ms3 file 1 communication ( ppu & pdp frame works)


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This MS3 file One "Communication" is planned with PPu and PDP framworks


[email protected] [email protected] Term Month&weeksFilecompetenceLearningobjectivesType of task ResourcesModule of integration (project) What students could already do Grammar Lexis PronunciationFirst Term s eptem Week 3 septem Week october Week 1 october Week 2 october Week 3 {Test One} october Week 4 File one "1" "COMMUNICATION"

Interact Interpre Produce Diagnostic& Revision _________ !Greetingand introducing people ( Formally informally)!Describing people "personality" !Making and answering requests. !Make apologies and giving explanation. !Asking for clarification. !Making / accepting and declining invitations. N.B:Week 3: TestN1from October 18th October 29t "( oral ) " ( oral and written) "( oral andwritten) " ( oral andwritten )"oral " ( oral andwritten ) #To have /to be #Adjectives related to personality and moral portrait. #Numbers #But / and/ because #"wh questions word #Expressions of apologies and clarification SNAPSHOTS OF CULTURE Guards Or Bear Killers? !Read and discuss $computing. %MessagingSay it clear !intonation raising and falling!marking the intonation in anexchange !sounds "" "" " &Introduce the transcription of the words [sister-niece-brother-uncle] ! vowel sounds """ " ! Identify the vowel sound in "can" $practise intonation discriminate between the following sounds !do/du:/ $ general /Profile of your favourite artist. Your favourite artist publish his or her 'email' in the newspaper, so it's a chance for you to contact him or her, since you have just learnt how to use an email . But you don't know what your email will look like? Your friend in your group work suggests to make a questionnaire and send it to the artist. So your Message should include the following features: # a request for a recent photo of your artist.# Questions dealing with : ' full name. 'appearance age . 'moral and personality . 'likes and dislikes. ' HobbiesThank you artist for his or her collaboration and patience . Your artist answered your Message , so you are going to make a questionnaire or interview usingthe information provided by yourartist and write them on a large sheet. Stick pictures of you artistnext to the questionnaire . Present your work to your colleagues and your teacher. Listen to your friends questions , comments about the work then try to answer them. Put your work in the school library. ( SWBAT :communicate "using technological means Identify pictures and discriminate between a photo and a drawing Greet and use the appropriate greeting "formal" or "informal" Introduce oneself and others Describe ones physical appearance and people's one Elaborate clothes Express likes and dislikes and discriminate between them Give advice Inquire about one's health Make prediction form pictures Decode messages from pictures Ask for permission Ability to interact, -interpret- and produce with the above functions andnotions Producesimple paragraphs Maintain a conversation Identify sounds Identify intonation and mark it Identify and locate places and nationalities ByMr. samir bounab ( Lesson Plan File One :COMMUNICATION3rdAm Level Sequence OneListen and Speak Personal Goals:#During this lesson ,what teacher competencies are you focusing on ? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation # Two-way communication with the world. # Communicative Competence. Lesson Focus: # Which aspects of language are you teaching : e.g. grammar point(s) ,aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc ),vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc)functions(polite requests, apologizing.)? #In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: Function : Greeting Introducing & Describing Personality- Expressing [polite request- apologies-similarity and cause] Grammar :Adjectives [appearance & personality] Vocabulary :vocabulary related to physical appearance& personality Competencies : # Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. #Can interact orally to ask and answer questions in short exchanges and to respond briefly to the news of others: On familiar, personal topics about self, community personal experiences and plans, leisure activities. #Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of Spoken Interaction Strategies used : #To facilitate pair work in class. #Can listen to and understandmain points and important details of : #Short monologs and dialogsConsisting of simple sentences using frequently used expressions "Can read and understand the main points and important details of:short, simple texts. "Can wr|te short factua| descr|pt|ons: Linked with most common connectors (e.g. and ;but; because ) Objectives / Assessment : #SWBATby the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : 1-Greet introduce describe physical appearance describe temper2-Express polite request similarity opposition and cause3 Identify Intonation in questions& Discriminate between strong and weak forms of the vowels Required material and/ or resources : # Manual's script page 169 & picturesPage 3 [email protected] timing Rationale Interaction Procedure competenciesWho are my learners ? Welcoming Greeting& Greetings Welcoming Greeting& Greetings Welcoming introducing Teacher students Students teacher Students - Students Teacher students Students - Students Sequence One :LISTEN&SPEAK File One3rd Level Warming up: Theteacher greets his pupils , talks to them about how do they feelsince they have starteda new school yearand all what may concern their school year. The teacher presents to his learners the new File One Communication- and the project work they have to do and present it by the end of the month. Thepupils are invited to open their books on page 14 and pay attention at the photo. The teacher asks the pupils to interpret the photo .The teacher may help the pupils to describe the photo by asking the following questions1) What does the photo represent ?2) How did people used to communicate in the past? 3)What mean of communication do you prefer? Listen & Speak : {PDP} lesson: # pre-listening: - The teacher interacts with his learners about what to say when they meet each other or reminds them about what he said while he entered the class. -The teacher invites his pupils to talk about what do they say when they greet each others or greet someone else. - The teacher invites the pupils to act in pairs .using the drill of# Activity one p16: Greet your new classmate and introduce yourself to him or her You : Hello / Hi / Good morning-afternoon evening , my name is ...................... Your partner : Nice /Glad / Pleased to meet you . I am / My name is ................... - The pupils are invited to perform the drill { 6 to 8 pupils} - The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at the pictures on page 16 and to interpret them - The pupils try to talk about : - The kind of picture: [ cartoon photo....]/- What does it represent or talk about. /- Who are in the picture and what are they doing? The teacher listens to the pupils interpreting the situation , then invites them to listen to him reading the script on page 164 books shut Mr. Green: Good morning. Mr. Smith: Good morning .Are you Mr. Green? Mr. Green: Yes, I am. Mr Smith: How do you do? Mr. Green: How do you do? Mr. Smith: Bill, this is Mr. Green, our new teacher of English .Mr. Green, this is Bill Jackson. Bill's head teacher of English. Mr. Green: How do you do? Mr. Jackson: Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Oh, please call me Steve. - The pupils listen then try to check what they said during their interpretation is correct or not - The teacher invites the learners to check and correct their previous interpretation , then they are asked to open their books page 164 , and read the dialogue.[perform it by three] - The teacher invites the pupils to act and perform the drill using their own names ,since it is the beginning of the school year ,its a good opportunity t introduce each others again and welcome new comers. - The pupils are invited to read all the written work on the board then copy down on their copy books. Interact Interpret the photo Interact Interpret a real classroom situation Interpret the picture Interpret a listening script to Produceoral messages from a listening script Identify and discriminate between types of picturesRecognize the cartoons personality "IT" the space creaturesInterpret pictures and decode their massagesIdentify numbers and discriminate between the phone number and other numbers Recognize persons form cartoons shadows (women-man) Describe the kind of action form gestures and guess what are they doingRecognize and describe jobs "teachers-head." Identify the way how to greet (polite-informal) waysIdentify the forms of describing one's appearanceDescribe the school placesRecognize and describe coloursIdentify the way how to introduce some one to another one Describe the parts of a word and describe their syllablesMark the stress and intonation on a syllable Read and perform dialogues respecting intonation and stress [email protected] Page 4 timing Rationale Interaction Procedure Who are my learners ? Welcoming Greeting& Greetings Welcoming Greeting& Greetings Getting Socialized and involved in the newclassroom community Teacher students Students teacher Students - Students Teacher students Students - Students Sequence One : LISTEN&SPEAK File One3rd Level Warming up: [interact] The teacher interacts with his learners , greets them and inquires about them The teacherinvites the pupils to talk about physical appearance and the kind of adjectives used to describe physicalappearance . Such as: tall small fat slim-................ Pre-listening:[interact] !The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at picture 2 on page 16 and try to interpret it !The teacher may help them by asking those questions: !What can you see in the picture? Who are those persons ? What are they talking about? !The teacher listens to the learners interpretation and reports them on the board. While Listening:[interpret] The teacher reads the script while the pupils listen to him and try to check whether their works were correct or not. The pupils listen and try to do the following exercise at the same time they check their interpretation. #Exercise: Listen then fill in the table with the right words.[produce] Words describing appearanceWords describing personality big and tall with wavy black hairCool - never gets angry Dialogue N 2 page 164: )Susan: Hello Lydia, you look happy today .What's up? [interpret] Lydia: I have a new teacher of English. Susan: What's his name ? Lydia: Mr. Green. Susan: What does he look like ? Lydia: He is a big and tall with wavy black hair Susan: And what's he like? Lydia: He is really cool .He never gets angry. Susan: Oh, you're very lucky, Lydia .Mine is rather nervy. The teacher reads the drill twice then invites the learners to correct the exercise . The pupils are invited to read the drill N2 on page 164. The teacher attracts the intention of his learners to the words =adjectives used in describingappearance & personality= mood = character and invites them to do the following task: # Exercise : Look the words in the box on page 16 then classify them according to:[produce] Adjectives describingappearanceAdjectives describingpersonality Short- fat- tall- nice boring-nervy-strict-serious-easygoing-sincere-helpful-cheerful-cool-rude * * QuestionQuestion * * What doeshe /she look like ?what's he /she like? The teacher tries to persuade his learners how to make the difference between appearance & personality and the way to make questions about them. Post- listening:[produce] The pupils are invited to perform using the above key words ,interact and describe their friends appearance and personalities. Identify and discriminate between types of pictures Describe jobs and occupations Interpret pictures and decode their massages Elaborate and describe clothes Describe different colours Read and explain the slogans Identify the genitive Read and discriminate between the adjectives describing moods and temper Identify question about physical appearance Express one's likes and dislikes Identify the use of the "whqq" which- Recognize the whqq "who" Produce sentences expressing likes and dislikes using "which and who" Discriminate between he weak and the strong form of the vowel sounds Read dialogues and substitute cues Read then perform drills and dialogues respecting stress and intonation# [email protected] Short- fat- tall- nice-polite-boring-nervy-strict-serious-easygoing-sincere-helpful-cheerful-cool-rude timingRationaleInteraction Procedure Who are my learners ? Getting Socialized and involved in the newclassroom community Getting Socialized and involved in the newclassroom community Getting Socialized and involved in the newclassroom community Teacher students Students teacher Students - Students Teacher students Students - Students Sequence One : SAY IT CLEAR File One3rd Level The teacher invites the pupils to the following piece of presentation: The teacher asks the pupils to pay attention the way he reads the following examples. When his voice goes up = louderand when it goes down = lower #Presentation: Example:1) What is your name ? +2) How old are you?+3) Whats your occupation?+ 1)Are you Ahmed? , 2) Are you 14 years old? ,3) Do you go to school every day?, The learners are invited to read the questions and trying to imitate the teacher as possible as they can. # Isolation: 1) What is your name ? +2) Are you 14 years old? , The pupils are invited to read the isolated sentences #Analysis: 1) What is your name ?2) Are you 14 years old?** wh question Yes & No Question * +INTONATION * Falling = down =- rising = up = , # Stating Rule: The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at the TIPS page 17. The teacher asks the pupils to read and try to state the rule. Wh-Question have a question word such as who, what, where, when, why,...... # Ask for information answers. # The intonation /Voice = Falling = down =- Yes/ No Questions# Do not have question words . # Answers = yes or no# The intonation = rising = up = , # Practice:The teacher explains the instruction of the Activity 1p17 , then invites the pupils to use their pencils and work on their books. # Activity 1p17: Mark the intonation at the end of the questions below with an arrow (, or +)Justify your answers A .Whats your name ? + (what is a s whqq word) G.Do you like speaking English? ,( do is yes-no question) B .Where do you come from? + ( where is a whqq word)H.How do you come to school? + (what is a s whqq word) C .Whens your birthday? + (when is a whqq word)I. Do you like speaking English? ,( do is yes-no question) D .What does he look like? + (what is a whqq word) J. Can you write in English? ,( do is yes-no question) E .Whats she like? + (what is a whqq word) F. Do you speak English? ,( do is yes-no question) The teacher invites the pupils to correct the task , then read respectingthe intonation for each of the type of questions. The teacher explains the instructions of Activity 3p17 and asks them to do it at home. The teacher invites the pupils to read the written works on the board then copy down on their copy books. ! . Ident|fy d|fferenttypes of messages ! D|scr|m|nate between a|| sorts of messages ! kecogn|ze express|ons show|ng regrets ! Make d|scr|m|nat|on between express|ons of regrets ! Ident|fy [obs and occupat|ons ! Ident|fy the p|ace of each part|cu|ar s|tuat|on ! Ask po||te request ! Ident|fy the 8r|t|sh currency !G|ve |nstruct|ons! Imag|ne and guess answers for each g|ven s|tuat|on ! Use ones own express|ons !G|ve exp|anat|ons to a part|cu|ar s|tuat|on! Ident|fy means of commun|cat|ons!Use forma| ways to express regretsPage 6 [email protected] timeRationaleinteractionProcedure competenciesWho are my leaners? Getting Socialized and involved in the newclassroom community Accept ones appearance Greet and express best wishes Teacher students Students teacher Students - Students Teacher students Students - Students Page 7 Sequence One Practise 3rd AM File One Warm up The teacher greets his pupils , and checks how do they feel , their last hour how was it and if they face any problem in the learning operation The teacher invites the pupils to correct the homework activity 3p17#Activity3p17: Prepare a short dialogue greeting(1) and introducing (2) one another.Use the cues below .Pay attention to intonation Pupil A: [Good morning /Hello/Hi]{How are you How are you doing?- How do you feel?] + ( what is a s whqq word)Pupil B:[ Fine / Ok/ Great] =/={Not great/Bad /Awful/ Terrible} Pupil A: {Can I / May I introduce you pupil C ,( do is yes-no question) Pupil B:{ Nice Glad Great to} (meet/see) you. Pupil C: Nice to see you. The pupils perform the drill using their own names and introducing each others specially the new comers Practise The teacher invites his learners to pay attention at activity 1p18 The teacher reminds the pupils about the way to inquire about appearance & personality The teacher asks the pupils to look at the box on page 18 containing adjectives and asks them to do the following#Exercise : Look the boxonpage and put each adjective in its right box: Adjectives describingappearanceAdjectives describingpersonality Skinny- plump - slim Trendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent- The teacher supervises the pupils works, then invites them to correct The teacher reports the pupils answers on the board, asks, them to read the corrected answer then they areinvited to pay attention at Activity1p18 #Activity 1p18: Prepare a dialogue using the adjectives in the previous exercise You:Hello Jack! You look happy today. Your partner: Yes, indeed. I have a new friend. You: Really? What's her name?Your partner:Jill, Jill Smith. You:What is she like? Your partner:She's veryshy You: What does she look like ? Your partner: Shes quite slim. 1he Leacher supervlses Lhe work of Lhe puplls ,Lhen lnvlLes Lhem Lo perform Lhelr works by palr1he Leacher lnvlLes Lhe puplls Lo pay aLLenLlon aL acLlvlLy 2p18" and uslng Lhelr penclls Lry Lo compleLe. # Activity 2p 18: What do you say in these situations? #Girl:Have a nice day! See you on Tuesday! . # Boy: Bye #Girl 2: Cheerio ! Interact Interpret Produce a written message introducing Interact Interpret Produce Identify and discriminate between types of pictures Describe jobs and occupations Interpret pictures and decode their massages Describe different colours Identify the genitive Read and discriminate between the adjectives describing moods and temper Identify question about physical appearance Express one's likes and dislikes Produce sentences expressing likes and dislikes using "which and who" Discriminate between he weak and the strong form of the vowel sounds Read dialogues and substitute cues Read then perform drills and dialogues respecting stress and intonation # Samir Bounab 's sheet [email protected] Activity 3p18 : What do you say in these situations?Fill in the blanks a-When you leave someone for the night or before going to bed#Have sweet dreams/I wish you good night. b-When you leave someone whom you have just met: Bye-good bye- cheerio-see you c-When you part with someone who is just about to travel:#I wish you a nice trip time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Greeting and welcoming Accept ones appearance Introduce oneself to the world and be proud of ones appearance and character Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence OneImagineFile 1 (3AM) Warm up: The teacher greetshis pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school life The teacher tries to see if the new comers to class have been involved with their teammates and form one unified class, where the new pupils are not neglected Presentation :Imagine p19 ' Integrated Situation The teacher presents the integrated situation in which the pupils have to feel that there is a problem they have to take part in it to solve it The teacher reads the integrated situation, explains, using the classroom situation aids and supports. Activity One p19: ' Integrated Situation Practice: The pupils are asked to work individually on their rough copybooks . The teacher shows to the pupils how to elicit their notes and try to organize their ideas about the theme proposed. Eliciting information constituents from the learners: NameoriginaddressFathers jobMothers job 3 things (likes) 3(things dislikes) personalityambition 1)first name +2) family name 1) native town Or 2) Country & nationality 1)street 2)town 3)City or wilaya 4)postal code 5) Country Daily worker-jobless-retired- died-teacher- farmer.... housewife 1)sports 2)reading 3)TV 1)smoking 2)music 3)school problems Trendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent- Doctor Teacher Engineer Officer Footballer Architect Dentist Headmaster Pilot Produce or Use : Selecting information constituents from the learners: The learners will read and select the information that goes with their situation . The teacher instructs them to use the same table and fill in it the information that correspond to their real life situation The pupils are asked to fill in the form on page 19. The teachers moves through the rows and checks the learners work and offer his help if needed. The teacher invites the learners to give back their works by : Reading the formMaking interviews [question answer] about each feature of the form to create a real life communication situation . [email protected] Interact about daily life school Interpret the problem solving situation Interpretthe problem solving situation produce a written message talking introducing oneself{appearance & mood} Page 8 ( Talk about daily life school routines ( Describe appearance( Talk about personality and mood ( Identify family members ( Discriminate between likes and dislikes ( Talk about ambitions and hopes ( Locate( Produce a written message talking about appearance and [email protected]

Your teacher asked your friends to introduce themselves[name- origin- appearance and personality] You are a new comer to your class and your colleagues do not know you. You teacher asked you to introduce yourself to the class Fill in the form talking about yourself ,appearance, likes and dislikes , personality and feeling time rationale Type of interact Procedure competencies Who are my learners? Greet and welcome Use modern technological means of communication Make appeals and requests (writing cvs) Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence One READ & WRITE File 1 (3AM) Warm up: The teacher greetshis pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school life Pre-reading:The teacher invites the students to open their books on page 20 and pay attention at the advertisement. The teacher explains the instructions of Activity Onep20 ,then invites the pupils to read the advert and answer the task. #Activity 1p20: Look at the advert on page 20 then and answer the following questions. A .What is the advertisement about? # It is about Pop star contest. B .How can you contact channel 7 TV? # By phone or by email. C .Do you want to be a pop star? Why or why not? # ( No, I dont , Idont like music) The teacher invites the pupils to correct the activity on the board, read and perform it as a drill. While reading: The teacher explains the whole idea of the text, the type of text , the sender , the receiver, the theme , then invites the pupils to pay attention at Activity Ap21 , he explains the instructions of the activity then invites the pupils to read silently the text and answer the task #Activity Ap21: Look at the photos then say which one represents Sarah Bint? Why? !Photo C represents Sarah Bint , because it represents a girl with long red wavy hair . The pupils work in rough, the teacher moves through the rows and offers his help if required, then invites the pupils to correct the task. The teacher invites the pupils to read the text loudly in order to get them familiarized with the theme and pronunciation with some new words such as : sparkling-turned up nose photogenic-lyrics-flute lute-rhythm The teacher explains the instructions of activity B p21 , then invites the pupils to read the text and try to fill in the form: # Activity Bp21: Fill in the blanks in the profile below with information from the email on the previous page. Dont write full sentences. The pupils read then answer in rough, the teacher moves between the rows and supervises the pupils works and offers his help if required. The learners are asked to answer the task on the their copy book using their pencils, later they will read it . [email protected] Interact about daily life school Interpret the problem solving situation Interpretthe problem solving situation produce a written message talking introducing oneself{appearance & mood} Page 9 ! Greet and welcome ! Talk about daily life school ! Identify and recignize an advertisement ! Discriminate between phone and email ! Express likes and dislikes ! Discriminate between straight forward text and an email text ! Read and interpret texts! Produce a written message according to a specific question Name:Sarah BintAge: 15 Physical appearance: slim- quite tall long wavy red hair-sparkling brown eyes-short turned up noise Personality: quiet & not shy like meeting teenagers & love exchanging Likes: singing soul music flute and lute- modern dance Latin American and oriental dances Dislikes: classical musicPreferences: flute & lute / Latin American & oriental dances Inquire and interview

Question and inquire about people Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student The teacher explains the instructions of the next activity and invites the pupils to do activity Cp21 orally #Activity Cp21: Ask questions about Sarah Bint using the information in Task B above. Q: Whats her name?# Her name is Sarah BintQ:What does she look like ? #She is tall ,slim with wavy red hair and sparkling eyes Q: What is she like ?# She is quiet but not shy Q: What does she like?# She likes singing soul music . Q: What doesdislke?# She dislikes classical music. Q: What does she prefer ? # She prefers Latin American& oriental dances The students work in rough ,the teacher supervises their works ,then invites them to answer the activity orally The teacher reports the questions on the board. # Post reading : The teacher checks the studentscomprehension of the text , by inviting them to read again the text and answer the following task .{expressing likes and dislikes describing personality and appearance showing preferences} The students are later invited to pay attention at activity Dp21 , the teacher explains the instructions of the activity then requires from the student toread the text silently and answer the questions . #Activity Dp21: Answer the following questions according to the emailon page 20: A ;What would Sarah bint like to do?# She would like to participate in the competition for teenage pop star. B .Is she shy? Why or why not?# She is quiet but not shy , she like meeting teenagers . C.Why does she hate classical music?#Because it hasnt got lyrics. D.Why does she prefer Latin American and oriental dances?# Because they have more rhythm. The teacher reads the text and asks the pupils to underline the conjunctions and - but & because and the sentences corresponding to them,then he asks the pupils to read the text and answer the task. The pupils work in rough ,the teacher supervises the learners works , then invites them to read the text and answer the task , while he reports the answers on the board. the students to read and perform the task as a drill (question answer). The students are invited to read the written works on the board then copy on their copy books. Page 10 [email protected] Interact Interpret Produce (use the whqqs to inquire (ask about appearance and character ( talk about preferences ( Rxtsead texts and answer question ( identify forms and structures of statements L

time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Connecting and combing statment Connecting and combing statment Connecting and combing statement To express similarity, opposition& cause Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence One PPU lessonIntegrated SituationFile 1 (3AM) Warm up: The teacher greetshis pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school The teacher makes the pupils talk about previous text, and then invites them to open their books on page 20 and read the text. Your Turn p21:# Presentation : The teacher asks the pupils to remind him about the sentences and words the underlined in the previous hour. 1)I am slim and quite tall for my age. 2)Ive got long, wavy red hair with sparkling brown and a short turned up nose 3)I like singing soul music, but I hate classical music. 4)I m also fond of modern dance, but I prefer the Latin American and oriental ones. 5)I find it boring because it hasnt got lyrics The pupils are invited to read the sentences written on the board. # Isolation : The teacher selects the sentences containing the conjunctions and- but- & because) and writes the conjunctions in different colours. 'I am slim and quite tall for my age.' I like singing soul music, but I hate classical music. * * and' I find it boring because it hasnt got lyrics but # Analysis:* ' I am slim . I am quite tall for my age because ' I like singing soul music.I hate classical music ** ** Sentence 1 (=/+) Sentence 2Sentence 1 (=/=) Sentence 2 andI find it boring#Why? ' because it hasnt got lyricsbut ** Why because cause = reason #Stating rule:Sentence 1 is similar to sentence 2entence 1 is opposite to sentence 2 ** and coordinatorsbut* ** Similaritycauseopposition

Interact about daily life school Interpret the problem solving situation Interpretthe problem solving situation produce a written message talking introducing oneself{appearance & mood} Page 11 #Greet# talk about age ,appearance ,personality ,likes and dislikes # Identify the main constituentsofa statement # recognizeCordinatorsand theirmeanings #discriminate between coordinator #Identify Opposition, similarity and cause [email protected] . ' andisa coordinator ,it expresses similarity and avoids repetition . butis a coordinator , it expresses opposition. because is a coordinator , it expresses cause. time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Use the right terminoloy and lexisto expresssimilarity, opposrions and cause Express meaning and sense Giving and communicating meaning Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student # Practice : After the stating rule stage , the teacher invites the pupils to practise .The teacher explains the instructions of each type of task and invites the students to work on their rough copy books. #Based form tasks: Exercise :Re-order the words to make correct sentences. 1)ill /. / because / Ali / absent / is / he / , / is / # Ali is absent because he is ill. 2)but/ football / . / love / smoking/ I / , / hate / I # I love football, but I hate smoking. 3)tall/ I / slim / am / and / . / #I am tall and slim # meaning based tasks: Exercise : Match the pairs Statement meaning 1)The weather is hot and sunny 2)I love sports , but I hate drugs. 3)Amina is late ,because she didnt get up earlya-Expressing cause b-Showing similarityc-Expressing opposition # Communicative based tasks: Activity Bp22: Join each of the pairs of the sentences ( a to e) to get meaningful sentences . a-I live in England .I spend my summer holidays in Algeria. # I live in England, but I spend my summer holidays in Algeria. b-He sings well .He plays the banjo wonderfully. # He sings well and plays the banjo wonderfully. c-I study at Colonel Amirouche School. Latifa studies at the same school. # I and Latifa study at Colonel Amirouche School. d-I like football. I also like tennis. # I like football and tennis, too. e-I can play the piano. I cannot play the guitar. # I can play the piano, but I cant play the guitar. The pupils work in rough then correct on the board. Later the read the corrected task. The teacher explains the instructions of activity 2p22 ,then invites the pupils to work. Activity B p22: Complete the sentences( a to e) to make them meaningful. a) I like reading detective stories because I love discovering secrets. b)I hate watching horror films because I got frightened from them c)My brother likes playing basket ball because he wants to be tall. d)My friend and I dont like football because its too tiring . e)My apples mother always eats apples because they cure many illnesses. The students work in rough then use their pencils to correct on their books, the teacher helps them to formulate correct sentences in order to make each pupils fill his own sentences on their books. The teacher invites the students to read the written works on the board then copy down on their copy books. Interact about daily life school Interpret the problem solving situation Interpretthe problem solving situation produce a written message talking introducing oneself{appearance & mood} Page 12 . recognize the main form ofa statement . recognize the place of each constituent of a sentence . recognize the meaning of each sentences through its connector . . talk about likes and dilkes using the connectors to expresssimilarity , opposition and cause . improvise and give justifications according to a given [email protected] time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Welcoming ,greeting and greetings Seek to solve problem in problem situations Making appeals and requests Making appeals and requests Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student # Write it out : INTEGRATED SITUATION file one seque1 Warm up :The teacher greets hispupils and tries to make them talk about the last sance . Presentation : The teacher presents the problem solving situation through visuals showing the different sports club local and foreign one , which reflect the real life situation The teacher reads and explains the instructions of the integrated situation. The situation: Eliciting information constituents from the learners: Name club address AgeEducationAppearance ) Personality Likes & dislikesfirst name1)family2) +nameFootballHandallJugoBasket ballVolleyball N of house/street or Avenue/town hall/ Country 14/143rd AM level Tall small- fat- slim-short/long hair (brown-fair-dark)Eyes: brown-dark-blue-greenTrendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent-Sport- video games- tv music reading ..../ Drugs violence The teacher invites the pupils to complete the form on page 22 using the elicited words. He moves through the rows then supervises their works. The teacher asks the pupils to read their works ,then tries to create a situation of discussion questions answers The pupils are invites to correct on the board a sample integrated situation , then invites the studentsto read and copy down Interact about daily life school Interpret the problem solving situation Interpretthe problem solving situation produce a written message talking introducing oneself{appearance & mood} Page 13 #greet& welcome #identify a problem solving situation fact #Use the integrated learning objectives to solve the given integrated situation #make application letters and discriminate between the other types of letters. [email protected] ' One of you friendswants to join one of your local sport clubs. ' The manager of the club asked himto fill in a form. ' Your friend does not know how to fill in it ' Fill in the form talking about yourself ( a sample for your friend to follow it) ' Use adjectives describing appearance & personality' Use coordinators and but because Dear Sir, I would like to subscribe at the local football club. Name: Forename: Age: 15 years old Address: 23 Ben Badis Street Mda Algeria Education: 3rd Middle School Level Appearance: tall slim boy with brown hair and dark eyesPersonality: friendly cheerfulLikes and dislikes: football & dislike cigarettes FILE ONE :COMMUNICATION 3rd AM LEVEL Sequence TWOWHOS CALLING PLEASE? Personal Goals:#During this lesson ,what teacher competencies are you focusing on ? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation #Supported and purposeful development #Meaningful Activities /Tasks . # Active,evolving process Lesson Focus: # Which aspects of language are you teaching : e.g. grammar point(s) ,aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc ),vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc)functions(polite requests, apologizing.)? #In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: !Function :Mak|ng and answer|ng requests.&Make apo|og|es and g|v|ng exp|anat|on.&Ask|ng for c|ar|f|cat|on. & Def|n|ng Grammar : can - would request / sorry pardon / relative pronounswhich-who Pronunciation : Practise intonation in polite request / ! vowel sounds -" "-- " -- e / Vocabulary :vocabulary related to : communication phone email...... Competencies : # Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. " Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of Spoken Interaction Strategies used : #To facilitate pair work in class. " Can listen to and understand very short, routine classroom instructions:#Without supporting visuals . " Can understand everyday signs: " Can find specific, predictable information in : {A range of simple everyday material & That is straightforward (e.g. some websites, travel brochures, catalogs} " Can write very short letters oremail.# Containing simple description of personal life Objectives / Assessment : #SWBATby the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : 1-Ask polite request / Express apologies / Ask for clarification & define2-Express polite request similarity opposition and cause3 Identify Intonation in questions& Discriminate between strong and weak forms of the vowels Required material and/ or resources : # Manual's script page 164/ 165 &picturesPage 14 [email protected] time rationale Type of interact Procedure competencies Who are my learners? Congratulate and show sympathy Show use of phone communication way How to make phone calls and take messages Receive calla and register messages Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence Two :Who is calling ?Pdp listening lessonFile One 3rd AM

Pre_ listening! #The teacher asks the pupils to open their books on page 21 ,# The teacher tries to make his learners interpret the pictures by interacting with him and trying to answer the following questions: / What kind of pictures are they" first pair"?# They 're cartoons pictures / How many persons do they show?# They represent two persons .(a man and a woman) / What are they talking about?# They are talking about phone numbers. / Who is asking the question? # The woman is. / What's the question about? # It's about the phone number of the man. / What can you read in the bubble speech?# I can read "excuse me, what' your./ My phone number's... / What does the word yours in the bubble replace?# It replaces the phone number of the lady. / What about picture two? # It represents the same persons. / What is the woman asking for ? # She asking for the phone number of Mrs. Smith. / Does the man know the number of Mrs. .Smith? # Yes, he does. / Can you compare the two numbers?# Yes the first number contains 10 numbers, but the second only "6". .The pupils listen & interpret the teacher's questions then answer"orally" . The pupils are invited later the read the drills on page 24 and perform them by pairs. .The teacher asks the learners to look at "Activity3p21" and try to interact and interpret the message. What kind of message do you have? # It's a telephone message. Where do you find such messages? # At the reception desk, office next to the telephone. While listening : .The teacher asks the pupils to take their pencils, listen to the teacher's reading of the script , underline some expressions like :would like to speak / could you tell her then try to fill in the "telephone message". . The teacher reads the text twice or thrice then invites the pupils to correct # Activity 3p21: Listen and fill in the message slip below. . The teacher invites the pupils to read the drill and perform by pairs. .The pupils perform and substitute the keywords : [6600586] Mr Green / John Williams/ 15:00/ - {1122O495} Mrs Williams / Mr Black / 16:00) Interact Interpret produce Page 15 Recognize the different finds of pictures and discriminate between them Identify number and discriminate between their use Identify the way how to read a phone number Ask polite request using "can" Identify possessive pronouns Recognize all sorts of messages Identify a telephone message Discriminate between the caller and the receiver Recognize "would" and its use Use simple ways to ask polite requests Discriminate between beginning and ending a dialogue [email protected] 1e|ephone messageIor: Iane Sm|th _______________________________ Irom: Mary Chapman_________________________ Message:1|me: 14.00 #$%%& '$()* )+ )$,- )+ .$(/ time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Make polite request and show respect for others Make polite request and show respect for others Make polite request and show respect for others Make polite request and show respect for others Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student . Theteacher asks the pupils to remind him about what they have underlined previously . Presentation :.The pupils open their books on page 164 and read the underlined sentences. 1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith 3) Could you tell her Ill ring her at 2:30? . The teacher invites the learners to read the written sentences on the board. Isolation : . The teacher tries toattract the attention of the learners to the words written in different colours and asks them to read them 1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith2) could you tell her Ill ring her at 2:30? * * wouldcould Analysis : ! The teacher tries to make the students talk about the isolated 1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith2) could you tell her Ill ring her at 2:30? * * wouldcould modal verbs * Express polite request Stating rules : To express polite request we use the modals [ would / could] Subject + [ would / could ] + verb infinitive without to+ Object Practice : The pupils are invited to do the following tasks about asking polite request 1)Based formtasks: Exercise : Re-order the words to make correct sentences. a) You / the / please / window / could / ? / open / # b) Like / to / would / I / use / your/ please / phone / # 2)Meaning based tasks: Exercise : Complete each statement with the following words:ability request- permission1)Can I use your pen ? # (...............................) 2)I can speak English . # (................................) 3)Would youtell me the time please ? # (..........................) 3 ) Communicative based tasks: Exercise : Ask question to complete the dialogue. A : .........................................? A: .......................................? B: Oh my pen with pleasure you can use it.B: Yes ; I would be very pleased to come to your party ! The teacher supervises the works of the pupils , then invites them to correct on the BB then read and copy down. Interact Interpret produce Page 16 Discriminate between the beginning and the end of a dialogue Identify "can could" Discriminate between the use of "can " and "could" Interact using formal ways Discriminate between formal and informal ways Identify themain constituents ofa sentence Recognize "would" and its use Peform different types of written tasks and discriminate between them Use would & could to make polite resuests [email protected] time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Welcoming ,greeting and greetings Seek to solve problem in problem situations Making appeals and requests Making appeals and requests Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence Two: PRACTICE 3RD Am level PPU Lesson: The teacher greets his learners, interacts with them about their daily life school and tries to see if they have understood or do not face any problems about the previous lesson making polite request The pupils are invited to open their books on page 26 and pay attention at the drills . The teacher explains the situation using the classroom situation , reads the first dialogue . # Drill One: The teacher invites the pupils to read and perform the drill by pairs. # Drill two: The learners are asked to perform the drill by pairs. The teacher invites to pay attention at the words written in redIsolation :Would you like me" offering help 0 Do you want me Analysis: Yes , thanks No,thank youYes , thanksNo,thank you **** Accept offerRefuse offer Accept offerRefuse offer To offer help we use:Accept offerRefuse offer Would you like me to ...........?Do you want me to..............? Yes , thanksNo,thank you Stating Rules

Practice: The teacher invites the pupils to perform using the following situations. Situation 1 : { Its hot Open the window} Situation 2: [is carrying heavy satchel- help carry it] Situation 3: [ forgotten pen use my pen] The pupils perform the drill and substitute key words. Interact about daily life school Interpret

produce Page 17 #greet& welcome #talk and discuss the previous sance #Identify the model would and its use #can read and perform drills #can identify the theme of the discussion #analyse statements#discuss the different ways to offer help #State rules about the new use of would [email protected] Pupil 1 : Its cold. Pupil 2: Do you want me to close the door? Pupil 1: Yes, thanks Teacher : Its cold Pupil: Would you like me to close the window? Teacher: No, thank you .Could you just pass me that coat, please? Time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Welcoming ,greeting and greetings Seek to solve problem in problem situations Making appeals and requests Making appeals and requests Ways of sepaking Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Say it clear : The teacher asks the pupils to pay attention at him and at the way he asks his question. Question 1: Would you open your books on page 25? 1Question 2: Would you open your books on p25 please? The teacher asks the students to pay attention at the way he asks the two questions The students will certainly notice the difference between the two question, the way the intonation is uttered . * * Q 1: Would you open your books on page 25? 1 Q 2: Would you open your books on p25 please? The students will certainly remark the differenceuttering the intonation . The students are invited to open their books on page 25 and pay attention at the TIPS* The teacher invites one or two of the students to read the TIPS rule and tries to explain it

The pupils read the tips then they are invited to practise through the following task. # Activity 1p25: Mark the intonation on the items in bold with arrows (,or +) .Justify your answers. The pupils work in rough , the teacher moves through the rows , checks the students answers , then ivites them to read and correct the activity where they have to justify their answers The teacher invites the pupils to use their pencils and correct on the book, later they will read all the written work on the board and then copy down on their copy books. Interact Interpret

produce Page 18 #identify the intonation ,its form and its use # discriminate between the meaning in rising and falling intonation #analyse the use of intonation in making requests #use the stated rule to produce oral & written productions #pps have to justify their aswers yellowdaffodil66@gmail. om Its important to choose our words when we make request i.e., when we want to ask people to do things for us. For example; Could you shut the window? is more polite than Shut the window -Intonation is also important .Your voice should start quite high, rise and then go down on the last impotant word * e.g. Could you give me that books -If the request ends with please. We say please with rising intonation.

* e.g.Could you give me that book , please ? A: Hello, oh right-one three two-oh,nine-five four-six.B: This is Massyl.Can I speak to Fatima, please? , A: Im afraid / Sorry she is out for the moment. B: Can I leave a message? + A: Yes, go ahead. B: Thanks. Could you tell her to call me, please? ,A: Could you repeat / remind me your name? + B: Its Massyl, M-A-S-S-Y-L Time rationale Type of interact Procedurecompetencies Who are my learners? Welcoming ,greeting and greetings Seek to solve problem in problem situations Making appeals and requests Making appeals and requests Teacher studentStudent- teacher Teacher student Student teacher Student- student Sequence Two:Practice File One (3rdAM) Warm-up: The teacher greets his learners and interacts with them about the last hour, what they have seen and if they face any problems. The teacher invites the pupils to open their books on page164 , he reads the dialogue and invites the learners to underline< Im sorry .She isnt here at the moment> The teacher invites the learners to perform the drillPresentation : The teacher reminds the pupils about the sentence they underlined and asks them to read it. Im sorry .She isnt here at the moment Isolation : The learners are invites to read the isolated sentence Analysis:Im sorry.She isnt here at the moment. * *Apology clarificationStating rule: To express apologies we use : '[ sorry Im sorry Im afraid/ pardon +clarifications ] Practice: The teacher invites the pupils to practise using the following situations and key words. The students are invited to do activity 2p26 #Activity 2p26: Complete one of the apologies below with an explanation. 1)Being late: Sorry Im late , I didnt get up early andI missed the bus2)Missing a party : Im sorry I didnt come to your party . I was ill . I had fever and I was in bed. 3)Missing a phone call : I m sorry I didnt phone , I lost your phone number. The pupils perform the situations in pairs. Imagine: Theteacher asks the pupils to perform what has been seen how to express apologies and give clarifications using the problem solving situations. 01)2$)1+(3!{In a shop} 01)2$)1+( 4 ! [ In the post off|ce ] Shop ass|stant! 56$)7* )'+ 8+2(9* :1:)&;#Customer! / )'+ *)$?8* 8,/$*/@