mokoat, floridian keys classified i

MOKOAT, OCTOBER & Floridian Keys cnSmaTT tSSSIj, Ht*t*rtaol **—-n Ftrfy . On The K m 1 <* f >2 white instructor in <t*athmof* College. I was sent to th* Bahamas to arrange for an < upeditioa from Swathmore and th* Univenuty of Pennsylvania. I *fst fust to the island bf Eleu- thera, and island settled long ago by the Eleulherian Adventurers ! ttfhen my job was finished I ship- ped on an old steamer called the Us Henderson, bound for Tampa with a load of rock for the nstructkm of Ok Tampa Bay HeL We stopped on the way at &*y for and water. At that time there were many peo- ple living on the keys, but the mainland was sparsely settled. Ths ship had brought sisal slips t* Nassau from Lignum Vitae llsy. When we passed Biscayne the captain said there were two small settlements near the Miami River. He said the bay was shallow and the land very wild and rocky, but that some day they had hopes of building a city that •®*d be bigger and better than Kay West. He explained that they bed plenty of freah water in the Bwrpyne Bay region ftt for house* h*dd ***• LHtle did I realize that the mysterious shore in the offing w**j4 be my home for thirty-five stream though which cattle freely namL They showed me a fiine grapefruit tree full erf fruit which they said had little value, and being bitter was eaten only by A few yffem later white profes- sor the New York State College at forestry, in company with a —■ ; friend. I left Ithaca for Miami It was necessary to spend the night *n Jacksonville. Early in the mom- mg /the bright yellow-colored “*in, with a chair-car for the well-to-do left for Miami The tom stopped one hundred and { ei gnty-seven times on its journey south. The cars were full of dust and smoke. We finaly arrived af- ter midnight It was moonlight and the upper porch of our hotel looked down on many yards hill of tropical trees and frgrant flow- ers. We asked Colonel Waddell if there was anything of special in- terest in the neighborhood. He a trip to Coconut Grove, so we hired an old negro with a pony and coach and fol- lowed a narrow' white road though a dense tropical jungle. It was like a white ribbon through a tun- oel of green. We went to the Pea- cock Inn, and liked it so well that we sent back for our baggage The bay was filled with pictur- esque sail boats. Some were bring- ing in tui tie. conchs and fish; others were loaded with truck and fruit from the keys. Others had brought passengers and groceries from Key West. One man on th* porch said that he thought they might be able to grow vegetables on the mainland as well as on the ! key* if they could find the right .<ff fertilizer Seminoles were j loafing on the lawn. The names of fuch men as Agassiz were on the s register. South Florida was practically an island separated from the rest of the state by miles of mud and unbridged rivers. Key West was the main city. All this country depended on boats trade to and from Key West. It was the metropolis and the mainland was the back country. With the con- struction of highways and rail- roads this has all been reversed t The center has shifted to Miami. '■■■■■■■■■■■■l Formerly this region was West Indian or Antillean in character [ It was soon overwhelmed northern notions, and soon lost, its intimate connection with Cuba and the Bahamas. The construe* tion of highway and railroads marked a very decided epoch in the history of south Florida The perfection of light-houses and fast boats stopped the wrecking on the shores. In short at that time the keys lost their West Indian crops. West Indian natives. West Indian customs and West Indian glamor. There is perhaps little of the Flor- ida of old which can be saved. The old time atmosphere is gone be- cause the things which produced it no longer exist The very land- scape has changed. Northern cus- toms have prevailed, and I doubt if we are better, certainly not happier than in those good old days wheiL nobody locked their doors, when everybody had plenty to eat and nobody was ever in a hurry. Wrecking was a legitimate business, and Key West was its center. Captains of old time [schooners had their homes there. * This extended back to about 1858. 1 Previous to this date, for many years the whole country, except the Lower Keys, was in constant turmoiL The natives fled in fear } of the Indians, and there is little ; to record except the establishment of the forts and skirmishes here ; and there in a kind of guerilla l warfare. Back erf 1858 were Span- ; ish and Indian days, about which very little is really known. Per- i line tried to settle it in 1840, but ! long before then tffp Indians were ! on the warpath. During Spanish ; times I am sure this country had many interesting events not re- corded in any history. (To Be Continued} LOUISA’S LETTER a. *i tSHRMUI . .1 M. . "z . TEMPERATURES 4t 8:30 AM., EST Atlanta 62 Augusta 1 S3 Birmingham 69 Bismark ~ , 36 Boston j t 56 Buffalo 56 Charleston 54 Chicago , 51 Corpus Christi 71 Denver t 56, Detroit 51 El Paso ,51 Ft. Worth 64 Galveston . 74 Jacksonville ~.... 62 Kansas City _.., 67 KEY WEST Ll.'—- ' 75 Kov West Airport 75 Los Angeles . . 58 Louisville 55 Meridian 56 Miami 68 Minneapolis 50 Memphis 1_ 63 New' Orleans . 64 New York 59 Norfolk 57 Oklahoma City 61 Omaha : 51 Pensacola . ~65 Pittsburgh .■ ' - 62 Roanoke . 57 St Louis 66 San Antonio 70 San Francisco 57 Seattle : .■ . . 44 Tallahassee 57 Tampa 14 44 J 65 Washington 56 i hetw a brother who is married to a woman who will not ** ht mother. He has been married to her for ten years and bag been ottered two promotions but his wife refused to leave ttH flown bocmßte she likes !o live with her mother.. This has made him very dissatisfied and has made his mar- naps cm unhappy one. He has told her to bring her mother with her tote ths mother has always irvad i foot town and owns a My toother ha another offer*— oOttteiamifcr to riitr tig. ; | ©b.-you thiak this is hfe SiST3&il-““Dcl, I Asswer: Y<34ar fitter-in-taw evidentaily j ; bay ;to j if , <• such a tea tefttek mm heme, year broth* , telnil to Imppter without S:V r 3' -Of r , . f: . ■:£: .; . I am foolish e given up my en- *tov to Xsrit RteQF end it doesn’t steßtef ft 9M* me psttri through mm omm: ov itoloi dug in the tews have love- |t wife *hmh and fiow- *>.#* tou tife tot snumdl the front et mm tofete te the only place I COi FFU R E New hairdo I in Paris with figure eight cfcig- -1 non si nape held for two diamond clips, follows long-hair school The oil from |he seeds of black muslhri! is more pungent than ifiaf sfrom the white variety. | . ——-—— 'I -tm Ww Jr if •.- -5" J? j/ ifk x n# \ ' w -iHPWgßgmm f toy /jf*L r - | tt| * f r v ‘sy Is f . .' ■iM'Z.y ku Frankfurt, with rtispiay of alarm clocks on their hacks to publicise German Vt-.c., and Clock Makers annual fair. f ' THE KEY .WEST CITIZEN The a WEATHERMAN Say* LEAD “Weather Report” tag Key West and Vicinity: Partly cloudy today thru Tuesday with possibility of shower or thunder- storm activity in the area. Con- tinued mild temperatures. Mod- erate to fresh, occasionally mod- erately strong northeasterly winds, diminishing Tuesday. Small craft warnings displayed. Florida: Fair with little change in temperature through Tues- day. Jacksonville Thru The Florida Straits: Small craft warnings dis- played from Miami southward through the Keys through sun- down for fresh to moderately strong northeast winds gradually diminishing today and becom- ing fresh northeasterly Tuesday. Moderate north to northeast winds elsewhere. Fair weather except widely scattered showers in Florida Straits. East Gulf of Mexico: Gentle to moderate northeast winds thru Tuesday except occasionally fresh in south portion- Winds occasion- ally moderately strong some dis- tance from shore in south por- tion today. Generally fair weath- er. Jacksonville To Apalachicola: Small craft warnings continued today until sunset from Miami southward through the Florida Keys, None displayed elsewhere. WEATHER CONDITIONS For The Tropical Atlantic. Carib- bean Sea and Eastern Golf of Mexico A trough of low pressure exists from slightly east of Bermuda southward across Puerto Rico. Elsewhere conditions are rela- tively stable. There are no signs of a tropical disturbance. Report Key West, Fla_ Oct. 30, 1950 Observations taken at City Office 9:00 A.M., EST Temperature Highest yesterday : 83 Lowest last night _J ! 74 Mean : 78 Normal 77 rTrCipiiaiS SB Total last 24 hours : - .00 in& Total ths month 6.30 ins. Excess this month L\~ .44 ins. Total this year . 54.33 ins. , Excess this year r -.\. .27 ins. Relative HutnidHv. 8:30 ul 72% U BAROMETER Sea Level, Site a.m. 30.03 ms —1016.9 mbs. Tomorrow* Almanac * x Sunrise * 6:34 a.m. Sunset 5:48 p.m. Moonrise 10:05 pun. Moonset 11:37 a-m. Tides Naval Bam TOMORROW Eastern Standard Time High Low" a.m. 7:20 p.m. 2:07 pun. 5:54 p.m. 000 ADDITIONAL TIDE DATA Reference Station: Key West Timaof Haight of Station— Tide [highwatm Bahia (bridge) —Oh 10m 9.9 ft No Name Key (east end) _+2h 20m Boca Chtea (Sandy Pt) -—9 b 40m 'aides Channel (north end) -+2L iOm -t-1.4 ft Minus sign. Correction to be subtracted. (-4-)—Plus sign: Correction to be added. When a female mole is caught in a trap, the male’s sorrow is often so great that he starves to death. ~~ legals IT } ** Tgy t iwrtiT carat or thki uumxmxrw nowui. viKcerrf tkk stat*; or rutamr. S t ot vrtJ ■wiask ■- ■■ | HEEHUster. st., _ shat. y>n are nqln>t to serve'*?* f ropy ©f yonr answer to the €s■§-1 pinitst tm the Complainant * tntm- { thr ortpna! answer In ttie Offiee of the Clerk of the Ob'- I emit Court on or before the 15th 1 this nth day of October, Key West Florid*. %■ 1 FOR RENT—HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FURNISHED apartments, 3 rooms and bath. $75.00 monthly, maid and janitor service, linens and utilities furnished Coral Hotel Apartments, opposite Post Office. , octll-tf ONE-BEDROOM furnished apart- ments, all utilities included. Ap- ply 915 Windsor Lane, octll-tf NEW EFFICIENCIES and one- bedroom apts. SI Simonton St. oct7-tf BEDROOM apartment near beach Reasonable. Adults only. 1328 White St. oct2l-tf COTTAGE APARTMENT, The tub and shower. All-electric kitchen. Private entrance. M.&B. Motel, 1031 Eaton St oct23~tf COOL, clean apartment, all utili- ties furnished. Stutz Hotel, 410, Fleming street oct6-tf UPSTAIRS efficiency apartment. 419 United Street one block from beach. Utilities furnished. Apply 1224 Duval St oct24-6t FURNISHED 7-room house. 521 Louisa St. 554-J. oct27-6tx < APARTMENT for rent. 1120 Washington St. octso-3t FURNISHED apartment no pets. Apply 818 Olivia Street. oct3o-3tx 1 i FURNISHED one-bed room apart- ment 1009 Southard St., Phone 866-W. oct3o-3tx -* FOR RENT—APARTMENTS AND ROOMS ONE-BEDROOM apartment ev- erything famished, private beech. Aiao rooms. Attractive weekly, monthly rates. Marine Motel. Sooth and Simonton fc i oct27-tf Summer Special OVERSEAS Hotel 917 Fleming St Rooms from $10.06 weekly Coffee rhop, bar. Phone 798. <oct2s-tf FOR RENT—COTTAGES, COTTAGE for rent Apply 506 Francis Street Upstairs. oct2?-3tx COMPLETELY furnished 3-room cottage in Mastic Trailer Park, United St Ideal for couple with oct3o-3tj OFFICE * f . jjL'- * v 1 j NAVAL ofiEker needs three or j 5 WANTED TO RENT ELECTROLUX MAN looking for apartment Call. 1478, Marine Motel. octl4-30tx | NAVY OFFICTR and 15 mo. old’ child wants cottage or down-1 stairs apartment Phone 127-W. .1 oct26-6tx - 4 TWO or three bedroom house by local responsible business peo- j pie. Adults. Phone 1327. octSOtf! FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE 50 x 100 LOT on Big Coppitt Key. j Two mites from Boat Chica j gate- $200.00. Phone 1453-M. oct27-3tj t FOR SALE—KEY PROPERTY j FLORIDA Key Properties. Last-) mgs solicited. W. W. Egan, i Marathon, Phone 2£41, P.O. Box] 243. oct27-tf FOR SALE—PRINTED FORMS j LEASES, 5c each. Promiss&ry j notesy le each. Minimum charge. sc. Artinan Press, Citizen Bldg, Phone 51. oct26-tf 1 —■—— p f 700-19 heavy duy 9 ply tire Apply Citizen office. ocUO-tf I ROCK, marl sand, top soil Se us for cheapest prices in town Buster Cerezo, 1350-M. octll-tf 1 FIVE bundles of old newspaper*. | sc. Ino ffre The Citizen Office. Fhpne 51. oct2o-tf SEWING MACHINES, new/ Terms. Used and repairs tm all j makes. Wisher wringer roils, j Evenings, 1164-M. oct!2-tf 25.000 WHITE bricks. Reasonable Phone 1421, 711 Duval Street ] GIRL S BICYCLE, perfect canto-j rion. SIS.(KL General E3ectric travel iron, $5.00, Mrs. Seefeldtf Key West Trailer Park j i,.■ s a ***®**Pll PIANO and Thf>r“cT rti in good condition Telephone ( OCWtrul | model in A-i wndition. State Hotel, 410 Fleming. oct4-tfj COMMERCIAL refrigerator, six-, door compartment. 7 ft. by 6 ft. l j plete wito rafrigeratieti unit* -'^f E oct2B |SL* Classified Ads I INFORMATION FOR THE ADVERTISER i- - Point i Maumam spec* to be Ughtface (Regular) Type BLACKFACE CAPS 1 Dy id (he rate for p Point alack Z* 9 Consecutive Days 9c face caps a * tiroes a tine tunaw a wortu per one.) 8 Consecutive Days 8c more than for 8 Point light { 15 Consecutive Days 7c face reguiur type Dndia* SO Consecutive Days —Bc in insure publication, j (Display Bates On Display =upy must be in the Adver- Applicatk— v m Poin. Type rising Department office be* * i* rate for 4 Patou 11 ** UGHTTAC& CAPS , JJ*-" ZT “* The rate for 8 Point light- (2 Foist Type —_ face (regular) caps is i.% 2 times rate for 8 Horn* Fton St rimes e line more than &e iigbtface regular type Use your phone. Adver cost for E Point light face | O p_* | i* osetnente may be iiw^ted regular type. lOt'Oinllype to them columns by phooe 8 Point dgbtface regular type Office Blackface Type A 4 FI . HH * Business office to The The rate for 8 Point black /J j (lint a tfRA C tiren Building coma of face type is lte times a line J £ ureene and Ann Streets mare then the cost for 9 4 tlmee rate far 8 Point uoor to the right an enter- Point lightface regular type. iigbtface regular type. mg bunding. ALL ADVERTISING IS ACCEPTED under the following conditions: In toe mat of error to advert*- tog. transient ox contract. The Citizen will be responsible only foe toe stoat toserttoa to agarriri> ADVERTISING, and in DISPLAY ADVERTISING tor only tha etu> ammuto of space occupied br ths past of tLa advartteesaedt where toe error ocean. FOR SALE—USEO CARS -FOR quick sale. 1946 Plymouth . Sedan, $250.00. Apply 2026 Seidenburg. oct26-8t | 11949 FORD tudor. Perfect *- , dition. 21 month payment plan. Apply Poor Old Craig Serv ice Station, Truman and Francis Sts., j Tel. 9134. oct2*-3U | LATE 1947 DeSoto, tudor. radio, heater, spotlight good tires, one ii owner. Phone 1396-J. I : 50 Willys Station Wagon—NEW 1 *SO Studebaker 4-Door Sedan *49 Kaiser 4-Door ] 49 Hudson Club Coupe t ’49 Chevrctet 4-Door ] ’49 Chevrolet 4-Docr | ’49 Lincoln 2-Dor j 48 Chevrolet Station Wag* *4B Buick 4-Door &tper ’4B Packard 4-Door ’47 Dcxige 4-Door j ’46 Chevrolet 4-Door ’46 Chrysler 4-Door i a*. Cne vtixhc* to* 1 1’42 Studebaker Club Cou^ *39 Oldsmobil 4*Xkiof &&&&& 4 Q ,1 obq me t fr WM m k yfe m Ww mmmwm lI9P Etoral ST..--. neOMI'; AUTO REP A. IBS r3§jn .. r;- t r: i .1-0 i ■; f r- '- * 3S| er or sweet i'a l r Sa.j -artiMklic -wmm- —!—i 1 zamumz time. Must haw **■**# *~mf rurrd by Kiacbiaei tmk mwtii d«e»- P«**s «£«*»£ Ml b* tha " *W«te jWajgagal ——***•*■ .c| ■«* i 1.. y ■iJ'-cirsk. & Ljftvn *■ liPiS- .-_ PAGE FIVE

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Page 1: MOKOAT, Floridian Keys Classified I


Floridian KeyscnSmaTT tSSSIj,

Ht*t*rtaol **—-n Ftrfy .

On The Km1 <*f >2 white instructor in

<t*athmof* College. I was sent toth* Bahamas to arrange for an< upeditioa from Swathmore andth* Univenuty of Pennsylvania. I*fst fust to the island bf Eleu-thera, and island settled long agoby the Eleulherian Adventurers !ttfhen my job was finished I ship-ped on an old steamer called theUs Henderson, bound forTampa with a load of rock for thenstructkm of Ok Tampa BayHeL We stopped on the way at&*y for and water. Atthat time there were many peo-ple living on the keys, but themainland was sparsely settled.Ths ship had brought sisal slipst* Nassau from Lignum Vitaellsy. When we passed Biscayne

the captain said there weretwo small settlements near theMiami River. He said the bay wasshallow and the land very wildand rocky, but that some day theyhad hopes of building a city that•®*d be bigger and better thanKay West. He explained that theybed plenty of freah water in theBwrpyne Bay region ftt for house*h*dd ***• LHtle did I realize thatthe mysterious shore in the offingw**j4 be my home for thirty-five

stream though which cattle freelynamL They showed me a fiinegrapefruit tree full erf fruit whichthey said had little value, andbeing bitter was eaten only by

A few yffem later white profes-sor the New York State Collegeat forestry, in company with a

—■ ;

friend. I left Ithaca for Miami Itwas necessary to spend the night*n Jacksonville. Early in the mom-mg /the bright yellow-colored“*in, with a chair-car for thewell-to-do left for Miami Thetom stopped one hundred and {ei gnty-seven times on its journeysouth. The cars were full of dustand smoke. We finaly arrived af-ter midnight It was moonlightand the upper porch of our hotellooked down on many yards hillof tropical trees and frgrant flow-ers. We asked Colonel Waddell ifthere was anything of special in-terest in the neighborhood. He

a trip to CoconutGrove, so we hired an old negrowith a pony and coach and fol-lowed a narrow' white road thougha dense tropical jungle. It waslike a white ribbon through a tun-oel of green. We went to the Pea-cock Inn, and liked it so well thatwe sent back for our baggageThe bay was filled with pictur-esque sail boats. Some were bring-ing in tui tie. conchs and fish;others were loaded with truck andfruit from the keys. Others hadbrought passengers and groceriesfrom Key West. One man on th*porch said that he thought theymight be able to grow vegetableson the mainland as well as on the !key* if they could find the right

.<ff fertilizer Seminoles were jloafing on the lawn. The namesof fuch men as Agassiz were onthes register. South Florida waspractically an island separatedfrom the rest of the state by milesof mud and unbridged rivers. KeyWest was the main city. All thiscountry depended on boats tradeto and from Key West. It was themetropolis and the mainland wasthe back country. With the con-struction of highways and rail-roads this has all been reversed

t The center has shifted to Miami.

'■■■■■■■■■■■■lFormerly this region was WestIndian or Antillean in character [It was soon overwhelmednorthern notions, and soon lost,its intimate connection with Cubaand the Bahamas. The construe*tion of highway and railroadsmarked a very decided epoch inthe history of south Florida Theperfection of light-houses and fastboats stopped the wrecking on theshores. In short at that time thekeys lost their West Indian crops.West Indian natives. West Indiancustoms and West Indian glamor.There is perhaps littleof the Flor-ida of old which can be saved. Theold time atmosphere is gone be-cause the things which producedit no longer exist The very land-scape has changed. Northern cus-toms have prevailed, and I doubtif we are better, certainly nothappier than in those good olddays wheiL nobody locked theirdoors, when everybody had plentyto eat and nobody was ever in ahurry. Wrecking was a legitimatebusiness, and Key West was itscenter. Captains of old time[schooners had their homes there.

* This extended back to about 1858.

1Previous to this date, for manyyears the whole country, exceptthe Lower Keys, was in constantturmoiL The natives fled in fear

} of the Indians, and there is little; to record except the establishment

of the forts and skirmishes here; and there in a kind of guerilla

l warfare. Back erf 1858 were Span-; ish and Indian days, about which

• very little is really known. Per-i line tried to settle it in 1840, but

! long before then tffp Indians were! on the warpath. During Spanish

; times I am sure this country hadmany interesting events not re-corded in any history.

(To Be Continued}

LOUISA’S LETTERa. *i tSHRMUI . ?£ .1 M. . "z .


Atlanta 62Augusta 1 S3Birmingham 69Bismark ~ , 36Boston j t 56Buffalo 56Charleston 54Chicago , 51Corpus Christi 71Denver t 56,Detroit 51El Paso ,51Ft. Worth 64Galveston . 74Jacksonville ~.... 62Kansas City _.., 67KEY WEST Ll.'—- ' 75Kov West Airport 75Los Angeles . . 58Louisville 55Meridian 56Miami 68Minneapolis 50Memphis 1_ 63New' Orleans . 64New York 59Norfolk


57Oklahoma City 61Omaha : 51Pensacola . ~65Pittsburgh .■ ' - 62Roanoke . 57St Louis 66San Antonio 70San Francisco 57Seattle : .■ . . 44Tallahassee 57Tampa 14 44 J 65Washington 56

i hetw a brother who is married to a woman who will not"

** ht mother. He has been married to her for ten years andbag been ottered two promotions but his wife refused to leavettH flown bocmßte she likes !o live with her mother..

This has made him very dissatisfied and has made his mar-naps cm unhappy one. He has told her to bring her mother withher tote ths mother has always irvadi foot town and owns a

My toother ha another offer*——

oOttteiamifcr to riitr tig. ;|

©b.-you thiak this is hfe ’

SiST3&il-““Dcl, IAsswer:

Y<34ar fitter-in-taw evidentaily j

; bay ;to jif , <• such a

tea tefttek mm heme, year broth* ,telnil to Imppter without

S:V • r 3' -Of r , •. f: . ■ ■:£: .; .

I am foolishe given up my en-

*tov to

Xsrit RteQF end it doesn’tsteßtef ft 9M* me psttri throughmm omm: ov itoloi dug in the

tews have love-|t wife *hmh and fiow-*>.#* tou tife tot snumdl the frontet mm tofete te the only place I

COi FFU R E New hairdoI in Paris with figure eight cfcig-

-1 non si nape held for two diamondclips, follows long-hair school

The oil from |he seeds of blackmuslhri! is more pungent thanifiaf sfrom the white variety. |

. ——-——

'I -tm WwJr •


-5" J? j/ ifk x ’n# \ ' w -iHPWgßgmmf toy /jf*L * r- | tt| * frv ‘sy Is f . .' ■iM'Z.y

ku Frankfurt, with rtispiay of alarm clocks on their hacks topublicise German Vt-.c., and Clock Makers annual fair. f





LEAD “Weather Report” _tag

Key West and Vicinity: Partlycloudy today thru Tuesday withpossibility of shower or thunder-storm activity in the area. Con-tinued mild temperatures. Mod-erate to fresh, occasionally mod-erately strong northeasterlywinds, diminishing Tuesday.Small craft warnings displayed.

Florida: Fair with little changein temperature through Tues-day.

Jacksonville Thru The FloridaStraits: Small craft warnings dis-played from Miami southwardthrough the Keys through sun-down for fresh to moderatelystrong northeast winds graduallydiminishing today and becom-ing fresh northeasterly Tuesday.Moderate north to northeastwinds elsewhere. Fair weatherexcept widely scattered showersin Florida Straits.

East Gulf of Mexico: Gentle tomoderate northeast winds thruTuesday except occasionally freshin south portion- Winds occasion-ally moderately strong some dis-tance from shore in south por-tion today. Generally fair weath-er.

Jacksonville To Apalachicola:Small craft warnings continuedtoday until sunset from Miamisouthward through the FloridaKeys, None displayed elsewhere.

WEATHER CONDITIONSFor The Tropical Atlantic. Carib-

bean Sea and EasternGolf of Mexico

A trough of low pressure existsfrom slightly east of Bermudasouthward across Puerto Rico.Elsewhere conditions are rela-tively stable. There are no signsof a tropical disturbance.

ReportKey West, Fla_ Oct. 30, 1950

Observations taken at City Office9:00 A.M., ESTTemperature

Highest yesterday : 83Lowest last night _J ! 74Mean : 78Normal 77

rTrCipiiaiS SBTotal last 24 hours : - .00 in&Total ths month __—. 6.30 ins.Excess this month L\~ .44 ins.Total this year . 54.33 ins.

, Excess this year r -.\. .. .27 ins.

Relative HutnidHv. 8:30 ul72% U

BAROMETERSea Level, Site a.m.

30.03 ms —1016.9 mbs.

Tomorrow* Almanac * x

Sunrise * 6:34 a.m.Sunset 5:48 p.m.Moonrise 10:05 pun.Moonset 11:37 a-m.

TidesNaval BamTOMORROW

Eastern Standard TimeHigh Low"

a.m. 7:20 p.m.2:07 pun. 5:54 p.m.

000ADDITIONAL TIDE DATAReference Station: Key West

Timaof Haight ofStation— Tide [highwatm

Bahia(bridge) —Oh 10m 9.9 ft

No Name Key(east end) _+2h 20m

Boca Chtea(Sandy Pt) -—9 b 40m'aides Channel(north end) -+2L iOm -t-1.4 ft

Minus sign. Correctionto be subtracted.

(-4-)—Plus sign: Correction tobe added.

When a female mole is caughtin a trap, the male’s sorrow isoften so great that he starves todeath. ~~

legals IT— }

** Tgy t iwrtiT carat or thkiuumxmxrw nowui. viKcerrftkk stat*; or rutamr.S t ot vrtJ

■wiask ■- ■■ |, _

shat. y>n are nqln>t to serve'*?* fropy ©f yonr answer to the €s■§-1pinitst tm the Complainant * tntm- {

thr ortpna! answer Inttie Offiee of the Clerk of the Ob'- Iemit Court on or before the 15th 1

this nth day of October,

Key West Florid*. %■1


FURNISHED apartments, 3 roomsand bath. $75.00 monthly, maid

and janitor service, linens andutilities furnished Coral HotelApartments, opposite Post Office.

, octll-tf

ONE-BEDROOM furnished apart-ments, all utilities included. Ap-

ply 915 Windsor Lane, octll-tfNEW EFFICIENCIES and one-

bedroom apts. SI Simonton St.oct7-tf

BEDROOM apartment near beachReasonable. Adults only. 1328

White St. oct2l-tf

COTTAGE APARTMENT, Thetub and shower. All-electric

kitchen. Private entrance. M.&B.Motel, 1031 Eaton St


COOL, clean apartment, all utili-ties furnished. Stutz Hotel, 410,

Fleming street - oct6-tfUPSTAIRS efficiency apartment.

419 United Street one blockfrom beach. Utilities furnished.Apply 1224 Duval St oct24-6t

FURNISHED 7-room house. 521Louisa St. 554-J. oct27-6tx


APARTMENT for rent. 1120Washington St. octso-3t

FURNISHED apartment no pets.Apply 818 Olivia Street.

oct3o-3tx1 i

FURNISHED one-bedroom apart-ment 1009 Southard St., Phone

866-W. oct3o-3tx-*


ONE-BEDROOM apartment ev-erything famished, private

beech. Aiao rooms. Attractiveweekly, monthly rates. MarineMotel. Sooth and Simonton



i oct27-tf

Summer SpecialOVERSEAS Hotel 917 Fleming

St Rooms from $10.06 weeklyCoffee rhop, bar. Phone 798.


COTTAGE for rent Apply 506Francis Street Upstairs.


COMPLETELY furnished 3-roomcottage in Mastic Trailer Park,

United St Ideal for couple with



■ . ■ jjL'-*v 1 j

NAVAL ofiEker needs three or j5


ELECTROLUXMAN looking for apartment Call.

1478, Marine Motel. octl4-30tx|

NAVY OFFICTR and 15 mo. old’child wants cottage or down-1stairs apartment Phone 127-W. .1

oct26-6tx- 4

TWO or three bedroom house bylocal responsible business peo- j

pie. Adults. Phone 1327. octSOtf!FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE

50 x 100 LOT on Big Coppitt Key. jTwo mites from Boat Chica j

gate- $200.00. Phone 1453-M.oct27-3tj


FLORIDA Key Properties. Last-)mgs solicited. W. W. Egan, i

Marathon, Phone 2£41, P.O. Box]243. oct27-tf

FOR SALE—PRINTED FORMS jLEASES, 5c each. Promiss&ry j

notesy le each. Minimum Artinan Press, Citizen Bldg,Phone 51. oct26-tf

1—■——p f

700-19 heavy duy 9 ply tireApply Citizen office. ocUO-tf

I ROCK, marl sand, top soil Seus for cheapest prices in town

Buster Cerezo, 1350-M. octll-tf

1FIVE bundles of old newspaper*. |

sc. Ino ffre The Citizen Office.Fhpne 51. oct2o-tf

SEWING MACHINES, new/Terms. Used and repairs tm all j

makes. Wisher wringer roils, jEvenings, 1164-M. oct!2-tf———

- ’

25.000 WHITE bricks. ReasonablePhone 1421, 711 Duval Street

]GIRL S BICYCLE, perfect canto-j

rion. SIS.(KL General E3ectrictravel iron, $5.00, Mrs. SeefeldtfKey West Trailer Park j

i,.■s ‘a***®**PllPIANO and Thf>r“cT rti

in good condition Telephone (

OCWtrul |

model in A-i wndition. StateHotel, 410 Fleming. oct4-tfj

COMMERCIAL refrigerator, six-,door compartment. 7 ft. by 6 ft. l

jplete wito rafrigeratieti unit*

-'^f E oct2B|SL*



- Point i Maumam spec* to beUghtface (Regular) Type BLACKFACE CAPS1 Dy id (he rate for p Point alack Z*9 Consecutive Days 9c face caps a * tiroes a tine tunaw a wortu per one.)

8 Consecutive Days 8c more than for 8 Point light {15 Consecutive Days 7c face reguiur type Dndia*SO Consecutive Days —Bc in insure publication, j

(Display Bates On Display =upy must be in the Adver-Applicatk— v m Poin. Type rising Department office be*

* i* rate for 4 Patou 11 “ **


The rate for 8 Point light- (2 Foist Type —_

face (regular) caps is i.% 2 times rate for 8 Horn* Fton Strimes e line more than &e iigbtface regular type Use your phone. Advercost for E Point lightface |O p_* | i* osetnente may be iiw^tedregular type. lOt'Oinllype to them columns by phooe

8 Point dgbtface regular type OfficeBlackface Type A 4 FI •

. HH * Business office to TheThe rate for 8 Point black /J j (lint a tfRA C tiren Building coma of

face type is lte times a line J £ ureene and Ann Streetsmare then the cost for 9 4 tlmee rate far 8 Point uoor to the right an enter-Point lightface regular type. iigbtface regular type. mg bunding.

ALL ADVERTISING IS ACCEPTED under the following conditions: In toe mat of error to advert*-tog. transient ox contract. The Citizen will be responsible only foe toe stoat toserttoa to agarriri>ADVERTISING, and in DISPLAY ADVERTISING tor only tha etu> ammuto of space occupied brths past of tLa advartteesaedt where toe error ocean.


-FOR quick sale. 1946 Plymouth. Sedan, $250.00. Apply 2026Seidenburg. oct26-8t

| ■11949 FORD tudor. Perfect *-

, dition. 21 month payment plan.’ Apply Poor Old Craig Serv iceStation, Truman and Francis Sts.,

jTel. 9134. oct2*-3U

| LATE 1947 DeSoto, tudor. radio,heater, spotlight good tires, oneii owner. Phone 1396-J.

I :

50 Willys Station Wagon—NEW1 *SO Studebaker 4-Door Sedan*49 Kaiser 4-Door

] 49 Hudson Club Coupet ’49 Chevrctet 4-Door] ’49 Chevrolet 4-Docr| ’49 Lincoln 2-Dorj 48 Chevrolet Station Wag**4B Buick 4-Door &tper’4B Packard 4-Door’47 Dcxige 4-Door

j ’46 Chevrolet 4-Door’46 Chrysler 4-Door

i a*. Cnevtixhc* to* 11’42 Studebaker Club Cou^*39 Oldsmobil 4*Xkiof &&&&& 4Q ,1obq me

t fr WM m k yfe

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