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Excerpts from the Journal of Nathaniel Baldwin Spelling Standardized May 18, 1905 - John T. Clark was called before the High Council of Utah Stake and without a regular trial or rehearing was cut off from the Church. September 12, 1905 - In the evening three teachers of the ward, Brothers Thueson, Sperry, and J.L. Brown came to inquire concerning my attitude in regard to the Manifesto and the pamphlet published by John T. Clark. In answer to questions, I told them that I was in sympathy with the ideas set forth in the pamphlet and that I believed the Manifesto was a Covenant with Death and an Agreement with Hell and gave them reasons for believing so. November 22, 1905 - I was asked a great many questions in answer to which I told them that I had not changed any belief in the fulfillment of the scriptures. I told them that I believed John T. Clark was unjustly dealt with and that they had taken nothing from him. I told them that I had read the proof of John T. Clark's pamphlet and offered some suggestions and gave him some passages of scriptures. August 1, 1915 - At Priesthood meeting Sunday School and Fast Meeting. At Fast Meeting heard a stranger speak. He mentioned tribulation coming to this people. I made acquaintance with him after meeting and through him got track of revelation to John Taylor in 1886 and on to Wilford Woodruff in 1889. August 27, 1915 - Finished reading two pamphlets written by two false prophets pretending to be the Root of Jesse and the Rod of Jesse - Eastman and Janoscheck [sp]. They pretend to redeem Zion but they do not know the nature of the work. April 7, 1918 - Attended morning meeting. O.F. Whitney spoke of the world becoming humbled to the acceptance of the Gospel. Anthony W. Ivins spoke of testimonies of the resurrection. Visited with John T. Clark, Boyd Passey and a Brother Poulter. Brother P. gave many interesting testimonies of his experiences in plural marriage and other things. Said Zebedee Coltrin, last member of the School of the Prophets testified that Joseph Smith said that the "man like unto Moses" would rise up out of obscurity. Also that Brigham Young said that the Church would be on the very brink of destruction where the "Mighty and Strong One" would step forth and save it. April 18, 1918 - In the evening had meeting with presidency of Elders and two High Councilmen, Brother Spencer and Brother Butterworth. Councilmen gave further instructions regarding the visiting of members etc. 1

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Excerpts from the Journal of Nathaniel BaldwinSpelling Standardized

May 18, 1905 - John T. Clark was called before the High Council of Utah Stake and without a regular trial or rehearing was cut off from the Church.

September 12, 1905 - In the evening three teachers of the ward, Brothers Thueson, Sperry, and J.L. Brown came to inquire concerning my attitude in regard to the Manifesto and the pamphlet published by John T. Clark. In answer to questions, I told them that I was in sympathy with the ideas set forth in the pamphlet and that I believed the Manifesto was a Covenant with Death and an Agreement with Hell and gave them reasons for believing so.

November 22, 1905 - I was asked a great many questions in answer to which I told them that I had not changed any belief in the fulfillment of the scriptures. I told them that I believed John T. Clark was unjustly dealt with and that they had taken nothing from him. I told them that I had read the proof of John T. Clark's pamphlet and offered some suggestions and gave him some passages of scriptures.

August 1, 1915 - At Priesthood meeting Sunday School and Fast Meeting. At Fast Meeting heard a stranger speak. He mentioned tribulation coming to this people. I made acquaintance with him after meeting and through him got track of revelation to John Taylor in 1886 and on to Wilford Woodruff in 1889.

August 27, 1915 - Finished reading two pamphlets written by two false prophets pretending to be the Root of Jesse and the Rod of Jesse - Eastman and Janoscheck [sp]. They pretend to redeem Zion but they do not know the nature of the work.

April 7, 1918 - Attended morning meeting. O.F. Whitney spoke of the world becoming humbled to the acceptance of the Gospel. Anthony W. Ivins spoke of testimonies of the resurrection. Visited with John T. Clark, Boyd Passey and a Brother Poulter. Brother P. gave many interesting testimonies of his experiences in plural marriage and other things. Said Zebedee Coltrin, last member of the School of the Prophets testified that Joseph Smith said that the "man like unto Moses" would rise up out of obscurity. Also that Brigham Young said that the Church would be on the very brink of destruction where the "Mighty and Strong One" would step forth and save it.

April 18, 1918 - In the evening had meeting with presidency of Elders and two High Councilmen, Brother Spencer and Brother Butterworth. Councilmen gave further instructions regarding the visiting of members etc. In some way they had learned that I believed in a "Mighty and Strong One" and asked me some pointed questions and pressed the old oft repeated theory "follow the leaders." "Do you believe in a mighty and strong one?" "Yes." "Do you have an idea who he is?" Non-committal. "If he is to set the Church in order, where in is it out of order?" "The revelation tells. He will establish the United Order for one thing which in the past this people including the Authorities have refused to live." Indications point to a trial.

July 13, 1919 - [Ordained a High Priest.]

February 13, 1921 - Attend Priesthood Meeting and Sunday School, High Priest meeting at Forest Dale, and Ward Sacrament Meeting. At Forest Dale the meeting was given over to volunteer testimonies. When the time was about half spent, Heber Bennion who has been


called in question for teaching Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenant truths arose and gave a very humble yet forceful testimony declaring that the past war was only a judgement upon England and France as well as Germany and that within three years the U.S. would suffer like judgement or worse. He expressed his love for the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. He advocated the United Order very strongly and spoke against the present system of greed. Afterwards I arose and testified that what he had said was in accordance with the word of the Lord. Called attention to Joseph Smith's letter in the Church History Vol. l page 315. Plainly foretelling these judgements. Referred to the scripture which shows that the people of the Church are under condemnation for not reading and believing the Book of Mormon etc. III Ne. 26 Chapter and D&C 84. Next a man arose and took out of his pocket a copy of the very letter I had referred to and read the part which told of the judgement etc. Then the meeting closed.

April 6, 1921 - In the afternoon [General Conference] there was considerable yowling about pretended Mighty and Strong Ones and especially about those who have performed plural marriages. "Four Patriarchs have been cut off for this offense and now we have had to cut another off. Any man who claims to be inspired to do such things is a plain simple liar. etc."

April 17, 1921 - Attended Priesthood meeting, Sunday School and Sunday School Union meeting. At Sunday School the two lessor priesthood classes were provided with teachers so I attended the parents class. In answering a question I said that the doctrine of binding on earth and having it bound in heaven was a glorious doctrine, but when twisted a little to include whether right or wrong it becomes one of the vilest doctrines. Bishop Capson then arose and made a strong speech urging that the Church must be right in excommunicating John W. Taylor etc., otherwise the Church must be gone to ruin.

April 19, 1921 - Heard of a Brother Burt - a prominent temple worker being cut off the Church for polygamy. Patriarch Sperry is suspected of having performed the ceremony.

May 15, 1921 - Attended Priesthood meeting at which Brother Duffin spoke very forcefully on the necessity and continuance of Plural Marriage. Attended Sunday funeral of Sister Hussie. Went to City with sedan to bring out Seymour B. Young to speak at the funeral. Took him back home again. He said many interesting things on the way. I quoted Brigham Young on plural marriage and the united order and he said it was the most correct report he had heard. Also quoted Catherine Neff's statement that B. Young said he didn't want to live to see the sufferings that this people would have to go through if they rejected the united order. He said that if this people did not accept and live the principles of the United Order, they would not be acceptable to the Lord. I asked him if B. Young ever preached that the law of tithing was given to take the place of the law of consecration. He could not remember that Brigham did, but said that he said things that might lead on to make that inference and he also stated that the other Presidents since Brigham had preached that doctrine.

May 29, 1921 - Attended Stake Conference. President Penrose was the principal speaker. Spoke on many subjects including the following: Said that an elder did not hold the Melchizedek Priesthood but only a part of it or an office in it etc. That oil had no virtue in administering to the sick but that it might be used on the head or taken internally. That it should not be used to anoint the body all over. That one man was cut off the Church for so doing. That the official of the Granite Stake were in good standing. That no one should promulgate doctrine not sanctioned by the church (evidently referring to my writings).


That the Holy Ghost was like the Savior before his birth;' and would show the distinction. Referred to section 130 (personage) and to the expression "he" which I included in the article. He read from section 88 and said that "light of truth" etc. which filled the immensity of space might be called the Holy Ghost for the words have the *same meaning, and that this is the + same Spirit that is given by the laying on of hands. * Statement also made in my article. + Another fact shown in the article. I did not see where he made a distinction unless he wished to convey the idea that there were two Holy Ghosts, one a personal being and the other a universal essence. Spoke in morning and also in afternoon on the same subject, the Spirit.

June 5, 1921 - Attended Priesthood meeting, Sunday School, and fast meeting. Spoke in fast meeting on the nearness of the redemption of Zion and the work of the Lamanites.

June 6-8, 1921 In the evening of June 8, Nathan, Delbert, and I visited Brother Duffin and read a letter (copy) from Heber Bennion to Heber J. Grant, written after the last April Conference.

June 19, 1921 - Attended Priesthood meeting, Sunday School, and Sunday School Union meeting. E. S. Rich and his wife came over in the evening and I read part of the articles on the fulness of the Gentiles to them and we listened to some of the testimonies on plural marriage.

July 25, 1921 - Spent part of the day writing on the subject of tithing and consecration.

August 11, 1921 - In afternoon went to funeral of Daniel Hussie who recently died with a stroke. In evening took a ride in machine and visit Hussie's people and called on Brother Duffin and got a copy of some extracts from Pres. Woodruff's journal. Some important saying with reference to the practice of plurality of wives.

August 12, 1921 - Had these extracts containing a long revelation mimeographed.

August 14, 1921 - Attended Priesthood Meeting, Sunday School and Stake High Priesthood Meeting. Called on Brother Duffin and found a Brother Barlow at his place. Had a talk with the old patriarch. He seemed full of faith and hope, though he had been disfellowshipped. After a while Brother Duffin came home from a little ride up the canyon road having with him his wife and patriarch Barlow's son. Young Barlow sat in the back seat of the machine [car] with his two wives. They seemed to be happy and contented. Young Barlow seemed to be also full of faith and hope and seemed to be contented with his condition, being also cut off the Church.

August 28, 1921 - Stake Conference day. Attended Sunday School. In afternoon a meeting was held under the trees on Brigham Duffin's farm - a meeting of about 15 men and as many women, many of whom have been cut off the Church for practicing the principle of plural marriage and performing the ordinances. Among the number were John Woolley, Lorin C. Woolley, Israel Barlow and his son. A memorable occasion. Strong testimonies were born concerning the truth of the gospel and especially concerning the principle of plural marriage.

September 4, 1921 - At Priesthood meeting after I with the Sunday School officers left, Brother Duffin and Nathan made speeches defending plural marriage.


September 15, 1921 - At shop. Working on various items. In afternoon took Nathan, Clyde Nielson, Seymor Neff, Lester Fisher, and John T. Clark over to visit Lorin C. Woolley and his father at Centerville. We heard many remarkable testimonies particularly regarding the teaching and practice of polygamy by our Church leaders. Arrive home at 10:40pm.

September 18, 1921 - AFter sacrament meeting Brother Rich and his wife called at our place. Heard some very interesting testimonies from them. We talked until 10:45pm.

September 19, 1921 - In evening visited at Elder's meeting at Holladay Ward. Sam Cornwall a High council man of Cottonwood Stake addressed the Elders and denounced me and my lecture and my writing. He produced no substantial evidence of error but simply used sophistry and the words of men to gain his point. I expressed a desire to go into the question further some other time but he flatly refused.

September 23, 1921 - In evening Clyde Neilson and I went to visit a brother Livingston, counselor in the Bishopric at Holliday. He seems to be a sympathizer and a friend to some of us fellows who are in disrepute because of our faith.

September 26, 1921 - In the evening the Bishopric called to see me, having been instructed by the High Council to suppress unharmonious teaching, meetings with excommunicated people etc. They seemed to dread the move and would be willing to accept even a small concession. Said that I might believe as I pleased but should not take quite so loud. I made no promise except that I would make a special effort to learn and do the will of the Lord.September 30, 1921 - In afternoon went to city gathering materials. Took John T. Clark to visit Brother Bautista as I was going there to see about attaching a motor to their washing machine. John T. said that he had received some manifestations indicating that something would soon arise to cause bloodshed among our people. I understood. Told me privately a dream indicating that one of my fellow workers would be attacked. He asked if such was the case. Told him of Clyde's case.

October 2, 1921 - Attended Priesthood meeting. High Councilmen Wooley and Spencer came up to take up my case for further consideration. Bishop called me out from High Priest's class, also Brother duffin. They inquired if Brother Duffin had been administered to by those who had been cut off the Church. He answered in the negative. They asked me a number of pointed questions among them being "Do you accept the Church explanation of the 85th section of the D&C? I answered in the negative. "Do you believe the manifesto to be a covenant with death etc.?" I answered "yes." I have taught that for 18 years and could prove it." Brother Wooley refused to hear the proof. I said you will have to listen to it. "Will you stop teaching these things?" I said that I would not. Indications point to excommunication. Bishopric seem to dread it.

October 3, 1921 - Went to city in afternoon visited with J.T.C. arranging to visit Brother Wooley next day. We went to see Patriarch Homer M. Brown, but he was not at home.

October 4, 1921 - In evening visited Lorin C. Wooley at Centerville with several others. He gave some more very interesting accounts of strange happenings. Brought Brother Jones from Orem's Depot also.

October 13, 1921 - In evening attended a reunion of the Lamanite Genealogical society. The program consisted of speeches, songs, recitations, music and one fancy dances. These


parts were taken mostly by white girls and some of the were not becoming. And speech by Brother Bautista and another by Apostle Ballard were rich with good thoughts and instruction along the line of the work for the dead. Brother Ballard gave an account of some miracles - one in which his father received a newspaper from England in 4 days after it was published which gave tombstone records containing 60 names of his dead relatives and friends.

October 16, 1921 - After the High Priest Meeting went to Centerville to see Brother Loren C. Wooley about a trip to Alpine and to the dream mine near Salem.

October 17, 1921 - A brother Dudley from Colorado, a strange and remarkable character whom we saw at conference, came to visit us. He is much interested in the evidences and testimonies of the Lord's work. His brother who came with him seemed much different in disposition.

October 19, 1921 - Brother Yeates and Brother Lund, engineers, came in to see our work. Were much interested in our institution. Before they left, I told them that this is not my business in life, but that my business in life is the gospel business. Told them of may stand and present position before the authorities. They were severely shocked, but I hope it will be for their good. Gave them some mimeograph literature.

November 7, 1921 - [Baldwin disfellowshipped.]

November 10, 1921 - Brother Clark and I went to Centerville in the evening to visit Brother Woolley. Tried to fit the father, John Woolley, with an instrument to help his hearing.

November 30, 1921 - Called on the Bishop Nov. 30... I said, "I will give you another answer. The Scripture says that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first. Now if you will get an affidavit with oath, Thus saith the Lord, or in the name of the Lord that President Grant has not taken a wife since 1904, or testify the same before me and two witnesses, I will shut up." He said I will carry this up as far as I can for that is just what I want to know myself.

December 19, 1921 [excommunicated]January 1, 1922 - Sunday at home most of the day. Visited part of day with John Barlow, a Brother Miller and a Brother Bateman.

January 15, 1922 - In afternoon went to a meeting at John Woolley's home in Centerville. His friends presented him with a fine watch and made many expressions of appreciation of his faithful labors. He has just past his 90th birthday. Patriarch Sperry was present. He and Brother Woolley have both seen the Prophet Joseph Smith and had much experience in the Church. There were present about 34 people, some important spirits no doubt.

January 8, 1922 - Attended evening meeting and took the sacrament and no one objected.

January 29, 1922 - In afternoon went to Stake House to get Brother Brown when the Priesthood Meeting dismissed. Attended a meeting at John Barlow's residence at which were a number of friends and gospel believers including Sam Roundy, Brother Bateman, Brother Miller and his wife and sister Steed. Held the meeting from about 4:30pm til nearly 9 o'clock. Then I took Brother Brown, Brother Bateman, Brother Roundy, and Sister Steed in our machine to Sister Ellen Taylor's place where we found Sister Taylor, her mother and Sister [?]. Together we talked on gospel subjects until 1:45 in the morning. An enjoyable evening. Took Brother Brown, Brother Bateman, Roundy Miller and Sister Miller near to their lodging an then came home.


February 12, 1922 - Attended another meeting at John Barlow's home. A very enjoyable evening.

February 26, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. In afternoon we expected to have a meeting at Brother Alder's place. There were but a few present. Not enough to call it a meeting. In evening visited with sister Sanberg's family and Ianthus Barlow.

March 5, 1922 - After dinner Brother I.W. Barlow and I visited Brother Miller (sick) and Brother Alder and spent the evening at Sister Taylor's home.

March 9, 1922 - In evening my wife showed signs of a break up of her dislike and antagonism for me. She has been alienated from me for over 3 years and have hated me and called me devil, Baal's prophet and Master Mahan etc. Now she says she wants to renew her love for we need to be united. An important barrier apparently shattered.

March 12, 1922 - Began early in the morning to arrange our big shop for a meeting to be held in the afternoon. Some of the brethren came in the morning to visit. The meeting began about 3:20pm and continued about four hours. We were blessed with the Spirit and with many testimonies of the goodness of God of the gifts of healing, and of the principles and fulness of the gospel. Some of the interesting characters present were James E. Hull, W.D. Livingston, Israel Barlow, and John Burt. Apparently all that came were delighted. Some said they had never attended another such a good meeting in their lives. After the meeting we had refreshment of cheese sandwiches, popcorn balls and apples.

March 14, 1922 - Brought Brother M.F. Cowley from street car to visit us by appointment. Found Brother Alder at shop who had left his work and come up to give a suggestion. After visiting with Brother Cowley and hour or so I took the brethren home etc.

March 17, 1922 - At shop, talking with Brother Livingston part of time. In evening went with Ianthus Barlow to visit Brother Lorin C. Woolly at Centerville.

March 19, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. Went to a meeting held at Dr. Gamble's home at 2152 Lake St. A fairly good meeting about 40 persons being present. Left early expecting to take Mrs. Baldwin to the ward meeting. Difficulties prevented and we spent the evening in discussions which were not pleasant but may be profitable.

March 21, 1922 - Went to Centerville to give and receive a report from Brother L. Afternoon returning home earned that Brother Woolley was at the home of John Barlow visiting with some other friends. Called on them and listened to his conversation until about 10:40pm.

April 1, 1922 - Visited with Brother Bateman in afternoon. Heard many testimonies concerning early day conditions and happenings.

April 9, 1922 - Attended conference. Held meeting at shop about 50 persons being present.

April 17, 1922 - Went to Sugar House. Shipped phones. Brought back Brother Woolley and Brother Bateman who came to see me regarding suspected crooked work which seems to be going on to undermine my business. After supper we went to John Barlow's place and talked until about 4 o'clock in the morning. Brother Woolley related many experiences of former life in the Church. [April 18, 1922] Brother Woolley, a Brother Dudley, and I slept a few


hours at our place. Brother Woolley stayed a while in the morning and Brother dudley remained until afternoon. Did but very little else this day, taking a sleep in the afternoon.

April 19, 1922 - Brother John T. Clark came out and spent the day. Did some business such as shipping phones...

April 23, 1922 - Visited a while in the morning with Ianthus Barlow and Brother Dan Bateman. visited with Brother and Sister Musser at 1264 Yale Ave. Had supper at John Barlow's place. Several of us had fasted about 2 days. We administered to Sister Baldwin.

April 25, 1922 - Called on Lorin C. Woolley in evening. He advised letting a home company have the work on royalty.

April 30, Read from Doctrine and Covenants. Visited with Barlow people. Wife and I visited and took dinner with Brother J.L Horne and his wife.

May 4, 1922 - Visited with Apostle Cowley.

May 7, 1922 - Visited with a Brother Austin, John Barlow and Ianthus Barlow. In evening went with Ianthus Barlow to visit Sister Sanberg and her folks. Read extracts from Benjamin Johnson's letter.

May 8, 1922 - Met with a number of people considering various items of business. Saw some land belonging to sister Ellis s. Musser. [Strange writing ? Deseret Alphabet]

May 9, 1992 - Took over some 3 or 4 acres of land on high ground north east of our factory from Ellis S. Musser.

May 10, 1922 - Met with Lorin C. Woolley and Homer M. Brown accidentally and had a long talk with them about the telephone business.

May 12, 1922 - In afternoon, John T. Clark and Brother Musser came to see me and we had a long visit talking mostly about gospel matters. Discussed briefly the telephone business etc.

May 13, 1922 - Spent the day mostly in considering the question of organizing for the manufacture of the loud speaker and the disposal of income.

May 14, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. Visited with Brother Clark and Brother Cowley.

May 16, 1922 - In afternoon Brother Clark brought Will Peay out to the shop and several of us listened to his strange stories about the diggings near Alpine in Utah County.

May 17, 1922 - Went to city and talked with Brothers Ivins and Cowley about the purchase of the Ivin's ranch near St. George. Saw Brother Bennion.

May 20, 1922 - Went to city on business. Saw John T. Clark, Joseph Musser, and M.F. Cowley. Brother Cowley rode with me to see Brother Brown. Here we learned that Ellen Taylor's baby girl Melba was sick and Anthus Barlow and I were wanted there to administer to her. After administering to Brother Brown, Brother Cowley and I went and administered to the little girl and she said she felt better.


May 21, 1922 - Visited an hour or two with Ianthus Barlow. Brother Cowley and I called on Sister Taylor and administered to her baby again. Visited with Brother Bautista and his family who came to our place for supper.

May 22, 1922 - Saw Brother J.T. Clark and we called to see Brother Brown who is sick and Sister Ellen Taylor who has a sick baby.

May 28, 1922 - Visited with Brother Dudly, Ianthus Barlow and others. Attended Stake Conference in the afternoon. Pres. Grant preached on tithing and on the word of wisdom. Spent the evening at Ellen Taylor's home. Brother Clark came and told the remarkable story concerning the hiding place supposed to be near Alpine in Utah County.

May 29, 1922 - After returning had a few parties to meet. Ianthus Barlow told me of a manifestation his father had received this morning. He was sitting and thinking about me when there came to him an intelligence such as comes when giving a patriarchal blessing. I went to Brother Barlow and received it and wrote it down in the form of a Patriarchal blessing.

May 30, 1922 - Went to city with Brother Cowley who came out to see me. He is intending to buy an automobile. We looked at several. Took him and two of his wives to the city cemetery for a few minutes. - Decoration Day.

June 1, 1922 - In evening visited with John Burt and others. Read to Brother Burt a writing entitled "A Meditation."

June 4, 1922 - Read Vision of Heber Q. Hale. Went with some others to visit John T. Clark.

June 5, 1922 - Caught Doras Wilkinson (9 yrs. old) taking receivers from the tuning room. A catechism by brother Bateman showed the boy to be well trained in stealing and lying.

June 6, 1922 - Visited a while with J.T. Clark.

June 8, 1922 - Saw Brother Cowley, Dr. Gamble and others.

June 10, 1922 - Visited with Brother L.C. Wooley, talking on the plans and prospects for our new companies. Saw Brother Clawson... On our way home stopped at Ellen Taylor's place and gave her some scripture books. Went with the family to a birthday party on Brother Bautista at his home. The party was made up of about one half Lamanites and one half white people.

June 13, 1922 - Visited two homes in search of ideas about the building of our proposed new house. Visited the home of Bishop Quist of Holladay and Ellis S. Musser on 13th and Yale Ave.

June 17, 1922 - At shop. In the drop hammer room while the men were filling an oil tank with gas oil an accident occurred and the tank was allowed to overflow spilling oil on one of the oil furnaces which was in use. The oil immediately caught fire and the workers had to leave the room. The shop men worked hard to stop the fire but could not. The Murray Fire Department stopped the fire after four rooms of our shops were destroyed. Machinery was badly damaged and some of it ruined. The loss would probably amount to $10,000.00

June 18, 1922 - Spent the day at home, excepting two or three hours visiting with Ianthus Barlow. He said I had been sent to his place in answer to his prayer for I explained and


showed by the scripture the very things he had been fasting and praying about.

June 19, 1922 - Talked with John T. Clark. Visited patriarch Brown.

June 20, 1922 - Saw John T. Clark and others... Spent the evening with Sanberg's people.

June 21, 1922 - Signed articles of incorporation for new telephone Co. Called Nathaniel Baldwin Incorporated. Went with Brother Neff and Brother Clayton to Centerville to have Loren C. Woolley sign the articles of incorporation. When I came back to the shop some one told me that the Governor and others had been here to see me and then I remembered that I had accepted an invitation and appointment to meet Governor Mabey at 2 o'clock and to have strawberries with him and certain officers of the Baldwin Radio Co. prepared at Holliday. They called for me but I was gone to Centerville.

June 28, 1922 - Went to city in afternoon to see Lawyer Stewart on the matter of our receiving corporation to be known as the Omega Investment Co.

July 1, 1922 - Saw D. Hansen, John T. Clark and J.E. Hickman.

July 2, Made ready and attended a meeting at Israel Barlows home. Took the two machines with passengers. Had a good meeting. A very interesting matter was the reading of reports of the Smoot investigation by Israel Barlow.

July 5, 1922 - Saw Brother Woolley in evening.

July 7, 1922 - Held Omega Directors meeting in the morning...In evening brought Brother Bautista and wife to our place. We administered to Mrs. Baldwin. Has trouble with teeth and jaw.

July 9, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. About forty of my friends and brethren came to the shop about 2 PM by previous invitation and we held a meeting, discussing some of the viles of modern dress, amusement, and social practices; also facts and principle pertaining to the fulness of t he gospel. The meeting was dismissed about 5 PM and then about half of the men remained and told important points and incidents pertaining to the latter day work. We felt that our meeting was a success.

July 11, 1922 - Brother L.C. Woolley came to stay a few days and look around the shop and observe with the object of offering suggestions.

July 13, 1922 - Working partly on plans for office building of the Omega Investment Co.

July 14, 1922 - Heard that my proposition to the Bishopric wherein I offered to be silent if Pres. Grant would make a declaration that he had not taken a wife since 1904, had been presented to Pres. Grant and he said "Oh, bosh!"

July 16, 1922 - Read few pages of manuscript of The Mighty and Strong one.

July 18, 1922 - Went to Lamanite meeting in the evening.

July 21, 1922 - Held meeting with the Omega Co. directors.


July 23, 1922 - Spent the day from 4:30 am to 10 pm in visiting with a party of about 20 persons who went to the ground near Alpine Utah County where sacred treasures are supposed to be buried. Had interesting experience upon returning.

July 24, 1922 - A very interesting meeting of some of my friends was held in the orchard rented by Ianthus Barlow, near our shop. A celebration of Pioneer Day. A program was conducted and a number of speeches made. A good time was reported. Though I was the one to suggest this party a few weeks previous, on account of yesterday's experience, I did not go. Spent the day with my wife. In afternoon we visited Brother Bautista's family and a sister Hansen and her mother.

July 26, 1922 - Went with John T. Clark, Homer M. Brown, Mathias F. Cowley and John Y. Barlow to look at mining prospects near Farmington. Spent the day climbing the mountains. Good looking ore was found in several places.

July 30, 1922 - Read some interesting papers written by some of my friends.

July 31, 1922 - Paid interest on loan for Mrs. Johnson (a widow) and saved losing her farm. Talked with her on the manifestation given to John Taylor etc.August 1, 1922 - Daniel Bateman and May Barlow were married.

August 6, 1922 - Went to meeting at Nathan Clark's place in Bountiful. The meeting lasted from about 4 o'clock until 8. Interesting testimonies.

August 7, 1922 - Attended meeting at John Barlow's in evening.

August 9, 1922 - In evening went to Brother Bautistas place to camp out. Got wet up in a rain.

August 10, 1922 - In evening took my wife to a dancing party given by Brother Bateman after his marriage.

August 11, 1922 - In evening went Brother Bautista's place to stay over night.

August 13, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. In afternoon attended a meeting at Israel Barlow's home in Bountiful. It was an interesting and instructive meeting.

August 17, 1922 - In evening we took both truck and sedan and with our family and brother Bautista's family we took a drive a short way up City Creek Canyon and their called at J.L. Horne's place where Sister Horne showed us a number of steropticon views illustrating Church History.

August 18, 1922 - In evening attended a party in honor of Brother Bateman.

August 19, 1922 - A sales agent with a Durant Sedan took some of our family and part of Brother Bautista's family up Cottonwood canyon as far as the intake of the upper power plant. Visited with a number of callers including John Barlow and Israel Barlow. In evening only wife and I visited Amelia Duffin at Sugar House.

August 25, 1922 - Went to wedding supper at John Barlows place. Supper given by Brother Bateman.


August 27, 1922 - In afternoon took wife, Ianthus Barlow, and his wife and our two little in new Sedan. Went to Bountiful to get data on the Manifesto situation.

September 1, 1922 - Went to city in afternoon. Purchased a Line-a-time for our stenographers to use in copying religious extracts etc. Hear that H.J. Grant said that anybody of a questionable character could get a job out there - (at my shop)

September 8, 1922 - In afternoon a party of seven men went to see a big ranch near Juab with the object of considering it as an object of future purchase by the Omega Co. The party consisted of a Brother Smith and a Brother Dalton both interested in selling the property and David Neff, Mathias F. Cowley, H.M. Brown, Clyde Neilson, and myself who might be interested in buying the ranch for the Omega Co.

September 10, 1922 - Read some writing and patriarchal blessing of John T. Clarks to Seymour Neff.

September 15, 1922 - Spent the day in a trip up Farmington Canyon to investigate further our mining interests there. T.H. Southworth, John T. Clark, John Barlow and I went in T.H. Southworth's car to the power plant. From this point we walked excepting J.T. Clark who rode a horse.

September 17, 1922 - Went to the city to visit John T. Clark and others.

September 21, 1922 - In afternoon Brother Woolley and I administered to John Barlow who had been attacked by a pain and weakness.

September 24, 1922 - Spent the day in a trip to Ogden where we held a meeting at the home of Richard Butter's widows. We had a good meeting and all seemed to feel well. Brother Cowley was the first speaker and spoke well and for a long time. In the course of his talk he prophesied that the time would soon come when those that are criticized and ostracized because of plural marriage affairs would be vindicated fully (exact words not remembered).

September 25, 1922 - In evening attended meeting at the home of Leslie O. Broadbents.

September 28, 1922 - Sister Musser brought out Judge Marianeau (?) to get my word in regard to agreement between Mr. Livingston and Mrs. Musser. It appears that I will have to appear in court as a witness. In evening Brother Woolley and I went to John Barlow's place to advise with Brother Bateman who had a bitter spirit against Nathan Clark and Ruel Alder. Patriarch Barlow said "you can blow off but don't blow up." After Brother BAteman had "spouted" for some time with Brother Woolley arguing with him. Sister Bateman by some request induced Brother Bateman to say that he would stop talking about the matter of Nathan Clark. Brother Woolley caught the opportunity instantly and said "That is all I want, Brother Bateman will keep his word." The matter quieted down.

September 29, 1922 - In evening took Mrs. Baldwin and Brother and Sister Bautista for a ride in the Seadan up around the mouth of City Creek Canyon and other places. We became interested in singing hymns.

September 30, 1922 - Met with Pres. Ivins at David Neff's place. Said but little to him. He tried to convince me that the stories told by Lorin C. Woolley regarding the authorized


continuance of plural marriage were lies. Said he had not performed any such ceremonies since Pres. Smith forbade him in 1904. Said he was not acquainted with Lorin Woolley, that the Quorum of Apostles had not been divided in Brother Cowley's case, that Lorin Woolley had not persuaded him to stand up for Brother Cowley, that he had done that himself without any such persuasion, and that Brother Cowley had not been on trial for his fellowship. It occurred to me that due to pressure he was going to try to flatly deny Brother Woolley to his face. He wanted to meet Brother Woolley so he said.

October 1, 1922 - In evening Nathan attend a meeting at the Stake house to hear Apostle Ballard speak.

October 4, 1922 - Ianthus Barlow and I and some others took a ride up City Creek expecting to return and attend a meeting in the city. We found ourselves too late for the meeting and then we went to visit Lorin C. Wooley at Centerville who has been sick. We brought him out with us. He is better.

October 5, 1922 - In evening spent a few minutes talking with Alma Butlet who was just recently married.

October 8, 1922 - In afternoon John T. Clark, Nathan, and I went in the car to Centerville to see Lorin C. Woolley who is somewhat ill.

October 12, 1922 - Spent the day from 5 AM to 9 PM in a trip to Utah Co. to see a large tract of land with a view o colonizing it. The land includes the county called Elberta and the water comes from a large reservoir between Santaquin and Mona. The project is one undertaken by Jesse Knight but his heirs are handicapped in handling it. The party took breakfast at Paul's Cafe in Pason and also dinner in returning. The party consisted of Ianthus Barlow (driver of his machine), His wife Chlo, Israel Barlow, John Barlow, his wife Ida, Lew Thomson (driver of Knight's peoples mach) Virginia Sanberg, Ellen Taylor, M.F. Cowley, H.M. Brown, Josephine, Steed, and myself. We had a pleasant trip and saw a wonderful county.

October 16, 1922 - In afternoon I called on Hyrum G. Smith, Presiding Patriarch, at the Church Office Bldg. Previously during the Oct. Conference I had rec'd an invitation from him to call. He wanted to know why I was cut off the Church and quite a discussion followed. I succeeded in getting a number of good arguments over to him, but he seemed to be determined not to heed anything which was at variance with the Church,. We talked about two hours.

October 17, 1922 - Brother Woolley returned from Idaho. Sister Young brought a poor old fellow with an idea on a flying machine... Brother Ivins and his son called and visited our shop. I showed them through.

October 20, 1922 - In afternoon Brother Woolley and I went to visit Jesse Burbridge and Harvey Brown at the LDS Hospital. They were both in a dangerous condition after pus appendix operations.

October 22, 1922 - Made trip to mountain on north side o Salt Lake City. Saw John T. Clark. He told of Joseph L. Broadbent's dream. "These boys will get us out of the difficulty."

October 23, 1922 - In afternoon Brother Woolley went to see Jesse Burbridge at the hospital.


He was very low. Brother Bautista's wife and children were at our place in the evening.

October 25, 1922 - Went to meeting at Israel Barlow's residence in evening across the creek from shop.

October 28, 1922 - During day was invited by John Osborne, on of the Bishop's counselor's to speak at the funeral of Jesse Burbidge Sunday Oct. 29.

October 29, 1922 - Attended funeral of Jesse Burbidge. There were about 7 speakers, all spoke well of the good traits of our departed friend and brother. In the evening we had a gathering at Ellen Taylor's home.

November 7, 1922 - Spent the day with others considering the matter of our dealing with the Baldwin Radio Co. The situation is serious. There seems to be danger that the Saal Co. of Chicago will put their products on the market at a reduced price and cripple our business. It appears that our only salvation is to close out the Baldwin Radio Co. and then serve an injunction on Saal. The directors of the "Incorporated" and "Omega" Co'.s held meeting in forenoon with Mr. Freed and Brother Joseph Nibley and in the afternoon, the executive committee of the "Incorporated" consulted several lawyers in the city, "Steward and Steward, McCarthy, and J.M. Thomas.

November 10, 1922 - In evening went with my wife to visit Brother Bautista and family.

November 11, 1922 - At shope. Together with John T. Clark, John Y. Barlow, I.W. Barlow, T.H. Southworth and R.S. Lund, we appraised the values of the several (about 200) mining claims in Farmington Canyon and arranged to have the "Farmington Mining Co." incorporated taking in 76 claims to begin with, to which will be added the various properties owned by companies and part herships allowing stock in the company according to the appraised valuation of the properties... In evening attended a grocery shower for Albert Barlow at the residence of Israel BArlow across the creek south from our telephone factory.

November 17, 1922 - Held meetings with telephone Co. directors and also with the Omega Co. Directors. Decided to discontinue as many expenses as possible.

November 18, 1922 - Brother Clark and Brother R.S. Lund came to tell me of a plot that was being laid to get the business away from me. Lawrence Clayton our secretary is supposed to be at the bottom of it.

November 19, 1922 - After Sunday School we went to Brother Cowley's place for dinner. Spent the afternoon there visiting.

November 22, 1922 - Took Mrs. Baldwin to see Brother Bautista off for his Mexican mission. When we returned about 11 AM the Barlow boys were waiting for me to go to the City with them to hear further reports about the supposed conspiracy at the shop. While at the city we signed certain papers concerning the new mining corporation.

November 23, 1922 - At shop. Working on various business problems. Things look rather gloomy at present.

November 24, 1922 - Held meeting of Omega Co. at which it was decided discontinue as many expenses as possible to make an effort to satisfy our creditors, and to raise as much money as possible by borrowing...


Saw J.T. Clark and R.S. Lund at the Kenyon. Discussing a loan etc.

November 27, 1922 - Went back to stockholders meeting of American Eagle Co. at 2 PM at which meeting John T. Clark, John Y. Barlow, Ianthus Barlow, Nathan, and I were made the directors of the company... Saw Judge Stewart and signed application for receivership of the Baldwin Radio Co.

December 3, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. It was testimony day and the special subject was to give reasons that the missionary system of the Church gives evidence of the wisdom of God. I spoke three times upon the subject emphasizing principles of going without purse or scrip and taking no thought of what to say, and that the laws and commandment of God would be obeyed in preference to the laws of man.

December 6, 1922 - In the evening we held a meeting at the Omega Office where we discussed methods of improving ourselves spiritually,. Had an interesting meeting which most of the comers seemed to appreciate.

December 12, 1922 - At shope. Talked with Clyde Neilson about the business. considered various problems with the persons interested with me. Went to city in afternoon with David Neff, L.C. Woolley and Lawrence Clayton.

December 13, 1922 - Had meeting at Omega office building in evening. About 20 people came and we began discussing the subject of the Gentiles and Israel.

December 20, 1922 - In the evening we held a meeting at the Omega Office. Subject: Fullness of the Gentiles.

December 27, 1922 - Meeting at Omega Bldg in evening.

December 31, 1922 - Attended Sunday School. Took Lizze to see Bautista's people.


January 1, 1923 - Intensely busy part of day, considering what to do to meet the present financial distress, and also what to do with some of our leading men as well as others who are disloyal.

January 2, 1923 - In afternoon, Brother Woolley went to city. He went after Armstrong and dug it out of him that the reason that his bank would not lend us money is that he feared the disfavor of the Freed-Nibley people etc. Called by some Church influence.

January 3, 1923 - Meeting in the evening.

January 10, 1923 - In evening attended a meeting at R. J. Alder's home.

January 17, 1923 - In afternoon attended a meeting at John Woolley's place in Centerville. A good meeting. A number of facts concerning the complaint of outsiders against the Church were brought out.

January 18, 1923 - Troubled with the problem of disloyalty. We layed off some of our leading men for "knocking" etc. Ray Andrus, Jim Fisher, Ralph Seely, Earl Walker, and James Carlisle.


January 24, 1923 - At shop office (Omega office) working part of time on subject for discussion at the meeting in the evening.January 25, 1923 - Went to Provo and attended funeral for John T. Clark's father.

February 4, 1923 - Sunday. Took trip to Ogden with Brother Cowley and others to visit the widows of Richard R. Butler.

February 6, 1923 - In evening took Lizze to visit Sister Bautista who is sick.

February 16, 1923 - In evening I anointed and administered to Lizzie. She received a relief during the anointing.

March 6, 1923 - In afternoon attended funeral of Dr. Gamble, a polygamist of about 2 years acquaintance. The speakers including Pres. Nephi Morris spoke surprisingly well of Brother Gamble yet inconsistently held out the thought that he had made a mistake in his marriage affairs.

March 31, 1923 - Wrote letter and sent telegram to Brother Woolley regarding his work at Chicago.

April 10, Met with J.T. Clark, R.S. Lund and others of the Farmington Mining Co. We decided to get the compressor up on the job within the next few days.

April 12, 1923 - Helped correct proof of my writing on "The Times of the Gentiles" and "The Fullness of the Gentiles."... In the evening Brother John Henry Evans came again for further information relative to the historical sketch which he intends to write.

May 9, 1923 - Attended meeting at I.W. Barlow's home in evening.

May 23, 1923 - ATtended meeting at the Omega Bldg in evening [This meetings are referred to weekly and are many meetings with the Bautista family.]

June 2, 1923 - In afternoon went with Bishop Maus, Patriarch H.M. Brown, Apostle M.F. Cowley, and Clyde Neilson to visit the "Hope of Israel" mine in Utah County. Ira Butler came.

June 3, 1923 - In afternoon Brother Cowley came and we blessed our baby girl - Margerie. Brother Cowley pronounced the blessing.

June 27, 1923 - Attended funeral of M.F. Cowley's wife. Took him and her children in our sedan.

June 28, 1923 - Party at Ianthius Barlows place in evening.

July 1, 1923 - Took trip to Ogden in company with Brother Heckstedd and Brother Cowley. He went to visit Brother Butler's people.

July 16, 1923 - Engaged in business matters. John Barlow on mining business... Heber Benion on pamphlets.

August 3, 1923 - Consultation with Brother Neff and Brother Woolley.

September 3, 1923 - Had meeting of the Free Gold Directors and elected H.S. Tanner as



September 14, 1923 - Went to meeting in evening at Lyman Jessop's residence.

September 21, 1923 - Took Thora to train. Going to Agricultural College to school. Brother Cowley accompanied her to Logan. She will stay at his wife's home.

September 23, 1923 - Attended meeting at John Woolley's home in Centerville.

October 8, 1923 - Meeting at Israel Barlow's residence in evening.

November 11, 1923 - Had dinner at Ellen Taylor's place.

November 24, 1923 - Went from there to a meeting at Joseph Musser's place.

November 28, 1923 - In afternoon attended the funeral of Israel Barlow, son of Joseph Smith's gardener who threw the champion wrestler. This was a wonderful funeral - the best I have ever attended. It was astonishing that such a funeral could be held. It was held in the most central meetinghouse at Bountiful and well attended. The principal speakers were Lorin C. Woolley, H.S. Tanner, and James Eldridge. Brother Woolley bore testimony that such men as Patriarch Barlow who had been excommunicated for performing plural marriages were all strong in the faith, humble, and could bear as strong testimony as anyone he knew. Spoke of the resurrection, he being a witness, having seen and shaken hands with John Taylor two years after his death. Brother tanner bore witness of the faithfulness of brother Barlow and related a vision Brother Barlow recently had wherein he was invited by Joseph F. Smith to come where he was and he by his side. Brother Eldridge declared that to get the blessings of a law, one must keep the law, that merely accepting it theoretically was not sufficient. The meeting was full of testimony and evidence that all these people such as patriarch Barlow who have been ostracized because of plural marriage affairs are in the right before the Lord and have been dealt with unjustly. Everything went off smooth and beautiful. I wonder what will be done about it later.

January 23, 1924 - In evening went to see Ernest Woolley at the Hotel Utah. He told me that an effort was being made, probably by some of the "good brethren" to make us trouble at the factory and that three or four federal officers had visited the factory today and that one of them had told him that they were pleased with the good work we were doing.

February 1, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon to see Ernest Woolley.

February 8, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon with L.C. Woolley to sign ($1000.00) bond for Brother Worth Kilgrow who was arrested for being a party to the delinquency of Nita Hull. The night before her uncle spied, invaded the house of her mother, made an uproar and this day had Brother Kilgrow arrested and had Nita taken away from her mother on the charge that her mother was not a proper guardian.

February 13, 1924 - Busy mostly with callers including H.S. Tanner.

February 17, 1924 - Attended Sunday School. Learned that a strong opposing influence was manifested in the Priesthood meetings of the High Priests and Elders. In the High Priest's meeting Geo. E. Woolley spoke against his brother John Woolley and Lorin C. and classed them as apostates etc.


February 21, 1924 - Consulted H.S. Tanner in regard to the interest of Eph Jensen in the Free-Gold mining Co. In the evening went to a birthday for Dan Bateman.

February 26, 1924 - Took John Barlow to Dr. and to X Ray man to have foot examined. A horse had fallen down with him.

March 3, 1924 - Met with Ianthus, Brother Powel and Sister Musser.

March 4, 1924 - Met with L.C. Woolley and Ernest Woolley at the Hotel Utah at 7 P.M.

March 5, 1924 - John T. Clark and I met with Ephraim Jensen and his brother discussing a settlement of his trouble with the Farmington Mining Co... John T. and I went and talked with H.S. Tanner about the case.

March 10, 1924 - Had conversation with J.T. Clark, I.W. Barlow, John Barlow, L.C. Woolley, and Engineer Crawford regarding the Farmington mine. Then we took the rest of the forenoon and more talking of existing conditions in the church - Crowford who is not a member was not with us of course.March 12, 1924 - Heard of David Neff's attack on Clyde Neilson taking him by the throat etc.

March 18, 1924 - Saw J.T. Clark and H.S. Tanner about the Jensen case and other matters.

March 20, 1924 - Saw Dr. Dunnage, Eph Jensen, John T. Clark and H.S. Tanner.

March 24, 1924 - Spent a good part of the day talking with some of the shopmen on religious matters including an article in the tribune in which it was said that the attitude of the church was against plural marriage and that no such marriage since the manifesto was legitimate either in church or state. Spent the evening at [crossed out] discussing the present critical situation in church affairs etc.

March 27, 1924 - Read letter written by Mrs. Winegar who has been fraudulently taken to the asylum at Provo evidently on account of testimony about affairs in the year 1906.

March 31, 1924 - Another article appeared in the Tribune expressing a determination of the church authorities to stamp out polygamy using legal proceedings etc.

April 3, 1924 - Took Brother Cowley to Bountiful to bless Nathan Clark's baby after returning took Lizzie and Bautista's children to the Depot to meet Brother Bautista.

April 18, 1924 - Saw H.S. Tanner and John T. Clark regarding the Jensen affair.

April 22, 1924 - Saw Earnest Woolley at 11 A.M.

April 26, 1924 - We called on Judge Stewart who told us of some hearsay about a scheme of Ernest Woolley to get in on our business. We next called on Ernest Woolley but he seems not to be getting anywhere with the Baldwin Radio Co.

April 29, 1924 - Went to city about 1 P.M. to see Ernest Woolley. Seems not to be getting much done.

May 7, 1924 - Saw advertising system of J.S. Barlow [?]. Talked with J.T.C.


May 15, 1924 - Met with John Barlow on the question of his claiming that I had agreed to spend $100,000 in the mine and that they would hold me to it etc. This had been reported to me. Then I had a meeting with David Neff and John Wolf in which David made many complaints and accusations against Clyde Neilson and L.C. Woolley. Including John T. Clark and others he declared he would not consider himself in their class in regard to honor etc.

May 16, 1924 - Concerned about Brother Neff's accusations against Clyde and Brother Woolley. Seems bitter.

May 17, 1924 - Worrying about who are friends and who are not.

May 19, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon visited John T. Clark.

May 20, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon. Working on the matter of changing directors in our company. Met with Brothers Woolley, Clark, and Tanner. Went back again at 8 P.M. and met with Brothers Clark and Tanner.

May 25, 1924 - Visited I.W. Barlows people at Farmington.

May 26, 1924 - Met with John T. Clark and L.C. Woolley.

May 27, 1924 - [added after original entry] John T. Clark, Lorin C. Woolley witnesses of July 17, 1924.

May 29, 1924 - Busy at Omega Office and shop. Had Inc. stock made out for Victor C. Hecksted 1000 shares and the same amount toe John T. Clark and H.S. Tanner. Held Omega meeting authorizing proxies to vote the stock of the Co. at the Inc. stockholders meeting. David Neff understood what the move meant and we talked about a settlement of our affairs. It seems that we will be able to settle up peaceably.

June 1, 1924 - Clyde Neilson came with his car and we went to Centerville and spent a good part of the day visiting with Lorin Woolley and his father. John T. Clark, John Y. Barlow, and Moroni Jessop and Dan Bateman went with us.

June 3, 1924 - Bought David Neff out from the Incorporated giving him fair value for his stock and getting considerable time on it. Held meeting of stockholders of the Incorporated and elected the following directors. Nathaniel Baldwin, John T. Clark, Clyde Neilson, Lorin C. Woolley, Delbert Osguthorpe, H.S. Tanner and V.C. Hegsted. Held directors meeting and elected N.B. President, John T. Vice Pres. H.S. Tanner Secy, Clyde Neilson Assist. Secy, Clyde Neilson Treas.

June 11, 1924 - Busy (early) at shop. Went to city in morning to see Brother Cowley about court matters... In evening from 8 to 11 we held a meeting at the Omega Bldg at which Brother James E. Hall was the principal speaker. He told of meany remarkable healings and manifestations and said much to inspire faith in the hearers.

June 14, 1924 - Went with L.C. Woolley to Yeates' office to read articles of incorporation etc. Busy most of the day considering our affairs with Wolfe and the "International." Four of us directors including Brother's Tanner, Clark, and Woolley met at Tanner's office


and discussed with John Wolfe some of the problems between us. INdications were favorable to a peaceful settlement.

July 17, 1924 - We the undersigned hereby witness that we have seen this journal as written between the date of May 26 and the present time the morning of July 17 - 11 o'clock. 1924

John T. Clark (sigs)Lorin C. Woolley

August 4, 1924 - Went to city about noon to see Br. Cowley at his request.

August 6, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon to telegraph $500 to J.L. Broadbent and attend to other business matters.

August 8, 1924 - By request I went to Stewart's office and was told that our local creditors were uniting to put us into a receivership. They said Forster was co-operating to block our accounts in the East, that seven telegrams had come in one day to Bradstreets or Dunns inquiring about us, that our creditors were well informed as to our accounts and had said that we could not possibly escape receivership. Stewarts suggested that if we could not see our way clear to take care of ourselves that we ourselves arrange for a friendly receivership. Had conference with John T. Clark and L.C. Woolley. Telegraphed Hegsted to negotiate other loans form 50 to 3000.

August 9, 1924 - John T., Lorin C. and I met with Ernest Woolley who wants to take over our entire sales business. He also consented to lend us $50,000 whether he gets the sales business or not.

August 12, 1924 - In the afternoon a Mr. from Bradstreets agency and a Brother Hall from the Utah Wholesale Grocery Co. called to investigate our financial standing. The Bradstreet man was very pressing. John T. handled him well and he didn't get much information in that line.

August 15, 1924 - Received information that Ernest Woolley had the $50,000 for us and that David Neff had been to the Continental National Bank and blocked the $50,000 loan which we would otherwise have gotten from them.

August 16, 1924 - Went to see Ernest Woolley in the evening.

August 19, 1924 - Went to city in the morning with L.C. Woolley to ask Ernest Woolley to make the deposit in the name of the Omega Company. The idea came to me when I first woke up this morning. In this way the Omega Co. can pay back a good amount to the Incorporated. Ernest had trouble in getting the money. Those that it was due from would not get together,. He is meeting severe opposition.

August 28, 1924 - Saw Ernest Woolley reports a hard fight with the brethren to get money that belongs to him because he intends to loan it to us. Reports that he met with Heber J. Grant and that Heber told him that if the Baldwin people were not broken up they would shake the church to its very foundation and possibly the state also. Later, Ernest told him that if he did not stop interfering that he (Ernest) would get a man (Lorin) that would send him to jail then Heber said, "I guess we had better let him have it." So it was reported.

August 29, 1924 - Busy at same work and with telephone improvement problems. Lorin said


that Ernest reported that a banker told him that they had done all they could to prevent him from getting the money and that he could have had it two weeks earlier if he had not been going to loan it to Baldwin.

September 2, 1924 - Learned from John T. Clark and Lorin C. Woolley that Ernest Woolley had been working hard all day again to get the money that was his in the Sugar Bond sale. Bankers had stated that it was the Church brethren that were striving to prevent Ernest from getting his money because he was going to loan part of it to the Baldwin. Geo. C. Spencer, the Banker at Zion's Savings Bank, stated that he was acting under instruction from the President of the bank (Heber J.). Conditions point to an exposition of the brethren in the matter of loan as well as in the court.

September 3, 1924 - Ernest Woolley is still fighting to get his money out of the sugar bond sale.

September 4, 1924 - Ernest Woolley has still been prevented from getting his money in shape to lend it to us.

September 5, 1924 - In evening at 8 o'clock Dan Bateman, A.O. Miller and myself held a meeting with the young folks of our neighborhood who had been in mischief by stealing and otherwise.

September 6, 1924 - It is reported that Ernest Woolley is still being hindered by church influence from getting his money. Heber J. Had left word for the Zions Savings Bank to hold up the distribution of the proceeds of the certain sugar bonds and he has gone away. It is reported that Ernest Woolley telegraphed Havermeyer, a big sugar man in New York to whom several of these opposing parties are heavily obligated and Havermeyer telegraphed back the he was taking steps to put the screws on these people it they continue to hinder this distribution. Later in the day it was reported that some of the brethren were telegraphing for Brother Grant.

September 8, 1924 - Ernest Woolley is still unable to get his money. It is reported that a man representing Havrmeyer is here demanding a distribution of these funds. It is reported that men representing the First Presidency of the Church called on Ernest Woolley at his farm and urged him not to let the Baldwin people have the money stating that if he did, it would bring the authorities into disrepute and might cost them their lives.

September 9, 1924 - Ernest Woolley is still meeting resistance in getting his money. Another method under way. Ernest think he can get a loan for us on our stock of phones.

September 10, 1924 - Saw Ernest Woolley... He reported confidentially that the Baldwin Radio Co. had mortgaged their factory to their attorney Stop for $5000 and that he would take of the mortgage. Lorin C. Woolley reports that brethren from high stations in the church have pleaded with him not to have the matter between Ernest Woolley and the banks go to the courts because if it does it will go to the Federal Courts and will not likely stop with financial matters but that other matters which Lorin says are true may be proved and the church authorities may be discredited by the people of the Church and may lose their lives. Some remarkable confessions. They evidently want us to go to ruin that the truth may not come out. They want to save themselves by treading upon their innocent brethren. It is like a robber that is caught and says "Here is a witness against me, he must be put out of the say lest I suffer."

September 11, 1924 - Ernest Woolley says he is raising $40,000 for us by mortgaging his



September 12, 1924 - Ernest Woolley claims to have his abstracts complete and will get the money tomorrow; but he is meeting the most vigorous opposition on every hand and if possible he will be prevented from borrowing money on his property. According to reports it is the openly avowed intention of the Church brethren to "Bust Baldwin, Clark and that bunch." (see page 208) -- There was a big parade in the city and all kinds of traffic was stopped on main street. While walking, with John T. Clark, something brought up the subject of flying machines and my thoughts drifted along that line. I remembered an old theory of mine having the car of a flying machine held up by an umbrella like propeller located above the car...

September 18, 1924 - At quitting time at the shop. I had the employees gather outside near the machine shop door and talked to them a few minutes. It was pay day and there was danger of trouble. I explained our situation and asked for co-operation. We gave out a questionnaire to ascertain how much we would have to pay them to keep them going. The result was gratifying. About 5000 will take care of them and we have more than that in the bank. Went to city in the evening to get Lizzie from the temple at 10 P.M.

September 19, 1924 - Ernest Woolley is working hard to get some money for us. The last move being to furnish a bond to insure the proper title to a spring on the property he is trying to mortgage to raise us $20,000. It is reported that prominent church brethren have gone to Ashton Jenkins Co. and persuaded them not to let us have any money under any conditions.

September 21, 1924 - Several (4 or 5 autos) of us from East Mill creek and the City went to American Fork to a meeting held by James E. Hall. We met at George Pulley's place and held two meetings in the open air. Brother Hall occupied the time except in the singing etc. and gave many testimonies and instructions about faith and the powers of God.

September 22, 1924 - Went to city to see what I could do toward raising some money etc. Saw Morey and Hawley. Ernest Woolley is still trying to raise some money but so far has been unsuccessful.

September 23, 1924 - Worked on contract to be drawn up with Ernest Woolley. Went to city to work on some of these same problems. Ernest Woolley still have no money for us. Puts us off one day after another.

September 24, 1924 - Worked on contract to be drawn up with Ernest Woolley and other matters.

September 25, 1924 - Worked on contracts with Ernest Woolley etc. Signed one contract giving him the right and authority to prosecute infringers etc.

September 26, 1924 - Worked on contract with Ernest Woolley as much as possible.

September 27, 1924 - Worked on contract with Ernest Woolley except as interrupted by callers on other matters. The pressure from creditors is severe. There was a meeting of a number of our friends at John Woolly's place in Centerville but the contract was considered so important that I stayed and worked on it. About 3:30 PM John T. Asked me to come in town indicating something serious had developed. I went in


feeling worried and shaky. It was reported to me that Ernest had fulfilled every requirement that could legally be made to get a loan on his property and that he was finally told by a prominent attorney named Wicks who turned him down from getting the loan, that it was not because of the insufficiency of his security or irregularity, but he said that the dominant church and the banks and the Gentiles also had joined their efforts to crush the cultism that our people are supporting. So it appears that it is useless to try and get money in Utah. I was relieved. Had expected to hear something that might seem more serious. I asked by they had called me off from the work to hear that. That was no surprise. We understood that such condition was likely. Ernest brought me back home again. John T. Clark and Lorin C. Woolley came out also. I finished up the contract. John T. Clark suggested that we make it for 5 years instead of 2 years and so to be contrary I made it for 10 years. Sister Taylor came and wrote up the contract and Ernest came back and we signed it. Learned that at the meeting at Centerville one of I.W. Barlows boys, Mack, who had fallen from a horse and crushed on side of his head was administered to by Brother White, one of our shop workers, and John Woolley (John Woolley sealed the anointing) and the boys head was healed - it being soft on one side before the administration and solid afterwards.

October 1, 1924 - Ernest Woolley takes over the sales agency today. Prospects are a little more favorable for our business.

October 3, 1924 - Ernest Woolley still trying to borrow money on his property. After he got a check on a mortgage loan it wa held up on account of some technicality. It was pay day at the shop and nothing was said to the employees about their money. Purposely omitted because I had heard that they were intending to make a fuss and I wanted to see what they would do. Studied how to meet the situation.

October 4, 1924 - Sent letter to employees to be read or presented by the foreman asking for a written expression from the employees to find out their feelings toward us. About the same time a list of names of those demanding their pay was gathered by agitators. John Stillman was the most active and T.J. Midgely headed the list. I knew that the list was being signed unwittingly by many employees and therefore had a meeting called to make some explanations. Brother Hegsted also spoke. He made a fine speech. We got in the letters of expressions from the employees and spent the afternoon mainly in considering them along with other matters.

October 6, 1924 - Payed off several of our worst agitators names below:T.J. Midgley, John Stillman, C.L. Cummings, Glen Cannon, Ed. Gustaveson, Ralph Seely, Ashton Williams. It was quite a serious looking time. Several men were running around with papers demanding pay, appointing attorneys etc. Some of the men refused our checks. Many bitter things were said. Man gathered in groups. We considered ourselves lucky to escape a conflict. Our truck drivers, Owen Lamborne, is a deputy sheriff and another one of our men Brother Savage received a like authority today. We needed their assistance in some cases. Agitators would break out here and there and we would send them their checks and have them sent away. Went to city at quitting time to see E.R.Woolly. After returning went to the Holladay plant to see if there was any disturbance there. We have watch men there too.

[Excerpt from newspaper article included in journal - no date] Lorin C.Woolley, cousin to Ernest R. Woolley, and former director in Nathaniel Baldwin Inc.


took the stand yesterday as the first defence witness in the case of Omega Investment company vs. Ernest R. Woolley and Nathaniel Baldwin Sales company for recovery of some stock. The witness said that he never advised Baldwin to go to Ernest R. Woolley for advice or counsel. Lorin Woolley said that he did not know that there was any stock listed in his, Lorin's, name until ERnest Woolley told him of it, nor that he was supposed to be a director in the company. He said that he first met Baldwin by the latter calling upon him.

[Excerpt from another article - no date] In explanation of why the Baldwin company =severed relations with David Neff, the witness said factions arose with Lorin C. Woolley, Clyde Nelson and John T. Clark, on one side, and Neff on the other. Each demanded the other be removed from the good of the business. As a result of a dream in which Clark said he saw Neff sweeping the factory clean, the latter was dismissed by Baldwin.

October 7, 1924 - Heard of a recent meeting of prominent churchmen in which the word was given that this cult must be crushed at any cost. Signed a supplemental contract with Ernest Woolley allowing him to manufacture phone in case our factory becomes closed. After supper, Brother L.C. Woolley and I went in the truck to the Holliday plant and while there with the four watchmen we all sang hymns and talked gospel matters.

October 8, 1924 - Went to City again signed a contract with Ernest Woolley giving him 60 days to pay for good and %60 off about 4:30 PM. Went Brother Woolley and I cam back to the factory we were told that some parties were here with a notice to us of receivership. Before they could read it to us and before they approached us we drove away again from the truck shed in the truck and hunted up Ernest Woolley and reported the matter to him. I thought it must be a fictitious court order to let our enemies in to loot the premises. However, I did not want to see it, therefore I stayed at Dr. Parker's place that night.

October 9, 1924 - Went to Judge Bldg. to consult with associates and lawyers regarding the receivership and the action to be taken, Ernest taking the leading part. We found that it was a real receivership which had been put through without us having a hearing. First the sentiment was to break it and arrest some of the offenders on charges of felonious conduct which apparently could be done; but as the investigation and discussion proceeded our views changed until we finally decided that the best thing was to let the receivership stand until our debts could be paid. It seemed to be protection to us from further suits and from the violence of our enemies. It is like being put in prison when a mob is coming.

October 10, 1924 - Met with Ernest and others in the morning. Had talk with manager of our receiver company. He seems very fair and reasonable and desires our cooperation to bring the business out in good shape. Saw Ernest Woolley about the method of raising funds. apparent conspiracy of Hegsted partly unearthed. It appears that he has been assisting our enemies. It seems that he has got our contract with Woolley over to our enemies soon after it was signed. OTHER THINGS!!!

[Article excerpt form the Tribune - Oct. 10, 1924]The order of the court placing Nathaniel Baldwin Inc. in receivership will be carried out by the Bankers Trust company... on petition of John Stillman.

October 14, 1924 - Went to city banker a check for $452.79 made out to me from Lorin C. Woolley. Paid bill at Beneficial up to Oct. 1 1924. Met with John T. Clark, Lorin C. Woolley


and Ernest Woolley.

October 15, 1924 - Went to city in afternoon expecting to get about $8000.00 from Ernest R. Woolley to relieve the strained situation with the Omega Co. and the Farmington Mining Co. etc. Nothing produced because impatient and doubtful. The question arises at to whether some of the men are sincere. Some things look suspicious. Maybe they (Ernest and Lorin) are purposely letting me get in distress to get a stronger hold. I hope it is a false suspicion and that I may be forgiven. I spoke of selling my stock for what I could get for it.

October 17, 1924 - The pressure brought to bear against us is dire. No money raised today to take care of my overdrafts and in addition Harvy Melvilles check for $400 came in making an overdraft of about $600. Everybody is closed up against us. It is reported by Lorin C. Woolley that he was previously offered $8000.00 from the Continental National Bank in settlement for sheep due him amounting to over $30000 and he refused. Recently he called on the Bank and told them he would accept it. They wouldn't give it now. Then he offered to take $5000 and they told him they wouldn't give him anything. They evidently knew what he wanted to do with it.

October 19, 1924 - A group of us, had breakfast at Sister Gamble's home. After eating we sat around the table talking gospel matters until noon.

October 20, 1924 - The receivers seek to evade the contract with Ernest Woolley. Have gone to Chicago to take over the property there. A movement was started today by E.R. Woolley to plant a damage suit against David Neff Etc. ???

October 21, 1924 - Ernest reported that a receivership for the Nathaniel Baldwin Sales Co. had been applied for and granted by Judge Richie in a manner similar to that of the Incorporated. This would destroy Ernest's contracts and place us all at the mercy of the receivers; but -- anticipating such a move Ernest organized a Nathaniel Baldwin Sales Company at New York under the laws of Delaware and transferred to them all his contracts with us, and this was done legally more than a week ahead of their movement. Having obtained the receivership, Armstrong and Wisllon McCarthy, (and probably Heber J. went back for the same purpose) went to Chicago and took over the warehouse and good there. Later the N.B. Sales Co. of Delaware will likely call them to account for trespassing etc. Ernest seems to know how to handle them.

October 22, 1924 - Also received check for $200.00 from Lorin C. Woolley.

October 23, 1924 - Went to city and together with E.R. Woolley, John T. Clark, J. Ruben Clark and others dedicated on methods and plans to remove the receivership... A happy thought was suggested by J.R. Clark probably originated by E.R. Woolley the plan of paying off the present receivers and making arrangements ourselves for a friendly receiver that we could work with.

October 24, 1924 - Ernest reports that a proposition can likely be put through to sell our business and take a royalty on future manufacture. The thought is tempting for it would relieve me of these business troubles, but it would also relieve me of the great good that could be done by employment etc. I do not want it.

October 25, 1924 - Met with Ernest and others. Told him I did not want to sell out but would like to borrow. We, John T. Clark, Lorin C. Woolley, Ernest Woolley, H.S. Tanner, myself and others talked of a course to pursue to oust our receiver. Decided to apply to the Supreme court for relief.


October 26, 1924 - Took Brother Bateman to Sugar House to assist in administering to a girl, Ione Reynolds who is sick with appendicitis.

October 28, 1924 - Got letter from Ernest Woolley allowing him to appoint manager etc.

October 31, 1924 - The Supreme court sat on the case in which we expected to oust the receiver, and though we had the law on our side, three of the five judges ruled the case against us. Judge Weber undoubtedly was our worst opponent in the court. Talked with John T. in evening regarding Ernest Woolley and others.

November 5, 1924 - Went to city and delivered drawings to J. Ruben Clark and attended to Farmington mining and Omega accounts at the Bank.

November 6, 1924 - Considering the matter of working with the receiver to get the business going again leaving Ernest Woolley's contract stand inoperative.

November 8, 1924 - The question is how to get away from the tie up with Ernest Woolley. He may be all right but still there is the question.

November 10, 1924 - Held stockholders meeting of the Farmington Mining Co. and voted in the following directors. Nathaniel Baldwin, John T. Clark, Lorin C. Woolley, Clyde Neilson, H.S. Tanner, Israel Barlow and James S. Parker. John Y. Barlow was eliminated from the directorate.

November 12, 1924 - It was reported today that papers were made out and ready to served on John Barlow, Daniel Bateman, and others for polygamy.November 14, 1924 - Went to city to work on the relation with E.R. Woolley etc. Met with H.S. Tanner and discussed the subject. H.S. Tanner, Luetta, a Miss Tanner, Nathan Clark and I had dinner together in Brother Tanner's office. In afternoon we met with Ernest and framed up the substance of a royalty license contract. We learned that other efforts were being made to put us into bankruptcy to break Woolley's contracts etc. and we felt it necessary to act quickly.

November 15, 1924 - In afternoon began working on another telephone patent application, then Clyde came from E.R. Woolley's office and took one in to see Ernest and others to talk over the amount of royalty to ask this eastern company. A telegram had come from Lorin Stating that the royalty should be 5% on wholesale prices instead of retail prices.

November 16, 1924 - At home. Had discussion with Nathan and others regarding the present apostasy of our people.

November 20, 1924 - Went to city and saw H.S. Tanner, Bowen, Ernest and John T. Nothing new has developed. We are hoping for means to move the receivers soon.

November 22, 1924 - Ernest reported a few days ago that he had satisfactory evidence that Heber J. Grant was working with Armstrong and others to sell us out.

November 28, 1924 - It was reported that some of our "friends" have learned of our negotiations with Eastern capitalists and are trying to prevent a deal. I was told that the Walker Bank have sent the word east by wire that "Baldwin is a nut. He is associated with a number of crooks and they are trying to establish a new cult." Ernest has gone east to try and counteract this mischief.


December 1, 1924 - Birthday, 46 years old. Heber Bennion called representing David Neff and suggested that I could get $100,000 clear of all debts by giving the business over. to him and his associates. Incidentally told me of vulgar language unbecoming to a saint being used by E.S. Rich in his bitterness against people in East Mill Creek and also other vulgar language from Heber J. Grant in times past regarding marriage affairs.

December 2, 1924 - Brother Bennion called again and in addition to verifying what he said the day before stated that Neff said he had to do as he was doing or he would lose all he had here, indicating that he claimed an undivided interest with me in addition to the stock and salary that he had received. No report from Ernest Woolley yet since he left for Chicago.

December 3, 1924 - Wired Lorin Woolley in the morning asking for Ernest Address... Lorin Wired John T. Clark that the deal was going through all right...

December 11, 1924 - John T. Clark received a telegram from Lorin C. Woolley indicating that our contract with Ernest had been accepted by the people he had been negotiating with for some time. Another wire to Ruben Clark inquired about the amount required immediately to remove the receivers.

December 12, 1924 - Sent telegram to Lorin C. Woolley asking that Ernest send us $5000.00 at once for the Farmington Mine expense etc.

December 14, 1924 - Read some scripture. Visited Bautista's people.

December 16, 1924 - Received a telegram from a Chicago bank indicating that Ernest Woolley is hunting for money etc. after he says he has it. It had a tendency to arouse suspicion. The receivers got track of it and were considerable concerned. I sent a telegram to Lorin requesting full particulars of their doings, but never received them.

December 17, 1924 - Went to city to answer a telegram from Lorin which was difficult to understand. Received word that the money was ready and that Ernest and Lorin would soon be on the way home.

December 18, 1924 - Went to city to see about a recent telegram from Ernest Woolley. Indicates that he has raised the money and will return home Sunday and remove receiver Monday.

December 20, 1924 - A telegram from Ernest asked for further information regarding affairs between us and the receiver. Spent the afternoon and evening working on these matters.

December 21, 1924 - WEnt to Hegsted's place in morning in search of further information. Met with John T. and Ruben Clark and delivered the information which was gathered.

December 22, 1924 - Saw Ernest Woolley and he says he has raised the money to remove the receiver, not on the contract selling the plant but in some other way without signing away any of our rights or property. The receiver was approached on the matter of stepping out without a trial and they objected and said that didn't wan to see the business go back into Baldwin's hands.


December 24, 1924 - In evening Ernest Woolley made a speech asking for one half interest in the business - Some gaul! Gave John T. Clark and Clyde Neilson a few suggestions to pull for me instead of Ernest.

December 26, 1924 - Considering the matter of taking in Ernest Woolley as a stockholder and officer so he can act for us with authority. I presented the proposition that he go equal with me. His talent as legal and financial leader and the former patents including the application for double magnet phone fifty-fifty. And he should give his note for his portion of the companies assets. He didn't like the idea of paying for his stock.

December 27, 1924 - In conference with John T., Clyde and H.S. Tanner. They all favored giving Ernest that which he asked for and it was done. The five directors were allowed 10,1000 shares each and the balance of the outstanding stock was divided with Ernest Woolley. Hegsted's resignation as director was accepted and Ernest Woolley made a director. John T. resigned as vice-president and E.R. Woolley was voted in as first vice president and John T. was made 2nd vice president. John T. said that the move would bring a blessing and a good feeling and prophesied that we would prevail against our adversaries from now on.

January 3, 1925 - It is reported that Ernest waited up Pres. Ivins and told him if it is discrimination against people that believe in polygamy that he would have a wholesale exposition of the condition in the whole church. Some prominent businessmen are seeing the unfairness that is being practiced and expressing themselves. It is reported that a Mr. Seigel recently withdrew his account from the Copper Bank because they were trying to stifle a home industry.

January 6, 1925 - Ernest says it was suggested to him by some of their attorneys that he go and discuss the situation with the Church leaders. So he went. Their affection was that John Clark was a false prophet, Lorin Woolley was the biggest liar in the county and Clyde Neilson was a follower of these men [and had married John W. Taylor's daughter - crossed out]. They said that if Ernest would have these men put out of the directorate and would "clean up" out there, they would consent to the removal of the receiver. Heber J., Ivins, et al. - Plain evidence that the Church leaders are ruling in the crusade against us.

January 13, 1925 - Began wearing the old-fashioned home-made garments.

January 17, 1925 - Izanstark from Chicago is reported by Lorin to be here to buy out our business. He heard that Lorin Woolley dare not return to Salt Lake City because there was an indictment for polygamy waiting for him; and through a misunderstanding on the part of the Banker's trust people Lorin woolley was subpoenaed as an officer in the Nathaniel Baldwin Sales Co. He ignored it and came home. Izanstark saw him and was surprised and disgusted at the lies he had heard.

January 18, 1925 - Finished writing an article for newspaper publication entitled "The Baldwin Cult." Visited Brother Bautista and family. Helped administer to their baby.

January 22, 1925 - Ralph Seely is supposed to be going on a mission to the Central States. It is reported that he said at a farewell party that those who helped him (by contributions) would be helping the authorities. It is also reported that Neff and Co. would pay him his full salary while away ??? It is reported that Neff has offered to give to the authorities a certain (?) percentage of the company (or his own) profits if they would use it to fight us who are


objectionable characters.

January 25, 1925 - Stayed home with children in afternoon while Nathan took mama and others to a meeting at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. Bautista's baby died in the evening.

January 27, 1925 - John T. and others report good progress in the receivership troubles. They say that our adversaries generally are anxious to compromise and are trying to get out of the traps in which they have caught themselves. They are trying to buy ernest and John T. out and are willing for the rest of us to remain and they will take care of us.

January 31, 1925 - It was reported that Mayer Nelire [sp?] expressed himself about our business to the effect that the business should be given over to responsible people and eliminate John T. Clark and others and give me just enough to take care of my family so I could not engage in publishing books for John T. Clark etc.

February 1, 1925 - Attended a small meeting at the home of Nathan Clark in Bountiful. Nathan is top appear in court Feb. 2 after an irregular arrest and the complaint is yet to be arranged

February 6, 1925 - Went to city. Heard an astonishing report. Seems unfathomable. Heard that the Church authorities had agreed to quit fighting us and would help to get us out of the receivership and wanted us to avoid making any further friction over religious matters.

February 22, 1925 - Attended Priesthood meeting and Sunday School. Several of us went to visit John Woolley at Centerville. Took my machine and took Nathan, Delbert, John T. and Bro. Bateman. Lorin was there.

February 27, 1925 - While at Ernest Woolley's office discussing the Tire and rim inventions and patents with John T. Clark and others, the following idea came to my mind... [invention]

March 10, 1925 - Witnessed March 10, 1925 signed Delbert Osguthorpe, J. Lyman Jessop

March 18, 1925 - Heard that Heber J. Grant had returned from a tour in the east wherein he has been "rubbed" hard about plural marriage affairs and he is very much disturbed about the friendship and fellowship recently shown to some of our friends in East Mill creek and that he is emphatic about having this thing changed.

March 19, 1925 - Went to city in afternoon and looked at the Woolley papers held by John T. Clark.

March 20, 1925 - Worked on experiments in forenoon but with mind mostly on the matter of the dealing of John T. Clark and Ernest Woolley. Went to city in afternoon and had a frictional conversation with John T. over these matters. Told him things indicating that I was suspicious of him in his work with Ernest Woolley etc. Criticized H.S. Tanner for some of his speeches which are too suggestive of vulgarity.

March 23, 1925 - Talked with John T. and with H.S. Tanner about some of our affairs.

March 25, 1925 - Went to city in afternoon. Talked to Ernest Woolley on the subject of releasing me personally from the Woolley contracts. Called up Brother Ivins and made appointment to see him on Friday.


March 26, 1925 - Busy mostly in the consideration of my relation with Ernest Woolley and others. Very perplexing.

March 27, 1925 - Called on A.W. Ivins to see if he could pay me back $1000.00 option money given him in 1922 on his Dixie Ranch. Could not pay anything back now. Repeated his denunciation of Lorin Woolley and expressed his belief that John T. Clark was only presuming to be somebody.

April 2, 1925 - Talked with John T. Clark. During the conversation he said Ernest had expressed a willingness to assume all debts of the company and leave me clear on my future patents. It appears as if Ernest is now fishing for the balance of my stock.

April 6, 1925 - James (my brother) called and told me a number of things derogatory of John T. Clark, the Barlows and others.

April 9, 1925 - I.W. Barlow called and being wrought up about Woodruff Steed coming to get the horses and wagon hinted that he would sue the Farmington Mining Co. for his full wages while out of employment.

April 13, 1925 - In afternoon in company with a brother Woolton and his son Tracy Francis Hickman, and Israel Barlow...

April 20, 1925 - Saw two lawyers about my legal relations with Ernest Woolley. The situation looks serious.

May 2, 1925 - In evening in company with W. W. Steed consulted with J.H. McKnight. We decided on one or two overs to make. To write Bro. Cowley, to try and arrange a fee with M. E. Wilson etc.

May 3, 1925 - Talked some about the BIG robbery. E. R. Woolley and others.

May 4, 1925 - Layed around sick. Read over some diary notes relative to the work of Ernest, Lorin and others. In evening after 9 o'clock, J.H. McKnight with Bro. E. Wilson and Barnes came to see me at Lille. Steeds residence and we talked of the prospects and expenses of a law suit with Ernest Woolley. Wilson requires exorbitant fees. Outlook somewhat discouraging on account of it.

May 5, 1925 - Still sick, Did but little. Read some diary notes. In evening J.H. McKnight came out and we talked of the matter of taking action against E.R. Woolley. Read him some of my diary notes.

May 9, 1925 - Working and worrying with Brother McKnight, M. E. Willson and others over the E.R. Woolley affair. Telegraphing trying to get tract of Br. Cowley, whom we want to sign a complaint so the matter can go to the Federal Court.

May 10, 1925 - Received word from Br. Cowley that he will be in Chicago Monday for all the week.

May 11, 1925 - Sent of two airplane letters and one by regular mail to Bro. Cowley concerning the proposed actions against E. R. Woolley et al. Worked on story of the Woolley transactions.


May 15, 1925 - Saw Ernest... H.S. Tanner, John T. and Lorin. We decided to hold a Farmington Mining Co. directors meeting...

May 18, 1925 - Held meeting of the Farmington directors. Friction with John T. and others. I asked if he would give back the lease in caseI could clear the debts. He refused defiantly and in an ugly manner. Previously he had promised to return the lease in case we could pay the bills.

May 19-21, 1925 - Working on proposition of suit against E.R. Woolley and others.

May 23, 1925 - Had McKnight see the Bankers Trust people and try to borrow $50,000 to tide us over some debts and the Woolley fight. I have received suggestions from the Bankers Trust people that if I would take action against Woolley they would lend me all the money I needed. But when the proposition was made they turned us down cold. This gives rise to the suspicion that Woolley is in with them... Situation is very discouraging. Attorneys want exorbitant fees, there are dangerous debts before me and no viable source of funds. If I attack Woolley, he may have a dozen strings to pull on to do me damage.

May 25, 1925 - W. W. Steed and I went to consult with Atty McKnight. Later we went to see Atty. Walton. A contract was drawn up and signed and the complaint against E. R. Woolley was also signed and ready for movement tomorrow. We went to see Brother Ivins and made a few inquiries about the attitude of the Church brethren towards me and related a few of the sayings of E. R. Woolley and Lorin. Brother Ivins resented the stories and aid he would like to meet Ernest Woolley in relation to them.

May 26, 1925 - Notice of suit was served on Ernest Woolley. Some indications of bitterness were apparent. H. S. Tanner tried to meet me alone. It was reported that John T. Said "Baldwin has double-crossed us for the last time." Expressions have come to me which indicate that they intend to do me right up quick.

May 27, 1925 - John T. served notices on Omega directors of a meeting at 9:30 AM and upon the Farmington Mining Co. directors of a meeting at 10 AM. At the Omega Meeting the five opposing directors (Nathan and I did not go) passed resolutions to resist the action taken by the president in suing E. R. Woolley. LIkely they think they have upset my planes.

May 29, 1925 - Held special stockholders meeting of the Omega Co. in evening and removed the following directors, John T. Clark, Lorin C. Woolley, H. S. Tanner, Clyde Neilson, and D.R. Bateman, and elected H. M. Brown, M. F. Cowley, Lellie Steed, J.S. Parker and J.E. Hall to take their places.

June 28, 1925 - McKnight came out and told us things indicating that John T. Clark might turn and fight against E.R. Woolley and other things to indicate that there is an inclination on the part of Frost and David Neff to propose a consolidation of business with us.

July 31, 1925 - In the evening James Oler called to see me seeking a compromise with Ernest Woolley. He incidentally told me that John T. Clark said that I had been to see the Church Authorities and had made some reconciliation with them. etc. also said that I was now claiming to be the "one mighty and strong" because I evaded the deposition called for by Ernest Wooley et al.


August 2, 1925 - In company with Israel Barlow, George Parker, J.H. McKnight, R.S. Lund and a Mr. Kelly went over some of the mining property in Farmington Canyon...

August 3, 1925 - He [McKnight] says that I.W. Barlow was in to see him today and proposed that he and John Y. would go in with the Omega Co. and sell the control of the mine to a party that wants to buy. Says he doesn't like the doings of Tanner and Clark.

August 20, 1925 - Went to a party for B.H. Brigham and wife at M.F. Cowley's home in evening.

September 22, 1925 - Worked on a sketch of my relations with John T. Clark.

September 23, 1925 - Bishop Rich came to see me early in the morning and said he knew of a proposition to settle our present suit with Woolley in fact he said he was sent by Brother Ivins to see if something could be done. Proposed to buy Woolley out and stop the Neff infringement.

September 25, 1925 - Worked on story of the Woolley steal.

October 5, 1925 - Writing and studying on the subject - "John T. Clark in the Woolley Steal"

October 6, 1925 - In forenoon worked on the subject Lorin woolley in the "Woolley Steal".

October 10, 1925 - Working on the story of Lorin Woolley in the "Woolley Steal".

October 19, 1925 - Clyde Neilson came to see me and tried to persuade me to believe that he and the rest of the robber's gang were my friends. Said Joseph and Hyrum had visited him on March 11, that he had seen John T. Clark leading in the redemption of Zion, that I had taught him about John T. Clark and John T. Clark had foretold my present attitude long ago, that he (Clyde) was willing to trust Ernest Woolley with any thing and was going to stand by him at all costs, that he (Clyde) was living the same law as I, that I was too good a man to affiliate with the Banker's Trust Co. etc.

October 31, 1925 - Did some work on the story of Lorin Woolley in the "Woolley Steal."

September 23, Sunday (1934) - Attended the funeral of Lorin C. Woolley at the meeting hours of Centerville. Some of us went expecting to hear a tirade from some of the Church brethren but we got stung. The funeral meeting was short, modest and there was nothing remarkable except that about half of the house was filled with those who believe as he believed more or less.

May 15, 1935 - Nathan brought to me a repeated message from Joseph Musser to the effect that if I wanted to escape the prison sentence which was given me at Helena, [Montana] I must humble myself before the Priesthood, meaning the group of men formerly "headed" by Lorin C. Woolley.

December. 16, 1951 - In the evening Brother and Sister Terlink came with their young son in his car and took us to a meeting in Murray. I learned later that it was regular "Fundamentalist" meeting. Dr. Allred and M. Bautista were the main speakers. It was evident from what was said that Bautista is fully converted by them and has received "keys" from them.


November 13, 1960 - In the afternoon I visited I.W. Barlow and asked him to tell me again about Lorin Woolley's statement about taking certain keys to the Indians in Mexico. As well as I remember he told me years ago that at one meeting at Broadbent's house Lorin said that he was taken there by a relative in a flying machine and that at a later meeting at the same place, Lorin (evidently reconsidering and seeing there was not time to go there in a flying machine in the short time he was away) told the story differently by saying he was taken there by some of the three Nephites. On this occasion, according to my recollection. I.W. [Barlow] told the story differently as if to cover up Lorin's lies, which he sought to expose in his story years ago as it seems to be something to wonder about.

November 15, 1960 - Went to visit I.W. Barlow again hoping to get some more important information about Lorin Woolley's purported trips to Mexico and as to his delivery of Keys to the Indians but got nothing very enlightening.