movable type 6 overview (2013.10.24)

Movable Type 6 の最新情報と今後の展開について Oct 24, 2013 Daiji Hirata CTO, Six Apart Ltd.

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About Movable Type 6 overview and product strategy described at Six Apart Corporate event on Oct/24, 2013.


  • 1. Movable Type 6 Oct 24, 2013 Daiji Hirata CTO, Six Apart Ltd.

2. : l 1996-1999:LAN (NTT)l 2000-2004:IT (Neoteny)l 2003-2006: l 2007-2012:VP Technology (Six Apart) CFO / CTO (News2u)l 2012-present:CTO (Six Apart) 3. 2013.10.16 Movable Type 6 l 3 2004 9 2005200620072008200920102011201220132014 4. Movable Type l 2001 l 10 CMS l MTMLl l APIl 5. Static Movable Type Posting to MT, WPViewing on MT, WPPosting 1000 articles via XMLRPC API MT: 3 h 24 m, WP: 52 mab -c10 -n 100 MT: 2.8 sec, WP: 113 sec 6. 5 6 lMT5.0 4.0 3 l 7. Type Simple, Smart, Speedy l Movablel Transformer DOM 5.2 8. l Data API l Chart API l Loupe l NewDashboard Widget l Notification Center l Schedule un-publishing l Blog articles in Website 9. Data API API l JavaScript l XMLRPC/Atom l REST/JSONl HTML5+ CSS + JavaScript + DataAPI 10. var api = new MT.DataAPI({! baseUrl: "https://your-host/mt/mt-data-api.cgi",! clientId: "your-client-id"! });! ! api.listEntries(siteId, function(response) {! if (response.error) {! // Handle error! return;! }! ! for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++) {! var entry = response.items[i];! // Render an entry! }! }); 11. Data API l l l 12. Chart API l (JavaScript) l Dashboard Widget Loupe 13. library & container: ! ! ! ...!

drawing: $(function(){! var config = {! data: [! { x: '2013-04, y: '123 },! { x: '2013-05, y: '235 },! { x: '2013-06, y: '76 }! ]! }! var range = {! dataType: 'general, length: 3! }! new MT.ChartAPI.Graph(config, range).trigger(! 'APPEND_TO', $('#graph'));! }) 14. library & container: ! ! ! ...!

drawing: $(function(){! var config = {! data: [! { x: '2013-04, y: '123 },! { x: '2013-05, y: '235 },! { x: '2013-06, y: '76 }! ]! }! var range = {! dataType: 'general, length: 3! }! new MT.ChartAPI.Graph(config, range).trigger(! 'APPEND_TO', $('#graph'));! }) 15. area chartbar chart (vertical)donut chartbar chart (horizontal)line chartbar chart (vertical)mixed chart 16. Loupe l l HTML5+ CSS + JavaScript l Data API + Chart API l l MIT 17. Entry on Websiteitself l l l 18. New Dashboard + Google Analytics Support Chart API (JavaScript) l Google Analytics l Flash 19. New Dashboard + Google Analytics Support Chart API (JavaScript) l Google Analytics l Flash 20. l NotificationCenter l Schedule un-published l 5.0 700l 1.6 (5.0) 21. l NotificationCenter l Schedule un-published l 5.0 700l 1.6 (5.0) 22. l OSMTl l BCP VMl FTP(S) 23. l OSMTl l BCP VMl FTP(S) 24. Movable Type Advanced / Windows Server FastCGI IIS FastCGI Module PSGI l Azure Deploy Kit l Windows Azurel 25. (EZ)() 26. l MIT (Rainier, Eiger) Loupe Data API, Chart API JavaScript l MTOS 27. Movable Type Products3rd Party ProductsThemes/Plugins MT4/5 GPL OnlyCORE Addons (Custom Fields, etc) Themes/Plugins/API Libraries/LoupeMT6 CORE Addons (Custom Fields, etc)Commercial/Free or GPLCommercial/FreeMIT License 28. l MessageCenter l External Assets () l Custom Fields l Data API v2 l Cloud Functions 29.