module-1 - op strategies in global economy

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  • 8/9/2019 Module-1 - Op Strategies in Global Economy



    Module 1 (Chapter 2)Module 1 (Chapter 2)Module 1 (Chapter 2)Module 1 (Chapter 2)

    Operations StrategiesOperations Strategies

    in a Global Economyin a Global Economy

  • 8/9/2019 Module-1 - Op Strategies in Global Economy




    Introduction to Operations ManagementIntroduction to Operations Management

    Todays Global Business ConditionsTodays Global Business Conditions

    Operations StrategyOperations Strategy

    Forming Operations StrategiesForming Operations Strategies WrapWrap--Up: What WorldUp: What World--Class Producers DoClass Producers Do

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    Introduction to Operations ManagementIntroduction to Operations ManagementIntroduction to Operations ManagementIntroduction to Operations Management

    Operations managementOperations managementis the management of anis the management of an

    organizations productive resources or its productionorganizations productive resources or its production


    AAproduction systemproduction system takes inputs and converts themtakes inputs and converts theminto outputs.into outputs.

    TheThe conversion processconversion process is the predominant activity ofis the predominant activity of

    a production system.a production system.

    The primary concern of anThe primary concern of an operations manageroperations manageris theis theactivities of the conversion process.activities of the conversion process.

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    Organizational Model : Importance of OMOrganizational Model : Importance of OMOrganizational Model : Importance of OMOrganizational Model : Importance of OM









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    Historical Milestones in OMHistorical Milestones in OM

    The Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution

    PostPost--Civil War PeriodCivil War Period

    Scientific ManagementScientific Management

    Human Relations and BehaviorismHuman Relations and Behaviorism Operations ResearchOperations Research

    The Service RevolutionThe Service Revolution

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    Operations as a SystemOperations as a SystemOperations as a SystemOperations as a System

    InputsInputs OutputsOutputsConversionConversion


    Production SystemProduction System



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    Outputs of an Operations SystemOutputs of an Operations SystemOutputs of an Operations SystemOutputs of an Operations System



    ServicesServices IndirectIndirect



    Technological AdvancesTechnological Advances

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    Production as an Organization FunctionProduction as an Organization FunctionProduction as an Organization FunctionProduction as an Organization Function

    Indian companies cannot compete with marketing,Indian companies cannot compete with marketing,finance, accounting, and engineering, accounting, and engineering alone.

    We focus on OM as we think of globalWe focus on OM as we think of globalcompetitiveness, because that is where the vastcompetitiveness, because that is where the vastmajority of a firms workers, capital assets, andmajority of a firms workers, capital assets, andexpenses reside.expenses reside.

    To succeed, a firm must have a strong operationsTo succeed, a firm must have a strong operationsfunction teaming with the other organizationfunction teaming with the other organizationfunctions.functions.

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    Strategic DecisionsStrategic Decisions

    These decisions are of strategic importance andThese decisions are of strategic importance andhave longhave long--term significance for theterm significance for the


    ExamplesExamples include deciding:include deciding: the design for a new products productionthe design for a new products production


    where to locate a new factorywhere to locate a new factory whether to launch a newwhether to launch a new--productproduct

    development plandevelopment plan

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    IntroductionIntroduction to Operations Strategiesto Operations Strategies

    Operational effectivenessOperational effectiveness is the ability tois the ability toperform similar operations activities better thanperform similar operations activities better thancompetitors.competitors.

    It is very difficult for a company to competeIt is very difficult for a company to competesuccessfully in the long run based just onsuccessfully in the long run based just onoperational effectiveness.operational effectiveness.

    A firm must also determine how operationalA firm must also determine how operational

    effectiveness can be used to achieve aeffectiveness can be used to achieve asustainablesustainable competitive advantagecompetitive advantage..

    An effectiveAn effective competitive strategycompetitive strategy is critical.

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    Factors Affecting TodaysFactors Affecting Todays

    Global Business ConditionsGlobal Business Conditions

    Factors Affecting TodaysFactors Affecting Todays

    Global Business ConditionsGlobal Business Conditions

    Reality of global competitionReality of global competition

    Quality, customer service, and costQuality, customer service, and cost


    Rapid expansion of advancedRapid expansion of advanced


    Continued growth of the service sectorContinued growth of the service sector Scarcity of operations resourcesScarcity of operations resources

    Social responsibility issuesSocial responsibility issues

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    Reality of Global CompetitionReality of Global CompetitionReality of Global CompetitionReality of Global Competition

    Changing nature of world businessChanging nature of world business

    International companiesInternational companies

    Strategic alliances and productionStrategic alliances and productionsharingsharing

    Fluctuation of international financialFluctuation of international financial


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    Changing Nature of World Business : US ViewChanging Nature of World Business : US ViewChanging Nature of World Business : US ViewChanging Nature of World Business : US View

    The US gross domestic product (GDP) is, at $10The US gross domestic product (GDP) is, at $10

    trillion, the largest in the world.trillion, the largest in the world.

    Companies all over the globe are aggressivelyCompanies all over the globe are aggressively

    exporting their products/services to the USexporting their products/services to the US Many US companies are targeting foreign markets toMany US companies are targeting foreign markets to

    shore up profits.shore up profits.

    The global economy that interconnects the economiesThe global economy that interconnects the economies

    of all nations has been termed theof all nations has been termed the global villageglobal village.. One of the most important new markets is China.One of the most important new markets is China.

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    Changing Nature of World Business : Indian ViewChanging Nature of World Business : Indian ViewChanging Nature of World Business : Indian ViewChanging Nature of World Business : Indian View

    The India gross domestic product (GDP) is, at USThe India gross domestic product (GDP) is, at US

    $1.141 trillion (2007), the 12th in the world.$1.141 trillion (2007), the 12th in the world.

    Indian GDP Growth in billions of US $ :Indian GDP Growth in billions of US $ :

    19801980 200, 1990200, 1990 370, 2000370, 2000 560, 2007560, 2007--11411141 Many foreign companies are aggressively investing inMany foreign companies are aggressively investing in


    Many Indian companies are targeting foreign marketsMany Indian companies are targeting foreign markets

    and foreign companies to shore up profits.and foreign companies to shore up profits.

    One of the most important new markets is China. ItOne of the most important new markets is China. It

    is the biggest competitor to Indiais the biggest competitor to India

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    International CompaniesInternational CompaniesInternational CompaniesInternational Companies

    International companiesInternational companies are those whose scope ofare those whose scope of

    operations spans the globe as they buy, produce, andoperations spans the globe as they buy, produce, and


    International firms search out opportunities for profitsInternational firms search out opportunities for profits

    relatively unencumbered by national boundaries.relatively unencumbered by national boundaries.

    Operations managers must coordinate geographicallyOperations managers must coordinate geographicallydispersed operations.dispersed operations.

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    International CompaniesInternational CompaniesInternational CompaniesInternational Companies

    Worlds Largest CorporationsWorlds Largest Corporations1. General Motors1. General Motors USUS

    2. Wal2. Wal--Mart StoresMart Stores USUS

    3. Exxon Mobil3. Exxon Mobil USUS

    4. Ford Motor4. Ford Motor USUS

    5. DaimlerChrysler5. DaimlerChrysler GermanyGermany

    6. Mitsui6. Mitsui JapanJapan

    7. Mitsubishi7. Mitsubishi JapanJapan

    8. Toyota8. Toyota JapanJapan

    9. General Electric9. General Electric USUS

    10. Itochu10. Itochu JapanJapan

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    Strategic AlliancesStrategic AlliancesStrategic AlliancesStrategic Alliances

    Strategic alliancesStrategic alliances are joint ventures amongare joint ventures amonginternational companies to exploit global businessinternational companies to exploit global business


    Alliances are often motivated by :Alliances are often motivated by :

    Product or production technologyProduct or production technology

    Market accessMarket access

    Production capabilityProduction capability

    Pooling of capitalPooling of capital

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    Strategic AlliancesStrategic Alliances

    General Motors (US) &General Motors (US) &

    Kia Motor Corp. (S.K.)Kia Motor Corp. (S.K.)

    Kia might help sellKia might help sell

    and market GM carsand market GM cars

    in South Koreain South Korea

    Renault (France) &Renault (France) &

    City of MoscowCity of Moscow

    Manufacture 100,000Manufacture 100,000vehicles annuallyvehicles annually

    near Moscownear Moscow

    Sino Aerospace InvestSino Aerospace Invest--ment Corp. (Taiwan) &ment Corp. (Taiwan) &

    Swearingen Aircraft (US)Swearingen Aircraft (US)

    Forming TexasForming Texas--basedbasedSino SwearingenSino Swearingen

    Aircraft Co.Aircraft Co.

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    Strategic AlliancesStrategic AlliancesStrategic AlliancesStrategic Alliances

    Japanese companies have long practicedJapanese companies have long practicedkeiretsukeiretsu, the linking of companies into, the linking of companies into

    industrial groups.industrial groups.

    AAfinancialkeiretsufinancialkeiretsu links companieslinks companiestogether with crosstogether with cross--holding of shares, salesholding of shares, sales

    and purchases within the group, andand purchases within the group, and


    AAproduction keiretsuproduction keiretsu is a web ofis a web of

    interlocking relationships between a biginterlocking relationships between a big

    manufacturer (Toyota) and its suppliers.manufacturer (Toyota) and its suppliers.

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    Production SharingProduction SharingProduction SharingProduction Sharing

    Production sharingProduction sharingmeans that a productmeans that a product

    might be designed and financed in onemight be designed and financed in one

    country, its materials produced in othercountry, its materials produced in other

    countries, assembled in another country, andcountries, assembled in another country, andsold in yet other countries.sold in yet other countries.

    The country that is the highestThe country that is the highest--quality, lowestquality, lowest--cost producer for a particular activity wouldcost producer for a particular activity would

    perform that portion of the production of theperform that portion of the production of the


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    Pros and Cons of GlobalizationPros and Cons of GlobalizationPros and Cons of GlobalizationPros and Cons of Globalization

    Pros (Pluses)Pros (Pluses) Productivity grows more quickly (living standardsProductivity grows more quickly (living standards

    can go up faster)can go up faster)

    Global competition and cheap imports keep a lidGlobal competition and cheap imports keep a lidon prices (inflation less likely to derail economicon prices (inflation less likely to derail economicgrowth)growth)

    Open economy spurs innovation (with fresh ideasOpen economy spurs innovation (with fresh ideasfrom abroad)from abroad)

    Export jobs often pay more than other jobsExport jobs often pay more than other jobs

    India has more access to foreign investment (keepsIndia has more access to foreign investment (keepsinterest rates low)interest rates low)

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    Pros and Cons of Globalization (US View)Pros and Cons of Globalization (US View)Pros and Cons of Globalization (US View)Pros and Cons of Globalization (US View)

    Cons (Minuses)Cons (Minuses)

    Millions of Americans have lost jobs due toMillions of Americans have lost jobs due to

    imports or production shifts abroadimports or production shifts abroad

    Most displaced workers find new jobs that pay lessMost displaced workers find new jobs that pay less Workers face payWorkers face pay--cuts demands from employerscuts demands from employers

    Service and whiteService and white--collar jobs are increasinglycollar jobs are increasingly


    US employees lose their comparative advantageUS employees lose their comparative advantage

    when companies buildwhen companies build advancedadvancedfactories abroadfactories abroad

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    International Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial Conditions

    International financial conditions are complexInternational financial conditions are complex

    due to:due to:


    fluctuating currency exchange ratesfluctuating currency exchange rates

    turbulent interest ratesturbulent interest rates

    volatility of international stock marketsvolatility of international stock markets

    huge national debts of some countrieshuge national debts of some countries

    enormous trade imbalances betweenenormous trade imbalances between


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    International Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial Conditions

    The Dollar Versus the Yen, Mark and RsThe Dollar Versus the Yen, Mark and Rs

    YearYear Yen per DollarYen per Dollar Mark per DollarMark per Dollar Rs per DollarRs per Dollar

    19751975 305305 2.72.7

    19801980 215215 2.02.019851985 210210 2.42.4 1313

    19901990 135135 1.61.6

    19951995 8585 1.41.4

    20002000 108108 2.22.2

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    International Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial Conditions

    Example of Currency Exchange Rate ChangesExample of Currency Exchange Rate Changes

    A product produced and sold in the US forA product produced and sold in the US for

    $1 would have sold in Japan for 135 yen in$1 would have sold in Japan for 135 yen in

    1990 and 85 yen in 1995, a price decrease of1990 and 85 yen in 1995, a price decrease of37%.37%.

    A product produced and sold in Japan forA product produced and sold in Japan for

    135 yen in 1990 and sold for $1 in the US135 yen in 1990 and sold for $1 in the USwould have sold in the US for $1.57 inwould have sold in the US for $1.57 in

    1995, a 57% price increase.1995, a 57% price increase.

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    International Financial ConditionsInternational Financial Conditions

    Due, in part, to the fall in the value of theDue, in part, to the fall in the value of thedollar between 1975 and 1995, thedollar between 1975 and 1995, the

    following occurred:following occurred:

    Prices of US products/services abroadPrices of US products/services abroadfell and demand increasedfell and demand increased

    Japan and other countries builtJapan and other countries built

    factories in USfactories in US

    Japanese manufacturers moved upscaleJapanese manufacturers moved upscale

    toward higher priced productstoward higher priced products

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    International Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial ConditionsInternational Financial Conditions

    Companies must be ready to move quickly toCompanies must be ready to move quickly toshift strategies as world financial conditionsshift strategies as world financial conditions


    Opportunities are usually available to reduceOpportunities are usually available to reducerisk :risk :

    Building smaller, more flexible factoriesBuilding smaller, more flexible factories

    Using foreign suppliers for materials, parts,Using foreign suppliers for materials, parts,

    or productsor products

    Carefully planning and forecasting so thatCarefully planning and forecasting so that

    changing conditions can be anticipatedchanging conditions can be anticipated

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    Quality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost Challenges

    Quality :Quality :

    The goal of adequate quality must be replaced withThe goal of adequate quality must be replaced with

    the objective of perfect product and servicethe objective of perfect product and service


    The entire corporate culture must be redirected andThe entire corporate culture must be redirected and

    committed to the ideal of perfect quality.committed to the ideal of perfect quality.

    All employees must be empowered to act.All employees must be empowered to act.

    A commitment to continuous improvement has toA commitment to continuous improvement has tobe organizationbe organization--widewide..

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    Quality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost Challenges

    Customer ServiceCustomer Service :: Companies must quickly develop innovativeCompanies must quickly develop innovative

    products and respond quicklyproducts and respond quickly to customers customers needs.

    Organizational structures must be made moreOrganizational structures must be made more

    horizontal to quickly accommodate change.horizontal to quickly accommodate change. Multidisciplinary teams must have decisionMultidisciplinary teams must have decision--

    making authority, responding better to themaking authority, responding better to themarketplace.marketplace.

    Large, unwieldy companies are spinning off wholeLarge, unwieldy companies are spinning off wholebusiness units making them autonomousbusiness units making them autonomousbusinesses that can compete with small, aggressivebusinesses that can compete with small, aggressivecompetitorscompetitors..

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    Quality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost Challenges

    Cost :Cost : There is continuing pressure to reduce direct costsThere is continuing pressure to reduce direct costs

    (of producing and selling) and overhead costs.(of producing and selling) and overhead costs.

    It cost the US automakers $1,500 more per autoIt cost the US automakers $1,500 more per autofor labor in 1980 than it cost the Japanese autofor labor in 1980 than it cost the Japanese auto--makers. By the 1990s the difference was almostmakers. By the 1990s the difference was

    Giant retailers (like WalGiant retailers (like Wal--Mart) squeezed weakerMart) squeezed weaker

    competitors out of the market, giving the retailerscompetitors out of the market, giving the retailersthe leverage to force their suppliers to streamlinethe leverage to force their suppliers to streamlineoperations and reduce costs/prices.operations and reduce costs/prices.

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    Quality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost ChallengesQuality, Service, and Cost Challenges

    Cost :Cost : CostCost--cutting measurescutting measuresbeing used include:being used include:

    Moving production to lowMoving production to low--laborlabor--costcost

    countriescountries Negotiating lower labor rates with unionsNegotiating lower labor rates with unions

    and workersand workers

    Automating processes to reduce theAutomating processes to reduce theamount of labor needed, particularlyamount of labor needed, particularly

    processes that areprocesses that are labor intensive.labor intensive.

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    Advanced TechnologiesAdvanced TechnologiesAdvanced TechnologiesAdvanced Technologies

    The use ofThe use ofautomationautomation is one of the most faris one of the most far--reaching developments to affect manufacturing andreaching developments to affect manufacturing and

    services in the past in the past century.

    TheThe initial costinitial cost of these assets is high.of these assets is high.

    TheThe benefitsbenefits go far beyond a reduction in labor costs.go far beyond a reduction in labor costs.

    Increased product/service qualityIncreased product/service quality

    Reduced scrap and material costsReduced scrap and material costs

    Faster responses to customer needsFaster responses to customer needs Faster introduction of new products and servicesFaster introduction of new products and services

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    Advanced TechnologiesAdvanced TechnologiesAdvanced TechnologiesAdvanced Technologies

    Companies cannot use automated productionCompanies cannot use automated productiontechnology as a longtechnology as a long--term competitiveterm competitive


    Automation systems are available to anyAutomation systems are available to anycompany in the world today, although the pricecompany in the world today, although the price

    is prohibitive for some prohibitive for some companies.

    Not investing, or delaying investing in thisNot investing, or delaying investing in thistechnology could be disastrous for a could be disastrous for a company.

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    Continued Growth of Service SectorContinued Growth of Service SectorContinued Growth of Service SectorContinued Growth of Service Sector

    A robust service sector helps support theA robust service sector helps support themanufacturing sector.manufacturing sector.

    There is much opportunity for quality improvementThere is much opportunity for quality improvementin Indian service Indian service firms.

    Many operations managers are being employed inMany operations managers are being employed

    Planning, analyzing, and controlling approaches fromPlanning, analyzing, and controlling approaches frommanufacturing are being adapted to service systems.manufacturing are being adapted to service systems.

    The Indian service sector, like the manufacturingThe Indian service sector, like the manufacturingsector, must streamline and improve operations if it issector, must streamline and improve operations if it isto survive and survive and grow.

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    Scarcity of Operations ResourcesScarcity of Operations ResourcesScarcity of Operations ResourcesScarcity of Operations Resources

    Raw materials like titanium, nickel, coal,Raw materials like titanium, nickel, coal,natural gas, water, and petroleum products arenatural gas, water, and petroleum products are

    periodically unavailable or in short supply.periodically unavailable or in short supply.

    A shortage of any necessary input to aA shortage of any necessary input to aconversion subsystem, including skilledconversion subsystem, including skilled

    personnel, can be a challenge for an operationspersonnel, can be a challenge for an operations


    An important issue in the formation ofAn important issue in the formation of

    business strategy is how to allocate scarcebusiness strategy is how to allocate scarce

    resources among business opportunities.resources among business opportunities.

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Corporate attitudes are evolving from doing whatCorporate attitudes are evolving from doing whatcompanies have a legal right to do, tocompanies have a legal right to do, to doing what isdoing what is

    right to do.right to do.

    Factors influencing this evolution include:Factors influencing this evolution include:

    Consumer attitudeConsumer attitude ---- Consumers are expressingConsumers are expressingtheir likes/dislikes by such means as stockholdertheir likes/dislikes by such means as stockholder

    meetings, liability suits, and buying preferences.meetings, liability suits, and buying preferences.

    RegulationRegulation The EPF, Pollution Act, andThe EPF, Pollution Act, and

    Maternity Leave Act etc place constraints onMaternity Leave Act etc place constraints on


    SelfSelf--interestsinterests ---- Companies realize that profits willCompanies realize that profits will

    be greater if they act greater if they act responsibly.

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Environmental ImpactEnvironmental Impact

    ProductProduct--Safety ImpactSafety Impact

    Employee ImpactEmployee Impact

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Environmental Impact :Environmental Impact :

    Concerns about the global environment include:Concerns about the global environment include:

    Landfill waste reductionLandfill waste reduction

    RecyclingRecycling Energy conservationEnergy conservation

    Chemical spillsChemical spills

    Acid rainAcid rain Radioactive waste disposalRadioactive waste disposal

    and more and more

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Environmental Impact :Environmental Impact :

    There is a need for standardizing governmentThere is a need for standardizing government

    regulations of the environment.regulations of the environment.

    Otherwise, companies will gravitate to the lessOtherwise, companies will gravitate to the less--regulated countries.regulated countries.

    The International Organization for StandardizationThe International Organization for Standardization

    has developed a set of environmental guidelineshas developed a set of environmental guidelines

    called ISO 14000.called ISO 14000.

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    ProductProduct--Safety Impact :Safety Impact :

    Harm to people or animals that results from poorHarm to people or animals that results from poor

    product design can :product design can :

    Damage a companys reputationDamage a companys reputation

    Require a large expense to remedyRequire a large expense to remedy

    Cause governments to impose more regulationsCause governments to impose more regulations

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Employee Impact :Employee Impact :Employee benefits and policies include:Employee benefits and policies include:

    Safety and health programsSafety and health programs

    Fair hiring and promotion practicesFair hiring and promotion practices DayDay--carecare

    Family leaveFamily leave

    Health careHealth care

    Retirement benefitsRetirement benefits Educational assistanceEducational assistance

    and more and more

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    SocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility IssuesSocialSocial--Responsibility IssuesResponsibility Issues

    Employee Impact :Employee Impact :

    Employee benefits and policies impact longEmployee benefits and policies impact long--

    term profitability due to their effect on:term profitability due to their effect on:

    Employee morale and productivityEmployee morale and productivity Recruitment and retention of employeesRecruitment and retention of employees

    Demand for a companys productsDemand for a companys products

    Cost of defending against lawsuits andCost of defending against lawsuits andboycottsboycotts

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    Developing Operations StrategyDeveloping Operations StrategyDeveloping Operations StrategyDeveloping Operations Strategy

    Corporate MissionCorporate Mission

    Business StrategyBusiness Strategy

    Product/Service PlansProduct/Service Plans

    Competitive PrioritiesCompetitive Priorities

    Operations StrategyOperations Strategy


    of Globalof Global







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    Corporate MissionCorporate MissionCorporate MissionCorporate Mission

    AA corporate missioncorporate mission is a set of longis a set of long--rangerangegoals and including statements about:goals and including statements about:

    the kind of business the company wants tothe kind of business the company wants to

    be inbe in who its customers arewho its customers are

    its basic beliefs about businessits basic beliefs about business

    its goals of survival, growth, andits goals of survival, growth, andprofitabilityprofitability

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    Business StrategyBusiness StrategyBusiness StrategyBusiness Strategy

    Business strategyBusiness strategy is a longis a long--range game plan ofrange game plan ofan organization and provides a road map ofan organization and provides a road map of

    how to achieve the corporate to achieve the corporate mission.

    Inputs to the business strategy are :Inputs to the business strategy are :

    Assessment of global business conditionsAssessment of global business conditions --

    social, economic, political, technological,social, economic, political, technological,


    Distinctive competencies or weaknessesDistinctive competencies or weaknesses --

    workers, sales force, R&D, technology,workers, sales force, R&D, technology,


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    Competitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive Priorities

    Low Production Costs :Low Production Costs : DefinitionDefinition

    Unit cost (labor, material, and overhead) of eachUnit cost (labor, material, and overhead) of eachproduct/serviceproduct/service

    Some Ways of CreatingSome Ways of Creating

    Redesign of product/serviceRedesign of product/service

    New technologyNew technology

    Increase in production ratesIncrease in production rates Reduction of scrap/wasteReduction of scrap/waste

    Reduction of inventoryReduction of inventory

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    Competitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive Priorities

    Delivery PerformanceDelivery Performance Definition :Definition :

    a) Fast deliverya) Fast delivery b) Onb) On--time deliverytime delivery

    Some Ways of Creating :Some Ways of Creating :

    a) larger finisheda) larger finished--goods inventorygoods inventory

    b) faster production ratesb) faster production rates

    c) quicker shipping methodsc) quicker shipping methods

    d) mored) more--realistic promisesrealistic promisese) better control of production of orderse) better control of production of orders

    f) better information systemsf) better information systems

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    Competitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive Priorities

    HighHigh--Quality Products/Services :Quality Products/Services :

    DefinitionDefinition ::

    Customers perception of degreeCustomers perception of degree of excellenceof excellence

    exhibited by products/servicesexhibited by products/services Some Ways of Creating :Some Ways of Creating :

    Improve product/servicesImprove product/services


    Performance and functionPerformance and function

    Wear, endurance abilityWear, endurance ability

    AfterAfter--sales servicesales service

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    Competitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive PrioritiesCompetitive Priorities

    Customer Service and FlexibilityCustomer Service and Flexibility

    Definition :Definition :

    Ability to quickly change production to otherAbility to quickly change production to other

    products/services. Customer responsiveness.products/services. Customer responsiveness. Some Ways of Creating :Some Ways of Creating :

    Change in type of processes usedChange in type of processes used

    Use of advanced technologiesUse of advanced technologies

    Reduction in WIP through lean manufacturingReduction in WIP through lean manufacturing

    Increase in capacityIncrease in capacity

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    Operations StrategyOperations StrategyOperations StrategyOperations Strategy

    Operations strategyOperations strategy is a longis a long--range game plan for therange game plan for the

    production of a companysproduction of a companysproducts/services, and provides aproducts/services, and provides a

    road map for the productionroad map for the production

    function in helping to achieve thefunction in helping to achieve thebusiness strategy.

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    Elements of Operations StrategyElements of Operations StrategyElements of Operations StrategyElements of Operations Strategy

    Positioning the production systemPositioning the production system

    Product/service plans (Module 2)Product/service plans (Module 2)

    Outsourcing plans (Module6

    )Outsourcing plans (Module6

    ) Process and technology plansProcess and technology plans (Modules 2 & 3)(Modules 2 & 3)

    Strategic allocation of resourcesStrategic allocation of resources ( 2( 2ndnd Semester)Semester)

    Facility plans: capacity, location, and layoutFacility plans: capacity, location, and layout(studied in 2(studied in 2ndnd semester)semester)

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    Positioning the Production SystemPositioning the Production SystemPositioning the Production SystemPositioning the Production System

    Select the type ofSelect the type of product designproduct design StandardStandard


    Select the type ofSelect the type of production processing systemproduction processing system Product focusedProduct focused

    Process focusedProcess focused

    Select the type ofSelect the type of finishedfinished--goods inventory policygoods inventory policy

    ProduceProduce--toto--stockstock ProduceProduce--toto--orderorder

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    Product / Service PlansProduct / Service PlansProduct / Service PlansProduct / Service Plans

    As a product is designed, all the detailedAs a product is designed, all the detailed

    characteristics of the product are established.characteristics of the product are established.

    Each product characteristic directlyEach product characteristic directly

    affects how the product can be made.affects how the product can be made.

    How the product is made determinesHow the product is made determines

    the design of the production system.the design of the production system.

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    Stages in a Products Life CycleStages in a Products Life CycleStages in a Products Life CycleStages in a Products Life Cycle

    IntroductionIntroduction-- Sales begin, production and marketingSales begin, production and marketingare developing, profits are negative.are developing, profits are negative.

    GrowthGrowth -- sales grow dramatically, marketing effortssales grow dramatically, marketing efforts

    intensify, capacity is expanded, profits begin.intensify, capacity is expanded, profits begin.

    MaturityMaturity -- production focuses on highproduction focuses on high--volume,volume,

    efficiency, low costs; marketing focuses onefficiency, low costs; marketing focuses on

    competitive sales promotion; profits are at peak.competitive sales promotion; profits are at peak.

    DeclineDecline -- declining sales and profit; product might bedeclining sales and profit; product might bedropped or replaced.dropped or replaced.

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    Stages of a Products Life CycleStages of a Products Life CycleStages of a Products Life CycleStages of a Products Life Cycle

    Introduction Growth Maturity DeclineIntroduction Growth Maturity Decline

    B&W TVB&W TV


    Video RecorderVideo Recorder

    CD PlayerCD PlayerColor CopierColor Copier

    Cell PhoneCell Phone

    Internet RadioInternet Radio

    Fax MachineFax MachineDotDot--MatrixMatrix


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    Outsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing Plans

    OutsourcingOutsourcingrefers to hiring out or subcontractingrefers to hiring out or subcontractingsome of the work that a company needs to do.some of the work that a company needs to do.

    This strategy is being used more and more asThis strategy is being used more and more as

    companies strive to operate more efficiently.companies strive to operate more efficiently.

    Outsourcing has many advantages and disadvantages.Outsourcing has many advantages and disadvantages.

    Companies try to determine the best level of outCompanies try to determine the best level of out--

    sourcing to achieve their operations & business goals.sourcing to achieve their operations & business goals.

    More outsourcing requires a company to have lessMore outsourcing requires a company to have lessequipment, fewer employees, and a smaller, fewer employees, and a smaller facility.

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    Outsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing Plans

    A company might outsource any of theA company might outsource any of thefollowingfollowing manufacturing related functionsmanufacturing related functions::

    Designing the productDesigning the product

    Purchasing the basic raw materialsPurchasing the basic raw materials

    Processing the subcomponents,Processing the subcomponents,

    subassemblies, major assemblies, andsubassemblies, major assemblies, and

    finished productfinished product Distributing the productDistributing the product

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    Outsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing PlansOutsourcing Plans

    Many companies even outsource someMany companies even outsource some serviceservicefunctionsfunctions such as:such as:


    BillingBilling Order processingOrder processing

    Developing/maintaining a websiteDeveloping/maintaining a website

    Employee recruitmentEmployee recruitment

    Facility maintenanceFacility maintenance

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    Process and Technology PlansProcess and Technology PlansProcess and Technology PlansProcess and Technology Plans

    An essential part of operationsAn essential part of operationsstrategy is the determination of howstrategy is the determination of how

    products/services will be produced.products/services will be produced.

    The range of technologies availableThe range of technologies available

    to produce products/services is greatto produce products/services is greatand is continually changing.and is continually changing.

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    Strategic Allocation ofResourcesStrategic Allocation ofResourcesStrategic Allocation ofResourcesStrategic Allocation ofResources

    For most companies, the vast majority ofFor most companies, the vast majority ofthe firms resources are used inthe firms resources are used in


    Some or all of these resources are limited.Some or all of these resources are limited.

    The resources must be allocated toThe resources must be allocated to

    products, services, projects, or profitproducts, services, projects, or profit

    opportunities in ways that maximize theopportunities in ways that maximize the

    achievement of the operations objectives.achievement of the operations objectives.

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    Facility PlansFacility PlansFacility PlansFacility Plans

    How to provide theHow to provide the longlong--range capacityrange capacity totoproduce the firms products/services is aproduce the firms products/services is a

    critical strategic decision.critical strategic decision.

    TheThe locationlocation of a new facility may need to beof a new facility may need to be


    The internal arrangement (The internal arrangement (layoutlayout) of workers,) of workers,

    equipment, and functional areas within aequipment, and functional areas within a

    facility affects the ability to provide thefacility affects the ability to provide thedesired volume, quality, and cost ofdesired volume, quality, and cost of


    Characteristics of ServicesCharacteristics of ServicesCharacteristics of ServicesCharacteristics of Services

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    Characteristics of ServicesCharacteristics of Services

    and Manufactured Productsand Manufactured Products

    Characteristics of ServicesCharacteristics of Services

    and Manufactured Productsand Manufactured Products

    ServicesServices ProductsProducts

    OutputOutput IntangibleIntangible TangibleTangible

    Output InventoriedOutput Inventoried NoNo YesYes

    Customer ContactCustomer Contact ExtensiveExtensive LittleLittleLead TimeLead Time ShortShort LongLong

    IntensityIntensity LaborLabor CapitalCapital

    QualityQuality SubjectiveSubjective ObjectiveObjective

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    Competitive Priorities for ServicesCompetitive Priorities for ServicesCompetitive Priorities for ServicesCompetitive Priorities for Services

    TheThe competitive prioritiescompetitive priorities listed earlier forlisted earlier formanufacturers apply to service firms as well :manufacturers apply to service firms as well :

    Low production costsLow production costs

    Fast and onFast and on--time deliverytime delivery

    HighHigh--quality products/servicesquality products/services

    Customer service and flexibilityCustomer service and flexibility

    Providing all the priorities simultaneously toProviding all the priorities simultaneously to

    customers is seldom possible.customers is seldom possible.

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    Positioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for Services

    Type of Service DesignType of Service Design Standard or custom productsStandard or custom products

    Amount of customer contactAmount of customer contact

    Mix of physical goods and intangible servicesMix of physical goods and intangible services

    Type ofProduction ProcessType ofProduction Process

    Quasi manufacturingQuasi manufacturing

    CustomerCustomer--asas--participantparticipant CustomerCustomer--asas--productproduct

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    Positioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for ServicesPositioning Strategies for Services

    Example:Example: McDonaldsMcDonalds

    Highly standardized service designHighly standardized service design

    Low amount of customer contactLow amount of customer contact

    Physical goods dominating intangiblePhysical goods dominating intangible


    QuasiQuasi--manufacturing approach to backmanufacturing approach to back--room production processroom production process

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    Forming Operations StrategiesForming Operations StrategiesForming Operations StrategiesForming Operations Strategies

    Support the product plans andSupport the product plans andcompetitive priorities defined in thecompetitive priorities defined in the

    business strategy.

    Adjust to the evolving positioningAdjust to the evolving positioningstrategies.strategies.

    Link to the marketing strategies.Link to the marketing strategies.

    Look at alternative operations strategies.Look at alternative operations strategies.

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    Evolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning Strategies

    The characteristics of production systems tendThe characteristics of production systems tendto evolve as products move through theirto evolve as products move through their

    product life cycles.product life cycles.

    Operations strategies must include plan forOperations strategies must include plan for

    modifying production systems to a changingmodifying production systems to a changing

    set of competitive priorities as productsset of competitive priorities as products


    The capital and production technologyThe capital and production technologyrequired to support these changes must berequired to support these changes must be


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    Evolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning StrategiesEvolution ofPositioning Strategies


    LowLowLowLow HighHigh



    FocusFocus ProcessProcess ProcessProcess ProductProduct ProductProduct

    Fin.Gds.Fin.Gds. ToTo--OrderOrder ToTo--OrderOrder ToTo--StockStock ToTo--StockStock




    SmallSmallSmallSmall LargeLarge



    ProductProduct CustomCustomSlightlySlightly










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    Linking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing Strategies

    Operations StrategyOperations Strategy ProductProduct--focusedfocused


    Standardized productsStandardized products

    High volumeHigh volume Marketing StrategyMarketing Strategy

    Low production costLow production cost

    Fast delivery of productsFast delivery of products


    Example:Example: TV setsTV sets

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    Linking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing Strategies

    Operations StrategyOperations Strategy ProductProduct--focusedfocused


    Standardized productsStandardized products

    Low volumeLow volume Marketing StrategyMarketing Strategy

    Low production costLow production cost

    Keeping delivery promisesKeeping delivery promises


    Example:Example: School busesSchool buses

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    Linking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing StrategiesLinking Operations and Marketing Strategies

    Operations StrategyOperations Strategy ProcessProcess--focusedfocused


    Custom productsCustom products

    High volumeHigh volume Marketing StrategyMarketing Strategy



    Fast delivery of productsFast delivery of products

    Example:Example: Medical instrumentsMedical instruments

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    No Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best Strategy

    StartStart--up and Small Manufacturersup and Small ManufacturersUsually prefer positioning strategies with:Usually prefer positioning strategies with:

    Custom productsCustom products

    ProcessProcess--focused productionfocused production ProduceProduce--toto--order policiesorder policies

    These systems are more flexible and require lessThese systems are more flexible and require less

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    No Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best Strategy

    StartStart--up and Small Servicesup and Small ServicesSuccessfully compete with large corporations by:Successfully compete with large corporations by:

    Carving out a specialty nicheCarving out a specialty niche

    Emphasizing close, personal customer serviceEmphasizing close, personal customer service Developing a loyal customer baseDeveloping a loyal customer base

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    No Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best StrategyNo Single Best Strategy

    TechnologyTechnology--Intensive BusinessIntensive Business Production systems must be capable of producingProduction systems must be capable of producing

    new products and services in high volume soonnew products and services in high volume soon

    after introductionafter introduction

    Such companies must have two key strengths:Such companies must have two key strengths:

    Highly capable technical peopleHighly capable technical people

    Sufficient capitalSufficient capital

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    WrapWrap--Up: WorldUp: World--Class PracticeClass Practice

    Put customers firstPut customers first Get new products/services to market fasterGet new products/services to market faster

    Are high quality producersAre high quality producers

    Have high labor productivity & low production costsHave high labor productivity & low production costs Carry little excess inventoryCarry little excess inventory

    . . . more. . . more

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    WrapWrap--Up: WorldUp: World--Class PracticeClass Practice

    Think more globally in purchasing and sellingThink more globally in purchasing and selling Quickly adopt and develop new technologiesQuickly adopt and develop new technologies

    Trim organizations to be lean and flexibleTrim organizations to be lean and flexible

    Are less resistant to strategic alliances/joint venturesAre less resistant to strategic alliances/joint ventures Consider relevant social issues when setting strategiesConsider relevant social issues when setting strategies

    E d f M d l 1 (Ch 2)E d f M d l 1 (Ch 2)E d f M d l 1 (Ch 2)E d f M d l 1 (Ch 2)

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    End of Module 1 (Chapter 2)End of Module 1 (Chapter 2)End of Module 1 (Chapter 2)End of Module 1 (Chapter 2)