, τ) = − F





(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] −

− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) (2.39)

and using the dimensionless form of η in (2.16), we reach:


∂τ(x, τ) = L2




[(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c


] −

− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.40)

The merged equation of (2.24) and (2.25) is:


∂τ(x, τ) = L2∂


∂x2(x, τ) + L2 ∂


[ (1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) . (2.41)

The initial and boundary conditions are now according to (2.20)-(2.22):

U(x, 0) = η?(x, 0) = 0, x ∈ [0, L] (2.42)


∂x(0, t) =


∂x(0, t) = − F

σeffRTI − (1− t0+)

(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, t > 0 (2.43)


∂x(L, t) =


∂x(L, t) =


κeffRTI − (1− t0+)

(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, t > 0 (2.44)

For the sake of easier calculations we project the interval [0, L] to the interval [0, 1] by


X :=x


Let u(x, τ) define as following

u(X, τ) := U(LX, τ) (2.46)

20 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

and the partial derivatives can be calculated according to (2.25)


∂x(LX, τ) =




∂X(X, τ) (2.47)


∂x2(LX, τ) =




∂X2(X, τ) . (2.48)

Substituting (2.47) and (2.48) to (2.41), we reach:


∂τ(LX, τ) = L2∂


∂x2(LX, τ) + L2 ∂


[ (1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( U(x, τ)) (2.49)

and using the notation in (2.46) we reach the combined form of (2.2) and (2.3)


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L2 ∂


[ (1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.50)

Boundary and initial conditions are derived from (2.42)-(2.44)

u(X, 0) = U(LX, 0) = 0, X ∈ [0, 1] (2.51)


∂X(0, τ) = L


∂x(0, τ) = −L F

σeffRTI − L(1− t0+)

(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, τ > 0


∂X(1, τ) = L


∂x(L, τ) = L


κeffRTI − L(1− t0+)

(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)∂ ln c

∂x, τ > 0


In the following c and cs are transformed by the same time and space transformations

such as η:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L2 ∂


[ (1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c(x, t)

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c

∂x(x, t)


− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c(x, t)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.54)

First we need to rewrite (2.54) by calculating the partial derivative in the [ ] brackets:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L2 ∂


[ (1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c(x, t)

)(1− t0+)


c(x, t)


∂x(x, t)


− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c(x, t)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.55)

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 21

Simplification V.

Let’s assume that fA is constant which implys, that ln fA in (2.55) doesn’t depend on

x, so (2.55) can be simplified to the following form:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L2 ∂


[(1− t0+)


c(x, t)


∂x(x, t)


− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(c(x, t)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.56)

Because (2.56) doesn’t contain the time derivatives of c we can use the same time

transformation such as in (2.23) by defining c?, which yields:

(1− t0+)1

c(x, t)


∂x(x, t) = (1− t0+)


c?(x, τ)


∂x(x, τ) (2.57)

and furthermore we implement the same space transformation for c? which was applied

in (2.49). By using the notation C, we reach:

(1− t0+)1

C(X, τ)




∂X(X, τ) . (2.58)

Substituting (2.58) to (2.56):


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L2 ∂


[(1− t0+)


C(X, τ)




∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(C(X, τ)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.59)

Now we try to rewrite this form simpler:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + L(1− t0+)



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(C(X, τ)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.60)

Expending the ( ) brackets and preforming the differentiation, i.e. ∂∂x →

∂∂X we reach:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + (1− t0+)



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


−ν2(cmax − cs)(cs)(C(X, τ)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) .

The next step is to preform the same steps with cs to get the canonical form of (1.4).

Let Cs(X, τ) be the appropriate time and space transform of cs. With this notation

(2.60) can be rewritten to the following form:

22 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + (1− t0+)



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − Cs(X, τ))(Cs(X, τ))(C(X, τ)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.61)

Let µ be

µ := (1− t0+)

and substituting it into (2.61) we reach the final dimensionless canonical form of (2.13):


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + µ



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − Cs(X, τ))(Cs(X, τ))(C(X, τ)) sinh ( u(X, τ)) . (2.62)

Let δ and ξ be

δ = −L F

σeffRTI, ξ = −


which notations yield the following initial and boundary conditions:

u(X, 0) = 0, X ∈ [0, 1] (2.63)


∂X(0, τ) = δ − µ 1

C(0, τ)


∂X(0, τ), τ > 0 (2.64)


∂X(1, τ) = δξ − µ 1

C(1, τ)


∂X(1, τ), τ > 0 . (2.65)

2.2.2 Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase

In the following we apply the same method to time and space transformation for (2.5)

which was introduced in Subsection 2.2.1. Let β be

β :=µ

F. (2.66)

Let’s choose p from (2.23) and substitute it into (2.5) by using the presented methods

and notations in Subsection 2.2.1 which yields:



∂x(x, τ)

)+ βJ2 =




∂τ(x, τ)

and after re-arrangement we reach:


∂τ(x, τ) =




∂x2(x, τ) +


εn,pJ2 (2.67)

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 23

and by using X = xL notation by space transformation (such as in Subsection 2.2.1)

the following equation can be prescribe:


∂τ(X, τ) =




∂X2(X, τ) +


εn,pJ2 . (2.68)

Substituting the value of p into (2.68):


∂τ(X, τ) =



σeff+ 1




∂X2(X, τ) +



σeff+ 1



εn,pJ2 .


Let ψ and θ be

ψ :=Dan,pCdl


σeff+ 1



, θ :=βan,pCdl


σeff+ 1




Remark 2.4. The second notation can be expressed by an easier form which also shows

the relationship between the different dimensionless parameters:

θ ≡ ν2 · RTF· an,p · Cdl ·



Substituting ψ and θ into (2.69) and by using the same time and space transformation

for cs and η (such as in Subsection 2.2.1) we reach the canonical form of (2.5):


∂τ(X, τ) = ψ


∂X2(X, τ) + θ(cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinhu(X, τ) (2.71)

with the following initial and boundary conditions:

C(X, 0) = c0,∂C

∂X(0, τ) =


∂X(1, τ) = 0, X ∈ [0, 1], τ > 0 . (2.72)

2.2.3 Concentration of Li+ ions in the solid particle

According to Matlab’s convention we use the following form of (1.8):

(1− εn,p)∂cs∂t




)− βJ2 . (2.73)

Transforming time by using the value of p in (2.23) we reach:


(X, τ) =∂






(X, τ)

)− p

(1− εn,p)βJ2 . (2.74)

24 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

Let Γ be:

Γ := θεn,p

(1− εn,p)(2.75)

and we reach the simplified canonical form of (1.8).


(X, τ) = −Γ(cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinhu(X, τ) . (2.76)

Remark 2.5. If Γ ≡ θ εn,p

(1−εn,p)then (cmax−Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinhu(X, τ) expres-

sion has the same coefficient in (2.74) and in (2.76).

Initial and boundary conditions, respectively:

Cs(X, 0) = csnp,∂Cs∂X

(0, τ) =∂Cs∂X

(1, τ) = 0, X ∈ [0, 1], τ > 0 . (2.77)

2.3 Solution in Matlab by using ”pdepe” solver

After we derived the dimensionless form of equations, we can write the canonical PDE-

system of the problem as follows: Let J3(Cs, C, u) be:

J3(Cs, C, u) := (cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinh (u(X, τ))

which yields the final dimensionless PDE-system, where X ∈ [0, 1], τ > 0:


(X, τ) = −ΓJ3(Cs, C, u)


∂τ(X, τ) = ψ


∂X2(X, τ) + θJ3(Cs, C, u)


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + µ



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)

)− ν2J3(Cs, C, u) . (2.78)

Remark 2.6. The used dimensionless symbols in (2.78) are

• Γ : Li+ intercalation ratio from electrolyte to solid particles

• ψ : Ratio of characteristic time of diffusion and migration

• θ : Charge to mass conversion factor

• ν2 : Reaction rate (exchange current density)

• u : Overpotential

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 25

• C,Cs : Concentration in the electrolyte and in solid particles, respectively

• δ : Current

• ξ : Ratio of electric and ionic conductivity

The initial conditions:

Cs(X, 0) = csnp, C(X, 0) = c0, u(X, 0) = 0, X ∈ [0, 1] (2.79)

and finally the boundary conditions where τ > 0:


(0, τ) =∂Cs∂X

(1, τ) = 0


∂X(0, τ) =


∂X(1, τ) = 0


∂X(0, τ) = δ − µ 1

C(0, τ)


∂X(0, τ),


∂X(1, τ) = δξ − µ 1

C(1, τ)


∂X(1, τ) (2.80)

Remark 2.7. The boundary conditions of C can be substituted into the boundary con-

ditions of u. In this case we reach a simpler form below


∂X(0, τ) = δ,


∂X(1, τ) = δξ

In the following the system (2.78)-(2.80) is solved by Matlab’s built in PDE- system

solver, namely ”pdepe”, which is based on the finite element method [16]. We select

small time step and fine mesh in order to calculate approximate solution of system

We select the values of constants in accordance with reality. The used Matlab code,

parameters and notations are listed in the Appendix C.

In Figure 2.1 we can see that the concentration of Li-ions in the solid phase reduces

from the initial value 0.5 continuously to 0. This is because the concentration of Li-ions

are decreasing continuously while they migrates in the battery from the solid phase into

the electrolyte phase (as it is shown on Figure 2.2). It can be noticed that Cs minimally

takes on negative values (below green line in Figure 2.1) which is physically impossible.

It means that the error of the numerical scheme can be small however the solution is not

correct and is not entirely applicable in the reality. A separate discipline of mathematics

deals with this kinds of behaviours and errors. This is called preservation of qualitative

properties of systems of PDEs, which is not the scope of current work.

Figure 2.2 is in agreement with Figure 2.1 because the inflow of Li-ions into the

26 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

electrolyte can be observed. The concentration in the electrolyte phase is continuously

increasing in accordance with the decrease of Li-ions (Cs) in the solid phase. The

diffusion obviously spreads the excess of Li-ion as time goes on.

Figure 2.1: The variation of solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs), byusing Matlab pdepe solver. The arrow shows the increasing time.

Figure 2.2: The variation of the concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolytephase (C), by using Matlab pdepe solver. The arrow shows the increasing


Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 27

Figure 2.3 shows that the overpotential is continuously increasing. According to

the previous figures the distribution of the dimensionless overpotential shows a non-

homogeneous characteristics which implies a non-homogeneous reaction rate, which also

can be seen in Figure 2.1 This non-homogeneous reaction rate can be captured clearly

on real battery experiments. Different colors on Figures 2.4 shows that the charging

level (Cs) is not homogeneous during charging or discharging. It is not seen in the

figures, but after applying zero dimensionless current (δ) as a boundary in (2.80), the

concentration profile of Cs remains non-uniform, however in reality Cs also equilibrates.

In the following chapter this phenomena is going to be introduced.

Figure 2.3: The variation of dimensionless overpotential (u), by using Mat-lab pdepe solver. The arrow shows the increasing time.

The results of calculations gave us a lot of information about the behaviour of the

functions, which can be compared with the measurement of real batteries. Figure 2.4

shows that the battery electrode’s behaviour during charging is in agreement with our

simplified numerical model, namely the Figure 2.1.

28 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

Figure 2.4: Optical image of the battery electrode during charging. Thefigure shows the non-uniform charging profile, which qualitatively matcheswith the numerical results. The gold, red, blue colors depict 100%, 80%,

50% charging level, respectively. The picture is taken by JRC-IET.

2.4 Modifications of the partial differential equation sys-


The system (2.78)-(2.80) were simplified to make the derivation of the canonical form

easier to follow. In the current chapter we introduce two important factors which de-

scribe the problem more realistically.

2.4.1 Introduction of reference potential

In Subsection 2.2.1 we used the η = ϕ1−ϕ2 form of the overpotential. Now we would

like to include the reference potential in (1.5) as follows:

η = ϕ1 − ϕ2 − ϕref (cs) (2.81)

and consequently from (1.7):

η = η2 − ϕref (cs) . (2.82)

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 29

Substituting (2.82) into (2.13):

− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= an,pi0(cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp ·



RT(η2 − ϕref (cs))

)− exp


(η2 − ϕref (cs))

) ]+an,pCdl



which can be rewritten in the following form:

− ∂









(1 +

∂ ln fA(c)

∂ ln c

)(1− t0+)

∂ ln c



= an,pi0(cmax − cs)αn(cs)αp(c)αp2 sinh


RT(η2 − ϕref (cs))

)+ an,pCdl


. (2.84)

If we apply the same steps such as in (2.16)-(2.67), then we reach the form:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + µ



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinh (u(X, τ)− Φ · ϕref (Cs(X, τ))) (2.85)


φ :=F

RT. (2.86)

Usually ϕref (Cs) can be approximated well by a linear function of Cs for example:

ϕref (Cs) ≈ A+BCs (2.87)

so (2.85) can be rewritten in the following form:


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + µ



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)


− ν2(cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinh (u(X, τ)− Φ[A+BCs(X, τ)]) (2.88)

and consequently the initial conditions need to be modified by the following way:

u(X, 0) = Φ · ϕref (Cs(X, 0)) = Φ · ϕref (csnp) = Φ(A+Bcsnp) (2.89)

The PDE-system in (2.78)-(2.80) was solved with the same parameters (see in Ap-

pendix B) applied in Section 2.3. The spatial distribution of u, C, Cs are shown in

Figure 2.5-2.7, respectively at different times.

30 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

Figure 2.5: The variation of solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs)with reference potential, by using Matlab pdepe solver. The arrow shows

the increasing time.

Figure 2.6: The variation of the concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolytephase (C) with reference potential, by using Matlab pdepe solver. The arrow

shows the increasing time.

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 31

Figure 2.7: The variation of dimensionless overpotential (u) with referencepotential, by using Matlab pdepe solver. The arrow shows the increasing


Figure 2.5 differs from Figure 2.1 in the reduction speed, i.e. the migration of Li-

ions from solid into electrolyte slows down, but also shows a non-uniform concentration


The function in Figure 2.6, according to the last conclusion, increases slower, because

the reference potential makes the distribution of C, Cs and u more homogeneous.

The initial value of the function in Figure 2.7 changed from 0 to ca. 20 because of

the different initial condition. It can be observed that the overpotential shifts to higher

values according to the difference of ϕ1 − ϕ2 − ϕref .

2.4.2 Introduction of time dependent boundary conditions

In this subsection we introduce a time dependent cell current, I(t). It alters only the

boundary conditions in (2.80) according to the following


∂X(0, τ) = L


∂X(0, τ) = L


∂X(0, pτ) = L




∂X(0, pτ) = −L F



∂X(1, τ) = L


∂X(L, τ) = L


∂X(L, pτ) = L




∂X(0, pτ) = L


κeffRTI(pτ) (2.90)

32 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

but pτ ≡ t, so the time variables are different, i.e.:


∂X(0, τ) = −L F



∂X(1, τ) = L


κeffRTI(t) (2.91)

So we have to introduce a new cell current whit a different time dependence:

I2(τ) := I(pτ) (2.92)

and consequently:


∂X(0, τ) = −L F



∂X(1, τ) = L


κeffRTI2(τ) (2.93)

In the following a step function is applied in the form

I2(τ) = a · χK(τ) (2.94)


χK(τ) = 1 if τ ∈ K, χK(τ) = 0 if τ /∈ K

and K = [0, b) where b is the switch off time. The spatial disribution of C, Cs and

u are shown in Figure 2.8-2.10, respectively at different times by applying the time

dependent current in (2.94) and the reference potential in (2.88). The parameters can

be found in the Appendix B.

Figure 2.8: The variation of solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs) withreference potential and time dependent boundary condition, by using Mat-lab ”pdepe” solver. The arrows show the increasing time during constant

(blue) and zero (red) current values of the boundary condition.

Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries 33

Figure 2.9: The variation of the concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolytephase (C) with reference potential and time dependent boundary condition,by using Matlab ”pdepe” solver. The arrows show the increasing time dur-ing constant (blue) and zero (red) current values of the boundary condition.

Figure 2.10: The variation of dimensionless overpotential (u) with referencepotential and time dependent boundary condition, by using Matlab ”pdepe”solver. The arrows show the increasing time during constant (blue) and zero

(red) current values of the boundary condition.

34 Development of mathematical modelling of lithium-ion batteries

Figure 2.8 shows that the material is removed from the right side and it is built into

the left side of the electrode during zero current condition. It is noticeable that the

distribution is not homogeneous but after cut off the current it is approaching a homo-

geneous distribution. The Li-ion concentration in the solid in this case is more uniform,

compared to Figure 2.1 because the reference potential modifies the dimensionless over-

potential, which in turn influences the reaction rate. Figure 2.9 shows, that in spite of

the equilibration of Cs in Figure 2.8 C becomes less uniform in the beginning, because

the homogenization of Cs requires the transport of Li-ions through the electrolyte. Later

the diffusion spreads the the excess material and C becomes uniform, as well. We can

see in Figure 2.2 and in Figure 2.6 that the concentration (C) didn’t reach so quickly

a balanced state, furthermore a contrary state is formed compared to the state during

I(t) = I. Figure 2.10 shows that when the current is cut down, the distribution is

homogenized and the overpotential (u) is reduced. It reaches a higher value than the

initial one, because of the different charging state (different Cs concentration).

According to the modification to the original PDE-system in (2.78)-(2.80), the final

PDE-system can be formulated as follows. Let J4(Cs, C, u) be

J4(Cs, C, u) = (cmax − Cs(X, τ))Cs(X, τ)C(X, τ) sinh (u(X, τ)− Φ[A+BCs(X, τ)])

which yields the following PDE-system, where X ∈ [0, 1], τ > 0:


(X, τ) =∂



(X, τ)

)− ΓJ4(Cs, C, u)


∂τ(X, τ) = ψ


∂X2(X, τ) + θJ4(Cs, C, u)


∂τ(X, τ) =


∂X2(X, τ) + µ



C(X, τ)


∂X(X, τ)

)− ν2J4(Cs, C, u) . (2.95)

The initial conditions:

Cs(X, 0) = csnp, C(X, 0) = c0, u(X, 0) = Φ(A+Bcsnp), X ∈ [0, 1] (2.96)

and finally the boundary conditions where τ > 0:


(0, τ) =∂Cs∂X

(1, τ) = 0,∂C

∂X(0, τ) =


∂X(1, τ) = 0


∂X(0, τ) = δ(τ),


∂X(1, τ) = δ(τ)ξ . (2.97)

Remark 2.8. (2.64)-(2.65) yield the following notation:

δ(τ) = −L F

σeffRTI2(τ) = −L F

σeffRTa · χK(τ)

Chapter 3

Solution of the model and the


3.1 Solution of the partial differential equation system by

operator splitting

After we introduced the foundation of splitting algorithm in Section 1.2, we can adapt it

to our problem, namely to the system (2.95)-(2.97). Let’s define ~w(x, t) as the following:

~w(x, t) := [Cs C u]T (x, t) . (3.1)

The (2.95) PDE-system can be rewritten in matrix form as follows:

∂ ~w


0 0 0

0 ψ ∂2


0 0 ∂2








µ∂2 lnC(x,t)∂x2

− ν2J4


or with simplifed notation:∂ ~w

∂t= A · ~w + f (3.3)


A =

0 0 0

0 ψ ∂2


0 0 ∂2


, f =



µ∂2 lnC(x,t)∂x2

− ν2J4



With the proper the initial and the boundary conditions:

~w(x, 0) := ~w0 =




(x, 0) =




, x ∈ [0, 1]

∂ ~w

∂x(0, t) =




, ∂ ~w

∂x(1, t) =




, 0 < t < τ (3.4)

So the sub-tasks can be prescribed as follows:

∂ ~w1

∂t= A · ~w1 (3.5)

∂ ~w2

∂t= f (3.6)

and the appropriate initial conditions are:

~w1(x, 0) := ~w0, ~w2(x, 0) := ~w1(x, τ) (3.7)

Now (3.5) and (3.6) match to Problem 1 and Problem 2 in Section1.2, consequently

the sequential splitting in Section1.2 can be applied on them. In the following these

vectors are calculated by analytical and by numerical methods. We will show that in

terms of applicability only one method provide useful results.

3.1.1 Analytical solution of the splitted problems

In this subsection we try to solve the (2.95)-(2.97) PDE-system an analytical way by

using sequential splitting [12]. It is shown in this section that the PDE-system can be

solved analytically, however the mesh functions can be calculated only by infinite series.

The calculation of the solution requires numerical program, which have usually very long

running time. The methods is solved by the steps A-B described below.

Step A, Solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs), Problem 1


∂t(x, t) = 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

C(1)s,1 (x, 0) = csnp,


∂x(0, t) =


∂x(1, t) = 0 . (3.8)

Results 37

Because this problem isn’t dependent on x, it can be solved easily by the integration of




∂t(x, t)dt =

∫0dt =⇒ C

(1)s,1 (x, t) + c1(x) = c2(x) =⇒ C

(1)s,1 (x, t) = c3(x)

where c1(x), c2(x) are appropriate space dependent constants and c3(x) = c2(x)− c1(x)

which is equal to csnp because the initial condition. Naturally this has the same value

in every time step (because it is not depend on t), so the solution of (3.8) at t = τ :

C(1)s,1 (x, τ) = csnp . (3.9)

Step B, Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase (C), Problem 1


∂t(x, t) = ψ


∂x2(x, t), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

C(1)1 (x, 0) = c0,


∂x(0, t) =


∂x(1, t) = 0 . (3.10)

By analytical way we seek the solution in the following form:

C(1)1 (x, t) = K(x)M(t) (3.11)

where K(x) and M(t) are unknown non-zero functions. So if we fit (3.10) to (3.11), we


M ′(t)K(x) = ψK ′′(x)M(t)

and after re-arrangement:

ψK ′′(x)

K(x)=M ′(t)


Because the left side is dependent only on x and the right side is dependent only on

t, then the equation is hold only when both sides are constant, therefore the following

equation can be applied:

∃φ ∈ R : ψK ′′(x)

K(x)=M ′(t)

M(t)= φ (3.12)

and we reach:

ψK ′′(x) = φK(x), x ∈ (0, 1) . (3.13)

If we substitute (3.11) to the boundary conditions in (3.10), we reach:


∂x(0) = M(t)


∂x(1) = 0 =⇒ ∂K

∂x(0) =


∂x(1) = 0 . (3.14)

38 Results

For the easier calculation let λ be:

λ := −φψ.

Because (3.13) is an ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient, the solutions

of Eq(3.12) are the roots of the following characteristic polynomial:

ρ2 + λ = 0 . (3.15)

Depending on the sign of λ the following cases can be considered:

• If λ < 0, then the roots are real so the general solution of equation can be written

into the following form:

K(x) = c1e√−λx + c2e


where c1, c2 are appropriate constants. Using boundary conditions in Eq(3.14), we


c1√−λ− c2

√−λ = 0 =⇒ K(x) = c1

(e√−λx + e−


c1√−λ(e√−λx + e−


= 0⇐⇒ c1 = 0

which yields a not allowed K(x) = 0 equality.

• If λ = 0, then (3.12) has the form −K ′′(x) = 0 which is only met in case of the

following equality:

K(x) = c1X − c2

which yields such as in the previous case the not allowed K(x) = 0 equality.

• If λ > 0, then the roots are ±i√λ so the solution is:

K(x) = c1 sin( √


+ c2cos( √


where c1, c2 are appropriate constants. Using boundary conditions in (3.14), we


c1√λ cos (0)− c2

√λ sin (0) = 0 =⇒ c1

√λ = 0 =⇒ c1 = 0

c1√λ cos

( √λ)− c2√λ sin

( √λ)

= 0 =⇒ −c2√λ sin

( √λ)

= 0⇐⇒ λl = l2π2

which fulfills the original problem in (3.12) where l = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

Results 39

In summary the solution of (3.13) is:

Kl(x) = cl,1 cos (lπx), l = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.16)

where cl,1 is an arbitrary constant. Now we can determine M(t) function using the

re-arranged form of (3.12):

M ′(t) = φM(t) = −λψM(t), t ∈ [0, τ ]

where λ = λk, which result the following solution:

Ml(t) = cl,2e−λψ t = cl,2e

−l2π2ψ t (3.17)

where cl,2 is an arbitrary constant. Substitute (3.16) and (3.17) to (3.11) we reach:

C(1)l,1 (x, t) = cl cos (lπx)e−l

2π2ψ t, l = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.18)

where cl = cl,1cl,2 and consequently the summed values of this functions yields the

solution of (3.10):

C(1)1 (x, t) =


C(1)l,1 (x, t) =


cl cos (lπx)e−l2π2ψ t, l = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (3.19)

We need to define the values of cl, (l = 0, 1, 2, . . . ). By using the initial condition we

can conclude the following:


C(1)l,1 (x, 0) =


cl cos (lπx) = c0(x) = c0

Furthermore the Fourier-series of c0 equals to:

c0 =∞∑k=0

ck0 cos (kπx)


ck0 =1


∫ 1

−1c0 cos (kπu) du =



∫ 1

−1cos (kπu) du.

In summary, if we choose cl = ck0 than we reach the solution of the (3.10) PDE:

C(1)1 (x, t) =


cl0 cos (lπx)e−l2π2ψ t . (3.20)

It can be obtained that Problem 1 of splitting method yields an infinite series of func-

tions (cosinus, exponential) for C. In Problem 2 of the method the initial conditions

40 Results

are (3.20) at t = τ which solution have an infinite series as well. This solution at t = τ

is the initial condition of Problem 1 of splitting method etc.. It can be concluded that

the analytical calculation is long and complicated in case of small step sizes (in this case

the number of steps are big). The code for the analytical solution was developed, but it

was found that the running time is very long even at few number of steps. In practice

we have to find an other way to solve the PDE-system (2.95)-(2.97), which is described

in the following chapter.

3.1.2 Numerical solution of the splitted problems

In this subsection we apply FDM for the solution of (2.95)-(2.97) PDE-system. This

method is based on the calculation of finite difference approximations of derivatives.

The methods is solved by the steps A-F described below.

Step A, Solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs), Problem 1


∂t(x, t) = 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

C(1)s,1 (x, 0) = csnp,


∂x(0, t) =


∂x(1, t) = 0 . (3.21)

This approach always gives a solution which equals to the initial condition at the end

of each time interval, i.e. the solution at t = τ :

C(1)s,1 (x, τ) = csnp(x) = csnp (3.22)

Remark 3.1. In the first step (3.22) doesn’t depend on x but in the further steps it

became space (x) dependent.

Step B, Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase (C), Problem 1


∂t(x, t) = ψ


∂x2(x, t), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

C(1)1 (x, 0) = c0,


∂x(0, t) =


∂x(1, t) = 0 . (3.23)

Now we introduce the following linear operator:

Lw(x, t) =


∂t− ψ∂



)(x, t), (x, t) ∈ (0, 1)× (0, τ ] (3.24)

Results 41

and the following function:

f(x, t) =

f(x, t) if x ∈ 0, 1 or t = 0

0 else(3.25)

which is actually beseemed for initial and boundary conditions. Using this notations,

the equation system can be modified to the following form:

LC(1)1 (x, t) = f(x, t) (3.26)


(ωh,τ ) be a vector space defined on the ωh,τ mesh points (see the definition of it in

Section 1.2). Our aim is to find a yh,τ ∈∐

(ωh,τ ) function which is close to C(1)1 in the

ωh,τ mesh points. So the task is to give an Lh,τ :∐

(ωh,τ )→∐

(ωh,τ ) operator,where:

ωh,τ :=

(xi, tn);xi = ih; tn = nτ ;h =


Nx; τ =


NT; i = 0, 1, . . . , Nx;n = 0, 1, . . . , NT

and to give a bh,τ element of

∐(ωh,τ ) which satisfys the following equation:

Lh,τyh,τ = bh,τ .

Lh,τ is chosen to satisfy the following lemma’s conditions [12]:

Lemma 3.2. For arbitrary γ ∈ [0, 1] number and by sufficiently smooth y(x, t) function

the relations


∂t(xi, tn−1 + γτ) =

y(xi, tn−1 + τ)− y(xi, tn−1)



∂x2(xi, tn−1 + γτ) =

y(xi+1, tn−1)− 2y(xi, tn−1) + y(xi−1, tn−1)

h2+O(τ + h2)


Our goal is to give the approximation for the value of (Lh,τyh,τ )(xi, tn) with accuracy

O(τ + h2) using the value of y function in the mesh points. Let’s define the following


(Lh,τyh,τ )(xi, tn) =yni − y


τ− ψ

yni+1 − 2yni + yni−1h2

if (xi, tn) ∈ ωh,τ (3.27)

where yni = yh,τ (xi, tn), and consequently (3.23) can be rewritten to:

yni − yn−1i

τ− ψ

yni+1 − 2yni + yni−1h2

= bni . (3.28)

42 Results

We know the values of function C only on the parabolic boundary, so we have to ap-

proximate it on the (xi, tn) ∈ ωh,τ meshpoints.

Remark 3.3. In order to reach convergence the relation τh2≤ 0.5 should be satisfied [12].

Re-arrangement of (3.28) yields:


τyn−1i − ψ 1

h2yni−1 − ψ


h2yni+1 +





)yni = bni

i = 1, 2, . . . , Nx − 1, n = 1, 2, . . . , NT

which is equivalent to

yn−1i − qyni−1 − qyni+1 + ( 2q + 1) yni = τbni (3.29)

where q = ψ τh2

. The corresponding initial and boundary conditions are:

y0i = c0, i+ 0, 1, . . . , Nx

yn1 − yn0h

=ynNx− ynNx

h= 0, n = 1, 2, . . . , NT (3.30)

according to (3.23). Let yn, f ∈ R(Nx+1) and Eh, Bh ∈ R(Nx+1)(Nx+1) be:

yn :=[yn0 . . . y


]T , Eh := Ih identity matrix

Bh :=

−1 +1 0 . . . 0 0 0

−q 2q + 1 −q . . . 0 0 0

· · · · · · ·

· · · · · · ·

· · · · · · ·

0 0 0 . . . −q 2q + 1 −q

0 0 0 . . . 0 −1 1

, f(yn−1) =

0 · h






0 · h


Apply notations in (3.31), the equation-system (3.29) can be rewritten in the following


Eh · y0 = [c0 . . . c0]T ∈ R(Nx+1), Bh · yn = f(yn−1), n = 1, 2, . . . , NT . (3.32)

(3.31), has unique solution if the Bh matrix is regular (i.e. the inverse matrix exists).

Theorem 3.4. Bh matrix defined in (3.28) is regular by arbitrary ψ value, i.e. by

arbitrary q = ψ τh2


Results 43


We applied the approach of Horn et al. [17] to proof it for our special case. At first we

introduce the following definitions:

Definition 3.5. The directed graph of A ∈ Rn×n is the directed graph on n nodes

1, 2, . . . , n such that there is a directed arc in the graph from i to j if and only if

ai,j 6= 0.

The directed graph of Bh is implemented on the Figure 3.1:

Figure 3.1: Graphical representation of the Bh directed graph. The dotsdenote the nodes and the arrows denote the direction of directed arcs.

Remark 3.6. The first and the last nodes have 3 arcs, 1 loop, and 2 others which point

to the neighbour node. The other nodes have 5 nodes, 1 loop, and 4 others which point

to the neighbour nodes.

Definition 3.7. A directed graph is strongly connected if between every pair of distinct

nodes i, j in the graph there is a directed path of finite length that begins at i and ends

at j.

Figure 3.1 shows, that the directed graph of Bh is strongly connected, because all the

nodes are connected in both directions by directed arcs.

Definition 3.8. A ∈ Rn×n is said to be irreducible if his graph is strongly connected.

Consequently, theBh matrix in (3.28) is irreducible, so we can use the Gersognin-theorem

for irreducible matrixes, namely: Let A ∈ Rn×n be irreducible, and suppose for at least

one value of i that |ai,i| ≥i∑

j=1j 6=i

|ai,j | than A is a regular matrix.

For example if i = 2 than 2q+1 > 2q which is true by arbitrary q, i.e.: 2ψ τh2

+1 > 2ψ τh2

by arbitrary ψ (by negative value as well), so consequently Bh matrix in (3.28) is a

regular matrix.

44 Results

Because the inverse of Bh exist, we can rewrite (3.29)-(3.30) to the following form:

y0 = [c0 . . . c0]T , yn = B−1h · f(yn−1), n = 1, 2, . . . , NT (3.33)

and with this explicit formula we can take the different values of function in mesh points

which yields the finally form of solution at t = τ :

C(1)1 (xi, τ) = yNT

i , i = 0, 1, . . . , Nx . (3.34)

which is in compliance with Problem 1 of splitting method.

Step C, Dimensionless overpotential (u), Problem 1


∂t(x, t) =


∂x2(x, t), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

u(1)1 (x, 0) = Φ(A+Bcsnp) := u0,


∂x(0, t) = δ(t),


∂x(1, t) = δ(t)ξ (3.35)

We can use the same process described in step B, and we reach (by using the notation

u(1)1 (xi, tn) = yni ) the following equation-system:

y0 = [u0 . . . u0]T , yn = B−1h · f(yn−1), n = 1, 2, . . . , NT (3.36)

where the value of q in Bh matrix is equal to τh2

and furthermore:

f(yn−1) = [hδ(t) yn−11 . . . yn−1Nx−1 hδ(t)ξ]T .

The boundary and initial conditions are:

y0i = u0, i = 0, 1, . . . , Nx

yn1 − yn0h

= δ(t),ynNx− ynNx

h= δ(t)ξ, n = 1, 2, . . . , NT . (3.37)

Consequently, the final solution of (3.35) at t = τ is the following:

u(1)1 (xi, τ) = yNT

i , i = 0, 1, . . . , Nx . (3.38)

Step D, Solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs), Problem 2

Remark 3.9. The solution of step A, namely (3.22) is used as the initial condition of

this problem which is actually an explicit method.

Results 45


∂t(x, t) = −ΓJ4(C

?s , C

?, u?), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ

C(1)s,2 (x, 0) = csnp, ∆? := ∆(1)(x, τ), ∆ ∈ Cs, C, u (3.39)

First we determine the functions including J4:

C?s = C(1)s,1 (xi, τ) = csnp, C

? = C(1)1 (xi, τ) = yNT


u? = u(1)1 (xi, τ) = yNT


Substitute this values in J4, we reach the following equation:


∂t(x, t) = −Γ(cmax − csnp)csnpyNT

i sinh (yNTi − Φ[A+Bcsnp]) . (3.40)

Let Ξi define as following:

Ξi := −Γ(cmax − csnp)csnpyNTi sinh (yNT

i − Φ[A+Bcsnp]) (3.41)

and let’s define the following Lh,τ :∐

(ωh,τ )→∐

(ωh,τ ) operator:

(Lh,τwh,τ )(xi, tn) =wni − w


τ. (3.42)

where let wni the approximation of Cs in the (xi, tn) mesh point. Substitute (3.40) and

(3.41) into (3.42), we reach:wni − w


τ= Ξi . (3.43)

After a simple re-arrangement we get the following equation-system:

wni = Ξiτ + wn−1i , n = 1, 2, . . . , NT (3.44)

from where we can calculate the solution on the ωh,τ mesh, and we reach at t = τ the


C(1)s,2 (xi, τ) = wNT

i . (3.45)

Step E, Concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolyte phase (C), Problem 2

Remark 3.10. The solution of step B, namely (3.34) is used as the initial condition of

this problem.


∂t(x, t) = θJ4(C

?s , C

?, u?), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ

C(1)2 (x, 0) = yNT

i , ∆? := ∆(1)(x, τ), ∆ ∈ Cs, C, u (3.46)

46 Results

We follow the same steps such as in step D, so (3.46) can be rewritten in the following



∂t(x, t) = θ(cmax − csnp)csnpyNT

i sinh (yNTi − Φ[A+Bcsnp]) . (3.47)

Let Θi define as following:

Θi := θ(cmax − csnp)csnpyNTi sinh (yNT

i − Φ[A+Bcsnp]) (3.48)

and let’s define the following Lh,τ :∐

(ωh,τ ) →∐

(ωh,τ ) operator and notation

C(1)2 (xi, tn) = wni as well:

(Lh,τ wh,τ )(xi, tn) =wni − w



and substitution of (3.48) and (3.49) in (3.47) yields:

wni − wn−1i

τ= Θi (3.50)

and after re-arrangement we reach finally the resolvable equation-system:

wni = Θiτ + wn−1i , n = 1, 2, . . . , NT (3.51)

which yields actually the solution of (3.46) at t = τ , namely:

C(1)2 (xi, τ) = wNT

i . (3.52)

Step F, Dimensionless overpotential (u), Problem 2

Remark 3.11. The solution of step C, namely (3.38) is used as the initial condition of

this problem.


∂t(x, t) = µ

∂2 lnC?

∂x2− ν2J4(C?s , C?, u?), 0 ≤ t ≤ τ

u(1)2 (x, 0) = yNT

i , ∆? := ∆(1)(x, τ), ∆ ∈ Cs, C, u (3.53)

In this problem we deal first with the first part of the source term. Applying the chain-

rule on ∂2 lnC?

∂x2yields the following form:

∂2 lnC?

∂x2(x, t) = − 1

C?2(x, t)+


C?(x, t)


∂x2(x, t) . (3.54)

Results 47

Let Lh,τ :∐

(ωh,τ ) →∐

(ωh,τ ) define the following operator by using the notation in


(Lh,τyh,τ )(xi, τ) =yNTi+1 − 2yNT

i + yNTi−1


where yNTi 6= 0 is the same as in the step B. Substitute (3.55) to (3.54) we reach:

− 1

(yNTi )2



(yNTi+1 − 2yNT

i + yNTi−1


), i = 1, 2, . . . , Nx − 1 . (3.56)

We need this form only at t = τ so from combination of (3.54) and (3.56) we reach:

∂2 lnC?

∂x2(xi, τ) = − 1

(yNTi )2



(yNTi+1 − 2yNT

i + yNTi−1


), i = 1, 2, . . . , Nx − 1 .


This form has complication only at the boundary (if i = 0 or i = Nx), so we have to

define two more forms, namely:

∂2 lnC?

∂x2(x0, τ) = − 1

(yNT0 )2



(yNT1 − yNT




and∂2 lnC?

∂x2(xNx , τ) = − 1





(yNTNx− yNT


). (3.59)

Let Pi be:

Pi =


[− 1


)2+ 1



NTi +y



) ]− ν2J4(C?s , C?, u?) if i = 1, . . . Nx − 1


[− 1


)2+ 1





) ]− ν2J4(C?s , C?, u?) if i = 0


[− 1


)2+ 1


(yNTi −yNT



) ]− ν2J4(C?s , C?, u?) if i = Nx


and by using the u(1)2 (xi, tn) = ˜wni notation, we reach after re-arrangement the resolvable


˜wni = Piτ + ˜wn−1i (3.61)

which yields actually the solution of (3.53) at t = τ :

u(1)2 (xi, τ) = ˜wNT

i . (3.62)

When we follow this process iteratively according to the Problem 1 and Problem 2

in Section 1.2, we reach the solution of (2.95)-(2.97) PDE-system in different points

48 Results

of the ωh,τ mesh. Because we have the approximated solution (splitting solution), we

can compare it with the exact solution (Matlab ”pdepe” solver) which is outlined in the

following subsection.

3.1.3 Comparison of exact and splitting solutions

First we calculated the different values of functions (Cs, C, u) on the ω mesh by using

the splitting method with similar time and space step such as in Section 2.3 obtained

by the Matlab’s solver. Figures 3.2-3.4 are shown the resulted functions (Cs, C, u) of

the numerical solution. The Matlab code which solve the PDE-system using FDM can

be found in the Appendix C.

Figure 3.2: The variation of solid Li+ concentration in the particle (Cs),by using sequential splitting method. The arrows show the increasing timeduring constant (blue) and zero (red) current values of the boundary con-


Comparing Figures 3.2-3.4 with Figures 2.1-2.3 we can observe the similar behaviour

of the functions and their similar values however we can observe a small difference in

Figures 3.4, when the current is changed (see below the green circle). In the case of

Matlab solution the function u relaxes a bit faster near the boundary, compared to the

solution simulated by sequential splitting. The calculation of error between the solutions

is described in the following section.

Results 49

Figure 3.3: The variation of the concentration of Li+ ions in the electrolytephase (C), by using sequential splitting method. The arrows show the in-creasing time during constant (blue) and zero (red) current values of the

boundary conditions.

Figure 3.4: The variation of dimensionless overpotential (u), by using se-quential splitting method. The arrows show the increasing time duringconstant (blue) and zero (red) current values of the boundary conditions.The green circle shows the location of the dissimilar behaviour of u compare

Figure 2.1.

50 Results

3.2 Accuracy of the splitting solution

Because of the exact solution is not known the splitting accuracy is expressed as the

relative error between the Matlab ”pdepe” solution and and the splitting solution, where

the Matlab solution obtained by using very small time step, while the splitting time steps

are varied. First let’s examine theoretically the error of operator splitting [18]. Let the

exact solution and the split solution are denoted by γ(x, t) and by γsp(x, t), respectively.

Their difference at the point t = τ is called local splitting error which can be written as

Esp(τ) := γ(x, τ)− γsp(x, τ) (3.63)

The local splitting error should obviously be minimal and in the most favorable case

it vanishes for all initial conditions. It can be shown [7] for local error the following


Esp(τ) = O(τp+1) (3.64)

where p > 0, and at a given p value the splitting method is called pth order. The splitting

is called consistent when (3.64) holds uniformly.

Definition 3.12. A model is called well-posed if it has the following properties:

1. The task has solution (Existence)

2. This solution is unambiguous (Uniqueness)

3. The solution depends continuously on the task of determining function (Stability)

It is known that for well-posed problems, when the scheme is consistent and stable, than

it is convergent, too. It can be shown [7], that the sequential splitting has low theoretical

accuracy, because it is a first order splitting method. Consequently the local splitting

error of sequential splitting is:

Esp(τ) = O(τ) (3.65)

If we try to solve the equations with FDM, than the resulted series of mesh-functions in

maximum-norm are convergent [19] O(τ + h2) order, where h is the size of space step.

If the FDM solution is notated by γFDM (x, τ), then

‖γ(x, τ)− γFDM (x, τ)‖max → 0 (3.66)

The analytical solution converges very slowly to the exact solution, because it is calcu-

lated by complicated formulas (see (3.20)). That is why we can not use the method for

the solution of this problem. So in the following we compare the numerical solution and

Results 51

the results in Sections 2.3 and in Subsections 3.1.2. In this thesis it is supposed that

the exact solution is the Matlab’s result calculated by using very small time step. The

relative error of the numerical schemes can be expressed by using the following equation:

Err =γex − γγex


where γex is the exact solution and γ is the calculated solution. Matrixes are built

which contains the different values of the functions at the same time and mesh points

obtained by the Matlab method and by the splitting method, respectively. Later they

were subtracted from each other, after then the absolute values were determined in order

to quantify the accuracy of splitting. This matrix is called error-matrix. If we divide this

matrix with the solution-matrix of Matlab (see (3.67)) by elements we get the so called

relative error matrixes which are used in the following. The measure of these matrixes

can be calculated with different norms (matrixnorms). The Frobenius-matrixnorm:

‖A‖F =



|aij |2 (3.68)

is calculated for error matrixes of Cs, C, u. The method has been supplemented with a

simply mean calculation so we divided these values by the number of matrix’s elements,

namely (Nx + 1)(NT + 1). This calculation results actually the average relative error of

the splitting.

Err =‖A‖F

(Nx + 1)(NT + 1)(3.69)

In the following we mean splitting errors defined by the following number for Cs, C, u

obtained by different model parameters. As it is defined in Section 1.2 the problem

can be solved with different time and internal steps. In the following:

• the time step means the number of steps of the diffusion operator (Problem 1)

on [0, T ] time interval

• the internal step means the further sub steps of the source operator (Problem 2)

Table 3.1 shows this splitting errors by different time and internal steps. In the first row

the diffusion operator’s time interval is divided by 1000 time steps and the internal step

of the source operator is not divided to more steps, i.e. step times of the two operators

are equal. In the second row the diffusion operator time step is 1000 and the internal

step is divided by further 10 steps, altogether the source operator is solved by 1000·10


52 Results

Number of Number of Splitting error Splitting error Splitting error

time steps internal steps of Cs of C of u

10 1 7.6645e-06 2.4250e-05 1.1003e-04

10 10 7.6635e-06 2.4243e-05 1.1065e-04

10 100 7.6619e-06 2.4235e-05 1.1554e-04

100 1 5.3550e-06 7.6406e-06 4.1798e-05

100 10 5.3544e-06 7.6401e-06 4.2285e-05

100 100 5.3529e-06 7.6387e-06 4.2343e-05

1000 1 3.6673e-06 4.5968e-06 1.2602e-05

1000 10 3.6468e-06 4.5906e-06 1.3184e-05

1000 100 3.6452e-06 4.5900e-06 1.3245e-05

10000 1 1.1553e-06 1.4487-06 4.2096e-06

10000 10 1.1546e-06 1.44856e-06 4.2608e-06

10000 100 1.1545e-06 1.44853e-06 4.2629e-06

100000 1 3.6541e-07 4.58296e-07 1.3509e-06

100000 10 3.6538e-07 4.58292e-07 1.3516e-06

100000 100 3.6536e-07 4.58289e-07 1.3518e-06

Table 3.1: Splitting error at different time and internal time steps

Figures 3.5-3.7 show the variation of splitting errors at different number of internal

steps, where the size of time steps of Matlab ”pdepe” solver is 0.0001 (this yields the

exact solution) and by the splitting method is 0.001 (this is the approximated solution).

Figure 3.5: Splitting error of function (Cs) at different internal step.

Results 53

Figure 3.6: Splitting error of function (C) at different internal step.

Figure 3.7: Splitting error of function (u) at different internal step.

These errors actually appear the seventh, eighth and ninth row of Table 3.1. These

results clearly show the different behaviour of Cs, C, u functions. The splitting error of

Cs and C is decreased with increasing number of internal time steps, however the error

of u function is increased.

Electrochemical point of view is worth analyzing the behaviour of splitting error in

maximum norm. Let the cut off time the current be at 4.5, i.e. when the value of I(t)

takes on the zero value.

54 Results

Figure 3.8: Splitting error of Cs in maximum norm as a function of time.The dashed red line shows the cut off current time.

Figure 3.9: Splitting error of C in maximum norm as a function of time.The dashed red line shows the cut off current time.

Remark 3.13. The error values of the y axis in Figure 3.8-3.10 comprehensible as

percentage error. For example: Error (9 · 10−3) =⇒ Percentage error (0.9%)

Results 55

Figure 3.10: Splitting error of u in maximum norm as a function of time.The dashed red line shows the cut off current time.

Figure 3.8-3.10 show that at dimensionless time 4.5 the errors jump then they converge

to zero. This observation is important from mathematical point of view as well because

it indicates that the operator splitting method is convergent according to (3.66), i.e. the

error of the approximated solution in maximum norm converges to 0. Thus we have

shown efficiency and convergence of the sequential splitting by simulation of LIBs. In

addition to its accuracy, the sequential splitting method has a shorter running time

as well compared to explicit-Euler method. The Table 3.2 shows the comparison of

running times. The results indicate a 25% decrease in running time. The Matlab

code which solve the PDE-system by using explicit-Euler method can be found in the

Appendix C.

Time step Running time by Running time by

size explicit-Euler sequential splitting

0.1 0.0125 sec 0.0123 sec

0.01 0.0751 sec 0.0575 sec

0.001 0.7347 sec 0.5196 sec

0.0001 7.0628 sec 5.1242 sec

0.00001 70.6095 sec 53.3245 sec

0.000001 707.6782 sec 535.9606 sec

Table 3.2: Compare the running times between the sequential splitting andthe explicit-Euler method.

Chapter 4

Conclusions and outlook

The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the applicability of sequential splitting for

the simulation of LIBs. First, a simplified mathematical model of LIB’s complex system

was derived and was solved by 4 different methods (Matlab’s ”pdepe” solver, sequential

splitting applied for an analytical and a numerical sceme, explicit-Euler method). The

result of Matlab’s ”pdepe” solver was considered to the ”exact” solution, then the other

3 methods were compared with it. In spite of the less complex form of the splitted

operator it was concluded that the analytical solution can be prepared, however its

calculation needs much more resources. More adaptable result was obtained by the

numerical approximation by using the sequential splitting method, which was proven to

be more effective, faster and accurate than the simple explicit-Euler method. We found

furthermore that the application of sequential splitting method for explicit numerical

scheme doesn’t result a sufficiently accurate solution. By replacing the explicit scheme

in the non-linear source term to IMEX scheme we reached a more accurate solution. In

this respect further studies were necessary.

In summary the following can be concluded:

• The sequential splitting method can be applied for the simulation of LIB because

of its small numerical error and its stability over a broad input parameter range.

• The results of the splitting method’s simulation showed a good agreement with

experimental data.

• The developed sequential splitting method needed shorter running time and less

memory than the finite different explicit-Euler method.

• The previous results also imply that the operator splitting methods can be usefully

applied from small scale to large scale (both time and space) for simulation, such

as LIBs.


Conclusions and outlook

In the following, we introduce the potential applicability of operator splitting techniques

for the multi-scale modelling of LIB.

Dependency of Cs in the particle domain sub-scale:

A new space variable can be introduced (t > 0)

Cs(x, t) := Cs(r(x), t), x ∈ [0, 1], r(x) ∈ [0, R(x)]

where R(x) is the space dependent radius of the particle. We have to find the solution

of the following PDE at r(x) = R(x)








This solution is actually equal to Cs(R(x), t) which yields several local PDE-systems for

all values of x. By this system the boundary conditions are changed in (2.97) according

to the following:


(R(x), t) =J2

an,pF, −Dn,p


(0, t) = 0

In this case the source term and Cs function are actually non-linear PDE-systems, whose

solution is the next step of my work.

For the sake of more realistic simulation it is recommended to apply the original equa-

tions in (1.1)-(1.9).

In Sections 2.1-2.2 was used some of simplifications (Simplifications I.-V.) which

made the calculation significantly easier, however this approach doesn’t take into ac-

count all the electrochemical behaviour of the LIB. In addition to the introduction of

these equations, the applied macrohomogeneous approach shall be extended to the other

two Ω2,Ω3 parts and to other domains such as particle scale.

The result of current work proved that the accuracy can be managed for complex prob-

lems and only splitting does not cause huge error in the system. Therefore operator

splitting can be used as a next generation multi-scale modeling technique to simulate

electrochemical devices including Li-ion batteries in a more sophisticated and precise


Appendix A

Symbols in the equations

τi, i = n, p Tortuosity

σi, i = n, p Conductivity of solid phase (Sm−1)

κi, i = n, p Conductivity of electrolyte phase (Sm−1)

σeff = εiτiσi, i = n, p Effective conductivity of solid phase (Sm−1)

κeff = εiτiκi, i = n, p Effective conductivity of electrolyte phase (Sm−1)

R = 8.314 Universal gas constant ( J/molK)

T Temperature (C)

F = 96.500 Faraday constant (Cmol−1)

fA Activity coefficient of salt

t0i , i = +,− Transference number of species

νi, i = +,− Number of cations and anions

D Diffusion coefficient of Li+ in electrolyte phase (cm2s−1)

Di, i = n, p Diffusion coefficient of Li+ in solid phase (cm2s−1)

zi, i = +,− Charge number of species

ai, i = n, p Specific surface area (m−1)

i0 Exchange current density (Acm−2)

cmax,i, i = n, p Maximum Li+ content (molcm−3)

αi, i = n, p Charge transfer coefficient

Cdl Time dependent capacity (J/kgK)

ϕref,i, i = n, p Reference potential (V )

RSEI Surface resistance (Ω)

εi, i = n, p Porosity (%)

r Radius of electrolyte (cm)

Li, L i = n, p, s Thickness of parcels and the sum of Li (cm)

n, p, s Negative, Positive, Separator

Xa,c Anodic, Cathodic


Appendix B

Parameters in the program codes

F=96487.0 F

R=8.3144 R

TIME=10 Upper time limit

N=105 Number of steps

h=1/N Space step(=0.009523 )

deltat=0.0001 Time step

L=0.1 Original length of space interval

T=293.0 T

alpha=0.5 α

keff=0.02 κeff

seff=1.9 σeff

a=100000.0 an,p

CDL=0.01 Cdl

i0=3.6E-6 i0

I=0.5 I

tplus=0.5 t0+

D=10E-5 D

epsz=0.2 εn,p

betha=(1-tplus)/F β(=5.1820e-06)

cmax=0.6 cmax

fhi=D*p/epsz ψ(=0.2526)

muu=(1-tplus) µ(=0.5)

nu=2*p*F*i0/(CDL*R*T) ν2(=14.4085)

thetaa=nu*R*T/F*a*CDL*betha/epsz θ(=94.2586e-04)

gamm=thetaa*epsz/(1-epsz) Γ(=23.5646e-04)


Parameters in the program codes

csnp=0.5 csnp

c0=1 c0

delt=-L*F/(R*T*seff)*I δ(=-1.04228)

kszi=-seff/keff ξ(=-95)

pszi=F/(R*T) Φ(=39.6068)

A=4 A

B=-7 B

limit=4.5 time the cutting off the current

numb=10 splitting subdivision

tst=deltat/numb time subdivision(=0.00001)

Appendix C

Matlab codes

C.1 Solution of Matlab ”pdepe” solver in Section 2.3

%Initial conditions

function value=initial1(x)


value=[csnp; c0; 0];



%Boundary conditions

function[pl,ql ,pr,qr]=bc1(xl ,ul,xr,ur ,t)


%constant values at x=0

pl = [0; 0; delt];

%coefficients of space derivative parts at x=0

ql = [1; 1; 1];

%constant values at x=1

pr = [0; 0; -delt*kszi];

%coefficients of space derivative parts at x=1

qr = [1; 1; 1];



%Governing equations



%coefficient of time derivative part

c = [1; 1; 1];

%value of J

y=(cmax -u(1))*u(1)*(u(2)* sinh(u(3)));

%coefficients of diffusion part , by function u is the C dependent part more

f = [0; fhi*DuDx (2); DuDx (3)+ muu/u(2)* DuDx (2)];

%nonlinear source terms

s = [-gamm*y; thetaa .*y; -nu.*y];



%Solution and plotting



Matlab codes

%the type of the symmetrie of the problem: slab=0, cilindrical =1, spherical =2

m = 0;

%space subdivision

x = linspace (0,1,N+1);

%time subdivision

t = linspace(0,TIME ,TIME/deltat );

%the used funtion of MATLAB (pdepe)

u = pdepe(m,@eqn1 ,@initial1 ,@bc1 ,x,t);

for i=1:2000: TIME/deltat

%figure of Cs

figure (1);

plot(x,u(i,: ,1));

hold on;

%figure of C

figure (2);

plot(x,u(i,: ,2));

hold on;

%figure of u

figure (3);

plot(x,u(i,: ,3))

hold on;



C.2 Numerical solution in Subsection 3.1.2


%Declaration of parameters

%coefficients of diffusion parts

k=[0,fhi ,1];

%initial conditions (vector form)

inics=diag(eye(N+1)* csnp);

inic= diag(eye(N+1)*c0);

iniu= diag(eye(N+1)* pszi*(A+B*csnp ));

%testing the convergence

q=k*deltat /(h^2);

for i=1:3

if q(i)>0.5;

’the method will not be convergent ’



%declae tridiagonal matrixes

Bncs=full(gallery(’tridiag ’,N+1,-q(1) ,2*q(1)+1,-q(1)));

Bnc=full(gallery(’tridiag ’,N+1,-q(2) ,2*q(2)+1,-q(2)));

Bnu=full(gallery(’tridiag ’,N+1,-q(3) ,2*q(3)+1,-q(3)));

%change the first and the last rows because boundary conditions

Bncs (1 ,1)=-1; Bncs (1 ,2)=1;

Bnc (1 ,1)=-1; Bnc (1 ,2)=1;

Bnu (1 ,1)=-1; Bnu (1 ,2)=1;

Bncs(N+1,N)=-1; Bncs(N+1,N+1)=1;

Bnc(N+1,N)=-1; Bnc(N+1,N+1)=1;

Bnu(N+1,N)=-1; Bnu(N+1,N+1)=1;

Matlab codes 65

%the inverse of last matrixes

Z=inv(Bncs); P=inv(Bnc); Q=inv(Bnu);

%fix time step size because deltat will be changed later


%declare solutionmatrixes




solutioncs (:,1)= inics;

solutionc (:,1)= inic;

solutionu (:,1)= iniu;

%declare matrixes for the nonlinear operator





%The splitting method

for z=2:H

%declare solution matrixes for the first splitting step



%solution of Cs sin the first step


%first array is because the initial condition

Y(: ,1)= inic;

W(: ,1)= iniu;

%declare the f function (Eq (5.53))

U=Y(:,1); U(1)=0; U(N+1)=0;


if deltat <limit







%the algorithm for solving the linear equation system

for j=1:N+1




%solution of C and u in the first step



%the cycle for smaller time steps by nonlinear operator

for l=1: numb

%declare initial conditions

sol4 (: ,1)= sol1;

sol5 (: ,1)= sol2;

sol6 (: ,1)= sol3;

%calculate the different values

sol6 (1 ,2)=( muu *( -1/( sol2 (1))^2+1/ sol2 (1)*( sol2(2)-sol2 (1))/h)

-nu*(cmax -sol1 (1)* sol1 (1)* sol2 (1)* sinh(sol3(1)-pszi*(A+B*sol1 (1))))

*tst+sol6 (1,1);

for i=1:N+1

66 Matlab codes

sol4(i,2)=(- gamm )*(cmax -sol1(i))* sol1(i)*sol2(i)

*sinh(sol3(i)-pszi*(A+B*sol1(i)))* tst+sol4(i,1);

sol5(i,2)=( thetaa )*(cmax -sol1(i))* sol1(i)*sol2(i)

*sinh(sol3(i)-pszi*(A+B*sol1(i)))* tst+sol5(i,1);


for i=2:N

sol6(i,2)=( muu *( -1/( sol2(i))^2+1/ sol2(i)

*(sol2(i+1)-2* sol2(i)+sol2(i -1))/h^2)

-nu*(cmax -sol1(i))* sol1(i)*sol2(i)

*sinh(sol3(i)-pszi*(A+B*sol1(i))))* tst+sol6(i,1);


sol6(N+1 ,2)=( muu*(-1/( sol2(N+1))^2+1/ sol2(N+1)*( sol2(N+1)-sol2(N))/h)

-nu*(cmax -sol1(N+1))* sol1(N+1)* sol2(N+1)

*sinh(sol3(N+1)-pszi*(A+B*sol1(N+1))))* tst+sol6(N+1,1);

%change the initial conditions

sol1=sol4 (: ,2);

sol2=sol5 (: ,2);

sol3=sol6 (: ,2);


%filling the solution matrix

solutioncs (:,z)=sol1;



%change the initial conditions




deltat=deltat +0.001;



%Plotting functions

x=linspace (0,1,N+1);

t= linspace(0,TIME ,TIME/deltat );

for i=1:200:H

figure (1);

plot(x,solutioncs (:,i))

hold on;

figure (2)


hold on;

figure (3);


hold on;



C.3 Explicit-Euler’s method in Subsection 3.2

for z=2:H

for i=1:N+1

sol1(i)=(-gamm )*(cmax -inics(i))* inics(i)*inic(i)

*sinh(iniu(i)-pszi*(A+B*inics(i)))+ inics(i);

Matlab codes 67



Y(: ,1)= inic;

U=Y(:,1); U(1)=0; U(N+1)=0;

for i=1:N+1

Y(i,2)=P(i,:)*U-S*(-thetaa )*(cmax -inics(i))* inics(i)*inic(i)





W(: ,1)= iniu;


if deltat <limit

M(1)=h*delt; M(N+1)=h*delt*kszi;


M(1)=0; M(N+1)=0;


W(1 ,2)=Q(1,:)*M-S*(muu*(-1/( inic (1))^2+1/ inic (1)*( inic(2)-inic (1))/h)

-nu*(cmax -inics (1))* inics (1)* inic (1)* sinh(iniu(1)-pszi*(A+B*inics (1))));

for i=2:N

W(i,2)=Q(i,:)*M-S*(muu*(-1/( inic(i))^2+1/ inic(i)*

(inic(i+1) -2* inic(i)+inic(i-1))/h^2)-nu*(cmax -inics(i))* inics(i)*inic(i)



W(N+1,2)=Q(N+1,:)*M-S*(muu*(-1/( inic(N+1))^2+1/ inic(N+1)

*(inic(N+1)-inic(N))/h)-nu*(cmax -inics(N+1))* inics(N+1)* inic(N+1)



solutioncs (:,z)=sol1;






deltat=deltat +0.001;


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