moses kahn of old town -...

August 21, 1920—Page 2 THE JEFFERSONIAN, TCNtySON, MARYLAND. u o 1 o D o D o o D o D o o D o n o D o n o D o D o D o MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN "The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes." COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block South of Belair Market Biggest Clothing Bargains In Baltimore "Mose's" Entire Stock Of Summer Suits Reduced "YomvGood Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back" "MOSES' " GOOD COMMAND- MENTS. T HOU shalt h»ve no other Moses i n Baltimore but "Moses Kalin. of Old Town," for there is no other Moses that sells "Kahn's Good Klothes," and there's none that sells at his low prices. Thou shalt honor "Moses Kalin of Old Town" and speak well of him, for indeed, he is your friend and is ready at all times to serve you in time of need. Thou shalt pay no heed to those who would take "Moses'" Kood name in vain and bear false witness against him, for there are many who envy ' him because his people like him and follow him and keep his com- mandments. And be not deceived by the vain boasting's of "Moses'" ad- versaries. .They would play upon you as they would upon a string- ed instrument and take your last penny and give you the glad ha, ha! For their ways are ways of wickedness a'nd their paths are set with snares and pitfalls. There is But One "Moses Kahn of Old Town" MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN "MOSES' " GOOD COMMAND- MENTS. C OVET not the suit nor the coat nor the pants which thy neighbor wears, but come straight to "Mose" and get as good or better for less money, if you want it. And be sure when you start here that you get here. There are those « along the highway who would intercept you anil even tell you that they were "Moses Kohn of Old Town." <Jive not thine ear to them, but pass them by as you would the idle wind. "Moses Kahn of Old Town" writes these things because he is a jealous "Mose," and he loves his people and watches over them as the great loving Father watches over us all. And the last of "Moses" good commandments is that thou shalt attend his great Suit and Pants Sale promptly. Every suit in the house is reduced to less' than manufacturer's cost and Pants are almost given away. Come and stock up for another season. These Good Suits And Trousers Speak For Themselves SUITS $15.00 $20.00 Nice Lot Men's Fine Pin Stripe Suits; plain sack coat; Venetian lined; pants (T* "I £* f\f\ with cuff bottoms. This sale *P-LO«UU Nice Lot Men's Light Gray Cassimere Suits (some we carried over, but all this this season's styles); sack coat; pants plain and cuff bottoms; broken sizes; suits that we sold last season for a great deal more money, and are worth still more today. For this sale Men's Plain Small Check Worsted Sack Suits; lined throughout with alpaca; pants cuff bottoms. (£"l Q AA For this sale iplO.UU Men's Dark Single and Double Breasted Pin Stripe Sack Suits; black and white stripes and black and brown stripes; coats Venetian lined and pants with cuff bot- toms. For this sale Men's Dark Gray Worsted Sack Suits; good serge lining. ffl*OC A A For this sale \\>^*J,\J\J Nice Lot Men's Light Green Suits; coats double breasted, with long roll; lined with silk; sleeves bell shape; pants narrow legs and cuff bottoms. ( £ O A A A For this sale *pO\J»\J\J Fine Lot Men's Dark Brown and Dark Green Worsted Suits (Lymanville Worsteds) coats double breasted, with long roll and narrow backs; silk lined; sleeves bell shape; very newest up-to-date style. (TOO CA For this sale J)0^«*JI/ Fine Lot Wm. Whitman's Pure All-Wool Serge Suits; plain blue, small checks; plain brown with white stripe and plain blue with white stripe; beautiful patterns; some double breasted and some single breasted;pure all- wool serge lining; pants plain (TOO CA and cuff bottonis. This sale.. *p%J^.%J\/ Fine Wauskuck Worsted All-Wool Suits; in all the leading colorings; black and white, brown and white, brown and green, and blue and white stripes; coats double breasted, with long roll. These are good American g00 ds—as good as any foreign goods dare be made right here in our own country by the best New England mills and well known by every leading clothing manufacturer. They will stand competition with^ any im- ported goods. For this sale "Mose" says PANTS $35.00 PANTS Boys' Long Pants; striped and plaid pat- terns; waist sizes, 27 to 32; cuff bottoms. For this sale only. . . Boys Blue Flannel Long Pants; cuff bttoms. For. this sale only $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 I Herring- :ets, sewed $3.50 erringbone $3.50 *sted Pants $5.50 $7.00 Open Late Saturday and Monday Nights Only. MOSES KAHN GAY AND EAST STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. :o II o D 0 SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. PROCLAMATION Proposing Amendments to the Consti- tution of the State, 1920. D D o u o D D o u o D Men's Dark Pin Stripe Worsted Pants; well sewed; two back pockets; cuff bottoms; extraordinary value. For this (T*0 AA sale only %p£»\J\J Men's Dark Striped Worsted Pants; neat patterns; well sewed throughout two back pockets with flaps; cuff bottoms. d*0 A A For this sale only %p£»\J\J W Men's Dark Striped Worsted Pants; with a little brown figure running through; sizes 32 to 42; two back pockets with (TO A A flaps; cuff bottoms. This sale only %p^m\J\J Men's Brown and Dark Gray Khaki Pants; seams sewed double; cuff bot- d^O A A toms. For this sale only *p4mi»\J\J Men's English Gray Striped Moleskin Pants; belt straps; two back pockets, with flaps; cuff bottoms. For this d*0 Of sale only %p£,£%J Men's Brown Herringbone Worsted Pants; j small sizes; belt straps; sewed with threads; 'cuff bottoms. For this sale (I*0 Or* only «J)MIMO Men's Heavy Government Kha^ci Pants; seams sewed double; belt straps; very heavy pockets; pants guaranteed not to rip. For this sale only Men's Gray Cassimere Pants; plain bottoms. For this sale only Men's Blue Striped Worsted Pants; pin stripes, herringbone stripes, etc.; fl^O AA cuff bottoms. For this sale only «pJ.Uv Men's very Neat Striped Pants; all differ- ent stripes; worsted face goods; small sizes; cuff bottoms. For this sale only Men's Plain Blue Serge Pants; nice, soft goods; cuff bottoms. For this sale only Men's Pure Black Worsted and Herring- bone Striped Pants; two back pockets, sewed with silk throughout; cuff bot- d*Q Cf\ toms. For this sale only *pO.Ov/ Men's Brown Worsted and Herringbone Striped Pants; cuff bottoms. For this sale only Men's Brown and Blue Pure Worsted Pants (Whitman's Goods) ; plain and cuff bottoms. This sale only... Men's All-Wool Green Cloth Pants; cut English style, with narrow legs; <£f £ff\ cuff bottoms. For this sale only •pJ.«JV/ Men's Brown All-Wool Unfinished Pants; cuff bottoms. For this sale only Firemen's, Conductors' arid Motormen's Pure Worsted Serge and Uniform Cloth Pants; heavy pockets; made in every way according to Government regula tions. For this sale only Whereas, at the January Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, held in the year 1920, two Acts were passed, to wit: Chapter 319 proposing an amendment to Section 15 of Article III of the Constitution of the State, title "Legislative Department," regu- lating the compensation of Members of both Houses of the General Assem- bly; and Chapter 565 proposing an amendment to Section 37 of Article 4 of the Constitution of the State, title "Judiciary Department," regulating the pay of Clerks of Courts, and which said Chapters 319 and 565 are in the words and figures following: © CHAPTER 319. i AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 15 of Article III, of the Con- stitution of the State of Maryland, title "Legislative Department," regu- laing the compensation of the mem- bers of both Houses of the General Assembly of Maryland, and to pro- vide for the submission of said amendment t n the qualified voters of the State of Maryland for adop- tion or rejection. SECTION 1. Be "it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, (three fifths of all the members of each of the tW;0 Houses concurring), That the following be and the same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 15 of Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Legis- lative Department," the same if adop- ted by the legally qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to be- come Section 15 of Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland. 15. The General Assembly may con- tinue, its session so long asj in its. ment the public interest may re- for a period not longer than ninety days: and each member thereof shall receive a compensation of three hundred dollars per annum and five dollars per diem for every day he gfaall i attend the session, but not for such | days as he may be absent, unless ab- sent on a'ceount . of sickness or by of the House of which he is a ( | member and he shall also receive such i mileage as may be allowed by law. not exceeding twenty cents per mile: and the presiding officer of each House | shall receive an additional compensa- tion of five dollars per diem. When the General Assembly shall be con- vened by proclamation of the Governor, the session shall not continue longer than thirty days, and in such case the compensaion shall be the same as here- in prescribed. SECTION 2. And be It further en- acted by the authority aforesaid, That said aforegoing section hereby pro- posed asl an amendment to the Con- stiution of the State of Maryland shall, at the next general election for Mem- bers of Congress held in this State, be submitted to the legal and qualified voters of the State, for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the direc- tions contained in Article XIV of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, and at the said general election the vote on the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the words "For the Constitu- tional Amendment," and "Against the ! Constitutional Amendment," as now j provided by law, and immediately af- ter the slaid election due returns shall be made t n the Governor of the vote 'for and against said proposed amend- i ment, as directed by said Fourteen ' Aricle of-the Constitution, and further proceedings had in accordance with said Article Fourteen. Approved April 9, 1920. D g Indigestion g Many persons, otherwise D B vigorous and' healthy, are fl | bothered occasionally with | n indigestion. The effects of a M • disordered stomach on the « J system are dangerous, and J ' .prompt treatment of indiges- I I tion is important. "The only Q •a medicine I have needed has •• heen something to aid diges- I tion and clean the liver," | D writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a g McKinney, Texas, farmer. D "My medicine is S Thedford's 5 BUCK-DRAUGHT H for indigestion and stomach H trouble of any kind. I have J I never found anything that D j touches the spot, like Black- j B Draught. I take it in broken J doses after meals. For a long H Q time I tried pills, which grip- I n ed and didn't give the good —n results. Black-Draught liver H | medicine is easy to take, easy | « to keep, inexpensive." JpZ Get a package from your "J druggist today—Ask for and * insist upon Thedford's—the I | only genuine. Get it today. 13 Q E 84 B B BflBflflBDBflflflflfl mmmmjNM&w^mmmmM&js^^ IHC TRACTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BALTIMORE AND ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTIES. 8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H.yP. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. P. Titan, 10-20 Mogul. McCORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers. Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one* of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc. WISEMAN-DOWNS COMPANY, Inc. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, GASOLINE ENGINES 34 E. PRATT STREET Near Light Street Baltimore,'Md. o II o D D $6.00 O D o D o a la? In the Lighting Studio Second Floor LEXINGTON BUILDING Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades. CONVENIENT TERMS] The Gas & Electric Co. BRANCH STORES TorvVSOivISkCatonsville HamiltonlM'.' Highlandtown -27-52W ************************** tf&S c -8- R PH0NE--4.S&4.- ST.RO.UU wm PIER- S- PRATT ST, CHAPTER 565. AN ACT to amend Section 37 of Article 4, title "Judiciary Department," of the Constitution of this State, and to provide for the submission of said amendmment to the qualified voters of this State for adoption or rejec- tion. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General lAssembiy of Maryland, (three- fifths of,Jall members of each of the two hou*s concurring-), That the fol- lowing sBption be, and the same is, hereby pm>posed as an amendment to Section 3» of Article 4, title "Judiciary department," of the Constitution of this Stato, and if adopted by the legal qualified voters hereof, as herein pro- vided, said section shall supersede a n ^ stand in fhe place and in stead of Sec™ tion 37 of said Article 4 of the Consti- tution of Maryland. SEC. 37. There sfhall be a Clerk of each of the said Courts of Baltimore City, except the Supreme Bench, who shall be elected by the legal and qual- ified votera( of said city at the election tr, be held in said city on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of Novem- ber, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and shall hold his office for six years from the time of his elec- tion, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and be re-eligible there- to, subject to be removed for willful neglect of duty or other misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. The salary of each of the said Clerks shall be forty-five hundred dol- lars a year, payable only out of the fees and receipts collected^ by the Clerks n f said city, and they shall be entitled to no other perquisites or som- pensation, In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of any of said Courts, the Judges^ of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City shall have power to fill such vacancy until the general election of Delegates! to" the General Assembly to be held next thereafter, when a Clerk of said Court shall be elected to serve six years thereafter; and the provisions of this Article in relation to the appointment of Deputies by the Clerks) of the Cir- cuit Courts in the counties shall apply to the Clerks of the Courts in Balti- mode City. SECTION 2. And be it further en- acted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said foregoing section hereby pro- posed asl an amendment to the Consti- tution shall, at the next election for members of Congress to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Mon- day in the month of November, nine- teen hundred and twenty (1920), be submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the direc- tion contained in Article 14 of the Con- stitution of this| State; and at the said election the vote on said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be written or printed the words "For Constitutional Amend- ment" and "Against Constitutional Amendment," as now provided by law, and immediately after sUid election due returns shall be made to the Gov- ernor of the vote for and against said proposed amendment, as directed by the said article 14 of the said Consti- tution. Approved April 9, 1920. Now, therefore, I, Albert C. Ritchie, Governor of the State of Maryland, in pursuance of the direction contained In Section 1 of Article 14 of the Con- stitution of Maryland, do hereby order and direct thisl Proclamation contain- ing a full, true and correct copy of the text of said Chapters 319 ajid 565 of 'the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920, be published in at least two newspapers in each of the counties of the State where so many may be published and "where not more than one may be published then in that newspaper, and in three news- papers published in the City of Balti- more, one of which shall be published in the German language, once a week for at least three months next pre- ceding the general election to be held in the State of Maryland on Tuesday, the Snd day of November, 1920, at wh'ch election the said proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in form and manner pre- scribed by the General Assembly, to the legal and qualified voters of the State fcr their adoption or rejection. Established 1865 WM. A. CONWAY Jobber of TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing For Dwellings, Garages and Barns Stove and Furnace Goods of all sorts. All Sizes Railroad Milk Cans. WM. A. CONWAY 626-28 FORREST ST. Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999 Write Today for Prices 4-13-20 Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting Real Estate LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms. Village Property, Also Building Lots. WHEELER & COLE, Inc. i FRANK I. WHEELER) Towson, Maryland. WADE'S Gasoline DRAG SAW Cuts 25 Cords A Day Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides. When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it onp log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycle engines of only 3 horse power with Valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it. Cuts a 40-inch log in five minutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way. It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw. The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood. For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street Maryland Baltimore 6-36-52w THE GREAT SEAL OP THE STATE OF MARYLAND By the Governor: PHILIP B. PERLMAN, Secretary of State. 8-7-13t. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland. Done at the City of Annapo- lis, this 23rd day of July, nineteen hun- dred and twenty. ALBERT C. RITCHIE. The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Worth More. Farm values increase immediately when Selden Farm Trucks are inl stalled. A speeding-up of every operation begins—more work is done daily and at a lower cost than before. More land can be planted, .bigger crops can be raised and transported to the market or shipping point quicker and cheaper. . Profits are multi- plied. More is accomplished with fewer men about the place. Labor short- age ceases to be a handicap when Selden Farm Trucks go to work. Selden Farm Truccks are equipped with pneumatic tires, which assure positive traction on any road or farm surface, and provide greater comfort for the driver and maximum protection to perishable crops and live stock. The "In-Built Quality" construction of Selden Farm Trucks is per- fectly adapted to farm requirements. Considering the long service ren- dered by these sturdy farm models and their comparatively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced trucks manufactured today. WRITE for further information on the Selden FARM Truck and the Selden ALTJ-PURPOSE FARM BODY (five different types of bodies in one). Learn how to increase the value of your farm. Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD. i Phone, Mt. Vernon 1140 Selden Motor Trucks All Worm Drive

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M O S E S KAHN OF OLD T O W N "The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes."

COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block South of Belair Market

Biggest Clothing Bargains In Baltimore "Mose's" Entire Stock Of Summer Suits Reduced

"YomvGood Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back"


THOU shalt h»ve no other Moses i n Baltimore b u t "Moses Kalin. of Old Town,"

for there is no other Moses tha t sells "Kahn's Good Klothes," and there 's none tha t sells a t his low prices.

Thou shalt honor "Moses Kalin of Old Town" and speak well of him, for indeed, he is your friend and is ready a t all t imes to serve you in t ime of need.

Thou shalt pay no heed to those who would t ake "Moses '" Kood name in vain and bear false witness against him, for there are many who envy ' him because his people like him and follow him and keep his com­mandments.

And be not deceived by the vain boasting's of "Moses '" ad­versaries. .They would play upon you as they would upon a s t r ing­ed instrument and take your last penny and give you the glad ha, ha!

For their ways are ways of wickedness a'nd their paths are set with snares and pitfalls.

There is But One "Moses Kahn of Old Town"



COVET not the suit nor the coat nor the pants which thy neighbor wears, but

come s t ra ight to "Mose" and get a s good or bet ter for less money, if you want it.

And be sure when you s tar t here tha t you get here. There are those « along the highway who would intercept you anil even tell you t h a t they were "Moses Kohn of Old Town." <Jive not thine ear to them, but pass them by as you would the idle wind.

"Moses Kahn of Old Town" wri tes these th ings because he is a jealous "Mose," and he loves his people and watches over them as the great loving Fa the r watches over us all.

And the last of "Moses" good commandments is tha t thou shalt a t tend his great Suit and Pan ts Sale promptly. Every suit in the house is reduced to less' than manufacturer ' s cost and Pants are almost given away.

Come and stock up for another season.

These Good Suits And Trousers Speak For Themselves SUITS



Nice Lot Men's Fine Pin Stripe Suits; plain sack coat; Venetian lined; pants (T* "I £* f\f\ with cuff bottoms. This sale * P - L O « U U

Nice Lot Men's Light Gray Cassimere Suits (some we carried over, but all this this season's styles); sack coat; pants plain and cuff bottoms; broken sizes; suits that we sold last season for a great deal more money, and are worth still more today. For this sale

Men's Plain Small Check Worsted Sack Suits; lined throughout with alpaca; pants cuff bottoms. (£"l Q A A For this sale iplO.UU

Men's Dark Single and Double Breasted Pin Stripe Sack Suits; black and white stripes and black and brown stripes; coats Venetian lined and pants with cuff bot­toms. For this sale

Men's Dark Gray Worsted Sack Suits; good serge lining. ffl*OC A A For this sale \\>^*J,\J\J

Nice Lot Men's Light Green Suits; coats double breasted, with long roll; lined with silk; sleeves bell shape; pants narrow legs and cuff bottoms. ( £ O A A A For this sale *pO\J»\J\J

Fine Lot Men's Dark Brown and Dark Green Worsted Suits (Lymanville Worsteds) coats double breasted, with long roll and narrow backs; silk lined; sleeves bell shape; very newest up-to-date style. ( T O O C A For this sale J ) 0 ^ « * J I /

Fine Lot Wm. Whitman's Pure All-Wool Serge Suits; plain blue, small checks; plain brown with white stripe and plain blue with white stripe; beautiful patterns; some double breasted and some single breasted;pure all-wool serge lining; pants plain ( T O O C A and cuff bottonis. This s a l e . . *p%J^ .%J \ /

Fine Wauskuck Worsted All-Wool Suits; in all the leading colorings; black and white, brown and white, brown and green, and blue and white stripes; coats double breasted, with long roll. These are good American g 0 0 ds—as good as any foreign goods dare be

made right here in our own country by the best New England mills and well known by every leading clothing manufacturer. They will stand competition with^ any im­ported goods. For this sale "Mose" says


$35.00 PANTS

Boys' Long Pants; striped and plaid pat­terns; waist sizes, 27 to 32; cuff bottoms. For this sale only. . .

Boys Blue Flannel Long Pants; cuff bttoms. For. this sale only

$1.50 $2.00

$2.50 $3.00

$3.25 $3.50 I Herring-:ets, sewed

$3.50 erringbone

$3.50 *sted Pants



Open Late Saturday and Monday Nights Only.



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Proposing Amendments to the Consti­tution of the State, 1920.


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Men's Dark Pin Stripe Worsted Pants; well sewed; two back pockets; cuff bottoms; extraordinary value. For this (T*0 A A sale only %p£»\J\J

Men's Dark Striped Worsted Pants; neat patterns; well sewed throughout two back pockets with flaps; cuff bottoms. d * 0 A A For this sale only %p£»\J\J W

Men's Dark Striped Worsted Pants; with a little brown figure running through; sizes 32 to 42; two back pockets with ( T O A A flaps; cuff bottoms. This sale only %p^m\J\J

Men's Brown and Dark Gray Khaki Pants; seams sewed double; cuff bot- d^O A A toms. For this sale only *p4mi»\J\J

Men's • English Gray Striped Moleskin Pants; belt straps; two back pockets, with flaps; cuff bottoms. For this d * 0 O f sale only %p£,£%J

Men's Brown Herringbone Worsted Pants; j small sizes; belt straps; sewed with threads; 'cuff bottoms. For this sale ( I*0 O r * only « J ) M I M O

Men's Heavy Government Kha^ci Pants; seams sewed double; belt straps; very heavy pockets; pants guaranteed not to rip. For this sale only

Men's Gray Cassimere Pants; plain bottoms. For this sale only

Men's Blue Striped Worsted Pants; pin stripes, herringbone stripes, etc.; fl^O A A cuff bottoms. For this sale only « p J . U v

Men's very Neat Striped Pants; all differ­ent stripes; worsted face goods; small sizes; cuff bottoms. For this sale only

Men's Plain Blue Serge Pants; nice, soft goods; cuff bottoms. For this sale only

Men's Pure Black Worsted and Herring­bone Striped Pants; two back pockets, sewed with silk throughout; cuff bot- d*Q Cf\ toms. For this sale only * p O . O v /

Men's Brown Worsted and Herringbone Striped Pants; cuff bottoms. For this sale only

Men's Brown and Blue Pure Worsted Pants (Whitman's Goods) ; plain and cuff bottoms. This sale o n l y . . .

Men's All-Wool Green Cloth Pants; cut English style, with narrow legs; < £ f £ff\ cuff bottoms. For this sale only • p J . « J V /

Men's Brown All-Wool Unfinished Pants; cuff bottoms. For this sale only

Firemen's, Conductors' arid Motormen's Pure Worsted Serge and Uniform Cloth Pants; heavy pockets; made in every way according to Government regula tions. For this sale only

Whereas, at the January Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, held in the year 1920, two Acts were passed, to wit: Chapter 319 proposing an amendment to Section 15 of Article III of the Constitution of the State, title "Legislative Department," regu­lat ing the compensation of Members of both Houses of the General Assem­bly; and Chapter 565 proposing an amendment to Section 37 of Article 4 of the Constitution of the State, title "Judiciary Department," regulat ing the pay of Clerks of Courts, and which said Chapters 319 and 565 are in the words and figures following:


i AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 15 of Article III, of the Con­sti tution of the State of Maryland, title "Legislative Department," regu-laing the compensation of the mem­bers of both Houses of the General Assembly of Maryland, and to pro­vide for the submission of said amendment t n the qualified voters of the State of Maryland for adop­tion or rejection. SECTION 1. Be "it enacted by the

General Assembly of Maryland, (three fifths of all the members of each of the tW;0 Houses concurring), That the following be and the same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 15 of Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Legis­lative Department," the same if adop­ted by the legally qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to be­come Section 15 of Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.

15. The General Assembly may con­t inue, its session so long asj in its.

ment the public interest may re-for a period not longer than

ninety days: and each member thereof shall receive a compensation of three hundred dollars per annum and five dollars per diem for every day he gfaall i attend the session, but not for such | days as he may be absent, unless ab-sent on a'ceount . of sickness or by

of the House of which he is a(| member and he shall also receive such i mileage as may be allowed by law. not exceeding twenty cents per mile: and the presiding officer of each House | shall receive an additional compensa­tion of five dollars per diem. When the General Assembly shall be con­vened by proclamation of the Governor, the session shall not continue longer than thir ty days, and in such case the compensaion shall be the same as here­in prescribed.

SECTION 2. And be It further en­acted by the authori ty aforesaid, That said aforegoing section hereby pro­posed asl an amendment to the Con-stiution of the State of Maryland shall, at the next general election for Mem­bers of Congress held in this State, be submitted to the legal and qualified voters of the State, for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the direc­tions contained in Article XIV of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, and at the said general election the vote on the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the words "For the Constitu­tional Amendment," and "Against the

! Constitutional Amendment," as now j provided by law, and immediately af­ter the slaid election due re turns shall be made t n the Governor of the vote

'for and against said proposed amend-i ment, as directed by said Fourteen ' Aricle of-the Constitution, and further proceedings had • in accordance with said Article Fourteen.

Approved April 9, 1920.


g Indigestion g Many persons, otherwise D

B vigorous and' healthy, are fl | bothered occasionally with |

n indigestion. The effects of a M • disordered stomach on the « J system are dangerous, and J ' .prompt treatment of indiges- I I tion is important. "The only Q

• a medicine I have needed has • • heen something to aid diges-

I tion and clean the liver," | D writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a g

McKinney, Texas, farmer. D "My medicine is

S Thedford's 5

BUCK-DRAUGHT H for indigestion and stomach H

trouble of any kind. I have J I never found anything that D j touches the spot, like Black- j

B Draught. I take it in broken J doses after meals. For a long H

Q time I tried pills, which grip- I n ed and didn't give the good —n results. Black-Draught liver H

| medicine is easy to take, easy | « to keep, inexpensive." JpZ Get a package from your " J

druggist today—Ask for and * insist upon Thedford's—the I

| only genuine. Get it today.

13 Q E84 B B BflBflflBDBflflflflfl



8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H.yP. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. P. Titan, 10-20 Mogul.

McCORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers.

Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one* of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc.



Near Light Street Baltimore,'Md.


II o


D $6.00 O

D o

D o

a la?

In the Lighting Studio Second Floor


Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades.


The Gas & Electric Co.

BRANCH STORES TorvVSOivISkCatonsville HamiltonlM'.'

Highlandtown -27-52W

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

tf&S c-8- R PH0NE--4.S&4.- ST.RO.UU


CHAPTER 565. AN ACT to amend Section 37 of Article

4, t i t le "Judiciary Department," of the Constitution of this State, and to provide for the submission of said amendmment to the qualified voters of this State for adoption or rejec­tion. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the

General lAssembiy of Maryland, (three-fifths of,Jall members of each of the two h o u * s concurring-), That the fol­lowing sBption be, and the same is, hereby pm>posed as an amendment to Section 3 » of Article 4, title "Judiciary depar tment , " of the Constitution of this Stato, and if adopted by the legal qualified voters hereof, as herein pro­vided, said section shall supersede a n ^ stand in fhe place and in stead of Sec™ tion 37 of said Article 4 of the Consti­tution of Maryland.

SEC. 37. There sfhall be a Clerk of each of the said Courts of Baltimore City, except the Supreme Bench, who shall be elected by the legal and qual­ified votera( of said city a t the election tr, be held in said city on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of Novem­ber, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and shall hold his office for six years from the time of his elec­tion, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and be re-eligible there­to, subject to be removed for willful neglect of duty or other misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. The salary of each of the said Clerks shall be forty-five hundred dol­lars a year, payable only out of the fees and receipts collected^ by the Clerks nf said city, and they shall be entitled to no other perquisites or som-pensation, In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of any of said Courts, the Judges^ of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City shall have power to fill such vacancy until the general election of Delegates! to" the General Assembly to be held next thereafter, when a Clerk of said Court shall be elected to serve six years thereafter; and the provisions of this Article in relation to the appointment of Deputies by the Clerks) of the Cir­cuit Courts in the counties shall apply to the Clerks of the Courts in Balti-mode City.

SECTION 2. And be it further en­acted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said foregoing section hereby pro­posed asl an amendment to the Consti­tution shall, at the next election for members of Congress to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Mon­day in the month of November, nine­teen hundred and twenty (1920), be submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the direc­tion contained in Article 14 of the Con­stitution of this| State; and at the said election the vote on said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be wri t ten or printed the words "For Constitutional Amend­ment" and "Against Constitutional Amendment," as now provided by law, and immediately after sUid election due returns shall be made to the Gov­ernor of the vote for and against said proposed amendment, as directed by the said article 14 of the said Consti­tution.

Approved April 9, 1920. Now, therefore, I, Albert C. Ritchie,

Governor of the State of Maryland, in pursuance of the direction contained In Section 1 of Article 14 of the Con­stitution of Maryland, do hereby order and direct thisl Proclamation contain­ing a full, true and correct copy of the text of said Chapters 319 ajid 565 of 'the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920, be published in at least two newspapers in each of the counties of the State where so many may be published and "where not more than one may be published then in that newspaper, and in three news­papers published in the City of Balti­more, one of which shall be published in the German language , once a week for a t least three months next pre­ceding the general election to be held in the State of Maryland on Tuesday, the Snd day of November, 1920, at wh'ch election the said proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in form and manner pre­scribed by the General Assembly, to the legal and qualified voters of the State fcr their adoption or rejection.

Established 1865

WM. A. CONWAY Jobber of

TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing

For Dwellings, Garages and Barns S t o v e a n d F u r n a c e G o o d s

of a l l s o r t s . A l l S i z e s R a i l r o a d M i l k C a n s .


Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999 Write Today for Prices 4-13-20

Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting


IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms.

Village Property, Also Building Lots.


Towson, Maryland.

W A D E ' S Gasoline DRAG S A W Cuts 25 Cords A Day

Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides.

When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it onp log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycle engines of only 3 horse power with Valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it.

Cuts a 40-inch log in five minutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way.

It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw.

The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood.

For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer

Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street

Maryland Baltimore 6-36-52w




B y t h e G o v e r n o r : P H I L I P B. P E R L M A N ,

S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e . 8-7-13t.

G iven u n d e r m y h a n d a n d t h e G r e a t Sea l of t h e S t a t e of M a r y l a n d . D o n e a t t h e C i t y of A n n a p o ­lis , t h i s 23rd d a y of J u l y , n i n e t e e n h u n ­d r e d a n d t w e n t y .

A L B E R T C. R I T C H I E .

The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Wor th More.

F a r m values increase immediately when Selden F a r m Trucks are inl stalled. A speeding-up of every operat ion begins—more work is done daily and a t a lower cost t h a n before.

More l and can be planted, .bigger crops can be raised and t ranspor ted to the m a r k e t or shipping point quicker and cheaper. . Profits are mult i­plied. More is accomplished wi th fewer men about the place. Labor short­age ceases to be a handicap when Selden F a r m Trucks go to work .

Selden F a r m Truccks are equipped wi th pneumat ic t ires, which assure positive t rac t ion on any road or farm surface, and provide g rea te r comfort for the dr iver and maximum protect ion to perishable crops and live stock.

The " In -Bu i l t Q u a l i t y " construct ion of Selden F a r m Trucks is per­fectly adap ted to farm requirements . Considering the long service ren­dered by these s tu rdy farm models and thei r comparat ively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced t rucks manufac tu red today.

W R I T E for fur ther information on the Selden F A R M Truck and the Selden A L T J - P U R P O S E F A R M BODY (five different types of bodies in one) . Lea rn how to increase the value of your farm.

Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE


Phone, Mt. Vernon 1140

Selden Motor Trucks All W o r m Drive