mongo db php_shaken_not_stirred_joomlafrappe

PHP & MongoDB Shaken, not stirred Spyros Passas / @spassas Friday, April 12, 13

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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My presentation on MongoDB at the 2nd Joomlafrappe in Athens. A short introduction to NoSQL, MongoDB Replica Sets, sharding and the PHP driver


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PHP & MongoDB Shaken, not stirred

Spyros Passas / @spassas

Friday, April 12, 13

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NoSQL | Everybody is talking about it!

Friday, April 12, 13

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NoSQL | What

• NoSQL ≠ SQL is dead

• Not an opposite, but an alternative/complement to SQL (Not Only SQL)

• Came as a need for large volumes of data and high transaction rates

• Are generally based on key/value store

• Are very happy with denormalized data since they have no joins

Friday, April 12, 13

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NoSQL | Why

• Flexible Data Model, so no prototyping is needed

• Scaling out instead of Scaling up

• Performance is signi"cantly higher

• Cheaper licenses (or free)

• Runs on commodity hardware

• Caching layer already there

• Data variety

Friday, April 12, 13

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NoSQL | Why not

• well, it’s not all ACID...

• Less mature than the relational systems (so the ecosystem of tools/addons is still small)

• BI & Reporting is limited

• Coarse grained Security settings

Friday, April 12, 13

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NoSQL | Which

• Key/Value stores

• Document Databases

• And more...

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Documents & Collections

• Document is the equivalent of an SQL table row and is a set of key/value pairs

• Collection is the equivalent of an SQL table and is a set of documents not necessarily of the same type

• Database is the equivalent of a... database

{“name” : “Spyros Passas”,“company” : “Neybox”}

{“name” : “Spyros Passas”,“company” : “Neybox”}

{“Event” : “JoomlaFrappe”,“location” : “Athens”}

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | What can a value be?

• Keys are always strings (without . and $)

• Value can be

• String

• Number

• Date

• Array

• Document

{“name” : “Spyros Passas”}

{“age” : 30}

{“birthday” : Date(“1982-12-12”}

{“interests” : [“Programming”, “NoSQL”]}

{“address” : {“street” : “123 Pireus st.”,“city” : “Athens”,“zip_code” : 17121}


Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Example of a document{

“_id” : ObjectId(“47cc67093475061e3d95369d”),“name” : “Spyros Passas”,“birthday” : Date(“1982-12-12”),“age” : 30,“interests” : [“Programming”, “NoSQL”],“address” : {

“street” : “123 Pireus st.”,“city” : “Athens”,“zip_code” : 17121


“_id” : ObjectId(“47cc67093475061e3d95369d”)

ObjectId is a special type

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Indexes

• Any "eld can be indexed

• Indexes are ordered

• Indexes can be unique

• Compound indexes are possible (and in fact very useful)

• Can be created or dropped at anytime

• Indexes have a large size and an insertion overhead

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Data Relations

• MongoDB has no joins (but you can fake them in the application level)

• MongoDB supports nested data (and it’s a pretty good idea actually!)

• Collections are not necessary, but greatly help data organization and performance

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Going from relational to NoSQL

• Rethink your data and select a proper database

• Rethink the relationships between your data

• Rethink your query access patterns to create efficient indexes

• Get to know your NoSQL database (and its limitations)

• Move logic from data to application layer (but be careful)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Deployment

Mongo Server

Data Layer

Application Layer

App Server + mongos

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Deployment

Mongo Server

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica Set

Primary (Master)

Secondary (Slave)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica Set

Primary (Master)

Secondary (Slave)Secondary (Slave) Secondary (Slave)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica Set when things go wrong

Primary (Master)

Secondary (Slave)Secondary (Slave) Secondary (Slave)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica Set when things go wrong

Primary (Master)

Secondary (Slave) Secondary (Slave)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica Set when things go wrong

Primary (Master)

Secondary (Slave) Secondary (Slave)Secondary (Slave)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Replica set tips

• Physical machines should be in independent availability zones

• Selecting to read from slaves signi"cantly increases performance (but you have to be cautious)

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Sharding


Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Sharding

A...J K....P Q....Z

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Sharding with replica sets

A...J K....P Q....ZReplica SetReplica SetReplica Set

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Sharding with replica sets

A...J K....P Q....Z

Con!g Servers

Replica SetReplica SetReplica Set

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | Things to consider when sharding

• Picking the right sharding key is of paramount importance!

• Rule of thumb: “the shard key must distribute reads and writes and keep the data you’re using together”

• Key must be of high cardinality

• Key must not be monotonically ascending to in"nity

• Key must not be random

• A good idea is a coarsely ascending "eld + a "eld you query a lot

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | The driver

• Serializes objects to BSON

• Uses exceptions to handle errors

• Core classes

• MongoClient: Creates and manages DB connections

• MongoDB: Interact with a database

• MongoCollection: Represents and manages a collection

• MongoCursor: Used to iterate through query results

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoClient

<?php// Gets the client$mongo = new MongoClient(“mongodb://localhost:27017”);

// Sets the read preferences (Primary only or primary & secondary)$mongo->setReadPreference(MongoClient::RP_SECONDARY);

// If in replica set, returns hosts status$hosts_array = mongo->getHosts();

// Returns an array with the database names$db_array = $mongo->listDBs();

// Returns a MongoDB object$database = $mongo->selectDB(“myblog”); ?>

Creates a connection and sets read preferencesProvide info about hosts status and healthLists, selects or drops databases

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoDB

<?php// Create a collection$database->createCollection(“blogposts”);

// Select a collection$blogCollection = $database->selectCollection(“blogposts”);

// Drop a collection$database->dropCollection(“blogposts”)?>

Handles Collections

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoCollection | Insert

<?php// Fire and forget insertion$properties = array(“author”=>”spassas”, “title”=>”Hello World”);$collection->insert($properties);?>


<?php// Safe insertion$properties = array(“author”=>”spassas”, “title”=>”Hello World”);$collection->insert($properties, array(“safe”=>true));?>

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoCollection | Update

<?php// Update$c->insert(array("firstname" => "Spyros", "lastname" => "Passas" ));$newdata = array('$set' => array("address" => "123 Pireos st"));$c->update(array("firstname" => "Spyros"), $newdata);

// Upsert$c->update(    array("uri" => "/summer_pics"),    array('$inc' => array("page_hits" => 1)),    array("upsert" => true));?>

Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoCollection | Delete

<?php// Delete parameters$keyValue = array(“name” => “Spyros”);

// Safe remove$collection->remove($keyValue, array('safe' => true));

// Fire and forget remove$collection->remove($keyValue);


Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | MongoCollection | Query

<?php// Get the collection$posts = $mongo->selectDB(“blog”)->selectCollection(“posts”);

// Find one$post = $posts->findOne(array('author' => 'john'), array('title'));

// Find many$allPosts = $posts->find(array('author' => 'john'));

// Find using operators$commentedPosts = $posts->find(array(‘comment_count’ => array(‘$gt’=>1)));

// Find in arrays$tags = array(‘technology’, ‘nosql’);

// Find any$postsWithAnyTag = $posts->find(array('tags' => array('$in' => $tags)));

// Find all$postsWithAllTags = $posts->find(array('tags' => array('$all' => $tags)));


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MongoDB | PHP | MongoCursor


// Iterate through results$results = $collection->find();foreach ($results as $result) {    // Do something here}

// Sort$posts = $posts->sort(array('created_at'=> -1));

// Skip a number of results$posts = $posts->skip(5);

// Limit the number of results$posts = $posts->limit(10);

// Chaining$posts->sort(array('created_at'=> -1))->skip(5)->limit(10);


Friday, April 12, 13

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MongoDB | PHP | Query monitoring & Optimization

explain()Gives data about index performance for a speci"c query


"n" : <num>, /* Number documents that match the query */

"nscannedObjects" : <num>, /* total number of documents scanned during the query */

"nscanned" : <num>, /* total number of documents and index entries */

"millis" : <num>, /* time to complete the query in milliseconds */

“millisShardTotal” : <num> /* total time to complete the query on shards */

“millisShardAvg” : <num> /* average time to complete the query on each shard */


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Thank you!{ “status” : “over and out”,

“mood” : “:)”,

“coming_up” : “Q & A”

“contact_details”: {

“email” : “[email protected]”,




Friday, April 12, 13