mozilla keyboard shortcuts

 ozilla Keyboard Shortcuts Using Shortcuts This document uses the following format for listing shortcuts: Example: Command Windows ac Linux Copy Ctrl+C Cmd+C Ctrl+C To perf orm a command, press the buttons listed together at the same time. For example, to copy in Windows, press Ctrl and C at the same time. Tip: The plus sign (+ means that you must press two !e ys surrounding the plus sign at the same time. "f there is more then one plus sign (such as Ctrl+#hift+C, it means that all three buttons surrounding the plus sign must be pressed at the same time. Abbreviations: Ctrl $ Control !ey Cmd $ Command !ey on the %acintosh !eyboard Note: #ome !eyboard shortcuts perform different functions based on cursor location (focus. For example, if you press &ome on Windows while 'iewing a web page, %oilla will mo'e to the top of the web page. &owe'er, if you press &ome on Windows while the cursor is in a text field, the cursor will go to the beginning of the text field. ) *eturn to beginning of section  General ozilla Shortcuts These shortcuts are a'ailable from all %oilla windows: Command Windows ac Linux Command Windows ac Linux Copy Ctrl+C Cmd+C Ctrl+C aste Ctrl+- Cmd+- Ctrl+- Cut Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+ Close Window Ctrl+W Cmd+W Ctrl+W

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 ozilla Keyboard Shortcuts

Using Shortcuts

This document uses the following format for listing shortcuts:


Command Windows ac Linux

Copy Ctrl+C Cmd+C Ctrl+C

To perform a command, press the buttons listed together at the same time. For example,

to copy in Windows, press Ctrl and C at the same time.

Tip: The plus sign (+ means that you must press two !eys surrounding the plus sign atthe same time. "f there is more then one plus sign (such as Ctrl+#hift+C, it means that all

three buttons surrounding the plus sign must be pressed at the same time.


• Ctrl $ Control !ey

• Cmd $ Command !ey on the %acintosh !eyboard

Note: #ome !eyboard shortcuts perform different functions based on cursor location

(focus. For example, if you press &ome on Windows while 'iewing a web page, %oilla

will mo'e to the top of the web page. &owe'er, if you press &ome on Windows while thecursor is in a text field, the cursor will go to the beginning of the text field.

) *eturn to beginning of section 

General ozilla Shortcuts

These shortcuts are a'ailable from all %oilla windows:

Command Windows ac Linux

Command Windows ac Linux

Copy Ctrl+C Cmd+C Ctrl+C

aste Ctrl+- Cmd+- Ctrl+-

Cut Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+

Close Window Ctrl+W Cmd+W Ctrl+W

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Command Windows ac Linux

!elete "ext Word Ctrl+!el Ctrl+!el

o /p 0ne age age /p age /p age /p

Go !own #ne $age $age !own $age !own $age !own

o /p 0ne 1ine /p 2rrow /p 2rrow /p 2rrow

Go !own #ne Line !own %rrow !own %rrow !own %rrow

/ndo Ctrl+3 Cmd+3 Ctrl+3



Find Ctrl+F Cmd+F Ctrl+F

)ind %gainCtrl+G or)*

Cmd+G Ctrl+G

Find 1in!s 2s 4ou Type 5 (apostrophe 5 (apostrophe 5 (apostrophe

)ind ext %s ,ou ype - - -

0pen search engine page Ctrl+#hift+F Cmd+#hift+F Ctrl+#hift+F

#pen Context Menu Shi't+)./ Ctrl+Space Shi't+)./

0pen %ain %enu (switches to the

first drop6down menu at the top of

the window. example: 7File7 in


2lt or F89

(%ac 0# : Controlled

through !eyboard

 preference in Control



Mo0e to beginning o' line

1in a text editing 'ield2

3ome Cmd+Le't %rrow Ctrl+%

%o'e to end of line (in a text

editing field;nd Cmd+*ight 2rrow Ctrl+;

4xit Mozilla Ctrl+5 Cmd+5 Ctrl+5

#tart <a'igator Ctrl+8 Cmd+8 Ctrl+8

Start Mail 6 "ewsgroups Ctrl+7 Cmd+7 Ctrl+7

#tart Composer Ctrl+= Cmd+= Ctrl+=

Start %ddress 8oo9 Ctrl+: Cmd+: Ctrl+:

#tart "*C Chat Ctrl+> Cmd+> Ctrl+>

) *eturn to beginning of section 

"a0igator Shortcuts

These shortcuts are a'ailable from all <a'igator windows.

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"n this section:

?oo!mar! #hortcuts

age <a'igation #hortcuts

age -iewing #hortcuts

Tabbed ?rowsing #hortcuts

#idebar #hortcuts

Forms #hortcuts

8oo9mar9s Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

#pen Manage 8oo9mar9s Window Ctrl+8 Cmd+8 Ctrl+8

2dd age to ?oo!mar!s Ctrl+@ Cmd+@ Ctrl+@

)ile 8oo9mar9 1to customize and'ile a page you are boo9mar9ing2



?oo!mar! roperties (for selected boo!mar! in

%anage ?oo!mar!s windowCtrl+" Cmd+" Ctrl+"

) *eturn to beginning of section 

$age "a0igation Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

Command Windows ac Linux

#pen 3istoryWindow

Ctrl+3 Cmd+Shi't+3 Ctrl+3

*eload Ctrl+* Cmd+* Ctrl+*  

)orce &eload 1not

'rom cache2

Ctrl+Shi't+& Cmd+Shi't+& Ctrl+Shi't+&

?ac! 2lt+1eft 2rrow or

?ac!spaceCmd+1eft 2rrow 2lt+1eft 2rrow


Cmd+&ight %rrow%lt+&ight%rrow

#top ;sc ;sc ;sc

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Command Windows ac Linux

3ome %lt+3ome Cmd+3ome %lt+3ome

o to ?ottom of age ;nd ;nd

Go to op o' $age 3ome 3ome 3ome

#elect 2ll Text in

1ocation ?ar Ctrl+1 or 2lt+@ Cmd+1 Ctrl+1 or 2lt+@

#pen Web $ageLocation

Ctrl+Shi't+L Cmd+Shi't+L Ctrl+Shi't+L

0pen #elected 1in! in a

Web age;nter *eturn ;nter  

4xit Mozilla Ctrl+5 Cmd+5 Ctrl+5

%o'e to <ext Frame (in

web pages using framesF>

Ctrl+Tab or F> (if F> is not

 programmed for another



Mo0e to $re0ious)rame 1in webpages using'rames2


Ctrl+Shi't+ab orShi't+); 1i' ); isnot programmed 'oranother command2


 <ew <a'igator Window Ctrl+< Cmd+< Ctrl+<

Mo0e to"ext-$re0ious Lin9or )orm 4lement ina Web $age

ab-Shi't+ab ab-Shi't+abab-Shi't+ab

0pen File Ctrl+0 Cmd+0 Ctrl+0

Close Window Ctrl+W Cmd+W Ctrl+W

#a'e age 2s Ctrl+# Cmd+# Ctrl+#

Sa0e Lin9ed $age1when a lin9 isselected2

Shi't+4nter #ption+4nter Shi't+4nter

rint age Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+

Go Up #ne $age$age Up-Shi't+Space

$age Up- Shi't+Space$age Up-Shi't+Space

o @own 0ne age age @ownA#pace age @ownA#paceage


Go Up #ne Line Up %rrow Up %rrow Up %rrow

o @own 0ne 1ine @own 2rrow @own 2rrow @own 2rrow

urn on-o'' CaretMode

)< )< 1i' )< is notprogrammed 'or


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Command Windows ac Linux

another command2

) *eturn to beginning of section 

$age =iewing Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

)ull Screen1toggle2

)..).. 1may depend onwindow manager2

3oom Text #maller Ctrl+6 (minus


Cmd+6 (minus

signCtrl+6 (minus sign

(oom ext LargerCtrl+> 1plussign2

Cmd+> 1plussign2

Ctrl+> 1plus sign2

 <o 3oom (bac! to

normalA899BCtrl+9 Cmd+9 Ctrl+9

=iew $age?n'ormation

Ctrl+? Cmd+? Ctrl+?

-iew age #ource Ctrl+/ Cmd+/ Ctrl+/

) *eturn to beginning of section 

+abbed 8rowsing Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

"ew "a0igator ab Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+

#witch to <ext Tab (when using

Tabbed ?rowsing with more then

one tab

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+age




Ctrl+Tab or

Ctrl+age @own

Switch to $re0ious ab1when using abbed8rowsing with more thenone tab2

Ctrl+Shi't+abor Ctrl+$age Up


Ctrl+$age Up

Close Tab (Close window if one page open

Ctrl+W Cmd+W Ctrl+W

#pen lin9 in new'oreground tab

?nsert ?nsert

0pen lin! in new bac!ground tab #hift+"nsert #hift+"nsert #hift+"nsert

) *eturn to beginning of section 

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Sidebar Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

#pen-Close Sidebar1toggle2

)@ )@ )@

#witch to <ext #idebar anel 2lt+age @own 0ption+age @own 2lt+age @own

Switch to $re0iousSidebar $anel

%lt+$age Up #ption+$age Up %lt+$age Up

) *eturn to beginning of section 

)orms Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

Mo0e to"ext-$re0ious?tem in )orm

ab-Shi't+ab ab-Shi't+ab ab-Shi't+ab

#ubmit Form ;nter ;nter ;nter  

$ress Selected8utton - Select&adio 8utton2

Space Space Space

#elect an "tem from a


/p 2rrow, @own

2rrow, or First 1etter

of "tem <ame

/p 2rrow, @own

2rrow, or First 1etter

of "tem <ame

/p 2rrow, @own

2rrow, or First 1etter

of "tem <ame


Space Space Space

0pen a @rop6@own

%enu2lt+@own 2rrow 0ption+@own 2rrow 2lt+@own 2rrow

) *eturn to beginning of section 

 ail 6 "ewsgroups Shortcuts

These shortcuts are a'ailable from %ail <ewsgroups windows.

"n this section:

eneral %ail <ewsgroups #hortcuts

%essage 1ist #hortcuts

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%essage Compose #hortcuts

General ail 6 "ewsgroups Shortcuts




 ac Linux

Mo0e to "ext Mail $ane 1)olderA5uic9SearchA hreadA Message $anes2

); ); );

 <ew %essage Ctrl+% Cmd+#hift+% Ctrl+%

) *eturn to beginning of section 

 essage List Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

Command Windows ac Linux

Sa0e Message as )ile Ctrl+S Cmd+S Ctrl+S

0pen %essage (in a new window Ctrl+0 Cmd+0 Ctrl+0

!elete Message !el !el !el

/ndo @elete %essage Ctrl+3 Cmd+3 Ctrl+3

Select %ll Messages Ctrl+% Cmd+% Ctrl+%

Collapse 2ll ThreadsD (bac!slash

!eyD (bac!slash !ey

D (bac!slash


4xpand %ll hreadsB 1asteris99ey2

B 1asteris99ey2

B 1asteris99ey2

%essage #ource Ctrl+/ Cmd+/ Ctrl+/

Go to "ext Message ) ) )

o to <ext /nread %essage < < <

Go to "ext Unread hread

o to re'ious %essage ? ? ?

Go to $re0ious Unread Message $ $ $

*eply to %essage (replies only to sender Ctrl+* Cmd+* Ctrl+*  

&eply to %ll in Message1replies to sender and toother email addresses inmessage2



Forward %essage Ctrl+1 Cmd+1 Ctrl+1

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Command Windows ac Linux

4dit as "ew 1compose new emailusing the body and attachmentso' the selected message2

Ctrl+4 Cmd+4 Ctrl+4

%ar! %essage as *ead % % %

Mar9 hread as &ead & & &

%ar! 2ll %essages in #elected Folder as

*eadCtrl+#hift+C Cmd+#hift+C Ctrl+#hift+C

) *eturn to beginning of section 

 essage Compose Shortcuts

Command Windows ac Linux

Send Message "ow Ctrl+4nter Cmd+4nter Ctrl+4nter

#end %essage 1ater Ctrl+#hift+;nter Cmd+#hift+;nter Ctrl+#hift+;nter  

) *eturn to beginning of section 

Composer Shortcuts

These shortcuts are a'ailable from Composer windows.

Command Windows ac Linux

Command Windows ac Linux

Sa0e $age Ctrl+S Cmd+S Ctrl+S

0pen File Ctrl+0 Cmd+0 Ctrl+0

Close $age Ctrl+W Cmd+W Ctrl+W

Find in age Ctrl+F Cmd+F Ctrl+F

)ind %gain Ctrl+G Cmd+G Ctrl+G

"nsertA;dit 1in! Ctrl+1 Cmd+1 Ctrl+1


Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+

@ecrease "ndent Ctrl+ Cmd+ Ctrl+

!iscontinueext Styles

Ctrl+Shi't+ Cmd+Shi't+ Ctrl+Shi't+

@iscontinue Ctrl+#hift+E Cmd+#hift+E Ctrl+#hift+E  

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Command Windows ac Linux



Ctrl+!rag Cmd+!rag Ctrl+!rag

#elect Cells(s

Ctrl+Clic! (drag toselect bloc! of cells, or

continue clic!ing to

select indi'idual cells

Cmd+Clic! (drag toselect bloc! of cells, or

continue clic!ing to select

indi'idual cells

Ctrl+Clic! (drag to select bloc! of cells, or

continue clic!ing to

select indi'idual cells

!ecrease)ont Size

Ctrl+D 1minussign2

Cmd+D 1minus sign2Ctrl+D 1minussign2

"ncrease Font

#ieCtrl+$ (eual sign Cmd+$ (eual sign Ctrl+$ (eual sign

ext Style8old

Ctrl+8 Cmd+8 Ctrl+8

Text #tyle "talic Ctrl+" Cmd+" Ctrl+"

ext StyleUnderline

Ctrl+U Cmd+U Ctrl+U

Text #tyle

Fixed WidthCtrl+T Cmd+T Ctrl+T

) *eturn to beginning of section 

3elp Window Shortcuts

These shortcuts are a'ailable from &elp windows.

Command Windows ac Linux

#pen 3elp and Support Center within"a0igatorA Mail 6 "ewsgroupsAComposerA and %ddress 8oo9

). 3elp Key ).

 <a'igate 1in!s within Content ane (right pane Tab Tab Tab

Switch between Content $ane andSearch-Contents-?ndex-Glossary


); ); );

 <a'igate "ndex Terms (while "ndex ane is








Scroll $ane 1ContentA able o'ContentsA or ?ndex2




;xpandACollapse Table of Contents Tree #tructure1eftA*ight






Page 10: Mozilla Keyboard Shortcuts

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Command Windows ac Linux

$rint $age Ctrl+$ Cmd+$ Ctrl+$

o ?ac! to re'ious age2lt+1eft

2rrow Eey


2rrow Eey


2rrow Eey

Go )orward #ne $age %lt+&ight%rrow Key

%lt+&ight%rrow Key

%lt+&ight%rrow Key