mootools a web developer experience. javascript != java “java and javascript are similar like car...

MooTools A Web Developer Experience An Introduction to the javascript framework, MooTools!

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • MooTools A Web Developer Experience
  • Slide 2
  • JavaScript != Java Java and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar. Java and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar. Greg Hewgill
  • Slide 3
  • JavaScript Runs Javascript is run in a browser, but can be found other places like Apple Dashboard widgets, Adobe Apps, Text-editor extensions, Flash & More... Unlike Java, there is no official runtime; each browser has its own implementation TraceMonkey (Firefox 3.5), V8 (Chrome), SquirrelFish (Safari), Carakan (Opera 10.50), Chakra (IE9)
  • Slide 4
  • Some Jifferences Differences JavaScriptJava Untyped variables Function Based Scope Prototypical Inheritance Constructors are regular functions Implicit Global Scope Typed variables Block Based Scope Classical Class-based Inheritance Constructors are special pseudo- methods Implicit this attached to non-static member methods
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  • JAVASCRIPT SYNTAX OVERVIEW Just enough to get around
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  • Variables Variables have no named types, but there are types: strings, integers, floats, arrays, booleans and objects. var aString = "stringy string string"; var aNumber = 1337; var aFloat = 1337.314; var anArray = ["pirates", "ninjas", "penguins"]; var aBoolean = true; var anObject = {name: "ryan", age: 17}; var anElement = $("myBox"); Syntax: var varName = varValue;
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  • Functions Functions are globally accessible; methods are attached to an Object. function myMethod(param1, param2) { return param1 + (param1 * param2); } There are no return types, there are no parameter types. Obviously, this has something to do with numbers though.
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  • Strange Functions Functions are actually like variables in a way; you can pass them into other functions. function runAFunctionToday(fn) { return fn(2, 4); } function myMethod(param1, param2) { return param1 + (param1 * param2); } runAFunctionToday(myMethod); // returns 10 The myMethod function is passed to the runAFunctionToday function and inside, is supplied the proper parameters to run.
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  • Look, No Hands Class! Again, variables and functions globally available. var someVar = "ipad"; function aFunction() { var x = "meet"; thing = "verizon"; return someVar + ", " + x + thing; } // aFunction returns "ipad, meet verizon" // "x" variable is no longer accessible, but "thing" is a global variable now.
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  • Object Literals Java Script provides an incredibly useful construct called an Object Literal (or object for short). This is similar to a Java HashMap. var myObject = {aVar: "aValue"}; var myObjectFns = { aProperty: "see?", aMethod: function(aParam) { return aParam + "arr" + myObject.aVar; } };
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  • And all The Stuff You Already Know You already know about if/else and loops, because you know Java. var x = 10, y = 5; if (x < y) { // something } else { // something else } var arr = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var letter = arr[i]; }
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  • A Javascript Master Can you believe youve mastered Javascript already? Thats all there is to JS since you already know Java.Questions?
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  • Dividers as Blocks There are HTML elements, they make up webpages. Elements have IDs and Classes. These are used as hooks. My really cool stuff div! Notice the div part, thats a block, or a square. It holds things. myDiv is the ID of the div, myCoolStuff is the class of the div. Notice that you and the div?
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  • Links Links are important in HTML. They can be clicked. Search Google for Pirates That makes an underlined clickable piece of text: Search Google for Pirates Search Google for Pirates
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  • Input Input is easy too.
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  • Done with HTML Already! Youre not a master with HTML yet, but this is enough to get the job done for now.Questions?
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  • The Moo in MooTools MOO: My Object Oriented Tools MooTools is a library that allows developers to write code in a familiar Object Oriented manner (because javascript is not object oriented in the way we know it). MooTools also adds loads and loads of enhancements to otherwise boring webpages, such as dynamic loading and fancy effects (think fades, rescaling and so on).
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  • Where to Learn This For Real
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  • The mooShell A live testing environment for MooTools javascript, complete with tabbing and highlighting support, completely browser based. All of the examples during this presentation can be tested-out-live by using the MooShell: enter the code into the correct box and hit run & watch the result.
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  • SOURCE CODE TIME You know Coding?
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  • Imagine a box Lets say its a div with the ID of myBox. your little box What if we wanted that box to become red? Wed do this: $("myBox").setStyle("background-color", "red"); What if we wanted that box to have blue borders? $("myBox").setStyle("border", "1px solid blue"); How about some white text now? $("myBox").setStyle("color", "white");
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  • Elements in Variables var box = $("myBox"); // You can store your reference in a variable
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  • Interaction Lets say theres a button (link) Greenify MooMagic We want this button to make our box become green when we click the link. How? MooMagic. $("myButton").addEvent("click", function(){ $("myBox").setStyle("background-color", "green"); });
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  • A Fading Box Now, instead of having a button, we want the box to fade away when the mouse is over it and fade in when the mouse is not over it. (Imagine this in Greenfoot!) $("myBox").addEvent("mouseenter", function(){ this.tween("opacity", 0); // fade out }); $("myBox").addEvent("mouseleave", function(){ this.tween("opacity", 1); // fade in });
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  • Youve Experienced the 3 Es of JS The Three Es of Java Script are: Elements, Events and Effects. $("get-an-element"); // gets an element by ID $("someElement").addEvent("someEvent", function(){ /* some kind of event */ }); $("someElement").tween("some-style", "some new end-result style");Questions?
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  • Adding text to Elements Adding text to elements is easy too. $("myBox").set("html", "Hi there, how are you?");
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  • Adding Lots of Dynamic Text But if you have bunch of variables that help shape a string, how about a different method? var subs = { name: "ryan", age: 17, awesome: ( Math.random()
  • MooTools Classes / 3 / Implements Assuming the two classes we made still exist, what if we wanted to modify the functionality without modifying the original code? Person.implement({ shouldVote: function() { if (this.dob > this.votingAge) return true; return false; } });
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  • MooTools Classes / 4 / Options var Student = new Class({ Implements: [Options], Extends: Person, options: { classes: 6, hours: 7, lunch:.5, }, initialize: function(dob, options) { this.setOptions(options); }, getClasses: function() { return this.options.classes; } /* and so on... */ });
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  • MooTools Classes / 5 / Conclusion As you have seen, MooTools gives you: A simple and concise method for classical class based inheritance But keeps some nifty aspects of prototypical inheritance (implements) And gives you flexibility through Options
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  • WHERE TO GO FROM HERE And How to Get There
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  • Resources
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  • Web Development Web Development is a jack-of-all-trades kind of craft; you have HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, Java,, Photoshop, Flash, Windows, OSX, Linux, Apache, SQL, Google, Advertising, Marketing, User Experience, Administration and so much more. Knowing basic HTML, CSS and Java Script is all you really need to get started though. The low entry cost for web development is appealing, all you need is a text editor, a browser and an optional server.
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  • A COUPLE OF DEMOS My History with MooTools
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  • Math Department Warmups
  • Slide 50
  • Central HP Demo
  • Slide 51
  • THATS ABOUT IT But Its Been Fun
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  • But not quite, heres a little quiz 1. Name the 5 browsers that were used in this presentation. 2. What is ryans domain name? 3. What does the MOO stand for in MooTools? 4. Does Gmail use Java Script? 5. Did you think the quiz was going to be longer?
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  • QUESTIONS? Srsly, there is only 1 slide left now!
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  • Thanks For Listening [email protected]