most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

By – Amad Asif Hamza Ikram

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

By – Amad AsifHamza Ikram

Page 2: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab
Page 3: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

Prypiat is in the northern Ukraine and once housed the workers and scientists of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant. Founded in the 70s, it held as many as 50,000 people. Then in 1986, according to a footnote in the official Soviet records, there was a small malfunction in the Chernobyl reactor, so for safety reasons the city was evacuated. Since then, Prypiat has been desolated. The city actually had an entire amusement park for the families of the Chernobyl employees. Its buildings have badly eroded, the giant Ferris Wheel just standing there all alone with nobody to ride it.

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Many of the building interiors in Pripyat have been vandalized and ransacked over the years. Because the buildings have not been maintained since 1986, the roofs leak, and in the springtime the rooms are flooded with water. Trees can be seen growing on roofs and even inside the buildings. All this adds to the deterioration process; a four-story school collapsed in July 2005. Aside from the inherent risk of getting bit by a radioactivity there is another reason why you will never see tourists. The nursery according to certain claims is currently paved with baby shoes and abandoned dolls. So, Prypiat is basically an abandoned radioactive ghost Soviet amusement park.

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Page 6: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

Today, the Sedlec Ossuary is a chapel famous for being decorated with tens of thousands of human bones.The Ossuary is estimated to contain the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people, whose bones have in many cases been artistically arranged to form decorations and furnishings for the chapel. An chandelier of bones, which contains at least one of every bone in the human body, hangs from the center of the nave with garlands of skulls draping the vault.

Page 7: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

In the mid 14th century, during the Black Death, and after the Wars in the early 15th century, many thousands were buried in the abbey cemetery.

In 1870, Frantisek Rint, a woodcarver, was employed by the Schwarzenberg family to put the bone heaps into order, yielding a macabre result.

The results were huge mounds of human remains in the four corners of the chapel, a terrifying chandelier built from every bone in the human body, and a massive skull coat of arms adorning the entrance.

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Aokhigra Forest

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It is located north west of Mount Fuji in japan. More than 1500 people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s.

The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Black Sea of Trees where two of his characters commit suicide there. After that-always eager to prove they are bizarrely susceptible to suggestion-hundreds of Japanese people have hanged themselves among the countless trees of the Aokigahara forest, which is reportedly so thick that even in high noon it's not hard to find places completely surrounded by darkness.

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Besides bodies and homemade nooses, the area is littered with signs displaying such uplifting messages like "Life is a precious thing! Please reconsider!" or "Think of your family!“ In the 70s, the problem got national attention and the Japanese government began doing annual sweeps of the forest in search of bodies. In 2002, they found 78. But who knows how many they missed? In all likelihood there probably is a hanged person somewhere in Aokigahara on any given day.

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By the way, if an entire dark forest full of hanged corpses wasn't bad enough, a few years ago some people noticed that a lot of the dead in Aokigaharaprobably had cash or jewelry on them. Thus began the proud Japanese tradition of Aokigahara Scavenging where people are running around the Death Forest, looking for dead guys to loot.

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Page 13: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

It's just an old abandoned island, once occupied by a single inhabitant named Don Julian Santana Barrera, who seemed to have a knack for doll-collecting. The legend goes that years ago a small girl drowned in the canals near the island, and not long after her death, Barrera found her doll floating in the water. Over the course of the next 50 years, the guy collected thousands of discarded dolls, which he thought would somehow serve as companions for the dead girl.

On a dark and creepy island in the canals near Mexico City sits what might be the world’s strangest and scariest tourist attraction ever.

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However, it does seem that the offerings weren't such a success, considering that in 2001 Julian passed away by drowning in the same canal as the girl whose ghost he was trying to appease for all those years. The Island of the Dolls sits in the canals south of Mexico City and is the current home of hundreds of terrifying, mutilated dolls. The dolls appear menacing even in the bright light of midday, but in the dark they are particularly haunting. Although Don Julian’s sentiment was innocent and admirable, the doll graveyard he created is undeniably creepy. Soulless eyes follow visitors as they move around the small island, and many swear that they can hear the dolls whispering to them.

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Page 16: Most h aunted and creepy places around the gloab

In San Jose there is this house. It is a gigantic, sprawling 160-room complex designed like a maze, with mile-long hallways, secret passages, dead ends, doors opening to blank walls and staircases leading to the ceiling. The house is the work of Sarah Winchester, heiress of the Winchester rifle fortune. In the late 19th century, deeply saddened over the death of her husband and daughter, she visited a Boston medium who told her she was haunted by the spirits of all the victims of Winchester rifles. She needed to make peace with them by always be building a house. As in, never stop building a house, or else she will die.

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In 1884, Winchester started construction of her new San Jose mansion, which has gone on non-stop for 38 years right until her death. The Winchester mansion eventually grew so big you could, in all seriousness, get lost in it. And getting lost was the idea, the crazy twists and turns and dead ends were intended to confuse the ghosts. Winchester Mystery House was decorated with a constant spider web which Sarah believed had some spiritual meaning. Everything from the hooks on the walls to candle holders has been arranged around the number 13, supposedly for good luck.