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MTE3133: Penyelidikan Tindakan Prosedur Penyelidikan Pendidikan Dr. Ng Kok Fu, Jabatan Matematik, IPG-KSAH

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MTE3133: Penyelidikan Tindakan

Prosedur Penyelidikan Pendidikan

Dr. Ng Kok Fu, Jabatan Matematik, IPG-KSAH


• Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. (2009). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Merrill Prentice Hall

Pusat Sumber: 370.72 GAY 2009

Hasil-hasil Pembelajaran

• Mengenal pasti prosedur penyelidikan pendidikan

• Menerangkan prosedur penyelidikan pendidikan

• Mensintesis maklumat daripada pelbagai sumber untuk memperoleh pemahaman dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan pendidikan

Langkah Konseptual Penyelidikan

• Memilih dan Mentakrif Masalah

• Melaksana Prosedur Penyelidikan

• Menganalisis dan Mentafsir Data

• Membuat dan Menyatakan Kesimpulan

Prosedur Penyelidikan Pendidikan1. Menyatakan masalah kajian

2. Menetapkan objektif kajian

3. Membentuk soalan kajian

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajian

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

6. Merancang reka bentuk kajian

7. Menentukan prosedur persampelan

8. Membina instrumen kajian

9. Menyatakan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian

10. Menentukan prosedur pengumpulan data

11. Mengumpul data

12. Menganalisis dan menghurai data

13. Membincang dan melapor hasil kajian

1-3. Memilih masalah/objektif/soalan kajian

• "Some graduate students spend many anxiety-ridden days and sleepless nights worrying about where they are going to find a problem to address in their theses or dissertations." (Gay, Mills & Airasian, 2009, p. 66)

1-3. Memilih masalah/objektif/soalan kajian

• The first step

– identify a general subject that is related to your area of expertise and is of particular interest to you.

• Five main sources of research topics are

– theories

– personal experiences

– previous studies that can be replicated

– electronic mailing lists

– library searches

1-3. Memilih masalah/objektif/soalan kajian

Characteristics of Good Topics

• Is interesting

– interest you throughout entire research process

• Is researchable

– can collect & analyse data to investigate problem

• Has theoretical or practical significance

– leads to understanding of educational process

• Is ethical

– does not harm or embarrass participants

• Is manageable

– can be adequately investigated given your current level of research skills, available resources, time and other restrictions

Investigating Area and Volume Instruction forProspective Teachers: A Lesson ExperimentMChamberlin, M. & Candelaria, M.S. (2014). athematics Education, 2014, 9(2), 113-134

• The objective of this study is to investigate how instruction impacts the mathematical understandings of prospective elementary teachers enrolled in a mathematics content course. We chose to examine prospective teachers’ mathematical understandings of area and volume and how those understandings were impacted by an associated lesson. Specifically, the research questions are:

1. What are prospective elementary teachers’ mathematical understandings of area and volume before, during, and after an associated lesson?

2. How does the lesson impact the prospective teachers’ understandings of area and volume?

3. How might the lesson be enhanced within the class and for future class offerings?

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajian

• A hypothesis is a researcher's prediction of the research findings

• Researchers do not prove a hypothesis but rather collect data that either support or do not support it

• A hypothesis in a quantitative study is formulated based on theory or on knowledge gained while reviewing the related literature

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajian

Characteristic of a good hypothesis • is based on a sound rationale

– should derive from previous research or theory, not a wild guess

• provides a reasonable explanation for the predicted outcome

• states clearly and concisely the expected relations or differences between variables

• is testable – well formulated and stated

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajianTypes of Hypotheses

• Inductive hypothesis is a generalization made from a number of observations

• Deductive hypothesis is derived from theory and is aimed at providing evidence that supports, expands, or contradicts aspects of a given theory– nondirectional hypothesis predicts only that a relation/difference exists

• Pencapaian pelajar matematik tahun 5 yang diajar menggunakan multimedia interaktif adalah berbeza secara signifikan daripada pencapaian mereka yang menerima pengajaran biasa sahaja

– directional hypothesis indicates the direction of the difference as well.

– null hypothesis predicts that there is no significant relation/difference between variables

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajian

• A general model for stating hypothesis for experimental studies:

– P who get X do better on Y than P who do not get X (or get some other X)

• P refers to participants

• X refers to the treatment or independent variable (IV)

• Y refers to the outcome or dependent variable (DV)

Pencapaian pelajar matematiktahun 5 yang diajarmenggunakan multimedia interaktif adalah berbeza secarasignifikan daripada pencapaianmereka yang menerimapengajaran biasa sahaja

4. Membentuk hipotesis kajian

Hypotheses in Qualitative Studies

• Typically, qualitative researchers do not state formal hypotheses prior to the study

• However, a qualitative researcher may develop guidinghypotheses for the proposed research

• Having identified a guiding hypothesis, the qualitative researcher may operationalize the hypothesis through the development of research questions that provide a focus for data collection

• Qualitative researchers are likely to generate new hypotheses as a result of their studies

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

Literature Review

• systematically identifying, locating, and analyzing documents pertaining to the research topic

• The major purpose is to identify information that already exists about the topic

• Another purpose is to discover research strategies, procedures, and instruments that have and have not been found to be productive in investigating similar topics

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

Identifying Your Sources

• A good way to start literature review is with a narrow search of pertinent educational encyclopedias, handbooks, and annual reviews found in libraries.These resources provide broad overviews of issues in various subject areas.

• 2 types of sources– Primary source - article or report written by the person who

conducted the study

– Secondary source - brief description of a study written by someone other than the original researcher

• Primary sources are preferred in literature review

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

Evaluating Your Sources

• It is important to evaluate all literature sources by asking

– What was the problem statement of the study?

– Who was studied?

– Where was the source published?

– When was the study conducted?

– How is the study conducted?

5. Melakukan tinjauan literaturAbstracting• Abstracting involves creating summaries by locating,

reviewing, summarizing, and classifying your references

• For each source work, – list the complete bibliographic record, including author's

name, date of publication, title, journal name or book title, volume number, issue number, page numbers, and library call number.

– briefly list main ideas– keep all references in the format required for research

reports or dissertations

• Helpful way to keep track of the literature is to use a matrix

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

Analyzing, Organizing, and Reporting the Literature

• Describing and reporting research requires a specialized style of writing - technical writing – documenting facts and substantiating opinions,

– clarifying definitions and using them consistently,

– using an accepted style manual,

– starting sections with an introduction and ending them with a brief summary

5. Melakukan tinjauan literatur

Analyzing, Organizing, and Reporting the Literature

• When organizing a review, – make an outline

– sort references by topic

– analyze the similarities and differences between references in a given subheading

– give a meaningful overview in which you discuss references least related to the problem first

– conclude with a brief summary of the literature and its implications

6. Merancang reka bentuk kajian

Research design refers to the structure of an enquiry: it is a logical matter rather than a logistical one.

It has been argued that the central role of research design is to

minimize the chance of drawing incorrect causal inferences from data.

6. Merancang reka bentuk kajian

Reka bentuk kajian memberi gambaran tentang kerangka,

perancangan atau strategi yang menentukan prosedur kajian

Aspek-aspek reka bentuk merangkumi:

– pendekatan kajian

– kaedah persampelan

– cara pengumpulan data

– teknik memproses dan menganalisis data

Reka Bentuk & Kutipan Data

7. Prosedur Persampelan

• Persampelan dijalankan kerana biasanya penyelidikan tidak mengumpul data daripada seluruh populasi

Persampelan Kebarangkalian

• Probability samples are the only type of samples where the results can be generalized from the sample to the population

• Jenis persampelan kebarangkalian

– Persampelan rawak mudah

– Persampelan rawak berstrata

– Persampelan cluster

– Persampelan sistematik

Pers. Bukan Kebarangkalian

• If the researcher has no intention of generalizing beyond the sample, one of the non-probability sampling methodologies can be used

• Persampelan bukan kebarangkalian

– Persampelan convenience

– Persampelan kuota

– Persampelan bertujuan

– Persampelan snowball

8. Instrumen Kajian

• Instrumen kajian perlu dikenal pasti dengan tepat dan disediakan mengikut kesesuaian fokus kajian

• A research instrument is a survey, questionnaire, test, scale, rating, or tool designed to measure the variable(s), characteristic(s), or information of interest, often a behavioral or psychological characteristics










Taxonomy of Action Research Qualitative Data Collection Techniques


(The 3 Es)


(Through observation & field notes)


(When the researcher asks)


(Using and making records)

Participant observation (Active participant)

Privileged, active observer

Passive observer

Informal interview

Structured formal interview


Attitude scales

Standardized tests

Archival documents



(Mills, 2003, p. 71)

9. Prosedur Pengumpulan Data

• Prosedur yang digunakan untuk mengumpul setiap jenis data perlu dijelaskan dengan baik

Contoh: Pemerhatian

• Observations involve more than just “hanging out.” Planful and self-aware observers use observation systematically ( DeWalt & DeWalt, 2001).

• At the proposal stage, the researcher should describe the purpose of the observing, the phase of the study in which it is likely to be most fruitful, and the use of field notes to respond to the research questions.

9. Prosedur Pengumpulan Data

• Field notes are not scribbles. The proposal writer should have explicit note-organizing and note-management strategies

10. Analisis & Huraian Data

10. Analisis Data Kualitatif

10. Analisis Data Kuantitatif

Pelaporan Hasil Kajian

• Pelaporan hasil kajian dilakukan bagi tujuan berkongsi dapatan kajian dengan komuniti profesional