monroe squadron - jul 2009

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  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    Monroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron inMonroe Squadron in

    TheTheTheTheTheTheTheThe VVVVVVVV lunteerlunteerlunteerlunteerlunteerlunteerlunteerlunteer

    Our Squadrons service to the community was oneof the featured articles in the May/July edition ofthe national magazine Volunteer. Squadron PAOCapt Jondro released a story to Wing and NationalPublic Affairs department about our aerial photog-

    raphy assistance to aid American Red Cross andthe Monroe Evening News. The pictures aided theRed Cross in evacuations of families along the Rai-sin River which rose to a 25 year high level. Thenewspaper used the pictures in multiple stories,

    one receiving front page exposure. All pictures used were credited to MI-063.

    A short time after National received the news article they contacted CaptJondro asking permission to assign a staff reporter. Volunteer reporter CaptSteve Soloman was assigned the story. He promptly interviewed Flight Re-lease Officer Col Woodruff, and the air crew consisting of Pilot Lt Carl

    Sweeney, Observer Lt Phil Howard, and Photographer Capt Jay Jondro fortheir personal thoughts and quotes on the mission. A final draft of the storywas presented to all parties for approval before appearing in print.

    The article included 3 aerial photos with the closing of M-50 at the bridge in Dundee as the center of attention. Na-tional highlighted our efforts to promote our capabilities.The article went into detail on how we used a similar pre-vious mission to promote CAP to area emergency servicegroups. The headline of the story cut right to this point -Who do the Local Red Cross and Newspaper Call -When they need Aerial Photos of Flooding.

    They referenced this point one more time in the closingparagraph writing that Col Woodruff continued with callsto the Monroe Emergency Management Division and theMonroe County Sheriffs to see if they could use our helpin evacuations. A very proud moment forTHETHE MonroeMonroe

    Composite Squadron !Composite Squadron !

    Even MoreEven More of theof the Monroe Squadron in CAP NationalMonroe Squadron in CAP National

    News.. On Page Two, SeeNews.. On Page Two, See On Line NewsOn Line News


    Pg2) Squadron News

    Pg 3) Squadron News

    Pg 4) Commanders No

    Pg 5) Cadets Page

    Pg 6) Squadron Promoti

    Pg 7) MI-063 Fund Rais

    Pg 8) Calendars

    Pg 9) Picture Page

    Denotes SquadronArticles

    Edition # 3

    1 July 2009





    In This Issu

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    Monroe Squadron in Memorial Day Parade

    For the second consecutive year our squadron participated the Monroe County Memorial Day Pa-rade and Tribute service. Members of the Monroe Post VFW annually organize this event and workhard to ensure all military entities are represented. Each group marches in the parade by branch ofservice or war period served in. The parade begins at Jones Ave moving north and ends on theMonroe St. Bridge. After the parade all veterans and guests assemble on the Monroe Street bridgefor a memorial service honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

    All our members that participated agreed, the applause, cheers, and especially the shouts

    Thank You for Your Service from those lining the streets is truly touching.

    Our Squadron received national attention on the CAP web site for our services at the

    Lieutenant Colonel Matt Urban Memorial ceremony.

    After this years Wreaths Across America ceremony our squadron was contacted by a repre-sentative of the Matt Urban American Legion Post # 40. The Post was asking the assistance of all

    Military groups to give a hand in the memorials dedication. 1Lt Thoma our squadron historian vol-unteered to be our representative. He attended monthly meetings and became the liaison be-tween the two groups. Later the squadron offered the services of PAO Capt Jondro to assist inthe dedication day planning. The end result of all CAP assistance was the selection of the squad-ron color guard being utilized in the opening ceremony. It was a proud moment for all CAP mem-bers in attendance when C/Lt Col Spenser Stevenson, C/2Lt Ryan Graczyk, and C/2Lt CamilleWalters posted the colors. Also serving in a combined unit flag presentation were C/A1C George

    Bellman, and C/SMStg Joshua Bolla. All other members of our squadron formed a combined ca-det/senior flight and marched into the memorial site along with other military groups present.

    Monroe Squadron inCAP On Line National News

    Page 2EDITION # 3

    Our squadron was recently nominated and confirmed as a finalist for the prestigious annualRotary Club Service Above Self Award. There are four categories open for this recognition,

    MI-063 was nominated under a not-for-profit entity that has gone beyond its own missionstatement in fulfilling community needs.

    Lt Col Woodruff represented our Squadron at the presentation ceremony that was held at theAmbassador Hall. Although we did not land the grand prize award it goes with saying it is anhonor to our entire squadron to be recognized by our community.

    President Steven Pipis wrote this statement Once again we sincerely congratulate MonroeComposite Squadron for being acknowledged by your peers as a community leader inspiring oth-ers. By selflessly going beyond your mission statement in fulfilling community needs, you trulyembrace the spirit ofService Above Self .

    Monroe Squadron HonoredMonroe Squadron Honored

    byby Rotary Club of MonroeRotary Club of Monroe

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    Monroe Squadron Serves

    Wing as Exercise Planners

    After years of meetings and discussions with representatives of the Monroe County Sheriffs De-partment about utilizing CAP we finally got a call for assistance. Unfortunately it was a very sadevent that led to our working together, the search for a missing six year old girl named Navaeh Bu-chanan.

    At 01:20 Memorial Day Capt Jondro received a call from the MCSD to ask if we could assist in thesearch for Nevaeh missing from her apartment complex since 18:00. Capt Jondro put out a call on

    our Call-Em-All contact network and within 10 minutes had received 7 contacts. It was decided tocall in only the local members, and self report until the full scope of need was determined. At 02:00a Flight of members reported to a local apartment complex and were briefed and tasked to search 2local schools, a portion of the Mason Run drainage trench, and a collection of medical clinics in thearea. The search team consisted of Capt Jondro, Lts Roberty and Thoma, and C/Lt Col Stevenson.

    After more than 4 hours of searching the group returned to the command center reporting no find.They were told to stand down until further notice. At 08:30 the next morning with a change in policeshift the search continued utilizing area firefighters, by noon the FBI took over command and theuse of volunteer searchers was cancelled. We all know the final results of this case as it drew na-tional attention. Our willingness to assist in the search did produce a very positive response from theMCSD and the State Police.

    Page 3EDITION # 3

    Monroe Squadron Assist inSearch for Nevaeh Buchanan

    Once again the Michigan Wing Emergency Services Department requested help and yet againMI-063 responded with another training mission plan. The Mission was held at the Ann Arbor Air-

    port and was labeled as a GTE Mission (Guided Training Exercise). During the event officers fromthe US Air Force visited each department offering advice and suggestions to help prepare every-one for next years Evaluated Mission.

    The squadrons core group of 4 exercise planners developed the basic plan for the weekendevent but this time were aided by all members of the squadron. Open discussions on the missionplan took place during multiple Thursday night meetings, one example is Lt Jerry Coolman addedhis expertise on railways and chemicals. The mission did have missing aircraft, persons, aerialphotos and recon but, it did not include the usual weather disaster format. This mission plan in-cluded a set of tiered events that made the disaster grow more serious with each incident. Itstarted with a freight train derailment, the train included 14 tankers filled with petroleum cleaningproducts, the tankers derailed on a trestle bridge and ignited, flying debris landed in a nearbychemical plant rupturing a pipe manifold releasing anhydrous ammonia, an entire city is evacu-ated, major roads are closed, non burning petroleum products begin to flow into the river, etc. etc.The plan grabbed everyone's attention and applauds in the debriefing period after the mission.Captain Jondro made sure everyone knew the mission was the creation by the entire MonroeSquadron.

    Wing Emergency Services Officer Captain Gus Gettas and Regional Emergency Services OfficerLt Col Carol Heeringa have requested a permanent commitment from our core group of exerciseplanners for future missions. There is a definite need for this type of track training. An investigationof other how other Wings handle this commitment is in progress.

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    From The Squadron CommanderFrom The Squadron CommanderFrom The Squadron Commander

    Lt Col Mark WoodruffLt Col Mark WoodruffLt Col Mark Woodruff

    Page 4EDITION # 3

    Monroe Squadron Joins Group

    In Welcoming New 705 Commander

    A change of command ceremony was held at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport to welcome newGroup Commander Lt Col Leo Burke.

    Retiring Group Commander Major John Betrus was presented a thank you plaque with all the

    squadron patches of Group 705. Major Betrus did a fantastic job of assembling a Group CommandStaff second to none with the most talented personnel from throughout the squadrons. It is unfortu-nate that he was forced to resign due to health related reasons. We will miss his leadership abilities!

    Every squadron member in 705 was invited to the command ceremony and the introduction meet-ing that followed. During the meeting Lt Col Burke shared with everyone his extensive background,training, and achievements in CAP. He also shared his vision of Group 705 in the future. He metwith the seniors and cadets separately to discuss topics specific to their training.

    We all welcome Lt Col Burke as our new Group Commander and feel assured with his backgroundGroup 705 will continue to improve and grow.

    Did you realize that this issue of the newsletter is later than normal? It seems like I really dont comprehend what we have accomplished until we start to make a summary for something like this newsleter. Looking back on the past events it makes me realize that we have had a very busy quarter. HoBusy? Look where my commanders article is in this issue. Even I got bumped back!

    One event that I would like to comment about in particular is the recent Guided Training Exercisewould like to thank everyone that assisted with the scenarios for their support and dedication. The scnarios written for the exercise were a squadron team effort and what an team it is. From a graduatioparty on Thursday night to a medical supply mission on Sunday the exercise was not only real but atually fun.

    It was difficult at times to keep from letting the little secrets out while I was running Air Operations fthe mission. Knowing what was coming next, it was entertaining to watch one of the Exercise Plannecome out of their room, smile at the events taking place in the Operations room and disappear bainto their room. You could almost hear the gears turning as they left the room. To everyone that helpein any manner, thank you for a job VERY well done.

    Congratulations to those who have advanced and promoted. I am proud to be a member of suchgreat squadron.

    On another note, as I started this newsletter I referred to it as this newsletter. I think it is about timwe came up with a name. Any suggestions?

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    Capt Nathan Harmon NewCapt Nathan Harmon NewCapt Nathan Harmon New

    Deputy Commander of CadetsDeputy Commander of CadetsDeputy Commander of Cadets

    Cadet Commander, Lt Col Spenser Stevenson re-ceived his General Ira C. Eaker Award. The awardwas presented by Squadron Commander Lt ColMark Woodruff at squadron headquarters.

    The Gen Eaker award is achieved by only 2% of

    the cadets who participate in the CAP Cadet pro-gram nationwide. The Eaker is earned after complet-ing all 16 achievements and all four phases of thecadet program. This prestigious award is named tohonor the late Army Air Corp General Eaker whoplanned strategic bombing missions in WWII.

    C/Lt Col Stevenson has been a member since2004 and is currently serving his second stint as Ca-det Commander.

    Cadet Stevenson has also been accepted in theBlue Beret training program in late July and August.

    After a hectic summer filled with training he intendsto complete the final step of the Cadet program andearn his General Carl Spatz Award.

    His future plans are either the US Air Force or theUS Border Patrol.

    The Cadets PageThe Cadets Page

    Lt Col Spenser StevensonLt Col Spenser StevensonLt Col Spenser Stevenson

    Receives Eaker AwardReceives Eaker AwardReceives Eaker Award

    Page 5EDITION # 3

    Cadets at Wright Patterson AFAfter Action Report C/SSgt Cody McGehe

    C/2Lt Ryan Graczyk

    Receives Mitchell Award

    Seven Cadets and four seniors of the MonComposite Squadron made a trip recentlyWright Patterson AFB. The objective was totend the Air Museum and learn more on aspace and its history.

    The trip to Dayton Ohio via our squadron began at 05:30 from the squadron hanger. Asmorning sun came up all members presstarted excited for the eventful day ahead.

    We arrived at the museum at 09:00 and staon our tour immediately. Most cadets took tures of themselves by the historic aircraft to thome for the family to see.

    The flight stopped the tour for lunch at 12:00and discussed plans for the remainder of the dCompleting our museum time we went to Presidential Hanger where a few historic Force Ones are displayed. We visited the BX the long trip home began. Everyone enjoyed

    trip and hopes to return someday.

    Our squadron sadly accepted the resignation of theDeputy Commander of Cadets, Capt Jeff Walters dueto work related reasons. All wish to thank him for hisservice to the Cadet and Aerospace Programs in ourSquadron and in Group 705.

    We also welcome the commitment of Capt NathanHarmon as the new Deputy Commander of Cadets. Itgoes without saying that Capt Harmons backgroundas a cadet in the CAP program will be a major assetto our squadrons cadets.

    Past Cadet Commander Ryan Graczyk wpresented his General Billy Mitchell Award the squadron headquarters by Squadron Commander Lt Col Mark Woodruff.

    Cadet Lt Graczyk joined the squadron

    2005. His adult achievements in the CAEmergency Services program include FligLine Marshalling, Communications, and Msion Radio Operator.

    C/2Lt Graczyk is currently attending Concodia College in Ann Arbor his future plans ato join the US Air Force as a Chaplain.

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    A...tenn- shun .

    Front & Center

    Cadet PromotionsGeorge Bellman Cadet Senior Airman

    Joshua Bolla Cadet Chief Master Sergeant

    Page 6EDITION # 3

    Unit Personnel 2009Unit Personnel 2009Command

    Commander CC Lt Col Mark Woo

    Deputy Com. Seniors CDS Capt Jay Jondro

    Deputy Com. Cadets CDC Capt Nathan Har

    Administration 1Lt Mike Kraus

    Historian HI 1Lt Doug Thoma

    Safety SE 1Lt Greg Lane

    Aerospace Education ET Capt John Dauer

    Cadet Programs

    Cadet Development CPP Capt Nathan Har

    Cadet Leadership CPL Capt NatHarmon

    Cadet Activities CPS

    Communications DOK 1Lt George Low

    Finance FM Capt Nathan Har


    Supply LGS 1Lt Nicholas Rob

    Logistics LG 1 Lt Philip Howa

    Management Information

    Management Information MIS Capt Nathan Har

    Web Master WMM Capt Nathan Har

    WMU Coordinator WMUC Lt Col Mark Woo

    Public Affairs PA Capt Jay Jondro


    Operation DO 1Lt Greg Lane

    Emergency Services DOS Capt. John Daue

    Search and Rescue DOSS 1Lt Carl Sweene

    Alerting DOSA Lt Col. Mark Woo

    Flight Release DOOR Lt Col Mark Woo

    Aircraft Maintenance LGMA 1Lt Carl Sweene

    SAR/DR Mission Pilot DOVS 1Lt Carl Sweene

    Professional Development

    Programs ETS 1Lt Greg Lane

    Test Control ETST 1Lt Nick Roberty

    Senior Promotions :

    Nathan Harmon Captain

    Mike Kraus 1 Lieutenant

    Brian Malley

    Recent new member accomplishments this quarter:

    SET- 29 April Level 1 - 30 April

    GES - 29 April IS - 100 - 30 April

    IS - 200 - 4 May IS - 700 - 2 May

    OPSEC - 25 April Basic Safety - 24 April

    AGH - 2 May AEPSM - (Yeager) 15 May

    ECI - 00013 - 2 July

    John Woody

    Recent new member accomplishments this quarter :

    Level 1 - 9 April Form - 5 - 9 June

    CAP Instructor Pilot - 9 June

    Cadet Orientation Pilot - AFROTC 9 June

    Cadet Orientation Pilot - Airplane - 9 June

    GES - 15 April IS 100 - 7 May

    IS- 700 - 1 July OPSEC - 4 April

    AGH - 13 April


    Lt Col Woodruff

    upon attaining the classification

    Archer Track Operator

    Congratulations 1Lt Carl SweeneyLt Sweeney was nominated for the Rotary

    Service Above Self Award.

    President Steve Pipis wrote this statement We recognize Mr. Sweeney as a community

    leader who has selflessly given his time, tal-ent and resources.

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    We all get tired of the never ending safetycheck offs we go through, right. You know likechecking over our van before leaving on a mis-sion. Well, while preparing for a trip to the WingConference, a safety inspection was conductedon the squadron van. What was originally dis-missed as a water spot on the floor turned out tobe brake fluid. The brake line had rustedthrough. Maybe checks are a good thing...

    Page 7EDITION # 3

    Big Boy Restaurant and the Special Server Program:

    After Action Report C/2lt Camille WaltersOur cadet corps aided by seniors worked the Special Server program sponsored by Big BoyRestaurants. The money raised would be utilized for cadet travel and encampment expenses.State Democratic Representative Kate Elby assisted CAP by greeting guest at the door and ex-plaining the fund raising event that was in progress.

    Col Woodruff, Capt Walters, and Lts Roberty and Thoma worked various jobs throughout theevening. The cadets would assist the waiter staff in taking orders and serving meals.

    The entire Big Boy staff was impressed with our dedication, and effort, and said we were thebest of any group they have had so far.

    Thank you also to all the friends and families of cadets that supported us by attending the Big

    Boy for dinner and donating to our cause.

    Grosse Ile Go-Kart Races:

    After Action Report Lt Col Mark Woodruff

    For two exciting days, Lt Col Woodruff, Captain Walters, Lt Coolman, Lt Howard, Lt Roberty,SM Russeau, C/Lt Col Stevenson, and C/2Lt Walters braved the burning sun to be showeredwith rubber dust and rolling go-Karts. The Michigan Kart Club asked the squadron to help at theGrosse Ile Grand Prix. Our duties included parking, crowd control, traffic control, kart weighing,registration, and rescuing go-karts from the rubber barriers. The people were great, the food wasgood and the races were fun to watch. Hopefully they will call us back for next year.

    Why Safety Checks ? Do You = I C E ?

    Just as a reminder :

    Emergency Responders are taught to checkcell phones in a serious injury accidents for

    the acronym ICE.

    ICE = In Case of Emergency

    Post ICE in front of your desired contactperson you would like contacted if you are

    in an accident.

    Monroe Squadron Works Fund Raising Events

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    July 2009

    July 4 Independence Day

    July 4 Freedom Air Fest Robin Hood Airport

    July 9-13 NCC th

    July 11 Mich. HQs Staff Mtng. Capital City Airport Lt Col Pam Saile

    July 12-18 GLR Grissom AFB Lt Col Dick Neuwirth

    July 17 SAR Academy Capt Gus Gettas

    July 19-25 GLR Mich. Summer Encamp.

    Aug 2009

    Aug 9 Fly-In South Haven Festival South Haven Airport

    Aug 15 Operation Wolverine Lt Col Rajesh


    Aug 16 Oakland County Airport Open House Oakland County Airport

    Aug 21 SAR/DR Upper Peninsula Lt Col Don Poe

    Sept 2009

    Wing Schedule July/Sept.2009Wing Schedule July/Sept.2009

    Page 8EDITION # 3

    First Meeting of every the Month is a Section Head Report:.First Meeting of every the Month is a Section Head Report:.

    Make sure you have your business done and in order.Make sure you have your business done and in order.

    Monroe Squadron Senior Training Date 25th JulyMonroe Squadron Senior Training Date 25th July

    ** Newport VFW Support a Soldier July 11th, 12 noonNewport VFW Support a Soldier July 11th, 12 noon

    **Dont forget the upcoming Monroe County Fair Parade !Dont forget the upcoming Monroe County Fair Parade !

    *Next Quarter Includes After Action Dinner*Next Quarter Includes After Action Dinner

    * Monroe County Jazz Fest Parking at K of C* Monroe County Jazz Fest Parking at K of C

  • 7/31/2019 Monroe Squadron - Jul 2009


    Picture Page

    Life as a Exercise Planner

    Is a beautiful thing.



    Congrats CLt Col Stevenson Congrats Capt Harmon






    Wright Patterson


    Is That Sweeney

    Back There ?

    How could theyhave left this out

    of the Volunteer ?