module/mary ann saberon

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  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    What is this moduleall about?

    Good day everyone! I am glad to see you again,

    my dear students. I hope and pray that you will find this

    module interesting and not boring. This module will give you

    an enjoying experience for you. You will encounter special

    activities wherein you can fully understand all about

    organization and teamwork.

    What are you expected

    to learn.

    In this module, you are expected to:

    1. To familiarize the difference betweenorganization and teamwork.

    2. To learn the mechanics of teamwork and organization.3. To know and practice the characteristics of organization and teamwork.4. To differentiate the tasks of organization to teamwork.5. To be able to review all about organization.

    How would you learn from this module.

    Id like you to picture out the differenttasks that organizations do the same with team work. Find

    a good time where you can imagine widely about your


  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon



    Hi! Here we go again. This test will serve as a measurement for your enough knowledge

    before we can go to out topic

    Directions: Encircle the correct and best answers for you. Good luck.

    1. The framework that enables employees to work together productively.

    a. Organizational Structure c. Teamwork Structure

    b. Organizational Chart d. Teamwork Chart

    2. Often a company exhibits the _____ organizational structure on an organizational


    a. Format c. Structure

    b. Informal d. Chart

    3. A functional groups like Human Resources and consulting that supports all


    a. Line and - staff organization c. Chain of command

    b. Line organization d. Accountability

    4. This is one clear chain of command with clear line of authority from top to button.

    a. Line organization c. line-an-staff organization

    b. Chain of command d. Span of management

    5. This is an organization normally have very simple organizational chart.

    a. Small organization c. Department

    b. larger organization d. flat or organization

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    6. There are few levels of hierarchy and managers have many employees to supervise.

    a. Flat organization c. Tall organization

    b. Span of management d. none of the above

    7. This is an organizational structure that has many layers.

    a. Tall organization c. Regions

    b. Flat organization d. Departments

    8. Another organizational structure that cannot be found on an organizational chart.

    a. Information organization c .Departments

    b. Vertical organization d. Regions

    9. This is a traditional organization hierarchy.

    a. Vertical organization c. Division

    b. Departmentalization by function d. Matrix

    10. This is a group of functional specialist together who share responsibility to achieve a


    a. Departmentalization by matrix c. Departmentalization by function

    b. Departmentalization by function d. Virtual organization

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    The organizational structure

    Is the framework that enables employees to work together productively. It allows

    adequate management to be provided for each group. Because of the organizational structure,employees know where to report and whom to ask for help. Often a company exhibits a formalorganizational structure on an organizational chart.

    The organizational relationships can also be called the Chain of command. This shows

    flow of authority, accountability and responsibility. Authority is the power granted by the jobdescription to make decisions, take actions, and allocate resources. Accountability is the duty to

    inform and update supervisors. Responsibility is the obligation to perform the job requirementsand meet objectives.

    Organizational tasks are broken into separate jobs to this degree. There are two common

    chain of command systems: a Line organization. This is the simplest. If there are organizations.

    If there are functional groups like Human Resources and consulting that support all departments,

    and the non-functional groups have the clear chain command, then this is a line-and- staff


  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    In a typical chart showing a line organization you will usually see the executive positions

    at the top of the organizational chart with span of management responsibility decreasing down

    the page. Small organizations normally have very simple organizational chart.

    The managers supervisory responsibility is the span of control. If there are view levels

    of few hierarchy, and managers have many employees to supervise, then this is a flat

    organization. If the organizational has many layers, often including departments, regions, areas

    and division, each manager has few employees to supervise and the employees are highly

    specialized, this is a tall organization.

    There is another organizational structure that cannot be found on an organizational chart.

    It is called the informal organization. This is the network of interactions in the company.

    Vertical Organizations are traditional organizational hierarchies. Most companies

    choose this form of organization. Bureaucracies are typical vertical structures, also called tall

    organizations. In vertical organization silos of information often develop.

    Departmentalization by function. Is highly centralized and specialized. Accompany

    that groups by function will have department like Human resources, accounting and R&D.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    TeamworkA team is a collection of individuals organized to accomplish a common purpose, who

    are interdependent, and who can be identified by themselves and observers as a team.

    Teams exist within a larger organization and interact with other teams and with the

    organization. Teams are one way for organizations to gather input from members, and to provideorganization members with a sense of involvement in the pursuit of organizational goals.

    Further, teams allow organizations flexibility in assigning members to projects and allow forcross-functional groups to be formed.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    TYPES OF TEAMSThere are six major types of teams: informal, traditional, problem solving, leadership,

    self-directed, and virtual. Table 1 describes some of the characteristics of these six types ofteams.


    Informal teams are generally formed for socialpurposes. They can help to facilitate employee pursuits

    of common concerns, such as improving workconditions. More frequently however, these teams form

    out of a set of common concerns and interests, whichmay or may not be the same as the organizations.

    Leaders of these teams generally emerge from themembership and are not appointed by anyone in the



    Traditional teams are the organizational

    groups commonly thought of as departments orfunctional areas. Leaders or managers of these teams

    are appointed by the organization and havelegitimate power in the team. The team is expected to

    produce a product, deliver a service, or perform afunction that the organization has assigned.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon



    TEAMS.Problem-solving teams or task forces are

    formed when a problem arises that cannot be

    solved within the standard organizationalstructure. These teams are generally cross-

    functional; that is, the membership comes fromdifferent areas of the organization, and are

    charged with finding a solution to the problem.

    LEADERSHIP TEAMS.Leadership teams are generally composed of

    management brought together to span the boundaries

    between different functions in the organization. Inorder for a product to be delivered to market, the

    heads of finance, production, and marketing mustinteract and come up with a common strategy for

    the product. At top management levels, teams areused in developing goals and a strategic direction

    for the firm as a whole.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon



    Self-directed teams are given autonomy

    over deciding how a job will be done. Theseteams are provided with a goal by the

    organization, and then determine how to achievethat goal. Frequently there is no assigned manager

    or leader and very few, if any, status differencesamong the team members.

    VIRTUAL TEAMTechnology is impacting how teams meet and

    function. Collaborative software andconferencing systems have improved the ability

    for employees to meet, conduct business, sharedocuments, and make decisions without ever

    being in the same location. While the basicdynamics of other types of teams may still be

    relevant, the dynamics and management ofvirtual teams can be very different. Issues can

    arise with a lack of facial or auditory clues;participants must be taken at their word, even

    when video-conferencing tools are used.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon



    Instruction: This activity named which is. Group the

    class into two groups. This group will dramatize all about

    organization and second group will dramatize all about

    teamwork, and you will explain what you have done.

    Enjoy your dramatization and be participated. I will give

    each group have 5 minutes to practice and 3 minutes to perform.

    After all we have discussed our topic. I hope you learned something from it. Now, let see

    if you really learned a lot.

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon




    Fill in the blank with the correct word or

    group of words that will best describe the statement


    __________1. This is a group of functional specialist together who share responsibility toachieve a goal.

    __________2. This is a traditional organization hierarchy.

    __________3. Another organizational structure that cannot be found on an organizational chart.

    __________4. This is an organizational structure that has many layers.

    __________5. There are few levels of hierarchy and managers have many employees to


    __________6. This is an organization normally have very simple organizational chart.

    __________7. This is one clear chain of command with clear line of authority from top to button.

    __________8. A functional groups like Human Resources and consulting that supports all


    __________9. Often a company exhibits the _____ organizational structure on an organizational


    __________10. The framework that enables employees to work together productively

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


    6. There are few levels of hierarchy and managers have many employees to supervise.

    a. Flat organization c. Tall organization

    b. Span of management d. none of the above

    7. This is an organizational structure that has many layers.

    a. Tall organization c. Regions

    b. Flat organization d. Departments

    8. Another organizational structure that cannot be found on an organizational chart.

    a. Information organization c .Departments

    b. Vertical organization d. Regions

    9. This is a traditional organization hierarchy.

    a. Vertical organization c. Division

    b. Departmentalization by function d. Matrix

    10. This is a group of functional specialist together who share responsibility to achieve a


    a. Departmentalization by matrix c. Departmentalization by function

    b. Departmentalization by function d. Virtual organization

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon



    Pre test / Posttest1. a2. a3. a4. a5. a6. a7. a8. a9. a10.a

    Self-check1. Departmentalization by Matrix

    2. Vertical Organizations3. Informal Organization

    4. Tall Organization5. Flat organization

    6. Small Organization7. Line Organization

    8. Line-and staff Organization9. Formal

    10.Organizational structure

  • 8/8/2019 module/mary ann saberon


