mr. royal let’s save the planet!

Respect and Save the Environment In collaboration with

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Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!


Page 1: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Respect and Save the Environment

In collaboration with

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Page 2: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Promo Comic of the newborn projectMr. Royal Respect and Save the Environment

Royal Continental HotelVia Partenope 38,44 Napolitel: +39 0812452068www.royalcontinental.itmail: [email protected]

All characters and drawings by ©Andrea ScoppettaPrinted in July 2011 - Tipolitografia Volpicelli s.n.c.Printed on environmentally friendly paper and FSC certified eco-label

Writer:Stefano AscariCesare NaldiAndrea Scoppetta

Drawings:Andrea Scoppetta

Inks:Gianluca Maconi

Colors:Gianluca MaconiAndrea Scoppetta

Layout and Graphic Art:Andrea Scoppetta

Translation:Camilla Balsamo

Care and Supervising:Marco Zuppetta

Publishing Project:Claudio Curcio

Ideated by:Cesare Naldi Gianluca PiconeMarco Zuppetta

In collaboration with

Publishing Management:

Respect and Save the Environment

The pleasure of waking up in our rooms and enjoya sublime, unique landscape:

Vesuvius and the Gulf of Naples.

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We decided to tell the whole story because we would love this path to be shared.

We still are astonished of discovering how amazingly this ethic choice matches the real business - especially in those

years, flogged by economical crisis.

We decided to share this adventure through a cartoon – easy tool, sweet chuckle – in the hope for those measures displayed to be imitated; both in similar business and houses. In facts, Mr. Royal – allegorical character representing our management – will show some of the actions accomplished by the company to reduce its environmental impact.We chose to involve our suppliers: they helped us more than anyone else to individuate virtuous behaviors and put them into practice.

It looks undeniable to us: sustainability requires investments, but goes along with saving resources; this is how it is bound to spread in all com-panies and houses. Also the ones belonging to the few that still look unaware of how much our planet is changing.

Teresa Naldi, President Royal Group Hotels & Resorts

Let’s Save

the Planet!


We challenged ourselves by getting involved in a project of eco-sustainability since 2008. The target has always been very clear to us: minimize the environmental impact of our hotels. We started up with Royal Continental, Naples, because it gathers in itself all the complexities typically defining the hotel business.

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Page 4: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

…The planet is in danger… pollution


What a mess...

I must do something!

I am willing toreduce at a minimum the environmental

impact ofmy company.

Hello… can I speak to nhp? I need your


Nice to meet you, my name is Valerio and…

I solve problems

Soon afterwards

First of all, we have to reduce the amount of products bound to become trash.

Good morning, this is Mr. Royal

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Then we have to reuse as much as possible.

And where reuse isn’t possible, we have to recycle!

Thank you Valerio! But we shall not forget our clients… It will be tough,

but we can make it.

…nor anyone working in the company…

…nor costs, obviously… …and take care of theenvironment of course!!!

From now on I have a new mission: SAVE THE PLANET!

NHP servizi energetici integrati

Via Cornelia dei Gracchi n. 28/C, 80126 Napoli - ITALYTel.: +39 0812457416 - Fax: +39 0817642528Web: - Mail: [email protected]

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Good Grief! How many plastic


Goodness, This is so much plastic to throw away… Not to speak of the pollutants related to the transport of

all that!

Every year, with theplastic bottles we use,

we could be able to cover an entire soccer field.



I have to find a solution.

Sidea firm...

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Filtered water, cool, sparkling or not, perfect to drink and the planet fears not!


OUR SIDEA MAN Pasquale Matrone, tel.: +39 0818507321 - +39 3385235079 mail: [email protected]


Good job!

From now on we willuse glasses and jugs.

No more plastic!

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Page 8: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Nooo!I ran out of blue ink, now I have to change

the whole toner!

That’s impossible!This cartridge isn’t compatible with the


We have hundreds of different printers in the offices! It’s Chaos! Everyone needs

cartridges of a kind and we don’t ever know whom to call to seek assistance…

Not to speak about the ton of solid waste we produce! I don’t know where to stuff it anymore!

For every toner’s sake! This is a com-plex problem! We

have to find better printers and we need to use them in a more rational

manner…But I guess I know

whom to call!

Hello,Varriale Company?

Whatever! What’s going on around here?

Already out of color? I refilled black just last


With the current prices it’s almost worth buying a new printer every time…

Better than get it fixed…

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And this was the last one to set! The whole net is now complete and working.We also substituted all the refills.

We will share those new prin-ters… the maintenance will be a lot easier now! And we will at the same time reduce the waste!

Using printers meant for intensive-work

we would save a lot in changing


And using them as Fax-servers we’ll receive fax

directly in our email inbox… saving paper!

So, as I frequently


Well done!


Via S. Anna dei Lombardi n. 29/30, 80134 Napoli - ITALY Tel.: +39 0815524070 - +39 0815514517 - Fax +39 0815800111Web: Mail: [email protected]


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Page 10: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Good morning,How may I help you?

Hem, yes! Your curiosity

surely is ap-propriate…

So we decided to ask Hotelservice for washing, the laun-dry of PEDERSOLI


I am so glad to stay at your HOTEL Mr. Royal, But I am to ask some questions about the manage-ment of Hydro-resources … I am very concerned, you know, I really do care about water systems

and drains.

So, anyway, blah-blah,In particular, here, to say that… blah-blah, Oh, this is true, here…

Some time ago we realized how in sanitizing the laundry we needed to wash it all at a very high temperature and with a great waste of water and energy…

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Assago (MI) - ITALYTel.: +39 0248844854 - Fax: +39 0248844852 Web: - Mail: [email protected]

They assure us a highly sustainable service and helped out in correcting

some incorrect, very aggressive washing


It happened that a towel might be used for sweeping a win-

dow, and a tablecloth could temporary turn

into a dishtowel

Good Grief!

And at the same time we sensitized our clients’

awareness on the issue… not to be careless of

linen and towels!

Well, anyhow, though, you persuaded me. Such a care of the environment is not

spread nowadays, isn’t it? Though.

I LOVE saving the planet!


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The bunch of empty bottles we stocked up this week has buried

Mr. Royal!For heavens sake!

Here I come!Detergent! Liquid cleaner!

Washing Powder!

But what the heck…?

Make waaay…! Make way!

We will never be able to get rid of all that, we all will be buried exactly like poor

Mr. Royal!

There are too many products and way too

many bottles. We have to

cut all that!

Hello,Top Store


But this cleaning-stuff

problem means a bunch of troubles.

Keep Cool.I won’t give up like that.

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Oh, great!That was


Based distributoRs makes you able to reuse containers and bottles forever.

And concentrated products are less cumbersome and a lot easier to store.

In this way we reduce the quantity of detergents used and bring to zero the number of non-recyclable bottles! And the work of cleaners will be less hard than before!

I LOVE savingthe planet!


Via Ponte dei Francesi n. 43, 80146 Napoli - ITALYTel.: +39 0815593170 - +39 0815590592 - Fax: +39 0815591474 Web: - Mail: [email protected]

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Gee! Burnt out


The bulb is gone. We have to change it.

Hum, bulbs and bills…

this and that… the lighting

system is so expEnsive…

Right. That’s not easy, but

I have an idea…

And by the way we can’t decrease the po-wer. Our clients need light to walk around and adequately watch

their step!

I’ll ask at the storage, and I also need to show you

the electricity bills…

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We’ll slowly convert all the lights in led lamps; we will save up to 80% on the bills.

They cost more, but last longer.

Furthermore they were projected to stay on for a long time without warming up too much.

Perfect for a hotel


…and we’ll also save on the air conditioning.

So we do both:reduce the intake and waste less!

... High effi-ciency lamps!


Via dei Prati n. 22, 84060 Novi Velia (SA) - ITALYTel. : +39 097470941- Mob.: +39 3290638786Web: - Mail: [email protected]

design and manufacture of LED lighting equipment

I LOVE saving

the planet!

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You know, I just noticed that… but how come that I see in Naples so many trucks loaded with mineral waters coming from all over? Are they

different from local ones?

I don’t think so. But have you ever thought of the travelling of moz-zarella we use here in the kitchen?

And this it not all… today lots of products come from just about

anywhere. Sometimes they really are hard to find around, but mostly…

So we are stuck in this sick distribution-logic, and have trucks travelling night and day carrying stuff

we could easily find around the corner.

Something has to be done!

How does it happen?It seems


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Deal! See you in a couple of days for the next load of moZZarella.

Buying local products we reduce to zero the envi-ronmental impact of transports. And along with that

we help local economy, which is not bad at all!

Not to say thing about taste and quality! Moz-zarella morgesina spends less time travel-

ling and gets here fresh and without preservatives!

Ah... I love saving the


And good food as well.

quality is traditionLA MORGESINA mozzarella di latte of bufala

Stores: Via Francesco De Pinedo n. 133, 80100 Napoli - ITALY - Tel. e Fax: +39 0817363724Via Solimena n. 131, 80100 Napoli - ITALY - Tel. e Fax: +39 0815565374

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Page 18: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Hi! Whenever you’re done could you please verify for me the check-in date of De Paolis?

I’ll leave you a note here.

ADamn, this is surely a problem! …a bulky one!

And poor recep-tionist… she’s going crazy! But I havean idea…I guess…


Hem, Miss, we should correct

my data… I still need the guests’ documents …room 750!

Could you please go check the archive?

Oh no, the archive is a paper laby-


Hem, yeah, I don’t know if I’ll make it, I need to archive all those forms and get all this done!

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Page 19: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

Perfect! We controlled the data and I can print your form right away! If you want I can show you your way downtown…

Electronic registration is ex-tremely fast! It allows us to

archive and consult clients’ data in such a supple way! We can save up to 500.000 sheets of

paper per year!

So we’ll have more time to dedicate to

our clients and we’ll assist them at the

very best!

Hem… I LOVE solving


But I hate losing at Tetris.


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Page 20: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

This is the promo flyer of the season, this is the offers

catalogue… and here we have the promotions’ booklet, and than hall’s po-

sters, visiting cards, notepads…

Look! This is the new sample, on this new kind of

paper, plasticized, water-resistant, anti-wrinkles…

Now, if you want to point me out anything you

want to change… and then we’ll

carry on printing again…

No! No! Not at all! There’s too much

paper around here for real! And by the way,

is this pla-sticized thing recyclable?

Exactly! We abso-lutely need to find another solution.

Hem, not exactly…It might be used as a table pad I


Once plasticized, the paper is not


Ehi, but...?!?

Ok, ok!

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A little upgrade will be enough. Now everyone can visualize the layout and correct anything on a .pdf file!

Ok,Sounds good to me!

We save time, money and ink, papers

won’t go back and forth, and we don’t

have to print a thing.

And we print anything strictly necessary on paper marked FSC; this means that it’s made out of wood coming

from forests managed in a sustainable and

responsible way – and along with ecological, social and economical


So what we decide to print doesn’t

bother the environment.

I LOVE saving the

planet.…And be…

OK with papers.


Via Monteoliveto n. 86, 80134 Napoli (NA) Tel.: +39 0815510269 - fax: 081 5510269Mail: [email protected]

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Page 22: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

All right, it has been a pleasure, I hope you

enjoyed it…

Umf! Congres-ses are so very

tiring every single time!


And… and… what are those?

Well… we always give two bottles to every guest and…

You’re right. But we have to find a way to

reduce the ou-tput of plastic material… We can’t make any exception… not even when we’re overwhelmed!

It sure was! Thank you so much and see you soon!

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Regenerating, nitrate-free, with extra calcium – special water for an ideal life.

Here we go!

Cheers!Save the world

sometimes is easy, like drinking a

glass of water.

suio water, rich of calcium and nitrate-free, comes

to us in glass bottles so

to keep best care of our


And with those returnable bottles

we put an end to waste and trash.

In this way, along with our depuration system, we bring down to zero our need of water packaged in plastic.

ACQUA SUIO mineral water

Via delle Terme, 04021Suio Castelforte (Lt) - ITALY - Tel.: +39 0771672266 Fax: +39 0771 672302 - Web: - Mail: [email protected]

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Good morning!

Good morning! I’m sorry for this chaos, but we are literally covered by…

... and also a bunch of

undifferentiated garbage!

Everybody be cool!

We have to sharpen up our wits! …but I know whom to look for…

Ouch! I see a sho-cking amount of

paper to dispose of.

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Page 25: Mr. Royal Let’s Save the Planet!

I was so right! Through the consultancy of PARTENUffICIO we

solved a lot of problems!

And choosing certified paper, we definitely bring down our environmental


And with filters for particulate matter set on our printers we have now a nicer work environment!

I LOVE saving the world!

With stamps and pens in recyclable

plastic material for both our guests and us we also

solved the problem of undifferentiated


With our paper shredders we reduced a lot the volume of paper we have to get rid of!

PARTENUFFICIO office solutionsRegistered office and saleVia Ponte dei Francesi n. 43, 80146 Napoli - ITALY - Tel.: +39 0817520202 - Fax: +39 0815591940Punto vendita: Via Guantai Nuovi n. 36, 80133 Napoli - ITALY - Tel.: +39 0815510164Web: - Mail: [email protected]

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-100.000 33cl. plastic bottles, using water naturizzatori-di-spensers for the staff.

Here are the results of our first year…ROYAL GOES GREEN.

-480.000 sheets of paper, with the new electronic check-in pad.

-440 toners, sharing printers.

-7.600 bottles, using despensers for concentrate (and biodegradable) detergents.

54.300 reused glass bottles!

We also abolished any packaging of cleaning pro-ducts with a modern dosage system.

80% less material coming from packaging of fruit jui-ce, using a mixer for concentrate fruit juice.

Reduction of any paper material, both in the rooms and in occurrence of meetings.


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