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  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USEONLYAFcP-2009-K0001315BatchNumber: 9071 K-lSource anguage:ashto, mbicTranslationype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL09Descriptive itle:



    [Translator Comment TC): For clarit!, titles are CAPITALIZED and, whereappropriate,doubleparcntheseshave beenplaced arcund the last nameofeachperson.l


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K0003 5BatchNumber: 9071K-lSource anguage: ashto, rabicTranslation yperFullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL 09

    Afghanistan slamicEmirateRulesandRegulationsor MujahidinPashto

    [TC:Verses fKoran n Arabic:lJihad n thename f God s such high evelofprayeranda holy missionbr Muslimsthat t makesheapostlesnd he slamicbelieversroud o bepartofit. Obviously.hisholymission asmany ewards oth n this ife and ifealierdeath. t canbe achievedonly f it is doneaccordingo the awsof Godand o the ramework fthe establishedrulesand egulations.Notes:I - Whenwe mentionhe word MAM we mean Amir-ul-MomininMULLAHMohammad mer (Mujahid))), nd hen we mentionNayeb MAM. it is (IMAMAssistant).2 - Takingmoney n order o forgivesomeonesprohibited.3 - lf IMAM givesauthorityo someonc,t does ot mean hatsuch erson angile adeath enalty.Only MAM has he ight o givea death enalty.4 - Whenwe mention hatweneed "guarantee"on someone,aresaying hatatrustedpersonshouldprovidea guarantee.We arenot talking aboutproperty or money.5- Thedateof these ulesand egulationss May 9,2009. All Mujahidinand slamicEmirate ersonnelhould bey heseulesand egulations. hepast ulesandregr-rlationsreno onger alid.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K0001315BatchNumber: 9071 K-1Source anguage: ashto. rabicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17 uL 09.trfrffifi.nnni


    1, Every MUJAHID can nvite thoseAfghans hat are supportingandworking for theinfidels o oin the ruepathof lslam. TheMujahidinhave o talk o their ocal eaderwhensponsong someoneromgovemmentalersonnel;he sponsoredersonwill besafewith us,but fthey break heirpromisehen heywill not be brgiven.2 - Thosewhojoin theMujahidin, utwho during hefuimeworkingwith thegovemmentookpeople's ersonal roperty r money. hould etum t back. TheIslamicEmiratewill not orce hem,but heyshould e esponsibleor all the bad hingstheyhavedonen thepast.3 - When omeonejoinsheMujahidinand heybreak heirpromise,heywill not beforgiven. If someonewants o sponsor im for the second ime. he needs o talk $'ith thehigher authority.4 - Ifa person reaks is ies o the nfidels, nd he Mujahidin iveshim guaranteesorfull protectionand his persons killed by a Mujahid or harmed n some$'ay, then hepersonwho colnmittedhecrimewill not be support y the slamicMovement, ndhewill be dealtaccordingo the awsofShariat TC: slamic awl.5 - Those hathaveworked or the currentnfideladministration,ecruited eopleoservehecurrentnfidelgovemment,earchedeople's ouses, avebeen mplicatedorkilling Muslims, ave nsultedMuslims. nd inally hose hatarehated )' Muslims,should enotbeallowedo standn theranks fMujahidin.Theyshould uaranteeo theMujahidin hat heywill begood,and heauthorities hould luayskeepheireyes nthemuntil heydo some igjob like killingahigh anking overnmentfficialorcapturing ATO soldiers;henhe canjoin heMujahidinafter hehigherauthority irespermission.6- If a Mujahid askshis group eader o work for the Mujahidin inside he cunent nfidelgovemment,hegroup eader angivepermission;owever, e must alk o the districtauthority, nd he districtautho ty must alk o thegovemor. f some therMujahidftom another roup ills thisperson, ewill not becharged ecausee did not know hatthispersonwas working with thegovemmentand had specialpermission.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//T'ORFFICIALUStrONLYAFGP-2009-K0001315BatchNumber 09071 K-1Source anguage: ashto. rabicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL 09SectionRegardingPrisoners

    7- If a localor foreignenemys captued, heyshould e aken o theprovincialauthoritymmediately. heprovincial uthoritywill makea decision hat o do$ith thecaptuedenemy.8 - When ou capture rivers, ontractorsr soldiers,eleasinghem or money sprohibited.Theprovincial uthority as hright o usehim for aprisoner xchange.fsomeone ants o guaranteeim, he needso talk o theprovincial 'lthority. flheprisoners a high anking erson,hen he MAM assistantas he ight o makeadecisionegarding is future.9 - Ifan AfghanNationalArmymemberANA) is captured y theMujahidin, heIMAM or IMAM assistant ill make he decisionhether o kill him. o usehim for ap soner xchange,rto exchangeim for money. fthe captured ersons convertedoIslam, hen he MAM will exchangeim f thecapturederson ivespermission.utthere hould e apledgehathewill not convert ack o the nfidels.10 Ifthe Mujahidin akepeople ostage nd heycannotake hem o theirplace brany eason nd hehostagesre nlidel hghters r theyaregovemment orkers,hen heMujahidinhave heright o kill them. Ifthe Mujahidinarenot sule hat he hostagesreinfidel ighters r government orke$. hen heyhaveno dght o kill them,even fthismeanshehostages ustbe reed.11 lfan ANA or AfghanNationalPolicememberANP)surrendero theMujahidin.theyshould ot be killed. TheMujahidin houldakecareof themverywell, no mafter ftheycomewith or v/ithouta weapon.12 Ifthe Mujahidinjudge r theprovincial uthorities entence captured nemy odeath,heycannot kill him until he MAM or IMAM assistantivespermission.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//TOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K000IsBatchNumber: 9071K-lSource anguage:ashto, rabicTranslationype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL 09SectionRegardingSpies

    13- Ifthere s evidencehatapenon s a spy, henhewill be calledevil and heprovincial uthority as heright o decide is uture.The MAM and MAM assistanthave heright to give the deathpenalty.l4 - Anytimewe capture spy,we mustmake ureoneofthe folbwing 4 itemsapplies:A - Thereare wowitnesseshat estirysuch ersons a spy;B Theperson oluntarily dmits hathe s spy;

    C Evidence, uchasequipment,ndicates uch ersons a spy.Not anyone anmakea decisionegarding quipment. heequipment hould e akcn o theexperts.f all evidence ompletelyho$s hat hcpersons a spy, henonemustspeak ith IMAM or the MAM assistantegardingis death enaltyD Adil: Adil is ape6on hatalwaysmakes easonableecisions nd s notfanatic.He always eeps imselfabovemaking addecision.15 If some neadmits hathe s spybecauseou orcedor tortued him, hatdoes otmake hisperson . spyandyoucan'tpunish im. lt is prohibitedor a Mujahid opromiseo someonehat fhe admitshenhe will not bekilled,will be etgo,or will notbe ortured.There re wo kindsofpromises: he irst s forcing, ikeyouare ellinghimif you admit henwe will letyou goor we arenotgoing ortue youorput you njail lfyouuse orce o cause dmission,his s not egitimate.Second,oudonot use brcebutyou ell himthat fyou admitwe will giveyoumoney r a high anking osition.Thismethod lso s not egitimate.16 Ifthe Mujahidin uspectomeones a spybut arenot sulewhetherhispersonworks or the nidel governmentnd heMujahidinwant o do somethinggainsthatperson,heyshould alk o theprovincial uthotity.17 Ifsomeones accused fbeinga spyand here s noprool then et heperson o;however,heprovincial uthoritymusthavea well-Ltrorm erson uamnteeim.otherwise ecanberequiredo departhe country.18 Ifsomeones sentencedo death, eshould ekilledby gun. Photogaphingheexecutionsprohibited.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//T'OROFFICIAL USEONLYAFGP-2009-K000315BatchNumber: 9071K-lSource anguage: ashto, rabicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date: 7 JUL 09 SectionEnemy'sLogisticsand ConstructionActivities

    19- Personalehicleshatareworking or infidelshave o beburned. fyou do not wantbum t, youarenot allowcd o have t for personal se.20 - Whenyoucapture rivers r contractorsansportingnfidelequipment,ouneed otake hem to theprovincialauthority. lf youcan catch hem, henyou areallored to kllthem. Thedecisiono releasehem or moneyor use hem or aprisoner xchangebelongso theprovincial uthority.21 Those onstuction ompanieshat epair nfidel oundationsr bringoil to theinfidels after he Mujahidin wam them and hey do not stop aorking or the infidels, fthey arecaptued they shouldbe taken o theprovincialauthority,who has hc right todecideheir ate.


    22- Weaponshatarecapturedrom he nfidelsor theirsupportershould e dividednfiveportions ccordingo the slamic aws.Fourportionswill be dividedamongheMujahidin that were nvolved n the fight, and oneportion goes o IMAM and hepoorpeople.23 - Wlen youcaptureweapons,ehicles r money iom infidels hatdo not all underNumber 2 above,hensuch temsbelong o the reasuy.24 - Capturedtems hatcome iom outsidehecountryrealunderNumber 3 above. l'youcapturetems hatbelongo Al-ghanistan.hensuchtemsbelong o the reasury. fyoucapturetemsandyoudo notknowwhose t is, hen heprovincial uthoritywillmake hedecision.25 - Money hat s distdbuted y govemmentrganizationso localpeople, ovemmentemployees,r teacherselongingo thegoverrment rganization,oucanuseNumber22 above.After he money s distributedo workers,hemoneywill belong o thosepeople ndyoucannotake hemoneyaway rom hem.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//T'OROFFICIAL USEONLYAFGP-2009-K0001315BatchNumber: 9071K-lSource anguage: ashto. rabicTranslation lpe: FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL0926- Ifyou capture nemies quipment udngbattle ouwill usecondition umber 2but fyou capture nemy's quipment ithout ight then heequipmentsbclongsotreasury.

    SectionMujahidin Organization

    27- Theprovincial uthoritymustbe organized y well andknowledgeableeople, ndtheyshould eat east5people.Theprovincial uthorit"vnddistrictautho ty shouldmakeorganizationshathave eople rombothsides.28- Theprovincial uthoritys responsibleor Mujahidineducation nd heirpersonalbehavior ith localpeople-TheMujahidinhave o resolveheirpersonal roblemsregardingslamicEmirate ulesand egulations.fthey do not obey, he"v ill bepunishedby theprovincial govemor.29- Theprovinceshathavea ot ofMujahidinactivities hould avea GeneralCommander. heGeneral ommanderhould ave essmilitary esponsibilityndshould e easyor the Mujahidin o find.30 - Makingnewgroupssprohibited. f youhave o makea newgroup.henyouhaveto talk o theprovincial uthority, homust n tum alk o thehigh ankingautho ty.Theywill makegroupshatareofficial. Ifany groupdoes ot obey his ule, hen t willbeunarmed ndwill bexcludediom Mujahidin ine.31 - AII positions mong heMujahidinwill be appointed y thehigh anking ndividualof the slamicEmirate.No onehas he ight o makeanychanges. hiswill climinate llpersonnel roblems.32 - Everyprovincemustmakea cout with onejudge nd wo Islamicexperts o heycansolveproblemshat he eader ndelders annot olve.33- Theappointed irector ndgovemor anchangeheprovincial uthority nd hegovemor anmakechangesn districtorganization.fthey do not agree n thechanges,then heyhave o talk o theappointed irector nd hegovemor. f thedirector oes otagreewith the changes,hen heyhave o talk to the high ranking ndividual of theIslamicEmirate.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USEONLYAFGP-2009-K000315BatchNumber: 9071 K-1Source anguage: ashto, rabicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date: 7 JUL 09SectionMujahidin Personnelssues

    34- TheMujahidinmustobeycommanders,ornmandersustobeydistrictgeneralleaders, istrictgeneraleaders ustobeyprovincial eneraleaders, nd heprovincialgeneraleadersmustobey he MAM itnd MAM assistant.f there s anydisageement,thensuchmaybe discussedndsolved ccordingo Islamic ules.35- You should ot give responsiblyo anykind ofperson.Confirmhishonesty,integrity, and slamic faith.36 - Ifa Mujahidcommits crimeandhis commanderakes im out rom hisgroup,hecommanderhould ake he ssueo theprovincial uthority. fthe provincial uthorityfrnds heperson uilty, hen heycan akehim out olthe group.Theothercommandersndifferent rea aveno right o takehim nto heirgroups. fthe person romiseshathcwill notdowhathe did again,hen heprovincial utho t"vandgovemor ecide is uturework.37 - Onedistrict ommanderanconductihad n another istrict, ut he should avepermissionrom that district autho ty and shouldobey he rules of that district.38 - lf agovemor r leader asgroupshathaveactivitiesn different rovinces,heyshouldet hegovemor fthatprovince now egardingheirgroups. hese roupsshould akeordersrom hegovernor fthe provincen which heyareconductingihad,and heyshould bey heirorders.39 - lf agroupeaderrom onedistrictor province ants o fight n a dillerentdistrictorprovince, e should btain emission rom he authoritiesfboth districts ndpro\ nces.40- TheMujahidinarestdctlyprohibitedrom nvitingmembersiom othergroupsostrengthenheirownpositions.f a Mujahid swilling to transfero another roup, eshould etpermissionromhis commandernd eturnall equipmentssignedo him byhis original eam eader.41 - Makesure oumeet hese conditionsn conductinguicide ttackslA Before egoesor themission, eshould e veryeducatedn his mission.B Suicide ttacks hould edonealways gainst igh anking eople.C Try yourbeasto avoidkilling ocalpeople.D - Ur[ess heyhave pecial ermissiontom higherauthority,or everysuicideattackmust be approvedby theprovincial authority.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K000315BatchNumber: 9071K-lSource anguage: ashto, nbicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date:17JUL 09SectionEducationand Training

    42- All education nd rainingshould ecommittedo theeducationnd raining hatIslamicEmirate asestablishedbr the Mujahidin.

    SectionRegardingMujahidin Organization

    43- Theprovincial uthority as he ght o get nvolved n all organizations'ctivitieswithin heprovince. fthere s some isageement,hen heyhave alk o higher anlingleaders.No onehas he ght o change n).thing y themselves.

    Section0Local Personnel ooics

    44 - Ifthe localpeople ome o theMLrjahidin ith theirpersonal roblems,he eader fthegrouphasno dght o get nvolved.Only heprovincial uthority nddist ct authoritywill considerhesessues. heywill try to have ribal eaders olve heproblem. fthisisnotpossible,hen heyhave o ta.kehe ssueo theprovincial ourt.45- All decisions ade y the slamicEmiraten thepastwill not be reopened. urentconditions ndsituations rechanged ow. [TC: ln otherwords, astdecisions ill notbeamendedhrough etrospectivepplicationhese ew.changedulesand egulations.l46- TheMujahidin, ommandersnd heprovincial uthority hould avegoodrelationships ith localpeople, o hat heMujahidinwill be al*ays*elcomeby ocalpeople, nd heyshould lways elp hem.TheMujahidinhave o ignorehe ribalandlanguage ifferences,and hey shouldalways hink about heir Jihad. The Mujahidinshould utaside heirpersonal roblem,17 lfsomeone tom theMujahidinuseshenameMUJAHID andgeneratesroblemorpeople, e should e wamed. f he does ot stop, henheshould e expelledrom heMuiahidin anks.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USD ONLYAFGP-2009-K0003 5BatchNumber: 9071 K-1Source anguage: ashto, mbicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date: 7 JUL 09Section IProhibited tems

    48- TheMujahidin asno ght o take ocalMuslims'personal eapons y brce.49 - As per ssued erdict, heMujahidin hould tdctlyavoidsmoking igarettes. hesamedecrees still valid.50 - Youngstershathaveno beard renot allowed o be aken br Jihad.5l - Cuttingnoses.ips andears fpeople s completelyrohibited.All Mujahidinshould void hese indsof works.52- TheMujahidinarenotallowed o forcedonationsrompeople.Thepeople houldbe ree,and heyshould eable o donateo anygroup hat heywant.53- TheMujahidinarenot allowed o searchocalpeople's ouses. f it is necessaryosearch omeone'sousej oumusthave heprovincial uthority's ermission,ndyoualsomust akewith you wo elders fthat area uring hesearch fthe house.54- Kidnapping eopleor money s prohibited.f someoneses hename f IslamicEmimteanddoes hings ike this, heywill be unarmed ndpunishedy theprovincialauthority.

    Section 2Recommendations

    55- Everycommanderas he esponsibilityo seta ime o teach heprinciples fJihad,lslam,andgenerosityo theirMujahid.56- lfthere s no dsk, he Mujahidin hould ray n themosques.ut fthey cannot o othemosque,hen heyshould ray ogethern thcirplace.57- The Mujahidin should ocus on their mission; hey shouldnot get nvolved npeople's ersonal roblems.fyou have o get nvolved. hen eadstatementumber 4above.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K0003 5BatchNumber: 9071K-1Source anguage: ashto, rabicTranslation ype:FullLinguistNumber: 39Log Date: 7 JUL 0958- A11 slamic Emiratepersonnel hould ry to recruitpeople hat are $'orking for theinfidels. We shouldmotivatehemand ell themabout slamso heycanoin us.59- The Mujahidin must haveagoodrelationshipwith all the ribal communityand aiththe ocalpeople, o heyarealwayswelcome ndareable o gethelp rom ocalpeople.60- TheMujahidin houldorgetabout ribalor languageifI'erences.heMujahidinshould ot ight among hemselves. rophet azratMohammad ays,Thosepeoplehatfighteach thrbecauseflanguage r tribaldil'ferences.heyare n thewrongpath"(Chapter 19). Ifyou are iving under he one lagand ightingunder hesamelag, henthe anguage r tribal differences houldnot be important.6l - Higherauthority analways onsultwith their owerauthority egarding IHADIequipment ndmoney.62- Provincial uthoritys responsibleo talkwiththeirpeoplen theprovinceegardingtheiroperationsndactivities.Makesure heyknowabout verl'thing one n thepastandwhat they have o do in the futue, so they areprepared.This is goodbecauseheywill be ready or the uture. nd fthey havemade nymistakesn thepast,heywillchangeheirmethod.63 - TheMujahidinshould lways ave he same nifom as he ocals ecauset $ill bcdifficult for the enemy o recognize hem, and also t is easy or the Mujahidin to go fromone ocation o another.

    Section 3FocusRegardingTheseRulesand Regulations

    64- Only he slamicEmanate ighauthority as heright o m,ke changesn these ulesand egulations. obodyelsehas he ightto makeanychanges.fanyonedoes otobey hese ulesand egulations,heywill bepunishedy theirprovincial uthoriq.65- All militarycenters re esponsibleor the mplementationfthese ulesandregulationsn theirprovinces.


  • 8/14/2019 Mullah Omar Directive


    UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLYAFGP-2009-K000I3I5BatchNumber: 9071 K-1Source anguage: ashto, rabicTranslatio[ ]pe: FullLinguistNurnber: 39Log Date:17JUL 0966- If there recircumstanceshatarenot discussedn thisguideline,hepeoplenchargeor aparticular rea andiscuss nd esolvehe ssue. fthey cannot olve heissue,hen heymust alk o theprovincial uthority, nd fthey cannot olve t, then heymust o talk o theirhigherauthority.67 - Implementationfthe above uidances essentialo everyonc. fanyonebreakstheseulesand egulations,e willbe dealtwith accordingo AfghanistanslamicEmirateaws.God Give UsVictory

    [TC: BackCoverofthe Book:]Dear Mujahidin

    ) Everythingou do should e accordingo IslamicLaw andonly or God.> Stay ike a rock to l'ace he enemyand nevergoback.) Keepgood elationshipsithyour riends nd he ocalpeople, nddo not et he

    enemydivide/separateou.! Alwaysbecareful uringyouroperations.> Do notgiveanyone ifficulties ecausefyour personalssues.i This s ourmission: o keeppeople nd heirproperty afe.Do not et those

    peoplehat ovemoney akeour ocalpeople's roperty ndcausehemproblems.Saying rom Amir-ul-MomininEND