moo. . librarian spartan daily 1the interfraternity council last pi esent !lent controls chicara a...

MOO. . Librarian California StOe Library Sacremento 9, California 2 BEVIENINti THE PROGRAM for Religious Emphasis neek which the% has,- helped pInn and organize are: Rob Friedman. chairman for R.E. meek; Diane Ref -se. wadi’ it% r Mee; Sal (damn:lona. cheirman for the sainda% wiening program; and Kathy steno. Sunday 1-%ening program committee member. - Jolly Crowd Laughs Wit Ii English W ii By JO RONSMANN Wo ak %%Oil laughter. a capacity crimd listened to two members of the forensic squad and two Cam- bridge university at relents pun their way- through a diseussion of crime, American women and Texas last night in the Morris Dailey auditorium. Dr John T. Wahlquist, college piesident, moderated the debate for Dave Woods and Bill Johnson, forensie members, and Alistairs Sampson and Peter Manslield, of the univiasity squad. Mansfield summed up the eve- ning’s hilarity by remarking that all "English debate is illogical." The Englishmen proved their point, digressing into lunricks, a description of their trip to the United States and taking verbal pot shots at each other. Dispensing quickly with the orig- inal subject, ’Crime Isn’t What It Used To Be," Sampson invited the audience to the coronation of en Elizabeth II in limp He promised ’the tittering audience! Spartan Daily San Jose State College Vol. 41 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, imuRSDAY, AFRiL 1953 No Reply to Rutgers Letter Passes Student Council The Student Council yesterday passed the proposed reply to the Rutgers letter with only minor changes. Openiii" t 111011 Major concern of the council was that they not obligate a future student council. The phrase "at this time" was inserted in the affirma- Should Quiet ILibranRusso Rin;viusii Los/ -My committee, whose pu-pose :s to quiet the library and stop ,tudents from using it for a toffee date bureau, may find the solu- tion to its problems in the pro- posal of the Rally committee open the Student Union thre. nights per week," Dick R ii its prosecuting attorney 01 the Stu- dent Court, announced yesterday. 111114SO, 0 110 is acting %%Rh Ruh Robert’. and Rill Eviiert, e- plained that to date his commit- tee and the Balls headed hy Chmk Wing. has, - been working independent k. hut inilkated that he rum epeetyll the %%oil. of the too committees to he coordinated. Ving told the Student Council S )o A isterday that his plan had been ecti on ,pirit approved by the Public Relations committee, and that he expected A meeting will be held today to he able to submit a resolution at I:30 in the Student Union for for the approval of opening the all those students who are inter- ’Strident Union in the evenings by ested in building spirit for the the next council meeting. Wing coming student body elections, an- said that he exmeted to contact nounced A.S.B. President Tom Ev- Joe H. West, dean of students, be- ans, yesterday. ; fore the end of the week, and sub. "1 hope to have a mimeographed ! mit his proposal to the Personnel sheet ri.ady by then fxplaining thel Deans’ committee which meets duties of each 01 the offices," hi’ Monday. said. Russo reported that his commit- ileetin gCalled To Promote El According to Evans, the meet- ing is open to all students who do not plan to run for an office in the student government. . Student body offices to be filled by the May S election are presi- dent, vice president, recording sec- retary,, corresponding seeretary, treasurer, male and female repre. ,sentatives-at-large, two senior jus- tic,’S, senior, junior and sopho- ’more representatives to the slit- tient council. Vacated A.W S. posts !will be president, two vice presidencies, secretary and treasurtt iOn the A.M.S. ballot will he pies. dent, vice president, secretary anti treasurer. that it vroilld be the biggest m- 4S .14 I r ii. _11 (.(li The pair ,omr0,nled on th, lack of Anal lean ....wry.. and remarket- d p . ) icitit 1 !tint:et’ that their education wis eon-inle wht n they attended a I raternit% ism!. rush barbecue yesterday. called -Spat ta ramp- is scheduled Dr Wahlquist commented sitn- Api la, a.....nating to Jerry Ball, JAY "Debah’s h...1 Ili up used to be" The program u ill include a picnic u here participant... u Ill attempt to a Illate a hat has been chine and u hat needs to be done eoncerning student activi- ties. Ball ’,aid letters of invitation :have heen sent to approximately 40 people who have distinguished themselves in stinient government and leadership. Results of the ramp will is- corded in order. to aid tutu - dent body. leaders. ’llemon. Record Sale Begins TodaN Sihool Songs. encased in blue and yellow folders and entitled "Memories with Music," will be sold on campus today and tomor- row from 8:15 a.m. to 2:3u p.m, Students may purchase records of these songs in the Graduate Manager’s (dine or at a hoiiih in the center of the Outer Quad. The records. presented by San Jose State college Alumni associa- tion, will he sold by members of the Rally committee under the di- rection of Attie Faber, committee chairman for the sale. Each record will be sold for SI and will include tour traditional State songs: "Down from Un- der" and "Fight Song." by the cal - lice concert band, and "Hail, Spar- tans. Hail- and "Praises We Sing." by the A cappella choir. The camp villl he dkided into the following dkciassion a sit 11414.11, government; social or - Amnia! holim; sports and rail% committee; departmental and ser% lee organizations; student actkil% hoards; Spartan Daily; and ailtninktration and student relat ions, Ball said special acknowledg- anent should be given to the fol- lming for their contributions: !lank Ramp. B J. Batley, Marilyn Villitims, Jack Flirt, Barbara Mooch, Joan Halton and Barbara Kiedes. !tee objected to the noise made liS :the students congregated around: ’tables in the tipper hall of the Ii’ L Student- who ha‘e anergu’s. at. 1)641114’ 1111/ II II’S brary. A different view of this ’rested tuberculosis, and wont, ii i_.1 , :was taken by Miss Caroline Raildwho are pregnant ate asked not Elf le I. IN .I.N 144‘ Icy, librarian in charge of the Re- I Seta P Book room. Miss Bailey said Ito sign up for the immunization shots, Miss Margaret Twombly, di- i . in me upper nI IreCtor of heqlth services announe- are for grOup study. She stated Itod,, i that she and her staff thought I Those who ha%e signed up rid th the shots and ate subject to any . dent Union might quiet down the library. Repair Budget Gets First OK The lincpectcd loss id Ili, k Render 1 the %parkin tio- ing squad at the Ni AA tourne!, in ro,:a tell", Idaho, still Wart the team’. chances ril %% inning the nathmal collEgiate taking championship. Isu Sports live answer to the question ’Would your college consider sending dele-, 41:at.% 10 Ilal loo 1.3 _ iii,’ ill to II Oil.. is t ailed Arline 4entr% %%as itt/418/11141 is retairtling seta ’’(a ey to reptaie Niar Pahl. Stk. 1.entr% had been appointed at the ,,,itn,il’s tir.1 merlin"; WI the smarter Th. 1111011.11 .:11i I r,144! ./.1’1 sl ".1 Oa! .11 I 1.01...011114 ChM. 01 thy 19:13 ,nd nan. ii NVititert.ati.on to the spa. - ’in Shop board ’rile DI allia 0.11441 104.11t a a - it an additional SX’ai to 1 trir% Isom shoo 10 NE‘ WV:0’11h 11 0% el 0411 14 /11 1. I ’I X s4.1111.1 ih.s irsirriti Th. .1..14W:twin is ie-alt- .tiiug !!141.i its 1,i011,.t Itt tlic Th. sliest Ito pasing the propimed an- sac’,- to the Binger.. letter, 4.04111 - iii metishers made no mention the 194M I older:, ..... mittee report on discriminatiofl. l’he courted ljustpoii / a. 11,I I hi f II. I .: 4. h 11/ I ill 15, :Ili ’tit ’h. 11%. -1.1.1 foi and I restiman basketball ..n.1 re-.11 ling Iv:4111s and team man- aget %% ere rd. 01.11. II k OP’. ri I I,..1 :anti 1. Ii 1,, lb. No Shots t 11411%4.41 litent chastising lia lit hit piesenting the 11. Ii, lot I’ TN.) set,. elear.qt Atiertrie Students tin -0i ti,-enur" as of the abovi will be given return:Ls. The shots are on sale in the Grad- uate Manager’s office. Miss Twomhly urges students to sign up early so materials can be ordered. didn’t think %,.., %ere all ins It:tends- said Di Jay C Elder as riccepting a plaque with which the (actin% htttttt red him foi his art years of S4-1 a’ 10 1 1W PrI.Md.1.01 John T Wahlquist .presented the Dean Emeritus with the plaque yesterday afternoon xt a Ilrl.4.101 gi%.11 by .,crilty committee AEC Schedules Heari II" On New Atomic I’lau WASHINGTI tUP1 T Atomic 1-.414I coninussam 00 tit0 iii +10411111.4110 :ti 10 014..,a is nounced yesterday that it has Vishinsky told the United drafted a ntoposal, anpuoved tions Geneial Asset-tally that II President Eisenhower. to let -sta. "in an effort to ’inch env. yale industry invest in atomic molt" on disarm:me lit, would 1101 power. In 104 101 adopt eon 01 Its (A% n I. The commission will present 111U1141n. sit holi had been defot proposed policy. which involves re- in the politica I corium taxation of the federal atomic en-, SPII (and) Plaid eigy monopol). to the House-Sen- SAN FRANCISCO it’Pi ate Atomic Energy committee in way Slows Inc said )f. 1, irtay the near future. The committee Is its candy -making sulosidiatA. riis- ,cxpeciell to recent. the policy in dr, (’ands rompari% %%mild Is :9 secret seshion in lb.’ nu itt sieck niakitiv .,,ui.Is n it* n. a 4ial.1 al. ’,or so and then conrinct open heat- San J,,. Jun,- 15 ins on the whole field of atomic som, people will h. 44414. power fin irtdustr% pkked at the plata. whit h Real t Eatended a ti11141114.1 op,. it 1.41. in lit-. A s WASHINGIN N ft ’Pt Ti.e closed a yrai ag, are aniaion.e. Senate Ranking committee today ment said approved legislation to extend Molar lialsored The Interfraternity council last pi esent federal !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe- night filed it recommendation that through Sept Sri and give the tor was honoted yet:turd:iv tor all campus fraternities work to- president standby powers to freeze ’risking Ins life as a human 1:1011,14 ward the removal of dimriminatory wages, prices and rents for 90 pig in expo intents which halted clauses from their constitutions days in an emergency.. ,his natural bierithing kit hours at The /Ft’ also gave (wow-helm- The rent control decision %%as a a time ing approval to a motion to corn- victory tot President Eisenhower., As a result of Dr Lloyd Thom - bin,’ the fraternity and independ- whit had reimested the fn.month a. KOritz’ courage, his rota! ent intramural softball schedules extension. It war. approved 10-5 said, many lives are being save.’ Only three independent teams had tIslelasky Appeals through the use of new methods filed with the AMS by deadline - UNITED NATIONS, N.Y at laimicring anrificial respiration :time, according to Tom Berrey, Russia’s Andrei Y. Vishinsks ap- to victims of &rosining or Pier/He I AMS president. pealed to the west yesterday to shock. An Assembly Ways and Mca Ils Ibe0111M11 1 4.4. has voted appianal a $R2.321 budget for niin.r im- provements, construction, r,pair, aid equipment at the college dui. me next year, It was report i d Itorn Sacramento yesterday. Work proposed in the budget in- cludes lighting improvements, re- pairs to tooling of the library and Artiinist ration buildings, repairs to the cafeteria dining room and the ’t iclit hbus, show,r room, and min- or repairs to several other build- ings. . Approval of S-1 458,572 budgeted for major work during I95-S-54 is still per.ling committee approval Action on the major improve- ment budget is expected within weeks. IFC Asks Remm al Of Discrimination 1

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Page 1: MOO. . Librarian Spartan Daily 1The Interfraternity council last pi esent !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe night filed it recommendation through Sept Sri and give tor was

MOO. . Librarian California StOe Library Sacremento 9, California 2

BEVIENINti THE PROGRAM for Religious Emphasis neek which

the% has,- helped pInn and organize are: Rob Friedman. chairman

for R.E. meek; Diane Ref-se. wadi’ it% r Mee; Sal (damn:lona.

cheirman for the sainda% wiening program; and Kathy °steno.

Sunday 1-%ening program committee member.


Jolly Crowd Laughs Wit Ii English W ii


Wo ak %%Oil laughter. a capacity crimd listened to two members of the forensic squad and two Cam-bridge university at relents pun their way- through a diseussion of crime, American women and Texas last night in the Morris Dailey auditorium.

Dr John T. Wahlquist, college piesident, moderated the debate for Dave Woods and Bill Johnson, forensie members, and Alistairs Sampson and Peter Manslield, of the univiasity squad.

Mansfield summed up the eve-ning’s hilarity by remarking that all "English debate is illogical."

The Englishmen proved their point, digressing into lunricks, a description of their trip to the United States and taking verbal pot shots at each other.

Dispensing quickly with the orig-inal subject, ’Crime Isn’t What It Used To Be," Sampson invited the audience to the coronation of

en Elizabeth II in limp He promised ’the tittering audience!

Spartan Daily San Jose State College


Reply to Rutgers Letter Passes Student Council

The Student Council yesterday passed the proposed reply to the � � Rutgers letter with only minor changes.

Openiii" t 111011 Major concern of the council was that they not obligate a future student council. The phrase "at this time" was inserted in the affirma-

Should Quiet ILibran�Russo Rin;viusii Los/

� -My committee, whose pu-pose :s to quiet the library and stop

,tudents from using it for a toffee date bureau, may find the solu-tion to its problems in the pro-

posal of the Rally committee open the Student Union thre. nights per week," Dick R ii its

prosecuting attorney 01 the Stu-dent Court, announced yesterday.

111114�SO, 0 110 is acting %%Rh Ruh Robert’. and Rill Eviiert, e�-plained that to date his commit-tee and the Balls headed hy Chm�k Wing. has, -been working independent k. hut inilk�ated that he rum e�peetyll the %%oil. of the too committees to he coordinated. �Ving told the Student Council

S )o A � � isterday that his plan had been ecti on ,pirit � approved by the Public Relations committee, and that he expected

A meeting will be held today to he able to submit a resolution at I:30 in the Student Union for for the approval of opening the all those students who are inter- ’Strident Union in the evenings by ested in building spirit for the the next council meeting. Wing coming student body elections, an- said that he exmeted to contact nounced A.S.B. President Tom Ev- Joe H. West, dean of students, be-ans, yesterday. ; fore the end of the week, and sub.

"1 hope to have a mimeographed ! mit his proposal to the Personnel sheet ri.ady by then f�xplaining thel Deans’ committee which meets duties of each 01 the offices," hi’ Monday.

said. Russo reported that his commit-

ileetin gCalled To Promote El

According to Evans, the meet-ing is open to all students who do not plan to run for an office in the student government.

. Student body offices to be filled by the May S election are presi-dent, vice president, recording sec-retary,, corresponding seeretary, treasurer, male and female repre.

,sentatives-at-large, two senior jus-tic,’S, senior, junior and sopho-

’more representatives to the slit-tient council. Vacated A.W S. posts

!will be president, two vice presidencies,

secretary and treasurt�t iOn the A.M.S. ballot will he pies. dent, vice president, secretary anti treasurer.

that it vroilld be the biggest m-

4S .14 I r �

ii�. _11 (.(li

The pair ,�omr0,�nled on th, lack of Anal lean ....wry.. and remarket-d p � . ) icitit 1 !tint:et’

� that their education wis eon-inle

wht n they attended a I raternit% � ism!. rush barbecue yesterday. called -Spat ta ramp- is scheduled

Dr Wahlquist commented sitn- Api la, a.....nating to Jerry Ball, JAY "Debah’s h...1 Ili up used to be" The program u ill include a

picnic u here participant... u Ill attempt to a Illate a hat has been chine and u hat needs to be done eoncerning student activi-ties.

Ball ’,aid letters of invitation :have heen sent to approximately 40 people who have distinguished themselves in stinient government and leadership. �

Results of the ramp will is-corded in order. to aid tutu -dent body. leaders.

’llemon. Record Sale Begins TodaN

Si�hool Songs. encased in blue and yellow folders and entitled "Memories with Music," will be sold on campus today and tomor-row from 8:15 a.m. to 2:3u p.m,

Students may purchase records of these songs in the Graduate Manager’s (dine or at a hoiiih in

the center of the Outer Quad.

The records. presented by San

Jose State college Alumni associa-tion, will he sold by members of

the Rally committee under the di-rection of Attie Faber, committee

chairman for the sale.

Each record will be sold for SI and will include tour traditional

State songs: "Down from Un-

der" and "Fight Song." by the cal -

lice concert band, and "Hail, Spar-tans. Hail- and "Praises We Sing." by the A cappella choir.

The camp villl he dkided into the following dkciassion a sit 11414.11, government; social or -Amnia! holim; sports and rail% committee; departmental and ser% lee organizations; student actkil% hoards; Spartan Daily; and ailtninktration and student relat ions, Ball said special acknowledg-

anent should be given to the fol-l�ming for their contributions: !lank Ramp. B J. Batley, Marilyn �Villitims, Jack Flirt, Barbara

Mooch, Joan Halton and Barbara Kiedes.

!tee objected to the noise made liS :the students congregated around: ’tables in the tipper hall of the Ii’ L Student- who ha‘e anergu’s. at. 1)641114’ 1111/ II II’S brary. A different view of this ’rested tuberculosis, and wont, ii i_.1 , �

:was taken by Miss Caroline Raildwho are pregnant ate asked not Elf le I. IN .I.N 14�4‘ Icy, librarian in charge of the Re-I Seta P Book room. Miss Bailey said

Ito sign up for the immunization shots, Miss Margaret Twombly, di-i . in me upper nI IreCtor of heqlth services announe-

are for grOup study. She stated Itod,, i that she and her staff thought I

Those who ha%e signed up rid th

the shots and ate subject to any

. dent Union might quiet down the library.

Repair Budget Gets First OK

The linc�pectcd loss id Ili, k Render 1 the %parkin tio�-ing squad at the Ni AA tourne!, in ro,:a tell", Idaho, still Wart the team’. chances ril %% inning the nathmal collEgiate taking championship. Isu���� Sports

live answer to the question ’Would your college consider sending dele-, 41:at.% 10 Ilal loo 1.3


iii,’ ill to II Oil.. is t ailed Arline 4entr% %%as itt/418/111�41 is

retairtling seta ’’(a ey to reptaie Niar Pahl. Stk. 1.entr% had been appointed at the ,,,itn,il’s tir.1 merlin"; WI the smarter

Th. 1111011.11 .:11i I r,14�4! ./.1’1 � sl ".�1 Oa! .11 I 1.01...�011114� ChM. 01 thy 19:13 ,nd nan. ii

NVititert.ati.on to the spa. -’in Shop board

’rile DI allia 0.11441 104.11t a a� - it an additional SX’ai to

�1 trir% Isom shoo 10 NE‘ WV:0’11h 11 0% el 0411 14 /11 1.� I ’I X s4.1111.1 ih.s irsirriti Th.� .1..14W:twin is ie-alt-

.tiiug !!�141.i its 1,i011,.t Itt tlic Th. sliest Ito pa�sing the propimed an-

sac’,- to the Binger.. letter, 4.04111 -iii metishers made no mention the 194M I older:, ..... mittee report on discriminatiofl.

l’he courted ljustpoii� / a. 11,I I hi f II. I ���.: 4. h

11/ I ill 15, :Ili ’tit

’h. 11%. -1.1.1 �’

foi and I restiman basketball ..n.1

re-.11 ling Iv:4111s and team man-aget� %% ere rd.

01.11. II k OP’. ri I I,..1 :anti 1.� Ii 1,, lb.

No Shots t 11411%4.41 litent chastising lia lit hit piesenting the

11. Ii, lot I’ TN.) set,. elear.qt

Atiertrie Students tin -0i ti,-enur"

as �

of the abovi will be given return:Ls. The shots are on sale in the Grad-uate Manager’s office.

Miss Twomhly urges students to sign up early so materials can be ordered.

didn’t think %,.., %ere all ins

It:tends- said Di Jay C Elder as riccepting a plaque with which the (actin% h tttttt red him foi his art years of S4-1 a’ 10 1 1W

PrI.Md.1.01 John T Wahlquist .presented the Dean Emeritus with the plaque yesterday afternoon xt a Ilrl.4.101 gi%.11 by .,crilty


AEC Schedules Heari II"

On New Atomic I’lau WASHINGTI tUP1 T

Atomic 1-.414�I coninussam 00 tit0 iii +10411111.4110 :ti 10 014..,a is nounced yesterday that it has Vishinsky told the United �

drafted a ntoposal, anpuoved tions Geneial Asset-tally that II President Eisenhower. to let -sta. "in an effort to ’inch env. yale industry invest in atomic molt" on disarm:me lit, would 1101 power. In 104 101 adopt eon 01 Its (A% n I. �

The commission will present 111U1141n. sit holi had been defot

proposed policy. which involves re- in the politica I corium

taxation of the federal atomic en-, SPII (and) Plaid eigy monopol). to the House-Sen- SAN FRANCISCO it’Pi ate Atomic Energy committee in way Slows Inc said )f. 1, irtay the near future. The committee Is its candy -making sulosidiatA. riis-

,cxpeciell to recent. the policy in dr, (’ands rompari% %%mild Is � :9 secret seshion in lb.’ nu itt sieck niakitiv .,,ui.Is n it* n. a 4ial.1 al.

’,or so and then conrinct open heat- San J�,�,. Jun,- 15

ins on the whole field of atomic som,� people will h. 4�4414. power fin irtdustr% pkked at the plata. whit h

Real t Eatended a ti11141114.1 op,. it 1.41. in lit-. A s

WASHINGIN N ft ’Pt Ti.e closed a yrai ag, are aniaion.e.

Senate Ranking committee today ment said approved legislation to extend Molar lialsored

The Interfraternity council last pi esent federal !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe-

night filed it recommendation that through Sept Sri and give the tor was honoted yet:turd:iv tor

all campus fraternities work to- president standby powers to freeze ’risking Ins life as a human 1:1011,14

ward the removal of dimriminatory wages, prices and rents for 90 pig in expo intents which halted

clauses from their constitutions days in an emergency.. ,his natural bierithing kit hours at The /Ft’ also gave (wow-helm- The rent control decision %%as a a time

ing approval to a motion to corn- victory tot President Eisenhower., As a result of Dr Lloyd Thom-

bin,’ the fraternity and independ- whit had reimested the fn.�month a. KOritz’ courage, his rota!

ent intramural softball schedules extension. It war. approved 10-5 said, many lives are being save.’

Only three independent teams had tIslelasky Appeals through the use of new methods

filed with the AMS by deadline - UNITED NATIONS, N.Y at la�imicring anrificial respiration

:time, according to Tom Berrey, Russia’s Andrei Y. Vishinsks ap- to victims of &rosining or Pier/He

I AMS president. pealed to the west yesterday to shock.

An Assembly Ways and Mca Ils � Ibe0111M11 1 4.4. has voted appianal

a $R2.321 budget for niin.r im-provements, construction, r,�pair, aid equipment at the college dui. me next year, It was report i d Itorn Sacramento yesterday.

Work proposed in the budget in-cludes lighting improvements, re-pairs to tooling of the library and Artiinist ration buildings, repairs to the cafeteria dining room and the

’t iclit hbus,� show,�r room, and min-or repairs to several other build-ings. . Approval of S-1 458,572 budgeted for major work during I95-S-54 is

still per.ling committee approval Action on the major improve-

�ment budget is expected within weeks.

IFC Asks Remm al Of Discrimination


Page 2: MOO. . Librarian Spartan Daily 1The Interfraternity council last pi esent !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe night filed it recommendation through Sept Sri and give tor was

2 tRTAN DAILY Thursday, April 9 195::

� 111 Enoineers Journey

Spartan Daily THRUST and PARRY the program "29-31Y� is the prod-

uct of a 14boratory course in ra- Pine Flat dam on the Kings

...c...--.... SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE I.. . : a . and Parry : dio tin cooperation with the Ra- river will be the destination of

In a recent issue of the Spar- den and Telesision Guild. Its PUI’ , a group of engineering students, tan Daily there appeared a Thrust pose is the same as that of any Saturday. Apr. 11. on a field trip, and Parry that expressed a not laboratory course to provide an according to Willis- Schaefle, en-too favorable opinion of the stu- ’oportunity for learning through gineering society member. dent -produced radio pro g r a m experimentation trial and error. Students may sign up for the 29-30.- The anonymous author As you would not expect a student ;excursion at the engineering de-

charged a lack of "quality.- in a physics lab to demonstrate partment office at 200 S. Seventh This letter is by way of an the Unified Field Theory, so you street. A bus furnished by the

intormatise reply. Fits! I want to should not expect a radio lab � U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will ’ay that this is not a defense of to produce a show of which Nor- leave the engineering department

- the program: the program does ’ man Corwin or Archibald Mc- oft-i�. at 7 a in, not need to lie defended. Leash could be proud. -

For Smoother Operation Secondly. I %%mild like to task The radio lab differs trot, To Del Bowles, Social Affairs committee chairman, it must ’nave the author of that epistlo exactly others in this: all the work .

seemed like a re-creation of fall quarter to watch the successive strug- %%hat he means by "quality." Ap- i done by students alone. There ar.

gles of the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes to pin down -name" patently the writi�r is unaware I no lab manuals to use as a guid,

bands for their dances. that "quality" is a relative term. 1 The programs are written, ca,,

An interpretation of the meaning I directed and produced by student-MOUgh a trying fall quarter Del learned the ropes of dealing

. of -quality- is dependent solely Recently the broadcasting tira. with Music Corporation of America and other agencies of "big -name ,in . . . _ � the subjective mood of the

bands. 111-. was moved [torn 9:30 a.m, to s

dis idual personality. ..rupled with i p.m. Saturday. This makes "29-31, This experience started to pay off when Del arranged the first his environmental background. S,-)1 -.the only all-student -produced i a

winter quarter reg dance in many years. Then came the highly-ap-ittiat. so fiat may be "quality ’� for din program being aired at i preciated Wintermist, starring Margaret Whiting and Del Courtney. one may. not fie for another. Some t This move in time was not

Yes, things now move smoothly for the Social Affairs committee. undoubtedly belies), that Arthur i for, but rather was done at tt .

But the Sophomore Hop, the Junior Prom and the Senior Ball? r; o el f r e y represents "quality initiative of the management ., prefer Ma KL0R. Chairmen of these events dutifully straggled along the same path i"’""1"stmg’’ °""’"’s

Pi�rkins. Yount!. Doctor Malone, Del had trudged earlier. CLYDE T. ALLEN

etc : still others prefer Jack ASK 4242 It must have been pride that kept these chairmen from asking /,,,.nio, or Bob Hope: some like President, Radii. and Television the counsel of the e. yerienced traveler. In the course of his journey , i�.

"quality" of broadcasts that Guild 1

he discovered many shortcuts.

The combined demand of the classes and college for dance

bands represents a large financial outlay. If this demand for bands

came from a central source, such as the Grin ’ mate trianager’s office, which handles student financial affairs, it would carry more weight

and perhaps bring better and quicker results.

’ Then perhaps every dance chairman wouldn’t have to get his own

experience. He could tale advdr,tage of the knowledge gathered by those who have preceded him.

dixdr by the Associated Students of San JOS� Stat. College, iiiic�pe Sat. 5. -lay and Sunday. during it� colleg� year with one issue during (sick fin�1 �ren,-n�r on votes

Mis,isei of the Ca,iforn:� Newspaper Publishers Association Posts of this Csk.k.� Piaoing Co., 1445 S. Cr., street. San Jose

Te’�phonies CYpress 4-4414 - Editorial, Est. 210 - Advisrtising Dept., Est. 211 pi�,� Pen. $250 ’,or year or St per quarter for non. ASS card holders.

TED FALEY-Editor JESS SMITH-Bus. Mgr. Make-up Editor this issue-Nelson Wadsworth

J? ohnson Ii.ducation Bill Gets Senate Approval

Sacramento (UP)-__A weary Senate Education committee early

yesterday approved by a vote of 8 to 2 the controversial bill to curtail

the adult education program.

Before a crowd of n. arly 500 persons, the committee, efter

�14,111,‘ 4141 lasted until 12 30 a.m., gave a "do pass" vote to SB1912 11110111 T. .Join.,11

ilk. and sent it to tin. F slant e committee.

l’he hill risme through is if h roil .inete :1111W11.11.1.-111. it.’ -

spill. ripptosition Irmo Robert MirItas, repre�enting dole., ;ill id the state’� teseher.; Iler brit I list,. Nun Frilinri.C.. S. 1111101 �usPerint,illtellt a nil a g TONI la p11"1�111,, teacher.. ishor and in-dustrial 1.�11110�F�4 V1.1104.1 ad-ministrators.

At ifs� u,lits. t ol his al :tuition, against I he bill. McKay said. "1 ikai’t think this bill %sill v.11�’ 010 adult education. hut I do think it is a !realist ic iiimitisti ipso , a bodge -1104:e so Inch di WS/I I (10 V1 hat !be author. so ant if Ns 110

1111111% 1114.0411g referents. nisi mail, lei either proponents or

illtritt 111.1triter ribs Tull;


110r/P../ 1111 1.11.4 ICI

juiphasi, s),. is 11, 1, r main S.s1 I 01111111.11.1 l’111111 - malt of the � 5 ening 1110-. I 4111

Fatter (’II (41 III% Al A tit Vill 1011/1: In 114V2 110111

Ilo� 1%111111114 I ’III% el ’,IR. of Ante’ -


Studio: DoNa D 0 CONNOR



icol. by Technicolieri

--Plus -

P����� 1*.toid Jars. Gr��r in

11..7:UUS MARCH-

California: Conner


- Tilt BRIDE COMES TO yfl LOA ’k!

El Rancho Drive-In


Ituaaet I�yiu). laroterta taro,

rat K APC4.11- A STRANC:flt

Mayfair: tYttn.itriF in


Elisabeth. T�y;o�


io iginale in Waco. Tex.. or !MA-leo, there are not a few s. Trivial Question? hi..". the only "quali"" In" ’ ’’’ 1 h . I i I r I 1 � I, , I i 1 i ’, i �

KEA. "Quality" is a matter of. .,,._.Trsis,._i_al question a student was

personal taste. shy to ask at the Adler lei -

I "-"’

Thirdly, and most important, "Dr.____ "Dr. Adler, what is your opine--- rof a college course designed I

r. ’ show errant students the evils tit

(111(I SerVin" o La alcohol, narcotics and cnflar-- 1.S lions,

hi 1i.j. Last --.

V�11 I

Cp1 11.filiam .1. ’Hanka’, son of THE ALAMEDA AT HESTER Mn and Mrs. William J. Tomkin

Quality Defined

are broarleast over KEAR and

tr. 1115 Fairs levy avenue. is set-s - Phone E’Y 3-3616

ing in .Japan as a projectionist in- Curtain 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. sin urlor with the Signal Sersice Detachment 2, according to an army bulletin.

A1101114’1’ 1950 graduate. First ; Theron M. Sutton. whose ..ti� lives in Redwood City. is

npleting his pilot training at Iteese Air Force base in Texas.

To Pine Flat Darn








ovendep Ml -Mobs




111011. ( OM 0( TION OF WIT AND l’%11( F.

ertings Exclusive Santa Clara Valley Showings -J

Upha In . Aist mg today at 7 34i pm at ’2 - Eighth street.

Alpha Eta sigma: Meeting’ to. mot riisu,at 2.30 pm in R..,

Blue Key: Meet this at,� at I k tin Student Union

Chriotion Science: Meeting eniniz at 7 30 o’clock in

Engineers: Field trip to F.,. Flat (hint Satrirday. Sign up at 200 S Sesenth street, engineer’s



A SAMUEL GOLDWYN’S ’A thing of Y New 5...t .c1 Wor.le.f.ivil song and

1 dance, love k , I I a II s and joy!"

i Christian ’ 4 - Andersen

c41Zoolt _1 .i.,,, -Aat(a cia.cet ’

1)annyhttse ..., iiplairieni� 1" th.. loll’, effect on International students Drgan FARLEY GRANGER . , JEANMAIREi-

is) & San Carlos

.81. li anal. 5 wilds. sirs, saistrio.� oration: Execill is,’ (.0111111111(‘I� meet � SAN JOSE


gilt or ’(riling its igathin for mg today at II, 30 a.m. at 2111 .--. ��* ******************************* ***-*-*-**--******** _ 1 .11 hi osinri� elt pun; iseing. ’ Se% elilli street John.iiii � no .i.iiii. �pecilleall:s ’ student 1’: Chapel set’s ire this 1

pt011160. s1111/’ 1111.01,141 aid to mbar 4.1.11 SI, ill boils edilea - fele ,1.111(11e- 11% ii 1141111%e .1111I 111,f .1111

el It ate’. I. � .It e/11.11 I:11111)1CM ow

,11.111 not la- unite’ Os, thu PlN tlii� stab- local

t., ail. VR111 111.� 111111 10

1,1111 .III) th..% 11.�sll’I.

i011:� the% tinaure them vsitli .1 ihiol in. I hinds Of 011 a 110-


The real heart of 5111312. both friends sail for, ***** 15.4. MIMI-% S110.01141.11110 in

051. aid paid out lis sup-poi I the isearls 1114/111,0041 adults t .1.111:4 els :tillage of illse pro.

Fair. 1111j� � ....Ile 5 in It,. form of erpeslisati

morning at 10 15 o’clrx.k. World I -nes erait) senior-et Meet -

Ills: this alter-noon at 2.311 o’clock ru Stialent Union

WA. and Council: Meeting in Room 7 of Women’s gym thLs af-fermium at 4.34) o’clock. Riding doh %sill trivet today’ tront of Women’s 1.*tii at 4 p.m.

111111. ?III

.51 i isrmoLtioa committee:

Will the 1"11""Ing Mell

err-chairmen tnert tonight at i) clock in Roorn 2 of the 11 alert’s gyni Mary Allen’, A: Younger. F1’allrt�S Ga, Schi ader, Shit ley Spleen-, Si Waller. Slinky Chinn. Mull, � Palniquist. Naney Coripr�r anil Ridenour

Corona - Underwood - Royal - Rentington


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Easy Ferrol -it Plan-

SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. *se Parking Next Door 24 S. 2nd St., CYpress 3-6383

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This low price includes--� Remosa front wheels � Check brake fluid

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� Inspect brake lining and drums � ADRIST pedal clearance

� Inspect front wheel cylinders � ADJUST wheel bearings

� Inspect hydraulic lines � Pressure fast hydraulic system

� Inspect mastier cylinder 111 Reed test

’Bug a i!ikins 540 South First Street


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at be sta

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TI th

is�� nun. Jor Fr Ot

lar Ta gel Safi All nia

mn o is WI in set

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is apt mu cal





.11 I lu




aft at

Page 3: MOO. . Librarian Spartan Daily 1The Interfraternity council last pi esent !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe night filed it recommendation through Sept Sri and give tor was


Judoists Train For Big Meet Here Saturday

Coach Yosh Uchida’s judo squad is fast preparing for the fifth an-nual San Jose State invitational judo meet, to be held in the Spar-tan gym next Saturday.

The meet is scheduled to -begin at 6 p.m. with the final winner being recognized as California state champion.

The! Spartans will seek to up-set the Los Angeles DoJo, defend-ing champions in the tourne. They have won the meet the past three years in succession.

Fourteen teams have officiall been entered in this year’s tour-nament. They include State. San Jose Buddhist, Stockton. San Francisco. San Carlos and Mat-in. Other teams competing are Oak-land, which is entering two teams: ’rakemoto and Carroll°, Los An-geles. Southwest Los Angeles, San Diego. Travis Air base. Palo Alto and the University of Califor-nia.

Each squad is composed of five men. There are no weight di-visions in this meet. However, weight divisions will be enforced in the national AAU judo meet scheduled here next May 8 and 9.1

The tournament is the. elimina-tion type. Two teams are paired against each other with the win-ner of the. majority of the five matches eligible to advance into further competition.

By DON BLOOM Dick Bender will not box in the NCAA championships. Bender, one of the Spartans top-ranked ringmen, was unable to

make the trip to Pocatello, Ida, bec ause he had to fulfill the responsi-bilities of his job on the peninsula and could not get time off.

i With Bender out, Coach Chuck Adkins squad’s chances of a na-tional championship are dimmed.’

1 -The Blade" was a sensation on Ithe Pacific coast this season, and was one of the top-seeded liox-

; ers in the 147-lb. class.

Five men are now carrying the San Jose State college reel -

ors into the nation’s biggest col-legiate slugfest � Al Amu’s°, Mike. Guerrero, Allan White, Darrell Dukes anti Captain Paul Reuter. These boxers %%ill ha% e to cis c’ performances alto% e and beyond the call of dut3 to make up for the loss of Bender.

Entered in the tournament are iii glovemen representing 16 col-leges. Cal Poly, Pacific Coast In-tercollegiate team title winner. qualified only one man. PCI heavy-weight champ Jack Shaw.

Two Spartans drew byes into he semi-finals: Accurso and

Guerrero, the champ of the Pa-cific coast.

The remaining three nicn from Sparta will box ’g Ii in the preliminar3 round. Allan White, sophomore slugger fr Glendale, climb thrtingh the ropes to nwet Wisconsin’s Pal Sreenan in the 139-1b. di-vision. Whitt.. is in better shape than he was for the I’( ’l’s. so he should give his Badger foe a rough time of R.

I Six foot, two-inch, 170-pound !Darrell Dukes has been slated to Imatch leather with Alex Tsaki-I Els. a Michigan State veteran. 1Dukes has the style, aggressive-1ness. and experience that could

Trackmen Strive for Points, Not Records, Against Navy

"Spartan trackmen will be running for points and will sacrifice individual times tomorrow," ’says Coach Bud Winter in reference to the meet wait San Diego Naval Training center on the Spartan track at 3 o’clock.

"The men have agreed to let their times drop slightly this week and double up in other c�ents to grab needed points that could mean the, meet " comments Wint- Sptiritins Face ter.

This means that top tnen like Lang Stanley. James Burks, Walt Burnett, Don Cruickshank. GeneDenny. D Bill Stephens and Herman Stokes will ha e’ to take extra e%ents in an tst-tempt to add more. points to the Spartan total.

Another reason for this action is because the Fresno meet is approaching and Winter wants his men to be ready and in top physi-cal shape.

Winter’s chief hopes for first places may come front Big Ed Bill in the discus, Burnett in the sprints, Bill Priddy in the pale vault. Lang Stanley in the distance races, Herman Stokes in *the broad jump and Pant Vuosalo in the ja�ellit.

Friosh Enfiafie .IC Trackmen

Newly elected Captain l)on Hubbard, frosh two-mile. record holder, will lead his freshman

teammates against Menlo and Hartnell junior colleges Ft ida

afternoon on the Spartan Field at 3 o’clock.

Coach Don Bryant’s squad lacks deldh in certain events, but the local mentor h e a� �- pressed hopes that hit 3earlings ran upset the J.C. boys,

outstanding members of the f rosh team are e Ilubbard. pole’ vaulter On en Rhodes, sprinters Art Hiatt and Val Daniels. weight -man Jim Garcia. highjimmer Joe 1V3.rick, and broadjumper Peter.

FS Ten nismen Coach Hugh Mumby’s racquet

� me.n host Fresno State at Back-esto park tomorrow afternoon in their first meeting of the Year; The Spartans defeated the Bull-dogs twice last season,

Leading the local tennis squad is Butch Krikorian, a natiG. of Fresno. Other members of the. team include Jim Austin. Don Straub. Bob Phelps, Phil Wilson. George Bill and Jack Capon.

Spartan Golfers Meet Stanford

Sparta’s golf tea , undefeated in dual match play his year, will meet Stanford t To* after-noon at 1:30 o’cloc# Ot-ilt he San JOSP Country club course. The Spartan frosh golfers will pla3 Modesto JC on the same. course, starting one-half hour earlier.

In their outing on Tuesday. the Spartan tern defeated California by a lop-sided 21’2-2’2 score. Ven-u tri led the. Spartans�with a three-

under-par 67. -

give hint a victory and place. hint in the semi-finals Friday.

Spartan Captain Paul Reuter will also fight a Wisconsin boxer. Wisconsin is the defending cham-pion, so a win by Reuter could put the San Joseans in contention. "Plunging" Paul will give heighth and weight to his opponent Bob Hinds

P.�11 RE1 TER, stenlv eleetcd T n "arta Ito�ing captain. Rent.,

hits been up against opponents in his college boxing career. notale13 1111/Ch Spcist of Michigan State. Reuter has hosed in both the PIS -pound class and as a heavyweight. II. Is boxing in the belYjneight etc skims in the NCAA tourne3 at Poe:114.11o, Ida., but ill have t.. d efeat IN champ Jaek Shan I. "in’

11 Bulletin 55 5.5 Riding elide managt

Nant.3 teacher an men �iiident� jute’ e r...Jd in join ng i the cltib inertmo en torr

in front of N’onten’s gv en at 4 tielock. Membership is frt.. butt there is 14 .lif!,t, ! charge t..1 the horse.,

Hoeu much,s Cleat hole .n the donut?




USED BOOKS at reasonable prices

Open 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Daly Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, 7 to 9 P.M.

Corner of 8th and Santa Clara

Team Chances Lessened iuursday. April 9 1953 sPART %N.; DADA 3

Locals Impl’ore; Play Alameda A


; The current baseball season reaches the halfway mark aith tomorrow’s game against Alame-da Naval Air slat ion, and it is time we looked behind the seems

:at the t,ain’s independent stand-; mr

The reC11111 Is 8-1141. but hall eel tht1�61. Spartan loss�.� eri� lie Irani. that %mild ghee inan:s prole...sensual monads a lesseeen or In O. �elanlord. one ol theme lea ins, donned the locals tee ice. The Intlian� are ell rrentl:t lead-ing the (’IRS and hase lost only three gaine� the entire 3ear. Tno ’nor; Sparta, losses were.

administered by Fresno. the top independent nine. on the Pacific ,...ast last year. The Bulldogs are

iied a good choice to is,peat that at with several returning let-’I’MV11. Another State. loss wets

oregon State, which represent -.1 the Pactille coast in the NCAA .,aminonships at thnaha last

Walt Williams squad lia� dropped Inte .� to ser%-ice ieain� nide!) are Ineasilv pop-111H111.111 it ith prolessional stars. On the trip snuth. the State nine Sias 110%11111 let san Diego Marine Recruit deo.’ St Met-


Henry Stalllny and Staff

11’ niripal stadium the3 dropped a very close game to Fort Ord.

Players the caliber of ex-Van-

kee pitcher Tom Morgan dot

the Army roster.

In the win column. the Spar-

tans has,’ dose such ;sisc-erlal teams as Caitlin ma. l’CI A. USC. and USF. UCLA and (’SE’ ate eonsistenti3 in the lirst dnision Of the CIBA.

’The local hurt:clutters it. dilional wins o�er (3)P. Sat. Amphibious Training and Alameda Nasal Air staL, Tiles tied the. Palo Alto semi-pro Oaks in the first contest

;the. season.

r FINE (ARS Open 34 II rititt7

ereIti s 9:00





"Years of experience hove taught us just how to cut college men’s hair � the right way. Come in today and we’ll prove it."


Sainte Claire Barber Shop HOTEL SAINTE CLAIRE

Member Master ’Barbers of Americo


Thursday Only

$1.00 COMPLETE DINNER Come as you ore Hot food to take out

Week Days S1.40 Spaghetti, qt. 65c Sundays & Holidays 1.65 Ravioli, qt 75c

Private Banquet Room A quart of each feeds 6



We have



in all sizes




Page 4: MOO. . Librarian Spartan Daily 1The Interfraternity council last pi esent !lent controls CHICAra a (UPI A %min.: doe night filed it recommendation through Sept Sri and give tor was

� %PA Ildf�

- �

(Jr V envrable 1,re I I 1.1,:

I’s ’’I meet a septuagenarian The lllll sie dept. his, IN.., of

them. idle. 79 3ear-old

tre,litatati, enrolled to studs inn -sir herk After being tarnutt 111)On lot; Near.. ago lievaiew he lack-ed a high Sr h�Hol 41111 :I.

.�, fellow .ttaleitt in the same department is John It. Ely. 85, aho Iran...tercel! the. serste.ter fr John Moir college in Pasa-olen:t. �

Luncheon Ilonors Home Ee Grads

placement officer, antiont(eil yes- IJO for .:,1:07 k . I It Veirion A I hicllette. ’

.§11’,S1’r/’11 i rannisdf ,., � � � .

r. 1.’111.41 Air 1.incs maintenance The 1.5. Naval Res1.1A1. has

�� i1,110. in Sonili San Francisco is noun -,’,j a m.w program for ....king grailiiates in art 4.nautics� training of joung women for 11.,

illl 1)atil. ’I’ll l’pe ing. I. ’p bong. tiiiinago.0 of engin-mechanic, and elettrieal engineer- pital ratings.

I . Those between the ages of Is ����, p1 a n ii i it g, t% in he in the and 28 who have. no dep,,

111.4.�,,4.0(11 ikiwil 46 ’ ,..’ill. -of of flee tr000f row to in- and are physically qualified at r ,,, view applicants, hr ( hiellette eligible for enlistment in thi,s Mn’

Fe I, .. ’..1. ’!4: i I n i �""i cial reserve program. ...! a ,li 1. 1.� � -, ,....I Apt ..4;, if:I:Moat, s in business admen- Further information may be .,1

�f I �.� �f I ,. 1.0,. 1st, alitat 1114111,4 0-1:11 relations or al- tamed by contacting the Na . of it�, Nto,��,!,1�,lt, red field, lo:IN ;11,14 1(0’ itdis wills Reserve recruiter, (’Y 4-71,:’:

Ilse Cli. mical arid Pigment I’ ,,,,, � visiting the training e,litpr AI ; .... ,� ,,,,, ,.. � ill I,,, 4,.,..� �, tianv It;liddi-it Paint comp:my i or and Mission streets.

’,.1.....- 1...11.� .1111111101,11111 it 3 :lir 4 ’akland If... . tin. .�....1.0.1.. , -11�. paint enninani,, seeks train- 8:30 a.m. to 1:3) p.m. and Tuesd-,

The center is open daily li-,,,

, .�, 11., ..,.1,.’,0r,i,�ss ill ihto ii. �.r. in sales. who nal alatitine, ar- and Thursday evenings bow, . , �, i...a.,, ,, a .11 lier,’,1 ,,,,,nitmg and credit training. Dr 7:30 and 10 o’clock. I �,,� ,.. I. if, .!? �, -.� II I.. . )11/’!!..I.� sant Also, a personnel

cenirk ;"":!!!’":1.1’77, Itancli(,itmi) Seeks � T, , ,�

,t)tinsdors ii ’IuudI ,,inn� III, I. [’I’ll) thlolikhntll the country.

Intel...led stasolst eon- isaighas Itatich canip, located :r taut the Placement office. !loom the Carmel %alley. is seeking . ,

7�41�111.111,111..1111111 1,1%111 II, I hi..11..eis. 1.0.) 1..1 441414.....111,en’’� students to serve as counsel,

during the summer. Mrs. Nan’ . Plowenit lit office secretai

ellion�ship ,nritbuncecl. counselors as-e net aled to tea.

� ea 1,, ineliale ;Nei ,, . � Nits to d

Cu ivisions of the

� "., � ’.’",-"’ l’"’- been set...A..1 tor intern Robin.son in the Placement

Teachin� ff Jobs IA Head Named 1-)

1.1’ "" "1 A".hit".1"1" d"."(1’ t" flat’ """ "". h"ld- and Jean Murphy will repi.,. office, Room 100. ifs ’ ""I Ill ’elated held-San Jose State college. Home onornics faculty member -4 N = Hot daily speciak are now being =.

.111��� � us

X s, 111,11/..’111/11 III

�.1 ,r1 1 1,1111V. 111 11111. 1./1/11. io. I

1,141111. P.. GAIM�11���,1 55 1111111

� I lin, !elle ,Iritet1 ’ lei,- .’ it, 11.1..

X ill 101 te,r, of th, �itate lok,aiat

� .� 111-1.-1-11)t Apt 3 ...�I ; tadri I.1. -t

4 ...I NI :1 4\ 1141 I N Thursday, April 9, 1%.3

4)r() Foundation ()ITers

� I. �Iiir

New Bilifilitivr,s

Interviews ’ 1,r :�

I )1.- .4�4 hol.or�laite. ’amide tor iite. mouth,’ prat Ural training to st�Itt.. ptiblit affair% report-ing. edit. 4.ity and counts matiagemt gmeri lllll -mat ser-s ire unginet-ring. tor n vita re and political part. ttork. deo, Are pro% ilb�fl t111h on-the-,d,�,t sloth,. tit goserninent

1111.1110,, firm,. labor 1111-1.11�. .11111 1" Its orgatiii.i-ti lit the Ita. %real.

ontest Adviser Open in North In 11,-ber A. Sotzin, head of the

Industrial Arts department, will -Teacher candidates desiring

work In a bit of the unspoiled,. represent 11 western states in an

west. Modoe county, should con- I eight-man advisory committee for tact me for details." Miss Doris K. Ford Motor company’s national in-Robinson. teacher placement direc- . � mistrial arts award contest which for. announced, will begin May 1.

Mndoc comity schools, in north-, , astern California, need teachers 1 Entries in thr, contest come lor next fall, Miss Robinson said. from junior and senior high school Prospective teatihers, men or wo- students who have completed pro-risen, who would like to work in iects in a shop class in their a hunting and fishing paradise school. ,laaild check on these opportuni-1 Winners in the contest receive

she continued. an expense-free trip to the Ford

An example of the many ofien-plant in Dearborn. Mich., and

trigs in Modes’ county is that of- prizes ranOng from mon tered a teacher in lousiness sub- - �

jects., English, physical education. The Santa Clara county exhaa: and dramatics. Salary for this job of the contest will be held in the is from $3700 to 91500. depending itI hills 316, 14i,

and 411-�’4.1 plan The tuition Graduating horne economic ma- � on experience. Miss Robinson said. !co, and jors %ill he honored at a luncheon ,This is a four-teacher school with

given by the Bay Al.-Ian enrollment of 50 students. Av-’ ’"’ ’ tuition Itkors k.ell as 11.M. 1ln April 11. -00111,1111M ;111(1 wit 1, ,0,. a�e,11;thl,, ea Home Economies society at erage size of classes is 12.

,,1 s.� man 14, Santa Rosa junior college. Teacher candidates interested in Joyce Johnson Betty Kendell,’ these positions should contact

Ifazel Stiller, Moreta William,. !Vbss

Civic auditorium the first part of May. The exhibit, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, will feature projects from schools all over the county, including a sidelight e \hital (num the college.


lifiet. 1,isis Margaret Jones, Mrs. Ouida �,S II 1

Job InterN

Available . . .

) = served � includes bread, butter, = It.t. arid Mi,s Marj Morgan al,.. = and vegetable. E.

� are planning to attend. 7.-7 �D:ffetenf each day� = =

1st tor- = = �

�� , situ In � Irons l’Inted Air ates into the societ3. according to

night from 8 to 11 o’clock, accord- � SPARTAN INN F. dance in Newman hall Saturday == la, - ,,,,I I:11,1,1.n Paint company tic J0114.4, head of the depiirtmero �

v. ill Is. on campus todaj and In-niowns- to interview. applicants v , , trilif . nv , 125 SOUTH FOURTH- =1-: ing to Jo Anne Scaletta, social ..7�:=

"bait-man of the club. All member, = (Avow from the campus) = = -If we serve it. it must be good" E 5Iiiiiiimilm1111111111111111111111111111in

Jul An induction Ceremony1101dS Dance

tuite the horn.’ economics gradu- DAFT’S The Newman club is holding a E

the student laxly are invited. Ire said.


Laundry Service Now Available Washed � Dried � Folded


111/2c pound 65c minimum

In at 9:00 Out at 5:00


1.1/.1111111 hi; 1.1trite-11 . III:, 111.1r. (1Vik II, Xi i’’ ,.:, , .1. , � , 11.14. bini -

MIN, ’.1,41 I I \ s. ilie ,I,,tietiter. ,,/ :local seitlict. itiajoi ,,ii Santa Nt,.. 4 St Moir 1, AN, 211.111 Coin. l’ ,1-e . lko. 144’6%141 a ii ,,.itch 11.1-

.1 the Ciirsersit%- 44 Idaho 1,- 1 . Sit’, -Ai, o .is, 41-30., i.,-11 -�,-’10, ’ � St II Swanson prolessor of �v/to are 19 , n nu he hired.

I. et el irtiogy arins llllll �eri today.

� ’’ Ite.titiiti� of Ile ilth or th, ’111,� 1,1:nosh’’, is gnen le. the 11111 1114‘1111U’I’S I

il 9 � �1 � - !.1,1,11, 11,�.ilth .11�1 VIII‘


, � . ,,,,tni,,,,., award ;m1,,tint, 0,1 1-.1t.1.1’11 114.NN 1111.11411�IN %%,�1-11 11)I

IlaSS 1 ie s � , f ,..f.�, ;chapter or Arisild Air society, na- 1 . tiated recently into the colleg. .:,

"""’s 111"’""’" "I. 1""’"’"I tail- 0441441 service fraternity tor Air , a

in. in, taholism He ivid incgin his: Force RI Y1’(’ cadets. according to n�l �.tom nil % It It. ph, stishi, Jill. I � I the Public Relations office 1 .t 1,i .... 1611i ..51, 4-1 /1.� scull 111. gr.ettiated from tne

,� .5, naieu:e in June, and the stialtes at I I Ow Willi ill’ati to is iiiaster�s de-

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lilt -- 11 I 1.7t-1 to, .1-

1.11. I Ni N’1,

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It, ,SE�ietti�e’Ia jar di% mg, tennis and riflery. Ai -

needed are a head counselor, a� tivity head. and an assistant.

Men who are mer 20 years if age are preferred for these jobs Ilowever. Mrs. 11 /iv/ said. a I.-,

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111 15.15’. 11 1 ...4.001 1 I 11111’1’ 1)1%4’11Y-0.14111 .,,tuittmil

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I ! .1. Wes and V1

Flat old 91, 11!

��st, nsami lees. II:1N Vika 111 Sii-1111.1, %....11�111.1 111 111SCIISS its. ���� t’� ,1411�,. Si it,. (11114-1o� 1.11111111/.1 ’,O.,’ ’1 111.11111,41 14/E /L11,1%4’11 t011ege

They are Charles W. Combs. Sid-ney II. Davidson. �’ernon t;n., ham. Roy A Hodges. lone. John N. Payne, Renalds 114. Sal% :odor, Charles P. Slater, Ron-0.1 Souza. Ken (;. Stone and Jam- ’1

li()RD’S We H��� Good






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