mrt bryan christin claire g jessica natalie ryan

MRT MRT Bryan Christin Claire Bryan Christin Claire G Jessica Natalie Ryan G Jessica Natalie Ryan

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Bryan Christin Claire G JesBryan Christin Claire G Jessica Natalie Ryansica Natalie Ryan

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OutlineOutlineArgument: MRT indeed reaches its purpose of bringing the public convenience by creating a humanized space, however, in terms of culture, society and the interaction among human, MRT actually creates a sense of isolation.

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Outline• General Background Introduction -- History of MRT Introduction

• Basic Functions/Questioning -- Building/structure/public spaces -- Plan city/Commerce & MRT /Promotion of

Arts&local culture • Cultural impact -- Creates a sense of isolation (different space/New social class distribution/Generation/Taipei images)

• Comparison between Bus and MRT • Q&A

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History & History & RouteRoute

The main purpose of constructing the Taipei Rapid Transit Systems (TRTS) is to provide a safe, convenient, comfortable and esthetic public transportation system for the people in Taipei metropolitan area.

The construction of the Taipei Metro can be assessed in 3 stages, as follows: Completion of most of the Initial Network and substantial upgrading of service capacity on the Taipei Metro (Carried out in the past 15 years, as shown in Table 1)


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Applying for further budgets and continuing the construction of approved MRT lines (Planned for the next 10 years up to 2012, as shown in Table 2)


Continuous planning and construction of an extended MRT network (Planned for the next 20 years)


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Characteristics&Future Characteristics&Future PlanPlan

Characteristics:Characteristics:Load, Speed, Cruises, Standard

Revenue:Revenue: Socially, Economically, Environmentally

Future Plans:Future Plans:1.Fruitful results from joint development of MRT yards/stations 2. Promoting Public Arts 3. Undertaking MRT projects in the pursuit of excellence 4.Strengthening communication with the public 5. Outputting Taipei Metro experience

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MRT Architecture

Considerations:1. The size of the vehicles &

platform2. Charging system3. Staff and Generator Room4. 無障礙設施5. Exits6. 乘客動線

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Characteristics of the Design of MRT Stations:

Red Line as E.g.• Architectural Design

@ Red Line as representative of Taipei@ Stations on the Ground: local architecture@ Stations Above Ground: Chinese architecture@ The functions and design of Blue line and other examples

• The Functions of the Stations@ Connection with surrounding environment@ Offer services@ Create public spaces

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Red Line

• Base on the old railroad system – unlimited architectural design

• Representation of Taiwan image

• Modern Taiwanese architecture

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Stations on the GroundLocal Architecture

紅樹林站 傳統建築

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Stations Above GroundChinese Architecture

石牌站 Dr. Sun Yat-sen M. H.

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Connections With Surroundings

劍潭站 V.S. Grant Hotel

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Connections With Surroundings

淡水站 V.S. 紅毛城

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Services and Public Spaces

Service: Parking ServicePublic Spaces:• Arts, Gallery• Commercial Activities (Underground St.)

• Multifunctional Spaces (parks and city squares)

• Lead to Tour Spots

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• What do we have?• Clear signs• Easy Card• Warning lights• Intercoms• Waiting area for women• Bus transferring signs• Information center• Lost & Found service• 無障礙設施

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• What do you think about these services?

• Do you use them oftentimes?

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Services V.S. people

• 1. Convenient

• 2. Efficient

• 3. Humanized

• 4. Thoughtful

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MRT V.S. Commerce

• Construct a station where provides business potential

1. People’s needs

2. Promoting tourism

Ex: 士林 / 東區 / 淡水 ...etc.

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MRT V.S. Commerce

• Creating business potential after the construction of MRT

1. Real estate

2. Attracting more business & commercial activities

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MRT V.S. Commerce

• MRT create commercial activities on its own

1. Underground streets

a. Another connection to the outer world

b. Does it really successful?

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MRT V.S. Commerce

• 2. Renting out wherever they have

• Trans (inside & outside)• Tickets• Signboards• Walls• Public spaces• Art galleries

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MRT V.S. Commerce

A major income

Easy to be noticed Efficient

• What’s your opinion toward these Ads?

• Would they somehow disturb/ occupied your sight?

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Public Arts

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淡水線 • 台大醫院站• 手之組曲 - 李光裕

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心手相蓮 小公園

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Mini Park

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淡水線 • 淡水線南京西路與長


• 兒童的繽紛世界 - 日新國小

• 看淡水 何妨改變視覺粒子觀自然 盡享朦朧色彩方塊不必在河岸 也有咖啡香

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• 兒童的彩繪大地 - 雙蓮國小

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• 圓山站 • 圓山五彩物語圖 -記憶中的圓山景色 -

張國棟• 五彩的魔法仗 將夢圈

住 點上「心」的顏色圓舞曲襯出樂章 讓台北繽紛多采圓山 美色為鄰 圓夢 自在我心

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• 明德站• 雙溪天籟 - 林枝旺• 奏一曲 綠水悠悠

彈一聲 青山蜿蜒與山水邂逅共鳴出一幅美妙倘佯在天地之外聆賞這大自然的天籟

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• 市政府站 • 成長 (Growth) - Steve Woodward

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• 樹河 (Tree River) - 蔡淑瑩

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• 樹河 忠孝敦化站

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• 昆陽站• 旋 (Around)

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南港線• 旋 (Around)

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Cultural impact

-- MRT brings a sense of isolation and creates a Hyper Space (Warm

Hole)• A sense of isolation of different space• A sense of isolation in creating a new

social class distribution • A sense of isolation between different

generation • Taipei images are reconstructed

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Isolation of Different space

• Space of An Underground System MRT changes the structure

underground a. Human sensations are enclosed In Blackness a feeling of being blocked

b. The ambiguity toward Time and Space ( A different space from the world: Seats reflections,

Voices) ( Immobility Moving )

c. The Idea of Warm Hole MRT: a different space from the city MRT Station: a connector The function of putting local art in MRT station

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Isolation of New Social class distribution

• Passengers are mostly students and younger career people but rarely older people or vagrant.

• The automation MRT brings to people creates a boundary.

The Prize Time-consideration The technology --The complex ticket-buying procedure

(multiple function brought by high tech) New rules are formed for “MRT” community

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Isolation Between Generations

• Images different generation holds toward MRT differ. (The automation)

Younger Generation -- Grow up with MRT -- See MRT as a transportation tool

Elder generation -- Witness of MRT’s construction -- See MRT with expectation -- A fantasized city vision

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Image of Taipei• Image of Taipei MRT

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1. Taipei images are changed in the way how outsiders look at the city

-- MRT becomes a part of Taipei MTV, CF, and movies use MRT as their view.Examples: • Movie- 向左走 向右走 , 春光乍洩 , 你那邊幾點 ?• MTV- 陌生人 ( 蔡健雅 ), FLY AWAY( 梁靜如 ) • CF- 純喫茶 ( 陳信安版 )

2. The image none-Taipei people hold toward MRT

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Bus V.S. MRTCharacteristics/Transportation


Speed Rapid Slow

Time Save time/efficiency

Waste time

Traffic situation

no Traffic jam

Price Higher Lower

Automation Fully automatized Partially automatized

Environment Clean/bright/quiet


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MRT BUSStations Stations are set on

the intersection of traffic.

Go trough the city with more stops, and help

MRT to transfer.

Drivers Security/indifferent Security??/kind or rude


Observe people and the city like the


Interact with Strangers/

connect with the city.

Seat order Face to face Individual/next to another

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Q & A• What is your experience in MRT?

How do you feel when you are in it?• Do you think that MRT is a

dehumanized or a humanized space? Why?

• Does MRT change anything in your way of living or transportation?

• In what aspect do you think that MRT should improve?

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Thank You