monad as things to do

Monad as "Things to Do" Yuji Yamamoto 2015-05-24

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Page 1: Monad as things to do

Monad as "Things to Do"

Yuji Yamamoto


Page 2: Monad as things to do

Nice to meet you!

Yuji Yamamoto(@igrep) age 26.

Remember this avator:

Page 3: Monad as things to do

Nice to meet you!

Yuji Yamamoto(@igrep) age 26.

Japanese Ruby engineer working at Sansan, Inc.

Hobby Haskeller.

Holding workshop of Haskell (Japanese) per month.

Page 4: Monad as things to do

I'm gonna talk about...

Describe Monad in Haskell from a my point of view.


class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- snip. --

I don't know much about Monad in category theory.

Disclaimer: it'd sound too natural for people who already know


Page 5: Monad as things to do

In short,

I got fairy sure of Monad in Haskell by interpreting it as

"things to do every time a function returns a value."

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Monad is a type class

Like this (reprinted) ↓

class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- snip. --

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Recall what a type class is:

something like...

Interface in Java and C# etc.

Module providing mix-in in Ruby.

=> Provides a way to put types with same behavior


Page 8: Monad as things to do

Why type class is useful

When creating a type, get various functions available for the

type class

only by defining the required methods.

The only thing to do is to write all the computation unique to

the new type in the required (undefined) methods!

Page 9: Monad as things to do

Then, how about Monad?

By defining only return and >>= method,

do notation available!

And more!

Write only computation unique to a new Monad (its instance)

in the required (and undefined) method!

Page 10: Monad as things to do

Let's see >>= method!

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Like the other type classes, Monad abstracts types

by defining the unique computation in the required >>=


Page 11: Monad as things to do

Let's see >>= method!

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

For example...

In Maybe, >>= checks Just a or Nothing

before passing a of m a to (a -> m b).

In Reader, >>= supplies the missing argument to the reader


before passing a of m a to (a -> m b).

In Parser, >>= consumes the given string

before passing a of m a to (a -> m b).

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Let's see >>= method!

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

In both types,

>>= has some required computation

to pass a of m a to (a -> m b).

In addition,

>>= is implemented so that

the required computation can be repeated by passing m b of

(a -> m b) to another function.

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In other words,

Monad's >>= has all things to do

in the part of passing a of m a to (a -> m b)

Monad assigns >>= things to do

to pass a value (not wrapped by a Monad) to a (a -> m b)


each time the source (a -> m b) function returns a value.

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That is!

Monad is useful

when you have many functions of type (a -> m b) with things

to do.

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For example!!

For functions that force you to check if successful each time


=> Maybe Monad

For functions that force you to append the result log each

time executing.

=> Writer Monad

For functions that force you to make a side effect (e.g. I/O)

each time executing.

=> IO Monad

Page 16: Monad as things to do

Then, what's the merit of this idea?

I've seen many metaphors describing Monads (in Japanese),

But all of them are too abstract to grasp.

Page 17: Monad as things to do

Then, what's the merit of this idea?

By contrast, "things to do each time a function returns a

value" makes

it easier to imagine at least for us programmers (probably).

it possilbe to describe Monad based only on its property as a

type class.

them find Monad's merit more naturally.

Especially for those who are careful about DRYness

by telling "Monad packs things to do every time into one method".

it unnecessay to classify Monads into smaller kinds.

e.g. "failure monads", "stateful monads" etc.

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Monad in Haskell is a type class.

Type classes abstract types with same behavior.

Monad abstracts "things to do each time a function returns a


Thus, I've appended a new page of the history of the

numerous Monad tutorials...