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Term 2 - Week 9 – 8th June 2016 Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204 Fax: 03 5599 2503 Email: [email protected] Website: SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only) Principal’s Report - School Review Every four years schools undergo an extensive evaluaon of their performance in terms of the goals and targets that were set in the current School Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is the school’s statement to the community about what it stands for and it sets out the goals and targets we hope to achieve in the coming four years. Our current plan commenced in 2013 and concludes this year and our new plan will cover the period 2017-2020. School reflecon and self-evaluaon helps idenfy what is working well, what needs to connue and which areas of the school’s work may need to be improved or further developed. It informs decisions re- lang to priories, goals and acons for improvement which will form the basis of the new Strategic Plan. As we evaluate our performance we would value the opinion of our families and to this end an email will be sent to all families on Thursday asking you to respond to three key quesons; What is done well at Mortlake College? What could be done beer? What would you like to see in five years’ me? We would really appreciate you taking the me to respond as your opinions will help shape the future di- recon of our school. School producon: Les Miserables The school producon of ‘Les Miserables’ commences on Friday evening with the first of six performances. I would like to wish everyone involved in the producon every success over the coming week. It is a great opportunity for the students involved to shine and demonstrate the results of all the hard work they have put in over many months. We are, as always, indebted to the staff and parents who give so much of their me to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the whole experience is memorable and rewarding for all involved. Special thanks must go to Wendy and David Kelly, Kate McGavin, Wendy McKenzie, Mir- ren Munn and Jen Roxburgh for their amazing contribuons. Congratulaons! Well done to all those who competed in the regional cross country finals held on Monday and parcular congratulaons to Mia Richie who has now qualified to compete in the state finals.

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Page 1: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

Term 2 - Week 9 – 8th June 2016

Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave

Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204

Fax: 03 5599 2503 Email: [email protected]

Website: SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)

Principal’s Report -

School Review

Every four years schools undergo an extensive evalua�on of their performance in terms of the goals and

targets that were set in the current School Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is the school’s statement to

the community about what it stands for and it sets out the goals and targets we hope to achieve in the

coming four years. Our current plan commenced in 2013 and concludes this year and our new plan will

cover the period 2017-2020.

School reflec�on and self-evalua�on helps iden�fy what is working well, what needs to con�nue and

which areas of the school’s work may need to be improved or further developed. It informs decisions re-

la�ng to priori�es, goals and ac�ons for improvement which will form the basis of the new Strategic Plan.

As we evaluate our performance we would value the opinion of our families and to this end an email will

be sent to all families on Thursday asking you to respond to three key ques�ons;

What is done well at Mortlake College?

What could be done be1er?

What would you like to see in five years’ �me?

We would really appreciate you taking the �me to respond as your opinions will help shape the future di-

rec�on of our school.

School produc�on: Les Miserables

The school produc�on of ‘Les Miserables’ commences on Friday evening with the first of six performances.

I would like to wish everyone involved in the produc�on every success over the coming week. It is a great

opportunity for the students involved to shine and demonstrate the results of all the hard work they have

put in over many months. We are, as always, indebted to the staff and parents who give so much of their

�me to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the whole experience is memorable and rewarding

for all involved. Special thanks must go to Wendy and David Kelly, Kate McGavin, Wendy McKenzie, Mir-

ren Munn and Jen Roxburgh for their amazing contribu�ons.


Well done to all those who competed in the regional cross country finals held on Monday and par�cular

congratula�ons to Mia Richie who has now qualified to compete in the state finals.

Page 2: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to


Happy Birthday to all students who have birthdays this week. JUNE

8th—April Edwards


The Parents Association are planning two major fundraisers in term four this


Firstly, the Great Victorian Bike Ride is stopping overnight in Mortlake on Mon-

day 28th November. Wendy and I have attended the Community Information

Forum this week to show our interest in this major fundraising opportunity.

Secondly, two Mortlake College Families have generously agreed to have their

gardens opened to the public for an Open Garden Day in October or November.

At our next meeting we are starting to plan the Open Garden Day, finalising the

catering in the canteen at the Junior Football & Netball Day on Wednesday

22nd June and reviewing the staff wish lists from last year.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Parents Association, and we would love to

have your input with planning this years fundraising events.

Next Meeting- Tuesday 21st June, 2:00 pm in the Staffroom.

Elizabeth Mann, Secretary

VCE Semester 2 commences

On Monday second semester commenced for all VCE studies. For our Year 12 students only a li1le

more than a third of their school year will be remaining at the end of this term and this highlights how

quickly the VCE year goes. As I have men�oned on numerous occasions it is so important that all stu-

dents, par�cularly VCE students, a1end school every day as the most cri�cal learning occurs in the

classroom and every class missed is an opportunity lost.

Graeme Good

Have you checked out the

“Mortlake College P-12” Facebook Page ??

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook and keep up to date

on all that is going on at Mortlake College.

Page 3: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

P-4 Place P-4 Assembly awards Mon 7

th June 2016

Prep: Ella McDonald – for always doing her best.

Declan Draffen – for showing great self-control.

Year 1: Grace Stephens – for her careful and a1en�ve

listening to others.

Year 2: Reagan Mifsud – for a “can-do” aBtude and not

giving up in maths.

3/4 P: Hamish Hobbs: for his classroom clean up en-


3/4 CR: Daniel Fowler – For demonstra�ng a posi�ve

aBtude to his studies.

Congratula�ons to all of these students!

Page 4: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

P-4 Place STEPHANIE ALEXANDER KITCHEN GARDEN We have had the Stephanie Alexander Kitch-en Garden program since 2013.

We have tomatoes in the garden, with the worm farm.

In cooking I want to cook a pizza and noodle. I really like tasting all the food.

On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to cook with Wendy who owns the business.

After cooking we sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal.

Riley Kelly

Page 5: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

P-4 Place

These are the good reasons of doing a kitchen garden program. Ellyse Parker Wood

Growing—Growing the things to cook with saves a lot of money and its lots of fun. It also

gives kids a lot of responsibility. Mrs Tanner teaches this class. We also have our own chooks.

Cooking—I've been cooking for three years. In grade 2 we cooked for ourselves. We took it

home to eat. In Year 3 & 4 we eat it as our lunch, Mrs Povey teaches this class. Mrs Peakin

does the shopping.

What we like about the Kitchen Garden program…...

I think every school should have the kitchen gar-

den program because kids can eat more healthy

things, because of the garden. They also know

how to garden then they can make their own

garden at home.

A garden is good because you do not have to

spend money to get food.

Molly Goddard

The kitchen garden program is fun, I

think every school should have this pro-


A kitchen garden program is were you

read a recipe find all the ingredients,

some from the garden and make food to


Lockie Lehmann

Gardening—In gardening we do har-

ves�ng and plan�ng. I love gardening.

Cooking—In cooking we do washing,

mixing, pouring, baking, ea�ng and we

also eat our cooking for lunch. I love


I really enjoy relaxing, ea�ng, learning

and growing plants.

Mia Richie

I have been doing the kitchen garden program

for two years.

Cooking—In cooking we have been collec�ng

things from our garden and using them. Some

of the things we have been collec�ng are spin-

ach, silver beet, tomatoes, spring onions and

once we collected a big pumpkin.

I have learnt a lot over my two years of cooking.

Lily Schuuring

Every Thursday our class goes to the Home Eco room for cooking. We cook very delicious

food and we also get to eat it.

We are following Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. We cook very healthy things

and we pick it out of the garden to use in our cooking. Chloe Goldsworthy

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P-12 Sport Dates


22nd June Junior Football / Netball (Years 7-9) Mortlake


14th July State Cross Country (Melbourne)


15th Sept MWD Spring Sports Day (Years 7-9) Derri


7th Oct GWR Athle�cs

17th Oct State Athle�cs

18th Oct Regional Athle�cs (Primary)


18th Nov Primary Triathlon

TRISPORTS—Friday 3rd June

Netball—On Friday the Year 5/6 students went to the Trisports netball in Terang.

We had a girls team and a mixed team. The girls team had a good day winning 4 of their

7 games. The best players were Zoee Boyden & Grace Wareham.

The mixed team also played well. They only won one game but they improved with every

match. The best players were Liam Schuuring & Julia Mann.

Thank you to Alice Tanner & Kaitlyn Fowler for coaching us and Olivia Anders & Sam Wil-

liams who did all the umpiring. - Tasha Killen

Football—On Friday a group of about 14 year 5-6 boys went off to Noorat for the

Trisports. We had a great day overall playing 4 games of 2 halves that were 10 minutes


Unfortunately we lost the first game against St Colemans 15 to 32. We won the next

game against Terang 15 to 8. Then we played against St Pats and we lost 8 to 27.

In the finals we played against Cobden for 5th and 6th place and we won, the scores

were 19 to 7, we came 5th overall.

We would like to thank Mr Boyden for taking us and Jack Lehmann & Nelson Loader for

coaching and umpiring. - Jock McGavin & Mitchell Hughes

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TRISPORTS—Friday 3rd June

Page 8: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

Greater Western Region Cross Country Years 7-12

On Monday 6th June, 11 students travelled to Warrnambool to compete in the annual

GWR Cross Country. Congratula�ons to all who qualified and competed on the day.

Abbey Burford 51st

Taine DeManser 67th

Ned Quail 62nd

MacKenzie Mann 71st

Georgina Williamson 16th

Jake Fowler 28th

Issac Fowler 43rd

Kaitlyn Fowler 28th

Ruby Schuuring 27th

Jaime Killen 23rd

Lochie McLauchlan 51st


On Friday 27th May, 5 Mortlake College students, Mia Richie,

Alice Kain, Simon Atkinson, Oliver Mar�n & Hamish Hobbs

competed in the Divisional Cross Country in Warrnambool.

All the students ran very well, with Hamish & Mia qualifying

for the next round.

On Monday 6th June Mia &

Hamish competed in the Re-

gional Cross Country in

Warrnambool again.

The top 12 in each age group

qualified for STATES.

Congratula�ons to Mia Ritchie

(Primary sec�on) who quali-

fied for STATES.

Page 9: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to



Did you know that 1 in 4 Australian children are now over-

weight or obese.

SOURCE: Australian Ins�tute of Health and Welfare



Informa�on regarding state nomina�ons and other sports can be found on the School Sport Victoria


Parents and students can connect to School sports Victoria via Facebook and Twitter. Just fol-low the following links

Nathan Jones—Year 7-12 Sports Coordinator [email protected]

Hands on Learning Mortlake Big Day Out!

Recently Hands on Learning went on an excursion into Warrnambool. It was an ac�on packed day and

heaps of fun. First stop was to visit TAFE the Sheerwood Park campus students got a tour around the

campus and some insights into some aspects about Carpentry, Joinery and Hor�culture.

Next stop was tenpin bowling, where we saw Nelson Loader and Ross Trehair take out the top winning

scores for both teams. Kerry Boyden was unfortunately off her game which reflected in her very poor

score. (Bad luck Kerry be1er luck next �me)

For lunch we treated the students for some MacDonald’s it was a nice break not having to cook our

lunch for a change I think everyone was happy to indulge a li1le. AUer that we headed out to the local

LaserStrike for some high energy combat ba1le. We split up into two teams and ba1led each other for

a couple hours before the last 15 minutes it was decided a free for all combat!

It was an awesome session and lots of fun seeing the students use strategies and teamwork to ba1le

each other. A big thanks goes out to Kerry Boyden for helping us out for the day. It was a great way

for Ross Trehair to get to know the students and we look forward to having him in the HOL team.

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Page 11: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to


Mortlake College logo embroidered to front of Black/Graphite Biz Collection Geneva soft-shell jacket Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 75.00

$ 78.00

$ 78.00

Mortlake College logo embroidered to front, House logo embroidered to sleeve or full name under college logo of Black/Graphite Biz Collec-tion Geneva soft-shell jacket Name on Jacket ………………………………………….. Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 77.00

$ 80.00

$ 80.00

Mortlake College logo embroidered to front, House logo embroidered to sleeve & full name under college logo of Black/Graphite Biz Collec-tion Geneva soft-shell jacket Name on Jacket ………………………………………….. Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 83.00

$ 86.00

$ 86.00







Page 12: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

Full dress rehearsal before opening night this

Friday. If you have not purchased tickets, please see

the ladies at the General Office.

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Page 14: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

After School Snacks

Read more at: h1ps://


1 1/2 cups gluten free rice krispies (or you can

usecer�fied GF quick cooking oats

too) Note: If you wish to make a

NON-GLUTEN FREE version of this,

you can use regular quick cooking

oats or regular rice krispies.

2/3 cup peanut bu1er

(any nut bu1er will do)

1/3 cup honey

1 cup shredded coconut flakes

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

about 3/4-1 cup mini chocolate chips


Add the rice krispies (or oats) to a bowl,

crush lightly with your hand or potato


Add the peanut bu1er, honey, coconut

flakes and cinnamon and s�r together.

Then add the chocolate chips.

Chill in the fridge for about an hour. The

form into balls.

Serve and watch them disappear!

Page 15: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to


Mortlake Kindergarten

is currently taking

Enrolments for Kindergarten for 2017

4 Yr old Kinder: 15 Hours per week

To be eligible for 4 yr old Kinder,

child must have turned 4 by 30th

April, 2017

3 Yr old Kinder: 3 hr session

running 9.00am – 12.00pm

To be eligible for 3 yr old Kinder,

child must have turned 3 by 30th

April, 2017

For more informa�on or to enrol,

contact the Kindergarten on Ph: 5599 2383 or

Email: [email protected]

Please enroll before 31/7/2016

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Page 18: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to
Page 19: Mortlake College On Thursday 2nd June we went to Olivine Restaurant, where we were shown around and how to

JUNE Fri 10th VCE Legal Supreme Court Visit

Fri 10th Les Mis Performance—Evening

Mon 13th Queens Birthday Holiday— No Students

Tue 14th Les Mis Performance—Matinee

Wed 15th Les Mis Performance—Matinee

Thurs 16th Les Mis Performance—Evening

Sat 18th Les Mis Performance—Evening

Wed 22nd MWC Junior Football & Netball

JULY Thurs 14th State Cross Country

14th—15th Advance Camp

Fri 15th VCE PE Excursion

Mon 18th VCE Biology Excursion

25th-29th Year 11 Work Experience Camp Melbourne

27th-29th Year 10 Camp Melbourne

Thurs 28th Theatre Studies Excursion



Wed 10th Fathers & Friends Night

Mon 22nd Online School Interview bookings open 9am

Wed 24th Matilda Excursion

24th-26th Year 3/4 Camp

Mon 29th Year 7 Immunisations

29th Aug-2nd Sept Literacy & Numeracy Week


Tue 6th Parent Teacher Interviews

Wed 7th P-4 Production—Matinee

Thurs 8th P-4 Production—Evening

Thurs 15th MWD Yr 7-9 Spring Sports

Fri 16th Grand Final Breakfast

Tue 2nd Prep Information Night7pm