module 4 “attracting and helping the perfect patient”

Module 4 “Attracting and Helping the Perfect Patient”

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Module 4

“Attracting and Helping the Perfect Patient”

Quote: “…..You must be more creative than your competition in every single aspect of marketing. Merely doing by the numbers isn’t enough. You’ve got to do it properly, do it intelligently do it clearly, do it creatively, and do it consistently. You don’t have to know how to write or draw to be creative. All you’ve go to do is supply the creative idea. You can always hire a person to write or draw for you. But it’s not easy to hire a person to be creative about your business for you. *That task should fall to you and you should revel in it.” By Jay Conrad Levinson

**This should be your Private Practice (The Perfect Practice (™)) FOCUS

A. All the good marketing will not substitute for a poor office experience.

1. Designed with the end in mind ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Technology that allows efficient billing & record keeping______________________________________________________________________________

3. Staffing – Hire staff with the skills and the knowledge that marketing is a big part of this job __________________________________________


B. Make Sure that all the key elements from modules 1-3 are fully into play.

C. Five “Do it’s” from Jay Conrad Levinson






Patients and Professionals who know you and have

dealt with you before (even long ago) are much more likely to visit you again and refer to you

So: The foundation of any marketing must be “STAY IN TOUCH!”

A. Most Misunderstood Concept for Doctors

1. Monthly Paper Newsletters


**Get the newsletter to the printer by the 19th of each month for delivery on the first of each month.

2. Periodic Emails, RSS Blogs, etc. (assign staff to do weekly – subscribe to HSG)__________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Regular list building and maintenance________________________________________________________

**Assign staff to do the list maintenance daily as part of every NP & FP intake

**To Simplify use our print on demand service.__________________________________


B. Acknowledgement and Rewarding referral behaviors.

1. Direct phone calls the day the patient is seen______________


2. Hand written Thank You Notes__________________________


3. Gifts to Referrers__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Continuous engagement of the patients needs.

1.On visit one (an extraordinary experience)__________________


2. “All the cards on the table” (second visit)___________________


3. Respect, understanding and leadership on each subsequent visit.________________________________________________


Attracting and helping the Perfect Patients

1. Do what you do so well, patients can’t resist telling other patients!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. By now you should have set the stage for perfect patients.a. upfront policies____________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Clarity on finances (liens, ABN, non-covered)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. First Visit: (Just Listen First!)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. Do a very thorough exam (do the “little things” your colleagues may neglect ex –chest/abdomen/carotids)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. Value added services (scans/digital imaging etc., usually NO CHARGE!)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D. On The Second visit, ONLY render a professional opinion

1. After considering ALL Data_____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Do this always on a separate Office Visit___________________________________________________________________________

3.Always be truthful with advice.___________________________________________________________________________________

4. ***Shift Responsibilities!________________________________________________________________________________________

“The only promise I can make to you is that we will bend over backwards to help you, If you help yourself”

E. Patient ground rules

1. Be treatment compliant______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Do your home care_________________________________


3. ASK the patient to Honor All Policy Basicsa. Treatment_________________________________________B. Finances_________________________________________

**Set the ground rules for treatment results and

4. Yardsticks or goals in set timeframes!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

F. Start talking wellness NOW!

1. Plant better health seeds here____________________________


2. Have multiple payment options including “time of service” options for all or part of care!___________________________________


3. Don’t ever forget your promise to help the patient IF they help themselves. Tell them when and if you can’t and let them move on with guidance. ___________________________________



4. Show and tell by example________________________________


Live the lifestyle you are selling !

Marketing and Promotion Calendar

Daily Tasks 1-5 Monthly Tasks 1-6 Staff Weekly Tasks Special Event Tasks (SET)

Powerful External Marketing

Do Not attempt any external campaign until the internal steps are fully implemented

A. Test_____________ B. The Science of an offer_____ C. Always Track Results_______


Implement and truly offer all these components FIRST!

If something is not working, I guarantee you dropped some vital step of this formula.

Your Success is Formulaic

Finally, The 12 Secrets of Private Practice Mastery

Includes advanced concepts of Internet and web based technology Integrated Practice Methods Advanced and Targeted Marketing