mr. surya bahadur thapa, chairperson of dpnet-nepal

Meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction-2018 Background National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) is a common platform of organizations working in the field of DRRM for developing a common understanding on the issues of disaster risk reduction and management, policy advocacy, coordination and advice on priorities of DRR&M. NPDRR in Nepal, the nationally owned forum is led by Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA). The platform chaired by the Secretary of Home affairs was formed on 2065 B.S (2009 AD) with reference to the guideline of Secretariat of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. The consultative workshop on National Disaster Management Platform held on 24 th October 2013 had decided to provide the role of secretariat of National Platform for DRR to DPNet-Nepal. As per this decision, as a secretariat, DPNet Nepal has been continuously working for coordination, networking and collaboration with GOs, I/NGOS, donor agencies, UN agencies, private sectors and academia. SOP of NPDRR do exist, however, the review of the SOP for operating the Secretariat of NPDRR is often felt by the Secretariat and stakeholders as well. In light to this context, a National level meeting was planned to finalize the SOP of NPDRR and to strengthen the coordination with wider stakeholders, DPNet-Nepal as a secretariat of NPDRR chaired by Secretary of Home Affairs organized the NPDRR meeting on 31 st December 2018 as a National level consultation program. Altogether 95 representatives disaggregated as female-8, Janajati-31, Dalit- 1, from various organizations participated in the NPDRR meeting. Mr. Bamshi Kumar Acharya, Under Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs facilitated the NPDRR meeting. Proceeding of the event The program was initiated with the chairing of Ms. Indu Ghimire, Joint Secretary and chief of Disaster and Conflict Management Division MoHA. Later Mr. Prem Kumar Rai, Secretray of MoHA joined the program as a Chairperson. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet- Nepal was invited in the Dias as a chairperson of NPDRR secretariat. The program was followed by National Anthem, moment of silence for the people who have lost their lives in various disaster and introduction of the participants. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa delivered the welcome remarks and shared the brief information of the meeting. He shared that DPNet-Nepal has been widely circulating information in DPNet yahoo group and google group with 400 plus email recipient and Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal delivering welcome remarks and the participants of NPDRR meeting

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Page 1: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

Meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction-2018


National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) is a common platform of organizations working in the field of DRRM for developing a common understanding on the issues of disaster risk reduction and management, policy advocacy, coordination and advice on priorities of DRR&M. NPDRR in Nepal, the nationally owned forum is led by Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA). The platform chaired by the Secretary of Home affairs was formed on 2065 B.S (2009 AD) with reference to the guideline of Secretariat of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. The consultative workshop on National Disaster Management Platform held on 24th October 2013 had decided to provide the role of secretariat of National Platform for DRR to DPNet-Nepal. As per this decision, as a secretariat, DPNet Nepal has been continuously working for coordination, networking and collaboration with GOs, I/NGOS, donor agencies, UN agencies, private sectors and academia. SOP of NPDRR do exist, however, the review of the SOP for operating the Secretariat of NPDRR is often felt by the Secretariat and stakeholders as well.

In light to this context, a National level meeting was planned to finalize the SOP of NPDRR and to strengthen the coordination with wider stakeholders, DPNet-Nepal as a secretariat of NPDRR chaired by Secretary of Home Affairs organized the NPDRR meeting on 31st December 2018 as a National level consultation program. Altogether 95 representatives disaggregated as female-8, Janajati-31, Dalit- 1, from various organizations participated in the NPDRR meeting. Mr. Bamshi Kumar Acharya, Under Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs facilitated the NPDRR meeting.

Proceeding of the event

The program was initiated with the chairing of Ms. Indu Ghimire, Joint Secretary and chief of Disaster and Conflict Management Division MoHA. Later Mr. Prem Kumar Rai, Secretray of MoHA joined the program as a Chairperson. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal was invited in the Dias as a chairperson of NPDRR secretariat. The program was followed by National Anthem, moment of silence for the people who have lost their lives in various disaster and introduction of the participants. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa delivered the welcome remarks and shared the brief information of the meeting. He shared that DPNet-Nepal has been widely circulating information in DPNet yahoo group and google group with 400 plus email recipient and

Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal delivering welcome remarks and the participants of NPDRR meeting

Page 2: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

focused on the need of common reporting format for data and information management. He also emphasized his remarks on strengthening the secretariat of NPDRR. Furthermore, he added that the consultation with wider stakeholders along with the government and non-government agencies for the representation of single Nepal delegation in International forum has set a good example of unity and it’s a learning to all. He thanked MoHA for supporting the NPDRR Secretariat and AINTGDM for regular technical and financial support. At the end, he requested all stakeholders to support the NPDRR and its secretariat and thanked DCA for their technical and financial support to organize this meeting. Presentations Altogether, 4 presentations were shared in the program. Mr. Man Bahadur Thapa, Country Representative of ADPC and Advisor of DPNet-Nepal shared the presentation about NPDRR, its importance, objective, principal, major functions, nine primary activities, 8 member categories (Government-Federal, Provincial, Local, Donors, UN agencies, INGO, NGO/CBOs, Academia, Media and private sectors). He also shared the major achievement of NPDRR in 2018, including the National DRR Policy and National DRR Strategic Action Plan finalization workshop, coordination for single Nepal delegation in AMCDRR 2018, publishing NDR 2017, and IDDR 2018. Furthermore, he also shared about the way forward focusing on examining what other similar forum(s)/ committee exists, if yes what complimentary role can be played or even merge such forums/ committees to avoid duplication and unhealthy competition and to initiate the establishment of platform at Province and Local levels. Ms. Krishna Karkee, Regional Program Officer, DCA and co-coordinator of AINTGDM shared the presentation entitled “INGO’s Contribution for Localization of DRR&M Policy and Strategic Action Plan”. In her presentation, she shared about the brief history of INGO’s in Nepal, broad objectives and working modality of AIN Task Group on Disaster Management and Climate Change - AIN TGDMCC. She also shared about the constructive engagement with Federal, Provincial and Local Government in 2018. Similarly, she shared about the challenges focusing on harmonization and coherence, policy enforcement,

Mr. Man Bahadur Thapa, Country Representative of ADPC, delivering his presentation

Ms. Krishna Karkee, Regional Program Officer, DCA delivering her presentation

Page 3: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

strengthening local leadership and way forward emphasizing on localization of DRR&M through constructive engagement with local government to strengthen system, capacity building of CSO’s and promoting integration of cross-cutting issues. Mr. Raju Thapa General Secretary of DPNet-Nepal shared the presentation entitled “annual activities and action plan of NPDRR Secretariat”. In his presentation he included brief introduction of DPNet-Nepal, including its evolution, members, working modality and specialty of DPNet-Nepal. He also shared the history of NPDRR in Nepal. Furthermore, he also shared the major activities of secretariat in 2018, lesson learned and proposed activities for 2019. Similarly, he shared the future plan in a pyramid structure to engage existing consortium in DRR&M and to operate the online resource center comprising of information from the community to the national level legal provisions and research. Similarly, Mr. Sushil Bhandari, Section officer, MoHA shared the presentation entitled “DRR Project Mapping System”. In his presentation, he shared the objectives of the DRR project Mapping system, focusing on information collection on who (Government, I/NGO, Donors, Private Sector) is doing what type of activities/initiatives and where (National, Province, Local Level). He also shared the work flow of the project mapping system. He also shared that the disaster information management system will be developed as center of information depository to avoid scarcity in plenty. Major Concerns Various concerns were raised by the participants in the program basically focusing on the support and need of strengthening the secretariat. They also shared that the platform should also be formed in provincial and local level and while supporting the local level on formulating the local level policies, there should be the ownership of the local level government. They further emphasized on the need of data management, documentation and sharing of activities conducted to avoid the duplication. Some major concerns are as below:

Mr. Sushil Bhandari, Section officer, MoHA delivering his presentation

Mr. Raju Thapa General Secretary of DPNet-Nepal delivering his presentation

Page 4: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

• Now we don’t have monitoring indicators to assess what is our status in DRR&M. If we need to move ahead in DRR&M, monitoring indicators has to be developed to assess the status.

• Harmonization is important to avoid scarcity in plenty. Ministry of Finance conducts Aid monitoring, so to avoid duplication in data, NEOC need to coordinate with Ministry of finance.

• Mainstreaming DRR in development is challenging, how can we move ahead with seven step planning process? How are we viewing disasters? In large projects, we need to conduct disaster impact basement like we conduct IEE/EIA.

• We have limitation in obtaining satellite data. Nepal doesn’t have own satellite, so it’s a high time to invest in such initiative.

• Experts deployed during disasters should be rethink. There should be right man in right place. MoHA should hold and enhance the skill of expert. We need to link the findings of research to reduce the risk of disasters.

• Mentioning project in DIMS may limit the information of budget allocation of local level in DRR&M. DIMS should be friendly with person with disability. DIMS should be linked with DEOC, LEOC and all platforms should be brought together.

• Local level representatives are invited many times in name of various programs program with similar objectives, which has hampered the working environment in local level, so such programs should be integrated.

• At least one conference like mini AMCDRR has to be organized for learning sharing on DRR&M.

• 15th periodic plan is being prepared, so we need to work more and invest more to achieve the target of SFDRR. We need to keep the achievable target in periodic plan.

Remarks Mr. Rishi Raj Acharya, Under Secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration shared that model documents are contextualized with reference to local scenario and better not to generalize the situation of all local level considering the situation one local level. He shared that DRR&CC learning centers are also established in few Municipalities. He also shared that there is a gap in policy level harmonization with other ministries and we need to go in coordinated way. Furthermore he added that, risk sensitive plan in local level has to be given importance along with the availability of fire brigade in local levels.

Mr. Rishi Raj Acharya, Under Secretary of MoFAGA sharing his remarks

Page 5: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

Ms. Indu Ghimire thanked all participants for the active participation and focused her remarks on maintaining coherence in each level of government, while delivering our programs. She shared that the Platform is for coordination, sharing findings of research and supporting the findings through policy advocacy and supporting in policy formulation. She also shared that in order to receive the disaster information, MoHA is working out to include relevant questions in the 2021 census questionnaire.


With his closing remarks, the secretary of MoHA Mr. Prem Kumar Rai, shared that the meeting has decided the following points, which will be included in the meeting minutes.

• Review and finalize the SoP of NPDRR. Six member committee including MoHA, MoFAGA, DPNet-Nepal, UNRCO, AINTGDM, Nepal Geological Society and FNCCI are included in the committee.

• Organize consultation workshop to provide inputs (relating to DRR&M) on the 15th Plan Concept paper (2076/77-2080/81) drafted by National Planning Commission as soon as possible.

• Strengthen the secretariat of the NPDRR, therefore every stakeholders need to contribute to strengthen the secretariat.

• Organize Country level DRRM conference like Mini AMCDRR each year jointly with GO, I/NGOs, UN Agencies, Donors and other stakeholders.

• Approve the proposed activities of NPDRR Secretariat for the year 2019.

The program was fruitful in strengthening the coordination with wider stakeholders and making a major decisions regarding the SOP of NPDRR and strengthening the secretariat. Relevant Photos

Ms. Indu Ghimire, Joint Secretary of MoHA delivering her remarks

Mr. Prem Kumar Rai, Secretary of MoHA delivering his closing remarks

Page 6: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

Participants of NPDRR Meeting

Page 7: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal

Dr. Krishna Paudel from Nepal GIS Society raising his concern