mopro 2016 overview tutorial

complete software for a balanced practice” Overview Tutorial

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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“complete software for a balanced practice”

Overview Tutorial

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Say goodbye to your fears, this tutorial will make it easy to use Massage Office Professional!

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Installation & Setup

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After downloading the installation file, simply double click the file icon to launch the setup menu. You will most likely find it in your Downloads folder.


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From the menu, click “Install MOPRO 2016”

Now follow the instructions on the window to install Massage Office Professional.

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After installation is complete, double-click on theMassage Office Professional 2016 icon from the


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To get started using Massage Office Professional, you will need to enter your initial set-up information in a certain order. When you launch Massage Office Professional for the first time, you will be taken to the “Setup Wizard”.

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We encourage you to read the text above each window to gain a better understanding of the how the program is designed to work for you. And remember that you are only required to enter data into the yellow highlighted fields; the others can always be entered at a later time.

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You can always press the Go Back button to review your entries. Once you are done, press the Finished button to launch Massage Office Professional 2016.

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Creating a Therapist

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To enter a new therapist into the system or edit an existing therapist, just click the “Therapists” button on the toolbar.

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The “Maintain Therapists” window will open. To add a new therapist, click the “New” button in the navigation area. To edit the information for an existing therapist, click the “Edit” button.

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The screen will change to allow you to start filling in the therapist information beginning with first & last name. The yellow shaded fields are required in order to save a record. All other fields are optional and available to Edit later.

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Fill in or edit all desired fields and then click the “Save” button in the navigation area.

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Creating a Service

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To enter a new Service into the software, just click the “Services” button on the toolbar.

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The “Maintain Services” window will open. To enter a new service, click the “New” button in the navigation area. To edit an existing service, click the “Edit” button.

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Begin entering information in the “Name” field. Keep in mind that the information you type in this field is what will appear on invoices and reports.

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Also remember that ALL shaded fields must be completed in order to save the record.

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Now fill in the number of minutes per billing unit. Because Massage Office Professional is designed to bill insurance, a new Service will default to 15 minutes in this field. If you are going to bill insurance for this service, make sure to enter the correct billing unit increment for the service.

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If this will be a cash service, then adjust the unit definition to the appropriate number of minutes. Example: 1 hour = 60 minutes in the minutes field.

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Now set the “per unit” price. As in the previous example, if you are creating a 1 hour service for cash pay and your price is $80.00 then enter 60 minutes in the unit definition and $80.00 in Unit Price and 1 unit.

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When billing insurance, a different service would be set as 15 minutes per unit, $32.25 Unit Price and 2 Units. This will appear on billing as 2 (15 min) units at $32.25 per unit totaling $64.50.

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Time allotment for scheduling will adjust the amount of time that is blocked out on the calendar for completing this service. As an example, for a 1 hour appointment, if you wish to have 15 minutes between Clients, this would be set at 75 minutes.

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To complete creating a service, click the “Save” button in the navigation area.

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Creating a Client

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To access your Clients in Massage Office, just click the “Clients” button on the toolbar.

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The “Maintain Clients” window provides access to all client information as well as Sessions (appointments), Billing, Insurance Billing, SOAP notes, Medications and Attached Documents (EHR) for each Client.

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All screens in Massage Office are configured in the same manner. The list of records will always be in the upper left portion of the screen…

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All details for that record will be in the center….

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And all action or navigation is located down the right side of the screen.

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To add a new Client to the system, click the “New” button in the navigation area.

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The screen will change to allow you to start filling in the Client information beginning with first & last name. The yellow shaded fields are required in order to save a record. All other fields are optional.

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Fill in all desired fields and then click the “Save” button in the navigation area.

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Congratulations! You have successfully entered a new Client.

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To attach a document to a Client record, click the“Documents” button located in the lower left portion of the Maintain Clients window.

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You may store any type of file you wish. Images, Word docs, PDFs, scanned intake forms, website URL, etc. There are two methods to store documents with the

Client record.

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The first is to click the “Attach” button in the navigation area.

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An “Open File” window will appear. Simply select the file you wish to attach and click the “Open”


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The file will now be copied to the selected Client’s Attached Documents


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The second method is to click the “Scan” button in the navigation area.

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The “Scan Controller” window will open. If you have a scanner (all-in-one printer) attached to your computer, the controller will list it in the

“Device” box.

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If your device does not show up by default, choose it from the drop-down list. Now type the

name you want to save the document under and choose the format in which to save it. (.pdf,

.bmp,.jpg or .tif)

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You may also choose to save multiple pages as one pdf file by checking the appropriate box. If the box is left unchecked, it will create a separate file for each


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Now simply load your document(s) into your document feeder or scanner bed and click the “Acquire” button.

The document(s) will be scanned and saved in the Client record.

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To edit information for a Client, you must click the “Edit” button in the navigation area. While you cannot delete a Client record, you may edit any field on the window.

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Edit the desired fields and then click the “Save” button in the navigation area.

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To remove a Client record from the active Clients list, click the “Edit” button. Now check the “Inactive” box just below the First Name field. Then click “Save”.

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The lower left portion of the Client screen is a tabbed section that provides access to Business info, Custom fields, Condition Advisor and Insurance info.

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The “Business” tab allows you to assign a therapist and maintain basic business information about the Client. This tab also provides access to client documents and the Medications Tracker

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Should you be tracking your Client’s medications, click the

“Medications” button located as shown.

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Now click “New” to enter a medication for the Client. As always, the shaded fields are required.

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After you have entered in the desired information, click on “Save” to add that medication to the Client record.

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Great, now that medication has been logged for the Client. You will note that there is a link to the Web PDR. This link can actually be changed by you, if you have another site you prefer.

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The “Custom/Notes” tab provides 4 user definable fields plus a custom notes field to keep any information that is specific to your practice.

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The “Conditions” tab provides access to the Condition Advisor data. Choose up to 3 conditions for each Client from over 150 available conditions. Launch the Condition Advisor using the details button to access the details of each condition.

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The Condition Advisor provides the spelling, definition, causes, symptoms and audio pronunciation for over 150 different conditions!

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Condition Advisor also includes indicated treatments and contraindications as they pertain to your Discipline.We have even provided fields for you to keep your own custom treatments and contraindications.

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The Condition Advisor allows you to assign a referral resource to each condition. This can greatly increase your referral business from other healthcare providers.

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You can store any files related to each condition. i.e., diets, exercises, articles, images, etc. This is fantastic for creating quick handouts and educational pieces for your Clients

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The more you use this feature, the more efficient and organized you become. We also included a custom notes area for any other information you might want to jot down about each condition. The “Scan” feature is also available in this area of the program.

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Store all Primary and Secondary insurance info for each Client. The information in this section will transfer to the CMS (HCFA)-1500 for billing insurance.

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Creating a Product

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To enter a new Product into the system, just click the “Products” button on the toolbar.

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When the “Maintain Products” window opens, click the “New” button in the navigation area.

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Fill in the desired information, being certain to fill in all shaded fields, and click the “Save” button.

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Using the Scheduler

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There are two ways to enter appointments or “sessions” into Massage Office Pro. One is from the appointment calendar…

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… and the other is through “Session” from the “Maintain Clients” window.

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It is important to understand that all appointments are stored in the “Maintain Sessions” module of the database. With that in mind, the appointment calendar is simply a “calendar view” of all sessions in a calendar format.


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To schedule a new Appointment into the system using the calendar view, just click the “Appointments” button on the toolbar.

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Double click any time slot on the calendar screen

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The “Maintain Appointments” window will open

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Select a Client, Provider and a Service (from the “Available” list) in the appropriate boxes. Since you are creating the appointment from the calendar, the system already knows the date, time and station (room). Now click “Save”.

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The appointment will now appear on the calendar as well as on the “Maintain Sessions” screen for that Client. Moving your mouse over the appointment will cause a popup to appear with the appointment details.

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To schedule a new Appointment into the system from the Maintain Clients window, click the “Clients” button on the toolbar.

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When the “Maintain Clients” screen opens, select a Client from the Client list and click the “Session” button on the navigation area.

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Click the “New” button to create a new session (appointment)

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Since you are creating the appointment from the Client window, the system already knows which Client and most likely which Provider. You will need to select a date, start time, station (room) and service(s). Next click “Save”.

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Creating a S.O.A.P.(Treatment) Notes

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The SOAP Notes feature allows you to create a treatment note for each session that includes an anatomical image you can draw on and includes condition symbols as well.

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The text area of the treatment notes now features our new WikiTX™ text editor.

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You may access the S.O.A.P. notes feature from the Client window by selecting a Client from the listbox and then clicking the SOAP Notes button in the navigation area.

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Or first click the “Session” button on the Client window...


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… then choose a session date that you wish to create a note and click the “SOAP Notes” button.

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When the “Maintain SOAP Notes” window opens, you will be ready to start entering your notes. The only selection you need to make is “Note Type”. You may leave this at the default of “SOAP”…..

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Or change to a different Note Type such as “Narrative”. You may create as many custom note types as you wish. An example would be “Initial Evaluation”.

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When the “Maintain SOAP Notes” window opens, you will be ready to start entering your notes. The only selection you need to make is “Note Type”. You may leave this at the default of “SOAP”…..

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The SOAP Notes provides anatomical images that you can draw on by clicking on the coloring buttons to the right of the image.

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Then move your mouse over the image, click and hold your left mouse button while dragging it on the area of the image you wish to color. Or one click (with Pen width 12) will yield a nice colored dot.

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You may choose a different image by clicking the “Change Image” button.

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You may choose an image from one in our anatomical library, or, browse for any image on your computer by clicking the “Browse” button.

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To enter a SOAP Note from the Client screen, click the “Session” button on the right navigation area.

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When the “Maintain SOAP Notes screen opens, click the “New” button in the navigation area.

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The “Choose Session” window will open. Click on the session date then click “Select” to create a note for that session.

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You are now ready to begin entering your notes. The only selection you need to make is “Note Type”. You may leave this at the default of “SOAP”…..

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Or change to a different Note Type such as “Narrative”. You may create as many custom note types as you wish. An example would be “Initial Evaluation”.

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You can also copy the text from a previous note to a new session date. Then just edit the notes as needed and Save.

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When you have completed your note, click “Save”

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To print your note, click the “Print” button in the navigation area.

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A box will open asking you if you wish to print the image with the note. The default is Y for yes. You may type N for no if all you wish to print is the text portion of the note.

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Your printed treatment notes include the image and a legend describing what each color and symbol represents.

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The descriptions for each of the coloring buttons may also be edited to display and print anything you wish.

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A box will appear that will allow you to edit the coloring button description.

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A good example would be “Trigger Point”. Click OK when finished.

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The description for that coloring button will now display the description you entered. Keep in mind that this changes the description for ALL Client’s NOTES, not just the current note.

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Gift Certificate Tracking

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To access the Gift Certificate Tracker, click “Open” on the menu bar and then click “Gift Certificates”

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The Gift Certificate Tracker allows you to record and monitor the status all of your gift certificates. To record a new gift certificate, click “New”.

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Enter the desired information and click “Save”

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All gift certificates, whether Open or Redeemed, are listed in date order.

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Complete information about every gift certificate in the details area.

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Search gift certificates by number, purchaser, provider, dates or redeemer

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To redeem a gift certificate, simply click “Edit”. Then choose the “Date Redeemed” and “Redeemed By”. Now click “Save”. The gift certificate status will now change to “Redeemed”

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Expense Tracking

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To open the Expense Tracker, just click the “Expenses” button on the toolbar

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Checkbook-style expense tracking will allow you to record and monitor your business expenses. The Expenses Date Range will always default to the current month.

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View expenses for a month, year or custom date range by checking the desired box and then clicking the “Refresh” button.

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Track and report on expenses by category or payment type.

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Tag expenses with a specific supplier

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Keep custom notes for each expense entry

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If you have any questions or need additional assistance,

please contact us at 877-384-0295