mt it? · 2012-11-08 · ibuizr...

iBUIZr KSOWS iwimr-ex. • on.. NASHVILLE, TEE PULPITL [ n v BOIBEIt! fpy 80CDB^ HAB maiwmiCTilMM^j, •MTltl Mtjtetatnrm m a. vnitcari atMBtiaa ioAi*etrftfaijumiin; adiriKtiiaeBiitart ofthtf eoiriiv tDvItt W impqctacal Tte pwna ipwHat Au- GMmKW* On. sDd O* te^ tf to Mtgndoia. -neSoBcrGai,tbeS(mo(Ite, Swioroffeaww.•tii» iifl|lli • la Mite OodilitDeijbf UiaMaatkBsnM af CkadkTmmftrtit In Ub vt ntjr tit- SaitaghKTliiHinabaBilvkSBWVBaj recciT* tO wOttA Ww'wy ftqa tW.azIwaMkai «tora IWSntTT. iiTtSSSS^^ LTK3- CUaS.—TEIB Omrr StaMLk mtOammt «r>. Ht arOMr-MMnk «a iMBv «( lit r«« Rn^tWkfwxvata CCESD. Ikaov • gi'iii TtarWM f' I 1 !• I BSw ncaL i ah!*! DeetxtioittooIbr^e v^icb tlM Sbtioc is rightly tboa^apon. Biiiuiii«a>«adliinepaftaioBg, i«ttetedMwBaf•nSriM Tfartemt,ib»6tM <t- »m mm aw -Mm mtt- i: tw tiMr «9ih«rtote leeeHULmmoLi ofaStte urfaannfi^cf aD ^PM n4 ihafaaa. bis tba Sctr-uvnarr (hut, t}» Sn.»-«rmcir*T Om,' ^ AiMcmcoarr On; ad h* ooMa fraa-teVMBoriaflBi** Ia««,fromtlw Orm oraspmautboritT to « votM «rwaity, i M inrim-, Vm oucim • no* as aflUr gf ftste, tet aa cmnd of niiuj; aot or grwbMB M(<r> ^ «3Ut(tioa rfgnotoiiitiaw gMd y^BMtnth »««rtMj luiiihTm iMltTif in.^nt i p-i-trTir -- pMARbGaaaa imtoHk dariga. W* bbj tewM VnaftapMB ooibwtoov wmU, tkat &clia>«B0l9«tfa>^ntm i<• i HKW^HR wS* UC mgRalMk Brt •wioiWlfcBatoaetieep srrtsT of UifannaCta,or wt M l Om BKxal I I t * i i i M n n T nseiiaBjotefj- orio»«iatl>8fcct of^ iKJuaatSon, a oT vUbiBiatbaiBiiaod, aoda wrf^ttrjU eaa- deMxzwaa aaA gnca ia a* aiaiawr. «6Teatli t&a lyatarr afgniTBw Ooi mm mcaifart; ia HmtmkJ' thoapr®. puaamaL* Bhfcmaanalacawaa li^jredact of t!» HoIrOtat,ft«a>, ^^ad te dia IscusxTC On was Hba Inly Jans.* ^ IhnBU ntare vaa sdea^flM-BftbaB grace, lid pnoc^ aoKcdtoIMfy—'OodV lav was xaHkamaUt oTMa haart." Here w ererin liianiateme loretoInfineiB; loo aatazal tas- •ienoai van antovazdGod. Qm «« (•• Tifl"—" natare is its troa grandeor. -BMa^maaP -niew ia •(>otheroijert ao nfafiae in the uiaiwae of God. Hoe rea^ tWdoHzaraSperieefiBau llMatii^aniaiaB mtrnviaa moat uitei»tiag «•»—tagnfonr aa in too inanv 'i't*'""'*" How <lH|;ia»1fJ and sanikn mm are Um nK majoritT;toaoBKtbereaie aoaifetBiiom ofinaBlal and an^tao^,in a few, ipBcitBri esceQeBoes wa^ be traoad, Vit eieu tlMaman iararfcet. Leave ira tin* jjcaeot risfid waaU^adaoarftnnrdtotitn^miato SalTstkn is sacored by &ith in the Savior. 'He that M i et«£& cm tbe Son, hath etennl nfe." "Verily, Terily, I say mto you, he that hcareUi my word and Mwri& oa him that sent Ue, hath tnrisiCtey life, and shal hdC qoow into •tian, bat is paaaedfromdeath onto liCa." 'And fiveth and b^ereth on mr, shal <Se." •^jrhonerar ata^ .^MtaHi i.^ w. 'Ajmux. }LLA2rD BITTKB8, tMTKan.iT«»A isr u. da. ifww^f*. wuxul t^TMOl OFTHfi loKiasnu. Wat. is rffflk-mtiiB wamiattkm «tato: Oanwelbd natme mbliaatcd and ndeas, bat itai SioAed, and dependent, and qyaMa of munreaMBw; bat in the penon of Christ weaee hmaao Batnre in penonal nmoi wt& Doty, afceotatdy poftct; and hen abo wafindthe onaa of an Oe bieaaed- aav and that erer be l eaSaed or fis- ^yad aBf of ^ dSdieB of men. b the reeorda of the anacriista we hare the oatmdUatacy afthia woDdroasPHsoB. There haown wordi an reootded, Ut aetkma are nar- tatad. Ui teth and iwuimtioii laif^ dwrit •poo. Bntia thePtoh* aad peof&etieal writ- W« iana tbe iaaar of Jesos nrakd. we «iBtred«icedtoth« hidy aaiKtoarTofhia <wd, aad istftadtohave Mfawdnp with hfania hk ^ou^ sodfceSBKa.fathaee woarfinw docanants wa ai« told what were his fuipuaea Md. daaitaa vkas hatookoarwtoie.aad alae te^^ IKiad that ha dwrit cB earth, inmiB 1 ' 111 laaaMlitaliiin a' 'liT^ r Rfieaaed odhrNtttoe dw^ t ^ ^ tet Mt raqoired. TW«aiidi;iA!I«aaMC mthaiQtaMQf tfca kookHia writtea of nw,T Mchtto in % vOS, O mj Qoir In theae w«tetiMSkricrMBcaatteimMimrf of afl fldawyof Bcanxx. T&e esperiaaeot had been triad Jb^ aad ia Tariooa ways, whether nan mdiiaatraetaadan* himnW; bat aQ eailad ia the triaaipk of jpwraTV*, gi^ aad aaaaoali^. PhaoaB(l^fhadaipied,a»faHatahad pennaded, mtwhanamfcla had beea tdad, aadtmrnt- haaafeteabadhlad;b«tanMWL S*aB€>od-k awB iMitatieaa, aa lareatad oa Steai, had Mad, aad dadaraJ "weak aad aa»et«tahl».» -DMtotoooeafadthe aarth aad fnaadatkaaaa thayaopla." ThewwabiperaatGodVowaaltan, «v«afteaawho had moat Es^t aad Naeti^, were aotaatkfiadi tha coaaoeBna waa aot porcedi it waa da^^ Mt that there waa no eotrespoaidwe bannManaidiaal datotadtoMeed a «crifie% aadthariadi« maferwliomit waa thaai^ poialBdaaiihatitato ; maoa i6*lf aaid, -Animal hiaod eaaaot parse away aia; all etaatioB caaaol iilai Ti'*^ *" then wentforththe sn>aa Car deHvaaaceiaadantrnehaartadooaa aaraaaUy aiad, "liak. h-te. my bafatad f ••i OD h«BaBg«iltaadsri«taad Mtha ^ Jiarea x: jab r atVakM MnnV* TaHariaaaadetwaahiaHfarthiaiitBal. Itia |M<w aaa.aDd ^ tea atan wtidk waa tnaaiphed over Aa eB i a> qamt aha:: ha adaeved; by the satara wUA dka i^tita oTGod, aad end tte i^iraf God, aad cmh-the pcead ep- pnaaor; ban v aa orpm tha;f oa aoaai. firth JAraM pniae, aadtowUdiite Ha^ Oa« wS kivato mm—,taaaaaheart on whkkhaeaa leak witk iafato will 1 iinnr. tka ^Kioaa latoda Gad^ wiQ,toftieyan Mi .toidfilaltlaa imalthagivTW^Mbi tkat&WMaia wUelifead «» a»!ttiria^aatha altar ef hia £«iaa, totkakaalof tha iMkaf GodPha ttoMrwitkUi petftct obefiMc. Hecaom tom^aaoidbr aiB,top«titawaybytIteaKrifkeof^He& Be aeatocmavMrSrtaB, aad ahoGahdaath. AB tM^ aad andi mote, be does as the ft^ of •aa,tolaiaa hnfrom^ thaiae, aad aonow, to ITaB, Oca, adght ba.cUBeat(s mnvetaal attoa- tioatohia i^orioaaeonuiv, aad worthytoha to ba tha«||{Ktaf amy eyat the atdgect cf ettcy tOBpie, aad the belovad of every htort. Bdt it was aot an wl^ ha Snt eaaa, aor iait to now. Hmhead3tho<iaeit^'''Vrbcra<iiie rtea I Game was there no maa, when T caDed was there aooetoaaswer?' "Be caaie nnto hie •wa, aad Ua owB laodved him aot" He •wthfroaahiaFUheribe stood aad cried, "lam (Mae,aIi|^ia:othe wortdttbu whoeoenr be- Bavet^oaaw dMoldnetdiidein darkans. tat hsEve the Bcht of life." *f coaw nottojod^ the wwWi,hBttomvethewoHd."And yet thoogh petaee Wi aa waedaild, Haloe* a* SBwia. W «•*• toy«t Bfe, come yovtoma Sfe.^ 'lamcooe to ^ rest; eometoM, aad I wO l ^ yea Bat men koOM at hh wai^ aad Momed Hi Here aad there a heart echoed Uiow* words, aad wondering at the new Bfe whWk it ftit «irtTaswitl«a, cried oat, "to! I cae>e "hns were Veter, Joha, Kathaaiel, aad others drawntoChrist: and even the stnnerof Sytdtarj and ' Hhe voobb who was a siBner," eiriahaa^ eadiwiththede(vaatwx)ader'lA!I<nate;" aad ever unce,frocaacetoage, edtoasfromvarioas part* of the earth have beaa heard. ailt M* ••totkoM I «•: S«a< i « ilatotkto I ft**. SNOIv M Im I nalT*.- Reader, has there hern an ichofrodljfrw ftesri to the Sasioc^ wortet Are yoo eoajeto'JeteT Are you even eomiag, or wfl&ngtocome t mamher, he aays, "Ha that ooocthtomeT^rvi ia ao wise oMt oat." Try hiaa, trttit him, ^ soon yon winfindwhat caaseyoa havetotriom^ is him. Jeans has rnma fraan Godtoataa^ oa, potpase that man Bi,:ht , 0 Cram SatantoGod. Qa camefromheavcatoeaitk, that ahaata aright risefromh<l tohesfvea. For any thos invitedtomytohim who iavites thwn, "-Depert, 1 denre not the knowledge oCthr ways^" istoimitate the evil spirit of daikneea, and B the certain waytothe partScipatioa of th» misety. Ahy who^ It ha ao7 Why shooM fon pam by Ctftaxy witt aH its attiae- tioos and bleausgs, to that galf of woe froaa whence there is no redemption 1 Come thea to Jesos, wMIe he pleads with yoo. and weleotae him to your heart, whom aagels oaee wdcomedtoonr world, when he «aid. "Lo! I COSE . " THE SCMPirrnXS TKACR t&tll^&l ^ him, dtfO never thir4 ;iiit the water thati s i haD gire him shal be in him a w^ ofwater springing up into fsniosfMjrliieL'T am the living bread wU<ji came down from hesTo. IT any maa Ml of this bread, he dtaU Uve finrer, and the bread that I win give him is mr flesh, whidilwingiveforthe&feof theworid." "I know in whom I have beSered, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I hav« commit- ted nntn him against that day." Th(»e positrre declarations of Divine Truth, w amplyraiSi^tto «astain the propontion, tliat aalvatioQ is oaaseqoeDt oponfiuth;am i that it an eternal «aIv«tiao. For if Ute saved cannot ooaie into condemnatioo, ouanot taste of death, cannot thirst, the benefits secoted byfiothare snCuIii^: the sahatian in an etonal eae^ aad the saved cannot fiUL The believer in a{MSta*y can only avi^ tiie fi>roe of these pobstad dedaiatioai of the Word of troth, and deny that the believer Vt already saved, by cUaing that they are conStiooal, aad that thair (UfitaneBt is madetodepoid on the IhitMhIneas. or good worlp of the oaatnre; which, }3a we have heretoSicv shown) not only makaa salvatioa depend on vrarks instead of gincc, bat «sp«eea Ha adwcatastothe (aaattaau prooMiactd ia the Apac^jrptie So^taraa «t those vrtio may add to oc takefromthe H<^y Reoorf. The Sctipturas say, "^He that believeth on the Son, hath eternal life." Iteliever< in »po«t».*T deqy the Word, and say, "He «ay or shal have, upon coa£tk>n, that be eoatinneth to abouad ia good wwfo to the mi" TheScriptares say, "He that hcareth aad befievath on him that aeat me. hath and shaU aot coma iMn raaifiaaiW».» BcCeveta in apostasy say, *He may eoma into eoademnatioa, aad win oaly alow him everiastiiig life, upon conation that death shanfindhim fthh- fiiBy peifotmiiy the works of the Law." The Scriptnns say, "Whosnew btfevcth on ate shaQ aever die.^ Advocates of aposta^ deny the ia- Becord, and say he may die. The Scr^ aay, ' ^Whoaoanar ahal drink of the water that I s ^ ^ hha, aiaB atztr Those who believa the ««a» «f apostasy say, -He may AiTit, wither, aad die, aad iaataad of the w^ gnaa him proning a waB of water spring- ing np into saerfasMay Oay teach that the foantata nayfeO,the w«n di; aad the nan thirst aad die." They deny, that {f any man ' Ha* of this brtad," he shaHfireforever,bat in:^ in doBance of God^ Wwd. that he may hoagw, pi^awi£e. They are onfike the iaspiredpeBa- who ' Hraowing in whom be had befieved," «*s persaaded that he was able to keep that ooanautcdtoUk caie. A<SlIefaa«pennBiMQhis ofthdrmiadaL Thar ereaiia- pabvc the coBBa i B i aB with a paovisefevmbleto tl^ work ^stern, and aaake its iMtouised b l ese^ bpdepaadon the cnatweH works. And thas ^ they, by their s^pGextiuos and adAtioas, ob> ritfe tSieforceof a vast aambo ' «f the poritiTe dqcbntkw oftiieOradea of etena] ttroK ^ siataai aa errorfouadadon a. blee i QFatem thaolngj—xmai^totheir mtiafeetiua by a few mftt of Saiptva^ whidi thay ara aawil&ig or oaablato taka the troohietoreeaaeaa> <»ilh thaaMcepiafaiaKlelnrtaaBteadngsofthahaaiM Baeoid. ' Oae postive maereratioe of GcA Won^ is a^ fieaaattoertahBshaayoaepaiatar th{ng;Uid tt » inadadnible to si^p^ Hanw"^ a4£tioas to fcror a theory,fortha esirtaaoe of wKdi no tive dadantkm or example isfcundin tha Sai^ Totane. Thaphiaaa* obvlana maaaaagof the ahova qaotad paaa^ea of Saltan ' a^ thu tha uaitaaa offeithaeearaaivtitocreailMaaiBal -elaealBfe. &isttamjaififtadti>aa^a«H U aoa^, Aa adiy ef jaatiOeatfaa With thtFkAer. Itia tnathathaia JkUMI^ naa b r ^ works ; aad t l M>fefiontodtMxhaeato paope^la rwniralti tfcnaa>etfaBaof tta wkidt traatofJasatetaoB by graoa, t^ ' vKika, Stotnalrihetai atfittktofeistoa te GhxMaa ^ amr «C avoataqr- WhwMM^t ^iayadtiUhMbiN^ Mr taw «( God, s law " oatof Ckriat; fer he, ad shoM he,. aUter tha iUtt rdiiaiiu, raadw 'tothe cad .of hisfife,perfect ud patpatoal ahadieiwi, ha woold o>ay have met fl>e dwianfeaf tha lawfoirthetime betag, aad hip present oompGaaee woold make ao s^sfection fer^previoaaaSan. Nothing but the petfect righteousnaK of" Jeaas Christ, imputed to«the Baaer throo^fiOth,caa utiaty the demastli the kW, and atoneforoae «1n, how- »>er aaaM, tf the eapraaslnu may be alowed me; (ferlnt leg^ point-^virtr ait ceenreearatf acjoal magidtodej^and tUahnpata^ of ChristVi righteou^new. is ofgraosaadaotof works: and thai> thkvn^ graiY by the aaatitatiaa < i C a«>tber, is be daBvered (hwa the «aati«a<» nl God ' a Uw, be- efltee« Krir to etenaf lilt, ahd Joint heir with the Skvior to aa inheritance incorruptible, oudefiled, am i mhiahfedethas* away JB eddttfeetotbe;8erifltarto*«e<ly ^B&ted, to ahnar it giAt^ upon the exerciee or^feith, ~aadtl»t it is not Qlity a dcSverance from pasting bat aatstaaal aalaatlai^ many other pcilMs.of aa£acnd,Jk*wrd»«jF baited. 'Qfy ahfp hear my voioaaad I know them, aad, theyfoOoifmck. And I give onto tham , JUNE 11. 1859. ettiaal life, aad they shaB vrnnr perish, neither ahal ay pladt theaa: aat of my hand." Thb ot th» Sh^ard is snScintt, it^topnsve that not eae«faa redeeaied shal altiai«tiyfellavrayadbeiaat. The sheep .ACav Bit. They prrisi. None shal ?. ' «<* th«n out of or haol I giw unto them tunml liSf. Should one stiav away, rhonld cm perish, should oae be phicked out of the She]^rd^ hand, should Ode'fel ^o rcadt eternal lifi^ thesefourso l emn aiieTerathii^ «on]d prove so many &Iaehoo<b; batfetGod be true every man a liar." *'An that the Father giveth shal come to me, aad hia that Cometh,! win in no vite cast out." *And thoa hast given him power over aU ieah, thathe «hQ«td give eternal Efe to aamany aa thou h»t given, him.' The Father in ooosidwation of the SoaV sacrifioa, is aaiptaiaUy saidtogive the savedtothe Soa, aad the Soa «iU cast «way orsu&rnnne to be lost: andtothis end the Father has gtv«a Oe Sob power over all Spsh. aad And ahhoagh it may be cUiced that the graat Baitder of the ^piritaal eififice, is endowed wHh capeefti(»torepair aU Iceses, and obiate all the irjiny his ten^4e maT sufferfromsuch causes, the thwjrr is oj^iosed to the plain porpcrt of the Scriptures under remark, to say cothing of the poor compliment it pays the judgm^t of the builder in selectiag the materials andfriyframing together the various elements of his ;nq>er!tmc- tow. •^Bui God oummeixleth his love toarard us in thit, while ^ were yet enemies, Christ died lor On Much, more than being justified <7 kis blood, we shal! be savedfromwrath through him. For whcB we wer» eaemies. we wrre reooodled to Rod, bv the death of his Son, much morv faeinit n^oncifed. w» di^l be sav«d by his life." The .^postie m here di«M>nrsjn{; 00 jn'Sff and life, by or thraogb Jesus Christ, and the cer- tamty f the salvation of the believer through the Rfr of Christ, isforciblypreseotpd. Let the reader remember that eviration I- of grace; that the ^nner had no clum< to thefiivorof God. Then let him con« i der the buundjest extent of that love, which was •ufficient ytsjaiam^ha op kb <m l y S<m to die, that we might have G l e ia him. £ietlt>m then contrast our state when a!in and jostified throi%b the blood of the Savior, with what it was pievioosly. and he will be the boUer qualifiedtoappreciate the arjnrarat of the Apostle. How rational his conclusion, after regarding the love of God, (sufficient when we were enem i es to uMjvip inntosacrifice his only begotten Soa for o'lr redemption) aft«- ron.*iderin|; the life given, and tbe ju*tificat^<»n iiupartn} through the Son"« d,nith and Uood, that if^ when we were enem i es that loTe, death and Mood were soficicnt to give life and iMtifiotion, that now, being alive and jtutiSe<i, w« shaD he saved bv his life 7 Death in aD thing; a state of disability, the ODunte-part of w&idi. life, is chanctarijed by tapadtfforaeti«>. Now iftha death of the Savkw, the hn moans cTH i Id tothedeadpv«Iife-^htgi«aterre«ilt-.-theconclu- sioa of (he Apostle is, that having been made alive, the life of the Savior—the greater means—wil the more certainly aoeomp i shforasthek~<s r^ult— our ptcsei vatiea ato eternal Uiss. "Aad if eUIdren. then heir«. betr« of and joint heirs with Christ, if an be that wc sofvr with him. that we may be also g!<Kified together." The p<tr|u»e of our sullcrii^ wHh Christ (be- ing nade partaken of hb sufferings by repentance sadfeith)is, that vre may >>e glorified wrth him (together^ By suffering with him, w* become hcis vrith hoa,tothe pretm^ed inheritance. We reach the inheritance by the same tenure,rightor ei«m. The hleasii^ inuring to wn one. one and indiviaibis—the glory, a joint glory. Its attain- ment if losttooae. cannotfeiltoaffect the prom- ised rea&ationto all, and detractfromthe inher- itance,^ ^(vy promised us in Christ Jesos. with the lather. That which would deprive one heir would ay or aO the remain ' mg heiis, under ^mOar cirenaastaaces. And that which vrouM bring one heirtothe inheritance, would bring ay w all the remaining heirs. The possi- bility of thefeilureof the Sontoecjoy the prveiBed iaheritanoe, vHn not be thought nf by aiqr oao; no oik win qaestioo the mffidency his daims orrighteoosaess. > And as his snlferings are nade onr sulIMng^ h i ri;;hteomK«soar righteonsness, his cjaims.ottr claim, our attmn- OKnttothe inheritanee is equaly as little « matter of doubt. The leagdi of this artideforbidsthe further prosscotioa of thjavievT of the subject. Itmi^t be extended {qfintetely; as the sacred nradrs afaoa^iafectsj lignreaaad parables, which teach tha eertaiaty af the mlvatiaa of the believer. U theferegtdagseriptanl eitatiaos and elocidations are iasaflldeattoeata ' b i wK hi ^ minds any; tlie coovktioa that the Seriptnies teach the cer- tiin^ of the etaiaal prawatitta of the sainta, by the grace of GodrPin^MUy no amount of te»- tiaioay would prove suflhaeattodo so. btaArtaraartide lahaDatteaMto reconcile tboaa nctioaa of tin Word of God which are daimaato teach apostaiy,tothis view of the subject, ». Hiekaan, Sy., Hay St^^poaa we amHow mm, or smoka tobacoo Mm opa^ TiMraBwapimajifBotth* t«baoaa, «ai iaerMsc dw mImb of tha h^ aa4 artarias, aadfiM>atiaMianeawthe heat. Botia isaB M theftcecrof the stiaaha ia goa^ «e»n aot only aowana^r thaa before, bat, ndMr, eoUor. 80 b u with matard, pewaad^iaaa; aad aa^ ia tntt, wiU tea all other me^eaaeats, ctrfid a*d liqmd. . Th^ ioMea make as a little wanaerfer lbttiiaa; aaa>aaaa,atfink,they aa oettaalT iaMM tfcft aatin^ of tha oinalft- tioa; li^hteaolIaatlaK. Tho iaal or laMt-biiaMe qT an tkeso is vrfkTotahle IS|in «itkB«^«zaitaati BO IMB Oaa fkymaimm Ciimliit^ ^ ^ftiiUMfiBaair^otker laias. Bat Wt the MnmVmitftm Ao haaktftha ira ON THK vaorxofn or itTBT-aax PBKAC^XKO.^ LoTisft Bsmrasx you haw request- ed ai} «!«•> Aipoo th^ propriety of fnaeral preaehisg, I (»t»e fkvm f j .you in very few wordi The Bible i« our staadarti apoo tl» subjc?ct of preaehiQg; and as}t!o fi^ tb« Bible, there can be no praptiety ia piesflfedig at aR- But, I unde^TNiud frn» the quc!<Uon, thai you do not cUiax anthority for the practice from thu Bible, afid wit properly too, as we have acither preoept nor.'wtaBjplo to counhmatscti the practice in the S<!iipturwi. And as trt take thA Bible for our rale of faith and prac- tice, the propriety or impropriety of funeral preariunj MaaifBst. Her» 1 stop, did [ th^ belkre that parnteioi^ ooiaMfaeuce^'do aeral preading. T ask the mw bwo ic the habit of preaching foneiala. Da y^U nat a every ceeaBza, as a sort of a apoiogj or iatrodaotioo,firstinform the con- gregatien. that you do not preachtooor for the dead, bit to tJe living? Now would you my this, if jou did not see the darger,^ ^at •o»p might be led to believe that the dead might be benefited in mat way thereby; ad «q>ecialy as ycu go to the gravetopreach ? Showing at oaee to the tgoorast-part of the cammuaity, that jcme good, at least, b cx- peotcd to be derived to the de|<arted sool. Most ' arsuredly you would make no su&h a apology, did BOfearof the kind passes?! your breast. Again, whsa caU<>d upon to preach the fc- aeral vf «cnie aotorsousl v wicaed persoa, which doab'ilrss has been the case, are yuu Dot, to say the lea.--t of it, in a strait, lest you might offend either the friends of the decased, or tho public, or, perhaps, your ewn eoneciesee ? If yon speak of the deceased as a moral, good and excelent character, vou offend the bearers; for they know better And if you speak of him in his tnie charaotcr, yea offend the sur- viving friends. And yei you are expeoted to say <>ogiething in favor of the deecased: and how can yon do it without trespassing upon your own feelings ? T am sorry, as I cft^n have becE, to we ministers go to the grave to preach. But, say they, I am rtquwt^ to do so, aud I do cot wishtooffend. But, air. yon tTB a tcaeher in Israel, and should correct er- ror, instead of encouraging it, as yon do;for,in some scB«r. tSjis kind of prciching ok? ini- prcfs the huu^ao mind with so idea that »3me becefil, is some way or other, i> done to or for the individual for whom the funeral is preachcd, or why preach it t And cfieo it is wet ks, or months, or even years, afier tho death of the individual, you may be caHcd ap.->n to preach, aad very oft^cn it i« wasted to bo at the grave. I appeal to every mijiifter, if you did cot feel the force of Ifcis truth, would you make the a^loty beHSf i TmentToned ' T I think boi ; these tiuEgu speak too plain to be miyundem^od. And farther, the minbter caled upon muft, in the estimation of the family, i-c a maji cmi nent it the ministry, efpoftally if the family of the deceased is a family of high standing. And, brethren, do not bt angry with mo, if I ask, in honestrinrerity,h»vp ynu !i-<t fi-lf some- what honored, rr lifted ap. on rt-ccivirg -ucb a r<>(jti««<t ? All this, to ae, is prv» ' 3f pic.-itive III. !tSaen<*- .-if fuutmi pTMch- irg. .Vgaia I ask, do you kcos 01 a ^in^u a<b- viction or cpuwrqon beiug bwa^t »l>iut ei;- tirely by or sbrongL funeral preaching, i.s !h< visible oeins T I doaV-t acy buch ca-e, for, as far a.^ my kcuxledge cr iaAirmafion extouds (ad I have inquired of many,) the Lord has hitherto failed toblft<s thi^ kiad of preach- ing, cither to the living cr to tbc dead. Kui this, of it.'jelf ij, to me, o^nclusive cvidcnco of the impropriety af foneral prxaching. Well, then, you ask me tow »od whet, did it obtain in the Christisn Church ? Tht prac- tice of delivering a kind of eulogy or an ora- tion upon the dead, obtained in an early age of the world The Egyptians, we believe, wer*" thefirstto ealogiie thar dead, (see Baok"-; Theological Dictionary, article, Fune- ral,) aud the practioe was c;>picdfromthen: by the Jcw», aud carried with them to tho land of promise, from the Hebrew?. The Romas, and the Oreck^ and the heitheo generaly w*m all to have adopted the pracUec; but, in all ea^'s. at cr before the interment of the dead, aud never afterward; ad evea then, nothing more »ha a «>rt of eulojry, setting forth the virtues or gvod qualities of the de- ceased And about tbc year 380 or 381, the notion obtained in theKomaD CathoUo Church, that the in glory, by their nearness to God, oould do Fumethiu); for the living; hcnoc the practice of praying to departed ^nts and martyrs; ad M)on after prayers were put np for the dead. And at the time of Bonifact III., that monster of iniquity, (be Church bad become so beclouded with boperstitios and ly- ing wonders, that, in the year 93o, the ericbra- ted least of All Saints eras esUblished; ad, ia the year 953, thefeastof All Sals folowed — praytotho glorified saints to assist in the government of the Church, ad the second, to pray for the souls in purgatory, that their sufferings might be shortened. [See Dowling> History of BomaniEm, pp. 97, 105 ad 191.] Wo giva yM a nwple: Gr^ory Naziatisen, apoa the mar^ Cyjamm, bishop of Cartha^ on oration, in which he implores the aadstaoe of that ^oriied martyrtoaid him Cbordtes, dterefore, e^ off this Babylonia garmeet. aed divest them-eUes «f all anserip- turai and snti-Cbristta praettee», that tb« Church may beoomc &ir u the moan, clear u the eoo, a<! gloricos is ber apparel. In eonclusion, thcrefoe, permit atetooffer the fjllawing Ejections to faeral preacjucg.; 1. The, Seriptarw the Old aad fiew Testament are held by tha Ba^>ta as a pcv- feet rale ot faiA aad prae&aV »^ ^ ^ be- ing neither precept aor exampfolii the Bible kr funerxl prsacbing, it most IT O Dow, as a a»tt«ir nf course, that propriety in the pr»«. " le is waticg. Faneral preaching is ealeai^tedtoonato false imprasrioea, aaob aa, tb^ the i4ato of tha dead may, in some way, be afcetad bf it? - Aad father t ^Csinw* ^Htn O&ml ohaneterof tla _ ceased, and. sh^d «i^«eyresaat (he isdini- aal as haviag goae ha^y, thaymiy he aaiKta- ken; and should they speak Athetwi*. tiey wooed the feelings of the samvigg^ fnead^ .\nd last, b^- aot leaiit: It is a reli; of popcT), aad. M ssoii, otzght not he ia |«a(s in the Biptipt Churrhe;^, Jajus WHIT Forth* AH AFFXJLI. TO THX caUSCHZS OT-WIST fi, OBXI>a Assocuxnur. DE.\k Baornsxs anb Sunu r—Our «xee- utive c<>umite« have requested aatovisit the Churche)- of oar Associatioa, with a view to aw^en a greater interest in wr anociatiaBal mistionarT operations. And, beaideaperfoaai* ing that labor pentoaally, u &r a etrsmasta- ees will permit, we uk the privilege of ad< dreseiDg yva in tUafomi. Thwe was laekiagtoot«vt the nrrnaaii of ndseionary labor, for ia.-)t yaar, aearly two haa- dred doilars, which the- committee bant nade up from their own private means. There is DOW not a dollar in the treasury, bat the da^ of continuingraoblabor is so great, that tte committee have re-eogaged Bro. Simstore- main one more year as our missioaaiy, west of the Choctawbatchie, pledging themj^res for the amount of two hundred dollarstowardhis supp:krt. BcEides thufield,there is much d«s- iituticn in other ponior.s of oar bounds, wbenoe the appeal for help caatisnestorii^ in onr ears ad deeply aSsetoar hearts. IKs- cip!e.< of Christ, what shal we do? Ca wo oic^ our eyes upon thefieldalready white on- to harvest ? Ca we stop oar earstothe Ma- cedonia cry sounding in onr midst t Shal icdiffcrtince, or love of the worid, shield oor bcsrtE. a^nat the wails of moral woe, goiag ap to the courts of heavenfromoor very doors, as swift w i e>e«scs i^nst xir? The sympa- thies of otir cemmoD natore—a ooBsdooaness of ottr imperative doty—a irreastable sense «f~eer obligationB—die conatruniag love of Christ—aswer, no ?! We ea have •«« peace of mind, no comfort of heart, no o^tsolatton of the sjarit, only while we do what we ca to relieve others more needy tha otmelvec. It believed that you <jo fmi on tlus sub- ject, that yon < i b licsirr otherstobe partakers of the spiritual benefits which you enjoy. Ton ba^e, is da}'^ past, manifested such sentiments by year a<-tt: ad the preeent want of means it L" believed, is more the reiiait of forgetfU- nwi.>, or the want of knowing the real need of your help, than ay abatement of yoar zeal aud ^uifgy for the prosperity of Cbrist's king- dom amongst us. We i>{iall, therefare, hope that your contributionsforassodational mis- ritios, at oat next annual meeting. wiD prove tlie cotfidenee we have in your "aurk•^ of &ith and Isbcrs pf love," that your eommittee tray hart the means afibrded them of carrying out your wishes is disseminating gospel light throughout our entire associatia^ boimda, v>d that you may realize,toyoar unspeakable ioy. how tic blessed Savitn- said. " It i-a>or« to 'bantoreceive " TOUT brothers and fclbw-servats in the gospel, Wx. HAstiraip. I>. P. KT«mit. P S—Will eacl. minister of our AsMeia- tion read thif appealtohis congregaaor, ad prrN.~ the aabjeot on th^ minds ? a. ic s ia lhe government of hisflock;and, also, up- oa Us own father, ia which he says, " I do not Ambt that my departed father, being much aearer to God, doe« a great dad laore for bis flook, by his interoesdoa, tha he did on earth, bj his tsaehing. Here we-bare a sample of fneral preaddag, ia the Cataolie Chnrt^ See^ also, pp. V:MaBd 360«f the same work: Asd at the time of the r^naatioo, the Pro- testant seets, in leaviag the mother Cihateb, eanied with then the piaetioe of hgteral pteaddng, ad still do thej practice tt to the ^eeeat day; aad it b muchtobe r^i^retted that Ao l^tist Chvrdtes ever eonComcd to ttis of popW7, aad eopied after the Be- fiana^ Chaiehes as have doaa. " Bat there a is from hearcBtoeoiaeoat of BakgrW*--Bev. xvu. 4. Let the Baptipt rm the i M l UaM B^.><I THE TRICK WOyi' T.\KK. ' And what trick is that? Why, that the whole Baptist deaominatitm is morally, eivQIy, and religiciL-ly bouad to eaaetkn what a,'»a- jority, or even tho whole of a Baptist Charch may do, right or wrong. It is tho^t in cer- tain quarts that if a Chorah eon^re agaiast, x-id exclude a good brother, who is in the way nf some jealous aspiiaal, th^ witole brt>th- ,.. l"tod ad the rest of the woild ntist aay au>t.Q. because t}t« Ciicrck did it. Not quite. BapUsts have learnedtoinvestigate ad Sad the gtiiU or ino.ceaee of the putiee, ad act aocordingly. The iuaaccnt muat be sustained, though a giat infiacnce be dethroned. T ^ ie tla worloDg of the tridc A. is a Airri: corteet workicg brother. B. envies Eat and want? bim out of the way ; bttt his pre aad moral character arc niaa|ieacbablo; wh^^ istobe done? An open war apoa A. wffl aot do B. ad his gacg talk stent slader of A., ad want all to look oat. They work latil they Mt a aujoritv cf A. a (%ardi secntlf prejudieed agunst Mm. Kow tl^ wiU feign some coalemptiblc nalJtvi^, and eaU it a charge. Thsj determinetoexoTade hioi, ad set their seal ap<a him,tiiatth^viS iimr restore hini, adnooUMr Churdi will dare un- do what they hare done; eo A. will finever havetolive oot of tfie Chor^andtfass thej will|et himcmtofthe way. WsisOeirti^ ad It has been attempt^tobe aerieed ia more tba one iaataaee, aad ia nore States tha eoe. A daricer plot fo H^are Oe oesk aad aan^Meting,fiilUldMrvHtt if 60^ wail ikever laid by the depotiee of the grwt coenj^y honest, hoBoraWa. ' (Thristja deeds. A aian a tioQ waaevar planed by theaMatabaadeMi ad proiigato wrelefa that ever fanaeed tika wtMcU. Aa iasmeetm «C CmIi^ aad ebaraoter, ia whi^tha inaaaBtaadhana* las miat aaifer. It is too hotridtothai ahoat, wach leastoftasaeahoBi 'Wthaaa tyietasek aaa^aaaaftBjalahaljiati fcr ihaaaMaer^ aad«aa> )taadeBia.lathaBtaU the OM Baaaay fa Gait be {KMAle Oat anal CShrt^wa eaa or will ogifa i* ao ilaaifal a work 7 A CkrutMa is Onst-IilR. IS liat OnatJikat It ie mote lika Ae woAef Ms eeariee agMM boa. CaaV yoasse Jadas ia aQ aek ao^ If Sataa n aat looaa amr, Ida aofc aaat to ttraia this waridwhea baillaaae. Bi'lkw. Eltow aiora of tha qpirii of Okiiat, aat te cpm aad h(mAi$a« with Oa oMir. VT^ Ifisfuie a holr ^oT^m afi ptar. Haw aaa *«,. « amp laiGi(| gU d^voanag caek atiUr, aad B ^ a T l a ^ ef God's law? Bemember the las^ mad fere mt aaattar. saA agaiast a brotlier, only pr^ eroy tiimkimg iimtetiiM^^ vf was <rirt£^ he could be dealt wiA ; feri jwZ^tay woald be «E«seaaaaiy. The pacM«ited.ea3 aSard wbe aKs% aadfetgivii^toarardtheir poor d: penteeators. A-ereat BCEd ca sever persecatiBg - aiad. It requirae Hi " _ mind androaltoseetetly injtae eveo ny. Brethren ^e tis peace. ^ BFOnR^ 'jnusarnxBaarcnxua. EXXGSTXCAX. ri&u tb« Aad CB the savssra day God- ended the which be had uuda, aad he rwed ec the anw^ an "hi* wnrt: »ttci Vhad madr. SLOaCEXCX OF tiwwi>T CUT. t»e bis wwk on the se^thday aot rest ali that 'ixr7- A'jart of the most have bees d<»e w the seveniTday a^t part of that day was devotedtot^ii, aad wl^ p^torest, eodd only be eb^ect?^ Bat in the same rereeit ia sud, " He rr>;t^ the seventh day/rant alt his wtjrk." The expIaoatiaB, we Udtk, if tt^r. 'ptti: Si^tiagint, Syriae and Samaritan ver^of readwixA day: "Andrati»e,vi<S cay^od finish his weik wbidi he had ande rested on the Mtaajft.'* This, we havf b-.t doabt^is the traereadiag,^ fiebtew hav^ been aocideataly earrapted by aaemat awnriber, by atstafiitg the He^* letters aaa, ax, for xam. seven, which •ety maeh alilk Kaaterieals were mi^i^ expressed in letters, sad cot written not l^y asinlatertiiBes. It ia £urtoaote, how^tz, that Pn^f Steawt thinks the Hebrew text is the eae, and laakes a very lame attempt to d ll He «yB, • The ^tna^t and Sama tta Patatenoh whidt ^^eea with it, are evii^l- ly the reeolt of stnae traKnber's fears ^t workiB? on the seventh day shofald be aitr^^ tedtoOte Creator Bat wliat just grt^d tarfearis tiiere, wheo the writer ezprea^f af- firaaftat 6od on dwseresth day hadeaa|i<>- t^ hia work T" Bat that is the incoa^bt^y of Ae Hebrew text as it sow stads. lo fixst part ef the verse it says, he fiai^ejiis work <m the seveeth day, ad in the la^ art, accordingtoStewart, aSnns thatbe^ ifibed it m the nxth day. | /Whoever h^ Mr. Clayfi*da Si* ^ t . W3M ^BMigttmlauito'be^eh^kiad'Widf-lfl^^ withoat exactly kaawiag wl^. Than wm a c^ra aboat Its oratfi^ that dt£ed aaalyau, ad rssdered sobear eritieics: Vi^-aigh «f]-n iiblt Tou west away too wel pleaasd, aad ad tw full cf a^Biirisioofiirthe aaa, to t^k of aekicg how he ^ masaged inr the la» to pat you in a raige at mt mrnaaat, ad icake yoa lagb or or &e sot, st siB. There was abont'lda diSeiwt &tnn any o^ epeakrr I erezJbaod. Watatei was like a Bteiai eoMiffl for ieaeeentrated pow, ad die ruji ad roar of Ks aaaanlt apcB u eieai7, a sart of hsaau! txloaac, when the fee W I S kindled in those nnxtsBas eyes, and ha ponred fertb a'tcFirast of burrag vcrda, seorchiDg androa^^an before U Galhoaa aas the v«7 ctviss ' Cf aiMimet .. j^Mi-ir fala]^ aad delilKrab-lT aaAv aftarBak to^iron ehra af he the hsaiv bit doan at the ead, boned band ad £wt ia the aayieidiogmeahes of a irreastaUe mcbs- oky. But Chy—arhea he mcoatai rastrum a uivetsaJ leaile il'aaiiaad aea'afiaae^ they iooked at aae anoths intii a esptesBOB wbidi wd plaiaer Unb »rc<.-ds,-Giadto»ee you Mr. (Sigr. B»- goaetittllcare! We're gwngtohare a tfet Tfcis Lcavj watk is orer at last. < i a i c(—DOW ccmer plcaotn." " day," said Geoetal Jackson, in the writer'^ heaii^ "is tho ^xtjKousibit speaker that em apae- ci bis laoath in a poblie aneably. If yaa lisien to him. he will make yoa belisiv waj thii^hep'auts." HiB,fiwBa enaty.av not aeat for praise; buttothe fact old Hiek- r*- tbe Bji^.tr aaw aHAi.1. wk skacb tbk evxLV £ Keas. E bitok>: 'Almost allnhe ecit^ at the North believe Slavery to be a great evil" Thus we have a article headed, in yoar i?- soe some months Axe^, takenfromthe Eaatr aziiiKr; aad u your ooiumna are opoi fo^^ diseassion of all sal^eeta whidi affeet Ghri eharaeter aadfidlowshlp, I have thought ertowrite a Ime which has been su^estcfl^ reading the aibresaid article. I do not it as a renew, Bora r^y, bat amp^ ta apoB a tern tl^ eostaiaed tbenin, aa^ freely speak of the s^ject of Africa fe- Tery. The writer, like Northern editors. ; ^Is davery a evil, ad rtgaids SoutherL G "is- gas as being deeply mvolred in the n of siaveryf etC4 ad also atrfes it a SoutherMn- EtiSntiOD. All of this I regard as beii^ b- trae; aad the writer must have read bi^ty aad the Bibletobat Uttle parpose, aot to Sre known at least that it was not a Soather^in- e^titutioc. He oughttohave known that sla- very was incorporated in the law cf the Srst natioa which had a writtea taw. a:^ tie mw- givcr of &al aatioc was God himselfl^ad that law has cerer been repealed. Secondly, the writer onghttohave known that slavery, as we now have it, existed ia Ecglad wht^ihe America Ccdoaks woe settled, ad wat ifo- videdfor,ia some way. in all the plsn^is^ias from MainetoIxnisiana: and it exist at the tjioc of tne Ameriea Bei^?- tion, ad was providedforia Ae Constitif Vn of the ITnited States. Itfacot, therefc^ a Southera iastitatioa, but wss a demr^ ia the eiwmeat Uw of E^Iaad. adopted ek?- whcre in hi-r e«lol^e^ aad was, ad stiD^ a irabstratam uAderiyiag every State tiflo now in this ^riotis Ameriea Ui Truly, U has been abdidiad la half o; Ameriea States, which has a effect up eitizcBs of thoee States, bat act ^oa even witboat the eetebrated Ft^tive law. This win i^ppear in a elear Hg^'by another view. For example: LotnriaaskfW fm it was ceded to the United States, b^^g- edtoFrance; ad sUvery existed in •aa, wbidt al that time extendedfrn^the mouth of the Misaaippitothe Paeifio (^na, indadiag not oaly "bleeding Eaasas,.^bBt even Ot^gon. Now, be it remembere^^at by treaty atipalation', when coded toth^^ni- ted SUtes, the ri^ of the people vart Territory, w w<31 in glare propcrt; their rel^iot. were earef^y aad provided Ibr. .And this treaty eanaot be ^liahed by ay Stato ooort^^a ner State statafe of a j ^tate ereete£^«;AB a^y part oftibo.afittaaU Iteritaiy. ^But they may,fortlmaselvee, aboEd #3 cf the privileges giren by it - the t torn «f daf«i7 andatfia that eoaititii^c^ and State law aor the OouresB (if tbe..€yted « ' t2r was p®fe<^y eompstattotasdfy. ~ Hnth; Mr. day is goingtoaodreai the I looked at those taidve gestkaaa wiA some ititerest, for a felow-bmg*waa « trialb^9re them fi» ^Bfe, aoeo^af asMt atrooons murder. Heavy, Eubstatial loakiag <^reoB they were—rather duU, I thoi|^ ad about a likelytobe laoved by a anaal to their fedirgs as the stalactites m the Mut- tnoth Civc. As Hr. CUy riromeBad, afriand wbi«p£rcd ia my ear, "tbst rillia oagB ta be hag. bet he-s ^ a trife ad dsild, and he eld mother is here in emrt ad &at% eno^ fiw Clay ; ae'il have the jaij Uahhlt- E^ is leas than half a hoar." I daahtad It, bat 5C it Tiios: great halkii^ ieIi«Ba - were sobbnig aad mt^pin^ tbrir £ukb orerlha sorrcwc -jf the {oiwnEr's £iaiily as deaartirnhj the speaker, as thcuah tiiey themsdves had Just U:eir dearest ~^end. Evsi Hi amui ^kw iu ccae vigcrenslj, for acme reaaa, da- riBg the appeal is behalf of da old womaa, al al&oujh pafcstlyranvineedthat I was *- BCt l d" in !« doioB, I could &oi rout the epi- demic, ad sgbirf and sobbed ia eooeMt with die bese^ bar, jaij, and ^eetalon.— - Itisneedless ts add dia: the pnsoBsr w sc- quitted. Several years a^, wl^ :n the vieisi^ of Ashland. I caled apoo Mr. Clay. EcwaiB]»- sent from borne, attending a £tir ia the smgh- borbood. Being ^esinras of a iaterviw, I folowed himtothe fair grtraadi, ad fiadW him jest aboattoeddrec the ataltatade, taal a seat amci^ them. Direcsly isfrontof ms two Udisa. One of them appesiadtobe in a ill kaaior far seme reaann, and I over- heard tha retaftat reaurk. 1 dat want to bear CUy. Wcader if nobody in Keatnel^ can make s. ^leseh bat him. Myhasteadisa DeoHHm.^ Mr. Clay i^oesed^, and having occaaoa to re&rtothe domestic articles OB ex- hibition, pud tirt ladies loeseatsiMse vary hq^ co.-npIiraent£ apes thdr ddll aad iadait^, astl is illasion to the bcasty and good qualitiM of ills Uii csustrywomca gaerally, SM that with regard U> them, as wel a othtf faa fab- rics, his prefersiee was for ditmCFtie waBBfae tares, iastod of foreign impcrtB. The asEgled air c-i gallatty and draOaiy of the tpokcr, ia this part of bis address, the haif-je$t ad h&lf-eamest of his mar itT, the wir, the anccdoU^ ad the pcihas, a be sUa- d-^ to his on adraiidiig jesji ad iaaaasug iiifirniitift», were taimltaUe ad irresistible. I looked at the Demoors i tTB wife. It vraa plaia iedia a that ber effartj to bate Clay bad ende xi^able failare. She had b ^ laaghiag and crying Hke the rest of as, and aftertetama!- tuess'applau5e which flawed &e daw of the address subaded, I wa surprieedtohear her saytoher femak compamon, Jaaa, itS no ase act liki^ him because be'^ a Wh%, a it T 1 sappoie Johc wca't lib it, bat Ta a ginngtogive him my blaakets.'—^iSsv^alitf .lEtrca nxT OF ATOXKIESXT. Thisday was the amst impressive aad adify- icg is the pcea]!iar eooocmy of tha Jnrs. lis saiemn eereawrrisl' are thits deseribed by fte Brifch Stancard - The -Jewish day of atanemest iavdved the prafotmdc:^ cosMd-s^tions -ef daogCT, and shadowed f..»rtl: escape only through viearioss snfferiDgj. The hi^h priest, after he had w&>hed, not oaly his bads ad bit feet, as mma l at oimimnn saeriees, bat his lAale body, dressed himself is. plain linon, lik* the States ea remove it if every Stato Uaioa reqaned it, becaaae articles of a caaoot be nfisalrif nor reasoved by Sfow, we see in diis broad light, that ii sad hu bea «iaplj prorided for Abroad laad,andlie is not a good nor a good erilSe who will presaioe to SoathetB iitslitatiae, orrini^Ssatheni tiaaa. We arc satisfied that sUrcTy aa, bat when properij ecodtioted it a to the b]aaiC;nea aa wdlaa preAL: vhitopeo{^; aal abvaes iboild ao aM asiato diagastfor|t,tha the mat]tnBOBial and paraital rdations. h«e ia dw Soath, w»fiadmay store al tha named HCe thaa do jrferad aaiiiBkaifi5 dans; aad th^mie aw^ | TodaaiwnatQy dothed w ^ ddidrasfma flan am bbdcaaes. Do Noctiaa odiian and Bckly baaif lobk^alMMi ita saatf a&iswdlia ^eiatieBa^aktMyfaMr kai t i r Or «gi ik^r, m m^j alalia aad dadamt ta (wntdsaswffl it iMtitB&MB dwelvai Oa aqr ? After al^ Va naahad a featie* * ; aia^ ^TirKa iorife^ ^ i o h^ priest*, wearier neither hia pisple rabe, Otir ephod. cor m pectoral, beeaasa he wastoexpiate bu own alas, togtfhcr those of the pee^ Hefirstoffaed a M- loek ad a ram lor bis own ad theas *i the jfficsts, pnttieg hisfaaadsoa the heads af tite Tic&ns, ad eotzfenseg his owa Bs* aad the BBS of his h-;-.B8eL Afterward ha laealvsd from the prison gfthepee^e two gnats ftra eifi-o^ring, ad a ramfora bamt ofoiafc to be offered in the same of the 1st, determined irinchi^^**«goa(s AaaUhs sacriCeed ad wUcfa aet aiibeny. AAartUa, the hifh-fxieatputeome of the saared ira of ^s altartf bmat-ofisiagsii^a opiftfTy l&nv incase apOait, aad eatcied with itthaaan^- iiig, into the caaetaaiy. Afior baviaf( |ar- ftraod the fawftnaryftisiaacnae,hcauas •ui,to^ksuae of the Uood «f tha yoaagbal- loekhehad sacrificed, saixad ^ alaaiido tha aactoaiy, and dippag hit iagst ia it, sprinkled it seva tian becveaa IM wA aai the vtsi wbidi eqsaiated Ae hdyfromtha sadoary, wmitst hidy.. HhbIwohmoata seoood time, and beads tfa» altar ofbaiBt4<^ feriags killed tha goat widdt the lot bd de- tained to fe tte aaerifira The UmI 9t this gaat lie earned into the B»rt bejj flaea, ad sprinkled it ssren times betweea aik aad ae Tot wbieh srptratod the holyfroaA* saBctauj; £t«m tbeiM he retomed iata Iki eoart of the tabernacle, aad qiriaHrf both ddesofitwiththebloedoCthegaat. Jit)^ dw^me, sodC of die {aieda tt aimittod isto ^ tabenaols cr iatia I ThisbMg daa^tbeh^h-jirieatcaM taHw altar^b^BMirii^r^aMdte tarhaaa cifHwith the Mood eftfcegaat aad TOBBgW- l«i, adfMiilM itsa«1ime» wiA thaaaw Utwd. Tha aagilnaij.fliBnmrrt ait i^t iHdiC tha peoSla^hefiraatadtiamfrnXiOMk ^^l.ead,iHi£9aedIda SMjrtStepec^ aad then ddimei Bto a jggapBtoeanj Btosaee deattlrfia* aei M? H laaea. er t ^ i ^ ^ n M M j M ^ ^ M over la tha tabersade, and satf^j* ^ ^ reba of ikii U

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Page 1: mt it? · 2012-11-08 · iBUIZr KSOWS iwimr-ex. • on.. NASHVILLE, TEE PULPITL [nv BOIBEIt! fpy 80CDB^





fpy 80CDB^ HAB

maiiwmiCTilMM j,

•MTltl Mtjtetatnrm m a.

vnitcari atMBtiaa ioAi*etrftfaijumiin; adiriKtiiaeBiitart ofthtf eoiriiv tDvItt W impqctacal Tte pwna ipwHat Au-GMmKW* On. sDd O* te^ tf to Mtgndoia. -neSoBcrGai,tbeS(mo(Ite,

Swiorof feaww.• tii» iifl|lli • la Mite OodilitDeijbf UiaMaatkBsnM

af CkadkTmmftrtit In Ub vt ntjr tit-SaitaghKTliiHinabaBilvkSBWVBaj recciT* tO wOttA Ww'wy ftqa tW.azIwaMkai «tora


LTK3- CUaS.—TEIB Omrr StaMLk mtOammt • «r>. Ht arOMr-MMnk «a iMBv «(

lit r«« Rn tWkfwxvata

CCESD. Ikaov • gi'iii TtarWM f' I 1 !• IBS w ncaL i ah!*!

Deetxtioit too Ibr e v icb tlM Sbtioc is rightly tboa apon. Biiiuiii«a>«adliinepaftaioBg, i«tte tedMwBaf •nSriM Tfartemt,ib»6tM

<t- »m mm aw -Mm mtt-i: tw tiMr «9ih«r to te


ofaStte urfaannfi^cf aD PM n4 ihafaaa. bis tba Sctr-uvnarr (hut, t}» Sn.»-«rmcir*T Om,' AiMcmcoarr On; ad h* ooMa fraa-teVMBoriaflBi** Ia««, from tlw Orm oraspmautboritT to « votM «rwaity, iM inrim-, Vm oucim • no* as aflUr gf ftste, tet aa cmnd of niiuj; aot

or grwbMB M(<r> «3Ut(tioa rfgnotoiiitiaw gMd y BMtnth »««rtMj luiiihTm iMltTif in. nt i p-i-trTir --pMARbGaaaa imtoHk dariga. W* bbj tewM VnaftapMB ooibw to ov wmU, tkat &clia>«B0l9«t fa> ntm i<• iHKWHR wS* UC mgRalMk Brt •wioiWlfcBatoaetieep srrtsT of Ui fannaCta, or wt M l Om BKxal

I I t * i i i M n n T nseiiaBjotefj-orio»«iatl>8fcct o f^ iKJuaatSon, a oT vUbiBiatbaiBiiaod, aoda wrf^ttrjU eaa-deMxzwaa aaA gnca ia a* aiaiawr. «6Teatli t&a lyatarr afgniTBw Ooii mm mcaifart; ia HmtmkJ' thoapr®. puaamaL* Bh fcmaa nalacawaa li jredact of t!» HoIrOtat, ft «a>, ^ ^ a d te dia IscusxTC On was Hba Inly Jans.* ^ IhnBU ntare vaa sdea flM-Bftb aB grace, lid pnoc^ aoKcd to IMfy—''OodV lav was xaHkamaUt oTMa haart." Here w ererin liianiateme lore to InfineiB; loo aatazal tas-•ienoai van an tovazd God.

Qm «« (•• Tifl"—" natare is its troa grandeor. -BMa^maaP -niew ia •(>otheroijert ao nfafiae in the uiaiwae of God. Hoe rea tWdoHzaraSperieefiBau llMatii aniaiaB mtrnviaa moat uitei»tiag «•»—tagnfonr aa in too inanv 'i't*'""'*" How <lH|;iia»1fJ and sanikn mm are Um nK majoritT; toaoBK tbereaie aoaifetBiiom ofinaBlal and an^ tao^, in a few, ipBcitBri esceQeBoes wa be traoad, Vit eieu tlMaman iararfcet. Leave ira tin* jjcaeot risfid waaU adaoarftnnrd to titn^mia to

SalTstkn is sacored by &ith in the Savior. ''He that Miet«£& cm tbe Son, hath etennl nfe." "Verily, Terily, I say mto you, he that hcareUi my word and Mwri& oa him that sent Ue, hath tnrisiCtey life, and shall hdC qoow into •tian, bat is paaaed from death onto liCa." ''And

fiveth and b ereth on mr, shall <Se." •^jrhonerar ata . MtaHi

i.^ w. 'Ajmux.

}LLA2rD BITTKB8, tMTKan.iT«»A isr

u. da. ifww^f*.

wuxul t^TMOl OFTHfi

loKiasnu. Wat. i s

rffflk-mtiiB wamiattkm «tato: Oanwelbd natme mbliaatcd and ndeas, bat itai

SioAed, and dependent, and qyaMa of munreaMBw; bat in the penon of Christ weaee hmaao Batnre in penonal nmoii wt& Doty, afceotatdy poftct; and hen abo wa find the onaa of an Oe bieaaed-aav and that erer be leaSaed or fis-yad aBf of dSdieB of men. b the reeorda of the anacriista we hare the

oatmdUatacy afthia woDdroasPHsoB. There haown wordi an reootded, Ut aetkma are nar-tatad. Ui teth and iwuimtioii laif^ dwrit •poo. Bntia thePtoh* aad peof&etieal writ-

W« iana tbe iaaar of Jesos nrakd. we «iBtred«iced to th« hidy aaiKtoarTofhia <wd, aad istftad to have Mfawdnp with hfania hk ^ou^ sod fceSBKa. fa thaee woarfinw docanants wa ai« told what were his fuipuaea Md. daaitaa vkas ha took oarwtoie.aad alae te^^ IKiad that ha dwrit cB earth, inmiB 1 '111 laaaMlitaliiin a' 'liT^ r Rfieaaed odhrNtttoe dw^ t ^ ^ tet Mt raqoired. TW«aiidi;iA!I«aaMC mthaiQtaMQf tfca kookHia writtea of nw,T Mchtto in % vOS, O mj Qoir In theae w«tetiMSkricrMBcaa tte imMimrf of afl fldawyof Bcanxx. T&e esperiaaeot had been triad Jb^ aad ia Tariooa ways, whether nan mdiiaatraetaadan* himnW; bat aQ eailad ia the triaaipk of jpwraTV*, gi^ aad aaaaoali . PhaoaB(l fhadaipied,a»faHatahad pennaded, mtwhanamfcla had beea tdad, aadtmrnt-haaafeteabadhlad;b«tanMWL S*aB€>od-k awB iMitatieaa, aa lareatad oa Steai, had Mad, aad dadaraJ "weak aad aa»et«tahl».» -DMtotoooeafadthe aarth aad fnaadatkaaaa thayaopla." ThewwabiperaatGodVowaaltan, «v«afteaawho had moat Es t aad Naeti , were aotaatkfiadi tha coaaoeBna waa aot porcedi it waa da^^ Mt that there waa no eotrespoaidwe bannManaidiaal datotad to Meed a «crifie% aadthariadi« ma fer wliomit waa thaai poialBdaaiihatitato ; maoa i6*lf aaid, -Animal hiaod eaaaot parse away aia; all etaatioB caaaol iilai Ti'* *" then went forth the sn>aa Car deHvaaaceiaadantrnehaartadooaa aaraaaUy aiad, "liak. h-te. my bafatad f ••i

OD h«BaBg«iltaadsri«taad Mtha

^ Jiarea x: jab

r atVakM MnnV* TaHariaaaadetwaahiaHfarthiaiitBal. Itia

|M<w aaa.aDd ^ tea atan wtidk waa tnaaiphed over Aa eBia>

qamt aha:: ha adaeved; by the satara wUA dka i tita oTGod, aad

end tte i^iraf God, aad cmh-the pcead ep-pnaaor; ban v aa orpm tha;f oa aoaai. firth JAraM pniae, aad to wUdiite Ha Oa« wS kivato mm—, taaaaa heart on whkkhaeaa leak witk iafato will 1 iinnr. tka Kioaa

la to da Gad wiQ, toftiey an Mi .toidfilaltlaa

imalthagivTW^Mbi tkat&WMaia wUelifead

«» a»!t tiria^aa tha altar ef hia £«iaa, totkakaalof tha

iMkaf GodPha ttoMrwitkUi

petftct obefiMc. Hecaom tom^aaoidbr aiB,top«titawaybytIteaKrifkeof He& Be

aeatocmavMrSrtaB, aad ahoGahdaath. AB tM aad andi mote, be does as the ft^ of •aa, to laiaa hn from thaiae, aad aonow, to

ITaB, Oca, adght ba.cUBeat(s mnvetaal attoa-tioatohia i orioaaeonuiv, aad worthy to ha to ba tha«||{Ktaf amy eyat the atdgect cf ettcy tOBpie, aad the belovad of every htort.

Bdt it was aot an wl^ ha Snt eaaa, aor iait to now. Hmhead3tho<iaeit '''Vrbcra<iiie rtea I Game was there no maa, when T caDed was there aooe to aaswer?' "Be caaie nnto hie •wa, aad Ua owB laodved him aot" He •wthfroaahiaFUheribe stood aad cried, "lam (Mae,aIi| ia:othe wortdttbu whoeoenr be-Bavetoaaw dMoldnetdiidein darkans. tat hsEve the Bcht of life." *f coaw not to jod^ the wwWi,hBt tomvethewoHd." And yet thoogh

petaee Wi aa waedaild, Haloe* a* SBwia.

W «•*• toy«t Bfe, come yov to ma Sfe. 'lamcooe

to ^ rest; eome to M, aad I wOl yea Bat men koOM at hh wai aad Momed Hi

Here aad there a heart echoed Uiow* words, aad wondering at the new Bfe whWk it ftit «irtTaswitl«a, cried oat, "to! I cae>e "hns were Veter, Joha, Kathaaiel, aad others drawntoChrist: and even the stnnerof Sytdtarj and 'Hhe voobb who was a siBner," eiriahaa eadiwiththede(vaatwx)ader''lA!I<nate;" aad ever unce, froca ace to age, edtoas from varioas part* of the earth have beaa heard.

ailt M* •• to tkoM I «•: S«a<i« ila to tkto I ft**. SNOIv M Im I nalT*.-Reader, has there hern an icho frodl jfrw ftesri

to the Sasioc wortet Are yoo eoaje to' JeteT Are you even eomiag, or wfl&ng to come t mamher, he aays, "Ha that ooocth to meT rvi ia ao wise oMt oat." Try hiaa, trttit him, ^ soon yon win find what caaseyoa have to triom^ is him. Jeans has rnma fraan God to ataa oa, potpase that man Bi,:ht , 0 Cram Satan to God. Qa came from heavca to eaitk, that ahaata aright rise from h<ll tohesfvea.

For any thos invited to my to him who iavites thwn, "-Depert, 1 denre not the knowledge oCthr ways" is to imitate the evil spirit of daikneea, and B the certain way to the partScipatioa of th» misety. Ahy who^ It ha ao7 Why shooM fon pam by Ctftaxy witt aH its attiae-tioos and bleausgs, to that galf of woe froaa whence there is no redemption 1 Come thea to Jesos, wMIe he pleads with yoo. and weleotae him to your heart, whom aagels oaee wdcomed to onr world, when he «aid. "Lo! I COSE."


t&tll^&l him, dtfO never thir4 ;iiit the water thati sihaD gire him shall be in him a w^ of water springing up into fsniosfMjrliieL''T am the living bread wU<ji came down from hesTo. IT any maa Ml of this bread, he dtaU Uve finrer, and the bread that I win give him is mr flesh, whidilwingive for the&feof theworid." "I know in whom I have beSered, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I hav« commit-ted nntn him against that day."

Th(»e positrre declarations of Divine Truth, w amply raiSi^t to «astain the propontion, tliat aalvatioQ is oaaseqoeDt opon fiuth; ami that it an eternal «aIv«tiao. For if Ute saved cannot ooaie into condemnatioo, ouanot taste of death, cannot thirst, the benefits secoted by fioth are snCuIii : the sahatian in an etonal eae aad the saved cannot fiUL

The believer in a{MSta*y can only avi tiie fi>roe of these pobstad dedaiatioai of the Word of troth, and deny that the believer Vt already saved, by cUaiing that they are conStiooal, aad that thair (UfitaneBt is made to depoid on the IhitMhIneas. or good worlp of the oaatnre; which, }3a we have heretoSicv shown) not only makaa salvatioa depend on vrarks instead of gincc, bat «sp«eea Ha adwcatas to the (aaattaau prooMiactd ia the Apac jrptie So taraa «t those vrtio may add to oc take from the H<y Reoorf.

The Sctipturas say, "He that believeth on the Son, hath eternal life." Iteliever< in »po«t».*T deqy the Word, and say, "He «ay or shall have, upon coa£tk>n, that be eoatinneth to abouad ia good wwfo to the mi" TheScriptares say, "He that hcareth aad befievath on him that aeat me. hath

and shaU aot coma iMn raaifiaaiiW».» BcCeveta in apostasy say, *He may eoma into eoademnatioa, aad win oaly allow him everiastiiig life, upon conation that death shan find him fthh-fiiBy peifotmiiy the works of the Law." The Scriptnns say, "Whosnew btfevcth on ate shaQ aever die. Advocates of aposta deny the ia-

Becord, and say he may die. The Scr aay, 'Whoaoanar ahall drink of the water

that I s^ ^ hha, aiaB atztr Those who believa the ««a» «f apostasy say, -He may AiTit, wither, aad die, aad iaataad of the w ^ gnaa him proning a waB of water spring-ing np into saerfasMay Oay teach that the foantata nay feO, the w«n di; aad the nan thirst aad die." They deny, that {f any man'Ha* of this brtad," he shaH fire forever, bat in:^ in doBance of God Wwd. that he may hoagw, pi awi£e. They are onfike the iaspiredpeBa-

who 'Hraowing in whom be had befieved," «*s persaaded that he was able to keep that ooanauttcd to Uk caie. A<SlIefaa«pennBiMQhiis

ofthdrmiadaL Thar ereaiia-pabvc the coBBaiBiaB with a paovise fevmble to t l ^ work stern, and aaake its iMtouiised blese bpdepaadon the cnatweH works. And thas ^ they, by their spGextiuos and adAtioas, ob> ritfe tSie force of a vast aambo' «f the poritiTe dqcbntkw of tiie Oradea of etena] ttroK ^ siataai aa error fouadad on a. blee iQFatem thaolngj—xmai to their mtiafeetiua by a few

mftt of Saiptva whidi thay ara aawil&ig or oaablato taka the troohie to reeaaeaa> <»ilh thaaMcepiafaiaKlelnrtaaBteadngsofthahaaiM Baeoid. '

Oae postive maereratioe of GcA Won is a^ fieaaattoertahBshaayoaepaiatar th{ng;Uid tt » inadadnible to si p^ Hanw" a4£tioas to fcror a theory, for tha esirtaaoe of wKdi no tive dadantkm or example is fcund in tha Sai^ Totane. Thaphiaaa* obvlana maaaaagof the ahova qaotad paaaea of Saltan 'a thu tha uaitaaa of feith aeearaaiv tito creailMaaiBal -elaealBfe. &isttamjaififtadti>aa^a«H U aoa , Aa adiy ef jaatiOeatfaa With thtFkAer. Itia tnathathaia JkUMI^ naa br^ works ; aad tlM> fefion to dtMxhaeatto paope la rwniralti tfcnaa>etfaBaof tta wkidt traatofJasatetaoB by graoa, t ^ ' vKika, Stotnalrihetai at fittk to feist oa te GhxMaa ^ amr «C avoataqr-

WhwMM^t iayadtiUhMbiN^ Mr taw «( God, s law " oatof

Ckriat; fer he, ad shoM he,. aUter tha iUtt rdiiaiiu, raadw' to the cad .of his fife, perfect ud patpatoal ahadieiiwi, ha woold o>ay have met fl>e dwianfeaf tha law foirthe time betag, aad hip present oompGaaee woold make ao s sfection fer^previoaaaSan. Nothing but the petfect righteousnaK of" Jeaas Christ, imputed to«the Baaer throo fiOth, caa utiaty the demastli the kW, and atone for oae «1n, how-»>er aaaM, tf the eapraaslnu may be allowed me; (ferlnt leg point- virtr ait ceenreearatf acjoal magidtodejand tUahnpata of ChristVi righteou^new. is of graosaadaotof works: and thai> thkvn graiY by the aaatitatiaa <iC a«>tber, is be daBvered (hwa the «aati«a<» nl God'a Uw, be-efltee« Krir to etenaf lilt, ahd Joint heir with the Skvior to aa inheritance incorruptible, oudefiled, ami mhiah fedeth as* away JB eddttfee to tbe;8erifltarto*«e<ly B&ted, to

ahnar it giAt^ upon the exerciee or feith, ~aadtl»t it is not Qlity a dcSverance from pasting bat aatstaaal aalaatlai many other pcilMs.of aa£acnd,Jk*wrd»«jF baited.

'Qfy ahfp hear my voioaaad I know them, aad, they foOoif mck. And I give onto tham

, JUNE 11. 1859.

ettiaal life, aad they shaB vrnnr perish, neither ahall ay pladt theaa: aat of my hand." Thb

ot th» Sh ard is snScintt, i t ^ to pnsve that not eae«faa redeeaied shall altiai«tiyfellavrayadbeiaat. The sheep .ACav Bit. They prrisi. None shall ?.'«<* th«n out of or haol I giw unto them tunml liSf. Should one stiav away, rhonld cm perish, should oae be phicked out of the She] rd hand, should Ode'fell o rcadt eternal lifi these four solemn aiieTerathii «on]d prove so many &Iaehoo<b; bat fet God be true every man a liar." *'An that the Father giveth shall come to me,

aad hia that Cometh,! win in no vite cast out." *And thoa hast given him power over aU ieah, thathe «hQ«td give eternal Efe to aamany aa thou h»t given, him.'' The Father in ooosidwation of the SoaV sacrifioa, is aaiptaiaUy said to give the saved to the Soa, aad the Soa «iU cast «way orsu&rnnne to be lost: and to this end the Father has gtv«a Oe Sob power over all Spsh. aad And ahhoagh it may be cUiced that the graat Baitder of the piritaal eififice, is endowed wHh capeefti(» to repair aU Iceses, and obiate all the irjiny his ten4e maT suffer from such causes, the thwjrr is oj iosed to the plain porpcrt of the Scriptures under remark, to say cothing of the poor compliment it pays the judgm t of the builder in selectiag the materials and friy framing together the various elements of his ;nq>er!tmc-tow.

•Bui God oummeixleth his love toarard us in thit, while were yet enemies, Christ died lor On Much, more than being justified <7 kis blood, we shal! be saved from wrath through him. For

whcB we wer» eaemies. we wrre reooodled to Rod, bv the death of his Son, much morv faeinit n oncifed. w» di l be sav«d by his life."

The .postie m here dii«M>nrsjn{; 00 jn'Sff and life, by or thraogb Jesus Christ, and the cer-tamty >»f the salvation of the believer through the Rfr of Christ, is forcibly preseotpd. Let the reader remember that eviration I- of grace; that the nner had no clum< to the fiivor of God. Then let him con«ider the buundjest extent of that love, which was •ufficient

ytsjaiam ha op kb <mly S<m to die, that we might have

Gle ia him. £ietlt>m then contrast our state when a!in and jostified throi%b the blood of the Savior, with what it was pievioosly. and he will be the boUer qualified to appreciate the arjnrarat of the Apostle.

How rational his conclusion, after regarding the love of God, (sufficient when we were enemies to uMjvip inn to sacrifice his only begotten Soa for o'lr redemption) aft«- ron.*iderin|; the life given, and tbe ju*tificat<»n iiupartn} through the Son"« d,nith and Uood, that if when we were enemies that loTe, death and Mood were soficicnt to give life and iMtifiotion, that now, being alive and jtutiSe<i, w« shaD he saved bv his life 7 Death in aD thing; a state of disability, the ODunte-part of w&idi. life, is chanctarijed by tapadtf for aeti«>. Now if tha death of the Savkw, the hn moans cTHiId tothedeadpv«Iife-^htgi«aterre«ilt-.-theconclu-sioa of (he Apostle is, that having been made alive, the life of the Savior—the greater means—will the more certainly aoeompiish for asthek~<s r ult— our ptcsei vatiea ato eternal Uiss.

"Aad if eUIdren. then heir«. betr« of and joint heirs with Christ, if an be that wc sofvr with him. that we may be also g!<Kified together."

The p<tr|u»e of our sullcrii wHh Christ (be-ing nade partaken of hb sufferings by repentance sad feith) is, that vre may >>e glorified wrth him (together By suffering with him, w* become hciis vrith hoa, to the pretmed inheritance. We reach the inheritance by the same tenure, right or ei«m. The hleasii inuring to wn one. one and indiviaibis—the glory, a joint glory. Its attain-ment if lost to oae. cannot feil to affect the prom-ised rea&ationto all, and detract from the inher-itance, (vy promised us in Christ Jesos. with the lather. That which would deprive one heir would ay or aO the remain'mg heiis, under mOar cirenaastaaces. And that which vrouM bring one heir to the inheritance, would bring ay w all the remaining heirs. The possi-bility of the feilure of the Son to ecjoy the prveiiBed iaheritanoe, vHn not be thought nf by aiqr oao; no oik win qaestioo the mffidency his daims orrighteoosaess. > And as his snlferings are nade onr sulIMng hi.« ri;;hteomK«s oar righteonsness, his cjaims.ottr claim, our attmn-OKnt to the inheritanee is equally as little « matter of doubt.

The leagdi of this artide forbids the further prosscotioa of thjavievT of the subject. Itmi^t be extended {qfintetely; as the sacred nradrs afaoa iafectsj lignreaaad parables, which teach tha eertaiaty af the mlvatiaa of the believer. U the feregtdag seriptanl eitatiaos and elocidations are iasaflldeat to eata'biiwK hi minds any; tlie coovktioa that the Seriptnies teach the cer-tiin^ of the etaiaal prawatitta of the sainta, by the grace of GodrPinMUy no amount of te»-tiaioay would prove suflhaeat to do so. btaArtaraartide lahaDatteaMto reconcile tboaa nctioaa of tin Word of God which are daimaato teach apostaiy, to this view of the subject, ». Hiekaan, Sy., Hay

St poaa we amHow mm, or smoka tobacoo Mm opa^ TiMraBwapimajifBotth* t«baoaa, «ai iaerMsc dw mImb of tha h ^ aa4 artarias, aad fiM> a tiaMianeaw the heat. Botia isaB M the ftcecr of the stiaaha ia goa «e»n aot only aowana r thaa before, bat, ndMr, eoUor. 80 b u with matard, pewaad iaaa; aad aa ia tntt, wiU tea

all other meeaaeats, ctrfid a*d liqmd. . Th^ ioMea make as a little wanaerfer lbttiiaa; aaa>aaaa,at fink, they aa oettaalT iaMM tfcft aatin^ of tha oinalft-tioa; li^hteaolIaatlaK. Tho iaal or laMt-biiaMe qT an tkeso is vrfkTotahle

IS|in «itkB«^«zaitaati BO IMB Oaa fkymaimm Ciimliit^ ^

^ftiiUMfiBaair^otker laias. Bat

Wt the MnmVmi t f tm Ao haaktf tha ira

ON THK vaorxofn or itTBT-aax PBKACXKO. LoTisft Bsmrasx you haw request-

ed ai} «!«•> Aipoo th propriety of fnaeral preaehisg, I (»t»e fkvm f j .you in very few wordi

The Bible i« our staadarti apoo tl» subjc?ct of preaehiQg; and as}t!o f i ^ tb« Bible, there can be no praptiety ia piesflfediig at aR- But, I undeTNiud frn» the quc!<Uon, thai you do not cUiax anthority for the practice from thu Bible, afid wit properly too, as we have acither preoept nor.'wtaBjplo to counhmatscti the practice in the S<!iipturwi. And as trt take thA Bible for our rale of faith and prac-tice, the propriety or impropriety of funeral preariunj MaaifBst.

Her» 1 stop, did [ th belkre that parnteioi ooiaMfaeuce 'do aeral preading. T ask the mw bwo ic the habit of preaching foneiala. Da yU nat a every ceeaBza, as a sort of a apoiogj or iatrodaotioo, first inform the con-gregatien. that you do not preach to oor for the dead, bit to tJe living? Now would you my this, if jou did not see the darger, at •o»p might be led to believe that the dead might be benefited in mat way thereby; ad «q>ecially as ycu go to the grave to preach ? Showing at oaee to the tgoorast-part of the cammuaity, that jcme good, at least, b cx-peotcd to be derived to the de|<arted sool. Most' arsuredly you would make no su&h a apology, did BO fear of the kind passes?! your breast.

Again, whsa caU<>d upon to preach the fc-aeral vf «cnie aotorsousl v wicaed persoa, which doab'ilrss has been the case, are yuu Dot, to say the lea.--t of it, in a strait, lest you might offend either the friends of the decased, or tho public, or, perhaps, your ewn eoneciesee ? If yon speak of the deceased as a moral, good and excellent character, vou offend the bearers; for they know better And if you speak of him in his tnie charaotcr, yea offend the sur-viving friends. And yei you are expeoted to say <>ogiething in favor of the deecased: and how can yon do it without trespassing upon your own feelings ? T am sorry, as I cft n have becE, to we ministers go to the grave to preach. But, say they, I am rtquwt to do so, aud I do cot wish to offend. But, air. yon ttTB a tcaeher in Israel, and should correct er-ror, instead of encouraging it, as yon do; for, in some scB«r. tSjis kind of prciching ok? ini-prcfs the huuao mind with so idea that »3me becefil, is some way or other, i> done to or for the individual for whom the funeral is preachcd, or why preach it t And cfieo it is wet ks, or months, or even years, afier tho death of the individual, you may be caHcd ap.->n to preach, aad very oftcn it i« wasted to bo at the grave. I appeal to every mijiifter, if you did cot feel the force of Ifcis truth, would you make the a loty beHSfiTmentToned'T I think boi ; these tiuEgu speak too plain to be miyundemod. And farther, the minbter called upon muft, in the estimation of the family, i-c a maji cmi nent it the ministry, efpoftally if the family of the deceased is a family of high standing. And, brethren, do not bt angry with mo, if I ask, in honest rinrerity, h»vp ynu !i-<t fi-lf some-what honored, rr lifted ap. on rt-ccivirg -ucb a r<>(jti««<t ? All this, to ae, is prv»'3f pic.-itive

III. !tSaen<*- .-if fuutmi pTMch-irg.

.Vgaia I ask, do you kcos 01 a in u a<b-viction or cpuwrqon beiug bwa t »l>iut ei;-tirely by or sbrongL funeral preaching, i.s !h< visible oeins T I doaV-t acy buch ca-e, for, as far a. my kcuxledge cr iaAirmafion extouds (ad I have inquired of many,) the Lord has hitherto failed toblft<s thi kiad of preach-ing, cither to the living cr to tbc dead. Kui this, of it.'jelf ij, to me, onclusive cvidcnco of the impropriety af foneral prxaching.

Well, then, you ask me tow »od whet, did it obtain in the Christisn Church ? Tht prac-tice of delivering a kind of eulogy or an ora-tion upon the dead, obtained in an early age of the world The Egyptians, we believe, wer*" the first to ealogiie thar dead, (see Baok"-; Theological Dictionary, article, Fune-ral,) aud the practioe was c;>picd from then: by the Jcw», aud carried with them to tho land of promise, from the Hebrew?. The Romas, and the Oreck and the heitheo generally w*m all to have adopted the pracUec; but, in all ea 's. at cr before the interment of the dead, aud never afterward; ad evea then, nothing more »ha a «>rt of eulojry, setting forth the virtues or gvod qualities of the de-ceased And about tbc year 380 or 381, the notion obtained in theKomaD CathoUo Church, that the in glory, by their nearness to God, oould do Fumethiu); for the living; hcnoc the practice of praying to departed ^nts and martyrs; ad M)on after prayers were put np for the dead. And at the time of Bonifact III., that monster of iniquity, (be Church bad become so beclouded with boperstitios and ly-ing wonders, that, in the year 93o, the ericbra-ted least of All Saints eras esUblished; ad, ia the year 953, the feast of All Sals followed —the fimt. to pray to tho glorified saints to assist in the government of the Church, ad the second, to pray for the souls in purgatory, that their sufferings might be shortened. [See Dowling> History of BomaniEm, pp. 97, 105 ad 191.]

Wo giva yM a nwple: Gr ory Naziatisen, apoa the mar Cyjamm, bishop of Cartha

on oration, in which he implores the aadstaoe of that oriied martyr to aid him

Cbordtes, dterefore, e^ off this Babylonia garmeet. aed divest them-eUes «f all anserip-turai and snti-Cbristta praettee», that tb« Church may beoomc &ir u the moan, clear u the eoo, a<! gloricos is ber apparel.

In eonclusion, thcrefoe, permit ate to offer the fjllawing Ejections to faeral preacjucg.;

1. The, Seriptarw the Old aad fiew Testament are held by tha Ba >ta as a pcv-feet rale ot faiA aad prae&aV »^ ^ ^ be-ing neither precept aor exampfolii the Bible kr funerxl prsacbing, it most ITODow, as a a»tt«ir nf course, that propriety in the pr»«. " le is waticg.

Faneral preaching is ealeai ted to onato false imprasrioea, aaob aa, tb^ the i4ato of tha dead may, in some way, be afcetad bf it? - Aad father t Csinw* ^Htn O&ml

ohaneterof tla _ ceased, and. sh^d «i «eyresaat (he isdini-aal as haviag goae ha^y, thaymiy he aaiKta-ken; and should they speak Athetwi*. tiey wooed the feelings of the samvigg fnead

.\nd last, b - aot leaiit: It is a reli; of popcT), aad. M ssoii, otzght not t« he ia |«a(s in the Biptipt Churrhe; ,

Jajus WHIT


fi,OBXI>a Assocuxnur. DE.\k Baornsxs anb Sunu r—Our «xee-

utive c<>umitte« have requested aa to visit the Churche)- of oar Associatioa, with a view to aw en a greater interest in wr anociatiaBal mistionarT operations. And, beaideaperfoaai* ing that labor pentoaally, u &r a etrsmasta-ees will permit, we uk the privilege of ad< dreseiDg yva in tUafomi.

Thwe was laekiag to ot«vt the nrrnaaii of ndseionary labor, for ia.-)t yaar, aearly two haa-dred doilars, which the- committee bant nade up from their own private means. There is DOW not a dollar in the treasury, bat the da of continuing raob labor is so great, that tte committee have re-eogaged Bro. Sims to re-main one more year as our missioaaiy, west of the Choctawbatchie, pledging themj res for the amount of two hundred dollars toward his supp:krt. BcEides thu field, there is much d«s-iituticn in other ponior.s of oar bounds, wbenoe the appeal for help caatisnes to rii^ in onr ears ad deeply aSsetoar hearts. IKs-cip!e.< of Christ, what shall we do? Ca wo oic our eyes upon the field already white on-to harvest ? Ca we stop oar ears to the Ma-cedonia cry sounding in onr midst t Shall icdiffcrtince, or love of the worid, shield oor bcsrtE. a nat the wails of moral woe, goiag ap to the courts of heaven from oor very doors, as swift wie>e«scs i^nst xir? The sympa-thies of otir cemmoD natore—a ooBsdooaness of ottr imperative doty—a irreastable sense «f~eer obligationB—die conatruniag love of Christ—aswer, no ?! We ea have •«« peace of mind, no comfort of heart, no o tsolatton of the sjarit, only while we do what we ca to relieve others more needy tha otmelvec.

It believed that you <jo fmi on tlus sub-ject, that yon <ib licsirr others to be partakers of the spiritual benefits which you enjoy. Ton bae, is da}' past, manifested such sentiments by year a<-tt: ad the preeent want of means it L" believed, is more the reiiait of forgetfU-nwi.>, or the want of knowing the real need of your help, than ay abatement of yoar zeal aud uifgy for the prosperity of Cbrist's king-dom amongst us. We i>{iall, therefare, hope that your contributions for assodational mis-ritios, at oat next annual meeting. wiD prove tlie cotfidenee we have in your "aurk• of &ith and Isbcrs pf love," that your eommittee tray hart the means afibrded them of carrying out your wishes is disseminating gospel light throughout our entire associatia boimda, v>d that you may realize, to yoar unspeakable ioy. how tic blessed Savitn- said. " It iii-a>or«

to 'ban to receive " TOUT brothers and fclbw-servats in the

gospel, Wx. HAstiraip. I>. P. KT«mit.

P S—Will eacl. minister of our AsMeia-tion read thif appeal to his congregaaor, ad prrN.~ the aabjeot on th^ minds ? a. ic s

ia lhe government of his flock; and, also, up-oa Us own father, ia which he says, " I do not Ambt that my departed father, being much aearer to God, doe« a great dad laore for bis flook, by his interoesdoa, tha he did on earth, bj his tsaehing. Here we-bare a sample of fneral preaddag, ia the Cataolie Chnrt

See also, pp. V:MaBd 360«f the same work: Asd at the time of the r naatioo, the Pro-testant seets, in leaviag the mother Cihateb, eanied with then the piaetioe of hgteral pteaddng, ad still do thej practice tt to the eeeat day; aad it b much to be r i retted

that Ao l^tist Chvrdtes ever eonComcd to ttis of popW7, aad eopied after the Be-fiana^ Chaiehes as have doaa.

" Bat there a is from hearcB to eoiaeoat of BakgrW*--Bev. xvu. 4. Let the Baptipt

rm the iMlUaM B.><I THE TRICK WOyi' T.\KK. '

And what trick is that? Why, that the whole Baptist deaominatitm is morally, eivQIy, and religiciL-ly bouad to eaaetkn what a,'»a-jority, or even tho whole of a Baptist Charch may do, right or wrong. It is tho^t in cer-tain quarts that if a Chorah eon re agaiast, x-id exclude a good brother, who is in the way nf some jealous aspiiaal, th^ witole brt>th-,.. l"tod ad the rest of the woild ntist aay au>t.Q. because t}t« Ciicrck did it. Not quite. BapUsts have learned to investigate ad Sad the gtiiU or ino.ceaee of the putiee, ad act aocordingly.

The iuaaccnt muat be sustained, though a giat infiacnce be dethroned. T^ ie tla worloDg of the tridc A. is a Airri: corteet workicg brother. B. envies Eat and want? bim out of the way ; bttt his pre aad moral character arc niiiaa|ieacbablo; wh^ is to be done? An open war apoa A. wffl aot do B. ad his gacg talk stent slader of A., ad want all to look oat. They work latil they Mt a aujoritv cf A. a (%ardi secntlf prejudieed agunst Mm. Kow tl^ wiU feign some coalemptiblc nalJtvi , and eaU it a charge. Thsj determine to exoTade hioi, ad set their seal ap<a him, tiiat th^viS iimr restore hini, adnooUMr Churdi will dare un-do what they hare done; eo A. will finever have to live oot of tfie Chor andtfass thej will|et himcmtofthe way. WsisOeirti^ ad It has been attempt to be aerieed ia more tba one iaataaee, aad ia nore States tha eoe. A daricer plot fo Hare Oe oesk aad aan Meting, fiilUld MrvHtt if 60 wail ikever laid by the depotiee of the grwt coenj y honest, hoBoraWa. ' (Thristja deeds. A aian a tioQ waaevar planed by theaMatabaadeMi ad proiigato wrelefa that ever fanaeed tika

wtMcU. Aa iasmeetm «C CmIi aad ebaraoter, ia whi tha inaaaBtaadhana* las miat aaifer. It is too hotrid to thai ahoat, wach leas to ftasae ahoBi

'Wthaaa tyietasek aaa aaaaftBjalahaljiati fcr ihaaaMaer aad«aa> )taadeBia.lathaBtaU the OM Baaaay fa

Gait be {KMAle Oat anal CShrtwa eaa or will ogifa i* ao ilaaifal a work 7 A CkrutMa is Onst-IilR. IS liat OnatJikat It ie mote lika Ae woAef Ms eeariee agMM boa. CaaV yoasse Jadas ia aQ aek ao^ If Sataa n aat looaa amr, Ida aofc aaat to ttraia this waridwhea baillaaae. Bi'lkw. Eltow aiora of tha qpirii of Okiiat, aat te cpm aad h(mAi$a« with Oa oMir. VT^ Ifisfuie a holr oT m afi ptar. Haw aaa *«,. « amp laiGi(| gU dvoanag caek atiUr, aad B ^ a

T la^ ef God's law? Bemember the las mad fere mt aaattar. saA agaiast a brotlier, only pr eroy tiimkimg iimtetiiM^^ vf was <rirt£ he could be dealt wiA ; feri jwZ tay woald be «E«seaaaaiy.

The pacM«ited.ea3 aSard wbe aKs% aad fetgivii^ toarard their poor d: penteeators. A-ereat BCEd ca sever persecatiBg - aiad. It requirae Hi " _ mind and roal to seetetly injtae eveo ny. Brethren ^e tis peace. ^



EXXGSTXCAX. ri&u tb«

Aad CB the savssra day God- ended the which be had uuda, aad he rwed ec the anw^ an "hi* wnrt: »ttci Vhad madr.


t»e bis wwk on the se thday aot rest ali that 'ixr7- A'jart of the most have bees d<»e w the seveniiTday a^t part of that day was devoted to t^ii, aad wl^ p^ to rest, eodd only be eb ect? Bat in the same rereeit ia sud, " He rr>;t the seventh day/rant alt his wtjrk." The expIaoatiaB, we Udtk, if tt^r. 'ptti: Si tiagint, Syriae and Samaritan ver of

readwixA day: "And ra ti»e ,vii<S cay od finish his weik wbidi he had ande rested on the Mtaajft.'* This, we havf b-.t doabt is the traereadiag, fiebtew hav^ been aocideatally earrapted by aaemat awnriber, by atstafiitg the He^* letters aaa, ax, for xam. seven, which •ety maeh alilk Kaaterieals were mi^i^ expressed in letters, sad cot written not l^y asinlatertiiBes. It ia £ur to aote, how tz, that Pnf Steawt thinks the Hebrew text is the eae, and laakes a very lame attempt to d ll He «yB, • The tna^t and Sama tta Patatenoh whidt ^ eea with it, are evii l-ly the reeolt of stnae traKnber's fears ^t workiB? on the seventh day shofald be aitr^^ tedtoOte Creator Bat wliat just grt^d tar fear is tiiere, wheo the writer ezprea f af-firaaftat 6od on dwseresth day hadeaa|i<>-t^ hia work T" Bat that is the incoa bt y of Ae Hebrew text as it sow stads. lo fixst part ef the verse it says, he fiai^ejiis work <m the seveeth day, ad in the la^ art, according to Stewart, aSnns thatbe^ ifibed it m the nxth day. |

/Whoever h ^ Mr. Clay fi* da Si* ^ t . W3M BMigttmlaui to'be^eh^kiad' Widf-lfl ^ withoat exactly kaawiag wl . Than wm a c^ra aboat Its oratfi that dt£ed aaalyau, ad rssdered sobear eritieics: Vi -aigh «f]-n iiblt Tou west away too well pleaasd, aad ad tw full cf a Biirisioo fiir the aaa, to t^k of aekicg how he masaged inr the la» to pat you in a raige at mt mrnaaat, ad icake yoa lagb or or &e sot, st siB. There was abont'lda diSeiwt &tnn any o ^ epeakrr I erezJbaod. Watatei was like a Bteiai eoMiffl for ieaeeentrated pow, ad die ruji ad roar of Ks aaaanlt apcB u eieai7, a sart of hsaau! txloaac, when the fee WIS kindled in those nnxtsBas eyes, and ha ponred fertb a'tcFirast of burrag vcrda, seorchiDg and roa^^ an before U Galhoaa aas the v«7 ctviss 'Cf aiMimet .. j Mi-ir fala] aad delilKrab-lT aaAv aftarBak to^iron ehra af he the hsaiv bit doan at the ead, boned band ad £wt ia the aayieidiogmeahes of a irreastaUe mcbs-oky. But Chy—arhea he mcoatai rastrum a uiiivetsaJ leaile il'aaiiaad aea'a fiaae^:. ad they iooked at aae anoths intii a esptesBOB wbidi wd plaiaer Unb »rc<.-ds,-Giadto»ee you Mr. (Sigr. B»-goaetittllcare! We're gwng to hare a tfet Tfcis Lcavj watk is orer at last.

<iaic(—DOW ccmer plcaotn." " day," said Geoetal Jackson, in the writer' heaii "is tho xtjKousibit speaker that em apae-ci bis laoath in a poblie aneably. If yaa lisien to him. he will make yoa belisiv waj thii hep'auts." HiB,fiwBa enaty.av not aeat for praise; but to the fact old Hiek-

r*- tbe Bji .tr aaw aHAi.1. wk skacb tbk evxLV £ Keas. Ebitok>: ''Almost allnhe ecit^

at the North believe Slavery to be a great evil"

Thus we have a article headed, in yoar i?-soe some months Axe , taken from the Eaatr aziiiKr; aad u your ooiumna are opoi fo^^ diseassion of all saleeta whidi affeet Ghri eharaeter aadfidlowshlp, I have thought er to write a Ime which has been su^estcfl reading the aibresaid article. I do not it as a renew, Bora r^y, bat amp ta apoB a tern t l ^ eostaiaed tbenin, aa freely speak of the s ject of Africa fe-Tery.

The writer, like Northern editors. ; Is davery a evil, ad rtgaids SoutherL G "is-gas as being deeply mvolred in the n of siaveryf etC4 ad also atrfes it a SoutherMn-EtiSntiOD. All of this I regard as beii b-trae; aad the writer must have read bi^ty aad the Bible to bat Uttle parpose, aot to Sre known at least that it was not a Soather in-e titutioc. He ought to have known that sla-very was incorporated in the law cf the Srst natioa which had a writtea taw. a: tie mw-givcr of &al aatioc was God himselfl ad that law has cerer been repealed. Secondly, the writer onght to have known that slavery, as we now have it, existed ia Ecglad wht ihe America Ccdoaks woe settled, ad wat ifo-vided for, ia some way. in all the plsn is ias from Maine to Ixnisiana: and it exist at the tjioc of tne Ameriea Bei ?-tion, ad was provided for ia Ae Constitif Vn of the ITnited States. It fa cot, therefc a Southera iastitatioa, but wss a demr ia the eiwmeat Uw of E Iaad. adopted ek?-whcre in hi-r e«loll e aad was, ad stiD^ a irabstratam uAderiyiag every State tiflo now in this ^riotis Ameriea Ui Truly, U has been abdidiad la half o; Ameriea States, which has a effect up eitizcBs of thoee States, bat act oa even witboat the eetebrated Ft tive law. This win ippear in a elear Hg 'by another view. For example: LotnriaaskfW fm it was ceded to the United States, b^^g-ed to France; ad sUvery existed in •aa, wbidt al that time extended frn^ the mouth of the Misaaippi to the Paeifio (^na, indadiag not oaly "bleeding Eaasas,. bBt even Otgon. Now, be it remembere at by treaty atipalation', when coded toth^^ni-ted SUtes, the ri^ of the people vart Territory, w w<31 in glare propcrt; their rel iot. were earef y aad provided Ibr. .And this treaty eanaot be liahed by ay Stato ooort ^a ner State statafe of a j tate ereete£«;AB ay part of tibo. afittaaU Iteritaiy. But they may, for tlmaselvee, aboEd #3 cf the privileges giren by it - the t torn «f daf«i7 andatfia that eoaititii c and State law aor the OouresB (if tbe..€yted

«'t2r was p®fe<y eompstat to tasdfy. ~ Hnth; Mr. day is going to aodreai the I looked at those taidve gestkaaa wiA some ititerest, for a fellow-bmg*waa « trialb 9re them fi» Bfe, aoeo af asMt atrooons murder. Heavy, Eubstatial loakiag <reoB they were—rather duU, I thoi|^ ad about a likely to be laoved by a anaal to their fedirgs as the stalactites m the Mut-tnoth Civc. As Hr. CUy riromeBad, afriand wbi«p£rcd ia my ear, "tbst rillia oagB ta be hag. bet he-s a trife ad dsild, and he eld mother is here in emrt ad &at% eno^ fiw Clay ; ae'il have the jaij Uahhlt-E is leas than half a hoar." I daahtad It, bat 5C it Tiios: great halkii iieIi«Ba -were sobbnig aad mt pin tbrir £ukb orerlha sorrcwc -jf the {oiwnEr's £iaiily as deaartirnhj the speaker, as thcuah tiiey themsdves had Just U:eir dearest ~ end. Evsi Hi amui kw iu ccae vigcrenslj, for acme reaaa, da-riBg the appeal is behalf of da old womaa, al al&oujh pafcstly ranvineed that I was *- BCtld" in !« doioB, I could &oi rout the epi-demic, ad sgbirf and sobbed ia eooeMt with die bese bar, jaij, and eetalon.— -Itisneedless ts add dia: the pnsoBsr w sc-quitted.

Several years a^, wl^ :n the vieisi of Ashland. I called apoo Mr. Clay. EcwaiB]»-sent from borne, attending a £tir ia the smgh-borbood. Being esinras of a iaterviw, I followed him to the fair grtraadi, ad fiadW him jest aboat to eddrec the ataltatade, taal a seat amci them. Direcsly is front of ms two Udisa. One of them appesiad to be in a ill kaaior far seme reaann, and I over-heard tha retaftat reaurk. 1 dat want to bear CUy. Wcader if nobody in Keatnel can make s. leseh bat him. Myhasteadisa DeoHHm. Mr. Clay i oesed , and having occaaoa to re&rtothe domestic articles OB ex-hibition, pud tirt ladies loeseatsiMse vary hq co.-npIiraent£ apes thdr ddll aad iadait , astl is illasion to the bcasty and good qualitiM of ills Uii csustrywomca gaerally, SM that with regard U> them, as well a othtf faa fab-rics, his prefersiee was for ditmCFtie waBBfae tares, iastod of foreign impcrtB. The asEgled air c-i gallatty and draOaiy of the tpokcr, ia this part of bis address, the haif-je$t ad h&lf-eamest of his mar itT, the wir, the anccdoU ad the pcihas, a be sUa-d- to his on adraiidiig jesji ad iaaaasug iiifirniitift», were taimltaUe ad irresistible. I looked at the DemoorsitTB wife. It vraa plaia

iedia a that ber effartj to bate Clay bad ende xi able failare. She had b^ laaghiag and crying Hke the rest of as, and after te tama!-tuess'applau5e which flawed &e daw of the address subaded, I wa surprieed to hear her say to her femak compamon, Jaaa, itS no ase act liki^ him because be' a Wh%, a it T 1 sappoie Johc wca't lib it, bat Ta a ginng to give him my blaakets.'— iSsv alitf

.lEtrca nxT OF ATOXKIESXT. Thisday was the amst impressive aad adify-

icg is the pcea]!iar eooocmy of tha Jnrs. lis saiemn eereawrrisl' are thits deseribed by fte Brifch Stancard - The -Jewish day of atanemest iavdved the prafotmdc: cosMd-s tions -ef daogCT, and shadowed f..»rtl: escape only through viearioss snfferiDgj. The hi h priest, after he had w&>hed, not oaly his bads ad bit feet, as mmal at oimimnn saeriiees, bat his lAale body, dressed himself is. plain linon, lik* the

States ea remove it if every Stato Uaioa reqaned it, becaaae articles of a caaoot be nfisalrif nor reasoved by Sfow, we see in diis broad light, that ii sad hu bea «iaplj prorided for Abroad laad,andlie is not a good nor a good erilSe who will presaioe to SoathetB iitslitatiae, or rin i Ssatheni tiaaa. We arc satisfied that sUrcTy aa, bat when properij ecodtioted it a to the b]aaiC;nea aa wdlaa preAL: vhitopeo{ ; aal abvaes iboild ao aM

asiato diagast for |t,tha the mat]tnBOBial and paraital rdations. h«e ia dw Soath, w» fiad may store al tha named HCe thaa a« do jrferad aaiiiBkaifi5 dans; aad th^mie aw | TodaaiwnatQy dothed w ^ ddidrasfma flan am bbdcaaes.

Do Noctiaa odiian and Bckly baaif lobk alMMii ita saatf a&iswdlia ^eiatieBa^aktMyfaMr kai t i r Or «gi ik^r, m m^j

alalia aad dadamt ta (wntdsaswffl

it iMtitB&MB dwelvai Oa aqr ? After al

Va naahad a featie* * ; aia^ ^TirKa iorife^

• ^ i

o h^ priest*, wearier neither hia pisple rabe, Otir ephod. cor m pectoral, beeaasa he was to expiate bu own alas, togtfhcr those of the pee^ He first offaed a M-loek ad a ram lor bis own ad theas *i the jfficsts, pnttieg his faaads oa the heads af tite Tic&ns, ad eotzfenseg his owa Bs* aad the BBS of his h-;-.B8eL Afterward ha laealvsd from the prison gfthepee e two gnats ftra eifi-o ring, ad a ram for a bamt ofoiafc to be offered in the same of the 1st, determined irinchi **«goa(s AaaUhs sacriCeed ad wUcfa aet aiibeny. AAartUa, the hifh-fxieatputeome of the saared ira of ^s altartf bmat-ofisiagsii a opiiftfTy l&nv incase apOait, aad eatcied with itthaaan -iiig, into the caaetaaiy. Afior baviaf( |ar-ftraod the fawftnary ftisiaacnae, hcauas •ui, to^k suae of the Uood «f tha yoaagbal-loekhehad sacrificed, saixad alaaiido tha aactoaiy, and dippag hit iagst ia it, sprinkled it seva tian becveaa IM wA aai the vtsi wbidi eqsaiated Ae hdy from tha sadoary, wmitst hidy.. HhbIwohmoata seoood time, and beads tfa» altar ofbaiBt4< feriags killed tha goat widdt the lot bd de-tained to fe tte aaerifira The UmI 9t this gaat lie earned into the B»rt bejj flaea, ad sprinkled it ssren times betweea aik aad ae Tot wbieh srptratod the holy froa A* saBctauj; £t«m tbeiM he retomed iata Iki eoart of the tabernacle, aad qiriaHrf both ddesofitwiththebloedoCthegaat. J i t ) ^ dw me, sodC of die {aieda tt aimittod isto tabenaols cr iatia I ThisbMg daa tbeh h-jirieatcaM taHw altar^b^BMirii^r^aMdte tarhaaa cifHwith the Mood eftfcegaat aad TOBBgW-l«i, adfMiilM itsa«1ime» wiA thaaaw Utwd. Tha aagilnaij. fliB nmrrt ait i ^ t iHdiiC tha peoSlahe firaatad tiamfrnXiOMk

^ l.ead,iHi£9aedIda SMjrtStepec^ aad then ddimei Bto a jggapB to eanj B to saee deattlrfia* aei M? H laaea. er t ^ i ^ ^ n M M j M ^ ^ M over la tha tabersade, and satf^j* ^ ^ reba of

ikii U

Page 2: mt it? · 2012-11-08 · iBUIZr KSOWS iwimr-ex. • on.. NASHVILLE, TEE PULPITL [nv BOIBEIt! fpy 80CDB^


. , or te t b n t & i f t t M i p h i i h n « , w d « a i >t>«r« mOm* I tar

r • • I n l M Utr D m I m V t O i l t e c k i

U k i i M t k t S k f ' f e a ^ into j w M r *

V a n U b tk> ptaMM te Ibe dkMrfkOr aniar tk» Itat, aalB^ il p r i a i ^ M o r tiM Ctardtorpatak

i a M t m O N M . m OmmmUfO^ imM I M r t B t t e o l ^ M h i K w a S l tqrteeooMitBttgB. Tte gmt pdMs^ifaiot O* i M i r i - a * M d «r

iwiMUrfalmBd. ffiariaaBh lb* warkMOMaav • B d t a M t t e n M i A i l l ^ I t t e t c u 4i> if

w & n m l u a s s . S O . L » 3 E M » * R A B O O M - 8 « M B M A B A ^ D A A T -

M i l l ^ # K « M l i w l H " a M M U 4 x M * . - Ito |JM»-t t f l R i t l u m cad anraeiiaa&iumca^ «Hli

UBI lag HMMi,b«i» torn t oMi t ea io lkacMt^ I «r w m r y , •» te n A m d «» a* tba m a t t t f l i w vwi. V«]Hi«t tea, itBea v a M t

»ir lirftipiM»liMi. aad m coo>

A r t aow.bwOaq^to e o a d o k n , ! mfweitMlT, bat a m i r . A t «f P n a l t e t «r O h ( W TWJtiOO.

^ . m ^ m M e a n • a n t l w . t f . t lowtectopaa a « dMcnafoathe twoYcanacoin dx&i* m t«~eIacUaft, twcaMate U n o i ^ b s M o e -e a t M i t e cbalr Inaic «n»«:l^ aaa W a o M to teM t h a t t b m m * Mbots morr n{a)>b>or pcrAmBlnc tka datifs c A d f t a t j .

1. ZU«r a diMiacUr bM«i t i l mricaatioa apon * M ) n i ] a i i 7 o f M r K d k , u d t a t * d&tacUr bMai ti imricaatioaapca Uaa wa haw eat I

•W»J «• B H w a - T O j ^ tewibK^ndkb

• • "matlt" i r t ^ r t a t th«-wyJam «nd I dalMr«l tkaOaai«at lMH«ar ki t %> te<««« oar { ^ thai woald t a n h d i m -

Hjal icwdMKinittbaMSiad. iooadr- Ttt lawiteCoaiaMioa^tlMmndllimia. V k ^ M S h M k H D a a a T a M d a r a m i i v a t l n i e f a a t l * ' * ^ ' " * ' * ^ ' ^ TUi «aa Mid.

hi e n m w r vttli th»M(«a lM i S l r ^ t t d a j - . i a a d t o t S i ^ * ^ ! ' * ^ o O W ; ^

.aadacf t fcAla. -Tk» b f l M t m Oat ftiRtd H. W w l

I Ae tWMspt aod haaii# *ata af dal«cat(a«as tBdaacntai or araiT Uun« «» tod atid (owUsg

Ittowwiainaiiionlnl miiiWmaltiBraUtBi^KMtt

r ^ f c a h .

l l t o l t a l k G a a < ^ M l >»L Vardi W i d M i n t daiqtat ta, a c i itt »laTmifcBwttl»BiMaa»a«ajaiaaabrft daia

f t o > « B a r « a i a t w , aad v M r a acaidcat ar M r . a a d «to

i s f t tdwi i iad araHad «sr qraa A n f i r lAcr t t o i M a t N B a * T tanda r s i n i a g . K m Hm, / i i a i J t i k * « » J N * a w i SB *ewx

ThaMavMMBwaai^maplA r « of tb« lAnta arhaMik airiQsaHDt to towa, a f e ate.

n a « g M n i t o M i t t S B B « n r i . « d dow to i w a t toaf lanoca or to T lnag^s

t « « h B n ^ i r a Paodl t te l ad r a r r . t raa juandatiee af T l m o w a sad X o ^ Alu

^ w ^ M t a e e a ^ j a d l ^ A i r n H o a s b t a t o a n f I wWi a*Waa Tadt, aata a t to i t

a^nanwTWBt, aad B m ) ; (oofeed in QIM l l a t o t a n B e ^ V« tan A m toaid tlM t M d U M ^ i a u d c i a i B a a a t I b r i w o r M a c z4acM! t 8laa«attoB«!»,toie«4! IldidnalacK t v l s ^ a A i d . M r Ad « • t l ^ oenrif rf n e h ymiw^mvagmmriQ t to ifenif n s h at tori-a M kJfenrtlteB b ^ i e adtrnmaaDt, to to ( to Aa-nrlMhai kaaia. ware pnantt aad d n M ia» tiayuiiaM *cC ka a(Ki«r ia t to w a a u a «l t ta t

c i m i a 3UIXS. ^ M M U T K i a a n > n a aaaaoWs m c n o a . — V * I ' • ' • I I ' w f a u m t a s i to t t to moaiecersstic • f t M l v a r a M t o V Z I f a - H and fca fKead]. net

M i v W t t o OcBcnl Aaodxticm tatteter*^ l t « M or a . Sraoal Aiaodatkm. oa

. aad a M M O B c of ^CoQTeitiaB OB Frv [ l a M c m U i riaoici^ Ttoatoataiaca-anm atiMi te i a f lanm n i tn . 1. He

t to<BHi!ee«a;aottat Uw Coavtattop i ^ M w t a m t D l a t e d d a i B t t o paadlas coo tTf^ r r -L I t o t O a «r l a i t to •Irt i l^elawCeBTeBtiiBi depeaded «p<a i t ! t TtoSBtarof«to1tonan>>B>p«to tod i&nnnAt ta d n ^ ttoCOnnstioa aadtouKotaar if %9toa» d a n la iMioet B U v K . and « t o vsa to to dansC M 4. i rB .Oia ld to^ to<«!cM. to«aBid toa i eaaMr naiaa tolbaatto q tMiin af •O^Rtiitt,; eooid to taiaKt, aod i i aBBid to cWaard M a t r i n a ^ •

*»Ba»io» o a i r m a f ^ M a mmxm. m t A r t - . T P i d ^ - w a t i f irtiiiilTj," ttot w a m t i m t .

a.iftoao>i,aiidm9acledttarii|>ht8*nd dedrio-.a^ t toOraan lAMiekdaaof TceamaMidKar tk Ak

^ttoCmmoliM, te. t t o s o a t o a M t a d iati> a ibreatcaoMtoft icnd. i r*»«a t s !^Ai<4 to faamt toB<9 v toWMIr af. S i M i l t e M tod tentaml u ddkra? l t o ' c » - | w a i w t V a w a n a a n r t o a d t e d i r a K k a t o B n . dsns aaKaaacaftt A wmk. atate, M m < b Oei H. a . flaarastha^ if aaa Baa coald dn i r a r ft! B a t > a p t t o C n m t t a B , « i ««n • • Baptiateffitota

— "••> i to«m rtiwrfiu, and t to dn» emnettoi. t tot slwoid t to

BBtaiii««n» iodaaued, witeh teraii«i»gai^abi»Tialatfaa at L H O » A « O S M £ S I 1 « I « « i a a t i a > f i a M | p r t a f t t o T i ^ . . f APwdatioBj, l8c>IaBdS«ia i , f t«oa]4 mBaoatatto cnmt body at S m t e a Bayttoi froai ft, n d tina d n t n i ; itarif | - • t o l l f a r a m m oartaiB paaroa tto CkBK&»» and A a i e d i ^ raid aavar ndftr t to 8. B. Ccotn&jo » wvKLlaa. AH toBsed fivn aanebUoa w t e brnkraaa t t taCnnt iUla i tat itRBcUianrd ear ex-

MTfettBD, aad (tot i to Coamtioa ftand tol««torw«toafttoiB«c»lirte«D»«.tto B>u>aaarzH«H.aad<>ttor acta, «>d

A Saar r n m a i s fiacneaB.—It n a psfatkar im«<**afd**ltoVi«glBadekwtttoi weeld a n t a t laadOamfc » Friday •wuiagfar e e m i . • t f t* ,*®. ttoTl»|BBia*fc»Wi«,wa.oTOnri,rt»-ta» - t i rladlaa. Itoaa rftto 6o»toa ABwrir to^- to t w - a a B R a s d W aDasg-va to>a aat tofare ns t t o n a e a w t o r . Badi toy aair b « « a f « r f , i t o T t w M toaa tsattoOad Oa CoowioB at vin.

Tto "aaaoB" i m a<»nSscl7 Tto Am t h h * w e t e l a a to ert t to «r i re detoauiei l*<eed

" ^ f c - f t a - a n agnvd ^ kjp t to BajBrHy. Ttea ^ daiMmit aflgr naaa f t B aaMtea f naala i iaa w aObad

2. W n - a , iE aTOTOit U aa Ua pmpoaa in le-•i | | i i ia(totoc(iBnraod dialBridng eiaeimSB oat of

j t t o t o d r , iBa<BU»d,af coaiaa.ttopoS«r iBt*»d«d to to p v n t d tlu«a(b«at t to ««tit«anaii» Mr ttoaa

ialKtiBgUlL £<< tUi fa ioraatowtwt—iuTMigaatioa topt

Ho*;; tDdwaalkaMlato topioa tBBini rv i toMa l A o M toe«tsia«d>7itorid Caanii« aad eiaftr 6aa ; .

AilRaaTatal toBoa BU«r B. FaIiar.i>f BaitiBoiv, «aa aiccled PmUeot, icd t to oid efietta (OMnl ; .

T&oi doKd t to t n t d ^ of t to jeariOD, vftlMBtaa I H n d t t n y S m v a ; if ao ipnae tod until Satai^ da* a i f K v i n it BOK to otfcraudi^nslMrl i iaa » troiattergf

Taa (iccBn AaaocTAnos.—Ths tody mad* fitvre &> Ute CcB*eatioB. Tta rnKsampted GtorUHf ud t toDodr imaoopr liy vUi^ f t eoodMu iu l ioaaiTopera t imtora toog Slied as wilit adiaia-

It* coBtribmiasa dmteg t to iaat tiro > t l fm—tarn Awaoriafioa' aobto a a t

wonjhj-irf iB ptaae and toitatiaB. Itdo(a.if ira aadentaod ita pUn. joi t v to i we dcsi;a to aw e m r •Aaaodatiai do; i . « , ft niie* to o« fimda viliMot agrnu; it a{««jESa aad ooDtnla ita Bissaoatica, tolh M tome aad is AAka and CUna taqnirn its aiiadtvarirs to npoi t itat«dljr t» its c m Boani arexecatirc eoomittw, aod OM t to Boards itopiT u i u floaaoal agcstta lo tnasnU its foids. CtB H &«iaiMi!>^nTd rrTolatiooarT or aati-aiissimia-17 m » t a cinininta tkis plan to ail ooT Assodatiaea t li> t t o n U i W m u i «ntt-Bt:«!oQai7todyT laa to a ^ rita«r a mwimuT body witiMHsl a paraUr) in tto worid-

yraaT.—Oar u ad vas petp lurd u> aseertain t to coniMctiao f a m r i totven Gorbeo AioodatiiHi and t to Graeni Asodatiuii pf Virginia, or t to SoottoTD Baptist CoavHiUoa at t to late by wkidi ( to bmaeaa t i t l ed to seranty dai«gatea» Did •to tocQsw amdiiaiy—gire ap i to cnitnii of IMT ftisds and tor missi(»arics to t to coatrol of t to Boards at this last aweticgl If not. w s t o o o t nnqamtiCTMMy a " gnat eoSateral misgionaiy ncie^ 17." and, ttorafcre, raOtird to oolT ooo dal^ato f«r «adi ttooaaad doBaHmad apiy ftre lirlngaUa ttowgfc sto cantritatod f7,0C0 or t70.«W^ accmasc to Aiti-c b l l L I Ve salt fee iniinaalioo. and tope t to Pmi -doit of i to Forrifm Vianon Board or OB« of t t o SeoeUriet viU explais tto irUtioo of t to Goshen Asc«iati<m. to t to CoDi^Uno and its Boards. !Tat lem minds are in a qnaadary iv

Saross DST.—^atordtT mondog ««B occapiad in rradiaettoraiMttsef tbattoee Boards, t to priaei-pte «MUares at whick jtm wiii Sod tB I to repasts of tto Oupatch, we ptompUy forvarded, aad viiich tove, ere Ihia, been pnbUstoii.

It is scalifyine to iean , ttot ftr t to year eadiB^ April, MBS^fwliy not fsr lf>S9t) S34,Sn: 6& tore toca rBc«4vKi by t to ^ereiKB S l i a ^ Board, acd SJ8,8M a ; by toe fiDoaeatie and Indian Mtesion Boud at Hariaa. Tto Bible Board repon girea DO t g l ^ bet wear* satiated tltat it tos ooi paid ex panto t to past TMT, we iDMaaiiiw its enpIoymeDt of t to p m e s t Secntaiy; nor wilt ft d s r i ^ b b In-CUTTliXIM.

As lacioisT.—Wbeo the na&« of Gnmal Cmto waaicad opon ose of t to eoaadUsea. to aiaae aad aatod to to excaaed f r a a serrinit villi a cunarittee oovUdktovasappoiiitod. Be «aa aicaysviltog to m m «beie to eonid da, any good, tat bis age sad tajrai iy tacapadtaxed Um f rca actire daty In dte pcascDtease. BevasexcoMd.

Ber. WB. t>. Bock, ooe of t to Tioe Pmadnta, n a e a n d s t o i r d d a t t t o s e r r t d t a a n i . Oocto'sdiiv

• i n a i y « s c « s i o n , l ' * * ' ° l^t*. sod to ama daaired to «*p«as Ks top-mae t ioghboa companioB in a n a s i n a

told, ef BictoMwi CoOaca. eqneaaiag ngard BdwH-aaa . BanaadCteiaBaB; ba t eiptesfag ftl tlaasppnisdjed t to GeoetaTs seat, and

a* t to Tirsiak Uigattoi—tbat owing I " twana sraeted each oUwr with ^reat cor-to Iji— ai pasttinB to waa iotigiMe. ar tto* it x m B t o iDaxpeAMttaTOelbcUa as t to p m U . i i igi iCbaradto CamaaioB. An -mmitBrm was Odetnl toptasriss t to a|^paaite saase, snd alter an •satiggdiBsiai(a.«sslM<. I t o s a Bs}niity of t t o Ta«*nii Tslsgalsa daaWsd against t to sBgiUiQ^

a t t U a r H.'^ eiactiaa! Vas aat Ihis a « t o F d a p k a t * t t o t o e t a f t to Old D a ^ a a n - a a d

[dia»y. TUs G n . C a ^ i t IE aged a d s a r y waaltliy

Oat, t a ^ i A a a a t o M t U a entire s b s ^ tod been —HIS III and driltai. Thk to t t atoaid toknowa & waa BBaod to asito Bdar J t e , bat to par-

ttorSasd to iwa sgaiaat H , wb«n sUer! r«H I to


I would exist

. to I t t o t

H i d i i r J n n & r a B ^ traaad t a n a r B : . dMdai toHatWarwaarieeledbgratini™ iete , t i « s aa k w y d e c i M K i a q k t IsaraaJi tMsa—#r(to 111 ^ r 1 1 toard t toiai i .

In ia Itot waa M k y e ^ tet tew • t t o t o i a t o i i a a e d l t o t f w i w r a ^ t if

ssuttoJaefliaiaf Bti. BL "M:aaltoeieeifaewas|eamidtttoiriBaateisl

E i k a W M P » T % i N a 4ri<«Bto sittbg 1

I sad drew aac a c s a b B r piepatad

ber,awnicga]atgeBSBber <^ s]a«es,wiiidi *RCstad OS ia his reaaarksia t to GsoeralAssocBtioB of Tirginia, apoti t to lerctotioo oflefed by Eider Tyree. Va qoote then, aa vrii as ttose of odiets, thai t to SfchBODd Hqtatch.

* Tto bounen of te Bibie Board tots? remiBsetf; HOT. IXTyreroSkied Ito fbBeiriag:

"ffmitorf, T t o t t t o Ei»e Board to tcqoested to urge t to coipoRage of tto Simday Sctoot acd Pab-licatioB Board t> striae m e aura ^geo t lT to sap-j j , Jtaae wto Bay to d e a t i t ^ ia ttoir n a p a c ^ •ptom,aadato> wsspply scnants, whoae aastccs coeaest, sad BKh eidy, w9b t t o Vot4 or 6«d.

" l U i daaaa ia this ns«iatiaa r e i a t ^ to semaia was isserted s* an aaieivlanii. oSend by Ber. L. W. ABeo.

"GSB. Cocke, afJaawa Cilj, sHadrd t* Us own o^ei ieraiBleachicgacnaBUtoiead. Battosafat . i t«aa t topaBcy«r ereryinanto do so, aside iSram Oe anrai toMSto eaafcned apoo t to ncgiaes tilxe actsca. Tto proect taw bad worked

t l M l j ^ l Q i t r Bastsr lsatot i l l l t tdi»w O a laNhtiiB, *M<* i t t p ^ j l i * , aa<«a d W t to to*

• • a w a l i to leiAaioo la l i a Wiar t f i 'T i i i imf CUtt^ ien , « t o d n y

T a a i l ^ i M w w ^ tau^Wf toa a o t t o a ^ d e -* i ia idag of ttoOgaraatiaB

1 V U t o a t o a i i l a f a B i t i i i t Aaso> . siaci tMt day. InftiBglVdo.

• W f «l W^C^ajtomte Biniatats to s e ^ in oar d c jnefUhwbodiest WtowiU again? ^ U w a a deddad to toid t t o aextBectia^ of t to CaasaaUan ftr 18(1, ia SaTannak, Ga.

Qgias lata, m «ata M ahta to M Klteca aittof to stand or sit to to«r Oder CatapbtQ s iDtradactory Benwto. oB Bitarday nlgku I t waa t p a k n a f a t too»-nearix tw® hoai»-bat a seiy a ) « one, and ^ » ds>friap an anpia s a i ^ U ieas tton two « ttoaa koorsi So a c n tot ndsisten atteupt to do I t ; s n a l a n aad reprsaMtaliTtatai Coagress even ^ t o t o a Back asBsato attnapt it. Ttoaiglitwas t*iaa a ^ to a Base tosetiag to discasa t to sayect of ItoaeKie^MiaaiMia.

«<OlaCCTt«BS. S i a ^ a t ^ — l a oar papw of Usidi itfth,

varead Um pnWe against one Henry Parker, of Ky, and COTtain Ptdobapttos and tll-aieillns persoas to»e appBed ft to' Biottor Hamy Parker, of Rock-lagtoBi Coauy, Vt., « t o t l a BeatbR of SlL Ciawv < S ( 4 B a p t M C k a t ^ M t t o saa* paat«IBee,wto awwthy brothjir.andtMctorofTocalniasic. Kno' an BHD, by tUa wriUeg tltat BrottorB. Parker is not t to Parker adrtrCtod in t to Vastem Recorder and tUi paper.

Uoatirr ixa MtsTssa or TB» Trras.—We see in tliis paper of t to S8U1, that the types haw it West-era Beeei*r . iaaeadof Wisseni Vatebaan, as we totaodrd. WIB Brother Otis azcose this is oar ab-•aaec. Tto Wasten Beeorder is ooe of onr m n t i«tae4axdisMM,aadiBcdlt«ran eateeoted Mend and knOwr . i Ba^t faraaghaatTWecai f t iay tUs, ^ m f | ian of It, eoaemlag t t o W e a m U k t A a u , pehf l ihada tMiea lk T t o B o n l a a d Baptist prin-<%)sa Ikat daraotsciaa that stoat WW atteriy repodi ate.aad waaiwgiatitodiabaiiering UiM t to editor win to coaapdlcd to d a n g e hia coarse, or the Bap-tivtsofyissoailwiU repediate Ito Wsichnun and eataUish a ''Uiasoari Baptist," L we mean those ol tlMS wto are fteUy with t to Sooth in their sympa-th:-«.

Masa Mxsttss ix G*.—A letter has reached as ftopBrowLottWarrM»,Vie«Pieaident; alM>fromBn\ Skarpa. General Agent, proposing a j ^ e r a l rally of aBttofHaadsofttoS<}atheniBaj>U»t Sclsooi BJOT ment la Saaitoraot Santh>W«sim Ga. A GrmlMui tkt rHemisf/tiu

trm S^tiit SaUaa Sclkcd Cmkm, en atX SMmtkimAlf, At .--tioi central point to to sererd ap«Q by ito

Meod.' <ft t tot part of tto ^ t e , with a pressing in. Htatioo to ataend aad address t to BMetug.

This aaosnaentlaaeU irith our beauty.appivTal Let t t o place to agreed apon at (aice pahUstod, aad trastine ia ProTidncefor life ami roire. vv «iU c«3>e; aittomsk we had dMeraiiEed th\t it wsi dacy aauauloanalftofitrenpoorSlissontfappoiDt-B c e t a n d n M l t o a a i e e a n l i l f ^ a t least. We have saltoad mere this aunth cor ttn-^i tton any Bcatk witUn onr renxsnlnnce ont of t to Hcspiui aad Dr. Owen, of LyacbbBTg, a ceiebnurd physician, a tor an examlnalicp, prcoosnces it ia a precarions CNiuditios, aad preacribes rest f^om preachin;. We BtecooMeBttlsUbratl^ren in Mhacori will eionse t t o sioialiBn of oar proaiw tn Tiritttoir Association.

B i ^ i9«tk oace or twice; tot we wish to Tisit a doaen points when we come to Missoori. Wo BBSt defer t to vidt nsffl next spring.

Tma Sww McaTDO-Hovsx is XasaTiLt:.—Let t to brctl im and listen of t to Sprias lArret Chnrrh to •noBiagad. Tbeir prayers that God will open tor beans of his ehiidten eTerywhere 10 aid vBi to aoswned, wittont doabt. Tto lireBeat in-tecestu emywberefe!!, a n j bretlimi sod sisters are alworksoHdting aid. They regard Ito Umr as too siaorl to do half wbi: ;hey m i ^ t do if Jeno also added. We sav to ah, keep your circnlsn notil Janei, nnta yoa are satisfied that yoa hare sot all wtoeantoindaaed togiTv, and then send ii. We tope ttodeacoos wm say tliis to ail.

We woold say to erery Baptist brother and r j ter wto read this, as yon desire t to sncons oi t to priii-ciptea advocated in this paper—as yon mynld mv S B a p ^ Charts ttoroa^Uy croanded npon t h m asd a d r o c a l ^ t h m , QooiiA ia toecentre of thi? city that is exsrting sc iarge a religions icfineoce over t to Sooth-West, and indeed the witolo &>aih. acd as yon syaipathize with yon- brethren and sisters who tove snilVred and are now sclTeriBL' the lo»s cf ih^ir cimrclt-property, snd the ridienie. snd mockery a^d scoSii of ttoir oppccects and of ttose who oece called tlten brathrec—toip ns to du wfasi wo cast ot of onrselTe* do—boild a house to irorsiip God in. and one which yon win an lake a plennre in «<r sUping ia with ns when yon riaJt the d jy . Lei tesryane retara at least five dollars with bis drcolar —if poBsbie, tea dollars—aad tto tow will be safe. A great ata&y of cunisa win do nothisg. and many aUers a r t ry httU , a.-d thereibre, !l will depend

Ser . J. T. Hrr«ghBhadToeat«d &e B s t t o a ^ U

, aad a better Stat* of t U i ^

- Cr. W. F. B r s a d t o (to* tet^tto m e a t law hadiada..baee8daleS»:L Siaad k n o w l ^ n i oafilted a iaaa ibr aay staaoo ia Bis to is c ^ M ca to o e n ^ . Colporters, bawcrar, shoaU always

Do no man ttoo i to law win

J . C. CSepBB. «»r. A. Bnaddas, Jr. a rnrs s p ^ on t to sabject, after w W d i , ^ rt t aawcded, paaaed.^

Wky, to t to a a a e of taosoa aad Ctoisdaoity,

l a r O a . O a t f t b B ^ ^ I t o t t n O & i q r s q F t t o t t

d toa ldaagiseoarBaaeytoaaBdl toWardaf Sad t tone|sMlBA6ieaaod ndtoe it to I T O M to OSD'

p toaHies I b i t becaaae we faarOatabodd ttoyraad leam that ftiawi^hr

toiisaato fa ttoir preaent coD^tioa 1 If t to B a ^ taackaa tlt3t,t<ieB fai it safUfci nato toH t t o a totoadage. I M w » M k W i l i a t t t o B » b i ^ C h t M and t to a i H a i . rfai<Miii i toe iaiatfoa,w^w<idd

aaia to^. an« BJlap oar noka aswbat i t a i ^ n a i ^ aoe wto read*

lUaaeedi toaaaatsat is&ciaty thib hy IT- I t Cta»«>rt, ewrgia, t m S O O ^

-TdUdCeata t iaa» ;Xyrs toISan«s i f Wh, B f t n a c k a a r sai.iaalB to load 7 - f s n i i i t i i l i a lu

^ . I t o a a i i a B B a a t o a i - n a e h I t o togeaa t a j adaa t a i as waQ M ia TonAal

Cidar iUatar, t t o Baptist minisier wtodSipaiagcd OaboB Wtori, Ttoedatta, and m a « A e SsBa of

k r BaMil, 1h I to a b t o B a Bh * iaer.a*BBd^at*eepaBtege<

t tod a a c f t t o a t a a e g a »ii i i l iai , t>hE\ank<iiat t to^kaat a ^ O e n

atiaaaaf Q i M l w . l t o C toa t aHaTto^Nlpa^

td,%»tokid l a e ^ a a d a W t thaa lcaa0ht f Oa

atoatowiaWttolauiiM . i t o d d ft to VRMd

apco onr ecrrgeUe brethren and sl- u-rs to do mere. We toar of one brother in Virjcinia who istrRd

get |M0, and ooe sis»r who is rabing $50. oat for them. Help one, and i r f p sH ot yon. If yoa toveeot a circniar, send aad get ojse, or so to warkwai»>ntaDe,B!i<lgetBp6eeor«cc dtrflars for B hoos^ aad (tohearto of yosr breibjen in Nash-TiUe will to made giad asd thank yvi:. Let all work toxd, saBdtln^, aid dnringUu ytkeJ^mmtkof Jnt. It is asking aach, wn know, bst we tore ^ t h :d onr God and ear brethren that U>ey will coesmnmate this object. Wky, what is a Baptiet meetins-bocse aa<Bg t to H,(X)0 sabsrribcrs to t to Teoaessee Ba)>. tistl Wto will say that they ca:iDoi boild a meet-mg-tonse in Ksshnlie, eren if it dees cost J-25 COO ar J2B.0001 Tto Baptist Church ia Sew Or>uis coat fSi.tJtO, snd we cnly a&k tto haJf of this »nia. 1 n*a tto receipts and t to names of tto lienor:; with <to BBaoat btertat. God asltiply U«m a thuosand-ibU.

J . P. TCSTO.—Tna FACT T B A S S P I U O :—We liod toa foilowli^s going the ronsds of t te jemlsr pa-pers:

A C a a n x ar Bniomcx Tawg.—U is undmtwxi Rer. J . P . Tastis. latoafiaptist dersrraas, bo*,

ooar trmreliag in Korope, has applied to Ri^ht Bei ^BUav Clark, of this dioceae. nor orders is t!ie Epis-

Charcll.—iVseiAnwr (S. /.) iVos. Ttoatoaa has reeened coofirasaljoi! Th«e is

aodoabtahcct f t . Mr. Tcsm baa ax last o ^ j e o t d hia trae itoiacter. Wtot wifl t tow men m Chari«-toa, to tote d 9 aad alaswiaere. wto supported Mr. T and assisted hto to i^MisenpcG t to B^t is t dnwoi-

tally «<3r tod sw^Wtof of *i> now say, sh ' n they learn thsl

ttoiir p i s i a s a i s f V tammd broltor tos arfited fee jwMsd^ordeB ia an esiabtidawnt t to next door to

1 Wiat m they sayl ITOl they wto wen. ialfcuti-ly asaociataa with him say ihstthey had DO evidence be tee to left ChatiesSoo, that to an Bauaad Baptist 1 Or win th«y not n y ttot we wto e a a f t n e a m ^ wills, wbich Oaofpctnc^i aJoee caa do L e., (irw« are gnlty aftJu fniriargtln t to te-«:Caaat,)Jtoccjlfr.Tastffi to beileTe ihtdogmas el EpiKOpacy.laihBt sprinkling, and all ayaint thu •rsff temdjw^sauML Wm oar enemivn 001 biame os foe erefs this act m Vi . T.I Jast wait and see, snd

Itoa aipect t t a i ttoy win clarge OS with Ito presets droath! Tto deooaiinatioo at targe winnow dedde totweeBBsandKr.T. We charged lum with being aaaBaognd Baptim—ttot he betd views sabmsiTe of t to bi lk aad Teiy existenee ol Baptist Chnretos. V a b t i » ) ^ t o B g k t t to aoat satiafiurtray ptcuf of o v aasertisBr yet ior this astespt to pat oar people Bpio ttoir gnari against t to private teachings aad pahSe inflaeBce af this a a a , what m U of wrath torn baaa poared oat wfttoat aixtoie np<n onr toad! nBekaslhaasaoBviadicatedcsasdoricred ifaMB wto sappoitod h to is t t o iscc ef t to praof of m atianaada LSB wfth a to lMoa and akaae. f«cfa k w t o M t t o leaadt^wfth which ccrtato men tove toH to M c T.. thai they base gi«ea t to pgb&c

llr.T.l»D<nraetex< T .

H««aa not a iJm J e m , and C b t M u ^ , t m i n A g t t o

wBd StenglMs; i lw. B u g Kidc. Hong K e n ^ a a d ^ P i > - 4 | l n i i i -latioii of A a ^ j r i p t a i t s , jfASmg I f te ta , and raising « p u t m p r w e h m — a hMar ft«M K w g of S iaa i ; to w U d i i* added U o g n p U a a l i^etchaa of H i n M m h w aad tibeir wives, iriM ltk*e died in tte e e t r ^ s w ^ g w I M BMMS of

AhtA, AAmm, B ^ fioone, GOUIM, Ooolter, C lop tm, D e n , ]>o«aa, D o ^ , Dymt, l & n m , Gatslall^ H a a b w g ^ H a l i ^ l a ^ Jamrn, J«a]nas, J a a k t , J O I M B , L a w r i ^ U o y d , M w ^ t o a a . MoLaaa, M i t e , M i h a a MedSnnt , M o t r i m i , H t n a o a , PoUjaan , l U e d , R iebard^ S l i m k , S i » a U i a g , S^aer, StroBMh, VtpoiiMM, WldldoB, Wo<df; a a d W y l c j . T k a T o l s M aim con t u n s a Bot of tlM Baates of the toiaaoBuiaa fltoB t t o va r iMs a o o e t i w i a RaroiM aad Awcriea, iriuak t«T« c v t r baaa eoaaao tedwi lhCUaaJdMiaB. n i a i s a w a c k tha t a r e t j M i m o B » t x B » f t i M t w t U , a i i d « n T j A<iti-uiaNoiiai7 ahoiM b m .

potfey adtocated tgr braaoeo la Cbadtotoa toscript-wal aad proper t Ha toa tak«a a pMWiw,«totwia «caMe hto aot c o ^ to BdDiater to t to patpHa of all ProtestaM. secta. b a t t o can r a t a n t to wwkaltcr to I m takeo his mtb of altodasm "tohUckief minis-t ^ ' aad in his splendid robe* lalmtoister, in ail t to pomp and drcnastaaee of jEl^iieepal eiegaacn, to t to pulpits or his brottora, Kaadrick tad Viacltar. fataM|ti««taa.M)d ill I to p a ^ of kQ, aati-lADd-m a ^ BiniBters to t to naaoB. Has to act, if tkdr priodplaa to earrrot, gaea i^ imaaasarably, kaiiaf t o a t n o l K ^ bat gained mrnO, amiy way 1

AU affiHatm willi t t o hraattos sf that fsaOly ^ n to to AOo<r bim, or ta to their stands npoa t to (Hit landmarks aade by PiialUre B^iUsls. Tto rapid spread of ttoae prindplrs in t to denoBtination wiU shortly Awce erery Bi^tist aiinister eittor to embrace t t oa , or to anito htmsclf to ttose with wkoB to ioroa w vett to aaiiate. Bat if DO dtange of se^Itoeat snd practice, lor Use totter, was going 00 «r«tkt» our deoominatlon, yat t to new podv'ocs Ottt t to Tsriona Pedatoptist SocieUea are preparinx to as-same, will irresistibly farta erery Baptist, in self, defrcce, loetabrare Old Landaiark prtndple*, or go o i f r t o oarc>ppoo«ots! Ttore is no mistake aboct thiv Tto nnisersal Iriomph of Old Liadmark piia-dples, tinufiamt lAr nUin dtmemimiitim, is only a qacstioo of time. We may lose h a n d r ^ of minis-ten like Tnstls, sod thonsands of memtors, tot t to denominaUon will to left more united, harmooions, strungerandafiesiMiKiftammoreiittlnntial. Bap-tist sentiments ooold then to occaadooany preached from oar pnlpits, and Baptist boota coald to osed 'in onr Babtolh Schoob wittoat ito display of a p s -tto^nt opposit!^, on t to part of a few, that wonid

M M and t to Chnrch soocer tton Baptist prtedples stooM to fnlly preached ftora Ito pBtpit or taof^t in t to sduxi].

Il ocenrs to ns, that tois ron/ojskm of Mr. T. (Usees Ktder HoweU and onr oitor pnsecsltm in Ito late "trial,'' and the FirstClttirch also, in a Tsry on-cBTiabie posiUoo tofore tto worid. While the de. ncminatHn at larjre coofemes its obfigatico to as for reToaJiag t to trne charscttr of .Mr. Tnstin, Elder H iwliets ns, on Mr. Tnstia's betolf, for slander, and making Jfr. T. salt wtfiiess in tto case, calls npon ha Chnrch 10 dedde. that Mr. Tnstin was pre-eminently a foniK) BapUst, and this ttoy did do agaizat b c u acd proofs, snd it stands so recorded npoo their Chnrch book, anJ is printed snd siTenby ttom to tto world r Will ihey allow that charge snd that decision to »!and ttore, wtoo Tn-" in win to officiaUs; tofrre their eyee and t to eyes of their children, in t to rr4>ea of aa Episcc^ial pn«s T We win see. Wto wiii setid ns a copy of t to last tract pablishrd £ur aim by the Scnttom Baptist PahlScstion Sodety ?

SoTX BEII.—We learn ttot Bro. Waltor leaves tto Gs. Index. Tto fiitnie of hh ere-siffat has been reported a.s t to cauM', bnt he is going to start a Baptist paper of his own in Macon, to to called " Tto battery," " Conchstoli," or " Baptist Champioo,' some snch name; so tto true cause cannot to hia toK of ughi. This c h a c ^ is it*?lf an i W a of ex istiaj; feeiicp ia Gei'rsia. We i»isb onr Brcv. Wal-ker we31.

i . It has reached ocr ear? that tto ftilnre of t to mretin; between EUer H and oorself U irapnted to ns. and the circsmstancrs nsed to onr prejndice by ttose wto se«a determined to injure ns. It is portrd Uial we soocbt the interview, not believing tb»t the Eldrs H. w<«iM grant il, hot when he ooo-smted, we refused to meet him—that i.e even came to ow roo asd we coaM not he fimcd! Ttore is not a tine of tn th in this report; we neither re-lisested sn irrterriew nor rvfcsed ooe. We call upon Bro. N- Ji. OrawSird, of Georgia, who volontarily soasht to secnrv a meeting between u«, for the pnr-powe of settlina ocr prryimoi di3erence», 001 tto ecclesiastical diSicnlties in SasbTine. to stale aH the ftuts in the case

Fisis —We icteod u> be preeeot snd deliver t to «d<!re«a betnn- the Userary Sodrtieo of Bethel CoJ-

Kectocky. There are hundreds of friends in ihr 01<t BetheS wb«* faces we desire to see oa t to t OCCA iOR.

We are rfetiahled U". «ee that onr Brother a» i.»Tier, paster of the Chnrch in Hc^ellviUe aad the anihor of that sdmicable little work <n Oomrnn-nion," dehvers tto sermon Ik-fore the SodHy of Ke-tisions Inquiry of Cnioa ijoiierjily, on ttoSiiUi, i the l«si Sabbath io Jnr*.) Wr hope itonj wijJ k* a larue tnrr! outot Baptists 00 the Wth, to hear Br.\ O., and to every (riei;d of rdacation snd of riitra I'mirrr-t i n . in Middie Tmnessee and North Alabama, we would say, ocme of. »cd atteo>l the commencement exercises, sr-d the la i ol»et|ni« of Prrajdent Eaton, €jn t te sTid the cWsin* cx»!rci3e9 ca the Cat* D|> , yoKT (.rrsence. the ier> light of yonr conr.ter«crr? «»r.cocnii;e the hettn^ of the Far-nity snd T^l^lee^i, and lart^ely thr moral in-liot^nce of t^* ocrssion.

TO ALL F X D O B A P n S i a

THE LAST CHAKGE AGAIKST J. R. OHAVES. What U it ' W b j , that hs ha^ "

J . P Tus t i non lo f the Baptistfienommatiou, and has o a a e him join the EpisetipaJians. Tki- U t i e view presented in-the Sonthem Baptist. I t ts the (jntnte.-iseiK'e of alwnrditj . Thit is the first time that I have heard of wor-tyinff a man OTit ct the Baptist denomination, I t-abniil some queries :

1st, Can a teat, who i-; a soiin<) Bxpti-'t a t heart to jrorrit<i oat of the deaomtcatioD ?

How can a mac who is said b_,- his en-lies to be eat of the Chorch, " i r p r n / " anoth-

er mas oat who is in ' ;{ i By what nrangc power b».< Gravea

'forced" Howell into collision with Da?toD, aad " K w r i e d " Tastia into KpicCopacj ?

4th. I? not Graves r c i ^ns ib l e for the open oommanioi^ proclivitiesmauifegtcd in wate pares of New Eng!and?

5tJi. Is he not aecootitable for the ri '« in the price of flottr ?

^th. Has he not ififlGsnced Xapolcoa lo iace himself at the head of the Frcne'u army ?


[Wm yen do t t o Aottor a Taror l i r PMeartoa ttosa le t ters BMd far a a j v a v M o t a p U a t H a l i ^ botm r r i u d a andl lHl ia l THIifliiiif tad Paper to t tom ao loos aa t t o ItaMen awaar 1 God maTBIeastbemM^OaastotiooarTOormaada.1

u m a >o.<niu Foptah and Fedobaptiat Oempttaos of t t o Bibiew TBBRE ia oae ottor topic or priadida to whfa^

t to mien orer Ito CaStoiie C b a i ^ and t to mlers over Pedotoptist Ckarchta eoiaefda; it this: Tto priadpla of c o r r ^ p t ^ or oBsria^ t to WcTdof <3od to saato it ayre* wiU> toaaa ianls; and of haUUmf fatttktm ttmfUmt bg aOiwt, mat wte i i t s f tkam, ae k r aa Itor Ik-vor vh« aect. Tim is aa awtal sin against God, and exposes t to principal aad accesaoiy to "a l l the phigncs writtaoin t to Book."

Aa many, who are really gsilty in Ibii «nme, al-low themselTes to f M as if t h ^ w««« kmoceat, a few of Btack^itaoe's legal points laay to nseAiI. prindpal ia an offence, in tto^raf degree, (toaaya,) isone who ccmmila t to crime. A prindpal, ia t to saRmil degree, is ooe vrto ia prraant and aids aad as-sists. An acoecsoiy tofore t to (tot, is ooe wto counsels, aids and adviaak tot is absent wton t to crtme is committed. Aa attnaoiy after t t o Act, is oDo wto i r o m t to oriap toa toea cocanlttod, yet aids aad a^8lB,«reaasfo(totto eciariaal—tolpalto toeacBpe.orccacealaltocrlBe. Also, «a* wto par-Vikss j>f Ito beoefiu of a crina la aay way, taming it to kis own advantage or tfioaa aar approvid of it, or ia:«I«cts to give t to iafaiBBtion topoaaasaeato conntMocI t to cSNto of t to o i a e , or, to s^y way stows approbatioD of it, or aid* in proaictii^ ita to-jnrioaaeirecUi orneglecutoecQBtcnctand kiader those injnrions e i ^ u (if tooaa do it} oo tto p i ^ lie. Sostr ici ist totaw, ihatUaaya. "Qiisiieiipro-kOitt^jubtt.'' He thM doea not iiis&r a wrong, or. d a s U forward. Tto aeceaaoiy is often piuiatod eqnally with t to priadpaL

in cormpting t to Word of God, there ia 00 nen-tralgrwand. Weall, int to eyeof OmniBdence,e(tber farcirorofposeit There is DO pcadbdity of a DBB-tral position. This is a palnfal so^ect. T had 00. casion ooce to iafcnn ayaelf. aad I tore give a cn>-dAised stalnaeat of toct*.

I think Haeeessary here to preaaise, that t to pope claims ownership over all Ito adato aad over all t to tobes bom in his doBunion, as Mutable proparty to prodoce his fntare snnial income; ai,d to raliea 00 tto baJbM ttot grow Dp to solely the place of ttoM that die. The regulation of Chrisi was 10 tove to»Ttrts, in all nations, baptised cat of t to world in-to nil i i a^oa t , thns lakis^ the oato of allegianee to him But t to interest of the pope is not to allow oiw of his subjects to to so baptized and so sBena-t<-d from him , bnt to tove all of tb«B iitdandfktt rmtd to popedom in Inftncy. This shows t to dUfet enee in pricAple and t to ia tenat t to fnpe basin is-tact toptism; also, tow absnrd it is to can this aa oalh of allegiance to Christ. He prescribed spiink-iine, beoaase so moch more cooveaieat, in t t o 15th cettorr. Re Terence for t to pope and Am coven-

«oaB!9(ct)tetl toy wet* in doctrinal sym-paOarwbhUat. Wa^anati^ioieein Mr. tastin-s ««iBnbladowaftn;«arit iak)deadaBadfaB. £n-eiay t t oa i* to to. viefietive aad relentless, we tove

toaish-UBkaiB or to giary ia lih «». ; k a t ameotsony ttot to kte left a de-

acaaiaatiaii whose prtiKipleatodid aa t iadoaeaad csaddaotaitoeatoa'peBeliee; a a r d a v e r a g n t t o a

r A a t o hi* ckaasa of leialiaaK a f ^ i a t e r s tottoae«to, toii4«*iaa,wtidd doaa Aair ay«* to aSAeiMaAarkjaBaaaaadaeaa. Mr.Ttolfe, oaoe

SO.METHIKQ STJEtASIGE, Bro. Walker, in the Index of J u n e Is t . ie te

h » rra«!er° know what would have been the result if Bro. GraTt8 or Bro. Dayton bad been etected President of the Sontb<TB Baptist CooTention. He says: If sacA m dtcfion had by possibiiity taken plaoe, the President wotild h»Te presided <»»er f n t ^ s i t tSfUgalta in.«tead of /m kundnH and fmly-six ^'

How tiv uDderatand thw, I do not knrrir I t is proper, bowcrer. to stale t ha i my mathc-Botioal capacity is not very great Aecord-itjjj to my weak view of things, I "-appose i t would have required a majority of votes to ele«t B r a Grave? or Bro. £>ayi«<D; and I forthennore suppose Uiat a Biajority of aiay OooTentioD Toting for any man as P r e s e n t , would be perfectly willing for that aiaa to preside, unless i t w v undentnod tha t the P r e s e n t elect would rengn. I f , then, Bro G. or Bro, D. had bpen elected, bow could he hawe presided o w only/orfy-xCr delegates, when it would have re<}nired more tliaa f a n km4rr,i rvfts to m a t e an eleedoa. The tkiBg is a ay<4Q7. I give up in deepan.


meoi and his exactioas is, aiso, of great iaqianasos to bim, hence, if t to people are aSowed t to Bible at all. he hs.< a direct interest in toviag it so pre-p u n l as to Utb-erve infant b^itiam aad sprinkling, and all other prindpies of his govetemenl and hl« woHdij Luteren. Sow, an t to crowned heads of Earope tore ttoir snbjects organised nader tiiefn on the same prindplee, and clum ownership over adnlts and tobes in the same way, and tove t to same in-tep-t't U. inlart toptism aad all t to other itema; aad thr 5aiae interest too in such a Bible, sn p r tpang a* win snb^erve their ends. Tto pretended r i ^ l of search fi>r Brifeh scbjecU was always based npoa this same principle of ownership over t t o sabjrcts. So, also, all t to Pedotoptist indosarsa were contrived and ttoir coostitatiocs formed l>y meg wto g m r iq> in popery, and bad all their ideas go toeae points formtdfkrrt; and ttoy ezeatplified t to aaae pria-cipies in thoee Pedobafitist coasMtatiens ttoy pn>-psred. The Pedotoptist Ckareiies ioraed ott ttoae popish cocsUtations tove tto tame i idmat . tben-f< r in holding te*. (tosr baba as t to prtfertg til Ckurtk. vsoCa]vinexpre«edit.}asltopopoai)d tLe oatioas 01 Earope tove. Hence, these tove t to same mleretit in t to soaw j/rtfrnd o r rnou , aa t to papists or sev^papisiB of Enrape have. And exact and ^ thfn l veriiocs of God's Word are oontraiT to t to interest of Uae pope, contnry to t to totereats tto national Chontos, aad «qaBlly esatraiy 10 tVie ifiKtetsof all Pedohaptistc, aad torpndsetv tto s 'me reasons. Here we tove a glance at t ^

asons wliy diffiaettt bodies of axa ta to fifiemi Hid» 00 the (jorsboa ot fmiikf^ wemamt, and lor al-nodaat sUndK- against thoaewto favor t t o n ; aad tto reasoos why tto above msnr i are ioft t ier co t to V?<s<>re''f<be>pi«aUaQ. Ttoy aB tove t to same in-laestiaUt-^antejirqiaredaevsMaj. Tketwaayto afew points in popish veraoeis in whidt i to P^dotop-tists of onr conntry are not interested; bat all are iraetested in all ttoee pieparatioBS that awaii to lo-fant baiMBtn, and to spriaklsag, aad to ottor Pedo-baptBt detKaninalioaal csagca. Ttoiss are I t o n a -wDs why t to mlers over oB t to abore masses act aiike, aTMi all of them afmiatifiuitfmt rmisma. We

DOW prepared to proeod. 1. Tto Chmch of Koaae has always dkiaad t to

risht, ever «nce Sto becaaie tto " SaHt l i m j g " !o cltrr and cinwjr t to Word of God fhaa time totime for tor own iEtereaia. S to to* ccMad to M t o 6->i*s t^eck Teataaient t to standard tor octor bai>-Utioos, and makes her own vulgato t to aiaadard.

By r B ^ « ( L a t . «iZ9atBS,C(«imaB}weareBotto naderstaad asj mm firmmm/ aai Mate miim; bat we are to onderstaad (tof frtfmnd raniai which t to Roaan pontiS' finaa t i i v to t i ae deddnt apoB to to t to vnlgBK (coamocMbr t t o pnaa i^ to rnwrvme * * — — — n i i ia i li _tL. it. or to procaie a Mir-caa hrttis adifHil I) llti. _ ITOJS of popery; and aay frtpmrai nrn<


ob, iiiHtogn-torswag k W d L - Beia Apocr.

„ Baradl. aad TradUioa, and SeriplaTr are aU t avaMandan dedat»i e<[wally to "topatoeaaed •f t t o a aa s diviaa aailxintv—eqaally t to Word of God.- HeretopeifcctinfideGtylegislaiedandd^

foras, infknt bapt^m. hnaan rulers over t to maais, and t t o ptoAae naae. Charcb. (JTaHUc;.} Uwd 1 hoaaa, aad otlwr Pedotoptist Ckmxk pratofUt, all togeitor lead. Ttose foar things, via.: 1. Jewbh ^ O t M i T S . TBftirt taptfiittr n r Rbbbs T to paoflma TUBa Ttofch. cMirtitnto t to vaiT f«i>>: telaa and alaiga sai t of popery, acd trad d&rct^' to Ito sornq^ sidUrfsty displayt^ by t to Cooad! of Treat. Ttoy toad, dso . to ^eaa lBS tos s f toe ho-Baa iBtBllMt, aBd to t to baseet comgi^iaa < / O r W a r i a f e v d . We see it ddiaeatod atove;. all eo-BcUaocd CtontisBS oogbt, ttorefore; to toM a a i a ^ aaitad payer aMsHatc, to pnty t t o t ^ fo' dabanhls and, tes^arie* a ^ i a ttoir

a i r aai^ tkfir

to -oany or t c ^ ttuWarji, car ato itto^toadMs

wdHd. ITiueasa-nrisAi^^ aiida UsyapeiT, tooagtoaenartorto

Cnkaa a IQsifaiaary Sopacy wiB . h j . u H e • j a i f j , tto^ ought not to to aided. Tto hea-tovB eo aaaeBs of evading tkls popey—ef teerv

k)CtttopisMaDdOfdBahiBgita.w«y. Itisttorvrare, a craai tossam to tianamit P i d a b ^ i s i f x f r g into Oeir coantty and eotaO It npcc I b ^ f^>Ssh ver-daaa now.ander t t oa to re r(gtiatloaa,are itowanst oanapted e( d l . T to vrisiaoa piepared awl circit-latod la t to natSoaal Chorctoa of Eoiope axe v i r j aiadlar. Ttose wto emigrate to'thts coantrv fen us TB^ ID ttoir own eomniy. their Bible* weraas ecnapted it was impoasibie for them to ttsaw wfaleih was Bibtoand wUch was ccrruptiob


aSVXBTH BIBKKUa* SSSSIOB. A t o s s a r A r m x o o x .

t a p e r s i a d e A c s tons, Imt glonoixB scp-1 CluKtiaiisoffiEr t h d r

, and p n j i i in to d n t v J p a t t l m iota tbesiiiiis-

I t b e ^ labor wbore lie wiU*.

v n i ^ S m ^ l i e d • i m ' w a i e a D e d i ing for t t e qnirc into the cause of ii9aEia'_

On tootkw, ^ C a r n a l r eed r tkm and •nftiiji^Hs^WcaO^aidijwit't&irtlMcL*^ • ^

J n d g e W . P ; of Aia. , tbea c&red

Wnotxasi, I t ka* heen taigge^trd dtat iic-yeaaa—a<a aaa>i» iaada,raadiMag w system

aad . aevcn} good bBKhien, as w i ^ " ^ a s n > W f t « r i l 2 BiwoD b<^rdii, are deM«iii! cf p i f c c t i u g the saute as f a r s s tberdfeta

JKnalvad, ooiaaitace of fifleea t e sapoiBted by tktj^r«:3de»t wlto ^ a l l eocader

r epwt tOr

t 4 t i e morBicg ees-i.., RsidataoB call-rf aaaanmt tee to ic-

gy t tod . ' r f ^ - J - I i s i i i ^ iLe

what.' n k e m o f ]

T h e T lw

mhtee. B f ; J « H i e bominitto^

aa lb i lows: W . K

Conreotieii. -wtotlier any, KB» iHhtm*^,-. i s par and BUKtcBaij operatKBs. ^ reEoloiioBa w m a ^ t e d .

to s a k e «p the i<o(D-^ d a i r . hseqiwrtlT aaaouuucd

iltoa, M". CSrawfMd, Jr. W . M. WiUiSM, B . K n W , j r . , J . Jaatea, J . C. F a n ^ a a , W . C. Buck, L . S . IGIi i l ia i , J . 11. Piar i le toc . J . 91. Bease t , J . W . W a r i e r . G. W , Saascoi, L . Wv Allen, J . S . Uar t i i ^ A . G . MeCraw.

Mr. DickeBsob ^ Tirgiitia. imm the eora-Mittee on t h r t mrib^ast. reported a list r f d d -egates in tbe C<«t^<ctioa, Whieii was .'ead bw t t o fieeretBTT, w ^ eor ren ie i t iBd ,» ik r aSfC'

A tootiin t o


Met in H u e P ^ d « i t of

A f t e r the cci Hyiafi of the

T h e F r e a i d a t rastaaed t b e e h a i r at the ap- E^^aea ixadtod koa r . aad t ^ B e e d e g T u o p c a e d with - - -

by R e r . Dr . Howell, wiitintw; of the iBoniiog were

read aad a p ^ v e d . The eonsideration of uc-faiahed busueea waa defenod, to allow Dr. lEuI j r to make Uie following report from the ooaamittee to nominste.

n o Mlowing are the nomicatioBs: Mianoo Board—Located in Bieh-

moad, Va . ' i j , B. Je te r , Praaidcat . Vioe Presidents.—Wdl Crane. M d . , J . L .

Biurows, V a . ; T B . S t B t e r , K . C . j J . C F o m a n , S C. ; P. J i « U , « a . ; L . B . Laoe. A l a . ; L. U . Millikia, M m ; W, C. Duncan. L a . ; E C. BtirleBon, T e s a t : J . Hartweli ,

; J . K. "Welch, Mo. ; A. I> Scars, Ky, M. Hirhroin. T e e n . ; G W. Samson, D. C. J . E . Bromn^ Fla.

J . B . Taylor, Corrt tponding Secretary, A. M. Pciadezter , Corr»p(»di&g Secretary

EdwiB WorOaiE, Treasarer. W . H . Gvatluney, Ckarios T. Wortham, Atiditer Beard Managers—R-Byiaad . W , Goddia,

B . Manly, J r . , K J . WiUis, L . W. AUea, A. Thomas, J . B . Wood, A -G. Wortham, A. Saead, F . J . Bams , L. W Sedey , H . K . E -lyaoB, D . a i a r e r , A. J . C-0(b>^ J . F. Eceae.

Dimest ie Mission Beard—L«e«ted ic Ma-rion, Ala

Pres ides t—W. H. Mclntodi . Vioe PrMidents—F Wilsos, Md. . T G.

K o e a , V a . : W. Hooper, K C. ; J - B . Ken-dnek , & C - ; J . H. DcVotie, Ga . ; P . H . Landy, A l a . . J . A. B « i y , Miss.; J . H . Low, L a . ; S . Houston, T e x a s ; S. Hailibur-t (« . Ark . ; Wm Croweil, Mo . D. R . C»mp-b<dl, K y . . J , M. Pensiletoa. TenD.. T. T Walter, D. C. , J L. Shuck, Cal.

Ckirteigtoading Secre ta iy—R. H o l s a s . Financial S e m t a r y — M . T . BBmaer. Recording Secretary—L. C T n t t Board of Managers—E. D. King, J . F

Bafley, L B Line, W. P Holmaa, S. B Freeman, E . A . Blunt, J . BiUisgsley, A. G. MoGraw, J . 6 . Heek»tof , J . T. B a r m r . A . B . Goodkae, a H . Fowlkes, W P Cniltoo, D. 6 . Shimnaa, J . B Lovelace

Bible Board—Louaied a t A'ashTille, Tena. P r e o d o i t ^ R . B . a Howell, Teon. V i c e PraaideatB—J. \V. M. Williaai?, M d . ;

J . L. Pr ichard, N. C. ; J . L. Brooks, 5 . C . ; J . Walker, Ga. ; A. G. McGraw, E .

George, La . , P H. Hicknaia, Mtr : W W. Erastas, K y ; J Hnckiii-». Texa."!; J Broaddus, V a . ; F H. Ccur t tey , L s : P Holmaa, Miss.

Corre5p<»diDg Secretarv—To be appointed by the Board.

T r e a s a r e i ^ ' . A. FnUer. Recording Scc re t«y—A. N e b o t . Board ..f Managers—T, W. Haiev, J . P .

Winston, A. C. Bcech. W L. Mtirfret, C. K Winston, S. M Sovtt, W. H. Bacg, J . C, Darden, W . P . Jooe.^ Charles B l s e t n a n . W . L- MartiB, A. L. Maiwel!, L. B Wooifblk R. H.f Slaughter. B. M. Tilmac

On Botion of Mr . Buck, of Alabama, the report v a s d iv ide^ a s d t t o <]nemoi: beinp ta-ken on that portion sppertaiiii i i j to the Mtii-

Boartis, it was adopted. M r . Buck then moved to strike from the rc-

wrt tha t poTtion relating to the Bil le B.tard. i i s motioa WW pred i ea t ^ . on the fact taai

the Board is not seli-Mijtainiae, and that its |»t9ent operation tends to rabarrass the Mis a o a BoaMs.

H r . KUyson, of Yirginia, moved to 1ST tbe motioii on the taMe ' '

tJoBBideiable debate cnsaed upon -a peint of ot erder, when tbe motiaa to lay « • the table

is carried. A motioB waa made that the report rclatiEg

to the Bible Board be laid upon Um table u t -t u after the report of t i e special c.>min!it<v 00 tha t subject The question beins t a i ^ , t i e P r e s d e n t tha t it cashed is tbe • f f i toa t i i s .

3 l r . Boym, of S. C., fxcm ih« special com-mitlee oa tbe Bible Beard, submitted a report. Iveoa tanpia tes the Board s s a i c i^ to -tida, a a d r e o o a r a ^ d s i t to the favctable oon-ndeia t ion of the Ginvestio&

jMr. Caolev, of G * , Qoved a ' iob i t i ta t s " for the rei

CraBeJ u d isamT-.Taeies n p o r t w u Aon aeeef:^ a u in wWiBHUi it. WttkoHTiadraad aStar

the G o a n a t i o s ad-TntsdRv toomLag a t 9

MCSBAT NISHT. R e r . R FuHsr,

B. CcnrsntJor., prpsided. !g»fion had enng the 4^4x11 lem Psahnedy.

E l d e r James £ T a r l o r fed in p n y c r . Dr. dul ler s a i ^ eonfesjwedi i* S e c t a -

ries would ^ b r e i t r c n to speak. Wfaereopon P o i n d e x t a called

Br& f a t e s , » rat^^^ed miasiaouy from Shiuig-ha i , Ckiaa, to ad^fsee the meeting.

Bro . Ta tee s a S i n suhstaaoe . Twelve years ego, last Deeonbsr, I parted

witl),.joB, m j b f ^ r e u , . ' " S9 ^ Ismee t ? the CSiiSM 1 was OTe of y j w r Erst misfflonarieB to tbe Stniigbia ^ t ^ m . Tt is n ^ h an^peak-abie 1


( W o r e Toa to tcB tif ^ be de«>r iif C U n to t be

I to tbeOeBt i l e ! Wbea 80 E t i a i ^ waa the O f ^

t CSiiaese arould ran in-t h e •treate, and t b ^

^.AT-auras animal were ap-dwtraet ica. W e weat

popolation. acd af ter a E^tame iznnd, t c m i ^ae -

B a t ' t b m T wto km ti>» imabi? i* speak a ward was to be doee ? I de-

Ijdieir d i f ieol t laagittge—a. and QgBfi. rcBiindingcBB

- iKrds a ^ aa i to i l f—a Icn-

a t l ^ d s e t e a d thastowaheamapondeoeewidk p w a t a e a B^itNa who Hear. wHkhisowa:aBdwe toveaeTer liimkard

Be wnwatieaaiay « d not stand loBg con-

_ to draw tock

• C t e a ^ i d e a s gteaadKersneipt

f ioveeK

"CHISA JJtSStOSS." Thi* voluaic of nearly 40t} page?, ISmo,

» istendea as a hand book for pastoi? of Charches, Sabbatk S«4ool teaelierB, and all the friends of mismons. I t p r o r a t a in a brief aad a teac t ive form a great amount of infor-mation In reUtion to that wonderful people, aad the work cf miasioc^i asMiog them.

I t coatalns aketehee of the ge<«Taphy, population, acd |»odiietaoii3 of China—an aceosBts of the food, d r e a , and ciutaBu oC the pwple—the language, l i teratuie, and "laws of the Empire—« eompeod cf h i s t o r y — a j t W -logical, aneieat and modern. indhadiBg the W r r f u f f i o f r - h a R f i g k a , emlmeiBg CoaftnaD- ' i aa^ 'BBdhi» ,Tania&, i a d t £ b ) e - ^ i D g , a ao-tife of the iBtndoetioa of the M o t o n e d n g ^

dedded open, is (to tafaiaft iffi dterad or soanteaied byoDottor. BeDee.wtoeitoOeaBene<1W4eeide *lhr TTITITS R nh i llai lailj aatkiani ITSIUUII, Ikey mean that versioB w|icb, fpr t to t i s e toii«,)s ao teltMasttovn%ate. ' Tto pcpe aad eaidtofit have toeenbreRafraiorttoBiia^as Jaaea had, and as ether crowned beads tove «i Bagind Bad to ether pattt of Barepe. aad aa , , w l „ elaia in this couutiy.

t to Iwt inn iB^t toSrd e e i ^ versioDs of t to New T M a a ^ woie Bade ioto lo l ia to t to b e a e f t o f C l > r i . » a a e a r i a K ^ t a » ^ « of which <Auiaed t to p ^ S l ^ a i r f t a S S ^ common (t«/5«iiis)aBait t to peM". Ia I to 4«Ji ceotnry, Damastu. Mibwjaf Bene, m Jerome to prepare a eometod editios. TIda be-^ Ito t t f ^ fcBaMea) flwta that t l B a « M a ^

"i"*® correct; but wten Ito bishopaad Charehof Boiae b e e a a i ' ^

r ^ - f B 60S, aad toe pope a s S e ^ S b M a . > « > « « titles, t k » be«Mi tolsieAon^

Taiaad. Janaw-* vatorte aata heoaw am-SdiUoBtaf

this a a not agree w ia t to i « e r : ^ a t f l l w a e t t o valgatoHsrkto itoe. Aitar a W i S S t ootrapiiooswen iabuAaoad toalivartoam

sQU BMre ctiovpled.weBt aa fia t to « a s tiar lill Ito I8ih cHitaiy, when ft tfasifaaidtto capiMinpopedotoAdBDtagteeatA a r r , Pope Sextaa V^appaiatod C M t e l C t o a ^ c<mect Bad r l — 1 - i r r jii laaaijU t i i i i m f u caaamoa oao. TUa waa iiaTiliakiiT ia «nf».

C a t t o B ^ C a i S a S r S ^ ^ ^

— • - ^ a i B i i . adapted B o n l k ^ y to tearCathaBe J a m t o - a a d

^ i i . ttoa. to<»ae t t o valgata (. nSaoJ ) fto* t to t Mtoe RarwanL . ; • :

Tto BnaaaeBlB U9»aad Bade the aa laa ol the OaweB

T n s t . wUeh was toldiB IMS. w U A Jbtsl aad M d a a n ^ o f p o p U prndpfaa. That

» r the report of the committee, namelv il;.-it the Bible Board be Jvsli ihed cntirt ly ' '

Sereral memberB spi^ic on this motics. R u t oae eoosideraucn seemed to tnS'3»Tce t h t s t io &Ter of abclishiog—tbe eoaisdention that it was M property ^ p c r t o d , sad in its lotiatko, wa« ta tbcr a diatdvaniagc to t he is-terests of the other Boards, tha.n otherwise.

Mr. Wal ler , of Ala. , Bade a atrocg speech IB Utot of the emtiai ianee of the Beard He to^ a h a s d a o B r proport ion w afford neca ni toy aid for i ta operatitma.

RenaikB w o e made by Mas=rs. Jackson aad Ga., J«Bes, of S . C , Culpepper.

9% O. C/o Dr. Howdl .n f Te.nD., tai led upon the Trras-

nrer of fte M b l e Bear€ to wake a s to t rmai t aa to the e e a d i ^ a a d proepetrt.* «rf the Board

C. A . Fal ter , Treaauro-, stated t h a t the ^ a t d had beea more t ^ aejf $iistaiiiiB£ ever e>ftee t i l a igaaixatkn.

ttaq^^ of Ky.,ithought, A c Board elKWId he sastaiBed two years and thca « c o « l d act aaders tandingl j npoa tbe tarn. There were aasuiastoi. tha t somoth voa id be dose during that tnae

. ^ a k ? m i d he was perfectly ^"Trrag to lei A e Board go on two year? longer. . . t - * ^ waa then t a k w - S h a l l tbe Bi-

Board be aboKAedf and waa deeid-4 i a a rtxy large «ajot i«y.

« . B b ^ of Ala . , BMTed t e r»«aa tBi t t he r q w r t o B the Bible Board, with instructiooBte • g r o t a Bea rd a t Maeoo. Ga., witiia^ the • t t t two y e a m

The Bwtaoa was lost. ' * * * ^ *nwBoo to adopt

t H w p o r t of t h e e ^ m i b e e . aad carried in the '-auiiaaltTei'


loes-y n g

. . granted to Mr. DeTotie, of Ga. , towpert froe the special eoomii tee

1 A a a a a d e f domealie aHaBOBaries. ^ n ^ a s a l o M i y a ^ t h a e a w s o f d o -B ^ M i ^ a a d p ^ out w i M i s S«tda

wnera jpaa tde r t i t a t i an eziste. M m aaaa ra . ]

t e a ^ of a liareigner, to ^iheir hMses: seiraF, a* i f proaehing for abroad among while the iieojS table and ds midst of t i e i s t e l p p U y . tera ined It; a tod | l a a ^ a a n of aom^ of iTiii Timaagi , g t ^ p R B K t ^ a a n y <^)«taclee to ita fit ioa and m e . T h e spoksnhiBgatgt u eot firam their w i j a e a aad j i r i n t ^ l a n g i : ] « ^ acd I could bu^Munk the wic l fd O t e S a d acme hand in th^tzrangeiseGt B u t b l s o e d be God, the B ^ w s a r i e i i of the C r t » had gained a fbothoIjF &ad wsre destieed t a m r -Qsrow bill mif i lEi t iops . T fcnisd b a t two mieneiiartes ia S a t wast o r amry whea I gat there—a people ^mber iog400 ,000 ,000 . The miiisionaries b a ^ ^ c r e a a e d , bu t w!»t was; ^ u a Httle band of C ^ B s ^ l a i e r ^ s , to tbe vast popt;latkai cf I What wimld tfcey he e j r a to the i n h i ^ t a t s of one of her jtain-ase citscsr S t O l : ha re done so se ih i rg fo r (Sr i s t ' s cau.^. mis ten work 15 no l o i r c r a»i c r p a i a s o i t - » jaay h e aswred tise is estahliiiied—i » l e a r c s if a t w n k . God is

b y his ] ierfieaoe ara?ac tbe natioBL Since 1 went t o i Mna, what has God wronr f i t t More than baJf< t h e globe has b e a j thfowii opeai to the goei i Ob, fha,t it m y hara^ free oourfe, and e gloriEed ! TrcitiEs have greatly enlarged ar field, a c d aecu.-ea uf jTs i t pnril^gesi,iania; t of the'laijre cities of ChTna. aad dsrwbere . I fcerto closed agaio-^ us and the g o s p t i W e »Tc in this conat r r bu t St-tle idea of crowd O a r <T(?wd». iiMleed, littJe notice wrald atti H there. Even oa r largest eiti«". Sew T o r J « J i d N^TrOrleaB-s a r e l m e l T equal to then- manv of whidt eoBtain fram 420,000 t ^ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 iahabitaats. T h a 'arpest e%ls in sererai maiionc. To t h ^ at ie= BO ^ j s n o o a r y daied to exposs I>ook3 for sale, j^ring » the crowds The pressure woold b & o great ae to esdaoger of b » k s and l i fe Al l we do was, t o get in our boab iasd go alppg Ibe essalit, around and tbrou h the eitiesi: jput a t rac t e r book OB the « d rf a Irmp pole t s d hand i t ts^

OT t a Thus w « ^ m d k n o w l e d g e — ^ 1 -m om- boats wa ^ i r e ^ e d : J a sns and him e i a f r A O f t a j 6 e g o w d becane ao g r e ^ to had 4o more off, u d I taTethcto n a f e ^ iMrrf?3iiai that we had goee for good; b t o ^ wonJd hold u p ia gcme ^ e r portion of ; i e rity « s abu r t s . aad

t« the p e o p K aad teH them of ^ M w r t g i g i o B . TTiui we are era-stantly a t worl

f ^ i a e s e Iw China we

hflSw by himfirff l^es l i re together. :u«and b i n . a i netghhors e c ^ d did t h ^ live cbildres or he^i?. «wa, they alwaj.« «»th«r fan^ ie* . ' tioD. acd i f T i e r H "o haTe ftwis to aad sicVnefs. and

; rte I r e a d of fife

woro'iin the®, «« !

9 i r ac Cl ing ie a TTO dn here. T b e f t a - i -

oid fiither to- his own ronf A n d

k i<» each other, se e k o d v T h e o a k s always W i

they had s o c e o f i h e i -itcd male ijii-dTca from loved the &»i1y re!a-

was abfv>luts!y r tk aiai 1 « r e of tlictn ic aid age

bury Aem d»«Bt]y and ^ y bad m>r dure - A w sa-

^ t r y . This a M ftm^lr k w t a o r ? Chinese a t lww>. ' Thew

• «*«Meft the i r ec«tt>T if t he r «c«ld avoid >t They a re ^ X p t r i n l y heaihew, bn t they at^ tdolators. B - | i a a , t h e y w o r t l i p a B d a a k i

_ to the ' r ap^*stry. T h e r are i a t d l i . ^ t and tHT-Jixed T e n mnsi a<^ iud i« t h m by the stragsjiBg e^e y ^ ^ 'jj, ^ B M y of whom ire escapfd rrheU acd dr.. h « d e d a m i e ^ d r i ! a from their h c a e s T h e C h r a e ^ w t ^ W ind poBte. a r d K g W r ^ «ab!e I t l i not ifficolt to shake t h d r ^ ffi t h c r idols. 5 of ftem hare been fc^ht to resoui h them, as mere pid* of w ^ d e s t i t n t o r f ; » e r . B a t i t is ^ r y diffi PBit to^ more ^ from their A e r i A e i no-haos abont fteit- aSes torv aad the firture ^tafe.

- .. A e amnber.^f .-a m h f h a a d r ^ . , A a to , t | * awaner of oh-

t » 1 ^ 1 a » a o t y e t b e e t . p ^ U c a B y « « 2 r e d , t h i ^ a « n o t p e t t t i d to e d r e i t T t ^

x d j n e o n i a e n j tibatChurdteseriHSett-i m t f e l w a «f O e l a r r m , to M»d fferth

lahwctaf t h a t < h * f a « m hriatr ^nib^

T t e y a « W i e » « i e be ianBortalttr of the goal t b ^ aay h a r e t h r i w u k and

T ^ M i s a s d «pint» are W i o w l y aad th<v happinea de-

^ ^ occupy among t t e r f d W T b ^ i a a e pay giVit I j t t S ^ to their M a o y ^ them spend Qbci! tone and i a c e s s m s of aaMer «a t h m c ^ , thinking 4 t h a y w a i h e t f i o n g b l w e l l of IB sfic f o n r e id s e e o r f i ^ to the vahi-aad e p l c r f o r of t itr t a e m a i t s . " Some of t t w r ^ o f i a i w e o : J ^ a a t i y a n d e a a d p o G ^ t i m ^ w i S n i c ^yoar i s a c e a a i d c a i ^ a * d loding-glaBL < e « r d i e a ^ M d e a s a the «c&) . e te .

I hav« said, ipe: t ; s a k e tiifxa esdcistsftd K idols ; b B t , a o t »a wifh

then- w c e s ^ a i « j S y . mast aiake . M . eend theiB money, t e

I t w daSeuIt t o g ^ J i e r a toa | ipremate t h e t m e dgUKfvr of Jeans , We talk to them a a e h . aad t en then, of and u rge them tolov?-a a d m v a h a B . T»r«<l><7> " T o a raw, wfl*-ship J e • a ^ "wa kaow h a a ; he wan a feraigBer; he aawaSEoew a s ; h«w eaa we i s h i p h a h ^ a s p ' ri«ToBan^. J<

w w ^ a . . . ^ ^ ^ Hii aHiilii.w jif | C I C f t b l B

aga—tfamwhat d M h a k a o w o C a A a d if h e «aa h d p ^ c a a a o i o a r j s etars. w h o « w« knew aad tai^ he lp a s t f . Oh. tha t t h m eMs a a j "

help <4-ilie Kohas n t n ^ d ^ ^ ~ t a e heathen V f t l h t k aad tt* e t t o w t parte

-of "ftf earth h i ' fce imin@» l y s a e * jmacr.J- —


By Ttosnmnli inewi^a theSrth-ott. S t o i

liisiais I bat w®« a toai-t Tillaes. wi ic t todw| • ien. CSahfisTs

A T h 21st. 15iSC« AHtoi XVroaBi. Ocr i wbes two l a i l i l i a l r t oeonay t i a a i

SwiTZEBUa bT t t o ItaBaa 1 ^ i r up a letuiuijia 3 Via dowr by i t o f t i t r af punt and |.

i t o S w i » r o t o r f l hJbiting t t o >

of arms' bf the immediBte F t z h i n s anS to£Bi»ddeB to Mligesent ia tto'l

A totttonA SOS. ISjQOn TOO.BsjtijeAB

Tltf ^isitniB 1 Tbe battle at

Atnsriais, oader | posts of De HUBsnt, 1 TV » drriatm. aOer i ^ doratiiBi. TheaffiiiiJ t>ct |an»ne th vrerc c^Ksrad sad AoaoiaBS w o e I t sIIiBBtoct TQO. Ths j tenaSv &iaB t to 1 ted at'flOOa , alrr. T to ^ardWae ] the a a r e n * left r f i O b . CnBda] ^ A s Ansttiaos to f •(stTEi^ava Witt, ptiipasea. ft 1 WW- have aaered .-^st.v'eincsssia ]

"XtoKitg o f ] ^ I21BBli t tor

A Pads i c t t v i a a t wJI lIKMt 1 "-•alt at HaaBaof l dt RCTchstadt. the SGH | <^rc« ia ! . tha tFnadi ]

In a [ ^Tb- newtifiecTBii t»a=£;ti>fj w ina r t ] mc as iaaetabn frtaek inStssry.^ tiEtrv t9 the

ordinBdiT 1 Sir JiTBi'iiwjBe.

I-khoTAjiriLatthei tLe bead of the snd was created a1 r-imt »ifT7 voars W.1I t to of j dfOsaSEm* . ctertxatSe career acd iii: tos iia^ii

Tto fagfrniag ; w i : ^ tpxucia thzi <>:tic. T t o j n e e o f l ' trrt;-oriirnai i

:s TMOaqaKteg 3a>e of l o ^ yaa adBj

•ii*; of the Ijnp^rar S G c a n some weeie 1

eaar shooti p e l s oa!;^ aad 1 S i A iaaide i t » syaAt, a a a i o ^ l

wiadow-Htp inja(-l>cl3aa&. nsntp i

w ^ a a d d i t t o i t a a v aad |arkrd j

fcTT ix^iit < Cr^taaa usuipajgB, 1 fcrmtsM Tto irae ncaHTaSks i

prat up t l in .

i B -I Bsiiat'fljiot.

w l a t * , * ' * ^

WTti tlieiri— daysef its t ai'iifffa

Page 3: mt it? · 2012-11-08 · iBUIZr KSOWS iwimr-ex. • on.. NASHVILLE, TEE PULPITL [nv BOIBEIt! fpy 80CDB^

iUi g i m n a i M f -~ ' • v f b r t k d h r

t a t i n w mm d w i

r b w a i M .


a m we,, tad


t h o M t i p , . i a M « a M l u u l M r K X a -

^ t « B w r M •<»»-

[ I F - i r « « r « f MS-

i c s n a * .

nml Amk^

, I {wmim Wrfl

' mtB* o f Utetr • a W l d r e a Ehan

fiawlj i r i ^ aht^y n ' l i w u y " t S t a i a d d i i p i

» ^ f f e n U j f « a j " 'Sm*^ t & W T ' d -

htfm^ T t a r . —T t^cmiti AvciK^

I t e s t ^ ^ h r t I w r a i i i i p M i d i B a k a | 1B i« fT « n i a i e i l i -

* w t j o d s a t i iEm . WE in C t & f b r -

f 4 r e b e l s « a j • I w a w s T i a

1 ifcafce t ^ I k r A Rhem. h a i « b e c B I M a m

i t s i s r A a i ^ ^ ii«>-I ' f l lS ftlfUfS S t B f r

/ e f t t e w n l . [ ^ t i m p Mta{» n t d jui t i n H t e a n " k«|>pnin>a d e -' M u u p j a a w n f ^ *J grnt kilt9>

t fcew s p e n d m m Qmi

F t e t f m i g f c t * e J l r t e t l i e T v l v *

Borne «f

i > « H i i

i l * p m i i w K i B

l l B n t f


B i y . j r . , J - a . B o c k . L . B .

. J L E « B a s t , J :

&C3B. i B a coot*

VKS .'CLftd fe^ L'^aisi i i i w ' iif


S r s a r . T . B F ^ g ,

i i a

c a 2 M i ^ O B r f r o H StuOMf^

B b « r , I p M t « i I t h a r S n t mBBScree i iw

I wTtli i f i k r

I « f O n - f B Urn mtZoL Wkm-

^vTsid. r u u i B -^oA tlHesH

ftsi t f t C T ft I b a n d , t r w s

r w ! t<*

few 7 d t

n n n h i i i r e a B f t m ^ U ft ksn-

t o i t s 1 l l — i p w g B a I l ^ m U t t ^ n w *

|»f ttw f?ww> M ^Mtfettp^ t o U f d ^ firsoti l i v t t v o -

v i m I imiMih Tim

• t w b a t w a « i f t t t to t h « T M i

w n n l d U s B j I w t » f h e f inuB<r9ae

•«nM"tSiBi|r fiir I w r r W i i h b l o n g o -

t i t* m m i t t w n r k G « 4 k

r t A v M U o D * .

b M A *luro«i»

I ! T m t t c s k s n

I d t i w « f C ^ f i a . Q* u j

• s i n i i T v m a .

imt hij g w i , m k a r ^

f w fc id t aoet i i te ( iohabi taatK . T l t »

• i v f l l M w i I s . d s n d t o r x t m m

|t)ie T h e > In radwfct T<m» wns l i l i in « M ,

l « T « i i t!h>. omafa^ p * : p o i \ t m i or nfit msi tani H far

, r « i w o * ' ^ h t e ; iM * -

?tm mf, imm.

f Anwimi

i B M U p q ^ n L w a h i t i r n d



'Nr-- •


-Tf w ,



Br the Mtxiwi «MiMI4rtMMi^OI^ <rf Wsdi-

t k e s r t h ^ ^ • • • I i r t r t i j b n ^ rinK we, Stem ^Oiek m^rj^ tht,

(bOowist i i p B > :

imt^» U n a p ^ M a m p u U u o o t o ^

c r t w u e <lMwti0B» ffoM tfco A a s t r w u w j . J ^ ^ w k O w r R W M B t fam te^t fi»r

Omagdaawwjtmmm, whkimtabertplmaed

B m s n i H a o M M » « a t r m i i a T a i a n ^ . I b a o M M i T » S a i j t B a M i a i i «} inoit o p e s l y . ^ ^

I t fc re^cctcd tfat^Steiife;- «» t h e b e a d o f

imrdf:^ ytrSaA-i himJtt V i R A ' s i t f i M t t s i u M i t AnsMttii^^vtiaaT ^uLtbm » i s i . l » « < » < i , a a d a Sgbt « a i d to

a a r y a n a r o ^ c M t o o f t t e l i o a d a Q l W B t h e tetk o f I f c o t A r i l e , te A v A r u

w a a t h r e e fcrig^ a i a i t J w r i < m « a R w a s a » t h a t « r O m F m c h . T i N , A w -

S i a m t i a h t ^ fcr t h ^ rfJiprt tlM t o w s o r U b M t M ; beOo. H m A a a t n a w M M d a t fiat t o b e - 8 3 & 1 , . a n d w n o o i y w h e n t h e f m r i i m j i ^ a r t s a o M . G e B e i a l F a r e i » a 4 t . s ia taa t h a J l a r t z n i b m a t ttlecn t » e i a k t c e B

T t a « > 5 » « d p r i a o M n « t i » » t « H raach Sngfcer. G r e a t p n i a B i s a v i M e d to t f e S b ^ •fioiaiEi & > r t h a r e a a d i i e t i n t h e bat t le . T t e c m . bmt TO a h a r f t o - f a a d ^ t i n t t e . t r e e t a o f t i e

t o beoBrr ied a f t e r l i w G t a . O a l f i z ^ s ooinhat v a s U T i f f i t a . H i fosi

inffETtiftrant, t h n a A t h e c a a f i i c t w a s B e n * . A V w n o a < k « i B t d i t a j s t h a t a t ooon < a t h e

The t h a . t h e S e a i a .

S ^ i T M i u u t i v - l a S B e t i a o B 'wera m a i E & s t e d t r t 2 » l t i f i a n n t t i g e e t <m t im fioitien to f t i r n p > r e i U m i u M in L n m b p d r , b o t h e r v e r e p a t down I w t h e S w w t r e o p s ^ t r n a i « a a a -W T rf p n a a n d R a u t w x i e i .

t h e S w i s F e d e i r f D i e t h a d resrfred on w o -I c f c i f e ^ ^ e r p o r l a t i a n o f a n w t o , « d t h e ^ Setting o f i n m c b y t h e i i f l tahhant i of places in the i s m s f i a t e T i c i n i t j rf t i e I t a S a n S o o t t e r a . F n s i t i T w a a d deeerters a h f e t o b e a r a n m a r e t o

to p a s feam i h e t e t i f c a i e . o f o n . b e i u ^ e i e u l m t e e t e m t c r i a s o f t h e o t h e r .

w s t w B s w C M t e i T t e A H i e , kmt TCC. a s d tise A w H m i • « » .

• n i e A s a i a i K ^ T O t e - G e a . S t a ^ a t t i c M t h » ' H n B e r s , b a t w e n t A i r e a b a c k b y F o -

r e r <> f&Tiacsi . a f t e r a fiirioos ooaifaat o f Kiar k o i s ' i a m i o n . T h e a E i e s carr ied H o f i h e B o . b a t d jd n r t t h s A m t r i a a v a O Q A a r t r i a n priaonera TO® o c C a z e d u d a u n e d t a J b t a m O e ^ . T h e

iXSmJan TOO. H » A a a t r i a a ^ a e o o o a t . d a e r a » -T h e F w a A f c r e e i a r t a .

tad at flOO^ b a w f a s a n e i m e n t e r S a r f i i i i a B e a r . ilTT. T h e S a r A a i n G o T e n n a t t a a r s t i e 1 . - - - _ ISOL ^ S w r e a j a T i a w i t h , 6 0 0 0 mma fia- rerolntiooarT w p a w . T t i a r e p a t a d t h a t ^ E i ^ U B i e a - o f -w i m e n t e r e d t h e A i n H S c i Rerr^ntKMarT .TacremaBC* in l U a a h a t ^ a m t c p o t i e d . '

T h a K i j i g o r S a p f c a ia d w d , and Ftaoe ia I I haa asramed G o t e i u m e u t .

A F u s } c t t i r i a 9 t h e C m o w i B g : ' ^ X a | » i e o a i n . w J l msnA o o tim^ i t S m r r frao t h e Kaiaeriiefa -matt a t V i e n a a o f t h e t v ^ t h a t holds t h e D o c de B e i d n t a d t , t h e s m o f Sapcdeoo I - a a d , i n c a s e a i re f tuaL t h a t F n n c h troops w i n g o a d fetch i t . ' '

tn a { B o d a m a t k n tn> h i s a z a i y X a p o i e o a » u d : • T h e 3SW rifle a r m a i e o n l T d u g e r s o s a t a di»-

t i a c e ; t h e y w i S af t t p w r e n t " the bayonet from be-uif; u suntatm t h e t c m b l e a m o f t h e F r e a e h i n a B t r y , " Th i» wiH b e ftr &t>b w e k o m e oewv r!> t h e A i i M r i a c s to w h o m a M stee) Vt more t t i u errfinaiilT^Iiittaetelii l .

S i r J a m e w ^ J^ca fa taoy ( S e d a t B o o b a r on t h e I 4 t h < > r . ^ p c i l . U t h e ^ f f ' > f s e T e B t y - M . B e w w a t t i : e h M d o f t lM s a t t r e m e n a o t i l e b e d y o f ' I n d i a , — — — N.. .Mv WMVMMim V» liWIFB, »ad wa« created a baronet b y t h e B r i t » h p j T e m -s ient a t t w vaa t s beck . B e w«t- t b o presented • r . t i i the fruedoo oT t h e e^ty a f L o c d o n . R i s dDoatxniit t ^ p a U t e objecta dttr ia^ his micvesKfal m K R a o t i ! a <3u«c? aotoanted t o i ^ o t XSOQuOCO, a n d he haa bet^oeathed a l a i ^ K x t u i M to' his SusBj.

T h e fcltewing b a p a r t a f an a d n r t i a e n e i i t w h i c h x s f M a i s i a tha las t otirober of t h e Umtktn Cr i t i c . T h e pr ice e f the sern>oo»jB a s * , : - F o r t y -tiTn o r i s i n ^ m a a u K r i p t « ! r a x a i a ; b v a o eminent •JiTine oT t h e C h u r c h o f S e g l a B d . t h e « e w m o n s a r r « n b w i t t « d tkj t h e c t e w as be ing p « a * c t l T a r p a a l , v r i u e o e x s r ^ y Use u c c h w o , az>^ b e t t e r MUafitBd t o t h e i r s r o w e d < ^ e c t than a n y prrTiuc4 a t t e m p t o f t h e a u a e k ind, and w e l i sui ted

oijitatrj- a n g r e g ^ i o t n . ' '

T r k H t m u a u s t . — T h e C a r r i n ^ S c r m t S t of Qenoa rablishcK t h e I b t l o w i i ^ proclamatioo, 'IrssBod b y t h e R u a g v i a s « x 3 « b ) the ir c u t u t r v .

- i U i i t i a s : T h e I ta f i aos a r e y w x r b r e t h i m : Seccllet-t w l M n t h e S a i d i m a a e m i n e n t , s o t w i t h a t a n d r a g i t a i f i f f i e n l t i a s e z t c a d e d a fi-ieiadly

t o y o a , t h e o n l y one < ^ r e d t o j o u i s a i l E u r o p e ! A s s t : ^ Whi. b y < t h w u a n d p r t o o ! ^

to i n d w e y t m t o fight i b r h « . D o n o t Sa--g«E t h a t I t a l y i s S g h t h ^ fcr h o ' indepeodence, l a d Uiac the prinripa] i4<ac&cmed b y h<>r >!»> >«i*. S e e o i l e « t h a t A o f t r i a , w h e n t h e danger it! L M w d , wi l l DDt recuUeet h e r prsmfeck. M i g y a n I r h e I t a l i a n s a n d w « a r e «^>Meeed b y t h e name joltA. B r e t h r t n i o l U a w y , l e t o s ani each o t h e r l a n - c o n q a e i i a g ; H b e r t y . I a lahM-mg S»- t i ie a w e of I t a l y y o o w f f i ^ m o t e TOOT o w n r *

H a o L t L o i ^ Tc»T.—^The t e n t intended for t h e -une of t h e XmpBToT X a p u l e m i a I t a J y *•«» jient of f t o O c m x m n e w e e t e b ^ k . I t is m a d e cT x t i u i ^ t a a r a ^ atr iped U>i« a n d w h i t e , a n d U a e i l I t is about fire metrea ht h«ight , rapportod ^ o poles o n l y , aod d e c o n t e d outs ide w i t h t w o

i a r i d e i t » d i r i d a d i n t o t h r e e T»in]ar t -ments , asa{o(ai , faediDoai .a i iddTQaBiiSroo(n. T h e Hunging. ieaae a door far each rooou a a d there KTv wnMhnr-Bke openings f u r Tenti iat ioa. A n

carap rttwl*, imad] tab ie i , a n d a ^ r M i r q r s tand , e n n p c s e the f i m n t u r e . I t s wuod-w r r k v d s H f a n u t n n out b e m d i l j U l e n t o pieces and packed in cbmb o f rarodl s i s e and Tcry S ^ t e a r r i a ^ . T h e t e s t w a a m a d e for t h e C r i m e u i e a m p a ^ b u t o e r e r a n d . P a r t o f t h e f a i m t u n haa a e m o c a b l e h u t a r i c nwmiatk ioa . T l w iron bedstead w a s t a e d b y X i ^ e o D in i k ^ y 'aQ his caDi|jaign«. T h e t<Hlet n t e o s i b and ib tsMBg ease , al l k I w . lifcewiae betenged t o t h a t g r e a t ' r a p t a i c .

T a e M s x i c i s X i m a c e x a t T A C c a j i T i . — T h e first rictim WW t h e ( j e n - I j i z c a ^ a n o id soh&er. -r>K> t n s w a O d o s in t h e A r d i a s h t ^ s ^ a r d ^ a t thtf t ime u f bb> i ^ ^ o r e . I t w o o l d appear t h a t h e l a d been a djacipTtnariaa, a ^ hi* former • •abalte ixa . in c o n d a c t i n s h i m t o the place o f e z e -cutxHi, t o ^ t h a t k>eat«ibfi tn arenfce thetase i re* w i t h iasnI t s , . to w h i c h t h e G a t e r a l repl ied, " I t test c u w a r d k e t o i a r a l t a man c o o d e u n e d t o death.'^ *"<» again, w h e n t o l d t h a t be wa:> t o die t h e d e a t h o f a t r a i t o r , he a n s w e r e d , " I a i a a o t r a i t e r ; and as to d«ath , I o n l y feel i t for m y

f H ! , ( h o t t h n x ^ t i T ^ of f icers w h o i<nfe«»l w i t h h im w e r e C o b . V t i s a w a j u i and A s t u c a b . C u f ^ L t t a a ^ L i e a t . T h e first U «aid to h a t e dist in-jtuiMted h imse l f S i r his Talor i a t h e w a r w i t h t h e C-J i tad S t a t e d . S g t w i t h r t a a ^ n g t h e i r entreat ies , «U w e r e s h o t wrtfa t h e i r b a c k s t u r n e d , a s t ra i tors .

T i s : p l r r a d a n •miBiiiaiitri! w e r e I ) r s . P o a T r < i i i -K i r x a n , ^ i s c B X Z , D c t a ^ , a n d A * a » . H » first waa cousin o f r i r r i i x c , I t u u B O n M i a i r t e r of W a r . a u off ice w h i i i . to I m hf loor , h e a t o o c e r e -s i g w d . I t is s t a t e d ' t h a t these t r n f o r t a n t f e i « n w e r e a d r i s e d to t a k a n f i n m S g ] i t , l w t they re -Itaaed. A i t e , t h e i a l M a t i d soldi-e r y , n o w d r a n k w i t k a i n f i e n t ^ r o i t e l i n t o t h e h C T H t o K - w d r d w a j e d t W T i e t ^ o a t into t h e i c t m t . a-assHinHBd thera m t h e n o s t b o r b a n x D m a a a e r . O a e a f t h e m w a a « « s e d in h i n d i i ^ tip t h e w o a n d i a t t h e e a i R ^ a t thik ^ M e ; the^ o t h e r

r o ampataiSaiB*, . . A g K ^ Q i t a o a t r e p e t t e d tiba Tictiina B a t e

r t m m C a * a J U t v U i * r « M i o f t h e w e B - k a o w n T e t a O r t f M M t o T t h a t i a n n e , and Um>ie!f the a o t h u r - f UUUJ Iws i i l i r s t I j r i n i a n d o t h e r pieo«B, w h i < * A * * s r e a t j i i a a d t w t h e ftrtnre. B e w a s b a t a r tMSK B i a a o C a i a e t e e n y c w a , a a d thou|d> d s a b t -i a i B E t e a B a « d l - * a a i V B > e & open in his d e d a r a -

T t e

y v m g jnen

^ a i e d f o t h e a t t w i i o n o f U i M t s z . WW iBMWabi i i . « I h i s e T O a a B «

g e m w - w w teri^ay.'niw j a r t t f c y w t h a t w i i a T B t a o a t t e S K . " .

T)m v t e i » • i i » l > i r « r t a w r o -rictiias b 8 f t j -

T h e y w e r e a » a w i i a t a H a a a y w l M r e i k * b m C i l iwlf f icnr t o

tn ammm- tmm to m u i i r ia i i i r inK «Tn>e , m t o w h k d t » i a t o 0 B » ( t r « t t t a j W a l l

^ ' t a m m i n m * fcmr W i a m i ; * ^ n B te^

o o f c r ; a n d a aoteaui 7i Dam w a s d i a a t « d » W w t i f tlM> H e t i x r . - ^ . a M M y ^

• w n m t c . :

C a e a i i M i w e i — W e t s a m that i t e n m

f i w i h w . .. We h M t a « t heard • n ^ . ^ i . T ^

— _ l » r o « t . w r o r o a a u s - B M s CmzKirn

y V Swmm 9. am, a i , who haa heteto-

H o . d o i a c • x « » » i n « - w a r . - J f « ^ i r BaiUMiL I > a p a a m a T o » S t a t b , >

O v a O j ^ t a o r r r a o t e who m . T b . fdncd

T - r n a t e r a H a U o o i n t h l s

t f e ^ T o i a n S a i g j - r e p a i U B s c e . I a m , sir, yonr oh«-M e n t s e r r t a t , t i w a G a a a .

»a r a a - W a w n t o T o a U e v w u s r . — T h r e e - a i s p V U B T rf m a r t * , ^ i^tooe fo the atemoty

S a m the U r n of a i e e e e . h a ^ b e e s bt U » l a p i d a r t m of the Waririagwn

M o w e e t , O t » e f t t a m b & « m U i e i e » : e« l i i aada o f P a n s and M a . Ipelaeo. A n s i h e r i a f r o a l f c e

t r ^ • • ' ^ t o ' G r ^ . and Uard. a stobe

Of the a O c e n o f tne Cnfted States tristsa

Baiaaac-—Qauft t r t io i i . ^ h a s reeorered a t r ^ of ^ s s « a u i R Xohn F . B e i n ©f ti>e Wiahineton S a t e * a i i ^ L . * * , * ™ ^ ' ^ " ^ - M - . H e i » dednctsd r ? from Mr. aceennS, foe ab-• r a w f t o m j ^ a t t h e c r f l S o e ; b o t t h e a w n u s t a i Q o d

B e i s s , w a . r^r^ m e r i d i ^ . in » r s n e . t h t t " a j o a r a a i U l is m s a e e d

» t l M g e o s a l s e s c t he ea i7 rB i tnee ;a i id Dot br the e a y , 5 » e a ( w m r on A a M ^ w a y . -

ijt- ^ ^ ^ • M o a e d rf a e g » K o t ^ . V ^ ^ the St . t o o i a B e S S ^ i e a y i a g t i e cia-Tse indwindfe i t np wif l i the IWlo-ria. i h ^ • ^ S O t p m a S o o : - T b e St. Pemo-e t t l l a i M n c u t M the j o k e <d pokine f t o a i the hero o f B l a d t J a d e fitr enoosh. atid U shall an «od of k « m kind "

W j a a t a e r o s , J a n e 1 . — T h e Indiaii Sonertntco-f ^ Mr-Ooffiam of S e w Maxico. aCD<«!wes » t h e l a d i M B o r a a a the p e r i i ^ s a f t t r o t the Soethera erethun) n » i } recte. 5 o Umr o f an attack s e e d be es letta iaed >• A«ef>t S t r c k , w h o p n v poaea to SMet a o o a M W India ia a p o s the GtiaTfT-e ^ datriterte the a s a a : <taeta of a f r i e a l t s r a } i e -phmrata. w r i » ihrnX hit p t a r d uo the oecMtoD wfl l Goasnt of t « i M n i a n s s n s e d o r j r with h o f w s and tHSSMbipiL _ 8 « e t p < a into the Treajrerr da i to« the last week were o m r two mSBoo doiaus . C r a f U amooDtic^ h> aho*» three. onCiaas v e t s paid, k a n n e oaW fsv ariBicBs aobjeiu-t W drs A.

A b^OooB w a s rvcrstlT- p icked o p i s lake E r i e ^ the Caplate of a s t s a u b o a t who s a w i t d e a e a i d . It e e o a i n e d I t L y n . «><ito)-of the E n e IH*e»ch. and the c ronant .

Seme c f the A n e r l o k a a t a a a t e t a i v r t of fire arms a i e crowded » U h o r d e n ftom Koroe* . f V w -n J miEtary agmto from the d i S t r w S a n t a s pow m are here, asKSog U k s Une^ Aast r iaa e S e e i s . It is said that an • a d s - h a s b e n ( i r e B te the i c s w B -ate o f 10,000 n l c a a i e n i ) « * t i i « tiSea, w h k h tfcraw baOs I w o t h M s a a d v a i d s ( c e e t a d one-

mSfca} wfth k i l l f c g force,'at the rate ef thirty m a m i n a t a .

T h e K e r . W a t H . Odsahstmer, of PMIads^iKa .

• a r i i l k | t e B < t m r r a a t a a a d to h a t s mrrti w K h totatsnamlhaShaeflhaBaealBiiaQ. V a b d l e t o t t h a a n t e s B i m a t a B e c t a c M M i a B d a t k l s a t o l ^ a r e Ml^i i r iBc bean c o o k ^ a a i C M * , e a a f tha ••body C W ^ ' a f l h e ftter « r h i s ceaa t iT . ^ f i a ^ i ^ t d a i i e . , - . • . . ,

P i t M O a ^ r - O n r m m rnmoa ( s B o n a o i t t U a o n M Mtpenad ftem U M r i a to K w o p a a i r i tha Cidtsd

» a t e « m I 8 W , easting tha akipper about I S » e r c a a c e , r h i l e i » : ^ e w T e r k It n a d i l y brtoga 6 5

h s s b e e & e l e c t c d S p i w o p a l b i s h a i t o f Kew J < n T . a* KMceasorof iheteteBtahnpDoana^ T h e b e w U i h o p is o f Hieh Ohnreh t s o d r s d e s , thoogh c b a r i u b l e In spirit, and a gMUlsoiaD of h i ^ - t o o e d mocal charac ter. There are in the dk)oeee of X e » J m e y H g h t r . S t * derr.T, and opward of foor thoosaod cemno^t-<nat« of the Bpiacopal Charch.

T h e Eichmcod Eaqo i rer s a y s , that in that c i ty the B a p t i s U h a T e a l a r i K r white Chaich-member-

ship. a t d mors cbjldteo in their S c n d a r Schools, than a n y other d e n o m i a a ^ ; and they a n a b e r oeorly i 000 b lacks in t h e k Cbcrches in t h b c i tr , or aboot acK-foorthof the m d r e black population. 'The Baptists »Terywh«» work with n r s e s m w and teal ,

, coQM^oacce, community u d them-aetrm r»«p the flntit, a s «<>-n in their smx pmx. perltT,"

Cavil* ay AttiAajk PLisriTtos.—Tbe a - ' m a Spniio-! 30th, s a y s : • The m s r i s poFchaard by Mr. Wootsey from Ca;>ttis Hichado, last w«ek. seem to answer many osefa l porposes The other day cue of Ui« aaimaJs, with rider, bnjoeht twelve banheis or sheD«d corn to town to mill. 80 <ne camrt, in milUs^ al'iots win a s a v e r Um parpc«p* of a wagoo and two mole*, and w i S tia-rel over O c gruaod fcmr times as t faick as the m o k s . We nixter. s u e d that they haTe beer, tried to the plottfch, aad asawsr t i e p o r p o » sdmlrsWy, b e l n j J o d W and sasi-ly manaant . ^

P s a s n i e i s o s 5» j l .—The b s r k Rol la , Captain f-Mn G a l t t t t i a Apr i l 2 1 , and the B a r 28 J i ,

t sasptr. couoo, 4 c . , a G. A. Fetr i t i Co. riTMl on Tnwrfay . He reports that he had h<>!id winds nio»i of the passage. May 4, laU 27 d. hwg. 92 d, 45 m. 1 0 »., (In Oie B a y of M r i i c o . ) p i v w l thn-naii a s a t u U s c e on the sartsce of tho wa;pr, i»-sembling coal-wu, both In appearance and «mrii ; ia aomp places tha water to be boiling, a:>il a smoke or Aeam u U s « ftvm it s imaartothatcaa-^^l by p o s r i i u bat tar into the water. Thin •ntM.^.srf est^ni ir f !rr»r the mirftie* of the w i i e r from S » . M> S . E . far i S thi» eye c»a? 1 !«ee. The MueU ttaa m e n ta u> prodncv a caniiralii :^ Mosaliun. The sabiitance was aboat ocie a ! i « ia iridth, from N to P. W. The Temel waa haad i s s North w h « i sbe passed t i r r o g b tt. S a p p o t c d ii «.> be t l ^ eflSfCt of s a «reption at the b.itlooj of t i e B a y or Oalf. Imm^li-ately after passin? the saase. Captain Roaer? erperi-

iced a riotfothorrieaae. T s a T t a a r r o a u t s . — A co>TMpQcdni( writes a s fhKa

Fort E<>ar&cy ibat iwo thaasaix! team.<i and dte thonsaLd laeL an- oa d ie Pla ins , b<-t«r>*n that p«>int acd AWMum, oa the re ta ta from Pike ' s Poak . The a T c n ^ .unoont iwUiacd ait the sohi m i c M h s i net excanied tttj eeotx p r day to each man.

Oar .\ri^ooa ccr respccdmce s t a M that mncb ex-Htrmeot has been o c ^ o u r d ta that Tert i lory b y the lawless acts of o t g a u i c d bauds o f raSaasi,'who commit o o t r a s a npoo l i Je aod property. F i r e M«xi-

bad breo mcraer rd i n cold blood by a gang of t r a d o n , under the lead of two men named P a c e A k a . A meeting of c iUfeca bad b « n called, to

adopt preliminary m i t a s u m for the fbrmatios of a V i s i k m Cmamlttre. T b e w a n t vf a a o r ^ i j c d J a -dic iaty waa seeeir iy f e h , trinunai.« eecapiog p'acish-mrnt shTkHtzli the tnslMltty of t)ie peopSc to b r i s s them to trisi — A . Y . JVaw.*.

T e a C o u i a s p o K x r a s m o s . — T b e Wsr Depars-niFCt b a l e j o s l r r c e i i c d a oammanicatio;< froo; W. S Clark , Br igadier G e s e n J . of California, dated Los Ace^ios, May i 1S59, i e f j r a i i a o them of the com-plete s n c c e u of L i e a l . Co.'. HoSiaan's t; cited Slates C o h n d o Sxprd iUtB , and add» that the troops en-gaged fa the -rpedit ian. * i t b the eicept!<T!: of two c o a p a n i r * . were then In march for ecncmliicit) sta-t iom on the seaboard.— WiiAiufiom, Siar.

Cbar i imao dispstrhes xmte the banks b a r e agreed VI c a n y S < W CCO of the bills of F t a ^ r A Trrohfi lm, and protect ehs cut£on in Urarpoo l ' till the l i m >'ownaber. This win r s a t le thera to rraame.

The 6 t L o e i s Drmecrst adriaes the free negroea of Mt^*r>&ri to emigrate lo HaytL It s a y s : "hit the f ree negroes by all a jeans ,asd infuse Amer-ican cDer i7 , sklU iicd repcUicacism into the Hayti Repabkic . . B y so dmn^, they wi21 n c a p e Inns their degraded aad insrcoie pteitien i a Missouri, acd en-ter oq a new and brittiant f etd tbat snrpus<« LIt>ens i a e r e r r r a s p e d . *

A S t A T a a o u w a a " C o s T s a n o a . — A S i a r e h i d d m ' Ccncetitioc is to be held at Balt iaiore, on the lecood Wednesday of J a n e , " f a r the porpoee cf deriiricc some system to be pnwented to the I > | ^ I a t n r e of Maryland, at its a m sesssm, bar ing for its object tbei better rsfnilatloo e f the f i w negio poptiatkm of t h i ) State.**

B a m a M e i r m n . — T h e & n t b Candinians are p r e p a r i s e to a mocnmest at E a U w , tn c<nn-uHBorai. . ' th^ baltie of September 8, I T S L

J a m e s Kedpa ih , author nf a WMk on E a n s s s , b now in B a y 11, as a cocrespt s d R i t of the Tr i tmae .snd b n o t p b a ^ w k h t h e m e r a b o f o n r c<dor«d breth-ren there. He says marr iage la almost cnknown, a a d if o s r free losera want to see how their theory works 00 a b r g e scale, t b r y had better eml t ra te to thst island.

The a « i n a n dt izeos of 9(<roit h a v e addressed a commnmcatioo to the people of Massachosetsa, i«-Qoostratini; eametitiy s^idnxv the caostttatiaoal amecdmeDt, which ie i |a l r t t the Tesideiiceof adopted c | i x e c s within the Btaie iiir two yeata af ter eataiaU-satioa.

Another bonndaty dispute b rising in the f a r 26>nh-W«st, and iEunediatsly a A w t i n e the tenitory of VashinctoD. The f o M i o a b , wfeethR the b e a n ^ Kne agreed apoo by the Oiesfon treaty of 1 8 1 6 . shoBtd r a n thtoogh the Roaarte S u a i t o r Haro Strait .

T h e ftiaiaay w a r b o»er, and a d r a f t tar U t been r « « » e d a t S i a t o inataii, a t a n iademoif ieat i ta to the . telly of the seaman who waa kilWd on bowrd the Water W ^ i a 1866, b y a shot fired Itom a P a r a « a a n a « * t wbcD that w e a m e r w a a e B her way to Parana JUver.

P j m ' s P u k ^ A N e b r » s 3 t a p a p « M « r » t h a t » J » m y b already ««Ublbh.<dbi the P S k e s P e a k r e « J a » - t h s t t h e X e x l o a a a a t e t h c t e w K k p e o n s , a a d thatSnath-e t a e n a r e «a their way therewith s laTtafk«m erery S o B t b m State.

The W M l rspOTts ftam Chfl l n w e s e B t the r e r o . h i t iaaa iT b t M h k e there to h e ftatdnwing toadoee. T b w s « a * m r w » r e d a a y a A B a | i t o t h e i r f 6 r e e s , a B d i a e « n w eaeewnter <Hth tt* opposMna they h a t e the


»«yeBc< a d t a a t S e e . . •

T h e Qhto 11 tliilijni W gatosd a l aw a m b d H B s a a o f totitiy a a y aeocealsd w e a p ^ the psoalty o f a « a e n e t exoeediac two h n d r e d M -

fytthtlnt, a a d • < w ' > « n d n d doBaia flue a a d . ha-p r b o a a ^ f t r t h n a m t b i tetfee«M<i»i

W « a U B * * f a M c w a t i I w i d . l U r i i t d h e p S T T a S l t a C e i a a a U U y e » f l l ^ B » i . « l a

n e A r i s a i U : . , psbliafaed a t T a b s e , A r i x o s b , coo-t a b a t h ^ p r a e e e d l n f i o r a a m a t - n e a t A i i a a B i a C ^ , exprcesins etroe^ dbappicbat fao a t tile o o n r s e p a r -• B e d b y ( k o g i e s a toward A i t m i a . a a d a r s e s t f y ^ e a l f a i s oi-operatioii throejjheyl, the t o r i t e r y to —'abUsh and maiotain a a iadlll^aBdi H t w e i i

T a a M o a j R O B . — I t ! » r e p o r t o i t h a t I t r . K b r i i a n , e M s A s o u of Heber C , and Joaeph T o a a K . sea o f Br ichaat , h a i e apostatised, and a ra ahoat leaTiaa far the Statea with their d n t wtsse, kwt inx tbsir f ^ c n a l . " behmd. A t b a s t fire thossaod qMatt t s U c c n e a s wW lease for CaStDoua ia tha qtt ing.

S d e r B . B . B > a c J c , l a t e o f H t 9 S D a r i . w h o h a d 8 o . e s p t o d t h e c a i l of the K e w B o p a B a p t b t C h a n ^ i a PhiBips Coecty . Ark . , ia bWieted to h a r e been drowned or b a m e d to death 00 (he S L K i e h d n ! CtreeastaBora landar it abaoat certaki that haaaaif a a d & m i ! y were a l l lost, and a i a poiat wi tUae i id i t of h b p l a M of b n f i n g , andwithiB nice anlss of h i s J o o i a s y ' s end. How uncertain b lifci.

l a r a a T a n M o t s u s t op t h x Coixiaaik H a s . — T b e c e k e e d people of C h i e a ^ , U a BK«t>a« a a the SKth nit. , which was Tety d c s r o b ^ attmded, a d o p ; ^ m o i a t i o c s declaring; it the imperative doty e f esery free colored man in the Coited Statsa to e i g r ^ to Hayt l , and appemted a c o a m i t t e e t o opra a e o m i s p e n d r a c e on the subject with BepnbBc .

A writn- i s the ChrisQin l a d e x represents tha i the Mlanses of the Geoi ina B a p t b t CooTsotieo (or 18SS , report, aa b«4oQciBg u> the deoominatim in that St&te, 18 ,374 more m e m b e n , 35 more A s s c d a t k o s , ( 8 3 aiore Chcrcbes , and 1 5 5 n u r e o r d s i a e d miniaten t l i a n a r e reporlni ia tho goctbem Baptis l R e g i ^ frar 1 8 5 5 .

The honthem Baptist » e « b l e r ipses only the JK»-tiomary S e p i u t n:enibersbip Sc Georgia , heeee the i i i f t r e c c e ic t l x slat»Uo<

baal«T J OS; M2aa i aila t a s ImUt . I « : K w K a a « L aa.' t U i a S u u A u CwaalL 1 99; m«« Tr j—li W. e : LIe•^Kt D. O n e r , 1 s»: Cmbar.

• r a n c r e n r s o s p a w ® r r a i r r n u m t u a u a e u . — a c « s o w i J t t - 5 * s v r iw a z c u i - r s s r e c a MAT ssiii. i s a . C - r - M k M O ^ S U : M a r i M J*l>MS«.iaa: l -BLSx i th .

ISO: r . r s s n l i 7 Ol: S a s a d WaMmt^lsa iBMlr i^niS* . tla-

S^eteaa Pvt^MU Sr*ci««fco. A!*.. I XL 0. m. a««l<T J « ; i aila t a s ImUt . I « : K w Ki

Corasu. 1 • CcnaC.<e

T . J M: Job!: J o b s m . : SO; Wn. F a l V w . I S . A. »ieh»L 1 iO. Wo. Kria. i » ; W b * : ; ^ S t e .

A - a ^ K i U L l S liVfTta. ICS; Mn O . B a t a t a l a S i v . a la:tio»'.» «n. Ht«. » ; XarlctU.

* Fs«<«. ! ft". J a«U. l SS; A.C. Ha^.tSS: St™. X .T .BaT . 1 AWjiE. LaUK<r.teS; T. J . Botort^M: wtuti a.-bK> im. t. : at; TSamUj.

J . J . SMiic i - . 6«_ t m. Ih P « i » a . 1 ft) V ! ^ V CsT^w. J ee. t r . W. H. Smb.

I 98. SovoJa; U L l . t . Bat:i<.au«; J a l a B. Battia, le W: Xra 6 . B.

Batsl*. i (U. €*. Claikxn E i l ^ i . 1 l i ; i4S«» BmtaB. 1 09: J u M n T . I i o r .

rta. a : K-cr f^rfrnt- aU J. C. 1 m . BrUert P i M * . I 40: JUaial A.

lUr^, Juui* 1 00. A. W. CM14rjM.iO. DmtET, la. ?.K,F»!tii3. I J BP. B-J iaVti f . J<BM<^S<»:

W, 1 « ; VmlTlIK r j v W Hakcsbr. i CO: Mix. Kan&a HalcawlK, I OS; Pr.

00. Xt« .»*n ! i a tx . IOS ; SoakTan«r. 1 CO; X i u BW^rca 1 Ol; CoTS BafitiM Ckarth. 1 W; i . B aacrm. 1 «R. J a m SL S r v t <»;

K. B K^ l i s s j t >!«tli t l Saair. T»«a, I CO. F. I OA. W. n WaM>U.iSO.Jahstt . Jokawa.tW:

JchaH. t f . r ^ I rpiakSsrt. Ka. W.4ent»nrx;a : Sank Biarl. t SS; 1 W. ; <sn K BMrd. I OB; OiariMtaB. J e . Ai>t->*> 6 ««. B- a . R o « ! . I se: WawHalilut:.l SS;

L. A t^irT-n. I 90. W^ltwCU. Oa. S i t L. Hortca I 00; P h . Wn. OtVawf. 1 90;

B i . Ot-Vrr HiM'tr. 1 00. B w. SarliBt. i Wm. Oerl^ •Jm. I 00. V '

«mj» W.-Jr". WJ»- i 00 . rsm^ Bay*; ISoatna'v. K t . a 0}

' .UM r.dta. I DSi Lnrta ] lech«3.I 90; iKiaa esttlu 1 SO: I « ; «. B Sclu^WMr. 1 OO; H. W. Baltk.

t o a . I.nm!a»l. Tnsk T W W . e . i T t a . S SO: WautM. t 9*; TaatrvlII^, K.C. KdM. W. U n o K . l a n a u t C a . X C . t 90l J a n n H e ™ * w . t 00; Wm.l lwtea . 1 OS; B t n T M a , O a . T W r ^ U:Ua.M«3nn«.Ca. . I(SiA.V<am,fMat*r '«»ea.

T O. Bait<c. ••tiTCIa. S a . i a : J.JL Waaw. (Mar M: t C. A4aB>. ClMKsataint. ea. .S 99

E. J . 00; J . M. WI' H-. SO: Anaar. Mia. r C. BatUdii*. AltuT. 6a., IS. A O m i t . I CO: W. B. ASM, > 90; T. T. Barkaaaa, t OB;

Al-.-a *hack»U>ni. I »). Vra. Kiia ShiAallarS t OS; r a At-1 OS: a o n l o u .

TV«. a . SBRk. 1 nO: John Scrass. & ; BpI)) Oan^n, Hlo.

Joba. W. t 00. BUak. S . TalUlixMa. MUa. 2 00; Bavia. t 9P; H. Ban*^

J 05: t B SO; 0 » W. OocaeC. M. lSlial.»t» ain»«.Ki: a : i & Bavin.lO: Martt E. DK>«n, SO; Mn. ri*.

&a>l- 1 00 . Wc. E Sacsw. I 00. Cam-rt!; . V i

it. } arkwta. S <«; AaaaC. Jakarta. I 00: U<U> Manila Inkana. It. Uttte j ^ t r a a l a ^ . i k a M . tt: Lnt!« Wm. M JokaKo. » . Jixmi A. Ba«»l!. I M. HKsn G. Joka«ai. I S5. Blaaa.tS. C«;tac Ptut . Art.

a a W^lttn. 1 00: BarV-r I CO andnanlte.

J . i>i« W. k a m n . BaatnlSa. ala_ S 00. a . I 00 ; Saaala W. Baftiri. 1 00. Wm. C. Ba.

•br L ! ni V«rl> r l lam-t t 90. VadiKo m RaaiSa.

c»rt. w u . a i oo. iltm M- a. i oo tea M. n - u . . I x>. J J Btja«!i. I Ou. Jompb A<Ua> 1 oc. Huatxv:..*.

P. T. Hvslanca. I 00: G. W. CarmtelML 1 OO; k r M B. 1 00. M. L. Canalckaa!. 1 00. S f » Xutas . i la .

1 . i . K i i - m . W»M>at»vU^ Ttlas. » 00. B H. iaJth. 1 to: Wm. C.{OB3rT. 1 OS; Wm. WcoSa,

I 00 . Traf-a Cotatj T«na. W;ii. H. Teact. riadoala. By.. S UO.

X. t 04; J<..F. lOV; S W ? Gnra. K>. Mr>. U. A X. alatr. I W. Mta 9 r»lUr>oo. SC: We. C

«irt!i>.l OS: S»!«a N. s . i.«.vri;. i 00. i»T«. s . J . s «• c u a . x i j i k

Tinia. ». ». S»»l>Cl. Win»i!nm T»aa, >0 OC. K k r a n gmU, a 09 . Gm. DarUaaa. « 00 . rT»4. Bainlxw.

I oo H.T. UladalT l 00: O. W>ilt«»arn/. I M: I S. Pct-,<t«'i. 1 ft). Joha A<3am*.l 00. Pant? Tosa. V»

Ti., 1 OP M r. UmMi*. > . Ja.!. Miwi«, » 00 Laman Cox, 4 vo:

lsii«R.Oi>l.lOO; Wm. JasaK.a. X 00 B«>". Barrr ' JOO; If . M. B.H«naT.l l». a B. 1 00; W.H. FrvlM. 100 ; ». M. HotNi. 1 JO W 4. H iotiMl. 1 00 ; CotW* Bili. Sa.

X. tt. iUaic^a. (ir. B»t. Aia- i •A r ao4t«nk 100. Mirr JOB; L n h F r ^ S O O : f a f j a .

vC..'. All-S. S. G>ta. ; » . I u i m i l . Past,

.ll»..10l\. Jaaw.®- P!ck)a«.o GwrrfillL A^IOOO. w . B. • J . 15. SomrU!. . Ala , I 40.

t . Gtra<ti. J » : Mnt Mary *. Qa.-»«t, ISO

it): Mn. WtU. I>rlla>.

J . B. SmiUl. 190; Itia. O. Bavwa. I >0: Oatlaad. T«oa.

S a r . i O S : B. Tanur.lOS: W. Tarrt. S9D: t . d. {>.c<n«r. Sao. J % M (Mac. t9il; J a m W.>l).m<. SO) Ikinmlt. MIm..

Mra Baty H m J j , S 00; Wm. Strlafar. 5 06: Wc. O. QaarlM. SeO. Wm.0.9aa.-lM.I90;Bae:oa.Ala

Jao. A. IKir>«MLS(IO; Jaha Dwala. 1 30; B 7. Hill. 1 W ; J . J . P o A a , 1 00 i 4- W. tmrrj. 1 OO; Un. IS. DowU, M ; Caa>kr>!ga. Ala

Hlai A. O. SaaoMn. P^eartarc. X ^ 1 iM. !<>aM>a.IM; J . U r m , 1 * > : Wat

Of»a .S« . M. W. La>» to; Jt™. IXxmr, JO. t Or<«, M . M.-*. J. l^rlbT. S : t. PdUos. £S ; H!i> A. B- »omB>r>. -JS. R. U Ca.4v«ti, 1 OS' Wm B. Sams>an. 1 00; K j .

Mia. FtaacM A. •<«mti. 309; B. B. GanutI, SCO. Pma laaA^.Kr-

B C. atamosdi, 100. L. B. L m i a . 1C9: 1. C-. CcSft, 1 ; HO. too: B. OfC^kM; e . B . IrtW.tW. W. LacaJo. IW . 8 'c . Irin. I Ou; JaoK* T. OaiM, I Boil LacaJo. 1 io DtT. .\*«ai. I 30; c:»«m|>l.'i3Tt!U. Taaa.

C. C. Cartvr. 1 0 0 . J s i an Rarrf*. soo: ObnakmlCts

A. T. Ptf jcaa, 1 0 0 ; J . R. WSt^eliaai. So, OaSaiuRa.

xiii. Ws . B a n o : , I i . . B ! i 1. B. OnUUig. I 00 ; BUh CIUUT. H s i

Jakn Hi.<. t>;ax&ps«. AIm, t aO BtS.J . lOO: J . T K-7 100 ; Jmm* Laak. ISO;

V n a m , Ala. e . B. Mtw^. Bomoni-. 6 a , 1 00.

T. H-Comptaa. . J B Coiasm;;. SOi... DaiUa. Mo. T. R Fartai. 5 W; Jcfca t . Fuiar. 1 OO: Mn. F. W Ft-rar.

I «•!; A T. Fainr . 1 OB; l.acj Bit. Ala. Bf.977 ! uu. S. W. Dobaca, I 90; Ga. B.W<.DUw.Ca:oaa Strata. Oa. SOO; Marr W»tm><<. OaA-

ISBl, T w o . a 00; Bid. A .Ba ; .»00 . S. C. Rsrtoa. 10« . J . M. Matjih;. I 00;

K. F. Ba<. I 00: B-IVrllaa U ; J a m WlUkaaka. J r . 30. SUaa R. w k i n « . Jr.. 1 Jan< W',llmata. Sr . >0. A. W Whlttaa.

I I i a . B . A . W U a > a . ^ ; >ba.r. 3 1 .Whlnaa .e ; Mn-B. M. Ra>. 3S: E ia. Ua-mt. i>9. KMn I . D. Lasfaitcr. 1 09; P. G .Carra i t . a : U». Baucaa fiamtuSI; Mn. Jaa* Tbca-y-

WiubaakaS ; Wm WI^Tbaata. S r - 1 3 . Otko

CafcaM. Ala-

. ^ . 1 * ; «:iiAa _ WinbaEU.W. n i l .B .Bor laa . 10: Bn>ak> G a m t L S : Waa WUibuka, J r , 10 ; Mn. Mai; waTbaaU, OS: Bsata B. £>7. 1 9 0 : f;. B. Whltus. S> : ;«cwtwt>. S i te

f <-.aa SmltA. B iaoaU. Ga.. I J . A. Aaraa. S.^a'a SSS. TK.=-. 100-

Tbaaa- MpiilTrn. 1 Od: Jaiia ForlaM, 1 0 0 : B. F. SlBL S 00; Ckaa. McC.'ra<<.a. 4 SO: kUnwri , IUm.

T. B. Alvm. SOO; KM Jo«a«r. 100; Sra. Pr. Faal. 1 0 0 : Mia. T.B. Albia. >00: A E. FaaASOO; ArmiSac?.

T. T. Ba(k<a, DaKalV X 2 40. llaaixiB^HaMjcat, i c a . B . B l fb ; . iOO; Bock; Xaaat.

fl. r . CatlaB. BlMkvaicr. Waa, A 90. A U n S a i . 6>«a Al^a. G a , I Sa. 1>arUBMtca.lOa: Wm » Wmtrdr. lan. B.

1 9 0 : S m t t h U p s a b , I 00: S .L .SUaaa 100. SUaa r a f . i n a ; J - j / p T l r i a l r i r r . 100 : J . K . 6 n a a , 1 0 0 : J OoaX. l t ' a :S I l i . 'VbaUlrV. lW. L.«]iat<!*F. 190; MarrW. Wtet>I<^.tO(>: Daa'ti Kaacallr. 100: HIM K. A Cicak.1 90; AiaiaaSita, Ala.

»J!iaCa«artUB.Ka»«oa, 100 ; J a m M. P l a k n « , SOO: Mra. KMca MdMaa. I 9«; BH HaWhoM-r. 1 00 B f t r , . Sa.

J . B Sbaete)lbT<.ArMBTUU,ea (OA. BUak.SOD; J . C; OBapv. 1 9 9 : B. FotkI. tOO: Fart Ta lb ; ,

Oa. W P. Caaalcfllam. AdaimiOa, K ;^ 190 C.

Mm C. Shaaaos. 1 00: H, L Suaaao . 1 00; Oak<aa«.


Catka R a J c a - a t ^ B c 4 ( ^ I o e : a^kwtM-KamrT. t o e : KaaSa]l,Ioe;

J . X. WlBia. ! • » ; e . H. M. BuBntoa. I W . Boaa H i a

J o a s h L . U<>r0.1u0l>: B. J . FaaaBor*, tOO. W. t . Toeta. 10 B. Ctta»t 1 00: MadlMa. f u .

K-C. J < u l » > S > i B . i . W r « a . » : B . P a l a T , 1 9 S : lbs . K. VP^mTioO: Wsk 0.-as4<U«.30: L*«tiPKItwsai . l(»; CHakJaiBitea. l M : e R i . W a t < . tO: Wia.Jaaw. 190: E. D. J « a i i « « . to: I w F. aiaii4«aa. •» ; J . W. Ustw. JS ; a a « t . J M a l K i . l t « : J a M C l l M a I 90, W.Jk. jMsiacist OS; J . U J m f S , I OS: Btaimtna, Trea.

n n a i m kai l i w - J a r M b * Btawhant. 1 UO: Mnk B. BluKliaid. I OC: Sakui*. Taaa.

T.B.BMlap, PiatnaUB«.iaaa. :90. t l : Mra. A . C . B < ^ i l : B .Mow«. ( l :

Fratria I t e s W. F w k i ^ i k B-C.. tt-Tkat. Manm ami f i u r Batmas. f M : B. F. M m u . t l : J a s .

Maak. S I : LUaaanl. Taxaik CksilM BaaMW, t t : Pulai T k s n m . t l : tart A. Utttt-

taa. t l ; Jaaa Farml'r. t l i Wai^ii^tM T l m a ^ . ( t : 8att» HBa, Taaa.

Bkhu*Wtaawi. U-.S^tuUmm. * 1 : J s m U C a r M . t l : 1 F « . B . « I a a . l > : I W m i I t o l a . * ! : BasaCaftf fs . t toa .

A. r.BasMtt. F a o B a M . ^ . tta. KtnJktt&aCumldhaa : . ! : . A C a r m l c W . t l : Boa's tar

fJuTaea. T t t t * C k w A . ; * B. B n i a . tiamfSU,

Ala.. tiS. J a S M B o B . B w k C M l u l L C . l t . J a k a C Martta.n: B a i . O « k r . e : Grays Fort. T m . A. O. SWfkaaa. WaoOnr. Tama. ta. ; * - J « M a . H : F.Kania.W:Outanaae|()i«a.

$ ] ; J<Aa K K a w . t l : ' a tksa flbsttaU. t l : Bstkal. A)^

Mmt. W, Tkawa. f t : P. I . «Hmkar iW. t i l *Im» N I .

: V . S . l t a t k . l M : l i l < a a a i a h A . i ; t m r , ( 1 : Itia. mmrVU • k . H : > [ t i a l M a | i e o a , t l : a a n a t t Ualrgstoa t lB;

ICBtsa SlsCtaaiWs, t t : S . « . tkaSHS, 1 1 ;

'MHt - I I • — • — " J ^ k H ^ r w f c t l : MX. CXnpsMw t l 3 B.OMk. t t ; Bo»

' ' t . ' j j T i S l t a . t X s A M s a a . S : l l^ S n i K . MatSrtta. ~ ~

a z n u c n n e w e o a m x s r o n m r u n x u w r k , TO T u s p x n r e s n x s r a t m n

Bia.'n* n M u a . sa« U s (M« w r . i f s s . BL a . r a B 8 u a . HmmsS BBI. AIa.,''SMt «w«alk<s l e s M la M S i a t a • f w s t a k i » l B B a A i a a : s a d t i m h < < r ls*9a>4 t^mmitjm-f S t M i s S a a a l r B n a i f s a l SMw«sr t t sa t« l»<at i . a ta»» .

AHBBBW n B L a N l . u t s l x a t i M t a . ' « k N s « > i a a , e a . . " a « t n l v a M a r a , aMcb tksy asMiitoia FteMta, awl »«iat • t t 1 a t a s : a a : > i i i i i s t t < > « a » a a e . ; « m « t » n lha i thaUM-t ^ a f o s a m i v s t t w t o n e a i ^ TaUBn. e t s n a t c eaeaiiea y«s* ieaedia ly ee 6* 1 . Wa k*Una ka kaa k m F c a M a M t l k c r ^ ^

wUek tea M IhMi. kgr v U o i aa» «.ft>TC« at tto ssa of tkat bosn v k M MSW 9( ; « • ataa t n a t a a o t a M Imn

l*k«IU!a«. aiB« ia wkkk yaa haa* • • eOaa rMih t W | H iHin^—fWaaas i lytMbie . 'Ws.ttwaSM.aMeitk-

sritat •kesMFSaBa wUiklwaa kaaa a s * ea a s a t tua. M t t a a r <»t?. a»« u < i — I t atrtrnaga t a s a e t y jka

m a a l t a a u i i M l a thsdrsalar.afsS tklM(l> itma sa^aiailaaiTaalan. >•« wWaiiaaaK tka Ckatchaa faamaU? win aeaaweU, with tWSlamdag a r O a i F « vBIaKtaVaaMc taks IMakaa ia la >&eKhndbmlsaf tts ^assat i*Mntioa «ni ka iaackt tfeoas f l i i i l i l i i tsaslsaSa* aa tka w:m2« af Uia AfMXlaa aaS aartp Qhtfatea kr a w Saaiar. aaS iar arUek tSay waea wmiae ta e a * r FsraaaKtlae aad aias taato Itari^ to sulBtaiB. Tha tST ea whiak 7«ar dicalar «as raari ta w Ckn^iiu ««r ptslar. Bra. W. 6 . Mstkl

sasaast lh^m«es«f l l s > W ^ T t o V i g < a | , i a « . a s U a ^ kaU la tkadar a( tiaakla. a a t t o k a m t k lkasaakoyat tkalr trastlafclm:* ami oar k i l l s •ars aaoeeSa* la Frajar ta aei B a a l a a ^ F a a v t h a t r a a m i ^ t r M l b a ^ f r totkajaTaa<aamteta(}«Bt ssals, aattkat y m m t i ^ k a ktwtfct o r at lasSMSatkaa esa«wra loae4 r - a a * kaa e t « e kbaedf lar Fauk

AH (M J A B X A B . Lalckiao. A2a. aaelaa«t a teft Ibr <»• kaa^ 4n4 daOaia. <kaBt» aat as i ia neatft of a efaca>ai.

SPECIAL XOTIGES. t ^ A n o A L E x A J u a A n o a op EATOS FDCAAI

C o t i i B s c . — T h e ezaaanatioD of the p o p i b of this InatitntloD w O commsoes oo Monday , the SOth, and close oo Wei 'madm the 2 3 i of Jane.

The annnal a a r a o a wOl hedeKTcrrd ^ E l d e r J . M. Pendleton, Prss ideat e f the B o a r d of Tmete on Smsday, the l!Hh lost.

E lder A C. DayUm wil l address She y o e o e Udiee of the oollese, OS the £Sth. a t the Bapt is t Cbnrch.

Tiie ancsa l craieen, with reading of ardclrs b o a the "Gem, ' " will t a k e place on the erenfeg c f Thars-iM-r, the 33d , a t tbe coi lese.

T h e paSTDDS of the college and the fr iecds lis-male edoeatioii ; ;^neral^, are respectMIy hirited to att*nd. J s o . W. K i s o ,

!?ec. B . Tre«te«i. Mnifiseiiboeo, Jm>e 5 ,

M a b t S K A a r C o t u e B , WiBcaxsTaa .—Tbe pat ioes of this I c r i t n U o n a a d ftimJs generally, are inrlted to attend the Banna] ezamiuatice, codBsmc-ing J n r e the ISth, t a d closing tlie 17 th .

The coBsmeocemect s m n o c wffl be preadsed oc Sabbstb . the 1 2 t h , b y Elder J . U . Pecdietcn.

Graduating e r e r d M S oo Fr iday morning. I t Is desirable ua h a r e a fti?l rttefidsace of the

Board ef Tn!s»ee« oo ThnrwU*. .n N B . M a b t i s . Sec.

l y BaTEX2. Cou-BSB, B c s a a u i T t u x , K i . — T h e snsoa l examicatsoD vf tbe stcdeots of t h b I c s t i t a t i m w m cMnmesce oe Mpwust, J c n e 1 3 th . aod oootianr three d a y ^

On Wedoesday 1 0 o 'c lock A- M, . the Edocai iooal CocTeotioG will bold its anneal serono in College Chapei. It ia desirable that the at teedasce shall be fnU, as matten of the deepest Importance to tbe Ic-stitati-':^ and to edncatjon in eoothem Zentncky win come before the Conrention.

On Wednesday ereo ios tte anaaal address beft>re theldtetaTTBocOetaseof theCoUoiiiewill bedri ivered by K d e r J . B . OrnTes. editor of the••Teonsases Bap-t b t . "

On Thursday the exercises will be of a deeply ialer-est ics cbatacjer to tb* f i ieods of tbe lss iUst>on and of E d a c a t k s

It b hoped that a deep lEteraat wil! he manifested in the s a b j e d of education by a i a r ^ a iwodaocr , and that tbe ' s s a i r e annirenary of Institution m a ; indeed be a literary iesuTal.

E T E l s t s t t . M s y S f t h 1«6S.—'-t.

t y CSTOS CsiTKasJTT.—Tbe snnna! » inmi»it !on of the itndents of Union CniTsrsity will c ^ o e n c e on Moodty tbe 20th aad cloee oo W e d s w d a y ih.. Sutb of J c a f

The sertcon before tb» Society of R e ) « l o o s in-qtiiry, bjr the Re-r. W. W. OardiuT, of Basse)ri l ie, K y . , « iU bedei i re ied on Scndav lbe2i?tb of J i jne

Tb? Address before tbe Liu-rsry Bocietiee, by Hon. J . M. IHridson, of FaTetMriCe, Teon., will be detia-ered o t Monday oieht of tbe 27th. The a d d m s on tkr Iir> asd character of '-b.- lale Prwadeni J . H, Baton, by A . B . Hayues, li>q.. of .Mempbui, Tenn.. will be 3eli»«red on Tuesday oTenina of the '.^'Ji. The meeti-sg of t i e Alumai S o d s t y » i n t a k - place oo Toesday eight of tbe 2flth. The cwnraeacemeat esercisee wSl take pUre oo W e d s m U s the ef JuEe . The lEnua! meeU^u of thi- Tr r i^ tw a i j l beM "O Toesday th« 2Sth 01 J a n e .

Qso. t r . J a a n A S . CbalnBan of the Faculty.

M o r f t w b r - O . Teon.. May 2Sd. 1P69 4t.

l y Mas i ie i r CoLacec , S r a i s o C a a s * . — T b e pa-trons aad friends cf this Irsi itul ioa are ncXiBed that the a c s a a l examination will commeoce oo .Mcodsy, the loth of J n n r . embrncing fire day*.

Commenoemeot » r ? j o n oc Sabbath. 1 1 M.. J n a e l ! l h , by Elder T . J . Drane, of Uempbis

Baccalanrenie sddrMs, by the Presideot, Thnrs-d a y , ISth J ihml

A s b a t i K ^ uf imiairtance connected with the In. st iutioD aii\l be iranimct^-d, a fa l l a t e n d a n c e of the B>>ard is solicited. The friends cf edocat i t* in eral are inrited to attend the e i e r c i M .

J o b s L Moons. 8ec> . may 21—^v.

l y e a o a a s & B a k x s haTO ja«t introdueed a a a w A5Q s o u u s a s FAXU.T Scwiaw M a c h q b . U makes t M eompvund laop or dotiUt ink ttittk, (a patect stitci],) aud is theocly stitch m s d e b y a n t i MAcHisa snTABUt rt>a rAau,T c»e.

The .Mafhice «ews ^iwn two spo>^e, a* purchased from tbe ^toTe», reTUiitec no thread to lie wocod cr rtspooled. ao shnui«i or bobWa* to be Sited no loaLher pads to b e replaced anew at ahcri icierrAls, or compKcatian of machiaeo ' t as in the Wbcder A Wilson. Aitd Singer Shtlttb Machines. U does not co.-:taiii noe-haif the aiachlcery of tbe <ither ia»-cbtees, and stffl wH! eccamplisb « f l y per cent, mor-work in a j^iren time. . We guarantee tb<? p n b a e t b a t this maehine does r o t ooly pasKce mere adTant^gte t h a n a a y o t h e r o e e i S C T ALL<}>TBBaB!arss. S o v S a -ble to derangeraest, and » so er«rem.-ly s'aspie ibat a child of tes years can operaAe and manage it -ac-cessfblly. I t h « c s , f r i b , gathers, stitches and em-broMers, all with ease and bc5!?iy of 1 500 stit.-he« per minute. tf.

' ' " • B A i i n i i s " ^^ . . . n n r i p n s u , t s i

(a AMt

W K K K I . T B A p r a r r P J a . B . a B A T B S . > R U ' A . c . B A n o i i . t i a i

* «0k.

X e n a a .

• I S A ; t k a e s « f i ( a * j « a i , -A^ auntcsaca eaa iwiakseifHi a i r i l l : s r . f k r A a o M F S T t t s iksi i f l im at

t a s k A a a S k m e a m h a a C k a y a F S t i k t a w j a a r f c t a n t

S e a > ka r a s a M b r laatkaa a n jaar, Faymmrt ka waaSa jCracSy Ilr atnaca ; aa i 9a aakacilFtlaea k a t l a a a l l a m i l a a m a o a s i ^ a s M a ^ l * .

• a tF l s sMrfwUkawiBssaaeFMriF that Omj aaaaet ka s d m d c a t a a l . as* ta aiiaotls« eh*a|as b a n aaa FMt OOea ta aastbR. tka a a n s cf M aSsaa, Tlth Oa csaai j a*« Rata, SkoaM a l m ^

i & d v s t l f l E X B C & i L 1, i s a UaUvl axtsat. v i a ka iB ia*

Ba{tl> tba rata ef tw^aa as« a half atsta a Uaa b c U a AlT>

trat Isaartlaa. aad alsa eaata aliaa far avc<T aakaa jiaut Is-

8x3 in ,a BBOAPi>rs C c i x b r b , c s TTsrrsBsrrr OP Da S O T O .—Tbe cocnnencemert day will occur 224 J i m e .

Orictnal osatkies b y Juniors and others. Address betore I.H'Cary Podetieo ( C . D. and

rhih>paa!an> by Hoa. J a m e s L - A u t i y . i^ieaker cf Mississippi Hons® of RepreseBtatire- P r . ^ by Dr. Cbaries WUliaan. of Oxford, M i « .

tf B o a s a r F a t b s , Secretary.

D I B X O T O R T .

ar School IXractEn taaklaa Taaeh

M n . K W l I i c . 1 1

. . a s - p -

t M w Ikis kasS e a aiull s S n i t l a lor Taackn< aaS ICiBlster «t Fwfcaslaaal a»aa aaaklag »»» a»taatto«; or Hot TrsstsM

- iTaaehara. A taaeliertaa WDkl laaanaaaic-a a:;*ahaiactaa

_ _ k» leatin So laker la, a> salary, v l tkwt «tTk« Ms n a m . SUetetata a s a t e ^ lk>tr ica; vkathar wnk «r attksat tksiH, Um *lahtaaaUla,aadadaiF ta aaapati. Tkaaa vtaklK >• FrKwa thtlr sanlMa. can aik tfca ad I r w of thatr B ^ ^ aTlta. 1 ar «, mat ^ a m K n .

a - t a i i l s n a i i s a W s a . paiwisi —s» •saaaissni U a m n t . aVTWalra a fo" aat .Viat emu iBr aach aakmqsnM tmertlan. • a m A m a n a i f M . .

•dltoeaitl aat ha

A OateedaB af t m l y FW<»t-a> tboaaakaadSMttsa

Scheola, atzlctly «eaeolaatleei5, alU ka a4i*ttlae» at hall tka T*!-—ntii CTjilfiffa aifciaiii

C h s n e t s c . Ikaekaiaatarat lUaparirlatoamaakaoaniWkaaaSfata.

l u aim wm ka. M bansahta. to aaak altar Oa-MS paiha.-aa« tasaabtaia with an aii'—ITIi^ ^--"-rl-|l ir - t ^ Utk • <«U«ata« te tka aalaia.-ami Ika prfariptrnM* paaetfaMtfcat AattacaHMBsftSatstetiaaFanatacsa a r n s M a t t y . l u aalamaavQlhaataaiacthaiUiaaS flia rmmfc a nf i~ [ki (raai faaaOaaa at thaafa.

I t K e e t i a G r a t t W a n t

» r . r ^ i > s 9 « 3 M t > s « e a 9 ( r H t r a t , 0KAVBB, K A K F & CO.

....... . .gakWshaw • » ! Fwjri^toM.


H g H T B T J R A - n n T f O F B A B E AB1>

T A L C i B L E E N f i L I S f l W 9 S 1 S

A T H A I f P B I C E I

' T ' H E B E X tbaaaasd

WALL'S BISTOBTOr ISFABT BAFTIESL Favr niamra. PTfaaorUmi!osaettlaa.t:3tatU. Wa ^upuaa to Waaa tha Saar 'w>!iiia>a ia tma iaiya aayal

aesara .nleaca. lor tS 00. Wa wfH pal tt K pnaa aa aatm m I aa&sif&Ka aia oktalaad.

Bi»isB0>-'8 B c c u e s u e n c A L B a s x t B C H n , tan»<aaraaalaai« imjiaia. FiiealaiLaa4aatt«a Vapra-

topartUtaprawaoaaoaaawaaaaracataaMOeaaWtSara, as< aa!} It u caah aahaerlUra as t3 00.

E0BI.'«M5'8 KOTOBT OF B A T m x . Ban—qaaiTu jagaa. Flkja ta Lacaca f s SBL Wa javpimm to pttt It to pram ao aooa aa aa raeaira aakaufbao. asA wffisaB h a t $3 00.

A S E M O K E T H A N O N E tbaaaasd kr«4^iae vkoikocM ton tkiaa ran toiiiiiiT

Kdraa l a m U ta thair Ukrariaa this yaar. 'VIC Oary aat tkair patithiaUm aad t h « etwanata l a tka

al I t l l M «ar < laaialaaHntnl -laiaaiaa. Wa {aaposa teaidtl09*.atkaaakaatptlMpr!>:a«srtka«sa4ai« prt-a ef tkaaa varka.

SeBaptMBlalttarslieeMtewttbcal WafflHiHarT. Tba kattlotaaa fca(h< afaia apoa aa*lk«ta»a a a astherttr mora coachMna tfcaa Wmii. Ea kaiw a Fadotsftkt, aad kla vark aekaaaMfatf aa a asaadard aad aatheiat!^ mark In aH oar opcaaaca. WaH'a Blatory <a laiWapirmVa W« cho-iU ha ifad tc raoMra RacbDt aamra(«Bast Ula aamsN^ 1 . d iyaatepat t la t tWvaikta iaaaabraat tk . Thaoaathaaa-•ad a a t a r l V n aia fat tka wwk ehaapar tham tiiaw ako da aoi rzkaeris.- oa.* t: ts right tLrv ahosjd. AU aha l&lae:: ta taka Wall kill pUaaa an>S ta U«tl aaama ia tka mgetka ar J aly er Aariat. tka! R may jo lo typo fcithwUh.

P R E j a i C S t S t Aay «aa rranrtac ta* aaljaulkaia to WaQ aad S30. aiian bo

a a t i M t« a f fr^^Oa. Sa o( aaek of tka clkar aarka. Aay oe- prmrarl^ en* aaWezikar to W&S aac oca ef tha otharmka akaH r a r ^ n a rapy of lha Eaxthm BBpCb: Ba-ahnr, «r Taaaaaaaa XhpUat, fcr aa» jaar.

B K C O M X E H D A T I O H S i BIdar J o o ^ ^ Bakvr. ',ata adne* ot taa Gao^x^ I c d n . ai^

lac aor prajoaiUoB «o rapaknd; tkaaa aorta, aaya: -Flooaa ^aroU my aamaaaaaaa< tha aakagrlkara tee ika ra-

palOtcatloa ct J f ^ i / u » y t^ I r i f ^ B t f t i t m j ^ AaMa aoat Kaoapcto. i II ta tsaara thalr raaakUeatloa. X aoaU aakaetlW tor aaare. Sr-arr BaptM a;ialataToafht ta ka<a aaoryaf koth. Itabia ta o<!. taialham ladaad, tt-oaid ko watl fcr aaary Bapt lanawtk to aaear» a copy of aaek. to b» yaaanad fur lalftrata iy their ta aacarv a copy of a paatcra and otkara."

Xssiua. OaaTsa. SUasa « Co.-Daar Bnthna that. aa^QC othor thlaca. .«oa caatamp'.a'a ra

• — - - B ^ t M . ' a a d tka aark of

T O N E S ' c f MQAKK

B 0 3 S I . . N B A K K n U t t t S B TXBX X U M t t .

a a r b a a t a S k t t s t a i ^

[ > ¥ O V > J O X X B fc t S O ^

C O T T O N A O T T p B A C C O A ' C i ^

April i

c o m n s r a r h e b c h a h t s . a * . F M K T BOW. Xai . .

a - I t .

a l . j r . T 0 1 . S 0 H , GmttA O a g s u D i a n o n

A S K A N 8 A S A N D L O U I S I A N A ^ L P -. ^ T t R B O O S 3 0 C S X . C U a U . A B X . i K ^

Aa^lb lekUcailoea St te f n ^ W m S m s F a h M I ^ ^ M a

A n ^ fer tka Tajaini u"Ba»«Ht.aT* Booh. Baalbaia Bs|l(M1leris«.

e * t a l A g a a « f c r t o e U h . i a ae^lSw 8rt6atii a * a e l a t a Boaia. S a U l a r a s C . A. L. j ^

CaaaM. Aik-Mar. SL I S * , t t

B Y S T A T E A U T H O M l y a

C M m I t r s t - C b s s h s i r n c i ^


m . i S D R A K I S C O M P i f .

H A B I F O B S , C Q S X . «

I N C O B P O R A T E D I S 1 S 1 9 — C H A K ^ S K ' pMpataxL Caat: oqdtal f t t o b n a , ahsabla mi ' js l i i i paa»d.eah a mrfwun m m * a . .1 a — msta l l yw WM ^ p s s f t h p a i i . S««::als£i>=ilaa g t m ta l a m a a o

K a « k 3 U , ad ha tka iwesaa* aiasia IB A a axti««a Vmaaa or <W

15.C. It . V — H .

I ^ R A N O E H I L L L A N D F O B 8 A I I — V TWO T & a r s A n k ABV ITTB ECBSkcss LMS ICBXS af (ood Eistsoch ac< I;aa£, U tS.93 P! I pK M t . latMSt. or caak.

Aa ; bo£y A BASSAIS haa ta - caaoi radSram. l > . F . B T B a

P R O F I T A B L E E M P L O Y M E N T W A Flaaaa laiaad t k ^ j - l M W Waatalt-Xl l ia iMa-w - ^ a f a r M O ; A3 ymaaa Ol WAST OF K i c n a . "BBT - * " - ' " • • ^ ^ l i a ^ f a w . | i a f x l d . i y t e « a t ^ c s t k « l t a U » . Psrtlecte e f i t f i o a » l a f a a a M ia'.ka Ukanl aSkn e a m A a ia aa a o a ^ ^ f

a H . B . w & k ahoat O a a ^ k a i ^ ^ X n a l i m ^ Oa tha«tak*ke lFH=.HxDeaaia , tte>kto5i w t i k a w ^ k m d M s a ^ M a a •sak.wIE to s SDd tevaidad ka cer r!ah asd axpam & a l < e a a r i & a ^ b tka Critad ^ Ca^Snia. Onfoa aad Taxu. O n r t o o k a a a ^ a B i y aaaawa. aari aRwaO kBowalB ha tka i M t adaah-p c a t s ^ LOBXBT axABS. Fal

- «,>. m W d l s o aiiaaC

W u B i o s B A X U . W. T . H a i ia. ' T ' E X A S S E W S ? — B A r f K S A H A I t l S , X Laad aad <!cBtetict Lawraca. Qaltman. W a o d X c O r .

Tassi^wSI • n h a t O a ^ liniFar Caait iarratfc&Btoa tka lat n i r m a ^ a & i i e U . Waaia^miviMdTtaM kaxalimaapvantL Wa Ba a nmwiT I~Bd and Oi ta«wT ^iri.Ma Oraaribsa- (ha Itaia -ly.

L T 0 I P 8 S A c i f E r n r WSUtsmfOerirs imtnti. Cxlr-jxilM. Si^Smn. Flte'

MuM^tj^aJrtMWftkctniutsM, ^

X H E I M P O R T A N C E O F A R E L I A B L E X arUcU of thb k<i>j ia iarcisiakU. !a a a i a i r a ; araS

a a m a tnm. alth tkaaa aaacjiac ftaL tUapoaau ktka ob!T artici* Tm abich wGX ^ a r a l M I a a A oompaayoi b e u i s u . toot tka SarttadtaialSacMtya f a i k . white aaiKiA U< f , ^ a: AHa. >.l«.|i«d that all iaaasl 3dht-la««Fa»acwtaloUadatpUalaa»yaaaa »ini|i l l ial , % l a ftetwuBodaasaat t o r ^ t ^ a t i B l E k t c a a B a b a a t ; aaia.


n la atmply a Faatiirf laat, ihaailiiala paparad t T S t tho iCaetaaf aca ami cUzmta. lbda:> LaCan Fala haoaoktalaad&am th*|KrraRBaa>i>o;Ci^asd.rns .Sar-haaa oktalaad &am tha r n B ^ ^ B s a ^ ftpoj^ World'! Fair, aad a a m a e SadS

Ssaoa'a Hiatary of I

I k a n

W a t l M ^ U • a ^ U Thiaictomatlas laTaiy t ia l i iy iar tnaa : Ic (krOftaas y^an ararki dntraatly. U all tb. cnlaa <

tecaetmy at akota«o»'aBla«<ny at Baptism, aadha»»aat ;a e ^ oM lorsala. h * ^ ftkiata _

aaaasitacarV traath wBtDiy. aa to 0

Tha eoe!»nc>y aa Baatiim U ( t a t pasaaar to tha alao-i=d the moat Uiael appeal to tha Boat

mltahl; Rl.tor<<a it tha Oijlaaac. la tha caat acaa af tka Charch; lad BoMaaoli *> Ih- oaa haad. a a S w i ^ apoa tka athu. u a (aaaraUy raaardad. ky th« Utltaat partlaa. aa tha rarat ralial>te aathamSta ta whkh wa caa api«al. I ahaH f rvatly raic««a, iharaSorw. I t with aalat^ ta yaar .tcUrvata, can aaad lat an ABaart.:aa ad*tioa of thaae tmpertaat aerka— Fat my t n s * dewv Sor » aapy cf fach.

Baaprctfany, Wa. C. B m .

r " Nvja u time to aahacrf^a ftsr thaaa oSd work*, aad mcera thair pebUeatiaa. aad aara maary' V a viah t* aaaa a ' a J t birateah:* UMsry lha •atlaal W!- Tka tahaoriptlaa

t^a wrk dc* wh.a tha lat To;aiMt!t aaaoaae«^ raady for «»ST»ry.


mSTORY o r FOBIIO>' BAFTtST*. Fttea t V II,


Naahrfila. Tans.

C E R M O N O N T H E D E A T H O F P R E S . O J . n. BATOS. LL. m ky

PEOF. J . M. FtSDLETOS. Th'a la arary w»y v^krthy of tha aaMac- a ^ *a

breast Mit t- atyir—)l£«a Svxndo ae^en. Fitea, IS c-sta.

Eavv Ro^aai. zaj aveiy ftlajd of tka essartt^ ahocld poi-J a copy.


BT J l f E B . FB2UMJCT05. aad SBEBWOOn. Ooataata af th: AddKiac hy gharwood! Chap:w L-ISTKOBCOTOBT.


Pr lc , 10 oaUa.

A S r o i t i r r H m m o s o r


Frl,*. S« <»at-GaATis. XAazs A Co.

\ 3 s 7 - H O A R E T H E V A L I D A D B O N I B -< ~ IBATOBS OFCHUSTIAK U F T t a n A l a r WaDur ct tka OaotaUIadu a m :


WaeaciaMad all who waaM SmctWm!* it to pn»esra''ui4 t«adtka!.d!t,wH« Worki:


ITtS. tad a Kaalaw of - ftactora- FaHar. JeiiBraii. Watlar.Car t ^ tnntam*. ai»d othasa. Bt A. C. Partoa.

ialy -

P H I L O S O P H Y O F R E L I G I O N . — B Y X Wii .aB7CS.-ThlatsaIIaM>.haA.a( KU aataa. Saalr

aa^artor atari plats a u g i a i ^ oft ap. a^h a rary £k«.Th»r»«i»ti aartkotolmliaaiMwaalBt-aaaaa a( tka oM naa ilo^aaBt. ak« vodd iiaa Brmal timaa tka prioa o f t k a a w t to tkta tea HhaMSa.

'With tha ncaptl^a e.'aB« a(rao that tha wark la ariakeaatrlkatlaa to aartkaoloileal Maiaiaaa.

Prje«.w<A Fortran. t l « I rn<».altheatFtrrtia«. — J 99 , a s r «wt hy amil. ssrt paM,

OBATB8.I(ABK8 CO, AtaalalwAatker.

Bo. L^XsaTTttAS F a a A u ISSTOTTS.—A tsartiar witk a •staRcapltr iaaaprewDSSfuodalraittaaiBBd^Ba By;

AMnsa, a sown E Msaarnv. ito. a , - X i s s i « . Xanoas>-At a M a wmtsg s i tto Dnwws

tIsBaardlhrtkaBaHMsafOoMwalaa Asaaeiatloa. I waa la-l i a i l i a t ofthaT.

tM sa aMdaat klartsssi j totoW a<IMa w haaaJs Ihe tba kafaMssartUsyaeK a W n a | i M i : l i a t a s » k a M i i i l i i i i i y vtltoaMdaaatlakatasT. rtsMatoHcitkiaBatka ksatafyaanlKraelarr.araaaUwaaikadylactka skraa. My a V M S ia St Flssnat WoaM, FaasIS Osaaty. m a .

u. mntuxtstMs. ^ a . - A T s a c a a a « l a h s a t a f n r a > « a aiiaMlaet^k iSaal.

Mty.tslBatneliaas. Stotostoseaseseaeiataaeklaelkrtape j M S t a k a B S B « s a l s « r t k a t a a t w ( a t f a n e r a a iMttWiiOahi !ta* T a A . sad ma lassh Bscoak. FMeck. t t e t n n a i a i neeita, B c w b c . Giaslaa aad Thiaad VMbiMaWaeslMsBto g s s a m l a i s i i m ha jhm B r a «a«ia« AMiwaa r . K . K u i s e a .

s H j i K . ' a i . ' Raw V - A sUtolba as ^ u a ^ ^ a" ( n t i s i M dtofUit

toA sasiMnHls ? i i i i i l i t l i , l a a ' ' J s a w a m U s M h ! * M m Aitossss or h x s s .

r .

M K b t i - H ;

I T - E N T U C K T B A P T I S T B O O K C O N -J D L O B B 1 I . - « s o m W. Bosaanos ft C«-FahSakaia. Boak-kO'.aia.aad StatioBara-Maaoote Tamalr. C n K Ibaitk and - "aiaaaiKroails.tnlaania.WT. TaaarC-tt


Ssfw Ta -Jlear km Wa ha>a a

ad M t h s

oUaW h o r d c a n n !

L e t t e r froB t h e P r a i d e s t i r B i t c d ~ i ^ t e i SxacrriTa Bixaloa, WaaliIa(UB. Slat Jaa .

- Ka. E u s » i . Lroa—Paar Sir:—I kara :ha tuaaaa** ia. rana r n thai tho B::ya: CoMkwVm cf tba Wiiid'a at Icadao. kaa» a a a i M yon a Madal aad e»itlBi.«lii * r t ^ t n a t a«liMarTatiTMacsr<SePDWd«.*e. *

- TCu.tian Fn i ttaaa. Chaljgaa. Tlw aioTj waa vscospaaM kr aMrtiteala of FMaoi^nwrt:

I T 1 8 F R E E F R O M P O I S O N Odahcr

ha>a aaalyaad amd taa:-*. t o e p«rto«T karelaaa ta

and domatUa aahaali. tat cartafa deatk wiaa iahalad t ^ t o i l •Bta a=i tieesla.

J u x s S . Cau.Tas.M. S . CSaraWV Liraxscx Bs i s . Frvt Chamtetry, S . T.

l fc . JnhaL.BlMa 8»»aria1iall«»lefltoSa»Torh n . •• >» hM an^iad all tha haaa. aatn. nsachm,

with tyro-a Pew&tTaad led . !t ofttnimBia tala..' car\lraeraa<: eoaa*~kBCp«rmasSha»«adlr<ot:* (ssaat

laaaartlcIatd-Jtiaklml. Bafcrawe caa he made ta Oi tilar, St. Xlcholaaan Mrtropatttaa Satala: taJsdcaMmr IFrcH-dratorthaAmKioalatt ltato: JamaaSvdoc B ^ S Goa. WlataM Scot-. CTTc>W.Ft«d.L.M.Paaaa.aftha Ftn jt^ta Mlaat0B.Aa.Aa. J a l f a Main a m - Thk M a m r y Fiat traaiaotaatlaaal iwpaitaace. ThaFanaK-'aClahha^ >(104 !t thorooxhJy. It wfll daaa^ ' '

Bacn.—Tha dmaad I n a a l » coaia. l a haaia.»Jt!!: a«ra ie<a .V i | tem a^aaa Ji aaas

LASr.-6-<r>< toj, ta a s i t x ^ ^z^aiw. mdOy acBBaaia lOitC.

WaxAT.-rTlEo lad. S l O J l la, a a : wklta t l I9SS1 a t r u c a . - I ' B a a ^ kriak. Bxtrattpo-kairai: aapastBatCH

• I T ; e t tn Soai. la ka«N whaloMH (s rrttS ^ pwtsrka.

Coax.—Maihat kar». diEiaad lamaaiar. Kk^T^ eaBtai. aad fhratihl^ sacka<—^cwi.

moths kafft. aad ail Tcrsila. ^ardaa piaats caa ^a p:« aad boasaa made pc:*.*

AnaBC<=>uu a » saw m i ^ thiacgh Mamra. ft F A B t c f Saw Terk. to !:»»» « loSd ttoottthee! til B u y aart^Jam !sltaU3E< are alnrttsad. Bacast

- J lsw Toax. 5cTamhar -tar«3iiacI!mBkaai9aaa.IkaiaaaldaIlmy:aaacl ..

aad fHU. Lattaza Fatact, aad the arerata pariaiatac tha.a M t « . B a E a a a * P a t k . Thia Byaa& aad t>raBckt !raBi tha tabclor of Aala. aad b a^ ta ssy otharpwaos. Tha gaaaisa aad aOoetiwaarCSo^ ar to tla <»2t3-ara. axKt win caatiaaa to haar my aasaa...

- X t ^ -Bu> as4.isk» cajsaal^ raaohad^ a powdar. aad ar^TTlal

l9.a«Sa«»l<eTH!. Oida-Aam tSaaactaay manhaat^^ •nsLaaa-aPowdartiasiBaKrtalaatnaa, ^ Bat liien'a HI'f II* Blxad for raa aadmtoo.

taDsla r A ^ S S OEuU; racslar A a a , n oastl aa

£ A S ^ A P. asr.lo—tm. IS a=d IS >a.-k Bow. Xow

w m n n ^ w w c s u m t j h i w k w

T H E P O P U L A R I T Y O F T H E l ^ C S I -i CAX MCSTAHC LIBIMETT. H OMXtaadao wfh Om

IlisatlAB cr floha. other areriaadaim loa5ceal6iPa2a aa Jd ia tnaa-Uiaarw. F a B U y F h y « s h a a . e s n r B 9 ^ , E » ptUla. Fknlart. Plasteia.Fuao«, Llro:? maa. ftx- hajlprac-tlnllyilasoaaintad:hi>:hct.thraa^Mt«krwarid. P a m -ela vaac hrfcrort,6BiTad R=h cadtridad fraiae aad tszffip- from m-dSealASdKifCtlficiBaci. ^

SJtasmatlaa <f yaart' ataadliw. haa haaa tata!!- e m ^ a g ^ Fiaota. Tmara. Kraalaa Baraa. Br.nlkli. S t » J a t a a . Baaliii^a Baxu; flhsja Uauaigla. aad all Khaa acd taiaa cpaa mak. aaihiKarcdaea aOB3Bg, CATTLB, fta. Fac i aa Kiac-kasa. Oalia.

Swataay. fl<«fan, fta., ai* •shdiirj hy tha V r S T A X e tlXIMXST.

rAI . 7ABUCS(»S8 SATES! Sb.S . wiitaa: .-That tha huaawaa ooealdand waa Spvr>a.>tat •Taea tha &aa aoa of tha Maaaar I b a r a n a h l a l t e t u e w h . Ia«rI<!alaacitiis>V>.fd9lwi

GO IUft»7» axxarr, F t S i ' utL.: - l a a m i t tha totae Ham the era n k a w a a

aasasaakle. Uttad aewr. lie-iraVlad aiy haada a a i y ^ a r a l y . alBOst ts a erin. I t wu as aw!!:! sltht. The Maeaiw L2x!-oaat a;i|ia«iad t» rxtnci Ska pals. It toaM Hptdly.^hoai

each laarmseaa tha ia batheaoi article h anrd.

TUB UsiXKC-. Is IcdlisaaASa ta beraaa aad Etaiao. Mr.IahaPaaMUklSoatiooaiT. All ala>*a» taB,wiia*aata]Hd Itwaa ettari Liaiiaaa;. Brorr !»jni:y ihoeid hare !». 1 , ai:d!aiti!r»r;irtha]hataaKXJalxi>atSildtak>l

Sold >iy an «aalera thso^yoat RorthAEd Gcstk A m ] i M a x i t h e lilaada f * ^ Oaaaa. toSeaata,I»s t l a i ^ K t o ^ .

F O R S A L E .

X H E P L A C E O N W H I C H 1 R E P ^ D E , X .»ata!;itat akaat 4SC aerm. aad attaalad TilT'ap: &aa

aiaaBck aawoald v .idertt n « a i * kaa2th,ataaar. '

hmr. *s,*c-w«.koa:tal> act is aayte thsiAwsafll takahad. B y m a a K a r t h a B y d i s A l

- - -- - aeam.tto a . - • e . k e t t t o i

aa^ltka iwpeertamanti aaleea or two laad. ar tka whole laaatkar. as taet U owBapdhle^Mac ptUti iato U n a e c J t o r ^ rae


UaBoea, witk tha amy k« Bat water aa aaek. Iv iCa^dlapooaof <oB Tary n

•aitahlaior n m ) 1

C H R I S T I A N P A R J J l O X E S a BT

N . M . C R A W F O R D , P R E S I D E N T O F

KBBCBB D B I T B B a T T . e A . p p . < M . t l A I l Is a host that eaan Chrtatlaa AaaM ksaa. I l l a e a a a f I K e a a h ^ t k a t a a a r y laadlaa CkrleUaa Makf I l Is a host that eaan Chrtaton

kara. i tkat aaaty i

CoaSd\a oaly kaew hSTalae. e n peuownra • n n TASU e r e e a r s s r s :

Caairaa 1 - M m is a Haaw. Oaar. 3i—Tha Slaaar la aUaa aad j i t 9sa1 Ca i r . m.—Tha ahisc». Tha Siaaar a Child of 7ratk,

a B h i a d s a . a a k I l d s r S a « . Cass . IT.—Tka ahrkaisa ti dead aaAnt s)i>«. Oaae .r . - 1he aktSMIaa la k B i M ^ yal kaa rtowhcalB. Cat r . TS.-AB ttot tto Ckrialas 9IB « • wia as* siasBts r

SS K as^Tsslsa f n i i i M tleeuTsthaahMdd eorki saakaaMfblsVSrto.

CaAP. n i ^ T h a ah iMlM laeriaas XtacaatU* as a F m « n from B o d . aad yatbtawaiMkyOadaaeaadtac ta kls

CtAP. Tin.—Tk* akri^lsa IsJsitllad satyotki i l iaB. OBAK i X ( - n a akiMlsli ts jiiSWil t r M t k Blthsat

Duds af tha tMT. sad p a k j a s n a s t t T Vsrta. C a A P - « . - t h > l s » H n H a s « f ^ t f s i » s l a»a f s s m t aa*

U llmltad.whiletkaB »Bl| l i l l SBtaal is l l is i iO'mil .*s

OSAP. x i . - g a a t o t o l s B f wm^ ml O u p r . y a t Ui a a l »

CaA». i i e . -Tka BkrisUsa toMsat wto yat *Ma p t i ^ aat psaasik la Fn^ar.

OBAK, S T t ^ n s S k l t o f c S l S I - • CmAP. z e t x — ^ a k t W i s a l s ' FBA*. xnk>-4hsXastMsa I raAP. i f a ^ ^ a s O B a a i t o i l casPk xx . - t 1 toOtolMto1 caAF- * » > » — ^ qa|rt*s» , CBAT. x x t k - m C h i M t e b C B A P w z s a b - ^ « s s s i s a « » : i l f a H M a i

of bad. aad saSoloBt ta raa aa ardiaaiy aaw mCl fieStah^ tatwalTe yaan. aadwwy&raaMy laaated Ikr t h i ferihrtkaraaracalMiatdiem tha gadaiaigaail a> "SOaTes ALEX,


A. SBBLTOK, Lata o( Bead, ghc^lna


F . E mm, laWofBaraaftOo..

HVkaiaa, By.

S T -

C H E L T O N , j r O N E S . & G O , C O ' v ^ O N t J sad T a k e ™ Faetara. Mid t a e A l C i a m t o l e B " j T h i a l i Faetata,uidcaaaiall Ba.da. IhSBtBoa.

F a l l T k a a o t

B R A N C H 8 E M •MdSB ot this iastltsflaB vlD

aad rfkt^at fcSS^^^^IeUM^ta rnae>«a!.ud B a a s s E anwAsx. AaaoL laB^HHHiw.asatkaslmikanagalaad a r «

Biktoe e f Twitlaak p e r S e a s t o e

CMfiaFky. aatfMasSslAlU .tF<U>.(.

- t > n Tliiiwmi— " * * — I J ar Sad Oats St9dlaa,-tS90L i

(Ta OLASB^alaaal £knsea*k^ Fa»ma*-SeUB.e.4leBW-

*TBCs.isS.-Satan>»l>Mi7. Ee(is. Bkstaite. ••OS. A S f i M , (Bariw-Catnsiety ar asBtdkm) S e e ^ ^ B i a -

J S S S S S t f ^ i l g J ^

S s b T ^ I S S S M i S S n d l S a w a a r a

eniF^tklM isStodHl sBSipt Bikia n s • M s i . sa l I , •^-.rtatttiMa^tkaa* ^ t a y S-ard I k a m a .

Tk-eatwrtaSwdasaferasraew a s ^ t u )«««f

jta w i l l Itpatnaaga. ^ W J L W A L U B M & a s s i .

F I N A ^ C I A ^ a

^ u n n n z p n

> W n C T X X l £ R A B I . ft 09.

s ^


B A o e c r a . s i B B R .

R B n r A X . T t i J s r . T * .

O A S B U L C a l l c w . n . 9 »

i L B A T n a . - « S aoia^iOicia.)

! oah^aaad-VS

cstkoB. ' S a g a -^31. VFawct J S ^ laeiQ S - ' h V ' a . -

nav* fSkua


" ^ ^ - ^ ^ B . • i B t e a s a L B a . ! .

V k n a i . t n t e Smt r a x a d . n O T B . aaw, ^ •

s s r " :<;. ! - B B B E ^

s a t i B -« t o a t . V » « ! h l a s e i ^

Ostaauax. - Ti E o n r .

K F i c n . BceaBB.

£ayan sia f t i tat

A C D T O W I S D G M Z S T O F P A T M E B T B .

ThafoUewtxaaevsakoeribe—hneaatd latkaaih af J a m . u s e :

iBSe L Prciv V Bahh, E d Fsi^iao, C l f c K ^ c a . M ! Tttp-let. A J ntta, D B MaSleiis:. Jas iSs:?. S A KaaBB. FaBz eta-a a d . S I d Z L ^ K d B AEasvar . J J Vaane. Aax Sadasa. Brtaaii Voopv Wu«>a Fraasia, Xaiy A Beard. C ^ B M Bai-a r id ,MAFSocs . BrAWTiotaiieai. Ja icSodaatl . ZVU. Blair. J W Biaw J W WhTtdsaad. Oo! C D Beaaatt. fcl T Whn*. JaaT eaUcay. Chaa Loaalaoa. J e Mastalx. Br Jaka

Jaa 11 OeBwar.Mlm Maiy Woodlat. T B HarfTxaa. BWTad«s.BrJ l !Bs>ehiaca , EUet W I. Dcaeax J Baya. B MCFoau Sam: Staddaai. J P BaehaaBS. J F Johaaos, Bade.

Stoae.HBBmHh,BB Taylor. FTaekar, Wm B « 3 r a i . . taaJaekms.

T t . u l a a i a c rrm anVwlhwa ha'* paid te Uth af Jxxe. neot

OASoyla T h o a a ^ k ^ j H i w h a ^ voir! ta .|l liaiidta

OMirauua ft>r tstt : Bid B a Oaerty I Sap*. J 9 Beaaoa II Jaaa. ThoIbllDwIacaakKTitanhnw leSdte tbe datae ansasad ta l o i r x a x M k a l i i S : .F M Bparka S Oct. B M Baddy Ifi J a ^ . L 8 TxBaton 2 J s i y , MBalUilaBac. HtFFnia O B a r , £ T T i i i V m s i 1 Mi^ . J

AraoBi lSb= .LWaad atSao. S«ahBah)aa(BIM«r . V A 6 lMa;Soe .FI iFroetarSt0c i . Rarzia ft WadaS Mcy. Ilr J CTbimiFBB tPeo, X t d A B S n m tSa f t . X H F A V t a ^ B Sept. L B Dimsiak C Jaly. CalTla Speck U PaaJDd O W ram-I l i > 9 S c a . r A J a a m I T 0 e t . J O Gotdada U O-l. A S Adante i : Jaaa.

ThaSdV:wi^eakacllha:akaeepi;.:ta:hadBm rwwiial ta thail aaaiaaISS:

W B T o a a ; I»JxEo. M n S F Baahiw 37 lltxdh. J J lZxao SI Jaly. E d W Dapay I Jaaa. JoksB»w«aa t Bte. Larts F ^ ' IdMay, 9 J a a U z i S S J a l ; . A J Bia.-< I J a s y . J J B r e M y S

tsCL E d B Tczaw a Faky. S r B U C u s ^ S Mac, J M Oar peBtarl Jacy. B V E m r i x SJa^-, Jama FswaQUlilv. A S FiwaD « May. J I Fa^ahar 13 May. E L B H i S May. B" * far-m<rISMar.BTtnxddih C J B a . . S r F o a I U IUz .MsJaaa WailaCStar.lld J l « G : a ^ i m l X Jaaa. J a u M T x r . nApsi . . K-lJohxHiz S F * ^ . E Foadtai. 1 J a w B Dcciiaa U Mat. D B c t x I ! A p r . V e 6 ! h M B t JEaa .E<dBJHaya S Y a t o . K . J a n a a a l t i r . J S J a i - . A S U t : S r S J a x a u A A Wnr-t 'aramAafcTLowaaJixy. Ja=—Esssidy S Baz. J > Taraar 1 1 J a a j . T S a n a a i Jaaa. I t Jasa.

TtoWiewiat seheerlkesbxa* paid lath* *laeaxxesad to tkalr U3US ^ U U :

rrTiTil il a i a T i a t ' T b a a d t e d S n a y . T F t u r n l s a IM7,-Xlm r rn^jmm IT Jaay.

. F

COTTBtpQBdfiBfift. - B f a - T . E AIina-TaaiiiimmiB^-gcpatiBe-taFlftrcaiT

Plh. l»»:Bvrtrw aad CtSdnz-i Book vsaaaary l . M B

Wahan fra^xast tx^aiilrs. "Ecw iheB w. amd y a , •9meyT- Waaayt* i 3 :h . a«daaa ca-dsa a^ax ywx

aadCaaa^^aBa3:amaiKsts.laastaBar|aU. xiall tt Bt Iklj i •laiiaiii'I'm F lalMaa i ^ ' a ' ' ' t r rmr lTj thasyoxCM aaatfa.aaJhaattkeomTlSmla. aadtrtli»t»toa<. eeaCxstka aarilteia. u d it w!U he c t A ta m. A m i • n f ' ^ - ^ ** kiata of anacy axaa.*aacsi 3«l af i I lliaTT. I t

IthcaawbsaeadHnadtlxaaaa lartt^iatew ta pat •haaaiM of lha Fsat Oaw eam«h«r. tx I k i *

l e t f . It w a maliia xa ta aj^ty Iki u edTt |S »pB\i. i r y a a p i a a a a . ^

- »re(hnB.tt3riittBel«tiaB«e Bthaydaicd ocwr w t e yoaoldartXartJwarthaf I»aka.w<aact<kaea*. Tea s »

awaiaar tbe aashar ef oaaO aaanaali cd Skis tlad « •

O H L T i f t t e w i s n i e i i

r \ S L Y 1 0 8 6 N E W S U B S C R I B S B 8 \J »»w»aatl^tw»iyawltovttaB».s'tto^tH

t i l u m . aAaa aawy Bsftlai i i l H I B fa OUtsdStetaawahWlBmeraFwat oaly t l as pw j m r . a

B h xew a l*elee.BS*a a a as at laaet aaa aaw aahnikar. ITm aKr>..tiadaia Ike

JL-i -f C .1 ••> SitelslxBaaaaexr.w«hikeBaw a t t l W

k l a a f t y a a S a d e l k u m a t TkwawGI i«da« Iks xew nixma, ea tke l i ! tf k a a c h a i s k a i • i&,oee.

p E V l f f l S D B G R m T T R E R —

A C T B O r i B X a F O B U K - - -BIAXE - - - . -I L r n H B A I X m A l B . - -

•3 - n s -

- 1 1 - 1 1

ftxjar^shannyWkxd af »,*<«!>«* patt, at tka

^ « K A T S , I I U K B ftfBE

p K E A K E R O N C O M M G N Z O I t .

R E C K r n o J .

Page 4: mt it? · 2012-11-08 · iBUIZr KSOWS iwimr-ex. • on.. NASHVILLE, TEE PULPITL [nv BOIBEIt! fpy 80CDB^

F A M I L Y .

JADTXaXCUU , Yemaki «ftai paaeK p t a s M af v M , »ai

f n m of atiC:«oatral qnaiiumt p c d , iAiiA aem t i t a a r i f ' h m ^ to

-_UkamtlMwpoiratfi iBT«znia^wi S f c < r d b e s c * l a d p n b a & I ; aene Imtmx R r m 1|B — w a a j asraer last thaa iarliBn-

te t k vaxticB* of doaeftic eaxa^k l^nn & 'Cfaubns' J«iiniml •f hat bubA. Wh m^tkeadimian. f n n m i i w , ^ W M i s ^ t & a t t b a b d j m i & d k ^ f c t e r of a T**Br, roaSag m aifsiat EajjOib M t n b ; faM^aisd VM apia tiM e«« of mariwft.

T i e « M to been l «r thai; m met adventsn < S n ^ p r ^ B S t u n s for t&a «ad tenatOT^ fiaa old pbte, and Urn eostlj p f h of the bride, -wmx daaoaaed v l ^ pride Mid y i a w m at tiM H a n aad Hovndft. is Ute pnanc tof WBia t t r a s f ^ wbabsdaaaisdBws ia wydi had taioai plaee In the Qsis^bof&iod.

P a i t t i r t t Aifalaida, wha ocenyed a s t -rata ntatihiiB ber n ^ , aae np late—loag afteraQ tl» botaeaold kid retired t» r ta t Slie kiid i iMiabnr raterrkw ^ bar latfcw; and bad been r c ^ g a diapter to irKdi He bad Jimtad her attenfen. aad saice, had paded np She was «tai iraand wbaa tbe dmreb-^Ioek fadd mynigbt.

flKaaaed, ibe &Bcied ibe b«aid a lo» BoiBB liiatiftt afaf i le ; Ae listened, bat ewdddistin-

elariy. H a i ^ t h rm beta aa&byMineof tbe serrasts s&I about; or. perfaj^ it vaa only the cracking of t fe old txecB. St« beard BoAiDg bot tbe s c b » g « f tbe ariatw winds &r m ^ miixates aflenrard. Honsdirealcew ware mwe mytba id primftiTe Tbyadon, aad tbe bRd»«iait^ witbottt a tbcaobt "{ B»r,reni3i«d bet ocsopattsn. Sbe -wafpx-

* a o o s n , OTjETO l iwtmJff . tStw* taik n a dillcbtfiil » a xdBBm da^, belk to tn l b

oor«Hwlf«iirtt. «ad' i iy V expiaa lo dibm, the M f a f i of gnt iMelo Uom ooofcninc &«a(* on aa^ and. ^AeKaa,tke r o u e BCD fDiwiri}-eoapo-»In« U» Kiiva 9D<My,<kf Union Uniwraity, bava (hen u tbair beaodAa aad cinaatlr oroaiamt-rd ban, tbenfim.

AooM, That BMobcn of the Soci^r of B«!ipfcHM Inqairy, of rnlon Catrcnby, ngard thi* Bottons act of the Bmnbon of t ^ todcty a* a rtnog e^Meoeeof Owr Wnd, aiftetlooatB, mdte-flJttd ferfinsra, iad fe, Oie re-fiCiaa Of ChriKaod it* biUiAa pniantkM IbR^ ootthewaiM.

ttsiiewi. That wr acc«pl tlwir ntnaUo dooMioo •«h fcriingsof tbe most |Mro«nisd gratited* t» eacb mmber of tluu soektj-. aad the soeMy u a whole,

fcsofenl, That «ip use die ntaraet care )B preeerr-tbeh«U.«Kdl>Toar eontribnaoo.

, r . , • ' • , therrnuio such forniiore and onunustsa* to

tree a » t bis dog wwild «meU up bigbest, « ( St^eld, That we dwpJy^patMie with tbem ta was Ids eti iom to u y : "Teas, Jacob, be's tbe beatymisrortanevhid has recently be. Ottm tbis tree;.'' | th«o, and that we cotdiaBy maembcr

d o { ) ^ t2,Bitiainets AjFs: •'C&iljbeB w«te bictind by tbe ^oetlea—tbey art, therefore, proper sabjeeta of baptism." Oa page 45, be I ^ fe^ of ^ ^ t e l ^ ^ e ^ l ^ says: "We bare tbns established tbe porition j S a o M , That • copr these Ksdatkns be pre-tbat tbe apostles and tbeir sneces&ors pr»e-1 x^vnt to the grcttram fonsieriy cempoeing tbe Uced ia&nt baptism, as iutitoted by Carist, | i^ed»oci«T: »l»o, to tb« T«ii»Ris«e Baptise dcc." OB page 114, b« says: •TPbe apostles, a^ve lave seen, praetieed affiaaon." And on

f s K u ' S e ^ a t IB 1 » dedicattoB to Bmkv^ A a i w a r , W peMxd ibis nntata-1>)e taagai«sr "IB a Tcvl: l i b tbis, to addnse •B tbo r i t iwf t r c r a t jpo i t t eadnMed , voald be a a n q l t absndl^ ." Tbk aenttneat I aikaU denefBiBate a t>a*,to soSt my porposs ia tbe p r e ^ t seroD.,

A void a b ^ t&e act ion befofe I proceed. In tbeeoosty of Madtsoa, m tlits Staie, {6eor-

there grad aa old tort of a Dutcfc-Irish-Baa, vbo was called b j all ne^hbors, "UBdeBtfij^" andke bad ooa s e ^ b o r by the naaie of "JTaeob E anUi wb<HD be

t i s K uwupmuao. oae M on a ^ t t e r ing set rf diamoads, datthsed to ^ w r f ^ n r , wiien ber bedroom • k w s ^ y opened. SSe tamed,, and bebtdd amaa with a biack mask, b:ddmga piitd la bts band, staa<&sg be&re ber. .

S f a ^ d n o t aeraaai: fiw l»r first t W b t •aftfar ber t tber , who (dipt in tbe Bert r ^ aad tn wbcan any saddsa alarm misH be aeatt f f i r fu was old, feeble, sad taSmog

heart a m p l a a t She eonfroated t!» r ^ w b o l d ^ . and ad^aasad him ma wbi<par: "Tea are eoae," Aa a u i " t o T o b n s . Span j w 30^ the swfai gailt of mnrder. My

to ®y room, a a i to be itarflad frcm his deep would kill lum. 3fake aaaaBic, I bcjTof yBB.^

T^feUbw was aataaiAed aad cowed. "We wwVnuie no b«»«.» he replied snddenly

as arery thing qairfy ." AUaide drew back aad let -Mm take btf

j B W a f c - ^ withoal a ptkag; for they wea preaioas lovw-^tg, rasarkiiig at tbe same time, ^ soci* m a a M rafisis stood at tk« h a ^ e a e d dear. Aa ho took tbe jevel-aaaa

w i sh Crom As table, and demaaded her p a r ^ d a aakad htm if be intended to so into h«ff&tb^sroom. She reottred a s n i ^ affirm-•awB^ba v a n ' t acotng to nm a r i ^ aad i M T O ^ t i n b ^ i i s d r She proposed instanUy taat=li8 s h ^ l g o hcnelf, saying; b r ^ j o a wfcuarer you wish, anf jcu maT

T me if I play « « TbafcBoweaBsnlted bis wmradw

' ttey agreed to the " M ; aad with a pistar ported at her

( W l e s s giii erossed tha passage and «itM8d the old reetorV room, i m joatlysbaftaio aeroaa the chamber, and w m g hia p m , wateb, hayi aad desk, n r e « « » to fte robbers, who stood at the door. T b e ^ m a a sl,-pt peacefany aad calmly, t h u

bn obild, who softly sSat tbe door, t a d j ^ d a d if the rabben were yet saSsfied. / ^ Indar replied that they sboald be whm

they ^ gat the sb«» of Plata sprwd <mt be-low; bttt ^ they eottfdn't let her oat of »nht. and that Ae mast go ^ t h them. Ia fl^Imea with thia maadate, ^ a followed

to tha dining-room, where a jpJaadid ^dmg-breakf t r t bad been Wd, to m ^ troahle aad harry on the morrow. To b « sarpnse, the feHows-«gbt ia iwaber wttaB waamhUd-seated the^na and pn-p-adtomalta a good meal They o r d ^

S«* and to eat b«r own »eiMjM^a5» te them; aad then, seated at the

of the table, she was eompaned ta pre-jiJa at this exttaordiaarv raroL , iMghed and joked; aad

AJeJajda, -jrnok of ear aad eye, had thns tima ta jttady, in h » qoiot waT, the fizwa aad

of He whole set W t o tho repaat waa eadad aad the plata

to » tSiay prejwred to cepmrt. w i a p e ^ tngethc, aad giandnir at the yoan? ady^ Far the firtt timiC Adelaide's e t m t e

w y , «Bd sha trembled; bat it was not a her, as U proroL The

iMtf^ •iiiia—•laliMi l i ^ J J l . ' ^ f . . .

idfe.B anther,* M l and I x M & e t o r t o t ^ poat, B C S b r t i ^ w—law b w a p a w f i r i ^ wUar aad g m ^ than that of aqr mimteS

' B o w r a i e ^ . S k a b b r ^ a t lMM andad-Biiad O A

ommrnm 4 i m i m m , - rrs*—

7 —••• • • * "Li' wnuMujr irmanuer tbeo 61 oar prayerj, n d win gladly aflord them any a^Mince in any tiling, and on e w y o e c a ^ , wb«o

stances wffl admit; and that we will rcmcio

page 198, be says r "The New Testament aboaods wift proo& of in&at baptism, aa we b r a dMwa.'* After b« has penned dw foro-going aeotracaa, and maay others, if he has

I for [iBblicatioa. 0. K. MOBIUSD, A. P. COFLAXK, J. E. CAarxB,

Mr«Facs<a0H0^ tenn., May iS, 1889


EOUITD TST.BTO CHUBCB. refened to one Scriptore ^ t bad any bearicrl Oinrch of Cfctiit, at Romd r Und. oa a a , uf them, I confess that my limited "" WhaTa i r t l ^aB able to see with him; and, ' ftarefore, eoairider he has "clam this tree.- j Viosxab, Oor brforcd brotJwr, Jm,* Seal, has

Sommers holds thi< sort of sophistry, on | to oor BiMst fbr tbe last twenty y<«n, harteg page 121: "Aad it mast be remembered that | >> puti^, and his membmhip beina with tiiat ia truth to a nun which, after aa honest I thattime; and,iib«r(«s.he a a d t h a r w ^ m T M t ^ o n . he bcliam to be " " " " " t r ^ " ^ k an importaat feet, if i t g ^ ^ ^^ ^^ nnacimon. v„lc of tH, Char.h, a f ee t t t a lL ll«»wrtt>f sophistry is caka-j That it la with fcean?» of the dwpm latad to laad thoosaa^ astray, as tfaoasaods]*«t>*it«i>hhia, and thsi our piaym shall aKcod believe thi» already to be the true doctrine j ; »h»t the Neasings ooMerai»gtruth,ortii6oediaaBoe8af thejros-I®®^ whererer hego«,acd

a twa- tocabsnrd tospendamomeatof t ime fhrther. That we r«»mm««J him to the ^ B t , as o v deceptiTe natares prove daily; j birthren, and aU with whom <k>d, ia his prorideoce, aad ^ it is a eophistieatcd idea without proof; I >>»T his lot, as a fkithlU minister of the gosprl aadafwmr*. "Yeas, Jaeob. ha's ehtm that ahitrse.' ' | ftarisK not to declare an the consri of Ood; and

f>« iw » T-JL- .1. T> „ I " a minister Is oar midst, eri-L . ^ ^ g f f ^ nad that Jeha the Baptat, d«««!to=sthath^d«ir«l,ab«reanthin„.thrgtev

•namistry l a ^ te tbaa a year, during of Ctod and the alration of sUmets. and that he bad which time he baptized, perhaps, firo or thrasitheesdrecoiuideDn'ofihcCharebandtbecoiBma-millioos;'' and refen to Matthew iii. 6, aad which rtada: "Aad baptixed of him

in j fttrthw. That this prramble and moln the river Jordaa, ooafeasinf; their sias." The ** " » M a ^ ethaloaeiscaoagh fer his purpose at tha time, whaa he wishes to hold oat the idea sujmH by ordrr of th» chnreh. that all the iahabitaats of Jerusalem, all Ju-d<«, aad all the region round about Jordaa wera aO baptixed of Joha ia, thia short space •f tiae, to make it appear absurd aad impoasi-

to rte -bie to h*ve bees performed by inuaernoa. II there <rc:v no qualifying Seriptarea follow

R. Husxasos, CI«rk. G. W. PccKrr Mod.

leafe , rapsmaahiag her, told her that they did aot wirfi to harm ber—that she was jolly ^ ^ regTar game," and they woalda'lhart to; bat thatgfaf must swear not to grre an slarm tifl n iw or tea the next day, when they shoulfhe off an safe. To this sb« was . ^ c w w a a b l W to assent: aad then ther all t M t t i d l ^ t i n a g hands with her. She ao-

d t ^ t ^ parting ceremony. Oat one o f ^ n ^ a a s had only throe fingsrr „ fte iefi' Baod.

A&aa fit the dsspoiled room, Adelaide, feiat ^ «haasted, awaited the Srst gleam of day-light; that, as the rabben did not return, she <aja gp to her raam„ andresad. and feD into

^ a a l w - t h e esasteraatioo of 1 T ^ - . ' f * ' Moraing may be imagined

aad AjWatde-i story was slffl mortTartsmid | a g a s B a e & e t o f t ie robfcay ita«£ Po-

• I.!??* ^ ^ I^adoa, aad Oiey, by Aaelarfe's Imi i dcscripe-on of her

miiaght goests, aetoaay saeoeaded ia eaptar-l a j STOT aie o f ^ p a g , ^ t^m the yoang

^tad ao difficnl^ in idantifriae ^ to—the'^ttioe-finsered J»i"T>«ng

thagoiSagalBetothodaiWTeiy. JHie rt^ F o p e ^ w a s aoariy all recovered; aad the oM rw-wr always declared—and wiA trath— ^ bo 3wed Ms fife to the self-poasessiaa and j s d ^ a t of fas eldest daarfter.

The jaTy ifl efect of the great trial of ber aerres, was a dispaHtioB. on the part of tJ^ y o ^ hfflame, to Hstea fiir midMaht wasds. ^ start uaeaaayfemitRiablad - Q &BM and dungsafresideaeesoon effectadits

H A K M O H T C H t m C H . Waaxaas, Since it has pleased Him who worketh

— i^iuijiturai louDw- I things after the coonsel of his own win, to rvraoTe ing the 6th verse, thai I woald, with Summers, ( among a* »or b«loTed broths, BU«t M. bdiiava that Joha did haptiia two or three mil- ** " Eons ; bat the reading of the 7th verse mast J l f ' ^ J ^ r ' ' * " d«pl, M io« we v i i . . - . , . . . . . . I »n5taic«i m hn drath, we are cooxded hr th«

toowi^Ue t h u o a r t e m p . ^ U«i.his J L K tuafifiesit Were the Pharisees aadSaddacees, and whne w. are conscious that he will no more to whcm John spokeasa "generation of vipers," <»•»• to "»> wo have Uie pnciocs assoraneo that we mhabitaBti of JwusalcB, Jadea and all the so to him. tegiaa round abdat Jordaa ? If they were while we kiaa hi meek tubmisnoo dtenit ia evident ha did aot bantiie all I have nn dimhl . i L ! pr«sion of our deep «rrow in the loss of Wm who

I have l» doabt a ^ m j o n t y tha „ lon^ m« with as a. one of oar msmbers. ftiihfU Jews were Pharisees and Sadducees; and if and iruo, aad who has so fiithftiay and rfflciently Aey were, bk Seriptara proof mast b« ex- dSjpensed to os from th«. ncred desk the word of plodcd, and he must take that same old tree • "Teaa, Jacab, he's clum this tree"—again. In | ^ of our beioTed brother the Sth verso he tells them what wiH eaUUe i Z S t w J " * ^ ' ^ .good member, . wthft.1 and , . .. , . . [""odmrnistCTof tbeN»TrTestaoi«it,oneewreadv ftcm to baptism. "They mast bring forth L . defend, to the uttermost of his abiBtv it. fraita meet for repentaace." 9th. "Aad thiak I tmUu againsterror ia its varied foma. Bot to say within yourselves, we bare Abra- tanlrmi. That we aflt^tiooately tender to liis be-baa to oar fethers," i t We have people, ^ ^ 'ympatby and Christian and Summers one of them, claiming bantiam' h . ® ^ ' ^ » = d ferrenUy pray BOW ^ ^ thit God, who re&Teth the Eithertao and widow e v » a, apon the ^ ^ ^ „ very daaia pnaciptes that tha Jews d»d in those j irork ont lAeir saltatioi.. days. DiiJiAn. admit itt No; he rebakedj That tii«- rcointioi!. be spread upon Aem. And I say t h a t Soaimers c a n n o t prove I Book, and a copy be p r a e n t e d to Sister

ftat Joha e v e r b a p t i z e d e r e a as many as ftp^ j a g i t a t a copy be sent to the T e i a s a r ikr^ thoutand. T h e idea tiiat h e bap t ixed

u any thing eaa be; thea the &ctnne that be mce, on Saturtsj- before the second S a b ^ in Felv bapbaed two or th jw miBioo, mast go ap the I

J a aad DMteoM O. W. Ward, WiB, W^smb, aM. pfck-cf^ BBd JaaN«8|Mi^ "

The heahjrtety ortanlaed by dwitii^ jMR J M c ley Modrntor, aad IWaoD HaOawatdsik.

^ hyaui Trasasniwlin,,. -U t wUikM *n antak-

waa aang; and pnyer by Bro. Meketk TheChnrd>. heloc la BratlnT

H«wy nckea speaker for said Chansh. Brother Cat^ the oaadidate, was thea ezaiained

by the Uoderatnr, toodifeig the hope withto Um, and oa doctrinal points; aad his ansmn heiaf asUafto-hMy, aad the Orndt anawettof sattAotarily threagh her speaker, the Pieibytiay proceeded to ordain Blotber Gate, by layhig oa of hands and pnyer.

The ordidning prayer Iv the Jtaderator. Tha tiargowas given lathe oaadidate aad tho Chotch by Elder Ford.

S. i . BacwKT, Mod. ^taiMs McDowsu., Clerk.

YAHCBTVnjJS CHDBCB. On the resignatioQ of Thos. W. Tobey, as p*«tor

of th* Tanceyrille BaptLst Clnirch, tha Mknring reaolotions were adopted :

Badnd, That this Church has r«cetv«4 with Christian regret the mignatloD nf Its pastor. (Thou. W. Tobey,) who has labored in oar midst nearly Ox yean with ChristiaB iidrilty.

Keahtd, That whfie he bas been called by IMnne ProTidecce to labor in a distant tocslhy, this Chnrch has been deprived of an able and effldeot Teuher, whose character ac a man, aachaiar,aadaCiuistian, deserred and teceiTed car highest admiratioo, and tbis Cbnrch decirea to express the hi(^ estimation in wbicb be was held by tiiem as such.

Rttelfd, That a copy of these resolotioos he sent to the Biblical Becorder for pnbReatiac.

The Ten»«see Baptist, and Alabanu paper piraae copy.

I>oi» ia Church Cao!i>feaee, Saturday before tbe tib Sabbath In Jaanary, 1853.

Wa. B. Gaavas. derk.

-AfatiMtotksfrMtoHttli^Mtraiii— Ha»»««»4tri«»»n«»»«» f i l l , tea, • -Jf-'

% Small l a b n i j Tosag Hiniitwfc

W ~E ARK OFTEN APPLIBD TO J O B rwtehcwMianiiark MB

tralrolKfcl*. Woan oa tnaonxna M» BnurA Bxssttis.

t swsaa - sta - n e s ssa - IM

l^nkfMc^ M«tlM>i7, w QuKo, rid;K-kWMk>,tnb. •OlilinMrtteltlnJCiiMMMtllT.S'Wifc -n b m t latndaottaa w th* attteBllte. CWraO BatM «• tk* 5«r TMmaM>.S*>i>.

M^itMlettl KiwwMc*. • MtliyJidTa.

' r s s f ^ ^ X i s s ^ - - -egVM'k Baraov. 4 i«)a..

S - - a — m n

ruVMshy •» «»« of -raMMn'^HnaattelMuuL - • JaMkndteHt.

BatM Ul tk* Afooima*, OrduS. (am ts 1 Ml«r l i t m t t w U a r ^ . . . • t w t f u A s U i aytato. - -Tmek e> t£> BMt&B X tbe S.<r TMtuMt - araMratelthrSrwTMtuat, JisMth ud BnJaBla. . . . ^ ^ •• SmjcfWoTif. Tkmh ChrtA - - . . . . •TBdi

CaMtBf ud BeJgn M Chriff, -Hai^cal CcoiaUTEKtfli. Wwxa.

UMW aa4SoMt°»6ncklicxteM>.(UK «4itl«9 >n-ithpiiitu-. • . • -

Cu«oa ee Baptism, GfMk rnfMillow and C>m Suttia, sabU.; iliBuull O^k CeaeoMan«e or S. T SiicUikaula •aoWii«o»'» " UtlMt«t1««l RmUCkM. (IMW »4..)

WAT.KTir CHUBCH. Wnnuut, the evils of intempeiance have ^eefl

greatly deplored by every tme Christian, and tbe •KTeral plans set on foot for their eradication haTing iUled, and beUeving as we do that tho Church is God't appointed meant for the reformation of the eril* hi the world, therefore it Is the doty of its mem-bers to discpnntenance by every means in their power all demoializinginflaenceaealralated to per-peinate them, therefore, be it

Ruah^, That we, th^ Salem Church, view the Use of ardent spirits as a "beverage as one of the evils of the age, and tbe practice of rending the 4ame by merchants and docton except 6>r religtous or medicinal porpoaes as inconsistent with Chtiatian character, and hereby declare that we will not fel-towship any brother who persist* In that nnboly traffic.

Rtsdred, That this preamble and resolotioc be spread on onr records, and sent to the Teeseesee Baptist for pablicatioo. JQB!I WILKISS, Uod.

P. M. Loso, aerk. McMinn Coonty, Tenn., March 26,185y.

For tb< T« 2IOTKS.


Ipee, too- I would advise Summers to read iU the^third ehi^iter, and stady what he reads before ba pats the same idea in another book.

Let as now eramitw some of his ideas rela-ave to administrators of baptism. On page 71

S. K. RoniEs, Clerk. J. H. KowLi.TO.

A B S U R R M X . X S C I S K S T .

r S - ^ »hoat midn%ht, at Wiad-

^ allter peon aad h i ^ fimctioairies .rf tang^ « r a m As soon as thi ^ e e p ^ i . d d s j a r t a d ^ w ^ l ie I r t httath of ^ ^ AwAbEdwp knitted Windsor

priaeaB ( a l r e a ^ ^ the lav af

bsfiira daylight, anaoanced himaelf; a n d ^

» a y « t t ^ h a » a a U ; a a d B » t the nm«nbl» praiM m her room. He mfiKmed her of

^ m c a t naiiim of t te e a r t h & u t S

vhuAtiutssa jwRr t ih i" gv- ^TTV* ^

I who raletir ia the

g y ^ ^ W ^ W ^ y of

, j W t _

>«Brir Ba at tK. i a i

: y i r w HWI-HBT, CHXTECH.

Wssaiig, An unholy petsecatsoohaa been carried we read: -Fmrt. There is n i prwepto^^reco^j P^™.

awe, the Ohareh has good reason not to em-led by some other spirit than that of the mwk and power the l a i ^ to j hcmWe Sarfar, did proceed In an nnscriptnra! man-

Turn to page 74 aad wc read Mgiia: "Sao- j to Baptist order aad tbe express teadi-ondly. T l w is no Scripture forbidding the I ^ F-I W ^ t o b u i & a : therefee, if ther ahoald.t Baptist, making every

aeoaUt appear that tt was smoasly done, the j tmpt his adversaries have so signallr fiuJed • ther^ Kbjeet, mattCT aad form wera aeconfiag to I institatioB, aad the party baptised; or if aa | That we have seen with deep regret tbe in&nt bis natural representatives. Ae act byasmtming tha obligations of baptism, I compromise with errors

enmpare tha foregoing sentences; jsf Awioot, That we are Baptl«a in the highest aad read: t ^ there with what he says besidei, I ^ a n d view with plnsnre the gran and if yodaan locate hin^ you eaa do some-j ^ E. Qiavta, t ^ t h a t l a m unable to do, aaless we fod|" " " o f him ttwmpyiag both the aSramtive and new-1 J v e ^ ^ of . l is qaesdoa. Prom the Aa < 1 ft f>gmm fiOed ap with the most umn- j c««et prindpTes, which wetmstand p i a y ^ ^ fe!llipUeJarg<m,aBd without aay position, otdy j 4atd«7(thclaUy>mayBot,ortheymayba}>- '^*«««^toElderefaTesoarsTn». fee; aad It is T%ht if they do or do not. He ^ f f Sod onr rfncere p r , ^

^ to baptixe; the«for^ the Chnrch ha. T h , i t h « ^ r e a s o n B ^ ^ t h o r i « d . e m to b a p t i z e . a n d . c o p y s J ^ l S ^ And he says: "Theta I S B O Scriptare forbidding I ^ p^iOaaoa. Aeat to ^ t i x e : tiMrefore, thay may d o ^ I ^ Ch"®"' Canfcr«oe

SBoaT Whurefore by their fruita ye shall know them.—

Matt. vIL 20. These words arc a part of the memorable

sermon of the Savior upon the mount. He knew all mrn intimately, not as man knows his fellow, but the verv iomost secrets of tbe heart were seen and ucderstood by him.

I. This m!e is of universal use. By this we judge ot the farmer, the merchant, the physician, the lawyer, the mechaaic: in fact, of nil cla-sses and ocnditions

II. By this we compare one thing with an-other and acqnire very mach of oar informa-tion..

IIL It is thus wo judge of moral staading, of honesty and dishonesty, of piety and hypoc-risy.

IV By thb a line can be drawn between the good and the bad—between words and acts.

V. This rale is divine, and is .strictly true, as each one's experience and observation will te!.tify

VI Fruits of the are brought to view: Gal. V 19, &.C. Fruits of tho spirit Gal. v. "•1, &e. TJu aorld judgti of us by ihit rxda.

Our subject brings to viow the following points :

First , Hotc IS the Christian knotm I I Willingness to obey tbe Savior in all

things i DeUght in the Scriptures. Obur.-h and

Church meetings. 3. Bear reproof from brethren without aa-

4. Willingness to asjqut tho cause of Christ. Liberality.

5. Godly walk and «>nversatioa—not al-ways thinking and talking of cotton, land, nc-groc-o. fame and pleasure

tj. Interest in the *ialvation uf anners^ and

an ardent desire to see the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.

7. Honor God and fear not man, as Peter Pan! and Stephen.

S Humility, as the pnbliean; contending for the Savior.

0. Avoiding the appearancc of evil. 10 Resist the devil; tome fear their popa-

larity aad prospects. 11. Keeping the Lord's day holy; avoiding

worldly visits and worldly conversation upon that day.

12. Exhorting the disciples in kindness, not severely.

13. Counseling each other afiectionately. 14. Avoiding a captious tspirit; avoiding

backbiting. 15. Some wish to be great and make all

bend to them. This disposition the Christian shAld Srmly resist.

16. Watch over each other, not to find &alt

or tc discover the weakness of a brother, that we may glory over him.

17. Look into our own hearts often, ukinj; the help of God. ®

18. Pray often in aeeret^and sUtedly inonr families. ''

Hiatmr *r Bai tim. BimtM's ^ <M - - -WMl'lBUitor}- of lalul B t|£ui. (Mw r4n!oii.> •itMhstB. S or I vaU. I>w)U«-k Blstwry of BDUatem. n» Owat UK) Ll»tl« Inm Wh^K anbKl°« Htato-r <rf Tmira B»(itS««. »ol I -Orckun HI«orr or Ba^^ Bi]>tisti. S CnxIw-iCaMBiOaM. TbM<o<U.voI.lunlS. 3m phtt>. • -Votooof tko Ckanh la >Q JLVM B AAURX'T HLITOFR OF SFFTNRILLIW, T VOTA.. •Clktoa'aBtManilJE^arBsaM. • - . Ch. Hlftory. •*)^ . . . . . . . Histarrof tk« PhUadslchU Bastut AMoUtlna

rtoa XT07 IW, 1<*cks>' BKtal7 of S. XacUsd BoirtisU. Ittatoo't nia>oi7 of Bavtine. MUa a ajKjIi Bt auter^, I vote.

1.1 Llbertv. BtfUMU not FirtoUota Kltiorr of Open Onnaiualaa. i Tkr» IteuoM Wb j I tn > Bapxint, Ba tUt Ubniy. (t'KoTnuB . Bnakn oa OabbbbIoo, Stat* of tko tmpMltaat Dnd. IaS4«l*a CoafMoa. or Ptntar of Ckrtnlaa Ca>t>a, Oar lAtxI'i Oraat ProjihtcT. . . Stoait oa Baptlio. Doalofc . . . . .

,Ba|>tlaa of .Jam. CktbtlaaltT SsncptRrfa cf L«cal Proof, Tk% Traa Mlialaa orBa|,tiita. (iaortiois or tha Woaasoa lfsTao»rai. Thr Vrthodlit DtKl aa. (lairt adttioa.)

BBOIT'I Blstoiy of Vtt MatiodUS Diaclpltta, Poctliaal Tracta, . eiaat l«B WhM), . Uttla Iraa fThti. . . . Wrala 'a JooratL vol I aad t. laakiroa Xatteilm, BUlio|> B«idlii( OB tha IHarli,:) *. Ce*!aaae>Sra**«a, - . Rinar; of Book Sail.

Oa CasrssLLav. .Iitar'a Clai baiUni Kxamlaad. l.«itd-lBart»wofi»tar. - -

' CaBr>»l>'* Chrtatlaalutlit, C&natlaat KatocaU, ChrlitUa (jtlm.

taacaixanors. Ba-:Ur> anal cT aad Xaloom'aCooapwtaa. Tro^ironoaaad SpKlal oodaInCnaliaii. »T Tho niTtao OoTanmaut rhjiieal aad *o»aJ.

UcGaab, . - i jo BaTra-iorWETlaad-aMaBtalPhlloaootiT, ISO Birt«i^ Book ud Stlaaof mtSlral 0»<-Taphy I T» SMI Trttha »v er«at Aathora, I » J oaUea] Qaaeatloaa, I W

A I T « i t L I B 1 ^ ^ ooBkn o a u a a ^ ^ K B D ^

T y : 8 w o n i j ) B B s n c o x F U L L Y GALL " II '1 —n 1- nil niiM, Ml g . «>^«*tlM^thitw* Bm MtaiK* wr nnmitwiiitte

^ - .. - - ewlM*i»ewe«» «ntH««Ba» • rAra^nSo

BSAUjm RK to tRB u r a SBB nomMit in , WaerptMai. IaaMt,a«fti<BaMt»«t]ktk«t

ir autaa; T.K,kriiCi y of Pfcat tTMhU ml Am aalhlad t» fuAaaa « izat i rMljtttmpmt iaa^S f*"

atrte rf <aaa,j^ at tho ktaH«(kaaBr>-a.

' C A R T W R I G H T & B R O , G B O C E B S ,

OommlBsion and F a n r a n U n g XerebaiitB,

A L L K I K D S O P C O D S T B T P B O D C C X ,



H f O L E S K I N HATS—SPRING XTX laa. hastea latrodiMa hb Bm- M B ttlal icfac Stvtaoraiq»rk NoSHkla Rata Iv^ay. Thaaa who aUk a aaat aad hMptna hat. win ^ ^ ^ lad It at Xo. a . PabUa Sqaara, iCaihv^ IWawe. Tha aicat baaatliU atjlr of Kft haM. ofan rhaiaaaad 3lon MOW Hiiatat. B l

BdUharxh aail Umafiy Capt SoMotUat dow at ^ ^ raaHCISCtrB. 5*. 9 Pahllc ."(aiara' tMt-tf SiArW^Tia*.

J . W . W I I J S O N , fipftmUt SrwoMtt Boutt, CaCUg* StrtM


tiiTOVKS, TINWARE AND CASTINGS, ^^ jfuvrarrraaa or

Wmght Iron Cookiiig Stoves. Of bar aliM.fer VaBlUaa, BotaUaad PiaataUea* sadr ia bMt Stauar, aa aim— ly oawlsand otia hot waiat Baatar IhMa Btaraa ban attalaad a laat n-MriQ' ta tU« •ad adjolalac Staua, fcr cavnclaaaa aad dtsratek ta coak>o(, asd tha Baaaor la which th>7 baka. teiac arrascad so aa ta ooafay dna(ht aattnly aiaoad tha ovaa. em aad la raatia allka, aad laatiar, with ar(!aarv can, tftaas or m'la.

FUcaa. (U<. aiad sua. Tlaaai* of aU kiadx. aad aadr ia tha tact aaasK HaUew>waxa aiaij vaHatj . fiiatMk flatiiaadoaMwUad. vlU aad vlthoat KW BSM aad kitalwa fvndi. la greu Tail<(T. Caaktac aad haaUat (tsraa, tar mad aad ooaL Chanh aad haT atone, naakUa jartai asd Ma Tin ^Me.hUK*tIa. h*6tuos. attheleiawwhaUaala Ifrina. Dn»t fcr tho Stat* tor tha OU) BOBIXIOa COrfKB Kft, Aaaw arnm act which laTtaaUtha Sanrof ta* aaS^ ahUat thorn wlo caa thna to alnra haao a aapailarc^ af OOAL OIL LAXrS AXBCOAL OIL. mCOALOIL. A(«><laM»^oftlHa* Itltal taaa|.a. alnta oa haS?^ faiit-nldlaaoaat. t. W. WILSOS.

I •> iiHiMKwi, MBauzai tasB^ i I lahadialhotiadaataUkataldlaaoaat. ' t. W. WILSOS.

teblS-f Ba.UCoUaraStnat.KaATUIa.Traa.

K E M O V A I u


t a t h c » | ^

1 cw I W

T I A V E R E M O V E D I -L-A- B I K B B B T aal Kuk Baok I Pah«aht*( Baaa^aazthaaaatw* an^iaas |toiwal!thaholdCT»t««Ban.aadU^ta ara am that ^ I worktaanrUao. WaanrnfaradtomakoBiaak Boakitatha I kjat laanaar. asd after aaT (traa aafaca. Wo van avanlad I tk« anaafas. at tha tact Yaekaaia- ralr. k>r te haac aiada I "".>»yH,aadand«t.nBlaadatmt»kath»«^lathatUa«. ranlcaiatattaatkaviakayaWtsthaBlBdlacor I - — •) jt - . > • .. ,


I iiM ««u wm pajo La* iiiaaiaa oi nuHMUCUa I Sf BSsdaiT-.orgtonoaCalcaKiact 1 Boota laA at *ith*r p aoa «n nasudlala itt*atl«a.

1 iO S to s to t M I » 1 <0

. . . . . . . r u w u c a j ,<aocaii lalarllaww Claaalciu f a Td J^artia. hat aad Praaaat. »» Oako™, CK/ofthaOraat Kiaa. BanUT. • aad Orttlitona. bj Barna. S -wla.. us- of SpaaoM' B. Ooa*. . . . . DletiotaiT of Claaaical Qaotatlooa, TUi tfclcoald ba isdaSatUlT lacmaK,!.

raa b» parchaaad If aObrdad. Wa olU (araiak tha ahora Ua ufVfmt em! boo th* ahora

prlcaa for oaah-aaT* tha vorita parchaaad a! th* Mathodlata and Mr. A. CamiiMI.

Ma." i m OKATKS, MABKS « Ca



»«'- 12nio. Piit* SO. OOVTtSTS :



\ f ISSISSIPPI COLLEGE, CLIN X T X HIKBB co ran . mts.-iio BIRHTH Coni«o

I thia laMtattos wm ICaodayT&tAar ^ Tha >Mt Ba tlat Stato CoaranUcn at Laztl«t^ aiiaa.. ralaM t ^ •EdowsKCt fkixi af to oa* haodml aad tm thoa-I aaad alfht hasdrad dona.-a. ai<S.MO.) With sBch aa wiav TbcM Barked* I ta aajttatn n, irirada caa b* waSdaat that th* diacipUaa ^ be dacldad aad kaaitUU. aad tha aehoialdllf «|U] t o ^ o f ^ aaort raapoctaW ooiHr" of tha coaatir-

at t h t i r S S a a l j j / c S j f ^ ^ J J ^ r t S tireiuaataacad. Baae* th«r« la no tMapmioc to toI«raT,> laaj boya aith thalr low aeho arahln. or vleioaa ODM wltb th«*-ra»aUr!li»«. rEBUS:

PREMnm ESSAY ON COlOfimiOH. sr J. K. c. aaiAKSB, a. c.

' T H E ESSAY TO WHICH $100 WAS I •5" tract of I rtc* H o«Ra f r aopr. poat-paM Aa aditla* of MOO, lor loaswUc ShaU It aot b* wifely etrcalUad. d>e L5—If

Prtc* H o«Ra m aopr. poaV-paid. , of MOO, tor ImaswUuaeiroalat.'oa haaborn laaaad.


Taltloa tor the wbola rwrof (ortT av ka. CM 00 Oo ltla»Mlci« j m aaaidlB(<!aclad<iif Urfct*. w^lr rMah . "rath. tU i» to U oe »or rartkar panlcaiara aa. or addraa

X. s. canaa. BQAJtn OP TBUSTBW. ^anBarr-W. JOBBAII BBXH??, Vwaoa. Mlaa. TasAscasa-Ku. JAMM KOXCT,. Vlek<bani. to. B M J j ^ WHrrriBU), Jaek».a Ml» , Da. K. W. PHILLIPS. Bdwaida' IWpui- « Cot. t. W. WBLLBOBB, CHWoa I Da. H. G. BIACBHAS, Vara™. M i.-SWmW TILLMAS. Pla, b,,-W. J. BBrrrOS. Unasatoa. [ Ool- W. S. SALPOri SatcW «BliBKB8 0»"THS JACiaT^

1- H. CBXXB, M. i . Porforaitax „r ^ prr'—^ .J ll«ta:

Moral B.A.STB*D, JU. i

O A V S R R T ^ R O J I I J S ^ M. A . Pr-i—»vr of Mathamatica aad Katara! P)i<..«nrk< S.8.eBAirBB&BT. »~i!<ar«l of Praparatara CaaarCBw-W.8.MltPBBB. \»>KT*Dt Is PrrzuiTalArT AntJl llr«- ^ ^

, $ 5 0 . ^ .NEW B O O K _ B Y S P U R G E O N . - J F PAID STRICTLY I.N ADVANCE.

<aT>rm/-i'E>n-Bnn 1 A raya lac board acd taltlon lor ITC aioB;lia*t MOUND PEAIEIE nrSTTtUTE,


S T R A W G O O S B , S A O S . * E . .

l^niBUOBVtau. • a . B i .


N O W NR 8 T 0 R B A Oom-fBBa(a,lhM«Kata aad mmrn


iBtezmittrat Mdttcat Peria4ieal •The, aad mrhof das» tary i>TmSasm»»

KPtsOT rraa or r, or P m r aad AfMB, Se>

C^iO F r m , I»Bmb Agmt^ -he. ar BBsaaa.Head-

_ FVcrvK indrad Che liseMs «ri|pimuia£ is Ul* It, caascd the Halaria

-en t r ies . So osje Tcmet is kxtder caBcd SJT by the n«-

rensais of the yririran people than a mre aad gie rttrs -far £»cv asd Afoc. Such wc aB BOW enabled vith a jieifa't rertatsty that it win en^^can the dise»e. aud aith ti-»mncc, finndfc on prtxif, thst no hana timr. ante &xim its nf^in any qscatity.

lliat which i^tecta or jamsai this dis-crder most be oCTEmmcnsL' service in the ctsnmu. nitiai where it pi^raib. Prmntioa ia hett<* than

far the pitfaiT oapcs the 'iirifch he mo.'-t ran in nc nt attacL; of this balebl dt^ tvmper. This ; ^^rat" expcJs the miasmatic pesos cf FBVEB jra Aocc frns the sysxesi sad ptrtrvoUF the tJrt ^rpsxsx at the disc«; if taken

the£rat ^ of its pmnonitnrT synqwons. It 15 tiot flclj thi iest icmedy ever y^ di-covcrrd for this (dzs i til^mnta. hit also cheapen The Izrge qoanti ^ve supply far n dollar hiius it iritim the icae-Jprf errry body; and in bifeor dxstzicta, whoc AXO Auct. uieiails, trrtrv body shoald hai aad ute it &eejy botl: fcr can and protretiaa. U is bcped this pnoe vrill i^ace it witiln the reach vC all — the poor as -a-rl! as the tirh. A great st^sotity of this lanedv ortz any other eTTr disonttEd £ic the aiid ootain ctire of Intftmitltr»i«,thia it coctana ito Quicia-or mistnl, aj(w|^ient}y it produces so quhusa or other inrarioBs e£cts whatcvir tipon the cosstitn-tinn. Those c<iT& it ate left K healthy m if they bad ncrcr h ! the diKSSe.

Few aad % not akce the raseqnescr of me Uliasmstic pe su A gmt raiietycf diKtdeis arise from iu tut paa, anxmg which'are Xenn}' rjL, Bhnma*^*' i Gout, Headache, TITTndiif WKhachc, Ban ^Catarrh, ftwhina,Palpitatim, Paiu&l ASectia f th* S p k ^ H-.sterka. Pais ir the Bowds, Cc£> Faral^tis and bo^emca t oT the Stomach, a£ tf which, when ^ this canse, put o^he intermittmt type, or bo-jaf ptrioifical. Thi^^CtrBE" c^wfe the poifioo fnai: the blood, and «t£<<q[iieBtly cures them all ah"k« 2t ifi an israhidt' paaaxtim ta tmmi{:raat« and petaoQS travelHiw or temporarily in thr malarioas distzioS U taken oc« anon iTty "or dinly •while exposed te « infiKtioD, that will'be OETC-ted from the and canaot accnmslate is KttCdait qsantii to ripen into d i v e . Hencc it b even more Tab ble far pnitectian than ctnt, and few will ever si |er font InttznOttents. if thr; •VBL! themicKw ^ the pratectian t><b remedr aSbrdi. 1

A y e r ' s C a t h a r t i c K l l s , M M mi i n ^ OF A FAHIT p m a c .

are so oompowd t t OHaae tbe wise of thdr action ran rarvirtlgtistsrd or end* thm. Uwpen-rtoaCnsprjpertiei.iiBitii, and cfaaaie, and inwocat* eyeiT m t m cf hcman omsiia. c n m ^ Urn daentd action, as-.itestenn|;itatalthVTitahtiei. Aa a MDsyatnce p f - ^ prrcrtia^ tbe-|n™U ^ > Donrd lioata nth p ^ or physical detoitrisastooihed to find hi« healthy energy twtarrf tr a taaedrai onre ao sxmple and^^itinfc.

X o t ^ ^ the etery-day eompUinta of cnry body, but al^. Basy fomidaliia ind

of thdr ones aad in^ cCTiptaimx: cruuw Jrvm di» Pain in aalXcr^ l ^ o / A p p ^ , I uunts, ansuig ini : icu of ita functian' Ibr tike rcDot-aliaD * tone ami rtxenjth

dimses. 'tliagTs^Seloi named is pi.aaed'w gratis my Amenc*, Ahnanac, eontainiia; certificates

for thm cse a tbe ranow-BTMRTTMRM. SEEDITDKR.

udt, A'anMo, /ad rKMH. oftheBoKrU,F!at*irmri. aad other kindnd csn>-

kw state (tf the bodrari They an

thebbod an cxailrat alterattn and tbe TTstoiatim of

system drtiBtatrd by Stetsr

A y e r ' s i h e r r y P e c t o r a l , poa yCB BAns era* or

Conshs, O d d s ] |^aenza, Hoaneac&s, Crtm^ Bnmchitis,! the reUef of vaB(«d s t a ^ So *ide is the fie

are tie easn of ; mmay aboanda bccB restored fr««

of tbe hm^ tupeiiority oocr ew appairnt to escmpe-=rr knoarn, the ^ ^ ta employ fcr tbe I f*' the jmlnionaTT c!: "

dent CoBsmptiaB, aBd for tamptire PatirEU ia ad> the disease, its cacfaine* and ID MESMTOF

that ahscat erery kraim ef pobhclT ksoara. aibo hxrt g and even desprtale dV

Die. tVhea once t r i^ it> ' medidne of its land is tor

.^noa, and abut its TixYBt. luu i'i heolate vbat antidoU'

-"Sinic and dax eroox a&ctiaas '^r^ ^ t are rnddest to ots

. fontet, andp.-odaeed cnra tao t and too itjj ltkable to befi3]{ottEn.



BKT. C. H. SrCBGEOS. OP LOSBON. 1 aoL UEK. Piio* tl.

Brrawaha**aoii3*.of th* aathor'a kaapUat Ihoazha. aad aion r ^ lA araa. rwaalla, t h o ^ V l n S S ^ S th. proaAwa ooaoaptloa. hia ladJrtJaaUtj aiA atraafrth. Tha «" •»»P>T tha am la.,* d ^ l •ill aadoabtlTbaaiad**^ tho book. B ^ t l ^ .. OKB aCSBBBB ASD TWBSTT PITB THOCBAXD VOl,

tJXBS OP KB. SPCB8E0.>rS BOOKS bara ba»3 aoU la Aawrica, aad th*daaiaad hrthno haaabaud. Tb- ma.4-aa mwl asd loT* thao.

eptntOBurrs CKitr. OOW J«« Ia«i»l, laipokaaoIaUhUawa the .Vor-rank OSatrwr,

rACtnLTTT. KI.DBE JA?. %. XALOKB. if. A, Pr.lidai.-t. PnsS**- a

\ Latla. Croak, gpaalah. Pan Jlalh«^ ILDBB 3t. V. SWTH. ProI<MK,r Bt«!t.!! Krasclica. -Va-ural £clcoe~ aad ifaal Muharrca « . aniraj OBOKGK V. AWAIT. Tatcr.

Feaule Department Mua M. t mCKSOS. Prlacipa! Ux in^^ , aad OraaDootaJ Braaekaa aad Praach- Lttar>T7

Sr^toa a Gsa».-Th*-ahIlah.n of Sparpca a SaRaoaa —liaaa ta praaa a aelam* oi 'Brfl-

> of {h!a r*a>»kabla paoachaa. -Sb*!4«a. aUkaauiD A Co. tsant Piaagai' Sroln th* dl bar* aa*£ llja aha^ of th* a«w book, asd

SVSRT PAOB IS A PI.ABK OP GL0W150 PIBE. Tlt» extracts in krlaf aad chaiact*r1aUa, awaaat. ho!d aad pj^ W* thio-. irS! b. tar Eon attracti^iu t L V ^ ^ of dt. aad ta.T bar. hvl aa aatraordlaarr drraiajjoa cf hIa la tbia oooatr.-

SPimaEON'S GKM8 Maa ha foaad at aD tha Bookarorw,.

Prlc* Oa* DoCan. 6Dar»«oo'a Saraio*. jj^,

TBIS VOLCMB OP GBMS wm ko ncamd with trMUr larar o aa •<... kfa n>!>, a. I im,.*- **

of hi. popla flra, unpla taattmoca of arScT^ ^ Bates of Tnitian.

p o a a TXKX o r P I T * BOXTICS. Flr«Cta.fcSl»00 Saebad CUa $U90i Third Ciajo. »a> 00

KXTBA OOCSSX. Haalc, wiUa ua. ef VNavaaaaBt.... _ _ ..BSS fis Oraaa«»it»l acd wort " S

Drawiax aad PalBtta(. aaeh « S; C«otio(<BSfa*.da*OBaauwea. - •»

Th* fopa'ia, aokooaaaaai.

DacUmatioaa aad eoaqwaitioaa arrr-r tw* w*.ka. »l.w loarth PridaT la aaiay aicatv. Talitoa do* fron daf of e PabUci

* t* tha rioaaof the

SPPBQEON'S OEMS {apahUatMdlaaiinrcrtoacaUthathaa boaa raoaatadlr br a aalasa (frlac th* charM:tarini<a ofS.

SPUBaBOirS GEMS It wm eon T>a bet OSB DOLLAR,

*• t^rlcaL daawtatlTO, Sowla* aad

Th«P«rt^l»ap™at.«ttotak. ia lorty boaidan, 1. fcr-•onMOo hiaowaUa^ at tb* «ls*adia T loW aiic*

daaiaa:. doa« ta doiaucarlaa or IkraitarowtU bo chamd ta tho oocopaauof <ormi:ori«a "c^rgKniam , J l T ^ * ^ ' ' and th* anuica oacBa

a»T IS-li PrlsaJpaL

CO L L E G I A T E I N S T I T U T E . Tnakasce,

D ^ t e gireany Senptsra evidenee' &r i i t irnseriftmljKaiSenwbiiAhBtakea* None,

^rf tkea he has dnm two trees—"Ye^ ;Jafce,ie%iatwo trees thia time." PerfmS • o r e a n o a ^ UPSO.T. ^

_ JOBS UABIQ, Mod. W N I I A B A BASS. Clerk.

SSW BBTHBL, KandoJph Ca.Ga., Feb. 19, J85'J.

MBIMS., KBtTMB: 1 l a y , been KBDIB, t i e rf tfca B w r r ^ of t ie

andhoeearred to mr mnd how beaafflUl,' ^ ^ ^ of fte Eeoeseiti of Imptiaa was the

rf tfcatgmst who was fonadnot Imv-AB w d f i ^ gBMwit.'^-We ^ t ^ a

l e p a t ^ tfcu ke m boimd f b a d aad foot id t O n awBj aadeaat Um ooter dark-

weepfaw aod maiUit tof tMO." Cltrirt teiMhwtBdB^l., ^ U h e i t v l e s t&e HanisgB Sapper of tiia

Hb ka* tevHed an to eome H d par-t > k B a £ t k B t f l i ^ . B«ftBikBta(«thaen>di. tjoaa <a Out i B v i t a & a ? — b e tep^Mdmrj OBB «f jMa* aad Oes shall }« jMUkf of A t m ^ . Now, lAal eouti-t ^ ii^kumt Baptitta a ^ , tlM imMtiioa rf-^te&vviBVBlBr Bites eeBBlitnteB the aet« i r to. M i titers osB W ao dooibt af tbB ^ what loAi haw w* to isnrito psnewaB-lMI**^ totlB rf ^ L « d t ' ^ W n m TO MHk aad aa a«saBai«tiMi Baatat.


TilHF,ni-3t CHDECH. ' At the oU of Ue Paited Baptist <amch at.Liber-

ty, CaDoway Comity, Ky,, the toUowna mlmsters. ^ r ^ e t s L Coker. E. L Mctafc. j r i L l a a ^ the writer, met with said Church, and, after dne ex-aminatioaaad eonrideratioG, proceeded to set apart to the Ml work of the g o i ^ ministry, w beloved brother, Samnd B. Me£aln.

Theorder of exrrdsea was as fcOows. Seraion by the wrSarj enmbadoa of candidate by E. L. Uebitor pnyer by J.OctlaBd;.eharcaaiidpRWD-t^tios Bible by LCoker; aad right haaidof M. Warship hy the Presbytery; benedfctkm by the can-dUate.

W« oMtdiany reecoawsd Brother UcLala to tiM klsdooositeatlaoef thaBapfists whwsver Cod, In hb inivldaiii.*, may esM his let.

T<mtB,h9«b*Qaq^ JAS. L. HoBToa.

MBBBAT, K y , A p i a a«, 185&

19. Restrain ourselves, for, otherwise, how can ire restrain others ?

x A s r s o n r b thelial B«d Chmeh o*

oaptfai,, tonafe CBBBt,. JBia^j^ fbr th. P ^ «« eedaMi, W I W i I T c t o , M

""VIBI Bsasd psBHfli toR at ^ hma B»«h« A. W. Hckett^sa :AS t l S T r rf

•20. Set a godly example, that others may not ^ a^ iMt the gospel of Christ, but that they might be led to repentance.

•21. Study the Word of God, whieh mates wise onto salvation.

22. Not to be ashamed or afraid to talk to our friends, or even our enemies, of the Lord Jesos Christ, at proper times,

2.^ Livcatal l times, as that God sees yoo. 24. ^ not ardently piovs toniay, and eold

and worldly to-morrow. 25. Be ioitaat in season aad oat of season,

regarding ths poor, soothing the afflieted, and strengthenisg th« weak.

^ ^ throng the

Second, JSbm is Hu unitliner btotcn f Sianer, exaaune yo«r heart; it b <'deeeit-

fsl above all things aad deaperatdy wi^ed yoB, too, are kBown by y o v fraita Yo« n -jeet the gospel, the Savior of sinnera, the

of God; perhi^B yoa aeoff a t rtOigioi, BBd swear iayoBf heart that Christ ahafl not reiffiOTeryott. God is angry wift th , Viek-e d e v ^ d a y . R«a.i .ber feat ytm « r.-sponable not oaly for yotir t h o ^ ^ words aad aetiou, bat also fiw the M x m ^ yoa e z e r i ^ .

Tkird , W i ^ i , tkst^of tit rigkUm.sf Fsaith. W h a i s t i g m i t f U m w k M f

Poetoiee, Wlss. "



TNTEBLINEAR CLASSICS.— A ROBAOB.bTCIarfc; f u i C«SAB,bj Clark. -VXBOtL. bj Hart aaJ Oaboraa. . t »

CICBBO, bj GaA. { g Bar of tha a ^ win b* ftCTlahad to the trad* at oar I ^ ^ . r w i U bo«».(po.tpald...M„4p,„,th,, '



Plp* Wtra Iroa and Tia Blaala, PlaaOan'Taote aad MaMah MABBLBmt) IBOB HABTLBS, >ABtOB GBAnS. OiaaMiiii TlaWaraa. tfo. W. Bajt ew* of itarkat g C ^ ^

'•^rlDa. TaUMw, eat^Toahud ItManfih-i M,-

>-ak. Swth a Oa..aMth. P.W.W..*<JO.

^WewiU -Baaa TooKVatac A| iKOata IlM^t

W K 8 T T B O Y B R i L POUNBEBrY lft.llM.-l a


FACVLTT. r . W. DOOEOS, A. JL. Plla.Si»l. aad ProS«wo aad Sctaooao. ii!JE*. ^ Pr»f««r tatio aad (lra.k Laaaaaaaa. TKOBAS^Dt A B- A^aact Profa or S-thanSSrSd BBiT^I^S'b J0HB8. Priaaip.1 Pr paiatorr ly-artiaaBt.

IIw liberal patraaaia haatowad ca the laaatatt. aTSm* .V- racRatwa i r ^ 1 tho whal* aata .tahaaat. to ra-

- — — 'oy Aioc ««< tta roy Vaf f«c*cr 6 V w ia WhUst thoroach iamocttcB wiD bo (traa ta aC t&baaachM

of > coQaflat* cdocailoF. all th* paplla win hara raralaroxac. ciaoa ta the •laaaectaiT braachaa—saaanr ao BBch o i ^ M is

l*llr*d.aad aarraaadad .j aad tstcQactaal laBaasca*. ^ of atadaata cas oWaia >aart with tti* Prtadpalatthaloatltata. MO Th*eoEa»lat. aw l> dfrUed latotwo t«Ta».

TCITIOX PXB TEBX. /.—'i;**^'—r -r»<»

rr^aiateey l>Martaaaat..j i . m latanaadlata c l ^ l ' S coE,,fat» c w T L a 5

S ^ So Bxtiaa. Jgg

Baardlac. waakte'aad

D R . J . K LO



iPABEn BT A I l E R dk


SXS Ikraataby ^Acaata, Ctadsaatl. Ohio.

G. BBOWB, IlMhatD. ') <a iBsdlelaaa carnllT.

"^ASHTILLEMfFATER-CUBE.—THIS eti«t.l, a. aHaaM .ka: paOnlr «ajr ha atfwlaala or yablc aa tha* wwald wiab t o ^ The diraand q-artata.aiodwlttfilBiaiaierof toallcdwjiow.. v,r ha;* of thns caa r« h ^ . aad alao la«i too. how t- ^ «


p , A N C E E S C / ^ BE CUBEl). I know Th* Beat

- lids h lal*a br , »t wtai tha kalTe. arf , aaat asrfnw arwr aoale p«ti«!t. r.;,.phjaU-aocaaliitod aith th* ftaT aTa(*takja bar* aaad with thr. a.a»a. wlthoat THB Whatjfanicfas la tboBrraror " "

V- pro^ fatal. . -the kslv ii -paadj daalh le th-

aad aaiah« ) •a. Aaaa raa IP«SJ:BIS 1 KT this of hip

— " K JUdlcaJSiols ts>Tcaaa of Caserwaa^^nr carai;

Par far Bart tana h * ^ bit ii h»t partlcaiara s»plj tothi PrSS^ [aiarU-«(


WH»r>Sf*,r,ofllstW»atl=s aad Humn, BBXBBTT. Pliitniii AF AI CMABLBSW^OB. Prtadaal '

A L B I . ABKBW. B W A A R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ f c a ^ ta «>,.S„ a kawwfcd,* ef th, ft^ ^

Ukthaaiaaaf teTnataoaaad Pacalti ta iaaait

s k s s s s j k s s s s k : ^ ^

I M WMIa. hnaaitr Vxiitet Baa. la aa* eeow*«Bla *ate

'OAOS imatat dray that aaa aait-


tl«t aaicM with - h ^ ^ f c S 5Ia Oaao.r.jwrt4oi t h ^ ^ rf aaU

SiTr •'a®''

itaw, frvrajlw alter -U*Pacoltyof •triaa. m y «Bd w. prmli* to can Bhw ph> iclaaaesiaar ~ IcaQaiMt] =r akm b. tha UfrtilaL ^ Then an cam which.; LOueaeinthaamd ^^Wheslocatad wh^ 3- Wharathoaatiawtl pUeatloaafdiacaaaa. i: amiaaai • -kfUed. patlaslritanw laltantrMtao takaaact. a. ThaCascarahan haa* iwairiaad aoB* »ltal:

ttva Ut* aarttacxta oa eehaakaa) tnatadior. •CoD«ic. oraar TqanrtW. Ptr-_ of CQUfcMMl Cascar, aad I win

kiaichtbaca. Idasoti a»daad.h.tloCanC T«t t kaae aafnaafkHr , w., ^uaana i rr* — •"Bdaa.iat mj aMea,

•• . . . . at BadrlQa. .MMUJIT. ta a , I pirthoCaacaeto ^ auat r ^ K l LWipt la th* akera ChaOaBfo: Mr thooi. H caaaot h* nadad bj mj iwiaa c 1 wHk aaochar rlBiaw or a aoa.-^la had (sticsta aaa: Ka bs tba !aal fa»Caaoar wa* a n d . bat tha Caa-

a aa oU orwaakJj that t)»ta to a«i '—»,traaalat1cc a."lor th* aaacn-1*

baas of ao IOM «iaa*li* aa tt.

|>IIS» t^awaata aid a f a . « t a laba mcBdar ocdhuBy -mantinai «T.D SSTIMR FCAAI » TO SS -

lyaaca, aacshaaitr^aoa

• O C T W B B B W. aalaa aor bis tab. ta laiki knMaoty.haaaai


— ^^ IDMB yttR^f

BdanatlM. BahaataaM ^ BMBlk, a ^ te aai >Bacaav*w1hBr aiaai.

A . i

i h 1

a. stiTBs. w. i j t c. B95BBe.B.»na

T H j

% J e o a s k ^ q l

Aaoial^orOod. f fiZBred by tha law by th«ta&sr; B}I

to put aw^ HE wiKappfKBtoi ag« ; anoiatodia B j ^ i was the aas tise bwkHor Jas i Nasaredi the aas t jpa, Jesos was tiMSf^ wtikn aainratsd iato 4 tisg A c p n ^ Toade BtOBSateBt; la nsg&. fie WB he tM|^t)a(dict earth—htfelwai reigaoe thecaitib self to giva htm f aad his hadi Bttdenkiai is« siail fngn e a

Jerai wasaacn aad his eoaausaa as zBBBv as the JF

t ^ bread « lift teaU hia f ^ the wiii of him ft thai s e e t h e Baa, hai« eveilaetmf 8 at dis isaiday.^ esnjiHsi. 8 a ^ l had led evcB Gof Eere£taedtolifae wosld aot pvB ^ was Bualifi^ted to devil; aadhavi^ powoB, he madai smpiiing over fl asciBtedfe^ktfS atios brtwaea God «T thing oia rfG cnbly mast as, ai to eSset a ( b a i ^ aad be reaoam Chris: reeosdHafl impatiog t h ^ i j oowbeseesliasas I we ars bna i^ t si pries y * fcimdA

sioTt EH tfri. Sil of ita piaee is G God ndled oter 1 diuBed it. Evsr Ofld determtB^ ti sns was af^umtal dens work. Aaa ehaage to ha pm will be likBBBev rolled into fpassi Creator. "We, a » r ccw hsaTsas dwelled rightasi world appear, by-dwelk ic it, asdl bride; he will sff U j the fosndattt ZVie, Thoa art aq

asmatsd ttjU of Mediator betai oSae iaeiades a i is Us dsdiaf tar man ia hiadsi mediam of aeoeai tasca AUtiirli pas» th reap praisa we oStr, | hai noth iaf^ da

^mKi -We have e t h n n ^ dhnst. . A t a t ^ o a s ^ the everiastiBf « ftllBe wsrid, to ngkt. aad to gad f.,id. the tikildrsi abroad. Te jm work, the Bpnit apoB Ida; a ^ wrcagfal, aad al epottoCBd. H« m < s r t ^ This and thersfste,fci rmni mc hstfc m in his tlBvajlsi 1 iraoafcraMd th ever now, we l« edgr c^the Christ

The WOWB rfl £Tcatin aari telmi spool Chsroh will WievBTWin*

OthoaUi of Ood, my and aders'^-^i magnify Father , !

- the Prini-»e thee, thee; I will thee. I titalthiw t i e Bdiole w" whole g1 p r i a^ K I gUny ia lUj mliat im;.! o thefallea « Gad Oily Lord of bV O Chri!" a a j s a ^ rfkpost rfifcapk. *ai l j i i i B B t a n a * aaaI .a9P

•BtilCC .Ifcoagk

hreatlia {n ise i

iBl l