montana, hntbna,,...

MONTANA, HNtBNA, COLUMBIAN POL. XXXII. NO 26 COLUMBIA PALLS. MONTANA. THURSDAY MAR. 27. 1924. •2.00 PER YEAR Salvation Army Worker Tells Of Czecho Slovakia The political pot that started sim mering about a week ago has been gaining steam steadily and at the present time Is boiling over with' the steam gauge registering 340. The Citizens ticket headed by Mayor Ray M: Van Slyke has a complete Ctecho Slovakia, that little coun try in western Europe which was for so many years under German and Prussian rulo hut which was given Its Independence a* a result of the recent world war, Is fast developing into a thrifty and prosperous gov ernment, according to word brought here by Mrs. Louis Backovich. who .returned from there a short time agi and who has been visiting for the past week with her father. W. H Bushnall. of tha Montana Soldiers LIB tain LOUII- --- uoo a LUMiyiuie In the World l*cket In the'fleld. An Independent e picture of Hbket with J. p. McLean of the One seen, the pic- Horse grocery as candidate for m&- snt Wilson is W *• *n the #eld. This ticket is -In tome o f .announced in an edition of tha One squares have Horse News that Is being distributed dent Wilson. In this McLean declares that •or the war ,f h® *• not elected he twill close the » that it was 008 Horse grocery and leave White- saved them fl8b not lat8r than June 20. ¡rla. Peed Kaidlng, who is announced omdblles In on 01,8 tloket 88 tt «“ "dldate for al- .very many ,,8rman from the Th,ird ward, states hauling arfo ihat b® b® a candidate, but not le men and on th‘B Independent ticket. Mr. artt. Some- Ka,dlnK '* »»present aldermen from win be seen tbo Tblr<1 ward. Indications are that m.n and a tb® c* mi*alkn »111 become very warm » women are btfor® APril when the sovereign omblnatlons Totor* wln 8° to tbe P°l'8 and settle with cobble- tb0 niatter.— Whlteftsh-Hlot The political- pot In the coming annual municipal election, when Co lumbia Palls 1s to elect a mayor and three aldermen. Is barely simmering at the present wiltin'- ^although there is. plenty of time for^ It to get ‘het up." The election date 1s Mon day, April 7th, and toting precincts wiU be established In the three wards Mrs. Bachovlch and hor husba'nd were sent to that country by thè Sal vation Army at tho request of its president, who was appointed ruler of the little republic for life. Ttiese two people have put In two and a half years at different points In that country, dairying on the work of spreading the gospel of christlinily. but they absolutely refdse to tell theTnop folks what the big number Is to be. However, by a cgjtcln method of manipulating mental gym nastics. It has been determined that when a bunch, of ladles, working and planning together on a progTam, ac tually keep it n real secret, then it must .be something out of tho ordin ary and well worth going to see. A few of tbe men have shown signs of weakening and are hinting that per haps “ business" or a "previous en- City Dump Grounds these who take a leading interest In 8 ■zttSJtisSZ SDH Hanging Fire tlously, and U Is possible that he 3 3 " W could be Induced to "carry on" for ----------- another term for the single reason A special meeting of the town that he would like tr see the city own council was held Friday evening with its own water irsteni, and as the in- Mayor Kilduff and. all members pre- lllal steps toworil Ihe city securing i sent. euch a plan has teen started under i Chas. Stiles presented another pe- Lia administration, be Is Intensely In- j *itlon asking for a permit for hlm- ’ tereeted In seeing it brought to a j self and partner. John Morris, to successful conclusion. I erect an oil station and garage on the Friends ofyltw-ph Imbolt, alder-; lots recently purchaaod by Mr. Morris «•an from th > First ward" and preel- Jlocated Just south of the -Geo. Watt dent of the council, are mentioning residence and adjoining the tourist his name for m ore.-. There are al- j park. The petition granted by the 8- flulto a number whe would like to! council a week previous called only eee A. N. 8mtlh in that Important I for the erection of a gasoline Ailing position. j station, tat It . la now proposed to In the First v ard It Is more than erect a garage also on the lots, and likely that K J Warcntettc will be | later on a residence. The permit named to succeed himself. He was! was granted by unanimous vote of appointed tr Hie fffer last tall when j the council.' Chasi Stiles ler'tred nnd moved to Bids for a elty dump site were the coast, and lias ueen faithful In opened by the clerk, as per advere and although practically all their public meetings were carried on with the aid of Interpreters, they feel that their efforts were not outlrely fruit- Ctecbo Slovakia has a population of about thirteen million, and under President Maaareko la making rapid strides In all lines. The soil Is very productive, sugar being produced in abundance, also grain and plenty of fruit. Tho housing problem, how- gagement" will keep them from at tending, but the main bunoh of loyal, dependable boosters will be th£e ready to take whatever the ladles are prepared to hand them. The numbers whléh will bo given without any mysterious trliwhlngs, are as follows: Recitation, "It Isn't Your Town, It's You," by Mrs. Frank Sheeran. Address, "Civic Pride," by Mrs. E. J. Crum. Readings; “ A Toart to thé Com mercial Club," "Man's ..Tears," and '•Becoming a Dhddy." Mrs. Emma Bartleaon. The supper' win be served at 6:30 p. m . at 69 cents per plate Every one. whether members of the chib f or not, Is cordially invited to attend. This Is a community affair, sponsor ed by the Commercial club. It Is hoped that ovary man and woman In the community sMll be preeent. and, of course, this Invitation applies to-the country people Just the same return to Cxecho Slovakia, but will negotiate for the purchase of this do special work for the Salvation Wnd of timber, and the report is Arnyy In this country. Mrs. Back»- tbat there Is a strong demand and rich Is leaving todAy for Spokane to 8°°d prices offored by coast concerns visit some relaUvee. after which she. for redar poles. will return here for another brief Th» latest buyer to arrive is J. L. visit with her father before Joining j VanSlotte of Spokane, Wash., repre- her husband at Chicago. She la a »ontlng a big company. He has a list highly educated, refined lady and Is of *>> timber owners In this locality deeply sincere In her vocation of *»d 1* Investigating several ot the spreading the gospel. She Is a brll- b8St holdings, tin Monday, In com- Uanfconvorsatlonallst ktfd Intense!? wJtH Horace *TM«rnton. he Interesting when telling of the many starts! .o Inspect tho Webstbr hold- Incldenta she and her husband have Ibf* on the west side of the North experienced In the Salvation Army Fork-rl^ar. Just above the Coram work. bridge/ They will also look over thd ___ Poss holdings In that neighborhood and several ether tracts. ELK PARK The attention of cedar buyer« to _______- , this locality means much to Columbia Some of the farmers of this com- ral10 and ,h* TaJ1” - !or wh!1® tbl* munity are storting, to plow. Industry has been developing 'n a Mr and Mrs M Rurruu molorpd »mal1 W - 11 “ dads t*8 Companies to LaSalle Bundsv t0 mov® tbe Product In paying quan to LaSalle Sunday. m i«. It I. predicted that the pre- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saris and Mnt y« r ^ iee much activity in Mr. and Mrs. M. E. HIslop of Port- the cedar pole business in this part land,- Ore., were Sunday visitors with 0f u,e country. attending c.nuH.11 Asa Powell Is at work at Bowman lake getting out wood and c- Jjng ice for the Skyland Camp Co. - Mr. and Mrs. Beaton were visitors at Polebridge Thursday. Geo. Grubb and lien Maes were over to the Fletcher Stine ranch on Tuesday, where Mr. Grubb Is win-; 8T. MATTHEW'S CHURCH Fourth Sunday In Lent: Holy Communion and sermon. 11:00 a. m. We desire the presence of the Sun day school pupils at this service. All are cordially welcome and asked to take part. Litany and Bible study every Thursday at 7:46 p. n. LEE H. YOUNG. Pastor. EAST SIDE COUPLE MARRY Mlse Nellie . Heller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heller, well known eest side farmers, was mar ried to John Aadsen of Creeton on Mareh 12th. The ceremony was performed at Kallspell by Rev. Oeo. McVey Fisher, while the bride’s sister, Lena, and her brother, Fred, acted as bridesmaid and best man. Tho bride was bom and raised In this vicinity and has a host of friends, while the groom Is known as , an Industrious young farmer of. the Creeton locality. They planned to leave yesterday, Wednesday, for Ev erett, Wash., where they expect to The best wishes of all who know them goes with tbem for a happy and prosperous wedded life. neighbors would like to see him re elected for another term. Among others mention for the offleo from that section of town are Ira Ross, Maurice Charley and Jas. Evcrin. Nominating petitions for any of ,these candidates should be filed with in three days of election In order that their names may be printed upon the official ballots. RIFLE CLUB SCORES Following axe the Scores, made out of a possible 160, at the regular week shoot of the Columbia Falls Rifle club held last Thursday night: K. Sagen ............. 142 F. O. Greene .................................. 131 C. A. Robinson ..............................129 W. E. Arnett .................................. 125 Leon Lenon .................................... 124 M. J. Kelloher................................ 120 John Huggins 177 J- B. O g g .........................................116 Ed Neitsllng .................................. 112 Charles Harris ..............................104 11:00 a. m.— Elk Park. 7:16 p. m.— Epworth-League. 8:00 p. m.— Worship. Closing services of the revival. Sermon, "Now Unto Him That Worketh." r lumber from Bolton last week. Word has been received from Mr. Mr. Rind, who has the White and Mrs. Wm. Mooring, who have smeetead, moved Into tho place on been In California all winter, that UMd«r. I hey expect to start for Montana seUle' Tom Peterson returned to Tkwil about the 1st of Apr!!, ook Monday after making a trip to Fred Kelley has been carrying the, allspell, where he filed on a home- mail the past fow days. He handles I ead which Is located on Trail creek, it like a hero. I _______ --------------------------------- Word was received from Whltoflsh lhe bl«h 8Cb3«l l»*t night, in which llnnpr Flttt *lf1p la8t week announcing the death of el8ht «udents took part The win- uppci l« oi « hub And«lw> Nonjuay. He waa a young ner W*H *nter the county content at The B. B. B. club met with Mrs. w aterilng habits. The sym- Kallspell tomorrow, Friday, night, Ina Sullivan on last Thursday. The pathy of h|B oomnlunlty goes out t0 '-and the winner of that contest goes iywaa spent In sewing and plan- hig bereaved brothers, sisters and to 8pokane. Those who were to en- ng of work to de done later. An parenta ter tho contest last night are Ora J. Evensen, recently from Califor nia, was In this city on last Thurs day looking over the place with a view to establishing a bakery. He interviewed the different merchants to establish a bakery. He seemed favorably impressed with the open ing. and niay return in a few days. He stated 'that he was employed a few years ago in the Listle bakery in Kallspell. It Is the belief of many here that a bakery, conducted by some one thoroughly experienced In that bus iness, would bo a -paying Investment. The else of the town Itself, to say nothing of the numerous camps near by and the smaller towns along tbe line east, offer a splendid market for .bakery products. At one time, several yean ago, the town supported two bakeries, and the community Is now larger and offers a better market than in former years. It la firmly believed that a bakery 1 would do well and would be appre ciated by the public. Jordan, Edna Cleave. Doris Brown, Hi'"- there' will be 10 pennants James 8eegar, Dwight Grist and .a,rttr<l8<l to the school districts kill- Lyle Chapman. ; Ing the most gophers. The Bad ______________j Rook farmers will also give a boun- The Emil Christensen team ran ty prlie open to all boys and girls In away while In town Saturday evening B*d Rock district, so each child will and In rounding the southwest core receive something, besides haring a ner of the Carr-Elsethagen store chance at the' county prize, they ran up onto the sidewalk and The tall* must be taken to the of- one horse fell. In Its effort* to re- flclal counteia, who are Earl Hollls- galn Its feet It kicked a hole In one ter, Joe Bulla and Nathan Scott. 80, of the big show windows. 1boys and girls, come on with a thou- ------ ------------------- | sand or more, and help to clean up "8awdust," a dandy circus photo tho pests. Harold Lelghty and Ray- play, featuring Gladys Walton, at mood Michel were appointed to so- Theatorium Saturday and Sunday *licit and ask every land-owner and nextj 10 and 20 cents. j tenant to contribute at least fl.00. -------- ---------- I The question of the beet kinds of pol- XOTICK | son was discussed, and some eight or Electors or Precinct No. 21 should | ten farmers have ordered a small register at the Soldiers’ Home. J .! quantity of cyanide gas to try as an W. Johnson, deputy register. _ ¡experiment

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Salvation Army Worker Tells Of Czecho Slovakia

The political pot that started sim­mering about a week ago has been gaining steam steadily and at the present time Is boiling over with' the steam gauge registering 340. The Citizens ticket headed by Mayor Ray M: Van Slyke has a completeCtecho Slovakia, that little coun­

try in western Europe which was for so many years under German and Prussian rulo hut which was given Its Independence a* a result o f the recent world war, Is fast developing into a thrifty and prosperous gov­ernment, according to word brought here by Mrs. Louis Backovich. who .returned from there a short time agi and who has been visiting for the past week with her father. W. H Bushnall. o f tha Montana Soldiers

LIB tain LOUII- ---uoo a LUMiyiuieIn the World l*cket In the'fleld. An Independent e picture of Hbket with J. p. McLean of the One seen, the pic- Horse grocery as candidate for m&- snt Wilson is W *• *n the #eld. This ticket is -In tome o f .announced in an edition o f tha One

squares have Horse News that Is being distributed dent Wilson. In this McLean declares that•or the war ,f h® *• not elected he twill close the » that it was 008 Horse grocery and leave White- saved them fl8b not lat8r than June 20.

¡rla. Peed Kaidlng, who is announcedomdblles In on 01,8 tloket 88 tt «“ "dldate for al- .very many ,,8rman from the Th,ird ward, states

hauling arfo ihat b® b® a candidate, but not le men and on th‘B Independent ticket. Mr. artt. Some- Ka,dlnK '* »»present aldermen from win be seen tbo Tblr<1 ward. Indications are that m .n and a tb® c* mi*alkn »111 become very warm » women are btfor® APril when the sovereign omblnatlons Totor* wln 8° to tbe P°l'8 and settle with cobble- tb0 niatter.— Whlteftsh-Hlot

The political- pot In the coming annual municipal election, when Co­lumbia Palls 1s to elect a mayor and three aldermen. Is barely simmering at the present w iltin '- ^although there is. plenty of time for ̂It to get ‘het u p." The election date 1s Mon­

day, April 7th, and toting precincts wiU be established In the three wards

Mrs. Bachovlch and hor husba'nd were sent to that country by thè Sal­vation Army at tho request of its president, who was appointed ruler o f the little republic for life. Ttiese two people have put In two and a half years at different points In that country, dairying on the work of spreading the gospel o f christlinily.

but they absolutely refdse to tell theTnop folks what the big number Is to be. However, by a cgjtcln method o f manipulating mental gym­nastics. It has been determined that when a bunch, of ladles, working and planning together on a progTam, ac­tually keep it n real secret, then it must .be something out of tho ordin­ary and well worth going to see. A few of tbe men have shown signs of weakening and are hinting that per­haps “ business" or a "previous en-

City Dump Groundsthese who take a leading interest In “ 8

■ z t t S J t i s S Z SDH Hanging Firetlously, and U Is possible that he 3 3 " Wcould be Induced to "carry on" for -----------another term for the single reason A special meeting o f the town that he would like tr see the city own council was held Friday evening with its own water irsteni, and as the in- Mayor Kilduff and. all members pre- lllal steps toworil Ihe city securing i sent.euch a plan has teen started under i Chas. Stiles presented another pe- Lia administration, be Is Intensely In- j *itlon asking for a permit for hlm-

’ tereeted In seeing it brought to a j self and partner. John Morris, to successful conclusion. I erect an oil station and garage on the

Friends ofyltw-ph Imbolt, alder-; lots recently purchaaod by Mr. Morris «•an from th > First ward" and preel- J located Just south of the -Geo. Watt dent of the council, are mentioning residence and adjoining the tourist his name for m o r e . - . There are al- j park. The petition granted by the 8- flulto a number whe would like to! council a week previous called only eee A. N. 8mtlh in that Important I for the erection of a gasoline Ailing position. j station, ta t It . la now proposed to

In the First v ard It Is more than erect a garage also on the lots, and likely that K J Warcntettc will be | later on a residence. The permit named to succeed himself. He was! was granted by unanimous vote of appointed tr Hie fffe r last tall when j the council.'Chasi Stiles ler 'tred nnd moved to Bids for a elty dump site were the coast, and lias ueen faithful In opened by the clerk, as per advere

and although practically all their public meetings were carried on with the aid of Interpreters, they feel that their efforts were not outlrely fruit-

Ctecbo Slovakia has a population of about thirteen million, and under President Maaareko la making rapid strides In all lines. The soil Is very productive, sugar being produced in abundance, also grain and plenty of fruit. Tho housing problem, how-

gagement" will keep them from at­tending, but the main bunoh of loyal, dependable boosters will be th£e ready to take whatever the ladles are prepared to hand them.

The numbers whléh will bo given without any mysterious trliwhlngs, are as follows:

Recitation, "It Isn't Your Town, It's You," by Mrs. Frank Sheeran.

Address, "Civic Pride," by Mrs. E. J. Crum.

Readings; “ A Toart to thé Com­mercial Club," "Man's ..Tears," and '•Becoming a Dhddy." Mrs. Emma Bartleaon.

The supper' win be served at 6:30 p. m . at 69 cents per plate Every­one. whether members of the chib

for not, Is cordially invited to attend. This Is a community affair, sponsor­ed by the Commercial club. It Is hoped that ovary man and woman In the community sMll be preeent. and, of course, this Invitation applies to-the country people Just the same

return to Cxecho Slovakia, but will negotiate for the purchase of this do special work for the Salvation Wnd o f timber, and the report is Arnyy In this country. Mrs. Back»- tbat there Is a strong demand and rich Is leaving todAy for Spokane to 8°°d prices offored by coast concerns visit some relaUvee. after which she. for redar poles.will return here for another brief Th» latest buyer to arrive is J. L. visit with her father before Joining j VanSlotte of Spokane, Wash., repre- her husband at Chicago. She la a »ontlng a big company. He has a list highly educated, refined lady and Is of *>> timber owners In this locality deeply sincere In her vocation of *»d 1* Investigating several ot the spreading the gospel. She Is a brll- b8St holdings, tin Monday, In com- Uanfconvorsatlonallst ktfd Intense!? wJtH Horace *TM«rnton. heInteresting when telling of the many starts! .o Inspect tho Webstbr hold- Incldenta she and her husband have Ibf* on the west side o f the North experienced In the Salvation Army Fork-rl^ar. Just above the Coram work. bridge/ They will also look over thd

___ Poss holdings In that neighborhoodand several ether tracts.

ELK PARK The attention of cedar buyer« to_______- , this locality means much to Columbia

Some o f the farmers o f this com- ral10 and ,h* TaJ1” - !o r wh!1® tbl* munity are storting, to plow. Industry has been developing 'n a

Mr and Mrs M Rurruu molorpd »mal1 W - 11 “ dads t*8 Companies to LaSalle Bundsv t0 mov® tbe Product In paying quan­to LaSalle Sunday. m i « . It I. predicted that the pre-

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saris and Mnt y« r ^ iee much activity in Mr. and Mrs. M. E. HIslop of Port- the cedar pole business in this part land,- Ore., were Sunday visitors with 0f u,e country.

attending c.nuH.11

Asa Powell Is at work at Bowman lake getting out wood and c- Jjng ice for the Skyland Camp Co. ”- Mr. and Mrs. Beaton were visitors at Polebridge Thursday.

Geo. Grubb and lien Maes were over to the Fletcher Stine ranch on Tuesday, where Mr. Grubb Is win-;

8T. MATTHEW'S CHURCH Fourth Sunday In Lent: Holy

Communion and sermon. 11:00 a. m. We desire the presence of the Sun­day school pupils at this service. All are cordially welcome and asked to take part. Litany and Bible study every Thursday at 7:46 p. n .

LEE H. YOUNG. Pastor.

EAST SIDE COUPLE MARRY Mlse Nellie . Heller, daughter o f

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heller, well known eest side farmers, was mar­ried to John Aadsen o f Creeton on Mareh 12th. The ceremony was performed at Kallspell by Rev. Oeo. McVey Fisher, while the bride’s sister, Lena, and her brother, Fred, acted as bridesmaid and best man.

Tho bride was bom and raised In this vicinity and has a host of friends, while the groom Is known as

, an Industrious young farmer of. the Creeton locality. They planned to leave yesterday, Wednesday, for Ev­erett, Wash., where they expect to

The best wishes o f all who know them goes with tbem for a happy and prosperous wedded life.

neighbors would like to see him re­elected for another term. Among others mention for the offleo from that section o f town are Ira Ross, Maurice Charley and Jas. Evcrin.

Nominating petitions for any of , these candidates should be filed with­in three days o f election In order that their names may be printed upon the official ballots.

RIFLE CLUB SCORES Following axe the Scores, made

out of a possible 160, at the regular week shoot o f the Columbia Falls Rifle club held last Thursday night:K. Sagen ............. 142F. O. Greene .................................. 131C. A. Robinson ..............................129W. E. A rn e tt .................................. 125Leon Lenon .................................... 124M. J. K elloher................................120John Huggins 177J- B. O g g .........................................116Ed Neitsllng ..................................112Charles Harris ..............................104

11:00 a. m.— Elk Park.7:16 p. m.— Epworth-League. 8:00 p. m.— Worship. Closing

services of the revival. Sermon, "Now Unto Him That Worketh."

r lumber from Bolton last week. Word has been received from Mr.Mr. Rind, who has the White and Mrs. Wm. Mooring, who have

smeetead, moved Into tho place on been In California all winter, that UMd«r. I hey expect to start for Montana seUle'Tom Peterson returned to Tkwil about the 1st of Apr!!,

ook Monday after making a trip to Fred Kelley has been carrying the, allspell, where he filed on a home- mail the past fow days. He handles Iead which Is located on Trail creek, it like a hero. I _______

---------------------------------Word was received from Whltoflsh lhe bl« h 8Cb3« l l»*t night, in whichllnnpr Flttt *lf1p la8t week announcing the death of el8ht «udents took part The win-uppci l« oi «hub And«lw> Nonjuay. He waa a young ner W*H *nter the county content at

The B. B. B. club met with Mrs. w aterilng habits. The sym- Kallspell tomorrow, Friday, night,Ina Sullivan on last Thursday. The pathy of h|B oomnlunlty goes out t0 '-and the winner of that contest goes iy waa spent In sewing and plan- hig bereaved brothers, sisters and to 8pokane. Those who were to en-ng o f work to de done later. An parenta ter tho contest last night are Ora

J. Evensen, recently from Califor­nia, was In this city on last Thurs­day looking over the place with a view to establishing a bakery. He interviewed the different merchants

to establish a bakery. H e seemed favorably impressed with the open­ing. and niay return in a few days. He stated 'that he was employed a few years ago in the Listle bakery in Kallspell.

It Is the belief of many here that a bakery, conducted by some one thoroughly experienced In that bus­iness, would bo a -paying Investment. The else of the town Itself, to say nothing of the numerous camps near­by and the smaller towns along tbe line east, offer a splendid market for

.bakery products.At one time, several yean ago, the

town supported two bakeries, and the community Is now larger and offers a better market than in former years. It la firmly believed that a bakery 1 would do well and would be appre­ciated by the public.

Jordan, Edna Cleave. Doris Brown, Hi'"- there' will be 10 pennants James 8eegar, Dwight Grist and .a,rttr<l8<l to the school districts kill- Lyle Chapman. ; Ing the most gophers. The Bad

______________j Rook farmers will also give a boun-The Emil Christensen team ran ty prlie open to all boys and girls In

away while In town Saturday evening B*d Rock district, so each child will and In rounding the southwest core receive something, besides haring a ner of the Carr-Elsethagen store chance at the' county prize, they ran up onto the sidewalk and The tall* must be taken to the of- one horse fell. In Its effort* to re- flclal counteia, who are Earl Hollls- galn Its feet It kicked a hole In one ter, Joe Bulla and Nathan Scott. 80, of the big show windows. 1 boys and girls, come on with a thou-

------ ------------------- | sand or more, and help to clean up"8awdust," a dandy circus photo tho pests. Harold Lelghty and Ray-

play, featuring Gladys Walton, at mood Michel were appointed to so- Theatorium Saturday and Sunday * licit and ask every land-owner and nextj 10 and 20 cents. j tenant to contribute at least fl.00 .

-------- ---------- I The question o f the beet kinds of pol-XOTICK | son was discussed, and some eight or

Electors or Precinct No. 21 should | ten farmers have ordered a small register at the Soldiers’ Home. J . ! quantity of cyanide gas to try as an W. Johnson, deputy register. _ ¡experiment