mrag proposal for 5-yr efh review bob trumble erika zollett mrag americas, inc

Download MRAG Proposal for 5-Yr EFH Review Bob Trumble Erika Zollett MRAG Americas, Inc

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MRAG Proposal for 5-Yr EFH Review Bob Trumble Erika Zollett MRAG Americas, Inc. Slide 2 Roles of Council and NOAA Fisheries MRAG will assist coordination of the EFH review by providing information to both the Council and NMFS Identify points of contact at NMFS, Council Slide 3 Scope of 5-yr Review Identification and description of EFH Minimization of adverse effects of fishing Measures to conserve EFH, and HAPC MRAG will consider climate change, lionfish invasions, and use of habitat models. MRAG will consider effectiveness of EFH regulations and descriptions Slide 4 Climate Change Impacts Declines in fish production Species/ecological shifts Distribution changes Reduced reproductive capacity Local extinctions Coral bleaching and mortality Increased sea levels Slide 5 Slide 6 Normal Reef Slide 7 Bleached Reef Slide 8 Predictions for Warming Water Slide 9 Lionfish Invasions Native to tropical coral reefs in waters of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans In the Atlantic Ocean beginning in 1992 Bermuda and the Bahamas in early 2000s Expand southward through Mexican, Central, and South American waters Voracious predators w/o native predators Vegetation overgrowing coral Slide 10 Slide 11 Habitat Models Habitat suitability model for PFMC/NWRO Identified habitat distribution and usage Model determined probability that any parcel is EFH Find other potentially appropriate models Determine which, if any, model would work for US Caribbean Slide 12 Slide 13 13 AdultJuvenileLarvae HSP Contour Plots: Arrowtooth Flounder Slide 14 14 Aurora rockfish Adults Dover sole Adults Lingcod Adults EFH Model Output: Multiple Species Slide 15 15 Shortspine Thornyhead Threshold: 0.60 Threshold: 0.00 EFH Model Output: HSP Threshold Slide 16 Best Available Science SSC to determine SSC Habitat Advisory Panel Experts General public MRAG will use SSC, HAP for info and review Slide 17 Documentation Report on changes in EFH information Considerations that influenced review Description of process used to review Obsolete or new information Effectiveness of Caribbean EFH regulations Letter from NMFS (RA) to Council MRAG will gather the information and prepare a report for the Council to submit to SERO Slide 18 Plans and Logistics Meeting 1 with Council Meeting 1 with SSC/HAP Report of errors, obsolete information Obtain new information Draft Climate Change, Models Meeting 2 with SSC/HAP Review report Meeting 2 with Council Slide 19 EFH Review Schedule MeetingDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Council 1X SSC 1 - DistributionX SSC 1 - MeetingX SSC 2 - DistributionX SSC 2 - MeetingX Council 2 - DistributionX Council 2 - MeetingX