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‘Straight Talk’ Mom Blog Event San Francisco, California August 22, 2009

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Invisalign Teen Presentation for the 'Straight Talk' Mom Blogger Event in San Francisco on August 22, 2009


  • 1. August 22, 2009 Straight Talk Mom Blog EventSan Francisco, California

2. Sheila Tan Vice President and Chief Marketing OfficerAlign Technology, Inc. 3. The Power of the Smile:What Kids Really Had to Say The two biggest things teens would change about their teeth is make them straighter and whiter When asked why having straight teeth is important, teens say confidence and looking better are the main benefits Personal image can be portrayed through your teeth A prettier smile equals a prettier person. One of the first things many people notice is your smile. When you show a clean, beautiful, straight smile you look like a more inviting person. Straight teeth instills more self confidence because you can smile without worrying about crookedness. Im a confident individual, but it would be nice if I didnt have to summon confidence to smile. * Source: Align Focus Groups in St. Louis, MO & Concord, CA on Sept. 11 & 16, 2008 4. The Importance of a Teen Smile All teens consider having healthy teeth, straight teeth and a good smile important, with girls more likely than boys to consider it VERY important. TeensA good smile98% Very Important Girls Boys (NET) (NET)Straight teeth 97% A good smile 66%86% Straight teeth 65%81% Healthy teeth72%85% White teeth60%80% Healthy teeth 96% / Significantly higher/lower than Boys (net) at 95% confidence / Significantly higher/lower than Boys 13-15/Girls 13-15 at 95% confidence Teens considering treatment Total: 797; Boys (361); Girls (436)White teeth 96% Q4 How important are each of the following to you? Please rate each statement where 5 means Very important and 1 means Not at all important. Invisalign Teen study conducted by Hall & Partners, April 9-25, 2008 5. Teens have rational AND emotional reasons for seeking treatment; Parents often underestimate the emotional impact. OmniParentsTeensUneven teeth (NET) I want my/their teeth to be straighter I feel my/their teeth are misaligned (gaps, crooked or misaligned)I/They have gaps in my/their teethBetter smile (NET)I want my/their smile to be betterI want (them) to be able to smile freelyOutside influence (NET)My dentist told me I shouldMy parents are making me n/aAll my/their friends are doing itQ9/QS5 Which of the following made Emotional reasons (NET)you think about getting teethstraightening treatment ? I/They feel embarrassed about my/their smile/Significantly higher/lower than parents at 95% confidenceI/They have been teased in the past about my/their Total considerers - misaligned teethParents (375), Teens (1,102)Invisalign Teen study conducted by Hall & Partners, April 9-25, 2008 6. Behind the Teen SmileA new nationwide survey of 12-to-17 year-olds reveals: Over half of teens (54%) believe metal braces would make them more self conscious One in two teens (50%) would smile less Survey conducted by Kelton Research of 510 U.S. respondents aged 12-17 with a 95% confidence level of +/- 4.3 percentage points 7. For Teens Braces SUCK! While they realize that braces will ultimately give themstraighter teeth and a prettier smile, the process isawkward, painful and embarrassing, prolonging feelingsof self consciousness. Theyre not afraid to voice their complaints, which run thegamuteating hurts after theyre tightened, they lookbad in photos, food like popcorn, twizzlers, and chewinggum gets stuck in the brackets, the brackets cut mylips, the rubber bands are weird, the clear bracketsturn yellow, and its not good on dates, I look stupid. Source: Got my braces today and got alist of things I can and cant eat. 8. Introducing Invisalign Teen 9. Developed with Orthodontists for Teens Compliance Indicator Eruption Tabs Power Ridge Technology 6 Free Individual Arch Accommodates Replacement Aligners Natural Eruption 10. Braces Go Digital Proprietary 3D computer imaging technology maps the patients complete treatment from start to finish Orthos take impressions of teens' mouth and calculate the projected end result which teens and their parents can see on a computer screen Clear aligners are custom fit based on these images. 11. Treatment is Simple Teens wear each aligner for approximately two weeks During this time, the aligners gradually move their teeth until they achieve the prescribed final position Patients typically visit their doctor once every six weeks to ensure that treatment is progressing as planned, and to receive their next few sets of aligners Replacement aligners provided if lost The length of treatment depends on the severity of each case and can only be determined by the treating doctor; however, the average Invisalign Teen case takes about a year.**Data based on anticipated treatment plans (i.e. # of aligners present at ClinCheck acceptance). Data on file at Align Technology, Inc. 12. Health Benefits of Straight TeethLess stress on joints and healthier gums Misaligned teeth and jaws can cause painful stress on supporting boneand jaw joints and cause abnormal wear on your teeth. Crowded or widely spaced teeth can cause swollen gums and redness potentially leading to periodontal disease. Better chewing and speech Incorrectly positioned teeth can lead to speech difficulties and chewingissues. Less chance of injury Protruding upper teeth are more likely to be broken in an accident. Better Self Esteem 13. Why Teens & Parents Love Invisalign Teen Effectively straightens teeth over a million Invisalign cases successfully completed or in treatment Made just for teens developed with leading orthodontists to meet specific needs of teens Fits teens active lifestyles easy to continue favorite activities Its removable teens can maintain healthy hygiene It looks great nearly invisible Its comfortable lightweight and custom fit Supports positive self-esteem A beautiful smile may enhance chances to succeed during social, educational and career events Its affordable Comparable in cost to metal braces 14. If given the choice80% parents* representing children ages 9-17,indicate when given a choice prefer InvisalignTeen over metal braces for their teen Todays parents are able to spare their teenssome of the same self-esteem and pain issuescommon with braces *Online Study of 1000 parents conducted by Ipsos Vantis, July 2008 15. Invisalign Teen Online 16. What Teens Have to Say About Invisalign and Metal Braces