moving hearts and minds


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From a cross-country trip to an anniversary vacation, the most endearing and enduring memories of travel are often those spent in the inspiring company of others. At PSA, we appreciate our people and encourage them to express their appreciation of others, through an empowering culture that motivates them to stretch and shine.

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PSA International’s Board of Directors is committed to their role in overseeing the organisation’s business affairs. The Board’s insight and acumen have been invaluable in providing guidance in various matters on strategic planning, focusing on growth and financial performance.

The Board meets every quarter to decide business direction, review investment opportunities and approve budgets and audited accounts. A majority voting system determines the outcome. In the event of a tie in votes, the Chairman holds the deciding vote.

The following Committees support the Board:

• EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE(EXCO)The EXCO develops and reviews long-term strategies for the PSA Group. It is responsible for the approval of major acquisitions, loans, divestments, capital expenditures, provision of guarantees, investment policies, customer contracts, tenders and purchase contracts.

• AUDITCOMMITTEE(AC)The AC identifies and mitigates significant risk areas through regular reviews of the effectiveness of control procedures. It assesses the reliability of management reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and reviews the statutory accounts.

• LEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENT&COMPENSATION COMMITTEE (LDCC)The LDCC oversees leadership development, talent management and remuneration. It ensures that the PSA Group has in place appropriate programs and consistent policies for grooming leaders, developing global talent and preparing potential successors for key leadership positions. It also reviews the performance and approves the remuneration of PSA senior management.

• SUPERVISORYCOMMITTEES(SCs)The SCs are responsible for aligning management resources for the better management of PSA’s global portfolio of terminals. There are five SCs: Southeast Asia SC, Northeast Asia SC, Middle East South Asia SC, Europe, Mediterranean & The Americas SC and Marine Services SC. Each SC plans and reviews growth strategies and approves major capital expenditures, customer contracts, tenders and purchase contracts for PSA entities under its business purview.

As a leading port operator, the PSA Group consistently upholds the call for business integrity in its commercial practices by adhering to the PSA Code of Business Ethics & Conduct.




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People are PSA’s most important asset and a key enabler as we strive towards being a global champion.


Leadership development has been a continued priority, with signature in-house designed leadership programs such as LeaderFish! and LeaderFish+, tailored to align leadership creeds with passion, purpose and performance.

Dovetailed with executive leadership programs, holistic feedback tools like RED / TEAM RED 360°, coaching and mentoring, HBDI Profiling and more, there is an arsenal of resources supporting the leader’s development journey.

We have progressively rolled out our in-house coaching program to senior leaders globally, and our flagships are cascading the workshops to sustain the coaching culture. In tandem, the mentoring program prepares each level of leaders to groom, guide and plan for the next generation.


To raise our global capabilities and leverage Learning and Development as a competitive edge for business success, we have consolidated our global learning thrust on a common platform, a move which articulates our mission to be the leading port-learning institute of the world.

In transforming the global port industry, we aspire to play a key role by developing the next generation of port leaders, professionals and specialists – through innovative teaching methods founded upon years of experience and expertise, and groundbreaking research that pushes the boundaries.

The common learning platform will carry PSA’s signature leadership, culture and team effectiveness programs, provide customised solutions and enhanced skills training and support start-ups and projects. Terminal excellence studies were conducted across our global business units to encourage the sharing of ideas, and from there we gleaned productivity best practices to sharpen our global capabilities – in the service of reaching higher levels of service and performance.


Talent diversity and integration is vital for organisational ability. For cross-cultural exposure, several development programs were created to harness the powerful synergies across our global network.

The Short-Term International Development Experience (STRIDE) program is one such example, where employees undertake a major business project at an overseas port, allowing for the cross-fertilisation of ideas. Participants have described the program as a truly immersive and multi-dimensional learning opportunity that has developed them immeasurably.

The Managed Open Resourcing (MOR) scheme facilitates optimal development and deployment worldwide. Business needs and personal aspirations are matched via the e-Individual Development Plan (eIDP – a tool aiding transparent development discussions), with HR and the regions and functions as coordinators.

The bespoke GM Fast Track program has also been designed to accelerate the learning curve for PSA leaders heading new port projects, while the POMP (Port Operations and Management Program) provides a holistic span of learning across key aspects of the business.


For culture and engagement, Fish! and Fish+ have taken the PSA world by storm, becoming a movement involving close to 15,000 employees across the globe. Technological innovations have taken employee appreciation, motivation and recognition to new heights, with the creation of the Fishapp (a tool for staff to express appreciation to one another) and an online Fishop (a reward-recognition platform). These PSA innovations target employee engagement and facilitated the sending of close to 120,000 messages of appreciation in just one year of launch. By successfully encouraging teaming and motivation across different levels of the organisation, the culture of Fish! and Fish+ have helped to strengthen staff cohesion and make real the belief that PSA is a great place to work.

In late 2015, an Employee Opinion Poll (EOP) was conducted to determine the level of employee engagement at PSA. We were heartened that the overall participation rate across our global business units was a record high of 88%, a rise of 7% over the previous poll’s rating. Overall employee satisfaction was close to 80%, rising from 76%. There was again resounding confidence in the leadership, with 76% indicating that PSA was well-led, rising from 75%. In addition, the Fish! and Fish+ culture change movement was voted the best HR initiative for the fourth consecutive time.

We are greatly encouraged by the EOP results, which serve as a quantitative and qualitative measure of the progress made in creating a great workplace culture, or what we term, a great “Smell of the Place” at PSA – shorthand for describing an environment that promotes Stretch (passion and purpose), Support (people development, service excellence), Self-Discipline (commitment) and Trust (teamwork, strong relationships).


No learning journey is complete without a tool for navigation, and the moral compass of PSA is The Code – Business Ethics and Conduct. The Code is the reference which aligns all PSA staff on our values – which are the preservation of integrity and trust, while exercising ethical decision-making in all our endeavours. For while the paths we travel may twist and turn, amidst the challenges that beset the industry, guided by The Code, we safely tread upon the straight and narrow.




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Wherever PSA operates in the world, we aspire to be a positive force in the local communities, by contributing back to society in ways big and small, to bring about change for the better.

2015 was a significant year for us as Singapore – from where PSA can trace its roots and heritage – commemorated its 50th anniversary of independence, under the banner of “SG50”.

On 9 July, in conjunction with the Golden Jubilee celebrations, we launched PSA Health@Home (H@H), a new corporate social responsibility (CSR) program which seeks to encourage a spirit of volunteerism and promote eldercare knowledge amongst Singapore-based staff. Under the initiative, employees are given time-off from work and a transport allowance, for eldercare training and to volunteer with our four H@H program partners comprising established healthcare and welfare organisations. They are St Luke’s ElderCare (SLEC), HCA Hospice Care, National University Health System (NUHS) and Lions Befrienders. In addition, H@H aims at sustaining these volunteerism efforts by supporting staff who volunteer on a regular basis after retirement, whereupon they would receive a small monthly stipend from PSA.

In tandem with the launch of H@H, PSA inked a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with SLEC and donated S$1.5 million towards the establishment of three new eldercare service, training and innovation centres. In return, SLEC provides training and volunteering opportunities to PSA employees, as well as imparts healthcare and eldercare knowledge to staff nearing retirement, to equip them with basic caregiving and active-ageing skills.

During the year, PSA collaborated with Mediacorp to produce short TV vignettes as part of the SG50 celebrations. Screened on Channel NewsAsia, the vignettes showcased the history and development of the Singapore Port and PSA.

Concurrently, we partnered Singapore Press Holdings to publish a series of 20 futurist-themed essays in The Straits Times. Leading thinkers in industry, politics and economics from Singapore and around the world contributed their ideas, including our Group CEO Tan Chong Meng. While the opinion pieces are topically diverse, they are bound together by the common thread of envisioning Singapore’s future 50 years hence. These were subsequently compiled into a commemorative book titled “2065”.

Education continues to be a key CSR focus at PSA. For the seventh year, Howe Yoon Chong PSA bond-free scholarships were awarded to 16 deserving students from underprivileged families who achieved commendable grades while contributing actively to their local communities. The bond-free scholarships pay for tuition and other compulsory fees, as well as provide book and living allowances. Since its inception in 2009, the program has made a difference to the lives of over 110 students. In 2015, PSA also injected an additional S$1 million to the scholarship endowment fund to benefit more young Singaporeans in the future.

In further support of education, S$100,000 was donated to the Kwa Geok Choo Law Library for the fifth year.

Throughout 2015, PSA supported a wide spectrum of causes within the local community that made our SG50 celebrations infinitely more meaningful. The beneficiaries – spanning from charity and healthcare organisations, to education, arts and culture institutions – included Assisi Hospice; Asian Civilisations Museum; Singapore Cord Blood Bank; Singapore Symphony Orchestra; Singapore Chinese Orchestra; Singapore Lyric Opera; Singapore Table Tennis Association, and many others.

In particular, we continued our engagement with the community in the areas of special needs and youth development. More than 800 participants attended the annual PSA Charity Fair fundraiser




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and all proceeds went to the Muscular Dystrophy Association Singapore. For the third year running, PSA also lent a helping hand to The Haven, a shelter for children and youths from disadvantaged families, by organising a host of experiential learning activities and funding improvement works for the residential home.

PSA also sponsored various education and youth development projects initiated by the Children’s Charities Association of Singapore, WorldSkills Singapore, and several institutions of higher learning – such as the adoption of Institute of Technical Education College East’s PSA Study Corner and a laboratory in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. We also continued to be a principal sponsor of Singapore’s National Day Parade (NDP). As a tribute to the Port’s significance in the nation’s history, PSA was one of nine organisations which participated exclusively in the Vintage Parade segment – a special highlight of NDP 2015.

Elsewhere in Asia, PSA terminals adopted various projects to benefit the local communities.

In Thailand, staff of Eastern Sea Laem Chabang Terminal visited the Baan Ang Sua-dam School in the province of Chachoengsao, to aid the school in improving its infrastructure and surrounding environment.

Over in China, employees of Dalian Container Terminal organised educational activities for children of an impoverished rural village, as well as raised funds to purchase equipment for the local school and stationery items for the children. Similarly, Tianjin Port Pacific International Container Terminal jointly coordinated a fundraising drive with Tianjin Port Group and Tianjin Dongjiang Bonded Port Union, with proceeds going towards building a field for a local primary school. LYG-PSA Container Terminal in Lianyungang held fundraising activities for underprivileged families in its locality. Guangzhou Container Terminal continued its active support of a school for autistic children with special needs through financial contributions, active volunteerism and coordination of events, such as an annual sports meet.

In India, Chennai International Terminals started the “Windows To Our Soul” initiative as staff worked hand in hand to improve the living conditions at a children’s home in the municipal town of Arakkonam. PSA Sical employees in Tuticorin organised a Children’s Day celebration for the children of Arumugasamy Anbu Ashram orphanage. The terminal also organised a free health screening for all staff under the “Be Well Hospitals” program.

Over in Europe, PSA Antwerp’s partnership with the New Belgica project reached its fourth year. The terminal co-funded the costs of recruitment, training and purchase of shipbuilding materials for the social project, which focuses on reintegration and education, providing unemployed youngsters with training and employment opportunities through the building of a full-scale museum replica of the eponymous vessel ‘The Belgica’, which sank in 1899. Separately during the year, staff from the terminal continued their participation in the annual 1000-kilometre cycling event organised by the Belgian Cancer Foundation, to raise funds for the organisation. To cultivate altruism among its employees, PSA Antwerp also provided financial support towards selected CSR projects initiated by its staff.

PSA Sines in Portugal focused its efforts towards local community projects, from rebuilding social facilities in schools, to sponsoring cultural festivals and supporting major sports events and teams. In Turkey, Mersin International Port continued its collaboration with Mersin University Conservatory to provide music education for gifted youths in MIP Kids’ Music Academy. The terminal also supported the ‘Lend a Hand to My Disability Project’ with the renovation of a special education sports facility, as well as contributed towards repairs and refurbishment of local schools.

Over in Argentina, Exolgan Container Terminal financially supported 1,200 students through school at various education levels. A champion for youth development, the terminal also disbursed seven university scholarships during the year, and collaborated with local NGOs to organise port visits, sports and cultural activities for hundreds of young people.

Besides working towards supporting the local communities in which PSA has a presence, we are also committed towards engaging in sustainable industry practices.

In 2015, PSA together with Shanghai International Port Group, APM Terminals, DP World, Hutchison Port Holdings and the Port of Rotterdam Authority joined forces for the first time in a coordinated effort for ‘Go Green’, an industry initiative seeking to promote environmental awareness and make a sustainable difference in the communities in which we operate. During the week-long campaign, employees at PSA terminals around the world organised various projects that support preserving or enhancing their local environments, such as planting trees and corals; cleaning up terminals, offices, local parks and beaches; and creating gardens or green spaces. Other activities included recycling drives, nature walks, and energy-saving seminars and talks at the workplace.

For port operations, PSA Singapore Terminals continued to work towards long-term sustainability with cleaner, energy-efficient equipment and processes. At its latest Pasir Panjang Terminal Phases 3 and 4 expansion, electrically-powered automated Rail Mounted Gantry cranes were deployed to support its container operations. It also demonstrated its commitment to green energy technologies by installing prototype ultralight and bendable solar film modules at the newest Pasir Panjang Terminal Building 3. These modules help reduce reliance on conventional fuels and contribute towards a smaller carbon footprint.

PSA’s sustained CSR efforts reflect our deep commitment to the local communities, and the belief that it is our responsibility to actively improve lives and the environment – in our endeavour to leave a positive legacy as the World’s Port of Call wherever we may be.