moodle tutorial in english for students

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  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    Melton Virtual Platform

    Tutorial for students

    1 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    OutlineIntroduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3Entering the Moodle server ---------------------------------------------------3Accessing your course ---------------------------------------------------------4Basic navigation------------------------------------------------------------------4Course view-----------------------------------------------------------------------6Blocks inside the Course:---------------------------------------------------------------8People block----------------------------------------------------------------------8Activities block -------------------------------------------------------------------8

    Administration block ------------------------------------------------------------8Search block----------------------------------------------------------------------8My courses block----------------------------------------------------------------8Calendar block -------------------------------------------------------------------9Upcoming events block --------------------------------------------------------9Other features--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10Assignments ---------------------------------------------------------------------10Chats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------10Choices ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10Forums ----------------------------------------------------------------------------10Lessons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10

    Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------10

    2 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "


    Please print this Guide so that you can refer to it at the same time as takingnotice of what is being displayed on the screen.

    Note that the actual appearance on screen is governed by settings on yourown computer and as a result what you see may be slightly different from thatshown in the examples.

    Entering the Moodle server

    Type the URL of Moodle at Virtual Melton:

    Login to Moodle

    It will lead you to this screen:

    Login using the ID and Password that the Technology Based JewishEducation Unit gave you and you will open the Virtualmelton page as aregistered user. In the top left hand corner you will see something like thefollowing:

    3 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]
  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    This shows your user name (in this case Fabian Glagovsky). If you click on

    your user name you will see your own profile where you can enter informationabout yourself (Email, City/Town, Country). In addition, the word Logout isdisplayed. If you click on it you will exit both the course and the site.

    UnderMy courses you will see all the Moodle courses that you are enrolledin.

    In some cases the course may be protected so that only students who havebeen provided with an enrolment key may enter. If this is the case you will seea key icon adjacent to the course title.

    When you attempt to enter the course for the first time, you will be promptedfor the enrolment key which you will need to enter before you can proceed.

    The enrolment key will be provided to you separately. Please do not share itwith others unless you are requested to do so by your teacher. Before wemove on, its worth mentioning one other icon you may encounter theGuest icon.

    This icon indicates that a course may be viewed by guests who are notenrolled on the course. Guests are not allowed to participate in activities in thecourse.Guest access is only provided by instructors.

    Accessing your course

    UnderMy Courses click on your course name to open. In this section of thisGuide we will take a quick tour of the course environment. Some of the itemswill be described in more detail later. Please bear in mind that you may notsee all of the following in future courses, as they are not all essential for everycourse. The course title is shown on the top left hand part of the screen.

    Basic navigation

    There are a number of ways to move around the course. The best way isthrough the internal navigation bar, also called the Breadcrumbs trail and

    positioned below the course title which shows your position in the course. Thenotes below the following breadcrumbs example will make this clearer:

    4 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    Virtual Melton: Clicking on this will take you to the screen which displaysyour courses on the site. SEP0809: This is the shortened name for this course/area, clicking on it willtake you to the home page of the Senior Educators Program 2008/2009. Forums: this is the page that you are currently in.The above is only one example of how the Navigation bar may appear. Keepan eye on this as you navigate around the course, you will notice that itchanges to reflect your current position.

    Another method for navigating can be found at the foot of each screen oractivity. This takes the form of a text link which will take you to either thehomepage of the site (where all the courses are listed) or the main screen ofyour course. The link will either display the word used to describe thehomepage of the site i.e. Virtualmelton or the shortened name of the course(in this case SEP0809 for Senior Educators Program 2008-2009).While in a course activity you can move to another activity or resource in thecourse by means of the following:

    Clicking on the Jump todrop down list (above) will allow you to select fromthe complete list, in topic order, and navigate directly to your selection.

    Note that if you use the above or click on the Virtualmelton or on the shortcourse name links to navigate to another area of the course your input maynot be saved. To avoid this always ensure that you complete what you aredoing within the activity first e.g. post to a forum, save changes.

    Throughout the website and course you will encounter text which changes

    color and becomes underlined when you move your cursor over it. These aretext links which, when clicked, will take you whatever is described in the linktext. Finally, it is possible to navigate between pages by using the navigationbuttons on your web browser, but this is not recommended. You will obtainmore consistent results by using the navigation options within the website andcourse pages.

    The main course page is divided into a number of specific areas which youwill encounter often (although not necessarily always as mentioned above).An overview of these is given in the following sections.

    5 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    Course view

    The course content area resides in the center of the course main page. It is inthis area that your teacher will place the material which makes up the onlineelements of your course. The course homepage may vary in appearancedepending on how your teacher has designed the course.

    Moodle offers three course formats: Topics, Weekly and Social format.Topics format is identified by numbers. Weekly format is identified by numbersand from/to dates. An example of the Topic format (the default format for ourcourses) is shown below:

    6 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    It is possible to focus on one topic only and to access the other topics by

    selecting from a drop down list. This can make navigation more convenientwhere there are many topics in a course. To achieve this click on the squaresat the right edge of the topic area you want displayed. See below.

    This will collapse the topics leaving just one in view. The process can bereversed by clicking one of the two squares now displayed at the right of thetopic area.

    When clicked, the Jump to menu allows you select other topics to view.

    7 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    Blocks inside the courseBlocks are on screen areas which are placed at the left side of the maincourse page. They fulfill a range of functions as described below.

    People block

    8 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "

    Calendar block

    Other features


    Assignments allow students to submit online assignments. Instructors cangrade electronically submitted material or 'offline' submissions such as paper-based assignments or class presentations.


    The Chat module allows participants to have a real-time synchronousdiscussion via the web. This is a useful way to get a different understanding of

    each other and the topic being discussed.


    Here a teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses.This can be useful as a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic; to allowthe class to vote on a direction for the course; or to gather research consent.


    It is in forums that most discussion takes place. Forums can be structured in

    different ways, and can include peer rating of each posting. The postings canbe viewed in a variety of formats, and can include attachments.

    9 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Moodle Tutorial in English for Students


    The Melton Centre for Je wish Educa tion

    The He bre w University o f Je rusa le m "


    A lesson delivers content in an interesting and flexible way. It consists of anumber of pages. Each page normally ends with a multiple choice question.Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward or complex.


    Resources include: files uploaded to the course server; pages edited directlyin Moodle; or external web pages made to appear part of this course.

    10 , , .91905", :02-5882033/4, ,02-5322211

    The Samuel Mendel Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.Tel. 02-5882033/4 Fax: 972-2-5322211 E-Mail: :[email protected]