mount abu public school project save sparrow project


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Its 21st century, a fast-growing digital era. Today our morning breaks with SMS beeps and tweets. We are more familiar to the than the natural tweets. But can you imagine the world where there are no birds singing songs, no natural music? Do you remember when did you hear a sparrow chitter last time? Probably no, no one does. It’s a small and useless bird- that’s what we think, don’t we?In the last few decades, the population of sparrows has witnessed a sharp decline. The birds which could be found everywhere are hard to spot now. This is the result of various nature-tampering activities of the humankind like deforestation, establishment of mobile towers, use of unhealthy pesticides, tampering with the food chain, and finally various forms of pollution.Well, one man thought with a different perspective. Mohammed E. Dilawar, a nature conservationist with a difference could think beyond tigers and rhinos. He could see urban and he decided to bring back the house sparrow into the urban landscape again.But six years ago, when Dilawar expressed his concern about this, nobody took him seriously. “When I spoke to people about it, they laughed at me.” He then started the Nature Forever Society (NFS) and pledged to restore the urban flora and fauna which generally goes unnoticed as forests remain the centre of attraction.This year, after getting thousands of feedbacks from various parts of the country, the NFS in association with the Burhani Foundation (India) has decided to go live. They started the project Save Our Sparrow (SOS), an initiative in which they distributed 52,000 bird feeders across the world on a non-profit basis.This effort to save the nature and the environment has been sent to Guinness Book of World Records as well as. The Limca citation says, “As the world celebrated World Sparrow Day, Indian Postal Department released a stamp of the house sparrow along with the rock pigeon on March 20, 2010. Nashik-based Mohammed Dilawar, who initiated the movement in India, was in the forefront of the activities in Delhi.”But, these birds, being an indicator of environmental health, need to be saved before they can be seen only in books or on the internet. In nearly 260 cities and townships across the country – in states such as Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal- free bird feeders and installation manuals were distributed to individuals, schools and various institutes.Alarmed by their decline, a lot of NGOs and individuals have volunteered to the cause of the common, currently facing a major threat from human developmental activities. If you are one who liked thechattering sound of the sparrows in your childhood, then it’s your time to pay for the opera you enjoyed. Visit Let’s hope to see a better world tomorrow.

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Save sparrows, save our environment

Sparrow is a lovely, beautiful and social bird found everywhere in our surroundings. Now a days the due to different reasons, numbers of sparrows are reducing day by day. In this article I am providing important information related to sparrows and important tips to save sparrows.

Sparrow is the most lovable, small and harmless bird. Sparrows can be seen anywhere in our surroundings. It is a social bird. You were able to see a sparrow around you whenever you want some years ago. But now a days you have to search a sparrow if you want to show your children. The population of sparrow is declining. According to a study there is 80% decline in the numbers of sparrow. Sparrow is an important part of our life. Since we have grown to adult by observing this small and beautiful bird. The fallen sparrow inspired Salim Ali's carrier in ornithology. Now this is decreasing day by day. Now we have to save this sparrow to save our environment. To aware the people 20th march is celebrated as world sparrow day every year.

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Habitat and Food

Sparrows are generally associated with human beings. Sparrows are found in the places where human are densely populated. Sparrows eat food grains like wheat, oat etc and larvae of mosquitoes and insects

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Importance of SparrowThe some major importance of

sparrow are:Ecological Balance : Every animal and plant in this world has

its significance. The sparrow is a member of many food chain and food web. So as you know if you harm any food chain it will affect complete food web. So if you will not save sparrow it will disturb ecological balance.

Pollination in many plants: Sparrow helps in pollination in many plants. Pollination is a process by which the pollen grain of one flower reaches to stigma of other flower in sexual reproduction. So Sparrow helps in sexual reproduction in plants

Reduce many diseases : Sparrow eats larvae of many insects and mosquitoes which causes many diseases like malaria, dengue etc. So sparrows protect us from many diseases which are life threatened.

Brings prosperity: Sparrows bring prosperity for us. We like to watch this small and lovable bird. Our children always want to observe this bird and always sing songs related to this bird to entertain themselves

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Reasons of declining The numbers of sparrows are declining. Some important reasons of declining are as follows:

Loss of habitat : Due to modern technology old spacious buildings have been changed to the shapes where sparrow do not find their habitat. It is the most important reason of decline of population.

Lack of food : The old Kirana shops have been converted in to malls or big bazaar. In this type of bazaar and malls all the items are found in packets. So sparrows do not find their food grains which were available in old Kirana Shops.

Electro Magnetic Radiation : The electromagnetic radiations released from our mobile phone is also a major cause of decline in the numbers of sparrows.

Modern Agriculture : Modern agriculture is also a important reason of decline the numbers of sparrows. In modern agriculture insecticide and pesticides are widely used which adversely affect the birds directly and indirectly. When sparrows eat this types of fruits this affects in the formation of egg's shell. The numbers of insects decrease due to insecticides whose larvae are food of sparrows.

Pollution : Pollution is the most important reasons of declining the numbers of sparrows. Different types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, etc adversely affect sparrows.Loss of tree cover : The deforestation is also a reason of decline of sparrows population. We are constructing modern buildings, malls, big bazaar, industries etc by destroying forest and plants.

Urbanization and Unplanned development: Urbanization and unplanned development are also the most important causes of decline of sparrow’s population.

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Tips to save sparrows

It is our duty to save this small, lovable, beautiful and harmless bird for environment and for ourselves. Don't do bigger things. Only by doing smaller things you can give your support to save this bird and to save our environment. Some important tips to save sparrows:

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Arrangement should be made for the availability of food grains and water for sparrows.

Try to minimize pollution as much as possible.Minimize the use of your cell phone. If possible, use

anti radiation cover to protect yourselves and to protect environment.

Wisely use insecticides and pesticides. One word of these substances are harmful in many ways.

Use high quality of fuel in your vehicle and maintain your vehicle to minimize the pollution.

You can use a simple apparatus to provide food and water for the sparrows. Some apparatus were distributed by Burhani foundation India last year on World Sparrow Day (20th March) all over the world to inspire the people to save sparrows.


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