monthly accomplishment report - · pdf file24-09-2014 · impact and barangay...

Kalahi-CIDSS-NCDDP Dapa Area Coordinating Team [email protected] MONTHLY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT September 2014 Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services – National Community Driven Development Program (KC-NCDDP)

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Kalahi-CIDSS-NCDDP Dapa Area Coordinating Team

[email protected]


Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services – National Community Driven Development Program (KC-NCDDP)

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 1 of 13

Field Accomplishments for August 21-September 24, 2014

Narrative Report on Field

Based on the August 21-September 24, 2014 monthly work plan for field activities, the team has come up with the following accomplishments: 1. Preparation for the Municipal Orientation cum consultation-meeting on disaster

impact and barangay ranking and allocation

The team conducted some collaborative colloquial visits and conversation from August 18 - September 4 with the Mayor’s Office, MSWDO, MDRRMO and MPDC in preparation for the September 5 Municipal Orientation.

On the said dates, all

Community Empowerment Facilitators (CEFs) gather the disaster reports from their assigned barangays necessary for the Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA). The Technical Facilitators also gather the disaster reports at the municipal level.

The team closely coordinated the MLGU especially to the MSWDO for the venue,

program and food preparation; to MPDO for the consolidation of the projects, programs and activities (PPA); and to MDRRMO for the DANA consolidation.

2. MOA/SIA Signing (Regionally Facilitated) On September 3, 2014, Municipal Mayor Yulie Ruaya officially signed the

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Specific Implementation Arrangement (SIA) were the main output of the Regional Project Launching and Stakeholders’ Forum held at Almont Inland Hotel, Butuan City. The signing of the MOA/SIA marked the formal engagement of KC-NCDDP in the Municipality of Dapa with the DSWD and the Province of Surigao del Norte.

MOA & SIA signing: Mayor Yulie Y. Ruaya (third from right) signs the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Specific Implementation Arrangement (SIA) with the DSWD-Caraga, Province of Surigao del Norte and other municipal mayors of Surigao del Norte on September 3, 2014.

Venue preparation: ACT working committees arrange properly the Dapa Women’s Training Center a day before the Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 2 of 13

3. Municipal Orientation (MO) cum Consultation Meeting on Disaster Impact and Barangay Ranking and Allocation

The official engagement of the KC-NCDDP in the Municipality of Dapa was kicked off

by the Municipal Launching and Stakeholders’ Forum conducted last September 5, 2014 held at Dapa Women’s Center. The said occasion was highlighted with the two major activities, the Municipal Orientation and the Consultation Meeting on Disaster Impact and Barangay Ranking and Allocation.

Multi stakeholders of the municipality gathered on the MO cum Consultation-Meeting

from barangay represented by their Punong Barangays and Kagawads; from Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU) of Dapa represented by the Municipal Mayor Yulie herself with the heads of offices, and SB members; from national government line agencies (NGAs); civil society organizations (CSO); and convergence.

4. DROM Roll-out Training The 15 members of the

Area Coordinating Team (ACT) Dapa participated the 5-day basic training course or roll-out training for the ACT held at Dotties Place, Butuan City on September 16-20, 2014. The training mainly aims to capacitate the ACT members on the accelerated Community Empowerment Activity Cycle (CEAC) and come up with the action plan.

The barangay representatives with some MLGU officials, RPMO representative and Dapa ACT members pose after the Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting on September 5, 2014 at Dapa Women’s Training Center.

Team smiles: Dapa ACT members display joyful faces during the culmination day of the Roll-out Training for ACT at Dotties Place, Butuan City on September 16-20, 2014

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 3 of 13

5. ACT Regular Meetings

The team conducted the 6th ACT meeting on August 26, 2014 facilitated by the Area Coordinator. Said meeting discussed the ssession on Accelerated CEAC, Presentation of Work Plan for Accelerated CEAC, Presentation of Work & Financial Plan of ACT, Updates of the OPCR, RPMO Updates (DTR/ Accomplishment, TEV forms, AC/DAC Meeting on August 19-20 & 22).

On September 1,

2014, the 7th ACT meeting was facilitated by Engr. Guil Lou dela Peña with the following highlighted meeting-activities: Reflection/ Learning Session about Strategic planning of Simulation; Presentation of work plan- DAC, MFA & CEF; DANA and PPA Reports; CEF Consolidation & collection for analysis; Municipal Orientation cum Consolidation; Minutes documenter; Salary Updates; Review Social Investigation (SI) Reports and Barangay Profiles Internalize Accelerated CEAC; Others tasking, Re-scheduling of 1st Barangay Assembly (BA).

The 8th ACT meeting on September 8, 2014, facilitated by the AC had the following

meeting activities:

I. PRELIMINARIES 1. Presentation of the VIPs of the meeting 2. Call to order and declaration of the quorum 3. Bible sharing and reflection 4. Reflection/learning session based on the ORID tool

II. MEETING PROPER 1. Reading and approval of the previous minutes of meeting 2. Presentation and deliberation of main agenda:

a. Preparation for the 1st Barangay Assembly b. Coaching on activity report preparation c. Updates, reminders, tasking and announcement

Minutes of the meeting Next VIPs for the 9th regular ACT meeting Salary updates TEV documents preparation and submission Review of SI report and barangay profile and internalize the accelerated

CEAC Activity report during the MO and Cum consultation Signing of resolutions and attendance Weekly Accomplishment Report (WAR) form of the staff Certificate of Appearance of Mam Marideth Julve and other ACT staff E-mail to Mam Marideth the computation of ranking and allocation

The team convenes on its 6th ACT Meeting at Alliance Building on August 26, 2014.

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 4 of 13

Provincial Action Team (PAT) meeting Heath Break

Highlighted on the 9th ACT meeting being facilitated by the AC on September 22, 2014

includes the preliminaries 1) Bible learning reflection by Engr. Guil dela Peña, 2) ORID on Basic Training course last Sept. 16-20, 2014 by CEF Rohaida Hassan. The main agenda were the 1) Action planning (re-entry plan); 2) Preparation for the 1st BA; 3) Tasking on signing of Resolutions and attendance sheets, submission of Re-entry Plan, Next Documenter: CEF Nelmar Gomez, Next Photo Documenter: CEF Peatche Cepeda, Prayer/Bible sharing: MFA Janice Maghanoy, and ORID leader: Harold Apat.

6. Report Preparation and Submission

Every members of the team prepared and submitted the weekly accomplishment report (WAR) or the initial DTR/Accomplishment report form every Friday of the month. This WAR will be presented on every Monday ACT meetings. The team also submitted the Activity Report for the Municipal Orientation Meeting on Disaster Impact and Barangay Ranking & Allocation via e-mail on September 15, 2014.

Monthly accomplishment report (narrative /feedback report) The CEFs submitted their September narrative report while the Municipal Finance

Analyst (MFA) and Technical Facilitators (TF) their feedback reports for the period of August 18-September 18, 2014 on September 23, 2014 as attached to this report.

DTR/Accomplishment Report On September 17, the team’s DTR/Accomplishment Report for September 1-15 was

submitted to RPMO. All electronic copies of reports were saved at the computer for future references.

Minutes of the meetings The minutes of meeting on August 26, September 1, 8 and 22 were submitted to RPMO

via e-mail as attachment to this report. The proceedings of the MO cum consultation-meeting were e-mailed with the Activity Report on September 15, 2014.

For this reporting period, the following were the very important person (documenter

and prayer leader):

Meeting/Activities Date Documenter Prayer

6th ACT Meeting August 26, 2014 Engr. Angelie Morgado CEF Jerry Galan

7th ACT Meeting September 1, 2014 CEF Violeta Namoc CEF Neriza Alalan

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 5 of 13

Meeting/Activities Date Documenter Prayer

MO Orientation September 5, 2014 Engr Guil Lou dela Peña

Consultation Meeting September 5, 2014 MFA Janice Maghanoy

8th ACT Meeting September 8, 2014 CEF Rohaida Hassan MFA Keevin Jann Vercide

Internal MAT Meeting September 9, 2014 CEF Neriza Alalan CEF Charlie de Jesus

Special ACT Meeting September 12, 2014 CEF Charlie P. de Jesus AC Johny Natad

9th ACT Meeting September 22, 2014 CEF Harold Apat Engr Guil Lou dela Peña

7. Other Area meetings/ activities (Unplanned Activities)

Internal MAT Meeting On September 9, 2014, the internal Municipal Action Team (MAT) composed of the

4Ps, SLP and KC-NCDDP staff were convened to discuss updates of the Municipal Transition Plan (MTP), preparation for the upcoming Provincial Action Team (PAT) and strategizing

activities to address hindering factors in the achievement of milestone targets on the MTP. Major output of the said meeting includes the generation of issues and concern relative to MTP and action plan to facilitate resolution of the issues/concern identified.

PAT Meeting A Provincial Action Team (PAT) conducted by convergence last September 10, 2014

at Mt. Baragabon Resort, Mabua, Surigao City was attended by the ACs of Surigao del Norte and Dinagat Islands, provincial SLP and 4Ps focal representatives. Major highlight of the meeting agenda includes the orientation of the convergence, the updates of the Municipal Transition Plan (MTP) of each MLGUs, and updates of the KC-NCDDP and other DSWD program implementation.

MCAC Meeting

On August 28 and September 24, 2014, the Municipal Convergence Advisory Committee (MCAC) convene at the Mayor’s Conference room. Said meeting highlighted with the

The full attendance of Municipal Action Team (MAT) during its meeting on September 9, 2014 at Alliance Building, the KC-NCDDP temporary office, Dapa, Surigao del Norte

The KC-NCDDP updates presentation during the Municipal Convergence Advisory Committee (MCAC) meeting on September 24, 2014 at Mayor’s Conference Room, Dapa, Surigao del Norte

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 6 of 13

major agenda like the presentation of the convergence updates (4Ps, KC-NCDDP, SLP), presentation and updating of the Municipal Transition Plan (MTP) and presentation of partners updates including issues and concern. Discussed also on the meeting the needs of the convergence support for the office space and maintenance and other administrative arrangements.

Series of Activity Accomplishments for the Month of August 21 – September 23, 2014

Activity Date Output

1. Gathered Barangay Disaster Assessment Report at Barangay

August 21 Disaster reports form the barangay are collected and validated by the CEFs.

2. The 6th Area Coordinating Team (ACT) Meeting

August 26 Agenda of the meeting include the session on Accelerated CEAC, Presentation of Work Plan for Accelerated CEAC, Presentation of Work & Financial Plan of ACT, Updates of the OPCR, RPMO Updates (DTR/ Accomplishment, TEV forms, AC/DAC Meeting on August 19-20 & 22).

3. Gathered additional data of barangay disaster reports at MSWDO and MDRRMO and Performed simulation (role play) on Consultation Meeting

August 27 Municipal disaster report gathered from the MSWDO and Municipal Agriculture’s Office Generated learning session during and after the simulation role play on consultation meeting

4. Conducted strategic planning and scheduling for the upcoming first Barangay Assembly (BA) through communicating the Punong Barangay

August 28 Set the 1st BA schedule to the 29 barangays for the first time

5. Finalized and submitted Daily Time Record (DTR)/ Accomplishment Reports and Monthly Work Plan for the month of September to AC

August 29 Team finalized and submitted DTR/Accomplishment Report for the month of August 16-31 and September 1-15, 2014.

6. Performed Simulation(role play) for Barangay Assembly (BA)

Generated learning activities especially the don’ts and do’s in the conduct of the BA

7. The 7th ACT Meeting at Alliance Building

September 1 Major meeting-activities: Reflection/ Learning Session about Strategic planning of Simulation; Presentation of work plan- DAC, MFA & CEF; DANA and PPA Reports; CEF Consolidation & collection for

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 7 of 13

Activity Date Output

analysis; Municipal Orientation cum Consolidation; Minutes documenter; Salary Updates; Review Social Investigation (SI) Reports and Barangay Profiles Internalize Accelerated CEAC; Others tasking, Re-scheduling of 1st Barangay Assembly (BA).

8. CEFs attendance to Barangay Council Session at Barangays with Purok Presidents, Parent leader (4 P's) for Strategic planning for the first Barangay Assembly

September 1 Set up some plan and arrangement for the conduct of the 1st BA in some barangays to ensure the active participation of the household communities and gather commitment and support of the Punong Barangays and its council for the KC-NCDDP activities

9. Federation Meeting of Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) beneficiary with SLP at Women's training Center

September 2 Orientated about the KC-NCDDP program to the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) beneficiaries. Introduced the team to the partners in SLP

10. Regional Project Launching & Stakeholder’s Forum

September 3 Signed the MOA and SIA for Municipality of Dapa. Ensured commitment and support of the MLGU in the implementation of the KC-NCDDP in the municipality and its communities.

11. Dissemination of the communication for the Municipal Orientation cum Consultation meeting

September 3 Formally communicate and ensure the attendance of the multi stakeholders of Dapa for the municipal orientation cum consultation meeting on September 5, 2014

12. Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting

September 5 Oriented the Dapa stakeholders on KC-NCDDP and on Disaster Response Operation Manual/Management/Modality (DROM); presented the provisions of the MOA and SIA and significant roles of the DSWD, MLGU & PLGU; creation/ reactivation of the MIAC/MCAC, MCT and GRS committee; approval of resolutions for the conduct of the consultation-meeting, barangay ranking, and barangay allocation.

13. The 8th ACT Meeting

September 8 Meeting preliminaries: Presentation of the VIPs of the meeting; Call to order and declaration of the quorum; Bible sharing and reflection; Reflection/learning session based on the ORID tool. Major agenda: reading and approval of the previous minutes of meeting; Preparation for the 1st Barangay Assembly; Coaching on activity report preparation; Updates, reminders, tasking and announcement; Minutes of the meeting; Next VIPs for the 9th regular ACT meeting; Salary updates; TEV documents

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 8 of 13

Activity Date Output

preparation and submission; Review of SI report and barangay profile and internalize the accelerated CEAC; Activity report during the MO and Cum consultation; Signing of resolutions and attendance; Weekly Accomplishment Report (WAR) form of the staff; Certificate of Appearance of Mam Marideth Julve and other ACT staff; E-mail to Mam Marideth the computation of ranking and allocation; Provincial Action Team (PAT) meeting; Heath Break

14. Internal Municipal Action Team (MAT) Meeting

September 9 Generated issues and concern relative to Municipal Transition Plan (MTP) and action plan to facilitate resolution of the issues/concern identified; preparation for the upcoming Provincial Action Team (PAT) meeting.

15. Provincial Action Team (PAT) Meeting

September 10 Agenda discussed were the orientation of the convergence, the updates of the Municipal Transition Plan (MTP) of each MLGUs, and updates of the KC-NCDDP and other DSWD program implementation

16. Facilitation for the re-scheduling of the 1st BA

September 10 New schedules for the 1st BA were set for the 2nd time due to the Roll-out training for ACT on September 15-19, 2014

17. Preparation for the activity report and consolidating resolutions

September 11 Draft Activity Report on Municipal Orientation cum Consultation Meeting on Disaster Impact and Barangay Ranking and Allocation. Continue gathering signatures for the four resolutions (two Municipal Consultation Resolutions and two Consultation-Meeting Resolutions)

18. Special ACT meeting September 12 Tackled agenda like IPCR review, the update of the ACT training and PAT meeting, finalization of the 1st BA.

19. Roll-out Training for ACTs at Dotties Place, Butuan City

September 15-20

Trained the 15 members of Dapa ACT on the basic course/ roll-out training course for ACT in the implementation of the Accelerated CEAC. Come up with the re-entry plan for September to December 2014.

20. The 9th ACT Meeting September 22 Meeting flow: Preliminaries 1) Bible learning reflection by Engr. Guil dela Peña, 2) ORID on Basic Training course last Sept. 16-20, 2014 by CEF Rohaida Hassan. The main agenda were the 1) Action planning (re-entry plan); 2) Preparation for the 1st BA; 3) Tasking on signing of Resolutions and attendance sheets, submission of Re-entry Plan, Next Documenter: CEF Nelmar Gomez, Next Photo Documenter: CEF Peatche Cepeda, Prayer/Bible

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 9 of 13

Activity Date Output

sharing: MFA Janice Maghanoy, and ORID leader: Harold Apat.

21. Preparation for the 1st BA September 23-26

Finalized the 1st BA schedule for the third and last time. Communicate the Barangay Council for the preparation. Materials preparation (visual aids, attendance sheet, minutes, resolutions, among others)

22. Municipal Convergence Action Committee (MCAC) Meeting

August 28 and September 24

Presentation of the convergence updates (4Ps, KC-NCDDP, SLP), presentation and updating of the Municipal Transition Plan (MTP) and presentation of partners updates including issues and concern

23. Team’s social media monitoring

August 18 – September 24

Regularly check the facebook page of the KC-NCDDP Dapa and check e-mail for updates.

Identified Issues, Concern, Actions & Recommendations From August 21-September 24, 2014, the team come across the following issues and concern with action taken and recommendations for considerations:

Activities undertaken Issues and Concerns Actions Taken Recommendations

Urgent session on Accelerated CEAC

Introduced Accelerated CEAC can change ACT activity and financial plans and schedules from Standard CEAC and the time schedules of activities on accelerated CEAC are compress compare to standard CEAC. Damage Assessment Needs Analysis (DANA) report is inadequate in the municipality. Most of the barangays don’t have comprehensive disaster report from Yolanda, Agathon, and LPA

The team discussed, created strategic and innovative work plan for ACT Dapa with accelerated CEAC timeline of regional office and no more changes to our financial work plan. Since the DANA of the municipality is inadequate, the CEF consolidate Disaster Report Assessment from their assigned Barangays

Create strategic and innovative work plan for the team with accelerated CEAC timeline based on the directives and milestone target from the regional office.

Gathering of Data for barangay profiling

Lacking of Data in Barangay Profiling of some barangays

The CEFs took their initiative to identify those lacking data and conducted Social Investigation right after

Encourage the Barangay Council to have an updated Barangay Profile of their Barangay Conduct follow up social Investigation and survey to update the lacking of data

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 10 of 13

Activities undertaken Issues and Concerns Actions Taken Recommendations

Preparation for the Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting (Gathering of DANA)

No data on Disaster Assessment Report at barangay

Their data on their logbook of the affected families were collected and validated to the MDRRMC CEFs tasked to acquire and empower the Barangays to complete and be updated in all of their disaster reports for future purposes Ask data to MDRRMO and to MSWDO. Validated the data of what had been affected to each barangays.

Encourage the MDRRMC to validate reports on disasters. Challenge the community leaders in the community to report whatever damages they have to the Barangay Council during and after the disaster Explain properly and humbly to BLGU officials the importance of having the DANA Report in each barangay Immediately gather comprehensive report on what have been affected to the typhoon or even LPA. MDDRMO must conduct categorized gathering of damages reports and make comprehensive disaster reports.

Teach and facilitate the Barangay officials on how to record reports on category and level of damages (i.e. number of affected families, Partially and Totally Damage of Houses, Social Services, Water and Sanitation Hygiene and livelihood)

Preparation for the Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting (venue and logistical preparation)

One day before MO cum consultation meeting the assigned staff still disseminating letters for invitation Three days before the activity, the team found out that the MLGU will be conducting the Opening and Blessing activity for Tourism Office on the same schedule for MO cum Consultation Meeting; hence a conflict schedule for other

CEFs disseminate the communication letters after the brief federation meeting conducted on September 2 especially to those island barangays. Asked what time will be the Blessings of their new office for Tourism and presented some the ice breakers/ energizer for participants while waiting the start of the activity to settle their boredom.

The disseminations of communication letters must be done 5 days before the MO cum consultation meeting or other activities in the future. Ensure that there are no other activities that conflict with the KC activities with the MLGU and even BLGU special days such as fiesta, foundations and other significant occasion by closely communicating

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 11 of 13

Activities undertaken Issues and Concerns Actions Taken Recommendations

participants of the activity. A day before the activity the team found out that the content of tarpaulin is not reflected based on the invitation program while other tarpaulin has a noticeable mistake.

Still used the tarpaulin although there is a noticeable mistake.

and coordinating the key people. The team must closely coordinate with the MSWDO in making the tarpaulin to check possible error and ensure good result before printing.

Municipal Orientation cum Consultation-Meeting

No accuracy of signatory of the Resolutions. There were some personnel indicated in the Resolution without their presence during the conduct of Municipal Orientation and Consultation Meeting.

The secretariat in the attendance asked help to the MSWD Staff to identify those person since the incharge is not yet familiarize all participants

There should be a group of people assign in the attendance especially if the program has multitude of participants. The assign person should take heed of the attendance.

Some signatories were not signed in the printed resolution during the activity.

Let the available participants sign in the resolution before the end of the program

Ensure that before they live the venue they sign the resolutions

Unexpected delay of the activity due to other schedules set during the Municipal Orientation

Waited for the municipal activity to finish and then starts with our Municipal Orientation Explained to the delegates/ participants attended the activity. Presented some energizer / ice breaker to let the bored attendees while waiting the start of the activity.

Ensure the schedules of all the activity and municipal activities will have no conflict. Foresee what events that will be pass-through. And constantly communicate to the MLGU.

Preparation for 1st Barangay Assembly (BA)

Frequent resetting of schedule of Barangay Assembly due to training for ACT members

Inform the Barangay Council about the changes of schedule and the reason upon changing. Asking apology to the Barangay Council and the people in the community Scheduled the final schedule of Barangay Assemblies on each barangay after the Roll-out Training to avoid other conflict

There should be a formal communication between the CEF and the Barangay Council prior to the conduct of Barangay Assembly. Explain properly to the Barangay Captains and community people the need of that training before conducting the assembly. Be sure that the schedule is final and there’s no conflict with other activities

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 12 of 13

Activities undertaken Issues and Concerns Actions Taken Recommendations

Lacking of Instructional materials that being used in the conduct of Barangay Assembly.

The ACT especially the CEF should secure other source of materials and take their initiative upon doing it. Ask some available supplies to SLP

The DSWD regional office or the municipality should provide the materials on time. Remind the MLGU of their local counterpart for the needed logistics

Possible uncooperative community people/ lack of participants in Barangay Assembly (BA)

Give prizes to the present participants especially to those who are early

ACT especially the CEFs to let the community people understand more about the program and the importance of their participation.

Lack of Materials & Supplies to be used in activities

Bought the materials and supplies from my own pocket

Maybe we need to always follow-up the RPMO for our needs of supplies

Local Counterpart Contribution (LCC)

There’s still no Municipal Empowerment facilitator/ MCT counterpart on duty

Follow up MLGU Continue remind the MLGU on their committed LCC specified in the MOA and SIA

Trust Fund and LCC Delivery

The Municipality will be using the existing Supplemental Feeding Trust Fund but as to the Bank Snapshot/ Bank Statement of said account, the MSWDO cannot really tell when we can get the copy.

Provided the MLGU thru the MSWDO as the MCT leader the timeline and the deadline for the submission of the needed document to be reported to RPMO. Asked for the possible downloading of LCC Cash to the trust fund. The MSWDO bared that LCC cash will be downloaded on the last week of September.

The Municipal heads should be given ACT/MFA timelines for reporting so that they can prepare the documents when the deadline comes. Formal communication is really important so that they will be obliged to do the MLGU’s part and to show their commitment to the project.

Weekly Area Coordinating Team (ACT) Meeting

The ACT meeting takes longer than the usual. It would take almost a whole day to finish our reflection session, agenda, tasking and other matters. The downside of this is that some of the works that needs to be done will be suspended thus will result to a delayed submission of reports.

Attended the weekly meeting and listened to the details of it. Participated and provided feedback during the open forum and updates.

The ORID (reflection session) shall be given to maximum of 5 members of the ACT to share because if all members of the team will share it would take time. Also, for providing updates, only the members who wish to give updates should be given the time to talk because some of the members do not have something to share with.

Revision of the Work and Financial Plan Budget for the Accelerated CEAC

Only AC and DAC attended the Technical Session on Accelerated CEAC. AC required the

Confronted the AC and asked on what will be our basis in finalizing our WFP budget revision for the Accelerated CEAC. The AC

Conduct separate training for MFA’s especially on matters of the Accelerated CEAC.

Accomplishment Report for the Month of Aug. 21-Sept.24, 2014 ⌠Dapa Team⌡ Dapa, Surigao del Norte Page 13 of 13

Activities undertaken Issues and Concerns Actions Taken Recommendations

MFA’s to provide revised work and financial plan budget for the Accelerated CEAC which made the latter confused on what information should be included or should be supplied on Accelerated CEAC considering they are not attending on the session.

discussed the overview of the Accelerated CEAC.

Communication to the communities and partner stakeholders

Need cellphone load for every ACT members

Utilized some free services of the network for free call and text just to communicate the partners in the MLGU and BLGUs for significant updates Informed the RPMO for further actions and possible support needed for communication improvement

Provide cellphone loads to the ACT to facilitate the workload in terms of communication to all key partners easily.

The telecommunication signal of some barangay is poor

CEF visit the area for the information relay and/or having alternative numbers of the barangay to contact with anytime

Establish and look for good communication signal and set specific time when needed to communicate.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: JOHNY S. NATAD ELSA D. MONTEMOR MITA G. LIM Area Coordinator RCDS ARD/Program Manager KC-NCDDP-Dapa, SDN KC-NCDDP-Caraga KC-NCDDP-Caraga